Germanium doping in silica can be used as a method for nonlinearity enhancement. Properties of the en-
hanced nonlinearity in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with a GeO2 -doped core are investigated theoretically
by using all-vector finite element method. Numerical result shows that the nonlinear coefficient of PCF
is greatly enhanced with increasing doping concentration, furthermore, optimal radius of the doped region
should be considered for the desired operating wavelength.
OCIS codes: 060.2270, 060.2400, 060.4370.
Recent years, a novel waveguide in the form of photonic formed by periodic hexagonal air holes. The fuscous cir-
crystal fiber (PCF) has attracted considerable interests cle concentric with the fiber’s axis represents the GeO2
and offered widespread applications due to its unique doping region, and the radius of the doped area is marked
properties[1,2] . One of the promising practical fields is as rD . In Fig. 1(b), a denotes the radius of air holes, and
fiber nonlinearity. With the high index contrast be- d is the width of silica wall (struts holding the core).
tween silica and air, the microstructure fiber can be de- For conventional fiber, the nonlinear coefficient is
signed with a smaller core area allowing stronger mode usually defined as γ = 2πn2 /(λ · Aeff ), where Aeff is
confinement, thus having higher nonlinearity[3−5] . More- the effective modal area and n2 is the nonlinear in-
over, by properly designing, it can provide low disper- dex coefficient of pure silica. However, considering the
sion and dispersion slope characteristics at desired wave- overlapped field with materials which are of different
length range[6]. Abundant nonlinear phenomena can be nonlinear index of refraction, the modified definition of
observed in such kind of fiber with relative short length effective nonlinear mode area of PCF should be adopted
compared with conventional fiber[7] . However, as the di- for the doped situation
mension of the fiber core is decreased to or less than the
n2 ( E(x, y)E ∗ (x, y)dxdy)2
operating wavelength, a so-called “evanescent” situation
occurs. In other words, the distribution of the modal field Aeff = RR ,
ñ2 (x, y)[E(x, y)E ∗ (x, y)]2 dxdy
leaks into the air cladding region, and is no longer well
confined in the silica core. So fiber nonlinearity cannot
be enhanced illimitably by simply reducing the area of
the core. Study shows that germanium doping in silica
can enhance the material nonlinear index of refraction
and has been applied as a mature technique for fabri-
cating conventional high nonlinear (HN) fiber[8] . Thus
such a method may also be employed in pure silica HN-
PCF for further nonlinearity enhancement. In this let-
ter, properties of nonlinearity of HN-PCF with pure silica
core and GeO2 -doped core are theoretically studied using
a finite element method. Result shows that with the co-
operation of the enhanced nonlinear refraction index and
the more confined modal field distribution, the nonlin-
ear coefficient of the PCF is greatly enhanced compared
with pure silica situation. Furthermore, the concentra-
tion and the area of the doped region also have influence
on the fiber’s nonlinearity.
We take all-vector finite element method as our sim-
ulative tool. It is a powerful numerical method and
meets the requisition for modeling microstructure fibers
with complex configuration. In the simulation, a kind
of nonlinear PCF with hexagon air holes in cladding re-
gion is considered, and it has been successfully fabricated
by crystal-fiber A/S[9] . The sketch map of the nonlin-
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