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The key takeaways are that the book discusses the archetypes and meanings of the twelve signs of the zodiac, how they relate to each other and human development, and how understanding one's birth chart can provide insight into their personality and life path.

The main topic of the book is explaining the archetypes and meanings of the twelve signs of the zodiac, how they relate to each other and human development, and how understanding one's birth chart can provide insight into their personality and life path.

The three main parts of the book discuss an overview of the zodiac's archetypes and their relationships, an in-depth look at each of the twelve signs, and a sign-by-sign delineation of their meanings.

Why the Signs Are the Way They Are

and What it Means for You

The Exquisite Zodiac

The Exquisite Zodiac:

Why the Signs Are the Way They Are and What it Means for You

Copyright © 2011
By Rick DiClemente with Liza Jane Brown

All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this book through any means without
permission of the copyright owner is unlawful, except for promotional use. Request for other permissions
or further information should be addressed in writing to the publisher.

ISBN-13: 978-1467986816

Cover Design, Interior Layout and Illustrations: Kathy Then

Editor: Gina Mazza

Rick DiClemente
1002 Greentree Road, Suite 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4
Table of Contents
How to Use this Book
Part I: Mining For The Diamond In The Rough: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
An Overview of the Zodiac’s Six Archetypal Variants
The Twelve Stages of Man 3
Each Sign as an Outgrowth of Previous Stage 5
The Three Modes and Four Elements 7
Self-Oriented versus Other-Oriented Signs 17
Six Polarities of Signs 20
Ruling Planets of Each Sign 21
Part II: Cutting The Gem Into Twelve Perfect Facets:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Archetypes of the Zodiac’s Twelve Signs
Aries: A Tremor in the Air 23
Taurus: Terra Firma 33
Gemini: Isn’t That Interesting? 42
Cancer: Splashdown 51
Leo: Everything’s Fine 62
Virgo: Beyond the Call 68
Libra: Social Security 76
Scorpio: Sir, Just What are Your Intentions? 83
Sagittarius: Between a Rock and a Hot Place 90
Capricorn: Are You Sure? 98
Aquarius: Enigma and Anomaly 106
Pisces: Isn’t That Silly? 113
Part III: Polishing The Diamond: A Sign-by-Sign Delineation . . . . 121
of the Zodiac’s Six Archetypal Variants
The Twelve Stages of Man 122
Each Sign as an Outgrowth of Previous Stage 128
The Three Modes and Four Elements 143
Self versus Other-Oriented Signs 154
Six Polarities of Signs 163
Ruling Planets of Each Sign 169
Part IV: Multi-Faceted And Flawless: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
The Jewel Of The Universe
The Exquisite Zodiac
I would like to acknowledge the late Kay Lucas, who helped me get
started in this baffling world of astrology many years ago. I will forever
be indebted to Ann Riesbeck DiClemente, who stuck by my side for
many years with encouragement and belief in my abilities. I have special
appreciation for Jamie Stiles and Susan Rose for helping me so much
in my early days.

A special thank you goes out to Gladys Edmunds for her professional
guidance; Gina Mazza for her initial faith in me, as well as her editorial
prowess and wise advice; and to Kathy Then for her creative artwork
and layout.

Thank you to my mother, who was such a brave, giving soul, and to my
father, who taught me about the power of silence.

But mostly, I would like to express my thanks to my partner, Liza Jane

Brown, who has been my steady hand throughout this entire process.
Without her, this book would never have been written.
This book is dedicated to my ever-nascent son, Taylor
The Exquisite Zodiac
It’s the most vivid experience I’ve ever had yet much of this same memory
remains blurred to this day. I was in a bookstore in 1978 when The
Compleat Astrologer by Derek and Julia Parker jumped off of the shelf and
landed in my hands. Did it actually jump, or was I so mesmerized by this
particular book that it only felt that way? (That’s the part that remains
hazy.) Either way, this experience was accompanied by a message that
came through my intuition with such clarity that it was shocking and
stunning at the same time: “This is what you are supposed to do.”

It was an undeniable knowing, and I was so appreciative to have been

unexpectedly given such clear grace. From that moment on, there was
no doubt about it. Wow. Imagine that: knowing what I’m supposed to do.
Now all I had to do was learn how to do it. Fortunately, that part came
easy for me. Inexplicably, I had a natural affinity for the topic.

Several decades and thousands of astrology charts later, I remain mind-

blown by my adventure into the intricacies of astrology. The thing that
is most incomprehensible to me is that this fascinating art and science
remains such a mystery to most of mankind. It’s such a useful tool for
explaining so much of our lives that it only makes common sense to use
it. Astrology’s truth is there, just waiting to be revealed and scrutinized
by trained eyes—and, by the way, you don’t have to be that trained to
begin to see it (although it does take years before one is ready to read
for other people).

Part of the problem is that people have a misconception about what

astrology is and can do. I have had the good fortune of speaking to small
and large groups on this, my favorite subject, and almost everywhere
I go, people want to hear astrology explained in terms that they
can understand.
Many followers of astrology are labeled as unrealistic or escapist. It’s
The Exquisite Zodiac

not that they want to escape reality, as many incorrectly think. They are
simply reaching for understanding of what makes them tick. Many people
just can’t see how astrology works and won’t give it any consideration.
Let me say this up front: I completely understand anyone who doesn’t
believe in this subject. After all, why should you believe in it, unless
you’ve studied it? Until its validity has been proven to you by a reputable
astrologer, the value of this science would probably slip under the radar
of your daily focus.

Fortunately, however, there are many folks out there who intuit that
astrology simply works, that there is something to it. Hardly anyone
knows how; it just does. Explaining how astrology works is extremely
complicated. “As above, so below” is the best explanation I can give you.
The universal force that is at the source of your being is one and the
same as the clockwork energies that move the planets and all things.
All things are connected and in sync. Basically, all an astrologer does
is read the clock hands—that is, the planetary positions. Both planets
and people have the same basic harmonic rhythms. This is a topic far
beyond the scope of this book but is important to at least mention.

Nearly everybody wants to hear about themselves. Most of us are closely

melded to our own “story.” Too many times, we’re downright obsessed
with our “his-story” or “her-story,” way too closely for our own balanced
well being. Astrology helps us to get more detached from our own
melodrama because we start to see the common threads and patterns
of behavior that we all share, such as jealousy, pride, emotional need,
and so forth. These patterns of energy (or, archetypes) parallel perfectly
with the natures of the signs of the zodiac.

In large part, I stopped reading astrology books about 20 years ago. My

path led me away from how other astrologers see things. It’s not that
they’re wrong, it’s just that I wanted to learn directly in an unfiltered
way by watching people’s reactions to life. I chose instead to observe
people and watch the planets, signs and energies in motion in
everyday situations. When we say, for example, “What got into him?”
or “Something’s come over her,” that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Those are the planetary energies moving through the signs. Even though

the heart of this book is not about the planets, we really can’t talk about
astrology without somehow blending the signs and planets; they are too
interrelated. Both planets and signs have their own archetypal patterns,
and we will discuss how the planets “influence” the signs in one of the
final chapters.

Astrologers know what those energies are, how they are likely to be
experienced, and when the experience of those energies will likely peak
and fade. While we think of the planets and stars as far up in the cosmos,
these energies are not “out there”; they are inside of us. Tracking these
archetypal energies, as well as my overall fever for astrology, hasn’t
stopped since 1978.

The Astrological Zodiac is Life’s Prism

What I have discovered by reading natal charts and going through miles
of confusing mental mazes, or individualized charts, is that the zodiac is
a phenomenal tool. Its truth displays itself as vividly as a prism yields its
spectrum of brilliant colors. The twelve signs of the zodiac are a family of
unified yet extremely varied energy panoramas; however, I have found
that most astrology books are lacking when it comes to explaining why
the signs are the way they are.

Most astrological explanations have told us how and what the signs
are. You’ve heard it all before: Taureans are stubborn, Aquarians are
offbeat and Geminis are two people. The older astrology books seem
to represent a god that was simply in twelve different moods when He/
She/It invented or coined the twelve zodiacal signs.

The Exquisite Zodiac goes deeper. What do the Libra scales really mean?
Why is Capricorn so different from its preceding sign of Sagittarius?
Just why is the sign of Cancer so moody when it’s right next to the sign
of Leo, which seems emotionally rock solid? Why is the first sign of the
zodiac, Aries, so “self-oriented,” when the final sign of Pisces is so much
the opposite?

After decades of studying these very questions and many others,

comparing signs, digging for the truths, reading charts for people,
The Exquisite Zodiac

watching world events and more, I believe that this book presents a pretty
complete picture of what lies at the heart of each sign, its archetypal
imprint, as well as an exposé of how each sign of the zodiac is largely
birthed from its completion of the sign preceding it.

A sign is a sign. If the Sun was in that sign at the time of your birth,
then that is your Sun sign. If the Moon was in that sign at the time
of your birth, then that is your Moon sign.

Even though we all have many different influences from several signs in
our natal charts, the main message here is that the descriptions in this
book concentrate on the pure essence of each of the twelve main sign
archetypes. If we were discussing the color spectrum, this work would
define the reds, yellows and blues: the primary colors. We have to define
each color before we can even think of combining different hues.

The Exquisite Zodiac exposes the truth lying deep at the heart of the
mysterious dozen. Bear with me through these chapters, try to broaden
the lens through which you view astrology and I sincerely believe that you
will find this information to be enlightening and life changing. Before
you can tackle this complex subject, you have to have an objective,
unbiased perspective of the basis of astrology: the twelve signs.

For starters, we’re going to need to understand some preliminary

principles before we can auger deeper into the subject. Hundreds
of astrology books cover these basics but assuming you haven’t read
anything on this topic yet, I’ll quickly present some fundamental
concepts. Then we will delve into fathoming the kernels of the obscured
meanings of each sign’s archetype—or, natural pattern, if you will.

Deep within each sign’s imprint lies a force field that drives us: its
archetype. It is alive, vibrant, intelligent and its essential nature is integral
to the whole. By heeding its call, we not only stay in sync with ourselves
but also with the universe. The time has come for us to comprehend our
deeper connection to our own individual archetypal patterns, as well
our connection to the larger collective.

Once you understand the zodiac’s archetypal basis, you are well on your
way to understanding how astrology works. Astrology is a complex subject;

no wonder few people can interpret birth charts, let alone put up with
its sometimes maddening idiosyncrasies and seeming inconsistencies.
Yet, when you have demonstrated that you have had the patience to
tame this rich lady, you’ll find that her jewels really do provide a special
kind of dowry—the precious gift of self-understanding.

— Rick DiClemente
September 2011

We all yearn for insight and guidance as we travel along life’s rocky path
towards fulfilling our dreams and aspirations. So, it’s no wonder that we
fall prey to believing the pronouncements found in “daily horoscope”
columns. We come seeking clarity on matters of importance to us
but here’s the rub: the generalized predictions and innuendo often
found in newspaper astrology columns, online blogs and mass market
astrology books only serve to tantalize and further confound us. It’s easy
to get frustrated trying to make sense out of “star guides” that seem kind
of true, at best.

What we read in these ambiguous sources usually is only partly true

because astrology that is based solely on Sun signs can barely scratch the
surface of this often misunderstood and misrepresented, yet truly vast
and profound discipline called astrology. Even if few of us have the time
and passion to endlessly mine the depths of astrology’s riches, we can
all benefit in innumerable ways from learning just a little bit about it.

When Rick and I began talking about this book and why we wanted to
write it, I first thought of Mike, an astrology student of Rick’s who we
saw at a dinner party several years ago. Mike shared an observation with
us: “Once I began to see how each of us experience life according to the
astrological archetypes we embody,” he noted, “I became much more
understanding and forgiving of everybody, including myself.” As Mike’s
revelation illustrates, astrology can have a deep and far-reaching impact
on the quality of one’s life.

Our purpose in writing this book, therefore, is to share astrological

The Exquisite Zodiac

insights that are easy to understand and apply in daily life. Based on
our experiences with clients and students, we are confident that you
will come away from this book with a greater equanimity and increased
understanding of yourself, others and the world at large.

We also hope to convey in these chapters the multidimensional,

holographic qualities of the zodiacal archetypes, which offer a glimpse
into the depth and potential that exists within not only ourselves but
the cosmos.

As we find ourselves on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius, humanity is

increasingly able to intuit that every life on earth is connected to all
others in ways that most of us have not previously understood, and that
our individual and collective well being, and the evolution of personal
and group consciousness are, therefore, intertwined. God is not only
“out there”; each of us is part of the fabric of divine intelligence. As
we continue to realize our divine intelligence, we can also recognize
our responsibility to use it wisely and collaboratively for our mutual
uplifting. All manner of previously considered esoteric knowledge,
including astrology, must be and is being made accessible to anyone
who welcomes it as a tool to help meet the challenges and embrace the
opportunities that this age affords.

Rick and I would be very happy if this book contributes in some

meaningful way to the fulfillment of your potential and to the highest
manifestation of the Aquarian age.

Wishing peace and love to all,

— Liza Jane Brown
How to Use this Book
You are probably already somewhat acquainted with Sun sign basics; if
so, much of the content of this book will sound familiar. This familiarity
can give you the benefit of a place to hang your hat but in order to get
as much out of this book as possible, it is very important to remember that
each of our birth charts embody many aspects of different signs that include, but
are not limited to, what we know as our Sun sign.

The facets and layered meaning of each of the twelve archetypes of the
zodiac apply to all twelve “planets,” all twelve “houses” of the chart and
other important factors—all of which comprise an individual’s natal
chart. In this way, your chart symbolizes the complex being that we
really are; your essence cannot be contained by your Sun sign alone!

For example, at the time of your birth, the Sun may have been in the
sign of Gemini but you feel as though you don’t fit much of what you
read about the sign of Gemini. If Scorpio was on the horizon (your
“rising sign”,) if the Moon was in the sign of Libra and four planets were
in the sign of Leo when you were born, you are likely to feel as much,
if not more, like these other signs than Gemini. This is because you
also strongly embody these other zodiacal archetypes. Most of us have
four, five or even six major zodiacal themes in our natal charts, and
the possible permutations are countless.

Therefore, when reading this book it is best to keep in mind

the following:

1. If you are tempted to dive right into the chapter that discusses
your Sun sign, go ahead but keep in mind that each of us is
influenced to varying degrees by all the archetypes of the zodiac.
For this reason, we encourage you to read the entire book from
front to back. As you read, you will probably discover several
zodiacal archetypes, in addition to your Sun sign, that also seem
to describe who you are.
The Exquisite Zodiac

2. We define “archetype” as Richard Tarnas does in An Introduction

to Archetypal Astrological Analysis: “A universal principle or force
that affects—impels, structures, permeates—the human psyche
and human behaviors on many levels…” We use terms such as
“pattern” and “paradigm” interchangeably with “archetype.”

3. Be aware that each sign of the zodiac’s archetype has internal

consistency and is multi-faceted at the same time. You may express
some qualities of a certain archetype and not express others at all.
For example, a particular Virgo may not be the neatest person but
still expresses perfectionistic tendencies at their job. At first, you
may not see how different manifestations of the same archetype share
the same principles but the more you study and observe, the more you
will develop a feel for this.

4. Keep in mind that the “planets” referred to in this book include

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. While some of these are not
considered planets to astronomers, they all serve the essential,
archetypal functions of planets in an astrological sense.

5. The use of inclusive terms such as “mankind” or “Cosmic Man”

within this text is a concession to the lack of appropriate gender-
neutral terms in the English language. Their use is not meant to
devalue the feminine/female principle or aspect of humankind.

6. We use terms such as “soul,” “spirit” and “Self” more broadly than
they may be used within the context of specific religious doctrines.

7. We present these astrological insights not to confine you to narrow

concepts of your archetypes but to expand your conception of
who you are and who you might become. The astrology that we
know and practice can be a means to empower you, not limit your
free will.

Times have never been better to learn about astrology. In addition

to many fine astrology books that are available in print, the Internet
makes it easy to calculate your personal chart and study online; e-books,
newsletters, discussion groups, online courses and the services of
How to Use this Book

astrologers are all available at the click of mouse. We encourage you

to find and consult with competent astrologers, especially face to
face, when you can. There is no substitute for dialogue with an
excellent astrologer who can help you recognize and work with
your archetypal energies more intentionally toward your greater
consciousness and fulfillment.
The Exquisite Zodiac
Part One:
Mining For The Diamond In The Rough:
An Overview of the Zodiac’s Six Archetypal Variants
At a level just below our consciousness lies a very little known world of
archetypal energies. This is the level where astrology is operative. We can
sense these important rumblings but don’t always know what to “do” with
them. These universal archetypal urges are but one of our connections
to the larger cosmos and its omniscience. This book attempts to map out
and clearly explain six of the main variants that “cause” each of the signs
of the zodiac to have their individuated nature.
These promptings are not easy to understand as they are not specific
and in fact are always in a state of flux themselves. We live in a
complex, ever-evolving world. By understanding and staying in tune
with these archetypal imperatives, we improve our chances of being in
synchronization with our inner world as well as our “outer” one.
It’s no wonder that astrology is so confusing! Astrologers calibrate and
gauge one zodiacal wheel full of planets, spinning on top of another
circle of signs, and yet another wheel of houses. Add to the mix that
these planets, signs and houses are all moving in different directions at
different speeds simultaneously. It can be downright dizzying!
Yet if you are patient and take the time to study this accurate and
marvelously intimate science, you can discern early on how highly
individualized and meaningful the possible permutations in each person’s
archetypal template can be. Each tiny astrological stone contributes
greater definition to the overall mosaic of your personal astrological
birth chart.
The Exquisite Zodiac

As stated in the Introduction, mainstream acceptance of astrology has

two great obstacles: 1) Many people completely identify with their Sun
sign and often don’t even know what that means, and 2) readers of daily
“horoscopes” of questionable origin and validity think, That’s it, that’s
astrology. Well, that’s not it.

Let’s start with subject one: the twelve signs—yes, the Sun signs but not
as you might know them. Each sign has its own unique motif and nature.
As I will say many times on these pages, if you truly understand why the
signs are the way they are, then you will naturally understand what they
are like. It is first important to notice that the characteristics assigned
to these twelve ancient archetypes were not chosen willy-nilly. Their
basic and rudimentary essences have been revealed to us over time as
“known truth” and represent the core nature of life itself. In ancient
times (and even today), consistent exposure to the night sky informed
earth’s natives of the universe’s intelligent order.

Each of the twelve archetypes is very different from one another and
there are many reasons why each sign is as it is. You see, I want you to
understand why Aquarians are friendly but often tend to be aloof, or
why a Libra is classy and oftentimes indecisive. You will see why all twelve
of the signs are dissimilar, as well as alike.

After more than three decades of research, I have narrowed down the
following comparative categories to six specific areas, what I will call six
“archetypal variants” that explain why the signs differ from each other.
Each will be described very briefly here then individually expounded
upon in later chapters. At first, our discussion will be about the main
factors that separate and define each sign. Then we’ll go into greater
detail about what makes each sign like it is. Finally, we’ll address a
detailed comparison of those six archetypal variants criteria across the
span of each sign of the zodiac.

When we examine why each sign is what it is, we’ll find it revealing to
look at these six “archetypal variants.” I will present both time-tested
and novel principles to you in an overarching way in order to spread
more light on this entire topic of The Exquisite Zodiac.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

So let’s begin our brief introduction of the six archetypal variants:

1. The twelve stages of man.

2. Each sign is outgrowth of the sign before it.

3. The three modes and four elements.

4. Self-oriented versus other-oriented signs.

5. Six polarities of signs.

6. Ruling planets of each sign.

The Twelve Stages of Man

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Grad Sc
ari o
Citizen Student


Global Married
Citizen 10 9 Adult

11 8

Realized Young Adult
Being 12 7
Stages of Man
1 6
Infant High School
A rie s

Vi r g o

2 5

3 4
Baby Teen


ru Pre-Teen


Gem r
ini Cance

The twelve stages of development differentiate the basic nature deep

within each sign. The names I have chosen for each stage are not
absolute but they most closely parallel what actually takes place during
each stage of life. Bear in mind that no rigid boundaries exist between
each stage; rather, one blends into the next. Layers of other signs’
archetypes are usually piled on top of other rudimentary archetypes,

The Exquisite Zodiac

but it’s the primary stage that provides the basic building block.

So, here is an explanation of the twelve stages of development as they

relate to each of the twelve main signs.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, represents the stage of the infant. This
does not mean that this archetype is infantile; it simply means that the
essential nature is pure, innocent, direct and basically unassuming. This
is their primary essence. Even so, the shadow side of the Aries archetype
can exhibit childlike behavior; it all depends upon other facets in the
personal horoscope, as well as many other factors. (As you will see, all
signs have a shadow side.)

The key idea here is how the stage of Man seems.

Let me explain further. Each archetype has a “veneer,” or outer sense.

Just being around people of different signs gives us a sense of this
childlike or elder-like feel. Some people seem playful, while others
seem more sober.

The second “born,” Taurus, is representative of the baby who starts to

recognize what it has both in its physical environment, and as part of
its natural persona. Gemini is indicative of the toddler, wandering in
search of its new toys. And on and on we go, around the circle of the
symbolic Man who becomes evermore complex.

This does not imply that you are born first as an Aries, then
reincarnate as a Taurus, and so on. Again, these twelve stages of
Man do not represent a sign’s or person’s level of maturity, or the
state of evolution of that particular soul.

Some of the most intelligent minds and influential human beings have
been born to the signs of Aries and Taurus. Likewise, more than a few
Aquarians and Pisces have plenty to learn about personal development.
Many more detailed explanations of these twelve stages will be presented
in upcoming chapters.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

Each Sign Is an Outgrowth of the Sign Before It

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius


us Sc

ari o

inte ree
Ind idea



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Un A
con loof
dic ou
De urage uous
sel dition 11 8 co ngen
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s y

12 Each sign is 7 Balanced,

Lost & aimless social ease
an outgrowth of the Persnickety
sign before it 6

A rie s

Vi r g o
ic of s umbl
am , erv e,
dyn 2 5 ice
Too ilized d Vai
b re n
Sta ncho 3 4
Extr entar

Co cure,
curi mely

Inse enden






Gem r
ini Cance

This second archetypal variant may, in fact, be the most important

aspect of the zodiac.

When examined closely, it becomes evident that each sign has a strong
need to transcend the nature of the sign before it. They have “been
there, done that.” Taurus needs to calm down and anchor what Aries
achieved. Scorpio needs to intensify and add depth to the relationship
recently born in Libra. It is apparent how Capricorn has to pay the dues
for the frivolousness of Sagittarius, and so on. As each sign manifests,
develops and grows, there comes a time when it will cease to exist if it
persists in acting as it has. Therefore it evolves to the next level; thus, the
ensuing sign.

This keeps the zodiac fresh, alive and … exquisite.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aries ~ erupts boldly and is born into existence out of the

Oneness/No-thing-ness of Pisces.
Taurus ~ contains the fiery outburst of Aries, gets anchored,
grounded and planted in order to foster.
Gemini’s ~ establishment of its roots is now complete, and
now the limbs need to branch out and explore.
Cancer ~ needs to slow down and nestle; now it is time to be
nurtured in the waters of emotion.
Leo ~ needs to overcome hypersensitivity, strengthen the
self and gain confidence via extroversion.
Virgo ~ refines the self, takes responsibility and becomes
realistic about its self-definition (or, ego).
Libra ~ via partnering socializes and establishes further
identity by comparison to social norms.
Scorpio ~ needs to go deeper into relationships; true
marriage, devotion and loyalty to their partner.
Sagittarius ~ needs to surpass one-on-one relationships and
expand into the world in all ways.
Capricorn ~ needs to take a social position and establish duty
and responsibility to community.
Aquarius ~ needs to recover individuality, and champion
equality and brotherhood.
Pisces ~ needs to transcend self-hood and vanish, only
to become full once again in the Oneness of
all things.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

The Three Modes and Four Elements

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Cardinal Mutable


Fixed Fixed
10 9

11 8

Mutable Cardinal
12 7

1 6
Cardinal Mutable
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Fixed Fixed


ru Cardinal

Gem r
ini Cance

The mode of a sign represents the fundamental essence at the base

of each sign. Astrology’s modes are also known as “quadruplicities,”
or cardinal, fixed and mutable. (There are four of each one, totaling
twelve.) Each mode forms a cross on the zodiac.

The Exquisite Zodiac

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Cardinal o


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Cardinal Cross

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Cardinal Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The four cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

are displayed in what is known as the cardinal cross. Members of
the cardinal mode by definition are leaders and generators. They get
things started.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


Fixed Fixed
10 9

11 8

12 7

The Fixed Cross

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Fixed Fixed

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The second mode consisting of the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

and Aquarius fall into the category known as the fixed cross. These
signs naturally give strong emphasis to the rudimentary nature of
their sign; namely they add focus, steadfastness, organizational skills
and concentration.

The Exquisite Zodiac

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Mutable


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Mutable Cross

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Mutable

Gem r
ini Cance

The final mode is known as mutable. The mutable cross consists of

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These signs are usually very
flexible and have a strong need to disperse or give and exchange what
they have.

Cardinal signs generate, fixed signs concentrate and mutable signs disperse.

No matter what modality your Sun sign belongs to, most charts have
varying degrees of cardinal, fixed and mutable energies. As you can
see, these three categories are very basic and give rise to fundamental
archetypal construct of the personality. It must be emphasized that each
of us is a complex, unique combination of these universal forces. We
will revisit these three modes later as we unveil each sign and explore
these criteria in detail.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Earth Fire


Air Water
10 9

11 8

Water Air
12 7

1 6
Fire Earth
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Earth Fire


ru Water


Gem r
ini Cance

Now we address the other base energies of the zodiac known as the four
elements. Fire, earth, air and water are another way of subdividing the
twelve signs. (There are three of each element, totaling twelve.) They
form the shape of a triangle on the zodiac. The elements describe how
the mode is utilized or expressed in each particular sign.

The Exquisite Zodiac

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Fire


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Fire Triangle

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are filled with spirit, energy
and a zest for life. They hunger for activity and their nature is to act
without hesitation.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Earth


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Earth Triangle

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The second element is comprised of three earth signs: Taurus, Virgo

and Capricorn. Earth signs are practical. As one would expect, earth
signs are down to earth!

The Exquisite Zodiac

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Air Triangle

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4


ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

Air signs come next. The signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent
our thinkers and communicators. Air is the element of the intellect and
the exchange of ideas.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

The Water Triangle

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Water


Gem r
ini Cance

The final element is categorized as water, which represents feeling

or emotion. Water may be the most important of the four. After all,
without love, all things become meaningless. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces,
all members of the water element, naturally focus on feelings and all
dimensions of love.

The Exquisite Zodiac

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Mutable Sc
ari o
Earth Fire


Fixed Fixed
Air 10 9 Water

11 8

Mutable Cardinal
Water 12 Mode 7 Air
Element 6
Cardinal Mutable
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Fixed Fixed
Earth Fire
Mutable Cardinal

ru Le

s Water


Gem r
ini Cance

When we combine the three modes with the four elements,

we end up with twelve distinct combinations. These provide us
with an understanding of each sign’s basic uniqueness. Aries
is cardinal fire, Taurus is fixed earth, Gemini is mutable air,
and so on. Because astrology is based upon the 3 modes and
4 elements is why we have twelve, and only twelve signs.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

Self-Oriented versus Other-Oriented Signs

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 Other-Oriented Signs 7

1 Self-Oriented Signs 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The first six signs of the zodiac represent the “Me” half of the zodiac;
the last six signs; the “We” half. This orientation is indispensable in
understanding the zodiac as a whole and is much overlooked in the
overall purview of astrology.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Self-Oriented Signs
icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

1 Self-Oriented Signs 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le

Gem r
ini Cance

The six signs of the first half of the zodiac are self-oriented. This does not
mean that individuals in this group are selfish, arrogant or self-absorbed,
that they don’t think about others. It does mean, however, that at the
archetypal level, each of these signs has a need to define, develop, express
and be quite attentive to the self. It is their main orientation.

Self-oriented = they get spirit, identification, confidence and learn from the
self. This bears repetition: No sign is better, more advanced or more evolved
than another.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

Other-Oriented Signs
icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 Other-Oriented Signs 7

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

The final half-dozen signs are not only more inclined to be extra
concerned with others, their very development and essential needs are
based upon their interaction with them.

Other-oriented = they get spirit, identification, confidence and learn from the self
via the interplay with others.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Six Polarities of Signs

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru o

Gem r
ini Cance

The zodiac has six pairs of signs. Every sign is very much like, yet
different from, its opposite sign. They operate in a similar fashion yet
in a different field of reference. For example, Aries, the first sign, is very
focused on its own identity operating within the “self-oriented” half
of the zodiac. Meanwhile, its opposing sign, Libra, is also focused on
identity but operates in the “other-oriented” half. Therefore it finds its
identity through engagement with its partnerships.

The other five polarities that we will cover in detail function in a similar
way and are critical to understanding the zodiac and all of the signs.

An Overview of the Six Archetypal Variants

Ruling Planets of Each Sign

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o

Aq Saturn Jupiter

10 9
Uranus Pluto
11 8

12 7
Neptune Venus

1 6
Arie s

Vir g o
Mars Chiron
2 5

3 4

Earth Sun

ru Le


Mercury Moon
Gem r
ini Cance

A ruling planet lends much of its “feel” to the sign that it governs. Since
this is not a book about the planets, I have minimized references to
such; however, the upcoming chapters that detail each sign discuss
each one’s ruling planet and its effects. The differences between the
sign’s archetype and the ruling planet’s archetype are not large yet are
somewhat distinct. This can be confusing but for now, it is only necessary
to understand that the two are very closely aligned.
In older classical astrology, there were seven planets ruling the twelve
signs because at that time, only seven were known. This meant that
five planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—had to share
double duty. Then, during the past few hundred years, three other
planets were discovered: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. For a while, that
meant that only Mercury and Venus had double-domains.
As of late it has become my firm opinion that we actually have twelve
astrological “planets” matched one-on-one to the twelve signs. I agree
The Exquisite Zodiac

with many current astrologers who think that newcomer Chiron is

the sole ruler of Virgo. I propose that the Earth itself take on a new
assignment of ruling Taurus. Each ruling planet will be presented with
its associated sign in the chapters ahead and are listed in the diagrams
above and below.

Traditional Current Suggested

Signs Rulers Rulers Rulers
Aries Mars Mars Mars
Taurus Venus Venus Earth**
Gemini Mercury Mercury Mercury
Cancer Moon Moon Moon
Leo Sun Sun Sun
Virgo Mercury Mercury Chiron**
Libra Venus Venus Venus
Scorpio Mars Pluto* Pluto
Sagittarius Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn Saturn Saturn
Aquarius Saturn Uranus* Uranus
Pisces Jupiter Neptune* Neptune
*new last 200 years ** new since 1977

Part Two:
Cutting The Gem Into Twelve Perfect Facets:
The Archetypes of the Zodiac’s Twelve Signs
icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Earth Fire


Air Water
10 9

11 8

4 3

Water Air
12 7
World & Beyond Relationships
Essential Developmental

1 2
1 6
Fire Earth
A rie s

Vi r g o

2 5

3 4
Earth Fire


ru Water


Gem r
ini Cance

The Four Quadrants

Aries: A Tremor in the Air
And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters…

During a past-life regression, I found myself seated at the top of a

powerful waterfall. The facilitator asked if I was ready to take the

The Exquisite Zodiac

plunge into another lifetime, and I hesitantly said, “Well, okay!”

Instantly, I felt the great plummeting flood of the waterfall and
SWOOP! There I was, upside-down in utero! Cushiony. Dark.
Serene. Silent…

Out of the void comes the urge to be, the longing for existence—thus,
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Individuals who are blessed with this
daring impulse are fiery, adventurous and enthusiastic about life. This
Arian archetype cannot be stopped or even stalled.
The virginal vastness of the Arian landscape emanates from the sea of
the undifferentiated void that was once Pisces. The cosmic function of
Aries is to sprout into being. The Bible’s Genesis, “Out of the nothingness
is born all things,” captures this principle perfectly:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, “Let there be light” and there was light.
New Thought references to “manifestation” directly born out of
“intention” are the very bases of many popular books, such as The Secret
by Rhonda Bryne and The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer, among
others. Ancient wisdom speaks of this, as well. Within The Buddha’s
stillness lies the unmanifest; the lotus bursting forth is the “Aries,” the act
of becoming—is-ness—the great I AM.
This same concept has been expounded upon by many writers over
the millennia. Author Carlos Castaneda referred to the “nagual” (the
sea of nothingness, or the unmanifest) becoming “tonal” (the field of
relativity). The Upanishads refer constantly to the unmanifest emerging
into form.
At the conclusion of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the fetus appears,
floating in space, representing new birth. In this same fashion, the role
of this inaugural Aries phase is to emerge and claim its space. This
“spring babe,” this Aries-ness, personifies the stage of the cosmic infant
that has just been birthed.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

What I am addressing here is the pure Aries archetype, not necessarily

the Aries Sun sign people that you may know. Very few of us have one
prominent solar influence; as I already mentioned, most of us have
three, four or even five signs strongly represented in us, blended into a
complex astrological mosaic—a part of this, two parts of that.

In other words, don’t be confused if Uncle Bud is an Aries Sun sign and
exhibits qualities associated with several other signs. Other tendencies
might also be due to past-life experiences (a topic too broad in scope
for this book). Remember that in the initial points I made regarding
differences between the signs, I said that each of the signs react greatly
as an outgrowth of its preceding sign. Even though Aries is the first sign
of the zodiac, this still applies. The “circle of zoo animals” (the zodiac)
is an endless continuum. Aries bursts forth from this void and simply
represents the joy of living. “You can have the nothingness of Pisces,”
exclaims the hard-headed Ram, “I want to be somebody!”

This eruption into being can barely be contained by the newfound

“limited” body in which Aries finds itself. The newborn’s needs are
immediate and must be satisfied. Hungry to confront challenges and
impossibly impatient to carve its own autobiography, the pure innocence
of the youth cries for intercourse with its immediate environment.

Aries lusts to experience itself.

To be mired down into analyzing all the intricacies of any given situation
would inhibit their ever-maiden voyage. Being the germinal phase of
the zodiac, they need to constantly blaze new trails and essentially have
no “past” to weigh upon them. A spark is a spark is a spark. Fires start
with an explosion.

As a fire sign, Aries has a great need to act. Fire signs, including Leo and
Sagittarius, need to express themselves vitally and energetically. They
usually have strong spirits and exhibit a zest for life. And because of
this, they can either incite or singe those who linger nearby. Being the
first sign of the zodiac and starting off the first quadrant, Aries is also a
cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are leaders and naturally generate activity.
Putting the two qualities together, cardinal fire, the Ram is a “leader of

The Exquisite Zodiac

fire,” or full of inspiration. They are the pioneers, and have difficulty
yielding to anyone else’s lead.

Consider just a few of the people who exemplify this Arian essence: Catholic
mystic St. Teresa of Avila, western spiritual leader Ram Dass (formerly Dr.
Richard Alpert), mythologist Joseph Campbell, psychologist/author James
Hillman and President Thomas Jefferson. All were certainly pioneers in
their respective fields. The clarity of vision that each proffered provided
a blank canvas upon which the richness of their daring life encounters
were sketched. Oh, and let’s remember to include René Descartes,
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Each had a need to dive directly, unimpeded into the unknown. Ram
Dass once lamented that he felt that he was not contributing to the world
by not battling on the social front of the 60’s “revolution” since he was
sequestered in an ashram and deep in meditation for months in India.
Then he realized that his Arian nature had, in fact, placed him on the
very forefront of the “battle for evolving consciousness.” He was actually
on the front lines sparring with his (and our collective) demons. Keeping
with the archetype, he trail-blazed the path to higher consciousness for
the growing collective of the late 20th Century.

The Aries archetype needs adventure and dies along the roadside if not
regularly exercised. Aries dogs, for example, need to run more than
other dogs. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, and Mars rules the muscles
of the body. Those energies need to be expressed and worked. It’s their
instinct. Muscles need to be flexed. Give me some elbow room!

As Mars ramrods through space

There’s simply not time
For long stories of pain
Whether witless or sublime

Is now not the time

So endless and clear
Refusing tangled misgivings
Burdened with fear

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Everything about Aries is protuberant: their behavior, jutting foreheads,

strong angular noses, bumping their heads all the time, and so on. Aries
is like the hood ornament on the front of a car: out front. No need for
a brake pedal, just the gas. No “please,” either. Can we just get going?
Sometimes others view Aries as rude; and sometimes they are! Let’s get
on with it; life is happening out there! No need for rear view mirrors; they
know where they’ve been.

To capture the feeling of this irrepressible energy, we might take a look

at the lyrics of Aries John Kay, lead singer of the band Steppenwolf, in
the song “Born to be Wild”:

Get your motor running,

head out on the highway.
Now, we’re lookin’ for adventure
or whatever comes our way.

And then again, from their song “Move Over”:

Yesterday’s glory won’t help us today.
You wanna retire?
Get out of the way.
I ain’t got much time.
The young ones close behind.
I can’t wait in line.
Move over!

Because this initial astrological prototype lives more in the “here and
now” than any other, it is quite possible that they have a greater capacity
for actual memory than any other of this select dozen. After all, they
are more present during each and every moment. They simply will
not accept obstacles that could hinder them from direct experience.
When Arians have something to say, they say it. If they have something
to do, they do it. If their path is strewn with thorns and vines, they get a
machete and chop the dang things down. Simple.

The advantage of Aries energy is that it sticks up for itself.

The disadvantage of Aries energy is that it sticks up for itself.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Many people find Aries to be difficult to deal with because of their

“self-oriented” tendencies. Sometimes this principal sign just can’t understand
that others have differing opinions, tastes or viewpoints. But, if you think about
it, Aries don’t usually criticize others. Rams usually get irritable when they
view others as slowing them down. It matters little whether it’s intentional or
not. They aren’t taking a philosophical stance; they just want to keep moving.
Too many times we take Aries too seriously. And they won’t be quiet if life’s
intersections are jammed up with the indecisive and the overly cautious.
After all, almost every Aries knows exactly what they want and can’t grok
others who don’t.

I recently spoke with an Aries client who has a considerable degree of

experience in the realm of the occult. She more than dabbles in the art
of Shamanism. I asked her what she does when she encounters “dark”
forces in her journeys. “I just brush them aside and keep on moving past
them,” she said.

It is easy to get exasperated with this fire sign. The Ram can be
demanding and want everything their way, and right now! This is
precisely why the Ram is their chosen symbol. If they want something,
they simply dive right in and grab it. (Yes, former NFL color analyst
John Madden is an Aries: “Boom!”) This does not infer that all Aries are
bulls in china shops; it simply refers to their bold, pioneering, assertive
and direct character. They often think that others are unadventurous,
too cautious, too obtuse, and simply afraid to fight or confront. Another
Aries client of mine was leaving my office after a reading and said, “I’m
not sure what planet is banging into what, but I sure do feel better!”

Aries has a strong sense of self. This first sign must be careful to remain
self-oriented as opposed to selfish. When Aries becomes too self-focused,
they need to activate the Libran side of themselves (the sign opposite
Aries) and become more considerate of other people’s needs.

The following true stories exemplify this tendency:

An Aries father once promised his young Cancer daughter a puppy

from the animal shelter. You can imagine her uncontained excitement

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

when she arrived at the pound and was drawn towards all the
pathetic creatures in their sad cages, yearning for a home. She
instinctively leaned towards choosing a soft, fluffy animal that needed
her mothering instincts. Abruptly, her Aries father chose a young,
healthy Beagle puppy for her. After all, he was a hunter.

The little girl was emotionally crushed, not having been given a choice
as promised. She had no place in her heart for this dang Beagle. When
they got home the little girl went crying despondently to her mother.
Naturally, the Aries dad was perplexed and irritated. He had gotten
her a dog, just as he said he would. What was the problem?

Once I took an Aries date to a party. She wanted to go home early

because no one was fawning over her. She got her wish.

These stories, of course, are not indicative of all or even the majority
of those strong with the Aries archetype but sadly, they do represent
how some of them are simply incognizant of other’s needs. This myopic
viewpoint can be an asset or a liability and is usually both.

Aries don’t barge into life’s arena intending to aggravate, spite or hurt
others, yet at the same time, they are gladiator-like. It’s simply how they
move: from “A” to “B.” They aren’t necessarily trying to run that stop
sign; they’re simply moving forward and the stop sign cramps their style.
Known for being fearless and brave, there’s a strong degree of childlike
naiveté thrown in, to boot. It comes with the territory.

In a sense, there are no “others” with Aries. This archetype is about “self-
ness.” It represents the emerging self acting with singular purpose—
that is, self-actualization. By no means does this indicate that they are
snubbing others, it simply attests to the fact that before you can have
duality you must first have a self to refer to, a starting point.
It is critical that we understand the relationships between all the signs
and their polar opposites across this heavenly loop. The pairs. The
polarities. We learn much more about a particular sign by comparing
and contrasting it to its opposite sign. And in the case of Aries, the sign
directly opposite to them is Libra. The Aries-Libra axis has much to do

The Exquisite Zodiac

with identity. Aries finds verification about the self from their very self,
whereas Libra finds much of its identity from combining with another,
actually using their partner’s banter as a sounding board. Much more
will be detailed regarding these pairings as we go along and you will find
amazing parallels amidst the six major polarities of the basic zodiac. Aries
is not a sign of broad consciousness; it’s a sign of self-consciousness. And
I don’t mean bashful or shy, but rather, awareness of the self. Me!
Aries is imbued with a refreshing childlike (and hopefully not childish)
nature. Quite often we feel good just being around their vivaciousness
because life somehow feels simpler, appears brighter and is more
directly accessible.
“It is said that we are all seeking a meaning for life. I think that
what we are really seeking is the experience of being alive so that our
life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance with
our innermost being and reality, so we can actually feel the rapture
of being alive.”
— Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth
(Aries mythologist, 1904-87)

Simplicity is the Arian way, impatiently deflecting all complications

and entanglements aside. Aries lives freshly, alive, unfettered, exposed
and vulnerable to the moment itself. Because of this urgent debut, the
Ram is enamored with its very quintessence and a common refrain is
heard: “What about me?” The other eleven signs of the zodiac have
natures that are more complex, for better or worse, and can’t even
“remember” what it was like to be Arian; just as few of us can remember
our formative years.
Non-Arian signs tend to fill their lives with emotional baggage, getting
tangled with others. Not this sign.
Every spring around March 20, as we traverse the sign of Aries for 30
days, I notice how many people say things like, “I want to buy myself
something,” or “What about me for a change?” “I think I’ll take a
bubble bath and spoil myself.” At this time, our focus is quite naturally
on ourselves. After all, how far can we get without this “self”?

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

It is much easier to understand and appreciate the “infant-like” nature

of this state after you have sojourned down the zodiac a ways and looked
back at the clear, uncluttered slate that is this primary sign. This by no
means indicates a lack of anything, save complexity.
The Arian state is simply simplicity.

The essence of this archetype yearns for life’s exciting offerings. Is

it accurate to say that the other signs take this elementary status for
granted? Many of us could learn a great deal by taking more notice
of this stimulating original stage. If the Aries people you know don’t
exhibit such a self-oriented bent, it is most certainly because of other
outer planetary placements in their charts or an overall convoluted

It’s no wonder that people with strong Aries energies tend to love babies.
Usually you can spot an Aries quite easily from the eager, innocent and
guileless look in their eyes. The simplicity of Aries is even noticeable by
their youthful look.

More so than any other sign besides Gemini, they usually look the youngest
physically well into their senior years. Innocence is their norm. Usually,
they’re not “up to something”; what you see is what they are. You got a
problem with that?

Raising an Aries child with caution is not advisable even though they
are constantly bumping their heads from being so headstrong. They are
made to jump first and think about it later, or maybe just jump first. Too
many of them have their mettle dampened by parents laden with more
cautious energies such as Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Rams need to
learn about life by using their instincts and that means bumping into
things headlong. How else are you going to find out how well you can
do in a demolition derby unless you go out and crash into something?
It may be unsettling to tamer souls in the family but that’s their modus
operandi. What else can the first sign do? Wait around for instructions and
approval? It doesn’t work that way. Fire bursts into flames!

Let there be light!

The Exquisite Zodiac

These young-spirited forms carry the unadulterated initial seed that is

bursting forth, like a tender shoot. Other people can see their innocence
and that can take them far. It has been written about for ages that Arians
tend to prevail upon others with their demanding needs. I’ve found
that while this can be true, most others tolerate Aries’ behavior simply
because their intentions are benevolent.
Because of their natural candor, Aries commonly gain another’s trust
immediately. Many times, to Aries’ dismay, they trust others too easily
and that can lead to many a rude awakening. However, Aries get over
it quickly. They operate from inner spirit, undiluted, and are not to be
encumbered with the contents of other people’s thoughts or feelings.
This is largely true for all three fire signs.
Since it’s simply not their nature to recognize anything foreign from
their own Arian nature, by default they can’t be contaminated. Foreign
objects (others) are beyond their purview. So, what’s there to be afraid
of? Is this fearlessness or naiveté? Thank goodness we have a sign like
this that is so self-assured, straightforward and unfettered.
The early signs of the zodiac are mainly personal. Generally speaking,
as we orbit further around the zodiacal circle, the mind tends more
towards the transpersonal. Early signs are not unsure of themselves; we
can’t really say that a baby is unsure of itself, can we? Yet, like a fawn, their
developing legs tremble beneath them as they acclimate to the world.
Aries can seem very sure of themselves even at times when they are not
as “on target” as they’d like to think. Sometimes this straightforwardness
can make them sound really confident when, in fact, many times
they tend to oversimplify issues. The myth of Aries is that if they keep
on diving headlong into situations, they’ll come out ahead. (Aries rules
the head.)
The report card for Aries receives an automatic A+;
it succeeds due to its very existence.
I once had a great friend, a 93-year-old Aries man who has since passed
over. Hazen was a fine southern country gentleman. Any time we discussed
anything that involved complications in any form, he’d always say, “Nah,
I ain’t gonna fool with it.”
The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Taurus: Terra Firma

Taurus glances back over its shoulder and shushes the Aries infant: “Be
patient, someone is coming to feed us soon.” With this sign, overall
consciousness expands. The focus is not just on the self, but what the
self has. The Taurean baby has grown from the initial stage of Aries and
beyond the simple fascination of being. It provides substance to what
Aries has started and secures the new self to the self.
Seated in the second position of the zodiac, Taurus represents the
human stage of the baby, where he or she notices their substance and
the immediate world around them: their nose and toes, smells, tastes,
touch and such. This is where Taurus gets its association with value: what it
has, it possesses. That is why this sign is commonly associated with money,
collections and liquid assets.
As we get deeper into astrology, we find that the real essence of Taurus
is more than just material possessions. At heart, it’s about self-worth. So
many times my clients ask me about their financial situations. Although
I am not a financial astrologer, I do find that the flow of money to
each of us is usually directly related to our sense of inner worth. (Isn’t
that the same principle upon which Napoleon’s Hill’s bestselling book
Think and Grow Rich is based?)
The Taurus archetype values the status quo, often to the detriment
of refreshing change or relief. We can now see how this second sign
provides us with the basis from which further zodiacal signs emanate, by
being rooted in the earth.
The topography of the Taurean landscape is generally populated by
simple, pragmatic, sober-minded and unassuming souls. A vision of a
cozy Hobbit hole comes to mind: one of furry feet seated comfortably
facing the fireplace, with pipe in hand and a hot cup of tea. There’s
really no reason to complicate this sign or to even try. Thank goodness
that this one sign of the zodiac likes to keep it simple, full of the bounty
and richness of potential that their well-tended soil promises. It is
elemental and earthbound.

The Exquisite Zodiac

The key to understanding one born with a large imprint of the Taurean
archetype is that they satisfy themselves with simple stimuli: a simple flannel
shirt, a worn threshold, a walk in the woods, their favorite old dog, and so
on. Usually, no sign lives in a quainter world while still being content. They
enjoy the musky, unrefined and untainted aromas of life. The sign of the
Bull can be one of the most unpretentious signs of the zodiac, typically
passing on flights of fancy.
Can you see now how it differs from its predecessor, Aries? Taurus needs
to dig in and nestle. Their essential nature is fastened together with
sturdy nuts and bolts.

They are not to be budged.

Another Taurean trait is their hospitality. I’ve noticed so many times

when I visit a Taurus’ house how they make me feel comfortable. Their
pantries are stocked with food and drink. They assure that you are okay
then they go off by themselves. This is not antisocial behavior; it’s their
way of avoiding chaos. They’ve provided for you; now let them be.

When you deal with those having strong Taurean characteristics, never
hurry; it makes them ill at ease. Just like the tortoise in the famous
Aesop’s Fable, they’ll get there when they get there. They move slowly but
surely so don’t rush them.

In astrological lingo, this sign is fixed and is an earth sign. Since the
element of earth is the most practical, fixed qualities and earth together
in Taurus results in dogged determination. If a Taurus is available to
do your tedious taxes, you would be well advised to take them up on it.
They’ll persist until it’s right and save you every penny they can. Taurus’
persistence, which is their strength, is oftentimes their weakness because
they never know when to give up; therefore, we have the Taurean
myth: If you push long enough and hard enough, you’ll get what you want.
Not necessarily!

How can anyone complain about Taurus being stubborn when its
essential “job” is to implant itself into terra firma? The essence of Taurus
is stability, resoluteness, solidity and backbone; moored and secure.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Where would we be without our sturdy foundations?

I just read for a Taurus woman and together we unearthed much about
her past from her natal chart. She asked me if she could lie on the floor
while we talked because it made her feel comfortable and secure—
a natural position for this sign. For Taureans, movement is destabilizing,
unsettling and nerve-wracking. “Please, just sit down,” you might
hear them say. Taurus does not like change or movement; change
implies upheaval.

This second sign is usually quite visceral and sensuous. Because they
can be hedonistic, they know how to satiate the senses. If a Taurus is
cooking, you don’t want to miss that meal. Since they have such a great
appreciation for the earth and all things from it, they are the sign that
loves food—preparing it, smelling it and especially savoring it.

This second sign of the dozen can be very possessive. Similar to the
sign opposite the zodiac, Scorpio, they can view their loved ones as
possessions. As you can imagine, this doesn’t often turn out well; in fact,
many Taurean parents can be very difficult. Oftentimes, I consult with
offspring of this sign only to find out that their Taurus parent simply
could not see anyone else’s point of view, period. If there is too much
Taurus energy in the natal chart, the likelihood of this occurring is
much greater. It’s really not because the Bull wants to be difficult, it’s just
that, you see, in their fixed perspective, you simply must be wrong if you
dare to disagree. I always remember of the popular TV character
Archie Bunker when I think of the shadow side of Taurus. “Stifle
yourself, Edith!”

I really don’t believe that God said, “Hey, let’s make a stubborn
astrological sign today!” Why then is it common for Taureans to insist
upon their point of view? It’s because other points of view threaten
their comfortable, stable, rock-solid perspectives and thereby cannot be
sanctioned; they’re forbidden. The unyielding posture of one’s arms
crossed at the chest is signified by the Bull; their unyielding stance is
their power.

The Exquisite Zodiac

True subjectivity cannot address objectivity,

for objectivity doesn’t yet exist in the zodiac,
and the Taurus archetype is purely subjective.

The primal urge toward security and safety is typified in Taurus and
Cancer, which is a major reason why these two signs often marry each
other. For Taurus, it’s no doubt the need for physical security; for
Cancer, it’s the need for emotional safety. Taurus is sensible, sturdy,
sure and sane. No sign gets more irritated than Taurus when it comes
to others who act willy-nilly or overly excited. If someone’s chart tilts
towards being capricious, Taurean planets can balance and rescue the
entire chart.

Taurus’ job is to settle down and provide substance and sustenance.

They view overly exuberant people as being somewhat out of control;
thus, we see that the zodiac’s most patient sign follows immediately after
the most impatient, Aries.

All signs react against or grow out of the previous sign.

That is one of the main defining motivations that inform each sign.
The very archetypal basis of Taurus is to stop Aries from flying off the handle.

The simplicity and purity of the rudimentary sign of Taurus provides a

solid armature upon which other planets and signs can build. Taurus
adds great stability to whatever is affixed to it.

Like Aries and other early signs, Taurus shares many childlike qualities,
although these traits are often hidden and hard to see beneath their
rough-and-tough exterior. Agree with it or not, because of Taurus we
now have a rock bed basis from which to grow. The branches of the tree
of humankind can only extend as far as the Taurean roots have dug in.

How appropriate that The Buddha was born to the archetype of Taurus
and is commonly portrayed affixed to the base of a Bodhi tree, where
he is said to have received enlightenment. That’s what I call a strong
Taurus: roots and branches (microcosm and macrocosm).

Paradoxically, The Buddha reached to the stars by

surrendering his desires to the earth.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

We know that closed systems don’t survive. While it is the nature of

Taurus to keep things simple to the point of “no change” or even rigidity,
they must push beyond their own comfort zone to grow branches and
reach towards the Sun for nourishment. It is their existential nature to
stay dug in, to bore themselves into a specific spot, but will they end
up being buried there? Look at where former Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein (a Taurus) was finally captured: hiding in a hole in the ground!
Another Taurus, Adolf Hitler, spent his dying moments sequestered in
an earthen bunker. Thankfully, most Taureans are not dictators.

On the other hand, the stability of Taurus can provide comfort and
strength. I am reminded of my Taurus grandfather, Giosue. He sang
Italian tunes to me when I was very young. He was truly present with
me as we relaxed there amidst the sweet aroma of his pipe tobacco and
homemade wine. There was no one else in the world but the two of us.
He knew how to make me feel special, as if I were the only thing that
mattered. He was solid, strong, certain and humble. There was nowhere
safer to be than planted upon his knee.

That is the beauty of Taurus: they are present

(a great trait of the early signs).

I once read for a Taurus woman whose chart indicated that she was
going through a phase of exciting, enlivening energy from the planet
Uranus. Uranus is one chaotic planet, especially to someone who is
not comfortable with change. Our discussion revealed that she was
not feeling these new erupting energies; however, she claimed that
her children were “driving her nuts.” I knew that I was onto something
when she said this.

Uranian energy explodes unpredictably from within us to crack our

old crusty shells of stagnation. It wants us to renew ourselves (which is
really coming from our inner self). This woman’s story implied that she
was not in touch with the spark of change coming from within; instead,
she had been projecting the source of the disruption onto her “unruly”
children. As a way of blending the energies of Taurus and Uranus,

The Exquisite Zodiac

I suggested that she put on some old clothes and take the kids outside to
play in the mud; play in it, throw it at each other, roll in it.

She called me a few days later, stating that I had “solved all of her
problems.” She explained that she and her children had never had
more fun than they did playing in the dirt. With that comment, I knew
that she had overcome her own paralysis. I went on to explain that her
problem appeared to be related to her children but it really wasn’t; it
was her own inner child that needed to be liberated. This is a typical
story of the Taurean archetype, as well as a little bit of an explanation of
how Uranus works.

You have to water a plant or it will die.

After 30-some years of working within the Western system of astrology in

which Taurus is traditionally ruled by Venus, I am now convinced that it
is instead ruled by the Earth itself. The Earth ruling Taurus makes much
more sense, although this assertion begs many questions—especially
since it is the central point around which all the planets appear to
rotate. It is the fixed center, therefore it doesn’t move (just like Taurus).

I can tell you with great certainty how common it is to hear earthy
Taureans talk about their love of gardening, landscaping and getting
their hands burrowed into Mother Gaia.

As we forget about Venus

Turning our eyes towards the earth
We can now see quite clearly
The true home of our birth

Taken for granted

The very base of our race
Its comforts so strong
We even forget we’re in space

At one time I did a lot of astrological readings at festivals in an old

amusement park. A local dentist stopped by every week to trim the
hedges on the vast property, all at no charge. (A Taurus working for

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

free?) His natal chart showed five planets in Taurus. He was financially
well off and kept quite busy during the week, and on the weekends
those hedges were all his! They grounded him.

It should come as no surprise that many rough-and-tough actors in

Western movies were Taurean, such as Jimmy Stewart, Anthony Quinn,
Henry Fonda and Gary Cooper. Isn’t it apropos that the late comedian
George Carlin was born to Taurus? Was he not known for his down-to-
earth, no BS humor? This is one of my favorite Carlin lines, which shows
how Taureans can really simplify matters:

Carlin once said that a glass is not too full or too empty, it’s simply too big.

With other Taurean artists, we see the gutsy, intimate side: Stevie Wonder
and Steve Winwood with their funky styles, the overwhelming vocal
powers of Roy Orbison and Barbra Streisand, Pete Seeger’s grassroots
protests, Willie Nelson’s simple-hearted vocals, James Brown’s soulful
grunts, the scat-singing of Ella Fitzgerald, and let’s not forget the raw
purity of Joe Cocker. By expressing themselves from that primal place,
these Taureans stir that same marrow within us and inspire us at an
instinctual level.

Taureans, like Arians, are known for being very convincing. Commonly,
their arguments are overly simplified. One reason they are so
persuasive is that they identify closely with the basic instincts of life.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow, known for theory of the hierarchy
of needs, had his Sun and Moon in Aries with Venus and Mars in
Taurus: survival, food, drink, safety, sex. Yes, Sigmund Freud was a
Taurean; on the shadow side, so were Vladimir Lenin and the Reverend
Jim Jones.

Not all Taureans are dictators or military leaders, but they are all fixed
and persistent. As a matter of fact, I have found that a common thread
amongst enduring politicians like Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and
Dick Cheney is having a strong vein of the Taurus archetype. Agree with
them or not, they can take the punches. As history has shown, crowds
identify quite easily with these leaders’ simple, strong messages. Look at

The Exquisite Zodiac

what Oscar Schindler, another Taurus, was able to do during World War
II through guts and perseverance. Taurus is one stubborn sign. Don’t
play “King of the Hill” with them unless you want to be toppled.

The Civil War had an immediate turning point once Abraham Lincoln
appointed Ulysses Grant to be in charge of his military forces. True to his
Taurean instinct, Grant simply dug in and outlasted his opponents. Look
at the sieges of Vicksburg and Petersburg. In Vicksburg, he relentlessly
bombarded the Southern forces that were dug into the hillsides of that
Mississippi river town and starved them into surrender. At Petersburg,
his army dug a huge underground hole beneath the Confederate Army’s
position and dynamited them to kingdom come. (Oh, then much of his
army got trapped and died in the very same crater.) Sooner or later, the
enemy had to eat and was forced to surrender. It was a bloody war of
attrition. No one can win a siege war against astrology’s Bull.

This first quadrant of the zodiac—Aries, Taurus and Gemini—is all

about the “stuff” of man: the primal elements from which man issues
forth. This second sign of the zodiac fits comfortably in the middle of
this quadrant. Taurus clearly is a “self-oriented” sign. It is simple and
untainted with the complexities of embroilment with “others.”

The theme of the six polarities of the zodiac becomes more illuminated
now. Taurus: my stuff, my value, my self-worth; the opposing sign of
Scorpio: our stuff, our values, my self-worth when I’m with another. We’re
beginning to see how the poles work. This wreath of symbols is one
marvelous tool and is truly magical when understood.

The gritty sign of Taurus can only do what it does; it is simply not able to
remain self-contained if it is expected to extend far beyond its comfort
zone and get tangled up in complications. Self-containment is the goal.
Yes, this sign would be easier to deal with if they were less stubborn; on the
other hand, we can certainly appreciate their resoluteness. As previously
stated, their implacable nature is an outgrowth of and a reaction to the
explosive birth that commenced in the initial stage of Aries.

I once had the great fortune of working for a wonderful film producer,
the late Ellis Dungan. He was a sure, tough and grounded Taurus and

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

we made many types of films together—the majority of them were

industrial or educational in nature. One day, we were filming for a coal
company near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a project that took us 800 feet
underground. The atmosphere inside the mine was claustrophobic
and eerily dark; we were tightly surrounded by mud and damp, seeping
walls. While Ellis and I took a lunch break that day, I watched him plop
down on his camera case, comfortably nestled in the mud. As we passed
around pepperoni rolls and warm cans of soda, Ellis hoarsely cleared
his throat and said something I’ll never forget.

“Ain’t this the life?” he commented in his gravelly voice, grinning from
ear to ear.

Ellis was in his element.

“Hell, boy, when I go, I’m gonna die with my boots on!”

The Exquisite Zodiac

Gemini: Isn’t That Interesting?

Gemini is perhaps the most enigmatic of the celestial dozen. The fleet-
footed domain of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the messenger
god. Being a mutable sign (dispersion and exchange) and an air sign
(thought and mind), Gemini is always on the lookout for novel ideas.
This ever-youthful archetype is clearly astrology’s most curious. This
stage of man represents the toddler who has learned to walk, explore
and communicate. And boy does it ever! “Why, why, why?” Gemini has
an incessant need to discover the new. As a matter of fact, it seems like
those with strong Gemini influences use the word “interesting” in every
other sentence. Since all signs are an outgrowth of the previous sign,
the Twins have become restless with the ever-stable fixed sign of Taurus
that preceded it.

The secret of Gemini is that it must escape

the staidness of Taurus; therefore, it must explore.

What happens in this capricious, critical third stage? When we examine the
outgrowth from Taurus to Gemini we can truly appreciate the drastic changes
taking place within the zodiacal embryo of the first three to four signs.
Gemini clearly represents a magical, alchemical transition. Gemini is the
coming out party.

All twelve signs have a job to do; Gemini’s is to scout for new information.
Its recon mission scans everything, for the whole world is its theater.
Even when a Gemini is captivated by a new sighting, it is already restlessly
looking for the next fascination; then their mutable air energies urge
them to develop the ability to communicate, gather data and spread
the word. As one of my Gemini friends answers when he sees my name
appear on his caller ID, “This is Gemini Central Control!”

If you really need to keep a secret, this is most likely the sign to keep it
from for they love to spread the news; in fact, Geminians are walking
encyclopedias and natural broadcasters. The Gemini archetype’s
purpose or daimon (when motivated by a spiritual force) is gathering

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

information. It’s almost as if this very stage separates subjectivity from

objectivity; thus, the Twins. Just as Taurus needs to dig in and root itself,
Gemini needs to levitate, spread outward and explore its surroundings.
Everything is so interesting!

Those with large doses of Gemini energy are known for their extremely
youthful appearance, such as Bob Hope, Michael J. Fox, Nicole
Kidman, Mike Myers, Johnny Depp and Elizabeth Hurley. Like Aries,
Gemini also looks younger and stays thinner into their elder years. It’s
no coincidence that early signs of the zodiac look youthful.

Puck, the sprightly character in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s

Dream”, and Tinkerbell, the whimsical, luminous fairy that flits about
in J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan are good examples of the positive archetype
of Gemini: cheerful, friendly and lighthearted. Those with significant
Gemini traits in their charts have little interest in docking themselves in
any port; after all, they have just sprouted from the most sedentary of
signs: Taurus. As we’ve seen with Taurus, the motto is “stick with it” and
“git-r-done.” That’s simply not Gemini. Gemini does not fly backwards,
for doing so would return them to the status quo of Taurus and death
(in their minds).

It has taken me many years to solve the riddle of this sign and it’s
no wonder. It’s the sign of the trickster. Does it surprise you that the
voice of the cartoon characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester and
others were all of Mel Blanc, a Gemini himself? Geminis are at home in
their intellectual sand box; they’re playful. Can’t everyone else just loosen
up a little?

Much of the Gemini’s sprightly nature is inspired by the changeable,

curious messenger planet, Mercury. Astrology’s psychopomp has no
time to tarry.

Mercury’s path is so quick

Burning close to the Sun
Curious here and then there
Never resting, never done

The Exquisite Zodiac

Never taking a stance

Not able to cease
The next act will be better
What did I just see?

Isn’t it fitting that the former Beatle, Gemini Paul McCartney, once
stated that his favorite Beatle song that he had penned is, in fact, “Here,
There and Everywhere?”

The archetypal Gemini darts about in a horizontal fashion. What does

this mean? Just like the honey bee, Gemini is usually bouncing from
blossom to blossom because they get bored easily; a little taste of this
and little taste of that, and then it’s time to check out the next garden.
Geminis, like water bugs, skitter along the surface and don’t want to
be “bugged” about it, either. There’s much more of the whole pond
to investigate. They are “lateral learners.” This is why Geminis are
frequently mislabeled as being shallow. They don’t have much choice;
it’s their nature to seek a breadth (not depth) of knowledge.

Each stage can only do what it can do.

They naturally do what they are meant to do.

It’s like a king who orders his Gemini subject to explore and report back
his findings—the perfect job for Gemini! When he returns, he has lots
of interesting facts. Certainly, this new information will be of use to his
king, but it is not within the Gemini archetype to take a position or to
evaluate whether or not another army looks threatening, or to advise
whether to get busy building walls or more weapons. Gemini’s job is
to be the scout, make a fact-filled report and get ready for its next
exciting mission.

Thus, one of Gemini’s greatest secrets is this:

since they are geared to learning a little about a lot of things,
their overall knowledge can be seen as superficial.

They can’t be tethered if they are to keep soaring and investigating, so,
by definition, they aren’t anchored. To be anchored is to die. Geminis

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

simply can’t invest the time to dwell on any one subject for too long.
They are the butterflies of the zodiac. They are not made to take a stand
any more than their wings can accept being pinned down.

It’s almost as if their persistent need to explore nullifies their ability

to slow down and have more than one brief sniff of the roses. Even
so, remember, no sign is cursed or without free will. In order to
counterbalance this restless personality, what must be found in the
remainder of a Gemini’s natal chart are earthy forces such as other
planets in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, or a significantly placed Saturn
(according to a professional astrologer’s assessment.) If these are
present, they can go a long way towards taming and anchoring the
restless Gemini. These additional grounded energies can alter their
temperament, giving them the additional capacities to compile, analyze
and utilize information before floating over to the next novelty.

When we examine the sign opposite of Gemini, we see how this antsy
quality permeates the entire Gemini-Sagittarian axis. With Gemini, it’s
about what I have found to be of interest mentally. With Sag, it’s more
about the collective mind, how we think and communicate.

The Twins don’t care about staying put until they absolutely have to—
and even then, only for a moment. There does come a time when they
yearn for a place to alight. Keeping with the duality theme of the Twins,
Gemini misses the comfort and stability of Taurus yet needs to keep
on gallivanting. Geminis bemoan this inner conundrum, since their
archetypal drive impels them to keep stocking their mobile library.
It’s off and exploring once again, over and over; more intelli-nectar
to collect. It’s no wonder that the Gemini myth is, “The grass is always
greener on the other side of the fence.”

Many times I observe when I am with Geminis that they can be very
subjective yet, a millisecond later, this fickle sign can objectify you as
if you’re being viewed under the lens of a microscope. Quite often,
they switch back and forth rapidly between subjectivity and objectivity,
interrupting you and themselves mid-sentence. It can be hard to know

The Exquisite Zodiac

where you stand (or where they stand). That’s because everything is
an interesting idea to Geminis. They objectify everything, including
themselves. When they view something subjectively or try to take a
stand, they get wobbly and backslide on what they just said and quickly
disown it. The Twins!

This third sign of the zodiac is usually in a big hurry. Its sense of “this” is
constantly being overlooked in favor of “that”; thus, Gemini often finds
itself living in the future.

Heading back home once from a European vacation with my family,

my Gemini mother already had her house keys in her hand as we
were boarding the airplane in Rome, Italy.

The Twins are even mystified by themselves. I have asked many astrologers
and read many discourses on this tertiary sign and have never been
satisfied with any explanation I have heard as to why the Twins are their
symbol. Why did astrology’s founding powers-that-be assign a split icon
to this singular sign? Yes, many authors will tell you that they are like two
people. But why?

After many years of obsessing about this sign, I believe that I have
discovered another reason that makes the Twins tick. For one Twin to
learn about itself, it must compare itself to the other Twin (subjective-
objective). This vacillation between the Twins is necessary; one Twin
doesn’t even know about its very existence without this comparison.
When the Gemini has fulfilled its cosmic duty, satisfying its archetypal
impulses, the resulting entity is broader, more conscious and capable,
and has emerged from the seedling that was initially sown in Taurus.
Gemini gets spent, retreats back into subjectivity for security, gets bored,
runs back out to objectivity . . . and back and forth it goes, a constant
fluctuation between duality and non-duality.

It seems as though Geminis have nowhere to anchor themselves . . .

because they don’t!

Gemini has learned that Taurus’ pure subjectivity can only persist for

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

so long. Eventually, man’s vision needs to widen as the objective world

unfurls and becomes more and more elaborate and fascinating. True
objectivity cannot exist without something subjective with which to
compare. That’s the Catch-22 of this sign; the butterfly can’t land and it
can’t keep flying forever. I have talked with many Geminis who simply
cannot rest. Their wandering mind—the chattering “monkey mind”—
is in control.

As the embryonic stages of Aries and Taurus are transcended, the

Gemini’s inner self naturally evolves outwardly. The basis of all three of
these early archetypal forms is purely subjective and self-oriented.

This third stage is where the inner self (or whatever you want to call it)
starts to sense personal consequences.

Since the element of air has just been introduced, there is not yet any
true individuality of “self” to speak of. Immersed in this unbounded
dimension of thought, Gemini is unaware of itself. In this undifferentiated
world of pure concepts, one idea has the same value as any other. This
is why everything is so equally interesting. Eventually, amidst Gemini’s
stream-of-consciousness narratives, the very act of being objective forces
the observer to detach and define itself as separate. As we look closer, we start
to see that it was all part of the zodiacal plan. Suddenly and inadvertently,
consequences have materialized but as of yet, there is no actual faculty
in which they can be borne; therefore, they recoil. Consequences are
just another mental concept, not matters that they are prepared to own
and react to just yet.

This third stage is not completely ready for “results.” It’s in a perpetual
pre-result stage, and that can be daunting. There are ramifications to
being a sovereign, stand-alone entity. This is not what Gemini bargained
for. No wonder it’s time to slip-slide away!

Once again, because of the dual nature of the Twins, they vacillate
between subjectivity and objectivity. The consequences of taking a
position affect objectivity. Werner Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle tells
us that mere observation of an object affects that object and blurs the

The Exquisite Zodiac

distinction between the two. By definition, this quantum effect evinces

that there is actually no such thing as true objectivity.

The Twin’s real duality is the interplay between unawareness and awareness.

Interacting with Geminis can be a bewildering experience. Many times,

and rightly so, others take offense at something the Gemini says or does.
Are they being critical or are they just joking? That question constantly
haunts their companions. We can see this circuitous dynamic unfold if
we look closer. Many times the Twin is accused of being critical when
all they are doing, in their opinion, is “verbalizing passing thoughts.”
No other sign can say things that sound so stinging or negative while
insisting on disowning them immediately. What was a subjective
observation is masked as an objective remark. Or, was it? AC/DC. Yin/
Yang. Spin the karmic wheel, and off we go again.

Watch closely and you’ll see how those with Gemini tendencies take
serious matters lightly and light matters seriously. The trickster can be
quite dizzying yet their sharp tongue can still cut deeply.

Those strong with the Gemini archetype feel constant pressure from
others to grow up and feel in a deeper way. But the mental vagabond
needs to soar and can’t if he’s towing anybody’s emotional baggage
around, even his own. Oftentimes, Geminians get themselves into
serious jams because they can project their own lack of feeling onto
others. They’re young and spirited and are not made for the political
correctness of life’s complexities. They prefer to say what they have to
say and get on with things. Life’s a vacation, right? Geez, let’s just have some
fun! As I said, the point is that they’re playful and one can’t always play.

Gemini is commonly described as slippery and evasive. They don’t

intentionally start out to be this way but can quickly become so. This
third sign can only listen to subject “A” for so long before itching to get
onto subject “B.” Never mind if they have finished “A” or not. Those
with strong Gemini influences commonly have ten books open at once
and seldom finish any. They skim only what they want from each. It’s
just not their nature to finish anything.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Anything goes! The Twins are the flirts of the zodiac. Flirting affords
exploration without commitment. Flirting with what? People, ideas,
lifestyles, beliefs, anything and everything. Nothing is off limits to this
sign’s curiosity. Even when a person has only one or two planets in the
sign of Gemini, they can often be quite kinky sexually. Since they can
imagine anything, that means they can consider anything. Why not? Their
minds have no limitations. Isn’t that one reason why Geminis are so
much fun? When you are around them, life simply feels lighter and
more limitless.

Did you ever try to corral liquid mercury on a tabletop? It’s not that
Gemini is trying to avoid something; it’s simply that they will not be
pinned down. You’ll seldom get a direct answer from this whimsical
sign. You know what I mean if you’ve ever seen Gemini trickster Bob
Dylan being interviewed. He seldom, if ever, gives it to you straight.
He’ll even contradict himself then deny it. The reason is that giving an
answer implies taking a position and taking ownership, which would
be limiting. Taking a stance belongs to Taurus and Gemini’s opposite
sign, Sagittarius.

The following quote is an actual response I received from a 50-something

Gemini client. As I was asking about her sense of being elusive, I used the
image of a taffy pull to describe the constant conflict between the Twins.
“A taffy pull is a good way to describe it,” she said. “I’ve struggled with
identity issues since I was a young child. And only now am I getting any
inkling of my true self. The only way I’ve held it together for this long was
to slip away. I became quite adept at looking a person right in the face and
convincing him or her that I was right there in the conversation, but not
even being anywhere close.”

ADHD is a common prognosis for children with a surplus of this

fleeting archetype. It is often sad to see a free-ranging mind constrained
and regimented by the education system and put on medication. The
Twins are simply not made for concentrating on one thing at a time.
They’re great at multitasking and thrive on change and variety. You’d
be surprised how many times I’ve been able to give great relief to people

The Exquisite Zodiac

who have Gemini emphasized in the career section of their charts. I

often recommend that they get a second job: one serious, one for play.
They simply can’t believe it. What a relief it is for them; oftentimes
they’ve been forcing themselves to choose one over the other and
hadn’t even thought about a dual option.

Unlike their predecessor Taurus, who is adamant about maintaining

the status quo, the Gemini spirit cannot and should not be restrained.
Gemini rebuts Taurus by saying, “You’re not going to smother me
anymore!” As we are seeing with all of the signs, each must transform
into the next. Taurus can’t stay put anymore. The Bull has to give it up,
let go, get out and expand its environment. The Gemini chick hatches
from its shell only little by little. Complete emergence from its confines
comes at the end of the next sign of Cancer. It seems that every sign has
an unconscious premonition of what’s to come next.

Cancer-time means it’s time to leave the cerebral sandbox behind.

The first quadrant of the zodiac has fanned out into a beautiful mini-
spectrum. Its varied colors are on display. The diversity of astrology’s first
three elemental signs has revealed sub-cycles of God’s plan. The zodiac
is symbolic of His inherent interconnected wisdom. It is exquisite.

Only now can we look back, even a little ways, and appreciate Aries
and the self, Taurus and their substance, and Gemini’s ever-active mobile
library. Thus we see that the first quarter of the zodiac represents the
very substance of evolving man.

Still, there is much more to learn about the Gemini trickster, astrology’s
kaleidoscope. Without this blithe, curious stage of Gemini, man would
be much smaller, confined to fewer options and less able to navigate.
The thrust of the Gemini archetype is its obsession with epistemology,
the study of how the mind learns. That’s their job and they’re darn
good at it, too. Gemini gives us lightheartedness where there often is
somberness. A refreshing view of the world has replaced the “same ole,
same ole” of Taurus. Everything changes. How interesting.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Cancer: Splashdown
Few would attempt to chronicle the one-way virtual trip down astrology’s
birth canal . . . but I am going to try.

The shock of us instantly finding ourselves in a completely new

environment is very disorienting. The previous cerebral stage of Gemini
has no choice but to let go and dive into the strange new waters of Cancer.
This new water-world proves to be both overwhelming and refreshing.

As we leave Gemini, we cross into the second quadrant of the zodiac. This
quarter represents the developmental stage. Each quadrant starts anew
with the next cardinal sign. Cancer, our second cardinal sign, takes the
lead but this time by its feelings. This is the womb, as the blossoming mind
of Gemini now finds itself gestating in Cancer’s cauldron of emotion.

Each of the first four signs is a pure representation of astrology’s four

elements, yet Cancer is located in the second quadrant. From where
does this “self-oriented” sign get its urge to develop the self, which is
what the second quadrant is all about? It is imbued with a need to gather
the self and start to give it shape and definition. The Twins were happy
to collect all types of data. If Gemini were allowed to continue its endless
explorations, much progress would be scattered to the wind. Cancer
provides the repository in order for integration to start taking place.

Similar to Taurus, Cancer’s urge is for safety and security. El Toro needs
physical security; for Cancer, it’s emotional security, which is derived from
the comfort and protection of the family unit. In fact, these two signs
are one of astrology’s most common couples and best matches.

Without a doubt, the transition that takes place between Gemini and
Cancer is the most dramatic in the zodiac. The reason why is because
the relative “evolutionary” distance that is to be traversed by Cancer
between embryonic Taurus and expressive Leo is immense, indeed.
That’s just the way it is.

The magical transformation of each archetype into the next is true

alchemy. Cancer has grown weary of Gemini’s endless roaming. The

The Exquisite Zodiac

intellectual, butterfly-like stage of the Twins morphs into the next sign
of the Crab. Now, evolving man yearns for the safety and comfort of a
home. Cancer can no longer remain at arm’s length to its environment,
as was the case during Gemini’s objectifications. The duality has ended.

With this new unification, the simple freedom that was enjoyed
by Gemini’s detached perspective must be offered as a sacrifice into
the Cancerian broth. Much like the way early NASA flight capsules
(named Mercury and Gemini!) splashed into the sea, Cancer is now
swamped by a vast ocean of overwhelming sensations that lie beyond
the thinking mind.

With these sensations comes personal responsibility

and the gift of the water element: feelings.

This newfound emotional consciousness of the young spirit is born

in this fourth stage and has much with which to contend. Cancer
must become more than just a collection of thoughts. It is starting to
recognize that it is a being and with this realization, its survival instinct
kicks in.

Now, the Cancer must actualize itself and does so by naturally aligning
with the archetypal pattern that is deeply embedded in its core. It’s as if
their ancestors are speaking through their very DNA; this is why Cancer
rules family, lineage, history, tradition and one’s roots.

As this sign slowly gets acclimated to its unfathomable and frightening

realm of feelings, it is predisposed to stay close to the mother and
the nest. The self is expanding and the family becomes its extension.
True individuation doesn’t begin just yet. The growing self still needs
to identify with the pack yet Cancer has managed to transmute the
aloofness of Gemini into the intimacy of emotions. Remember, Cancer
is ruled by the changeable Moon. Cancer, being a water sign, can be
very challenging because the feelings of any two people become so
intertwined. These ebbing sentiments bring ambiguity as to who is who
and what is what.

Cancer’s paradox is between being mothered and being motherly.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

We are dealing with the element of water for the first time, and water
connects us to one another, like it or not. As Cancer grows, it absorbs
and assimilates this new elemental force; it has to figure out how to take
on water without drowning. The process of self-development eventually
weans the babe from the breast.

What exactly is Cancer stirring up in her cauldron? Aries’ self, Taurus’

stuff, Gemini’s ideas . . . and now add to that Cancer’s feelings. In
this primordial soup, the four elements are combined for the first time.
Cancer’s survival instinct may be the strongest of the zodiac, which it
is why it’s now charged with vigilantly nursing this concoction into a
viable, stand-alone personality. She settles atop her eggs ever so gently
in the nest.

Cancer not only introduces water and emotion to the group-self but
starts to understand its world by exploring its way with its feelers—thus,
the Crab. This crustacean is crafted to move sideways, cautiously, and
ever-ready to defend. To the evolving self, treading water is the first
priority before worrying about propelling forward—symbolic of gaining
emotional strength.

Despite its emotional nature, don’t be fooled; the Crab also has a
tenacious side, thus the large claws. In general, Cancer cares little about
what someone else says or does in deference to how someone makes
them feel. “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” And don’t mess
with her family, either! Nothing is more essential and intrinsic than one’s
family, especially one’s mother.

The self is learning to open up and reach out—hence, becoming

vulnerable. This is not easy. It’s no wonder that Crabs are often
hypersensitive. Cancer has taken on a lot. Look at what they have
contributed to the collective being: family, traditions, emotions and love.

The world is truly hydro-powered.

Like it or not, this is the stage where the inner self has personal
consequences that land squarely in their laps, and there’s no more
getting around it. Consider these song lyrics by Moonchild Cat Stevens:

The Exquisite Zodiac

Oooh baby, baby it’s wild world.

It’s hard to get by just upon a smile.
You know I’ve seen a lot of what the world can do
And it’s breaking my heart in two.
There’s a lot of bad and beware.

Cat’s admonishment is not based on logic; it is felt. Few signs are more
intuitive; there is danger out there. Ramifications from dealing with the
“outer world” are now here and can no longer be avoided. No wonder
the Crab wants to crawl under a rock and hide. The Cancer chapter of
man is very, very touchy.

Outside threats to their safety are one thing;

the inevitable severing of the umbilical cord is another.

Cancer unavoidably finds that disconnecting from the mother coincides

with the development of the self. And, that just might be too much to
bear at this stage.

Keeping with our theme of the twelve stages of man, Cancer epitomizes
the stage of the pre-teen. Can’t you just feel this from Cancerians such
as Robin Williams, Tom Hanks and Tobey Maguire? Remember
comedienne Gilda Radner? How about these other Cancers: Lindsay
Lohan, Liv Tyler, George W. Bush and the biggest grown-up kid of all,
Bill Cosby. You get the point.

Not surprisingly, Princess Diana Spencer, another Moonchild, had a doe-

like, vulnerable look in her eyes. Archetypally, she was “the innocent.”
Her mass appeal was directly related to our collective desire to protect
her or recapture our own innocence. When Diana was viewed alongside
the stoic royal family, the scene presented us with a visual juxtaposition
that clearly made her “the people’s princess.”

Conversely, many Cancerians have a hardened veneer that shields a

soft inner core, which is how the symbol of the Crab was intuited. Hard
outside, soft inside.

To truly understand the nature of this fourth sign, it behooves us to

gauge how far the zodiac has unveiled itself thus far. If we zoom out and

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

look at the broader picture, it becomes very clear. Aries is necessarily

wrapped up within itself, absorbed in being. Taurus is preoccupied with
being grounded. Gemini is busy exploring. Cancer is charged with
blending it all together. The pure elemental stages are ending.

Cancer safeguards its creation as it attempts to ensure its inclusion

and security within the family walls. In a similar fashion, Capricorn, its
opposing sign, is ultra-protective of its position in the world. These two
signs are the most cautious. Cancers, known as the worriers of the
zodiac, often carry fretful looks and furrowed brows. Many look older
than their age.

This shaky insecurity comes somewhat naturally. The Crab needs

constant reassurance from loved ones, as the self is still in the process of
formation. The blurred line between the self and the family can either
foster or hinder Cancer’s independent growth. People with strong lunar
qualities can be quite irrational. No wonder—the Moon rules Cancer
and the Moon is downright crazy. Loony! It is a very difficult planet to
describe. Even so, the Moon is the second most important planet in all
of our charts, symbolizing our emotions, lifestyle and habits.

Consequences are part and parcel of this stage of evolving man’s

progress. These “new” consequences can seem to be out of proportion
to what feels fair. Fair or not, Cancer finds itself at a critical juncture;
at some point they have to accept responsibility for themselves.

The asylum of personal boundaries is just being established.

This is a challenging transition but if Cancerians succeed, this rite of

passage results in self-reliance. Hopefully, Cancer starts to own their
personal consequences and we’re all better off for their efforts.

These lunar matters are universal in nature, often resulting in make-

or-break situations. In the natural world, all young must eventually
leave the nest, even to the point of the fledgling being rejected. Only
human beings tend to hold onto their young for whatever reason. Is
this evolution? The success or failure at this stage is decisive and either
launches the success of the offspring or can signal its demise.

The Exquisite Zodiac

How many times do we find ourselves holding on too long to something

or someone to our detriment? It’s the same dynamic. Dependency and
attachment issues affect all of the signs; Librans tend to be too attached
to their partners; Virgos, to their work; Capricorns, to their positions,
and so forth.

The Moon’s rulership of Cancer helps to clarify much of this ineffable

archetype, including its moodiness. Though often unwarranted, Cancer
is prone to feel like no one loves them. This hypersensitive sign is apt to
see the world through a binary filter: “You love me/you don’t love me.”
So, why are Cancers so moody? Because that’s how they feel, that’s why.
Feelings don’t follow rules.

Remember, we never see the other side of the Moon except indirectly.
Likewise, in this all-too-common manner, we frequently have to guess
how someone else is feeling. Not with Cancer; their feelings are worn
on their sleeves.

The Moon has a warm and a cold side. It nurtures yet it’s dependent.
It’s tender but can be off-putting and cold. It comforts yet it can be
inconsolable. And it loves freely yet can slam its doors shut.

The mystifying Moon, earth’s nightlight, has many facets that

keep astrologers rubbing their chins. When a person’s Moon is
“troubled” in the natal chart or by transiting planets, logical antidotes
are seldom useful. Someone simply has to find a way to make the
Moonchild feel better.

Oh Moon, shine brightly

Constant yellow glare
Your shadow side escapes us
Somehow, that doesn’t seem fair

Our partner in dark

Dim visions of old
Tied to you still
From the bygones we hold

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Just as the Moon gets its light from the Sun, Cancer gets its sustenance
from others. This sensitive water sign needs plenty of reassurance, as
they are just learning to summon strength from within. Even so, they
will be the first ones to offer you emotional support if you need it. Like
all the water signs, they are commonly sympathetic and warm. That’s
what makes this sign so endearing; they’re naturally kindhearted
and supportive.

Cancer gets much of its identity from its mother or other nurturer. This
is why the first question I ask my Cancer clients is, “Growing up, how
did you get along with your mother?” If the answer is positive then I’m
usually not too worried about their sense of self-worth.

The Crab’s intent is to hold the family unit intact. Lunar types are the
matriarchs of the zodiac; this is equally so with the male gender. They
greet you with a warm smile and insist that you be well fed. They ask how
you are feeling. They’re sensitive to every nuance of your life, will listen
to your smallest distress and will not mock you. Cancer is the sign we go
to when we’re hurting.
Because of the Cancer archetype, we have a place to go on the holidays.
However, Cancers who didn’t have a healthy bond with their mother
usually have emotional development that is thwarted. A Cancer child
needs lots and lots of TLC. A careful analysis of the natal chart bespeaks
of one’s upbringing: only then can an accurate assessment be made of
how this human seed was nurtured (or not). What’s most critical is how
the Cancer perceives his or her upbringing.
Few signs have such capacity for sympathy and empathy, especially
towards children. Without this maternal instinct, no species would
survive; yet it must be remembered that this archetypal stage is still
symbolically “young” and has needs of its own. Cancer is a “give and take”
sign. These seemingly oppositional urges can result in a detrimental
codependency if one is not careful. So, this begs the question, “For
whom are they doing it?”
Usually it’s for the benefit of both parties and there are strings attached.
At times, conflicting messages are received by the child. The shadow

The Exquisite Zodiac

side of a Cancer parent can make it seem as if their actions are intended
solely for the benefit of the child; however, upon deeper reflection,
it is often apparent that the child has become obliged to meet the needs of the
parent. Many of these children simply cannot free themselves from
this implicit contract. In actuality, many of them end up “raising” their
Cancer parent.
It’s all about the comfort of having someone with us.
We continue to see this paradox between parenting and being parented.
No sign can be more of a nurturer or more needy than Cancer, and may
be both at the same time. Cancerian parents must be careful to not
enable their children to become overly dependent. Will they allow their
children to take their lumps or will they buffer each of their falls? Care
must be taken to not project their own fears and hypersensitivities onto
the child, imagining that every scratch is traumatic.
The archetype of Cancer represents the act of mothering and being
mothered. The mother and child are inextricably connected—again,
the Cancer paradox. Like the splitting of two cells, the cells are separate
entities but are there really two psyches or still one? In general, no
sign suffers the loss of a mother more than Cancer. Attachment to the
matriarchal figure can be kept alive like an emotional phantom limb.
The real jeopardy of the Cancer archetype is this: if the child does not
feel that his or her needs were met, he or she can become prone to
blaming someone else for their emotional pain (usually the mother).
And if that happens, the scapegoat becomes the reason that their life is
a flop. If this projection is not checked, the child is tempted to prevail
upon others, thereby eluding the consequences of their own actions.
Sometimes they are so overwhelmed with the harsh realities of growing
up that they simply don’t know what else to do.

The myth of Cancer is that if it surrounds itself by enough buffers,

it’ll be okay.

Whether it’s actually true or not, Cancers can feel abandoned

emotionally. If so, they can resort to using guilt and manipulation to

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

get what they feel they need and, in extreme cases, can lodge themselves
as an emotional thorn in the side of the family—a centerpiece of need
around which the whole family must revolve. While these situations do
occur, it serves to underscore the utter importance of early bonding
with a Cancerian child.

The Crab cannot be assuaged at the logical level; it just won’t work.
Keep in mind that to Cancer, keeping the emotional umbilical cord
intact is a life or death matter. As the Cancer phase is mastered, what once
was unthinkable in terms of cutting the cord must now occur. Just as the
Moon reflects sunlight, emotional maturity must be echoed back from
the maternal source to the child.

The embryonic signs of the zodiac are beautifully childlike and innocent.
They are also the most refreshing because they reside closest to the
source—or, the sign of Aries. Cancer displays its cardinal strength as it
defends its family. With a moat of protective water (amniotic fluid) that
surrounds the castle, they keep the threatening wolves at bay. Cancer
is the second cardinal sign. Unlike the cardinality that was expressed
earlier in Aries, it’s not full of fire and brimstone; it works instead with
love, patience and tenacity. The inchoate Cancerian is stunned by the
surprising effects of feelings that seemed to originate from the “outside
world” as it exits Gemini. For the first time it becomes aware of its
vulnerability and impermanence. It’s no wonder that it seeks the haven
of the pack.

The Crab must flex its strength and take advantage of its powerful claws.
Eventually, Cancer outgrows its natural timidity. It has eclipsed Gemini’s
over-intellectualization and has contributed a meaningful new realm of
emotion to the overall collective because water is the elixir that holds the
entire zodiac together. Truly, “someone had to do it,” and that someone
was Cancer. Armed with each of the four elements, evolving man grows
more powerful and complete—capable of defending our families and
land from our foes, real and imagined.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Cancer has a great allegiance to its roots. No sign is more loyal to their
particular lineage and is more patriotic. The oft-used phrases, “My
country, right or wrong!” and “Love it or leave it!” are clearly based
upon these principles. Born on the fourth of July, the United States, a
Cancerian country, is also known appropriately as the “melting pot.”
When viewing America through an astrological lens, you can see the
Cancerian motif, for better or worse. The USA’s maternal instinct is
evident as we sweat over the safe return of our soldiers. Whether it’s
a little girl stuck in a well shaft or a boy floating loose in a hot air
balloon, we cannot rest until our family is back within the fold. The
patriotic rallying cries heard during the Civil War, the World Wars
and 9/11 were Cancerian to the core. Certainly other countries feel
the same way but Cancerian countries have a heightened sense of
homeland and an urgency for “homeland security.”

However, we also suffer from the dark side of the Moon. Just as the
Crab has a soft underbelly, we are inclined to be provincial, keeping
our boundaries closed. Americans have a strong proclivity towards
hearing what it wants to hear, turning a blind eye to the real facts. We
are too easily appeased by political buzz phrases, paying a stiff price
just to feel safe. Safety, however, is often illusory.

This Cancerian vulnerability is exploited when the government

misleads us using threats to our security, such as warnings of the
proliferation of Communism in Vietnam and Korea, as well as
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and elsewhere. Many a clever
politician has taken advantage of the USA’s Achilles’ heel: the fear
and the desperate need for emotional shelter.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, terrorist-controlled airliners

crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, monolithic symbols
of American stature and strength; for evermore, we are vulnerable.
The planes shattered the Crab’s outer protective shell. No longer would
two huge oceans and two vast friendly neighboring countries keep us
safe. What else could a Cancerian nation do? Create the Office of
Homeland Security.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Having an inherited and informed yet scattered self from its Gemini
predecessor, what was once quite amorphous is now taking shape.
Now, through its fierce need to mother and gel the family together,
Cancer has reconciled itself. The end of the Gemini frenzy and
the desire for home and stability has placed life’s components directly
into Cancer’s oven.

The time has come to open the door.

Gemini remains equidistant from all things—even itself—because it has

no point of reference, but by the nature of emotion, Cancer feels others
and therefore by default feels itself; thus, subjectivity is introduced. Birth
has occurred. This new archetype discovers that the world is both close
(self and family) and far (non-self and non-family). We finally have
a point of reference.

The zodiac’s fourth stage may very well be the most difficult to
master. With love and attention, nurturing and care, Cancer has been
baptized in water. What once was a bewildering sea of emotion has now
become familiar.

These lunar traits are quite difficult to understand but who wants to live
in a world that is entirely rational? So often we have heard from our wisest
teachers that the mind is both a great servant and a terrible master. We
have our answers: they encourage us to “get out of our minds,” “follow
our bliss,” and “listen to our hearts.” We intuitively grasp this truth.
The throbbing heart is our God-guidance-center and from it is heard
the “still voice within.”

As Helen Keller, a highly evolved Cancerian, once said:

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor

do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger
is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a
daring adventure, or nothing. To keep our faces toward change
and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength

The Exquisite Zodiac

Leo: Everything’s Fine

Each sign blossoms from the accomplishments of the sign before it.
No sign can do it all; each has a specific assignment in this exquisitely
complex zodiac. The evolving stage of Leo is becoming independent,
confident and self-expressive.

Individuation of the self has begun.

The Leo world is an outgrowth of the cautious, uncertain state of the

Crab, which is closely aligned with the mother, family and nest. At this
point, the Lion, like the archetypal Hero (the quest for transcendence)
goes it alone and tests its own strength. It reflects back to Cancer, “What
are you so worried about? Get out there and take command!” Symbolic
of the first ego, Leo must survive! This is the first time in the development
of the zodiac that the self gets a solid, complete and independent view of
itself. This fifth chapter represents a significant boost to the development
of the evolving self. Even so, just below the surface, Leos still carry the
insecure Cancerian imprint, which they cannot afford to acknowledge
(but other people recognize it nevertheless; that’s the irony).
The main thing to know about the Leo archetype is that it has
transcended the Cancerian need to carefully guard itself, which kept
it safe and secure. It was necessary for Cancer at the time but now, by
expressing itself, Leo releases its own power into the jungle of the world
and enlarges its sphere of influence.
When an astrologer sees a chart laden with Leo traits, it usually means
that the person has great skills of expression. Whether that is found in
music, art, theatre or other means of elocution, the Lion roars. (We’ll
see later how its opposite sign, Aquarius, expresses itself via the group.
“Leo = I express” versus “Aquarius = We express.”) Just as Cancer tends
toward the tentative, Leo is quite the opposite, commonly putting on a
dramatic display. The Sun does shine brightly! When faced with conflict,
no longer vulnerable to paralyzing introspection, Leo says, “I can’t be
the problem! It must be you!” Quite a shift has occurred. Right or wrong,
“defense of the self” has to happen.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

This is one of the most decisive shifts in the evolution of the entire zodiac.
Each sign of the zodiac becomes satiated with the “games” of the sign
that precedes it. The very survival of the evolving self is threatened if it
doesn’t reinvent itself. This is what propels one archetype to morph into
the next. Leo is as much of an extrovert as Cancer is an introvert.
Placed smack-dab in the middle of the second quadrant, the Leo
archetype is all about developing the self, the theme of this quadrant.
This is the first sign that becomes comfortable dealing with personal
consequences. The Lion takes on all comers and courageously invites
consequences. Leo benefits from receiving feedback; some might call
it the limelight.
With its proud mane, Leo starts to give form to the advancing entity
developing in the lower half of the zodiac. Another of the self-oriented
signs, Leo does much to cultivate its sense of self as it nears the transition
from “self-orientation” to “other-orientation.”

The tentative inner self is busy proving itself, just as a teen does, but
doesn’t want anyone pointing that out. Who are you calling a teenager?
Well, in the scheme of things, Leo symbolizes the stage of the adolescent.
Bear in mind that Leos often behave more confidently than they really
are. Teens must go through this ritual of growth where they have to
push themselves past their comfort zone. It takes a brave soul to leave
the cozy nest behind.

A common by-product of this critical rite of passage is that the Leo-teen

knows everything, right? Just as with teens, it’s often hard to tell them
what’s best. Nevertheless, by hook or by crook, the Lion finds its mettle.
The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz personifies this developmental
stage (actor Bert Lahr, who played the lion, was born a Leo). He started
out faint-hearted but quickly found himself to be the bravest of the
group. The teenager finds self-regard through self-expression.

No sign is as magnanimous, loathing pettiness and poverty of spirit.

It’s not their nature to engage in gossip for they see the poison that
it inflicts upon another’s dignity. This fiery sign produces people with
infectious personalities who are larger than life, such as Mick Jagger,
The Exquisite Zodiac

President Barack Obama, “Magic” Johnson, Mae West, Jennifer Lopez

and Arnold Schwarzenegger. They think big and are usually able to
execute their plans on a grand scale. The noble Lion radiates warmth
and color into his surroundings in a generous, robust way. Leos are
naturally the centerpiece of the family; the hearth.

“Respect” is their keyword. This solar-powered sign commands respect.

In the work place, being respected and appreciated is more meaningful
to them than a paycheck. They absolutely must be appreciated and
if they’re not, the mood for the day won’t be pretty. Because of their
buoyant nature, it’s rare to see Leo get upset; however, if you want to see
someone blow...

What comes to mind is the famous factory scene from the movie
Norma Rae where actor Sally Field stands up defiantly and inspires
fellow workers to shut down their machines. Galvanized by her inner
strength, everyone finds the courage and dignity to stand up for their
rights and unionize. This is the Leo archetype at work; its fire will not
be extinguished.

Pride and dignity for all; that is Leo.

So what exactly does this archetypal energy have to say? What compels
it to speak? Self-expression is its highest goal. Only when you express
yourself do you distinguish yourself as an individual. Leos naturally
project themselves into their environment and are baffled when other
signs are reluctant to speak up for themselves. Confidence and self-
assurance result when the self is expressed; the Sun must shine.

Solar flares and Sun spots

Yes, we know that you’re there
Granting us light
Enthroned in your lair

Leaving no doubt
To those far below
But what lies in the havens
Of your hidden shadow?

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

By standing on Cancer’s shoulders, they have not only gained separation

but have also won self-hood in the process. This proud fire sign has
benefited greatly from the fight that Cancer won in the trenches of
emotion. Leo’s newly found self is a wonderful thing. Whether this
triumph leads to humility or vanity is up to Leo and is greatly influenced
by a number of factors, including a preponderance of planets in Leo,
their role models and upbringing, and other astrological markers.
A healthy ego is necessary for all signs, and this sign has built-in self-
respect. Leo Robert De Niro’s famous line from the movie Taxi Driver,
“Are you talking to me?” is quite indicative of Leo indignation at being
dissed. But, Leo must be very careful to not totally identify with the self-
concept (or, ego); that is the key. While confidence can be the Lion’s
strength, overconfidence can bring about their downfall.

All signs have a built-in pitfall, and Leo’s is possibly the most dangerous.
Whatever could that be? Getting lost in their own melodrama. If success
at this stage is not accompanied by a sense of perspective and a modicum
of modesty, Leo can end up becoming a legend in its own mind. This
imaginary realm can somehow seem finite to them, as if there’s only so
much love, attention or accolades to go around. Such a worldview can
make one unnecessarily competitive and prone to projection, imagining
that others are trying to steal their thunder, even when it isn’t true.

It is Leo’s nature to find a dominion to oversee. If they’re mopping the

floor, it’s their floor, an extension of their ego. Individuation is blooming
in this stage; however, they must avoid their shadow side, which can
see the world from a “me versus them” viewpoint. If they fall prey to
this, they can have difficulty complimenting someone else or even
acknowledging others in the same room.

No sign deludes themselves more than Leo.

Commonly, Leonine types tell me how they are constantly confronted

with competitive, jealous people. Few signs experience jealousy more
than Leo. Many times, this is a projection. For better or worse, all signs
tend to see others just like themselves. As if living in a house of mirrors,
the signs of Cancer and Leo can become too wrapped up in themselves,

The Exquisite Zodiac

seeing only their reflections. It is all too tempting for budding Cancer
to feel that everyone is here just to make them feel better, and for the
Lion cub to see others as simply members of their audience. These
understandable but immature tendencies must be outgrown. Success of
the self during the Leo stage must be attained. This is a crucial turning
point in the development of evolving man. Failure at this stage is not an
option, as all ensuing signs will build upon the individual who is being
strengthened in Leo . . . and it must not lose!

While it’s true that Leo likes center stage, the reason is because garnering
adulation assures them that they’re okay. But exactly how much do they
need? The shadow side of Leo simply cannot get enough attention
and always yearns for more. Note some famous Leo figures who don’t
seem to suffer from low self-esteem: Madonna, Barry Bonds and Andy
Warhol. Some find it difficult to step down from their thrones: Fidel
Castro, Jerry Falwell, Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart. What they really
need to do is find approval from within; that’s the remedy.

Leo’s favorite word is a four-letter word that starts with “F”: FINE. Leo’s
standard response to just about any query goes something like this: “Oh,
I can handle it . . . it’ll be fine.” Listen and you’ll hear it often. There is a
“fine” line between cockiness and confidence. Nevertheless, no matter
how you slice it, this kind of swagger is a great gift to have. Astrologically,
all of this is leading to the maturation of the consummate human being.

As the zodiac’s twelve archetypes evolve, each naturally relies on their

main strength: Aries comes out and fights; Taurus digs in its heels and
roughs it out; Gemini accumulates data and won’t be pinned down;
Cancer tenaciously guards itself and its nest; Leo puffs up its chest and
rises above. That’s what Leos do; they rise above. If it comes across as
arrogant, so be it. It’s their job to protect the ego at any cost.

Leo’s victory here is not only that pride and dignity are achieved for
the individual; this process has also contributed to the progress of the
collective self. Eventually, this solar sign transcends the limitations of its
own story and discovers that the world is, in fact, infinite.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

As John Lennon sang in Instant Karma:

Who in the hell d’you think you are?

A superstar?
Well, right you are!
Well, we all shine on
like the moon and the stars and the sun…

Because of the advances made in this stage, the self now feels strong
enough to stand alone. That’s one huge step! We all gain greatly
from Cancer’s higher octave of Leo. A feeling of impeccability has
been gained because this proud sign has found self-hood by looking
within. When you have the power of the brilliant Sun behind you,
that’s a lot of wattage.

All signs present their own unique problems and carry the seeds of
their own solutions. And for Leo, it’s to not back down, compromise
or acquiesce; it’s to uphold the self, to stand up proudly and hold its
ground. Leo is a fixed fire sign – its flames keeps on burning.

The self is now well on its way towards refinement in the final
“self-oriented” sign of Virgo. Each of astrology’s twelve stages tends to
stretch their own limits until such a time comes when it can do so no
more. Universal intelligence itself somehow takes over and a quantum
leap is made to the next sign’s dimension.

It is not possible to separate ourselves from the

collective needs of our human race.

Now, Leo’s spirit eventually infuses into evolving man. An ornate crown
of gratitude should be awarded the noble Lion as a giant step for
mankind surely has occurred. (Yes, astronaut Neil Armstrong is a Leo.)

The Exquisite Zodiac

Virgo: Beyond the Call

Virgo brings closure to the quadrant of the zodiac pertaining to
development of the self and the “self-oriented” signs. Evolving man
now prepares to bridge himself to the “other-oriented” signs. Virgo not
only invites personal consequences but absolutely thrives on them. We
continue to see how much one sign differs dramatically from the sign
before it.

Reacting strongly against Leo, Virgo wants no part of self-promotion

or accolades; that’s for show-offs. Usually shy, they prefer functioning
behind the scenes. This humble sign voluntarily forfeits their share
of life’s rewards in deference to the needs of others. They never ask
for more than their share, if even that. Virgo says to Leo, “Get that
lampshade off of your head!” Nothing embarrasses Virgo more (and
they do get embarrassed by many things) than having their horn tooted,
no matter who’s doing the tooting. They insist that their work speaks
for itself. They are self-made people and expect the same from others.

When something needs to be done, Virgo just does it.

If you want to hire someone, find a person with strong Virgo qualities.
Usually, without even investigating further, you’ll have made the right
choice. Not only will they get the job done right, they don’t want any
recognition. Many of them work overtime as a matter of course and
with a strong sense of dedication. Few signs are as skilled. Virgos are
usually spot-on in whatever they attempt to do. Their strength lies in
their ability to use their sharp, analytical minds to differentiate this from
that. Their nature is to find out exactly what is “broken” and fix it. And
they can’t stop from fixing it, down to the very last detail; and herein
lies the catch.

If you want to find something wrong with anything, you usually will.

Because they are quite perfectionistic, persnickety, prudent, puritanical,

picky and just plain particular, they inevitably fall short of their own
standards of impeccability. Keen use of this archetype’s perceptions
differentiates what is fixable, what is not, and what is fine as it is.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

The first five signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo have had
the “luxury” of being self-oriented. The early stages had to be this way.
Yes, the sign of Virgo also belongs to this category yet they can no longer
afford to be so self-absorbed. Their job is to bring self-involvement to an
end. Virgo is the culmination of this process as the zodiac prepares for
its orientation toward the “other.”

This transition from “self-orientation” to “other-orientation” must occur.

Perhaps this is why Virgo bumper stickers say, “No more whining!” The
proverbial buck has to stop here because symbolically the stage of the
young adult is about to take its show on the road. This tough earth sign
can become intolerant of people who complain without trying to dig
themselves out of their own self-created predicaments. They’ll be glad
to help you (mutable earth = lending a practical, helping hand) but
you have to exhibit at least some willingness to help yourself, or their
support quickly wanes.

Virgos are also very tough on themselves, to say the least. Their natural
toughness can result in great self-discipline. In fact, some of the greatest
athletes of all time are Virgo Sun signs known for their skills and
endurance, such as the phenomenal Lou Gehrig, Jesse Owens, Rocky
Marciano, Cal Ripkin Jr. and Lance Armstrong.

Many times the Virgoan archetype regards emotion as weakness.

Why is this? Emotions are sloppy, gooey things, aren’t they? They’re
simply illogical. Star Trek’s Spock was the epitome of this Virgoan
archetype. Many times Virgos unknowingly substitute their feelings
with a black-or-white mentality brought on by their left-brained, logical
approach. (This is a very important point.) Likewise, Virgos can get so
out of touch with their feelings because they act from “shoulds” instead
of how they feel.

Virgo is as rational as Cancer is irrational.

Those strong with Virgo energy simply have a hard time with emotional
expression. This is sad yet common because these folks are usually salt-
of-the-earth type people: honest and hardworking. They’ll give you the
denim shirt off of their backs, but not in exchange for a sob story; they
The Exquisite Zodiac

don’t want to hear it. They can’t even hear their own. Therefore, what
does this forecast for their inner child? Just how much sensitivity will
they show others or themselves?

Virgos were made to bring an end to all of the whining that went on
earlier in the zodiac; however, the Virgo archetype often goes too far,
mistaking emotional expression for whimpering. If you don’t tolerate
complaining in yourself, how can you tolerate it in others?

This leads us to discuss the theme of “self-criticism,” Virgo’s middle

name. They don’t need to hear any criticism from you, even if it is
“productive” or “constructive”; they hear it enough from themselves.
Now we see a hint at the Virgin’s secret:

They don’t want others to see how critical they truly are.

This archetype magnifies imperfections, often seeing only what’s wrong,

broken or missing. Most Virgos are very careful to not criticize others
but their nonverbal critiques are still heard loud and clear. Virgoan
parents care for their children largely by providing food, clothing and
shelter but since they usually don’t give themselves a break, they can
become too critical and intolerant of their children’s normal behavior.
It’s all too common for their children to grow up feeling like they can
never do anything right. This is not a minor issue. Unknowingly, the
child enters the fussy Virgoan realm where all things are dissected and
mended. This tendency towards being too critical can easily extend to
all of their personal relationships if they’re not careful. Their natural
nitpicking is better off left at the office, else they can end up leading a
lonely life.

Note how archetypal Leo says, “Nothing is wrong with me,” then Virgo
comes along and specializes in finding out what’s wrong with themselves
and, many times, with everybody else! This is just one example of the
fluctuating tendencies throughout the zodiac where themes seesaw
between adjacent signs. As a result, mankind is diverse and well rounded.
This evolutionary stage, now self-contained, becomes so because it
tempers itself as it answers the call of introspection. Through this effort,
Virgo obsesses over the purity of perfection.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Most people need a long time to address and come to terms with
inner imbalances. It can be shocking to see how quickly a Virgo
corrects newfound flaws. They’ll have them rectified the next day
and that just ain’t natural! One of my clients sent an email saying:
“Any light you can shine on my progress, I will definitely review and make
adjustments.” Emotional issues generally don’t get resolved that easily,
so how does Virgo do it? It’s called behavior modification. It’s easy to
alter how you are behaving—that is, according to outer rules—but it’s
quite another matter to change your basic instinctive reaction to live
situations. The problem with behavior modification is that it doesn’t
address the underlying emotional condition; therefore, the sixth
sign of Virgo commonly ends up operating like a machine. Quite
often, this type operates as if life is occurring in a job jar full of tasks
that need to be completed. Does this extend as far as the boudoir?
Heaven forbid.

This independent sign has a lot to teach us about becoming more

self-reliant. Even so, they must watch that they don’t become too
utilitarian. Virgo is more than a bionic man or woman. They have come
such a long way past so many zodiacal obstacles and now have a difficult
balancing act to perform. This is why Virgo is possibly one of the hardest
Sun signs to be.

I tell my Virgo clients, “No one is following you around with a clipboard
except you!” Have you ever watched a Virgo at work? Goodness, they’re
like a well-oiled machine, just like the NFL’s New England Patriots, a
team that was launched (played their first game) in the sign of Virgo.
They are efficient and disciplined. No one can touch Virgo at work; they
are so inspired to go the extra mile, while less dutiful souls are already
clocking out.

Virgo is only doing what it has to do. They are known to volunteer for
jobs that others would consider a burden. One of the great things about
this mutable sign is that they go the extra distance, working tirelessly
because they care so much. (That’s why they often end up working in the
medical field.) Because they do care so much, these perfectionists put
themselves under constant pressure to be productive. On days off from

The Exquisite Zodiac

work, Virgos feel awful if they don’t “get something done.” Still, enough
is enough; they need to enjoy life now and then! I’ve heard Virgos say,
“I think I’ll take up yoga,” only to follow it up by saying, “I’ll work at it.”
When it comes to work, Virgo will not let you slide. Don’t stop here; this
is not the complaint department.

It’s the nature of this ever-vigilant sign to stop the conveyor belt of life
and say, “Wait! I found something wrong! How can you let something
slide if it isn’t right?” With all of the best intentions, Virgo can actually
interrupt the flow simply by examining it so closely. And to many a
Virgo, “letting things go” is a weakness that musn’t be tolerated.

Contrary to Virgo, the opposing archetype, the Fish of Pisces, yields

and surrenders better than any other. As discriminating as Virgo is,
Pisces is non-discriminating. What’s missing in one sign is commonly
compensated by its opposite. Each sign contains what the other lacks.
When a Virgo walks into a room, they can easily spot the differences
between everyone and everything. On the other hand, Pisces sees little
or no difference. Exclusion versus inclusion; nature always seeks balance.
Virgo’s challenge is to see the forest as well as the trees.

Thank goodness for the accomplishments of this sixth sign or else

Cinderella would be going to the ball unkempt and unrefined. Virgo
completes the bottom of the zodiac and how better to do it than to
humbly take responsibility for yourself and clean up your act? (As a
matter of fact, this innate urge towards purity is why so many Virgos
have perfect complexions.) Even so, you can only shine your shoes
for so long before you have to go to the dance. Eventually, you have to
make your debut. The Virgo-to-Libra shift is huge and is one of the most
underrated transitions in the zodiac.

The self is finished.

So, how does the first hemisphere of the zodiac culminate? Because
Virgo has done a masterful job taking responsibility for the actions of
the first six signs, we are all better off. This zodiacal chapter was simply
not ready to move on until it had gone through the perfecting catharsis

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

of the Virgin. Having concluded this critical stage, the growing self is
now ready for the second hemisphere.

The icon of the Virgin was long ago revealed as the symbol of chastity
and purity of spirit (not for its sexual connotation). This virtuous sign is
built upon the noble efforts of the Lion. Virgos don’t want fanfare even
though they have conquered this stage of perfected man. And now, they
are ready to compare themselves to all the others via the Libra scales. As
I’ve stated before, it’s almost as if deep within each archetype, each sign
instinctively feels what is coming next.

In the ancient tradition of astrology, Virgo’s planetary ruler has been

airy Mercury. I have always suspected that this is a weak pairing; it
just doesn’t account for the Virgin’s perfectionist tendencies. (Yes,
Cinderella is nervously primping, getting ready for the ball.) Being
a mutable earth sign (disperses practicality) doesn’t fully explain its
archetypal essence, either. These reasons simply don’t provide enough
rationale to make Virgo function as it does. The mandate of Virgo insists
that they care and strive for purity. So, if not from Mercury or mutable
earth, where do these drives come from?

. . . A minor planet or “Centaur” called Chiron, that’s where.

What? Chiron? (Chiron is not technically a planet but falls more

accurately under the label of a minor planet; yet, for astrological
purposes, it clearly behaves much like a planet.)

However you want to classify it, this renegade rock that irregularly
orbits between Saturn and Uranus is responsible for Virgo’s drive. In
mythology, it is historically known as the “wounded healer.” A Centaur,
half-horse and half-man, Chiron is known for his intelligence, wisdom
and ability to teach and heal. Chiron was accidentally shot in the back
of his leg by an arrow launched by Heracles. The myth tells us that the
wound wouldn’t heal. In a birth chart, Chiron’s glyph, which is shaped
like an upright key ( ), marks the area of your life where you can heal
others but not yourself; in other words, your personal wound.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Even though we associate Chiron with Virgo, there still is much to be

discovered about this “planet.” Chiron’s (Kheiron) name was derived
from the Greek word for hand (kheir), which also means “skilled with
the hands.” Those strong with the Virgo archetype are known to be
quite adroit with their hands; many take to carpentry and manual arts
because of their dexterity. (Note that the same prefix is used in the
word chiropractic.) Many of this sign are drawn towards massage therapy.
Chiron is consistently and conspicuously found in the charts of healers.
Its nature is to help heal all illness.

Chiron is deeply mysterious and behaves in many ways that are unlike
the other planets but is powerful nevertheless. It also seems to represent
an irrepressible energy that unconsciously compels us toward our
destiny. Swept away by Chiron’s karmic tide, Virgo is beckoned to serve
a higher order, often going beyond the call of duty.

Having matched you and Mercury

For all of antiquity
Only now does Sir Chiron
Speak for your honor and purity

Fooled for so long

True heritage now revealed
Brave and inspired
What kept it so concealed?

Another reason that Virgo foregoes accolades and attention is that they
can only hear the clarion call of Chiron, the voice of caring and service
itself. It’s as if Chiron truly calls from another dimension. Chiron serves
as a bridge between the self-oriented and other-oriented signs and
also between the inner and outer planets, Saturn and Uranus. What are
the implications?

The reason that Chiron has caused such a stir since its
discovery in 1977 is that collectively we were ready
for a new astrology and new forms of healing.

The discovery of Chiron changed everything. For the first time,

astrologers had a new “planet” to deal with that acted so foreign to the
The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

traditional natures of the known planets of the time. Chiron seems to

call to a part of ourselves that is beyond our consensus reality.

Can you imagine the degree of risk that must be undertaken to

transcend the safety and security of “self-ness” in exchange for universal
principles and concern for others? Virgo/Chiron heartens us through
service as we build a new bridge to the rest of the zodiac. Chiron seems
to represent a major gateway to our spirituality. Chiron is the key.

Just as each sign morphs into the next, the Virgo blueprint, designed to
heal group karma, lifts the first half of the zodiac to a new level of being.
Astrologically speaking, Virgo sacrifices itself for the shortcomings of
the first five signs. Without a thought of itself, for the first time, the
zodiac tastes voluntary selflessness.

With the recent discovery of Chiron, astrologers need to make a new,

unjaundiced evaluation of the sign known as Virgo. We must get beyond
the antiquated habit of typecasting this sign simply as a perfectionist
servant. The zodiac’s Good Samaritans, such as Virgo Mother Teresa,
should be held in high regard. Unfortunately, this is just one of the by-
products that come with their territory; by not accepting praise of any
type, their true value is often overlooked or taken for granted. In the
final analysis, we discover that this self-effacing sign turns out to be quite
the model human: caring, decent, humble and virtuous. Virgo deserves
its accolades.

Though misunderstood for so long, I think we can finally shed some

accurate light on this precise sign of Virgo. They aren’t exactly supermen
or women but they are definitely in a special class. Their inherent need
to help, their innate yearning for purity and their need to fix whatever
needs to be fixed without reward elevates the entire zodiac as it becomes
more humane. Because of Virgo, evolving man truly earns its nobility.

“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor
disgrace, because you know what you are.”

—Mother Teresa

The Exquisite Zodiac

Libra: Social Security

At this critical turning point of the zodiac, we now address the commonly
misunderstood sign of Libra. Symbolized by the Scales, this air sign
is traditionally thought to represent balance; however, upon deeper
analysis, the Scales main astrological function reveals itself to be much
about comparison. What is Libra so busy comparing? Everything and
everyone. As the new self is set in motion from Virgo, it must compare
itself to others. By doing so, it finds out who it is. This is truly the birth
of other-orientation and the doorway to the second half of the zodiac.

The opposing sign of Aries has no need to compare itself to anyone or

anything, being totally involved with the self. In contrast, Libra’s need
for comparison shows how the growing archetype benefits by exposing
itself to something beyond itself. Just as Virgo is black and white, Libra is
comprised of many pastel shades. The residual effect of Libra weighing
things back and forth lends them a broad spectrum of viewpoints to
consider. Gone are the days when the early signs of the zodiac tended
to oversimplify.

The transition from Virgo to Libra is pronounced. This prodigious

step involves transcending the self-oriented signs to the other-oriented
signs, and this is major. Why else would Virgo be working so hard?
Cinderella, always sentenced to the kitchen (self-oriented), now
spreads her wings. She wants to party! She must escape the narrow
confines of her daily drudgery. Understandably, she is still quite socially
self-conscious and nervous.

As we traverse the final half-dozen signs, the evolving persona reaches

young adulthood and becomes more independent. The dating-mating
ritual begins, sizing each other up and making comparisons. In order
to fit into society, most people must feel accepted. By contrasting our
behavior and attitudes to those of others, we learn what it takes to fit in.
By reflecting off of another, we learn who we are and who we are not.

Making comparisons explains almost everything about the sign of Libra.

With Libra, we begin the third quadrant of the zodiac that continues

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

on through Scorpio and Sagittarius. The focus now is upon relationships.

In this sector, Libra has inherited a “completed man” from Virgo, since
the developmental stages are done. Fresh off the assembly line, Libra is
now offered up for public consideration. In this stage, the impulse is to
mix and mingle with others. The very act of socializing involves sharing
feelings as well as ideas. The Libran archetype is usually not a touchy-
feely sign. Only so much can be accomplished at each stage.

Can you imagine the courage needed at this point? Previously sheltered
from the public, suddenly exposed, what is Cinderella to do? Compare
herself to everyone else, that’s what. “She is tall, I am short.” “He has
shabby clothes, mine are neat.” “They live in big house, I live in a small
one.” Libra can’t help but compare; this is what their blueprint dictates.
Certainly, this contributes to why they make such great mediators,
assessors and judges. Their social scales are meticulously calibrated to
differentiate and balance even the tiniest of details, which they inherited
from Virgo.

They possess a special magic. This comes from having Venus’ innate
gracefulness as their ruling planet and holds true for both genders. It is
said of Librans, “They could charm the birds from the trees.” Talk show
host Johnny Carson displayed these charismatic Libra qualities very well.
Rarely will you find a Libra not dressed in style (unless other planetary
energies muddle their true stripes). This hospitable, charming sign is
usually quite attractive, possessing smooth facial features.

Even though Venus has been the traditional ruler of both Taurus and
Libra, I am now convinced that only Libra is ruled by Venus.

Venus is now yours

All your very own
The Scales now hold balance
Justly, but not alone

And with full escort

Allowing none to defile
The beauty in all things
Behind a benevolent smile

The Exquisite Zodiac

Being Venusian means being enveloped by beauty. (I wonder how many

shopping malls would have to close if not for this sign!) They know how
to beautify everything around them and are connoisseurs of anything
resembling fashion, art, color and style. Venus reveals her beauty with a
disarming smile. The zodiac’s most glamorous and beautiful sign knows
how to use what it’s got. Librans can be totally disarming as they radiate
Venus’ captivating warmth, charm and poise. They often emanate
beauty, grace and intelligence. Even if their outward beauty doesn’t
match Venus de Milo’s, Librans still come across with an unruffled and
refined delivery.

It’s no surprise that many artists, as well as significant minds and

personalities in our culture, are born to this Sun sign: Mahatma Gandhi,
Barbara Walters, Jesse Jackson, Susan Sarandon, Truman Capote, Anne
Rice, Aleister Crowley, Matt Damon, Yo Yo Ma and John Lennon. This
entourage knows how to work a room!

No sign is more inclined to display their “arm candy” than this one. This
alluring sign should not get lost by being fixated on how they look to
others. Libra has so much to offer in terms of intelligence, gameness and
elegance but they can easily fail themselves if they evaluate everything
through the haughty eyes of class consciousness.

Since all signs are directly tied to their opposing Sun sign, Aries is
opposite of Libra. Those strong with Arian influences are what you see;
they are themselves, period. Yet the chameleon-like sign of Libra often
attempts to define itself by trying to be who they think you want them
to be. There’s the catch. They see themselves and their world through
a reflective mirror. Social acceptance is everything to this seventh sign
and they want to be the best according to cultural standards.

Librans can’t stomach unpleasant social situations or someone making

a scene. Diplomacy and compromise are always their first alternatives.
Even so, Libra is known as the sign that argues more than any other!
Does this surprise you? It shouldn’t; according to them, it’s not arguing,
it’s debating. Librans are uncomfortable with the response: “Whatever
you think, dear…” They want you to take the lead, only to then take

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

the opposite track. Only by bouncing ideas off of others does Libra
strengthen its still insecure and growing self.

In a perfect world, Libra is the model partner. Their considerable

moxie guarantees success if they don’t become too appeasing or fall for
the temptation of riding others’ coattails. Starting off the quadrant of
relationships, the archetypes of Libra and Scorpio need to have partners.
Librans hardly ever go into business without an associate, feeling
like half of a person when unaccompanied. This is exemplary of the
Libran pitfall:

Putting much of its identity into the hands of someone else.

The opposite sign, Aries, finds its identity from itself; Libra, via its
partner. (“I am” versus “we are.”) Libra does not “master” relationships;
that challenge comes next in the sign of Scorpio where relating becomes
merging; the deepening of feelings and emotional dedication. Libra
starts the ball rolling by relating to others; that’s somewhat different.
The sign of the Scales is the most self-oriented of the other-oriented
signs—the Aries of the second half of the zodiac. They are the social
sign. No sign can counterbalance another better than Libra. It’s funny
but when other people sit down, Librans stand up. When other people
stand up, Librans sit down, just like a set of scales and counterweights.

Libra is a purveyor of intelligence. They often represent the cutting edge

of social thought (cardinal air). Did not Lenny Bruce change the whole
nature of stand-up comedy? What of the huge influence that George
Gershwin had on American music? Wasn’t Eleanor Roosevelt a feminist
role model through her social activism? How effective was Timothy
Leary when he stirred up an entire generation? Libra finds its way to
the head of the tribal tent. With all of their worldly accomplishments,
Librans are more concerned with social norms than universal principles.
Seldom will you find this sign going gray naturally or getting dirty while
camping. They have reservations at the Four Seasons, thank you.

Librans admire others who are quick-witted; you’ll usually find them
hobnobbing with bright, astute minds. Even though Libra is a cardinal

The Exquisite Zodiac

sign, it is not necessarily strong in terms of its identity; therefore, the

Libra stamp can be greatly overshadowed by other planets or signs
that are exaggerated in their chart. For Librans, having compensating
energies are critical.

This smooth sign is all about class, both being classy and one’s social
class. A sound Libra personality will use his or her social acumen to
assess how they measure up to social standards. If they’re not careful
though, the shadow side of the Libra archetype can become obsessed
with one-upmanship, or “keeping up with the Joneses.”

This is what occurs if the comparison game goes too far or goes awry.

All signs get off track. Libra is meant to use comparison in order to
gauge what it has become as a self. Still, when the all-too-human ego gets
involved, comparison can be misused and lead to feelings of inadequacy
or superiority, no matter how it is masked.

When it comes down to it, they can seem coy, yet they aren’t about to
let anybody get over on them. Seldom clumsy or awkward, they move
in a smooth, graceful way, appearing very sure of themselves. Libra,
constantly paralleling themselves to others, can become prone to
thinking that everyone else is doing the same–thus, another snag. The
main factor that separates the evolved Librans from the others is this:
Are they for real or are they just social climbers? This savvy sign must avoid
their somewhat natural tendency to try to one-up others.
This serendipitous sign is the sign of the “winner” in many ways. They
instinctively land on their feet. Would it surprise you to know that the
majority of Major League Baseball players are born to this sign? Can you
sense this winning charm (and well-known indecisiveness) in the NFL’s
former superstar quarterback Brett Favre?

Libra is represented by the zodiac’s only inanimate symbol, the Scales.

In my mind, I see two platters on the scales: one has the word “cake”
imprinted upon it; the other has “eat it, too.” If Libra is to remain in
balance, it cannot lean to one side or the other for very long. A natural
conundrum exists because of their need for balance.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Libra is not made for making decisions;

they are made for assessing situations.

This seventh sign has turned fence sitting into an art form, but that’s
not really the same as balancing; there is a fine line between assessing a
situation and being indecisive. Their polar opposite sign, Aries, makes
decisions quickly, sometimes too hastily and is seldom accused of being
too diplomatic. Aries sees Libra as wishy-washy. Facing criticism, Libra
still would rather be armed with all the facts. After all, decision-making
is based on taking a position, and to Libra, this is too much like flipping
a coin.

The Scales can be so completely preoccupied with what other people

think that it can thwart its self-development. It is hard to reach beyond
your own Sun sign’s archetype but this echo-oriented sign has to realize
that fewer people are competing with them than they suspect. If they
are constantly stacking themselves up against others, it’s little wonder
that they feel vulnerable at every turn. Projections must be categorically
guarded against. The myth of Libra is that if they are accepted by others,
they surely will be okay.

The real questions for Libra are: Is this upbeat sign going to use its street
smarts to excel in life or will it use its considerable charisma to pull the
wool over other people’s eyes? Do they glad-hand like a shifty politician
or offer a sincere handshake? Naturally, all signs have their light and
shadow sides. Libra is too talented to succumb to the temptations of
manipulation and guile.

Libra learns and grows by comparison to others

but shouldn’t become obsessed with their findings.

In the end, we find that the very act of comparison has led to an elegant
state of balance. Through the successful use of the Scales, Libra has
benefited greatly and has made a strong contribution to the overall
evolution of mankind. For the first time within a societal context, Libra
places paramount value on considering other people’s feelings and has
fine-tuned the art of compromise—a necessary skill for maturation.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Unlike its opposite sign of Aries, the growing Libra is aware that their
actions directly cause consequences for others. Much progress has been
made. Cinderella has learned to move comfortably in social circles.
She’s learned how to fit in and has developed refined social graces.

Yes, the obstacles faced by this cardinal sign have been considerable.
This is the last real identity crisis of the zodiac. Librans finally learn
that they are fine just the way they are, as individuals. During this stage,
evolving man transcends self-consciousness in exchange for a larger
world. The emerging self has exposed its nakedness and thereby its
identity has become more self-assured.

It would be a mistake to take Libra for granted. Because of this brave,

cardinal sign, evolving man now has a partner. Do you see how much
the world has expanded because of this? We are not alone anymore,
and this paves the way for society and community. On the archetypal
level, the first three signs didn’t have the potential to even know others
existed. In the second quadrant, the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo
were quite busy furthering the development and perfection of the self.
Now, because Libra’s savoir faire has forthrightly connected to others,
because Cinderella has had the nerve to offer her identity for social
consideration, we now have a world—a sparkling world in which to live
and share the joys of life, with someone by our side.

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”

— Ringo Starr

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Scorpio: Sir, Just What Are Your Intentions?

Two-thirds of the way along our mystical ellipsis we find our diamond
in the rough. Under the steady, heavy pressure of the water element,
Scorpio deepens its love and summons its courage. The nature of the
fixed mode constantly presses Scorpio to capture more and more
meaning in the bewitching storms of love.

Even so, Scorpio has one of the less esteemed reputations in the
zodiac. This intense archetype can manifest as the best of the best, or
worst of the worst. People commonly take a step back when they meet
a Scorpion type.

This is one intense sign.

Scorpio is at the heart of the relationship sector of the zodiac. This sign
zeros in on the object of its passion. Its archetype typifies the “urge to
merge.” Through intimate relationships, love faces a true test, a purifying
fire that may also be accompanied by anguish and dark nights of the
soul. These issues are the primary reasons astrologers stay in business.

Ruled by astrology’s “Godfather,” the planet Pluto, Scorpio is clearly

the most austere of all signs. It dismisses Libra, saying, “You may have
your partner but I want a soul mate.” That’s what this sign is all about:
emotional allegiance. “I’d take a bullet for you, and I expect the same from
you.” The “love” we’re discussing here is taking place in a completely
different dimension than with Libra and has many of the earmarks
of being conditional. New to relationships, Libra is held in disdain by
Scorpio because it is seen as noncommittal. To the more audacious
Scorpion, putting it all on the line is everything.

The Scorpio chapter of man is symbolic of getting married. Everything

changes now that Scorpio is living for two. Matching each sign to a specific
adult age becomes less and less significant as the zodiac progresses from
here. Scorpio’s life is now inextricably intertwined with their other half.
Libra introduced us to each other and fostered its identity through its
partner. Now, Scorpio’s evolution depends on the fulfillment of the
relationship through complete faithfulness.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Fixed emotion is all out emotion. Scorps know what they like and what they
don’t like. Their constancy is admirable and we should not judge them for
the extremity of their feelings. They feel strongly and that’s why they care
so much. Scorpios really don’t want you in the foxhole with them if you’re
going to waver.
Remember, the second sign of Taurus is all about self-worth and resides
in the lower half of the zodiac—the “me” side. Directly across from
Taurus, on the “we” side, is the sign of Scorpio.
Taurus is me and my stuff; Scorpio is we and our stuff.
With inclusion of the other comes vulnerability, the prerequisite for
attaining intimacy. Vulnerability implies surrendering to another, which
can be terrifying. This is partly why this stage represents the fire that
purifies; it strips away defenses. Cinderella can no longer be satisfied
with merely attending the ball; now she must “dance with the one who
brung her.”
Most Scorpios cannot understand that other signs just don’t have it in
them to be so staunchly devoted. When others don’t measure up to
their standards, this loyal sign can feel betrayed. Whether those born to
this ardent archetype have truly been forsaken or not matters little; it’s
how they perceive the situation. Have a listen to the lyrics of Scorpios Neil
Young and Joni Mitchell. The pivotal keyword for Scorpio is betrayal.
They can feel the cut so deeply that they can become vengeful, for they
have so much on the line.
The challenge of being a Scorpio is fierce.
Pluto demands that they never betray another.
Scorpionic relationships take place upon an altar of white linen.
Now, it’s easy to see the predicaments in which Libra and Scorpio find
themselves. What if their partner changes, no longer feels the same, or
leaves? Libra can find itself holding the emotional bag: empty, with an
incomplete identity. Scorpio, with its very sense of worth jeopardized,
can find it extremely difficult to let go and often tries to manipulate the
partner back into their web.
Once a Scorpio man called me to “put me in my place” after I had given

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

a reading to a woman he had dated a few times. She told me how she
had just ended their so-called relationship and I was helping her to make
sense of why the partnership didn’t work out between them. Still busy
spinning his web, he said to me, “She thinks she’s broken up with me.”

I cannot tell you how difficult it is for someone who is ending a

relationship with another who has strong Scorpio or Plutonian qualities.
The other may not even be a Scorpio Sun sign; it can be someone with
strong Scorpionic traits in the rest of their natal chart. The willpower
emanating from the Scorpion is often experienced as a strong cord of
attachment to the soul of another (who usually has weaker willpower).
This is clearly related to the Scorpio nature of being “fixed water.” Water
(emotion) in its fixed state is ice. If you ever find yourself in the disfavor
of their shadow side, you may feel that they are oblivious to your very
existence—on purpose. You no longer rate.

When we dig deep (a Scorpio phrase), we find that the key to

understanding this sign is the planet Pluto. The farthest of the
commonly agreed-upon planets, Pluto is relatively tiny, exceedingly
frigid and keeps an eye on the entire solar system. From its distant
perch, Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio with a very firm grip. Just as we
temper steel, subjecting it to purifying fires, Pluto mercilessly impels us
to face our flaws and find the courage to exorcise them. It continually
challenges its subjects by questioning the purity of their own motivations.
Why? To be dedicated, one must be sure of another’s intentions.

And this is precisely why they question yours. No wonder they are known
for being suspicious; they’re suspicious of themselves!

From cold and distant regions

Pluto watches from afar
Hearts cannot escape
This crucible’s czar

Shy from its temper of steel

Dare to avoid its black gaze
And keep yourself caged
In a timorous maze

The Exquisite Zodiac

One thing that separates some Scorpio-types from others is the degree
to which they project Pluto pressures onto others. What a tortuous world
they can end up in if they project their nearly impossible expectations
upon others. The tests that go on during this critical phase are, by
their very nature, “life or death.” Just as an adult accepts the heavy
responsibilities of marriage and building a family, this eighth stage starts
to take life much more seriously. The bar has suddenly been raised high.
We now see the enormity of our incarnation and its significance. From
this point on, the zodiacal sojourn is not for the faint of heart.

The definitive question that makes or breaks this archetype is: how
much, if any, self-loathing do they harbor? The more intolerant they are of
themselves, the more intolerant they are of others. How can one filled
with self-hatred be otherwise? On the other hand, if they treat themselves
with compassion, their soul can radiate a genuinely pure and indomitable
character that is rarely equaled, like a precious diamond. If Scorps can
harness and channel these turbulent impulses, they can do wonders.

Pluto and Scorpio are representative of the essential principle of “death

and rebirth.” In their world, the weak must perish. In nature, only the
strong survive, and it’s Pluto’s job to expedite the process of decay so
that rebirth may get underway. Someone has to do the dirty work and
that job falls on them. Even though this may seem harsh and cold, Pluto
and Scorpio do what is necessary for the evolution and survival of the
species. They’re the undertakers of the zodiac.

The penetrating gaze of the Scorpio artist Pablo Picasso exemplifies

this soulfulness. As his artistic vision evolved, he didn’t simply change
canvasses, he felt compelled to destroy his prior creations. To him,
his previous work lacked insight, represented weakness and had
to be expunged. This cathartic compulsion is emblematic of the
transformative archetype of Scorpio; thus, we see why the zodiac’s most
resolute sign is the sign of resurrection, the phoenix rising from the
ashes. Never count out Scorpio!

Scorpio’s realm lies beneath the surface, ruling such things as mining,
psychology, death and dying, and the primordial. Nothing escapes

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

their gaze. It is quite common for a Scorpionic person to “look right

through you” just as they look right through themselves. With Pluto as
their ruler, what else can they do? Impurities do not escape Scorpio’s
vision. Many people are flat-out uncomfortable in the very presence of a
darker Scorpio who doesn’t even have to utter a word; their disquieting
vibration is simply felt. This is not the place to even think about hiding
your agenda. If you don’t intend to take the game seriously, then don’t
play; that’s Scorpio.

We can see how the relationship signs hold many perplexing

conundrums. Libra’s is that while the Scales want to remain balanced,
they can become paralyzed, unable to lean far in either direction.
Scorpio’s is that to achieve the intimacy they desire, the openness they
fear is a prerequisite. Yet, vulnerability threatens their very security,
which can mire this sign in a lose-lose situation. On the other hand, the
shadow side of this archetype can be quite pitiless toward themselves
and others: “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!” Successful Scorpios
can resolve this dilemma by showing more self-compassion.

Evolving man is not only toughening up but is now ready to wield its
power. Scorpio is getting smarter. Knowledge is power and power is
Scorpio’s middle name. Whether it is used to dominate others or for
a higher purpose is largely up to them. It is not uncommon for those
with charts permeated with the Scorpio archetype to be predisposed
to relationships in which power is not equally shared. The pure
passion of Scorpion energies can easily lead to domination over
the other.

Dominating or being dominated are both indicators of low-esteem.

The act of surrendering the self opens the door to true relationships;
unhealthy codependency and submission/domination can only
be avoided if each partner has a strong sense of self. “Getting lost in
another” is part and parcel of falling in love but not to the point where
one usurps the other’s psyche. Remember, Scorpio’s opposite sign of
Taurus is strongly attached to what they have. In the “we” half of the
zodiac, Scorpio can become totally preoccupied with owning their

The Exquisite Zodiac

partner—a perilous obsession. This explains why they are frequently

paranoid, possessive and jealous and can use sexual manipulation
towards this end. It’s often a battle of wills.
No sign has willpower that even comes close to matching Scorpio’s.
Because of their fixed nature, it’s very difficult for them to relinquish a
relationship that is dying. On the plus side, Scorpios are one hundred
percent dedicated to those they love; they will accept nothing less
from themselves.
Those with strong Pluto/Scorpio traits in their charts can barely contain
their penetrating gaze. What they love, they idolize; what they hate,
they despise. There is no middle ground. Therefore, we see an intrinsic
difficulty with this stage of the zodiac. With a tendency towards such
dramatically polarized feelings, it is challenging to remain in touch
with life’s subtleties and lightness. In this way, Scorpio shares
characteristics with the sign Virgo. Virgo separates the wheat from the
chaff but Scorpio judges whether or not an object even has a right to
exist! To Virgo, weakness is to be frowned upon but tolerated; to Scorpio,
it is to be destroyed, perhaps even turned to ashes. Both signs share an
unequivocal purity of purpose. Scorpio is adamant about their purity of
intention and convictions from which their beauty and courage emanate.
I have found that those with a preponderance of Scorpio markers in
their chart find it difficult to overcome their shadow side. Conversely,
many a weaker Sun sign can have their birth chart totally altered, if not
salvaged, with a dose of Scorpio or Pluto energy. Some charts need that
added oomph.
Many Scorps represent the impeccable side of the human race. Known
for their courage, they can achieve great heights: General George Patton,
President Theodore Roosevelt, Madame Curie, Walter Cronkite, Dr. Jonas
Salk, Bill Gates, Will Rogers, Rev. Billy Graham, Indira Gandhi and Robert
Kennedy. Talk about responsibility; Scorpio shoulders life’s burdens like
few others. Don’t tell them to lighten up, back off or let it slide. That’s just
not in their nature.
In the signs of Libra and Scorpio, man has been tested in his ability to
relate to others. Whether this growing entity has become consumed by

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

self-loathing or has learned self-forgiveness is the crux of the matter. Only

when one’s inner demons have been conquered can that person join
with another in a healthy fashion. Successful completion of this stage is
crucial to the progress of the developing self. Having survived this acid
test, evolving man is stronger, more resilient and self-possessed. Now, we
prepare ourselves for a broader experience.
Intimacy is possible because of Scorpio; integrity finds us and, as a
result, our arrow’s aim is truer. Great reverence is reserved for the
integrity of this unwavering sign. For the final time, we rise from the
ashes and bank toward the unbounded skies of Sagittarius.
“Confession is always weakness.
The grave soul keeps its own secrets,
and takes its own punishment in silence.”
—Dorothy Dix

The Exquisite Zodiac

Sagittarius: Between a Rock and a Hot Place

The Archer’s high trajectory transcends the emotional sweat lodge of
Scorpio, where we surely paid our dues. Sagittarius, the last sign of the
relationship quadrant, has graduated from personal relationships and
now sets its sights on camaraderie. It extends its reach and joins hands
with those around the world. The prolonged pain of purification during
the Scorpio experience results in this fire sign, Sagittarius, wanting to
have fun and not take life so seriously.

This free-spirited sign presents us with a dramatic change from Scorpio.

These natives are optimistic, carefree and expressive. They absolutely
abhor downbeats and suppression of any kind. Thus, they are commonly
known for being blunt and outspoken. Their strong need for honesty
sometimes leads them to behave as if “the end justifies the means” and
not always with the desired results. Sometimes, this not only finds them
with both shoes firmly planted in their mouths, it can get them into
loads of mischief, as well. This sign, along with Gemini and Pisces, knows
little of self-discipline: the beauty of Sag is its unfettered enthusiasm.

Most people love being around fun-loving Sagittarians, personified

by celebrities such as Bette Midler, Jon Stewart and Ben Stiller. Their
enthusiasm is simply contagious. The epitome of Sagittarians, Walt
Disney reached out to all people. Representing the idealistic Archer,
his broad vision of the world was unparalleled. He invited all to come
and have fun! His image is permanently etched in our minds: arms
outstretched in front of his Magic Kingdom, sparking our imagination
with cascading fireworks. He exemplified the archetypal essence of this
“mutable fire” sign.

The Archer’s motto is, “If it isn’t fun, I’m just not going to do it!” This
devil-may-care attitude can verge on flippancy. It’s simply not in their
nature to burden themselves in any way. This is an all-too-common
characteristic of this sign. Quite capricious, the fun one often wonders,
“Why can’t other signs simply chill out? Why do they have to take
everything so seriously?”

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Take the example of a balloon, a colorful symbol of gaiety. Now,

equate Scorpio with the growing intensity of air pressure in the
expanding balloon, and Sagittarius with the release that takes place as
the balloon pops or ricochets wildly around the room. It’s not intended
for a destination.

Like a bat out of hell, Sagittarius just wants

to escape the heat of Scorpio’s kitchen.

Sag has the least down side of any of the zodiacal dozen. Known for
being lucky, they commonly come away from trouble unscathed,
always landing on their feet. Certainly Bugs Bunny was the epitome of
this type of footloose, freewheeling energy. “What’s up, Doc?” What’s
up is that this big-mouthed, irreverent prankster gets away with just
about anything.

Sag has to expand its stomping grounds; they have to move on, as with
all the fire signs. Physically active, most of them love the outdoors and
many have a special fondness for horses. The Centaur’s dual symbolism
represents the lower half of the untamed wild horse, as well as the
higher dimension Sagittarians who are idealistic and aspiring. It’s no
wonder why Sagittarius rules the upper legs and thighs, as these are the
largest and most powerful muscles that thrust our bodies forward.

To Sag, “it’s all good!” Because of their bubbly, outgoing nature, they are
the salesmen of the zodiac, as well as the clowns: Harpo Marx, Woody
Allen, Ray Romano, Steve Buscemi and Richard Pryor. They’re naturals
when it comes to humor. This ninth sign is gung-ho about having a good
time. A great many of them say the word “fun” in every third or fourth
sentence—and why not? Caught between a rock (Capricorn) and a
hot place (Scorpio), this happy harlequin reaches for new heights as it
unconsciously prepares the way for the Goat to ascend the mountain
regions of the zodiac and the summit of Mt. Capricorn.

American astrologer Stephen Arroyo calls Sagittarius “the source of self-

confidence.” How apropos. When we encounter the Sagittarian ruling
planet, Jupiter, we often sense a swelling of our self-worth, a feeling

The Exquisite Zodiac

of assuredness and an overall air of well being and lightness. Socialite

Jupiter gives us great confidence as we mix with others. (You only have
to stare in wonder at how Jupiter’s brilliance outshines all other stars
in the night sky in order to get a sense of this confidence.) The solar
system’s largest planet brings us benevolence and cheer. Sag/Jupiter is
that burgeoning knowing that we get just before we roll a seven in Vegas.
It’s that irrepressible energy that we conjure when we do the wave at the
stadium; it’s a rally cap. It’s the natural, ebullient, childlike faith we have
in life itself, a positive attitude.

However, Sag’s bed of roses can also be thorny. For some reason, similar
to Gemini, Sag likes to poke fun at others and sometimes their verbal
barbs can penetrate deeply. Both archetypes can objectify others and
then backpedal, insisting that no harm was intended. Many times,
though, harm was done. Just like its opposite sign of Gemini, Sag has
a dual (although not as polarized) nature. Both signs are often uneasy
when held accountable for their actions; however, fire is spirit, and true
spirit usually acts without malice. Fire not only warms, it can singe.

Sag sees their straightforwardness as acceptable, even laudable, for they

can’t stand dishonesty in any way. This sign is going to let you know
how they feel, period. They can’t keep their “truth” pent up; it will seep
out of their pores somehow. Sagittarius can really use a touch of milder
astrological energies to give them some much needed tact. A hearty slap
on the back doesn’t always make it better.

Some things, once said, can never be taken back.

The change that takes place from Scorpio to Sagittarius mirrors the
transition that took place from Taurus to Gemini. You’ll recall how growing
man was somewhat stuck in the status quo and stagnancy of Taurus
and then found flight in the sign of Gemini. In a very similar fashion,
Sagittarius simply must transcend the melodramatic emotion of Scorpio
in exchange for clear, unbounded skies. Next, just as Gemini plunges hard
into the watery seas of Cancer, Sagittarius smacks into Capricorn’s earthen
walls. Notice another interesting parallel with the Archer’s opposing sign
of Gemini: the Twins evade taking positions on just about everything, while

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Sag evades the intimacy that was so hard won in Scorpio! The closeness
that was once relentlessly pursued may now be experienced as suffocating,
and Sag can’t stand being stifled. In fact, no sign suffers more from cabin
fever. Gemini and Sag must be free to roam.

It is always important to draw the glyph of the Archer with its arrow
pointing upward. Sag is upbeat, light and open—unlike the dark,
mysterious Scorpio who dwells deep in murky waters, ever vigilant about
revealing itself. Hasn’t the “self” been cooked enough in the sign of
Scorpio? “Most certainly!” says Sag. This strange bedfellow is interjected
just before the disciplinarian Capricorn, the most stoic of all the twelve
signs. Sag lets it all hang out, and this leads the Centaur to its potential
pitfall. They mean well with their enthusiastic spirit; for example, they
eagerly volunteer for anything that sounds like fun but once they learn
how much heavy lifting is involved, they tend to split. When it comes to
accepting personal consequences, they tend to waffle. Consistently, we
have seen evolving man take on more and more responsibility yet this
loosey-goosey sign often recoils from accountability. This is exactly why
they have the reputation for promising and not delivering.

The myth of Sagittarius is that if they laugh it off, all will be okay.

I have an indelible vision of this carefree sign: a van with its doors wide
open. “Come on, get in! Bring your friends! The more the merrier!”
Many times, this gets them into a truckload of shenanigans, too. Excess
and waste are common after-effects that are associated with this sign.
Pre-Saturnian Sagittarius knows no limits, as it has not yet bowed to the
jurisdiction of Saturn and its frozen rings of containment.

Exactly why is this Centaur so high-spirited and restless? Is it because

they sense winter coming? I have had many Sag clients tell me, “I love to
travel. I’ll go anywhere. I just want to go somewhere.” (What they really
want is to escape the inner inquisition of Scorpio.) Many Sagittarians
simply can’t wrap their heads around the idea of working nine to five
in a dreary, stuffy office. In fact, those with an excessive Sagittarian
stamp really feel restricted in conventional relationships, which
they find unnecessarily limiting. Why can’t they enjoy a second person

The Exquisite Zodiac

or a third? It’s fun! Taking responsibility for their infidelities . . . well,

that’s another story.

Unfortunately and mistakenly, too many times Sag is simply looked at as

the court jester, when they have much more to offer. Most are voracious
readers and perennial students. They usually have a hard time deciding
on their major field of study because they are interested in so many
different fields; how can they choose just one? It is not their nature to
limit themselves.

The college experience itself is Sagittarian.

Further observation shows us just how Sagittarius and Capricorn,

ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, respectively, tell us much about our social
sensibilities. Sagittarius chafes at social restrictions, even though it
ironically rules governments and codes of ethics. Sagittarians are often
found proselytizing to others but don’t always walk their walk. They
often provide too much information! Show me someone with a great
interest in politics or government and usually you’ll find a strong theme
of the Jupiter/Sagittarian makeup in their natal chart. Even though
they are the zodiac’s most politically oriented sign, the advancing self
doesn’t accept this conformity until the next sign of Capricorn.

Why does Sag’s visionary arrow tilt upward? It’s telling mankind, “We
can make it to the top! We can do this!” Sag is the cheerleader of
the zodiac. It’s the energy we summon from within when we need to
give ourselves a pep talk. This uplifting archetype appears at critical
junctures: Sagittarian Winston Churchill’s words of encouragement had
an overwhelmingly heartening effect upon the British during World
War II. I’m sure that the Chileans caught in the 2010 mine collapse
exemplified this Jovian (Jupiterian) archetype. By keeping their morale
high and their sense of humor intact, they greatly increased their odds
for a successful rescue.

Sagittarian’s vista is global and rules a wide field of activities: education,

government, law, travel, broadcasting, and political and social causes.
Sag is one big sign, just as Jupiter is the solar system’s largest planet.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Jupiter just smiles

At life’s broken toys
Its humor restores
With faith and with joy
It wears its red spot
Like a dimple not a scar
A playful reminder
That to the planets, it’s a star

“Big” doesn’t always mean “better,” however. It is clear that all three
fire signs can have quite a reputation for exaggeration. One of Sag’s
shadow traits is disingenuousness. Due to their zeal, they can get
caught up in the spirit of the moment and are left defending their own
confabulation. These tendencies come from avoiding life’s intricacies,
which can also cause them to gloss over life’s nuances; they paint life
in broad strokes. Sagittarius often goes off half-cocked, not equipped
with all the facts. The opposite side of the zodiac holds their answer:
Gemini and its informed, factual nature. Self-fascination comes with the
sign of the Twins, who are so intrigued with how the mind works. In its
reflective half, Sagittarius is enthralled with how all of our minds work,
our beliefs and overall philosophies.

As you may have guessed by now, Sagittarius can be confounding.

Why do both Gemini and Sagittarius tend to have biting tongues?
Like Hendrix’s big bang guitar riffs that explode and then dissipate
into vapor trails, Sag expounds its social truths and ethics but finds it
hard to track their own arrows. Jim Morrison often showed up late and
inebriated for performances with The Doors.

We’ve come all the way to the ninth stage of the zodiac and yet we find
this larger-than-life sign recklessly scrambling out from between a rock
and a hot place. Is Sag just looking to escape its duties? How could his
all have come about at this rather “advanced” stage of man’s evolution?

It had to happen. It’s all part of the zodiac’s exquisite intelligence.

Sagittarius is the buffer between Scorpio and Capricorn. One of the

The Exquisite Zodiac

twelve signs has to express life’s vastness and Sag can’t do so with the
heavy obligations that belong to each of its neighbors. Sag is not meant
to be a constant flame; its job, like a sparkler, is to excite.

How could it be possible to go from Scorpio to Capricorn

without letting off some steam, some comic relief?

Along the creative path, to indulge or analyze kills the creative flow.
Our accomplishments matter far less than the spirit of the effort.
Are we enjoying the journey? Are we having fun? Sagittarians teach
us this. We’re captives of the past until the joker’s magic breaks the
spell. Through humor and release we shatter old conceptual
frameworks, replacing them with ones that are more robust and beyond
our wildest dreams.

The ninth stage of the zodiac is not the place for rules and consistency.
It’s much more important now that man foregoes the old worn path in
order to explore new territory. It’s time for Sag to fuel its fire without
considering the aftermath. How could this sign deliver on all of its
promises without cramping its style? It simply can’t be done.

As mentioned already, no sign can do it all. The zodiac weaves its

way through a perfect circle, not a straight line. When we graduate
from Scorpio, we stop fixating on the self, and in the vivacious sign
of Sagittarius, intolerance comes to an end. With the loss of self-
absorption, intolerance of others disappears, for what is intolerance
other than projection? Sag is big and it takes on a lot; it takes on the
whole world, literally. It is consumed with fire and re-enthuses all of us
for the final ascent to the summit. Consistency is saved for the tough
old Goat coming next. The Archer means well because it epitomizes
optimism—and without this spirit for life, we’d all curl up and die.

Because of this explorer emeritus, our world has become unimaginably

vast and vital. Because we are now educated and our associations
now extend beyond our immediate circle, we have each become
bigger. The transition has taken place from the personal to the social to
the collective.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

With Sag, the section of the zodiac pertaining to relationships is now

concluded and we are ready to enter the final quadrant, where our
intentions reach to the edges of the world and beyond, and where the
collective lives.

Because of this iridescent fire sign, evolving man has wandered off and
found himself matriculating at the school of life. He is now poised to
secure a prestigious social position in the sign of Capricorn. Thanks to
hopeful, jubilant Sagittarius, we have regained our momentum.

Many years ago, my extended family and I were enjoying a picnic

together. In the cool of the evening, we started to capture lightning bugs
in glass jars that had holes punched into their metal lids. Excitedly, I ran
up a nearby hill with my three-year-old nephew. I was panting and he
was having a blast. We paused under a tree at the top of the hill and had
a Sag moment.

“Uncle Rick!” he exclaimed.

“Yes,” I replied.

Having fun and not even knowing why, he whispered quietly to me:
“What are we doin?”

The Exquisite Zodiac

Capricorn: Are You Sure?

Find a decent job and work hard, get married and have 2.1 children,
buy a beautiful home in a safe neighborhood, drive your SUV with side
air bags, color insides the lines at all times . . . and you’ll be okay.

That’s the Capricorn myth. As we continue our sojourn through the

“other-oriented” half of the astrological wheel, we arrive at the zenith
of the zodiac, the first stage that willingly sacrifices itself for the whole.

This sign sits on top symbolizing the pinnacle of social hierarchy.

Former heavyweight boxer Mohammed Ali used to boast, “I am
the greatest!” Known not only for his pugilistic prowess, he was also
regarded for using his Capricornian command, power and prestige to
influence humanitarian causes. The pure archetype underlying this
sign is entrusted with this principal position because it’s now willing to
take on the responsibilities that come with the territory. Think of Martin
Luther King, Ben Franklin, Edgar Allen Poe, Denzel Washington,
J. R. R. Tolkein, Michelle Obama, Stephen Hawking and Kahlil Gibran.

A very ambitious sign, it claims the head seat at the corporate board
meeting and has the traditional gold name plate on the front of the
desk. They take their station seriously (and just about everything else,
too). Even so, Capricorn probably has one of the worst reputations in
the zodiac because they’re thought of as being rigid and pessimistic.
Much of this is ill-founded and certainly not deserved because this sign
voluntarily takes on the weight of the world.

At the pure archetypal level, the final signs are the epitome of being
truly “other-oriented.” This last quadrant is purely about the “collective
mind”—the minds and hearts of all of us combined. When it comes to the
stages of man, these are the “elders.” Capricornian, Aquarian and Piscean
babies often seem like old souls. Universal consciousness is broadest in
this concluding quadrant.

Due to their adverse reaction to the carelessness of Sagittarius, Capricorn

is imbued with a great sense of stewardship and attentiveness. Sagittarius

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

made the mess and Capricorn comes in to clean it up. Being an earth sign
makes this archetype quite practical, and belonging to the cardinal mode
invests them with the thrust of natural-born leaders. They are probably
the most conventional and pragmatic of all the twelve; the model they
provide is a prudent one. Many obstacles had to be overcome during
the previous nine developmental stages of cosmic man in order for us to
emerge here at the summit.

Duty and responsibility are deeply embedded Capricorn characteristics.

There’s no reason to question the acceptance of consequences here;
responsibility is Capricorn’s middle name (maybe even its first). Social
position is everything to this respectful archetype. Keeping the opposite
sign in mind, remember that Cancer makes its home within the nuclear
family; with Capricorn, it’s about the “family of man.”

In its natural state, the mountain goat must be cautious and watch each
step. The Goat is a sure-footed animal but surprisingly flirts with disaster,
treading close to the edge. (Look at the life of President Richard Nixon
as an example of how far some can fall.)

Capricorn is the initial sign of the last quadrant, the quarter of the
zodiac pertaining to the collective, or the world and beyond. In this pivotal
stage, the wise old man gains the title of emeritus. And the best way to
achieve and preserve this stature (at least he thinks so) is to do what
he is supposed to do: follow the rules. Very similar to the sign of Virgo,
Capricorn behaves in an obeisant manner while Virgo does what is
right—there is a difference. Capricorn does what is best to comply with
the accepted social norms and is always keenly sensitive to the social

The tried and true is the path of the Goat; leave the wild adventuring
and pioneering to Aries, Sag and Aquarius. The careful, step-by-step
gait is what allows Capricorn to consistently climb the corporate
ladder; they know how to play the game. Don’t challenge this sign to a
game of paintball; they play strategically and know how to use nearby
structures in their environment to their advantage. They don’t take
risks; however, Capricorn often falls short when they have to improvise

The Exquisite Zodiac

or think outside the box. Many Goats fall flat on their beards. It is often
painful to watch a Capricorn waiver when they learn that they are free
to do what they want. Some birds won’t leave their cages even though
the door has been left wide open. More than a few Caps have no idea
how to be spontaneous. (Ironically, these effervescent qualities were just
hard won in Sagittarius.) Capricorn often settles for less in life because
they play it too safe. The Capricorn makeup is ill at ease with jazzy,
impromptu improvisations. Just picture a monocled British businessman
corkscrewing his moustache and saying, “Why, that Sagittarian chap is
simply out of control!”

At this critical evolutionary moment, the entity starts to address needs

beyond its comfort zone. For the gears of any social machine to turn
smoothly and run effectively, all of the cogs must be perfectly calibrated.
That’s why things run like clockwork with Capricorn; the zodiac’s Father
sees the bigger picture. Capricorns attune to the needs of the society as they
heroically sacrifice their individuality for a higher cause (and hardly
ever get any credit). Ironically, we find that aristocratic Capricorn is a
well-meaning Socialist. What a predicament!

Nevertheless, Capricorn is vigilant about the functioning of society as a

whole; thus, the tendency towards regulation. Traffic lights must have
been invented by a Capricorn; we can’t all have a green light at the
same time, can we, Aries? Many goats are appropriately cast as ultra-
conservative, overly traditional and even stoical; therefore, they give
great effort to adhering to social norms and are adamant about being
seen as inculpable and innocent.

Capricorns try so hard to do things “properly.”

Well then, just what is “proper” other than an agreed upon set of
standards? In reality, there are no standards by which to live yet behaving
properly is inherent to the archetype of Capricorn. (Put that in your
government-issued pipe and try to light it!) All consensus standards
are malleable and are coined by an ever-changing larger whole. I recall
many times asking my Italian immigrant father, a Capricorn himself,
“Dad, how do you want to do this?” He’d always reply with his thick
accent, “How you spose ta do it?”
The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

The odds of being so punctilious increase if the person’s chart has

multiple planets in Capricorn or major planetary aspects to Saturn.
Capricorn is the disciplinarian as well as the judge. The most common
planetary placement I see in the charts of successful people is a
strategically placed Saturn. Why is this so? Because you aren’t going to
get far in life unless you have some type of self-command, some stick-to-
it-ness. Many times, the reason why a Saturnine personality succeeds is
that the ringed mammoth is such a pain in the posterior that it simply
frustrates us into action.

Saturn frets and worries

So the others can be
However they choose
To see what they see

Now, does not the mother

Get the credit for cheer
While the father makes sure
That the child knows no fear?

The Capricornian constitution is founded on two simple words: make

sure. What was once just a thought is brought into form in the sign of
Capricorn. It is their sole duty to materialize, crystallize and consolidate
whatever they touch.

When you need a job to get done, give it to a Capricorn.

Caps will deliver the goods, as they are heads and tails above any other
sign when it comes to dependability. Granted, Virgos may be the most
efficient and capable but Capricorn will stay up all night, sweating
profusely to make sure that the project gets completed. Therein lies
the rub. Many call Saturn the taskmaster but Saturn doesn’t tie us up
with chains and handcuffs; it does so with fear. Fear of what? Fear of a
task falling through the cracks or being done haphazardly. When the
Capricornian brickmaker has made his brick perfectly to standard, the
time has come to let it dry. No more sweating and fussing will help. That
is the very challenge for this mountain climber: trusting and letting go.

The Exquisite Zodiac

The natural inclination of a Goat, raised amidst the crags of a mountain

peak, is to not let go.

Another common issue for the Capricorn and Saturnian archetypes is

what to do when a fork is encountered in the road. Let’s say the Goat
starts down the left path. It is all too common for this archetype to sweat
each step taken because, if he is wrong, look how far he has to backtrack
to get on the “right” path. It would be the same, of course, if he had first
chosen the fork to the right. This stymies many Goats at the onset of
their journey, before they can even get on track. To their dismay, there
just aren’t any guarantees.

Quite commonly, Capricorns freeze at this point and become paralyzed.

Saturnian issues are among the most immobilizing and life-challenging

in astrology. Why? Because of fear of the unknown. Most of us are
uncomfortable with uncertainty but in a larger context, control is a
myth and taking risks is unavoidable. There is a great misunderstanding
about Capricorn and Saturn: Capricorn isn’t obsessed about being
in control; rather, it has a great fear of situations getting out of hand.
There’s a difference.

You can’t control life’s stream. Surely, you can try to influence its
direction but you cannot take definitive charge over every droplet of
water. It is absolutely impossible to guarantee the path that your life will
take. The answer to Saturnian problems is to do your best to flow with
the current and guide your boat’s general direction. That is within your
purview and will greatly decrease your stress level. Before you know it,
you will have probably arrived at your destination all in one piece, safe
and sound. I always tell Capricorns:

Be careful to not be too careful.

Capricorn clients often ask me how to go with the flow. I tell them,
“If you have to ask, you’re not going with the flow.” When I tell them
that there is no “how to” manual for life, I really don’t think they
believe me! Going with the flow is diametrically opposed to Saturn/
Capricorn’s nature. The Goat’s gingerly way of moving even applies

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

to children. Capricornian children are known for being well behaved

and instinctively following rules. They are a serious lot well before their
first birthday. As they grow older, they start to rebel against their own
worrisome nature and many of them tend to loosen up as they age.

Many times when we ask our elders what they might have done
differently if they could turn back the hands of time, they say, “I
wouldn’t have been so cautious,” or “I would have taken more risks.”
These regrets are all too common when we allow Saturn (Capricorn’s
ruling planet) to wrap its icy rings around us too tightly.

This cautious tendency toward conformity and conventionality can

often bring about perfunctory, hollow relationships. Yes, married
people are supposed to “honor and obey” but you can do all the things
that a spouse should do and still not have marital bliss. Many a Cap find
themselves in distress later in life if they have not developed flexibility
along the way and have ignored their inner promptings. Just because
they have up-to-date memberships at the country club and are listed in
Who’s Who matters little in the overall scheme of things. Individuality is
sacrificed when one conforms to the macrocosm.

Just as the family is everything to the Cancerian archetype, Capricorn’s

central need is also to belong; this emotionally challenged sign needs its
nest, too, only this time it’s their corner office and not necessarily the
family unit.

No sign feels the pain of ostracism from the tribe more than Capricorn.

Each zodiacal stage has its imperative: to complete the next level of
growth according to the cosmic blueprint. Because of this rugged sign,
we are granted stamina and a sense of behaving, or what The Buddha
called right action in his teachings of the Noble Eightfold Path. This
responsible way of being is necessary, not a penance. It may sound old-
fashioned in these modern times but one could call Capricorns model
citizens. (Decency is a quality that is sorely missing in today’s world.)
That’s the Capricorn archetype, the Hierophant (the rigid dogmatic
judge) of the Tarot deck. Do you see why the wary Cancer archetype is
traditionally paired up with this prudent patriarchal sign?

The Exquisite Zodiac

So, that is Capricorn: the cranky, conservative, careful cuss. Other signs
have more flair and daring. Other signs may be smarter and warmer
and more energetic but no sign is more dependable and reliable, or
takes you as seriously as you take yourself. Capricorn is respectful and
reverent. There is an innate grandeur about their stately manner. Sir
Frodo Baggins of The Lord of the Rings was entrusted to carry the ring
because he was the perfect archetype of Capricorn.

There is a beauty to Capricorn’s allegiance and sense of duty, too. They

are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the rest of us wayward
souls. The Goat is constantly underestimated because it’s so low key.
Plenty of Caps have an earthy and dry sense of humor: Jim Carrey,
Betty White and Andy Rooney; however, Capricorn doesn’t take life
for granted. It was fun and games in the sign of Sagittarius but things
have changed; now, its focus is on how we all live together. Its nature
is to establish institutions and social structures that serve mankind. It
prepares the soul for liftoff in the final two stages.

When you’re in real trouble and you need someone to come through
for you and bail you out, where do you go? You go to the venerated
Godfather: Capricorn. So, what has it gotten the Goat who is now seated
on the throne of the zodiac? He is at the top yet the roughest terrain
and greatest challenges still lie ahead, as with the Hobbits on Mt. Doom.
Even so, this triumph is only fleeting, like all victories. Being on top is
just another moment. It was an illusion all along that lured us to the
pinnacle; it was the Sagittarian quest for the apogee itself that held the
intrigue. Once again, we prove that it’s the journey that really matters,
not the destination. If the mastery of this stage is not put into proper
perspective but instead mistakenly seen as the ultimate goal itself, it
would be all downhill from here, would it not? The ego cannot afford to
fall from such a height.

What are we really discovering once we open the door to the world
beyond? There is only a split second when we are at the very top of the
wheel, the moment when the noble Archer genuflects and passes its

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

torch to Capricorn. During that moment, fire touches earth for the last
time and infuses Mother Gaia with the Holy Spirit.

At this point, our climb is over.

In that fraction of a second, evolving man takes his focus and shifts from
the self to the All. What a big change, indeed. Capricorn can relish
its time on top, if it wishes but why doesn’t the zodiac end here? The
answer is that the top of the world is not really the goal. Your Gold Card
is no good in heaven.

The seat at the apex of the zodiacal wheel is a very special point of
culmination for each of us but it must be relinquished because that’s the
nature of this game. Our individual achievements can only take us so
high. On its way back down, as you will see in the next chapter, Aquarius
claims the bounty for all. There comes a time when the horn of plenty
must be shared in Aquarius and ultimately sacrificed in Pisces. We have
two more rounds to go in this exquisite wheel.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aquarius: Enigma and Anomaly

“You blew it!” says the eleventh sign of Aquarius to its predecessor.

“What do you mean?” Capricorn replies.

“You had it made,” Aquarius explains. “You were on top of the world.
You had achieved everything but you conformed to such a degree that
you lost your very identity. You blew it!”

Thus we begin the sign of Aquarius with its major emphasis on restoring
and furthering our sense of uniqueness. Aquarius stands atop the
successful shoulders of Capricorn. From this lofty position, the Water
Bearer is able to view the broad vista of life, the highest dimension of
the mind. Capricorn needed to adhere to social structures in order
to establish and advance itself. Now, Aquarius realizes that to attain
the summit while having disowned the self yields quite an empty
victory, indeed.

Individual and equal rights are essential to Aquarians. It’s obvious to see
that Capricorn’s need for the conventional is in direct contrast to the
Aquarian need for the unconventional—“inside the box” versus “outside
the box.” Autonomy and innovative thinking are Aquarius’ comfort zone.
This is the sign of the inventor, the genius, the true visionary. Aquarians
are, as a rule, decades ahead of their time: Thomas Edison, Federico
Fellini, Jack Nicklaus, Wolfgang Mozart, FDR, James Joyce, Helen
Gurley Brown, Jackie Robinson, Oprah Winfrey, and also Abraham
Lincoln and Charles Darwin, who were born on the same day and year.

Like a thunderbolt, the Aquarian archetype explodes out of the status

quo of Capricorn and shockingly gives us new freedom and higher
insights. As father time (Saturn) catches up with all things, what was
once Aquarian or new will eventually stagnate and grow old. With a
Uranian renewal (the planetary ruler of Aquarius,) we start the cycle all
over again. This dance of old-new-old-new goes on endlessly.

In my astrology practice, the most common ailment amongst my clients

is that they hang onto their old habits and behavior patterns even when

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

they have become outdated, ineffective and even toxic. Capricorn/

Saturn coalesces and consolidates. Aquarius breaks the stalemate of the
status quo and takes us to the next cutting edge; thus, the Aquarian
reputation for being the radical and the rebel. The Water Bearer
splashes water in our faces to awaken us.

Gemini, the first air sign, explores the possibility of thought and
communication, as well as how the mind works. Libra, the second air sign,
is keenly attuned to social thinking. Now in our final air sign, Aquarius
reaches for the highest dimension of thought: the vast perplexing
states of paradox itself, the domain of contradictions and polarities.
Aquarius – Contrarius. Ruled by the planet Uranus and co-ruled by
Saturn, Aquarius is a recalcitrant archetype, very unpredictable. One
cannot have free will yet remain predictable. It is up to the individual
whether their degree of contrariness results in a disruptive, disagreeable
demeanor or blesses them with a healthy, tolerant perspective on life.
If a person exhibits qualities such as genius, inventiveness, great self-
independence and common flashes of brilliance, they certainly have
strong Aquarian traits in their chart or key aspects to the planet Uranus.
This strange bird of Uranus
Rolls on its side and has us perplexed
What’s up and what’s down
What’s bygone and what’s next

Its largesse is quite broad

Connecting all that we see
Often stumbling alone
Not fusing, not free

Let’s zoom in closer to pin down the source from where these Aquarian
traits of future vision and idealism originate. Aquarius is a “fixed
air” sign, meaning that those with this archetype in their charts have
highly concentrated minds. They organize their thoughts into one
huge correlated mental matrix. This is why they constantly are on the
lookout for opposite extremes and apparent contradictions. In this
way, they broaden their world of perception and include all ideas.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Nothing is verboten to Aquarius. Above all, they seek the ramifications of

any two ideas.

Given this and given that, Aquarius says,

“Do you realize what that means?”

Whether it’s solving a riddle or contemplating the koan about the sound
of one hand clapping, Aquarius lives at the apparent contradiction.
Wisdom consistently reveals how two extremes are not opposites but
two sides of the same coin. While most of us are imprisoned within our
own imaginary quagmires, contrasting between this or that, Aquarius
naturally resolves conflicts by consolidating both this and that. By way of
example, a knife is quite an essential instrument used during surgery,
and that very same knife is not what you want to see wielded against you
in a dark alley.

Welcome to the land of the higher mind—Aquarius—where polarities

start to blend in order for all of us to see the bigger picture—thus, the
maddening-liberating state of the Water Bearer. (It’s actually an air sign
even though it has “aqua” in its name.) They are friendly but aloof,
conservative yet liberal, broad minded yet mentally rigid (fixed). They
want a relationship but fear for their freedom. It is commonly said of
this sign that “they love mankind; it’s people they can’t stand.”

This archetypal domain is laden with conundrums and transgressions

against the norm. Why is this so? Their need is to expand beyond the
three-dimensional, Newtonian world of duality and predictability—
theirs is the perplexing, irrational realm of Heisenberg and quantum
mechanics—where one thing can be in two places at once. Alice surely
found Aquarian terrain when she discovered Wonderland through the
rabbit hole.

If Capricorn can be symbolized by a skyscraper, then Aquarius is best

matched to a geodesic dome. Instead of a monolith towering above
the “commoners,” the dome is made up of all equal parts and offers
collective strength. Its inherent shape provides a broader shelter as
stresses are shouldered equally.

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Aquarius brings us a broader home than Cancer did earlier; it is the

domain of all nations. To Aquarius, there is no limited horizon. They
treat their children more like friends than possessions or ego-extensions.
Equality is a given, not a goal. The Water Bearer generously spreads its
life-giving elixir liberally to all the world.
“Groupthink” . . . that’s Aquarius.
Imbued with scholarly obsessions, their great preoccupation is to
research and unify the giant mental puzzle. (Yes, Albert Einstein’s chart
was dominated by the planet Uranus.) They have a pure attraction to
and quest for ideas and ideals—the beauty and symmetry of cerebral
cohesion. Continuing the theme of sacrifice, which began in Capricorn,
Aquarius goes one better. Because of their love of humanity and the
earth, they are by extension concerned about all things environmental.
These natives have been collectively drumming their fingers for more
than forty years waiting for the rest of us to finally address alternative
energy sources. They can be found getting involved in grassroots
campaigns, collective efforts and think tanks. They invented Sci-Fi (Jules
Verne was Aquarian) and envisioned space travel before Sputnik; they
long ago tired of warring as they dreamt of utopia—a theme that many
of us sadly label as naïve or Pollyannaish.
Aquarians want to keep us from blowing up our only planet!
Since they are no longer plagued by interpersonal issues
(relatively speaking), the Aquarian archetype does not need
the assent or blessings of others. Their constitution is mentally
and emotionally self-sufficient. This allows them to appreciate
uniqueness in others and engenders the tolerance they have for
all people.
Although Piscean, the late Fred Rogers of TV’s Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
gave such a consistent Uranian message to our young and old alike: “You
are special and there is no one like you!” This genteel and quiet-spoken
man may have sounded corny to some but the impact of his Aquarian
message still resonates across the generations. The basic precepts of the
world’s great religions are that we get along, not judge each other, and

The Exquisite Zodiac

have tolerance and treat our neighbors as ourselves. These are all major
Aquarian tenets. And if our iconic Statue of Liberty symbolizes any sign,
it’s Aquarius. Man’s focus is now eclipsing individual needs. This is the
sign that is the advocate for planet earth and all of its residents.
This complicated sign is consistently taken for granted. A remarkable
quality about Aquarians is their unconditional loyalty to others. We
commonly lament just how hard it is to find a loyal friend. Theirs is the
sign of true friendship, a term we glibly toss about. On the archetypal
level, one way of putting it is that the preceding ten stages have had
strings attached to their motivations. Aquarians are not looking for
something in exchange for their allegiance other than friendship.
The Water Bearer’s fondness of camaraderie is not like Cancer,
who absorbs the warmth and comfort of the group; nor is it like the
confirmation of one’s identity sought by Librans and Capricorns.
Aquarius is the group. It is the common heartbeat. The relative stage of
the soul has made a quantum leap in this penultimate sign, the highest
potential of individuality as a self.
It’s quite Aquarian to hang out with people of varying ages. Younger or
older, this sign sees the humanity in everyone and revels in the diversity
across all cultures, races, ages and genders. They see other people as
their brothers and sisters across this beautiful blue orb. While receiving
respect is paramount for the sign of Leo, in this opposite sign of
Aquarius, respect is something to be extended to all.
This is not to say, of course, that every Aquarian is a perfect model
citizen. Their life-giving waters can sometimes become brackish. A
shadow side of this sign is the “rebel without a cause” (James Dean,
Ayn Rand, Angela Davis, Governor Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, are
Aquarians). Their oftentimes stubborn mindset is the flip side of a self-
assured intellect, and can become quite self-serving and dangerous. If
not careful, Aquarius can end up in a warped house of mirrors from
attempting to make the world in their own image. They can ride
roughshod over other people’s sensibilities with their fanatical beliefs.
Other capricious Aquarians can become disruptive just to shake up the
powers that be, or just to be different. The myth of this eleventh sign is

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

that they’ll come out okay if they do everything their own way. But, they
simply cannot be unconventional all the time. No man is an island.
They have a great fear of being weighed down by others’ emotional
baggage and have little time for the games people play. Frequently, due to
their independence and emotional detachment, they are labeled as cold
and aloof. Even though emotional distance can cause great loneliness,
Aquarians, more than any other sign, do very well living by themselves.
Aquarians love to leave.
I know that seems like a strange thought. Because of their strong need
for independence and fear of being corralled, I’ve often found it
amusing to observe how quickly Aquarians leave the room, leave a
group, leave a relationship. It’s quite a natural response for them to
just pack up and split.
I recently met with an Aquarian couple who are clients of mine.
To their great fortune, they have both discovered (after having had
years of unrewarding relationships) that to truly surrender to each other
has brought them a rich, joy-filled rapport. Both have transcended the
Aquarian inherent fear of intimacy and have realized that only when
they descend from their ivory towers is it possible to emotionally unite
with another.
One Aquarian challenge is to learn how to accept and live in an
imperfect world. Their revolutionary sensibilities need to be channeled
into championing healthy reform. Repugnance of conformity must be
balanced with tolerance and understanding.
Their purpose is to manifest their ideals in the real world, but they can only
do what they can do. Not yet perfected, what Aquarian lessons remain?
Their ultra-cerebral, highly idealized minds have to learn to coexist with
consensus reality and human imperfection. Just what tonic does the
Water Bearer carry? This liquid magic awakens us from our slumbers of
complacent insularity. The infinite well of Aquarius gives of itself freely and
unconditionally. The collective mind swells. Consider these Aquarians:
author Eckhart Tolle and media mogul Oprah Winfrey—the perfect
expressions of the Aquarian archetype.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aries has given us a self; Taurus, our very essence; Gemini, our mind
and ability to think and communicate. Cancer has endowed us with
a wonderful, homey nest. Leo has given us the confidence to emote.
Virgo, through its hard work, has brought us into a concise, working self
to be proud of. Libra and Scorpio have given us companions and taught
us true dedication. Sagittarius has greatly expanded our experience as
our world grows exponentially. Capricorn has set the bar even higher as
we take our place amongst our peers, and because of Aquarius we now
act with group interests in mind and aspire to greater ideals that benefit
all of mankind. This archetype naturally sees itself as an individual and
part of the group at the same time. Your needs and mankind’s needs are
the same. Enlightened self-interest.
Aquarius truly represents the bridge between the world and beyond.
The existential conundrum of this sign is that individuation has been
the goal all along and is still necessary, yet this very independent and
distinct self reveals itself as the illusion that now has to be transcended.
Back in the Newtonian world of “this versus that,” Aquarius simply
could not relate. Because of this, most people can’t understand their
higher vision.
Capricorn is Newtonian-linear.
Aquarius is multidimensional-quantum-Self.
Pisces is Oneness-undifferentiated-non-Self.
We are nearing our final stage—the only one left—the original and
final frontier. Like a Möbius strip, in the stage of Aquarius we see that
oneness and individuality appear as two diametrically opposite forces
that are alchemically melded together. In the final stage of Pisces,
individuality is seen for the silly dream that it is and has been all along.
We are now compelled to take a leap of faith without the burden of self.
The ultimate paradox is that there never really was one.
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life (for me) will save it.”
—Luke 9:23-24

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Pisces: Isn’t That Silly?

At last we arrive at Pisces, the ultimate sign of the zodiac—not that it’s
the best or superior to other signs but it is the ultimate. Pisces can no
longer afford the weight of the self. In Pisces we transcend self-hood and
reach for the truly spiritual and unfathomable. At the archetypal level,
all the other signs are contained within Pisces. By all means, this does not
imply that every Pisces that you know has it together.

What, to our amazement, do we see when we analyze the last sign? It’s
“mutable and water.” Our final sign must be expressed in a mutable,
giving way and the element of water (or, love) is the most fluid. The
inherent intelligence of the zodiac has been evolving towards this
step since stage one. Pisces continues to spread the life-giving waters
of Aquarius to all. Love is the magic solution. Pisces’ very heart is
the essential need to give unconditional love to all. It’s the apex of
all archetypes, the Hero’s destination. The Hero disappears into his
sojourn and his evolutionary culmination brings closure to this age-old
circle—another reason why the zodiac is exquisite.

No sign has the urge to be as open and accepting as the Fish. Aries
follows the self’s instincts; Taurus, their desires. Gemini is intrigued
by ever new mental titillations; Cancer, their emotional needs. Leo
instinctively needs to express itself while Virgos keep busy perfecting
their skills. Libras and Scorpios are usually quite tied up with their
partners. Sagittarians are generally too busy exploring and having fun
to worry about anything, while Capricorn is doing the opposite. As for
Aquarius, they are usually quite occupied assembling the entire mental
anagram of life.

In this final quadrant and last sign of the “other-oriented” signs, Pisces is
ready to transcend all things. Their goal is non-duality, oneness.

As Zen Buddhism insists, all things must be given up.

Aquarius eventually discovers that the Big Universal Puzzle cannot

be solved through objective thought, for it would always be stuck in

The Exquisite Zodiac

a dual, polar universe. By default, there can be no separateness in a

world that is one. Now, the self must be surrendered completely in
order to continue along the arduous path to enlightenment. This is why
it’s so hard for devotees to succeed in a Piscean incarnation. Unity can only
come from unconditional acceptance, non-discrimination, inclusion
and non-resistance; this is the Piscean domain. Now we can easily see
how the Aquarian conquest of paradoxes paved the way for this final

In many cases when I have a Piscean person in my office, I spend the

first half hour explaining to them what they are (astrologically speaking,
of course). They are “raised” among eleven other signs of the zodiac
that defend their own storylines.

To most signs, personal storyline is everything;

to Pisces, personal storyline is a silly fable;
they’re just not that concerned about it.

Pisces’ ruler is Neptune, the planet in astrology whose essence is so hard

to capture. It does not support worldly activity or individual progress.

As always we tire
Of the silence of Neptune
Never loud or even proud
No promises made soon

Its mystery is simple

No koan can contain
Its form or its wishes
For as it loses, it gains

The inherent wisdom of Pisces is that in giving we truly receive. Most

enlightened personages echo this same sentiment. They see beyond
individuality. “Judge not and ye shall not be judged.” This is not a
mandate for good behavior; it is a major perspective of a truly spiritual
life. When one judges, one sees separateness, therefore missing the unity
of life. Unless more critical placements of planets are found in their
natal chart, most born to Pisces hardly ever judge others. It’s simply not
the nature of the Fish.
The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

Every holy book I have ever read says that separateness is an illusion.
This is not just a pretty, flowery chorus but a declaration of the true
nature of reality. Therefore, in a world that is based in separateness
(92 percent non-Piscean,) Pisceans often have difficulty because they
have nothing to be competitive about. They instinctively get that all
people are truly equal. They are born with deep-rooted faith and belief
in the Divine even if they have a hard time articulating it. When we
follow the lead of this wisest of signs, we begin to truly see. Spiritual
teacher Ram Dass once said:

“If you really want to be someone, then be nobody special and

you can be whomever you want.”

When you reach inside of a Pisces, you’ll find that there’s nothing
there to be found; that’s because they’re everywhere, unbounded. You
can’t restrict Pisces because they’re not constructed the same as the
other eleven. It’s actually funny to think that a football team has eleven
members. Symbolically, Pisces sits on the sidelines. How apropos. That’s
their place: one foot in this world, one foot out; two fish swimming in
opposite directions. They follow spirit—it’s that simple. They are spirit,
or soul. Therefore, Pisces cannot truly be assigned to any cosmic stage
of man. They are beyond man; their essence is man/god, if you will.

So, what do I mean by the “ultimate sign?” Simply put, things go

effortlessly around Pisceans because they don’t default to whiny self-
needs. They don’t think of themselves; they think of others. One of the
best examples I’ve ever used is the one of the mama cat caught in a
fire. She goes back into the flames to save her young, only to perish
herself. This is Pisces. This is their nature, the way they function at a deep
archetypal level. It is oftentimes sad to see how they can be treated by
the other signs. Others mislabel their gentle passivity as weakness. Some
people see them as having no backbone when, in fact, they simply don’t
want more than their share—if even that much.

The Pisces archetype is a state of consciousness: “The meek shall inherit

the earth” refers to those who aren’t hung up on ego-advancement.
Pisces can’t help feeling non-ambitious unless other forces in the chart

The Exquisite Zodiac

lie contrary. They don’t want to “get ahead” in life; doing so is futile to
them. To a Pisces, futility equals more money, more sex, bigger house,
better job, nicer car. None of these things are going to bring them to
Heaven, and Jesus clearly told us that Heaven is a state of being within
each of us. It’s not a place you visit or a material object that you acquire;
it’s something you already have.

How can you advance past the fact that you’re already all things?

In many ways, Pisces is the most challenging sign of the zodiac to be, and
most never come close to actualizing this pinnacle of potentialities. In
my mind, Jesus was the most vivid representation of this state of elevated
consciousness. He knew who He was; He had Himself in perspective. “Thy
will, not my will.” He understood. “I and my Father are One.” There can
be no unity until there is surrender of self. Then, all is gained.

He kept saying it: “of Myself, I (self) can do nothing, it all comes
from my Father (non-self)” . . . or the Absolute, the Unmanifest,
the Zero-Field, the Nagual, the Field of Intention,
whatever you want to call It.

Similar to the preceding paradigm of Aquarius, Pisces is also full

of paradoxes, which is another indication of advanced attainment.
Yielding versus succumbing. Surrendering versus being dominated.
Being compassionate versus being a martyr. All of these are issues that
the Fish must resolve. Serving others from a position of strength and
choice is completely different than doing so out of low self-esteem.

Pisces experiences the freedom of unboundedness between people

but at the same time can suffer the invasion of their own sovereignty
(ego). By definition, one cannot be dual and non-dual at the same
time. Therein lies the cross that is borne of all developing selves at their
respective Piscean passage.

The trick is to be a self and a non-self simultaneously.

Many times Pisceans have poor judgment when it comes to relationships;

after all, theirs is the impulse of non-discrimination. When it comes to
Pisces and their choice of partners, it is extremely common for their

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

friends to say, “Where did you find that person?” It’s simply that they
don’t see differences; they see what’s the same. God love ‘em! Pisces see
no disparities because there really aren’t any.
Pisces drifts and floats with the currents. “Wherever life takes me, that’s
fine.” This attitude can be good or bad (if such a polarity actually exists).
Listlessness is common among Pisces, along with escapism, alcoholism
and drug abuse. They have a powerful need to elude anything
that is earthbound, such as personal problems, job responsibilities,
confrontations, competition, and any and all types of struggle. Instead
of landing them in fountains of euphoria, this often lands them in lots
of hot water.
Speaking of hot water, I tried to “date” a Pisces girl during my college
days. She came to my apartment one day to fix me spaghetti. As the
water was boiling, she stepped outside for a minute. I saw her a month
later. Some subtle zephyr had simply whisked her away.
Now how, I ask you, can we expect this final sign to even consider
personal consequences? This amorphous, indefinable and nebulous
Magic Bus that we call Pisces is akin to the spaceship that has left earth.
Free of Gaia’s pull, it floats away and disappears beyond our grasp, laws
and bounds.
Pisces transcends the zodiac’s gravity.
Fish have a very big problem with a very small word: “No.” They just
can’t say no. This is the sign that is prone to guilt. “Surely there must
be something I could have done”; that’s how they see it. I call it the
hanging-on-the-cross syndrome. “I can hang on the cross for another
day or month . . . for you.” Many times they experience guilt for even
existing! You can see where this comes from. Commonly, if they do
anything for themselves they feel badly. That means they have gone
too far with selflessness. People sense it, too, and the loving nature of
Pisces gets taken advantage of constantly. Another key to living a healthy
Piscean existence is not getting confused between doing the will of other
people and doing “His” will. When they fall prey to the former, they often
become enslaved.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Unfortunately, this can lead them into playing the role of the victim.
What’s that common saying? “There are no victims, only volunteers.”
When this vulnerable sign is surrounded by those who are more than
well armed, sometimes it seems as if their only recourse is to yield. After
all, these pacifists feel that they can’t fight back or promote themselves.
To this sign, assertiveness feels like aggressiveness. Ironically, the solution
for Pisces is that they must learn to develop a strong ego.

Pisces favorite saying is, “It doesn’t matter.” It can be quite telling when
Pisces uses the word “silly” to describe other’s errant behavior. They
naturally have great compassion for all as we get temporarily lost along
the way. Our foibles are not to be condemned. Pisces would say: “Oops,
aren’t they silly?”

This final stage of Pisces is demanding, requiring total surrender. While

the small “you” is being transcended, the larger “You” is becoming
full of being. It’s such a difficult level from which to graduate because
you can’t take anything with you. Total dedication and allegiance to
Oneness is required. There are bigger fish to fry.

The final stage of the zodiac is beyond thought. It is to be experienced; you

can be It, but not by thinking about It. This ineffable state of consciousness
transcends the finest efforts of Aquarius. Aquarian intellectual constructs
can only grow larger and more complex. They must necessarily yield to
the simplified field of Pisces in which nothing matters anymore, because
everything matters equally.

It’s only maddening if you think about it, and

thinking has little place in this dimension.

The inherent wisdom of The Beatle’s song “Let It Be” tells the whole
story. When we accept the nature of all things, we resist nothing and are
left with the emptiness of fullness.

I truly believe that each sign of the zodiac has one simple need. In the
case of Pisces, their need is simply to be left alone. They just want to float
in the sea of undifferentiated Allness. They want to call it a wrap with
this world of limits and bodies and tight blue jeans. Their aim is not to

The Archetypes of the Twelve Signs

be aimless; they specifically and solely want to follow the Holy Spirit’s
compass of true north.

This archetype is the final stage of the zodiac: sublimity.

At the end of this colorful spectrum, the zodiacal wheel culminates.

Where does the evolving self go from here? Nowhere! It came from
nowhere and everywhere. It never “left” in the first place. There never
was anywhere to go. It was all an Arian dream! As a hypnotherapist
friend says, “What if I existed separately from everything else?” Without
time or space, Pisces simply gives up the illusion by which it was hypnotized
during the first eleven phases. This final, elusive Zen state of no-thingness
is difficult to attain.

“abandon abandon
even your dear self


Now the canvas is empty, free of the excess baggage of the self. In the
quiet stillness of nothingness, in the black emptiness of non-personhood,
a new embryonic field lies latent. It’s time for another dream, a field
of possibilities and promise, a new churning, yearning sea of potential
manifestation longing to be, to unfold once again, to love anew.

Let there be light! And thusly Aries the Ram ignites once again and grants
us its life spark—as Carlos Castaneda called it, “A tremor in the air.” It’s
the initial ember of life, and we are all born again, only to go round and
round on this sacred wheel of life, this Exquisite Zodiac.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Part Three
Polishing The Diamond: A Sign-by-Sign
Delineation of the Zodiac’s Six Archetypal Variants
You’ve probably gotten a sense by now that the twelve signs of the zodiac
differ in many ways. We’ve taken a look at the primary archetypes of
each sign. Now let’s slice the pie into smaller pieces by getting into more
depth about the six archetypal variants that we briefly previewed in
Part I. These variants explain most of what makes a sign like it is, as well
as what differentiates one from another.

For your ease of reading, here are the six archetypal variants again:

The Twelve Stages of Man

Each Sign as an Outgrowth of Previous Stage
The Three Modes and Four Elements
Self-Oriented versus Other-Oriented Signs
The Six Polarities
The Ruling Planets

The Exquisite Zodiac

The Twelve Stages of Man

The early signs of the zodiac represent the innocent, inexperienced
and purest form of a being that will eventually grow more complex
throughout the remainder of the twelve signs.

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Grad Sc
ari o
Citizen Student


Global Married
Citizen 10 9 Adult

11 8

Realized Young Adult
Being 12 7
Stages of Man
1 6
Infant High School
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Baby Teen


ru Pre-Teen


Gem r
ini Cance

The stages of man that we are discussing here are conceptual, archetypal
and symbolic. The wheel of life simply cannot exist and sustain itself
without a healthy blend of these younger and older energy blueprints.
It is similar to what we see in nature: a plant is born, grows, produces,
fades and finally dies, giving way to the new again. Life’s cycles are ever
present throughout the backbone of most astrological principles.
In the same fashion as we observe the young of our race, we give them
special consideration in exchange for their purity, innocence and
refreshing view of the world. Likewise, we appreciate the elders of the
zodiac for their patience, experience and wisdom. We need both not
only collectively but within our own personal development.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

When you start to see basic astrology operating just in this one
archetypal variant of the Twelve Stages of Man, you’ll be amazed at
how much your relationships begin to make sense almost immediately.
Below, as you go through each sign, keep in mind that we are addressing
the pure center in each sign that gives each one its archetypal core.
Aries is clearly the stage of the infant. Its demands are paramount and
need to be met “right now!” In general, the Aries archetype is basically
only aware of itself. Of course Aries people are aware of others yet they
have to satisfy their own needs first. Self-focus is not the same as being
selfish; there is quite a difference. Being selfish is when you are aware of
others but still want more than your share. Aries are mainly self-focused.

Aries is simply innocent. This explains why they are so enamored with
themselves, and it also explains why they simply can’t deal with delays
or obstacles. It’s not the infant’s fault that they have immediate needs;
it’s just the way it is. This young essence makes Aries fond of babies and
contributes to their youthful appearance well into their senior years.

Aries is refreshing, just like a baby, because of their freshness, newness,

innocence and guileless behavior. What you see is what you get with
this paradigm. They launch the zodiac and are symbolically at a stage of
seeking direct life experience. They want to see what they can do.

Taurus is symbolic of the baby, just a bit past the newborn. It represents
the stage where the baby has learned to be comfortable by itself and has
become much more patient. Its world is still relatively small at this stage
as the young one enjoys holding its blanket, its toys, its body, anything
it can grab onto.

This stage learns that there is more beyond its own existence. Because of
this primal development, Taurus has always been associated with money,
collections, value and self-worth. It just makes sense that the “self” grabs
and holds onto its “things” at this stage. Many times the word “stubborn”
is paired to the sign of Taurus. Have you ever tried to take a toy from
a baby? (That settles that matter!) Would you call the baby stubborn?
No, the toy is an extension of their very being; therefore, losing a toy
presents Taurus with a feeling of loss or death and is to be avoided.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Taurus is comfortable living with relatively little. They don’t need their
world to be large and are, in fact, uncomfortable beyond their known
surroundings. Don’t be fooled, much is happening at this stage as the
entity is preparing to encounter exponential growth and acclimation.
The relationship of “self” to “thing” is being studied. Outside influences
are considered distractions because the baby gets overwhelmed with too
many options.
They want their defined physical space, too, and they don’t want it to
be changed! Their place gives them a sense of reference and physical
stability—a very important need of the Bull.
Gemini. A huge evolutionary leap is made at this stage of the toddler as
the entity has learned that it can cruise, explore, communicate and ask
questions. No wonder Geminis are known for their inability to sit still.
Their incessant impulse is to look over here, look over there; the world
is made up of zillions of interesting items and ideas. In a very basic way,
Gemini begins the observation of its own mind, as they are fascinated
with everything.
Because the whirlwinds of curiosity are blowing so strongly at this stage,
one cannot expect this young child to corral the ideas into a larger
conceptual framework. This is why they can seem scattered or shallow.
Geminis are happy to hop from one mental sandbox to another. “Say,
what do you have in yours?”
In one way, this is a very difficult archetype to be. Gemini can’t help its
youthful nature and should be quite proud of it; however, just like a
child who wants to be seen as being more grown up, they’re simply not
ready. This doesn’t necessarily apply to the Gemini Sun signs you might
know; such might not be the case when you get a complete reading on
the birth chart with all the other planets and signs considered.
The Twins are matched to the proverbial butterfly, bouncing from one
flower to another, getting fascinated then onto the rest of the dale. They
need to be left alone. They have to live in this mythical “grown-up” world
and study it. “Why is everyone taking things so seriously?” The great
accomplishments of this stage are that evolving man grows greatly both
mentally and in its ability to talk and interact.
A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Cancer is a touchy stage, indicative of the pre-teen. Delicate and tender,

this fourth sign is caught between being comfortable in the burrow and
knowing it must leave some day. That’s what Cancer is all about: the tug
between dependency and independence.
This age intuits that the world is a good place but is also keenly aware
of its dangers. It is a scary temporary passage where the child is really
confused about where to hang on, but the child isn’t at all sure if they
can make it on their own. Above all, emotional development must
be encouraged.
In many ways, Cancer is an “in between” stage beyond babyhood yet not
ready to go it alone. They no longer need to frantically explore but are
not yet ready to fledge the nest; they are in need of the family but not
prepared to open the door to others. It’s a tough stage, a cardinal stage,
and quite necessary. The “evolving self” is growing up.
Leo is the teenager. As with any teenager, they demand that you show
them respect that may or may not have been earned. The Lion picks up
from where Cancer left off and dares to leave the comfort of home with
great pride and courage. Leo’s job now is to reach beyond and grow
in confidence. This uncomfortable stage of the teen is fraught with
uncertainty, as it competes with its peers in order to make itself feel okay.
Leo has a delicate balance to achieve: 1) it can’t return to the hypersen-
sitivity of Cancer, 2) it has to hold its own at its new stage even though it
hasn’t quite yet developed enough self-assuredness, and 3) it must
operate with confidence without getting lost in an inflated self-view.
Many Leos get lost in the trap of feeling superior.
Leo really represents the final “childhood” stage, where much is learned
and accomplished. Now, it must turn the evolving being over to the
archetype of Virgo’s finishing school.

Virgo. One might think of this parallel to mankind as the high school
graduate. This chapter is about putting it all together and taking
ownership of what the entity is and is not. Self-honesty is paramount at
this juncture.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Virgo has transcended all of the earlier developmental stages and

prepares itself for adulthood. Maturity is the major word here, as it
has to stop making excuses for any of its slip-ups and prepare to be
responsible for its behavior.

Growing up is a bitch.

This stage is not yet quite ready for partnership but is doing everything
it can to prepare for it. Being Virgo is much like attending the prom.
You’re looking good, which is the result of years of hard work; now you
just need to dance on your own two feet.

Virgo lets go of much of the drama of self-absorption in order

to concentrate on making itself ready to meet others as a young
adult. Virgo does not want to embarrass itself as it enters the next stage
of the socialite.

Libra is symbolic of the young adult in every sense of the word. The self
has made it into the world and now sets its goal on being accepted by
society. The entire focus now becomes, “How do I behave in this world?
Who am I compared to others?” Thanks to the hard, unselfish work
accomplished during the Virgo phase, Libra is now free to represent
the cardinal quality once again as it leads Cosmic Man to take its place
alongside its partner in the community.

We have now crossed into the “we” half of the zodiac and the developing
entity needs the sounding-board potential of a partner. The young adult
is quite inexperienced in this larger domain but is equipped and eager
to explore fresh possibilities. Libra eagerly engages in relationships as it
reflects off of the “other,” making great use of its charms, poise and tact.

Scorpio matches the title of married adult better than Libra. The
Libra stage is one of partnership; Scorpio is the stage where the self
is more prepared for true marriage. Picking up where Libra left off,
the cosmic entity is now ready for the deep commitment that nuptials
require. Intimacy and truly belonging to one another is Scorpio’s
raison d’être. Can we actually belong to another or is this a figment of a
romantic dream?

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Either way, the path of the Scorpion is an intense one where relationships
are taken very seriously. The adult is growing up quickly but is still
somewhat limited in the vision and breadth of experience that awaits.

Sagittarius is the grad student traveling abroad. It transcends Scorpio’s

steamy soap opera and off to university it goes, out to see the world and
meet others from around the globe. Travel is huge to this archetype as
it represents the broadening of the grander self’s experience.

The Archer aims high and is very idealistic. Sag has a burning need
to expand in all directions, and education is one of its primary needs.
Thus, the adult now is married, educated and ready to graduate from
college and take its place in the world.

Capricorn is the accomplished citizen. Our final cardinal sign assumes

leadership as the wise elder. Steeped in a strong sense of obligation, Caps
give back to the world by assuring that our social and cultural wheels keep
functioning smoothly. This sign is known as the “old man” in the zodiac,
mainly because it is ruled by “Old Man Saturn.” The Goat is the fatherly
shepherd of the zodiac.

This is the stage where we are expected to have gained common sense.
This stage can be likened to that of a human’s experience around age
58 when they are experiencing their second Saturn return. At this stage,
man has paid his dues to his family and culture and is preparing to
retire and offer his wisdom to ensuing generations.

Aquarius, the philanthropist or global citizen represents a higher octave

of Capricorn. The entity is not so concerned with maintaining its
position or status. Now, the Water Bearer gives back to its world, strongly
appreciative of the very Earth, and becomes a committed campaigner
for its conservation.

Aquarius has the keenest vision of the dozen as it looks to the future.
Protective of its individual rights yet just as passionate in what we can
accomplish as an ensemble, Aquarius is the epitome of possibility and
idealism, what mankind can do when it unites in common cause.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Pisces is the spiritual leader or realized being. Although many Pisces

can seem quite childlike, they’re actually more representative of being
ageless, beyond time and form. Enigmatically, this final sign contains
all twelve archetypes within. Its youthful sense emanates from its pure
innocence and lack of resistance. Pisces-the-spiritual-master is full of
wisdom and quiet faith, not dogma, bravado or piety.

Pisces is beyond the beyonds, mysterious and timeless, formless as

spirit, unpredictable as a quantum particle, and pinpointed only by its
amorphous nature: empty, void and full.

And so it goes in the astrological cycle of life—the wheel goes round

and round, and the young follow the old in this, the Exquisite Zodiac.

Each Sign as an Outgrowth of Previous Stage

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Gem r
ini Cance

As stated earlier, each sign is an outgrowth of the sign that precedes it.
This criterion is perhaps the most important of the previously discussed
archetypal variants. In many ways, this really explains why each sign has

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

its compelling urge to do what it does. This is why the Pisces wants to
abandon Aquarius’ newly found “individuality.” It is why Virgo wants to
be “second fiddle” compared to Leo’s need for the limelight, and so on.

Each sign has a job to do and fully expresses the archetype upon which
it is based. Each blossoms in its own regard as it develops its critical
chapter of the zodiac. There comes a time, however, when a sign’s
overall function ceases to evolve and something new must morph out
of its status quo. It’s almost as if the sign says, “Been there, done that.”
As each sign of the zodiac conquers its charge and masters its state, a
natural transformation stands before it.

All signs seem to have a natural intolerance for the energy that came
before it. They need to transcend, go beyond and represent almost
the exact opposite of what was accomplished previously. Thus, we are
blessed with healthy diversity among the heavenly dozen. All archetypes
build upon their previous successes and transform into the next with a
new element, a new mode, and other characteristics.

Aries. This principle “outgrowth” is difficult to see in this sign. Why?

Although it appears to be the first sign, in actuality it is the beginning
of another lap around the cosmic circle—another revolution,
all emanating from the emptiness and fullness of the previous ocean
of Pisces.

Remember, Pisces focused on the non-self as it returned to the Allness.

Along comes Aries with an excited outburst. Life evolves out of the
“nothingness” or, as the Bible says, “out of the void.” Let there be light!
. . . and there was. Life has a burning need to exist, to matter and to
experience itself. So, it invents its own delusion of separateness (Aries)
and we start down the road to the next eleven dream states (the other
signs) until we “remember” and return to Oneness once again. Around
and around we go.

Aries explodes onto the scene with a great sense of “self” yet is based in
the unconscious state of losing its vision of the whole and becomes solely
focused upon the small “I”.

The ego is born— the imaginary sense of independent, separated self.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Becoming… remembering… surrendering…

In this innocent primordial Aries state, the self is all concerned with
how it is doing, how it gets what it wants, only able to see life through its
own perspective. What else can it do? It has “had enough” of this being
nothing, this sense of non-individuation, and longs for experience in
order to validate itself. Through Aries, the Cosmic Man is born again
with an undeterred excitement for life, with great enthusiasm for the
limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

We now understand why Aries is bold, courageous and known for being
a pioneer. We see why they know what they want and seek adventure in
all that they do. The Ram needs its buttressed horns on its brow in order
to charge ahead into the great unknown!

After some time, Aries masters this primal state. This premier archetype
has burgeoned into a shiny new being. What else can be done now? Aries
can’t just continue to charge about. The Ram can no longer conquer
and subsist on adventures alone. It must be slowed, anchored into a
firmer sense of self—one with substance—then it must get some rest
and plant itself amongst its surroundings. The developing archetype
must be moored to something less incendiary, less meteoric, and find
a constant place in which to be, such as the earth itself . . . and thus, the
sign of Taurus is born.

Taurus lends a firm hand. It can’t keep burning up in space like a

comet. Now the need has turned into a mandatory urge to affix itself by
sending out roots. “Stop all this crazy jumping around and settle down!”
says Taurus. And Taurus is serious, too.

One can feel the sigh of relief, “Ahhhhhh,” as Taurus slows down and
starts to make sense out of its new role and surroundings. Patience is
now the new firmament. This sign grows slowly and steadily. Its roots
burrow deep because its plans are permanent. The Bull is as patient as
Aries is impatient, like the tortoise and the hare. It learns to wait and
has respect for the slow, steady growth taking place in its relatively small,
pleasing garden.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Famous for its sense of smell, touch and taste, Taurus takes time to not
only smell the roses but savor the essence of all things. So much was
missed by the previous sign. Don’t rush Taurus! They are busy learning
and staking out their territory in the newfound Eden. People born
with much of this quintessential energy feel charred and scorched by
exuberant, extroverted fire people. To Taurus, it’s senseless to keep
flying off the handle when one could enjoy being home and relishing
the cornucopia of the yield.
During this second stage of the zodiac, we begin to ascertain the value
found in all things. Taurus has not only grounded its world but has
organized and claimed it for itself.
Now Cosmic Man learns of a sense called “mine.”
Therefore, Taurus is to be ever known as possessive and fixed. Granted,
it has gained much during its passage through this secondary phase;
however, left to itself, its inert life threatens stagnancy and decay. The
time has come to morph once again. The self has become too cramped
and immobile. It just can’t go on like this. Look out, here comes Gemini!
Gemini. Bored to tears, Gemini not only splinters in two but has
developed a complete sense of repugnancy towards anything static.
Taurus hates change; Gemini thrives on it. With a new zest, they
yearn for fresh air, exploration and diversification, eager to sample
life’s smorgasbord.
Curiosity is the word.
The self has been compressed into a stuffy cabin fever that propels the
Twins into a spiral of tremendous activity. They cannot imagine staying
put in the same ole chair, watching the same ole TV reruns and eating
the same ole food. Variety is the spice of life for Geminis.
Through Gemini, the self expands greatly out into the world of
minutiae, the field of new ideas. We must remember and appreciate
that it can afford to do so because it now has a platform from which to
launch—namely, the rock-solid base of Taurus.

The Exquisite Zodiac

As with all of the signs, we benefit from the previous sign and are
simultaneously filled with a compulsion to transcend the same. Because
of Taurus, Gemini can land and rest but it doesn’t want to, and it can’t
rest for long—that’s how enthusiastic their desire for information
gathering has become. To the Twins, no subject is off limits. What can
appear to be a generic scanning of the world’s database really does
justify us calling Gemini the zodiac’s “info depot.” That’s what they are,
and that’s what they do. The universal mind is awakening!
Needless to say, there finally comes a time when bouncing from one
data portal to another has to cease. Is it simply because the growing
entity needs something else at this time? We notice now after these first
three signs that there has been, as of yet, no baptism in water. Aries is
enchanted with itself for its simple existence. Taurus is quite busy in its
orchards, thank you. And Gemini has thousands of partially read books
piled up on its end tables.

Along comes Cancer—a major step—the first sign to experience

emotion, and the first to feel vulnerable and imbed itself within family
representing the final element of water.

Cancer. The developing self is hungry. It needs, and I’m not talking
about food. I’m talking about emotional sustenance. What Gemini
found “interesting” no longer interests Cancer. What good is fascination
with trivia going to do when the Cancerian is naked, exposed and needs
emotional support? Cancer can no longer rely upon its mind now as it
did in the third stage. Now, it’s all about the heart: being wanted, safe,
nurtured and loved.

Thus the impetus for the family unit comes about. Cancer soothes and
tames the ever restless mind. As it nurtures its nestlings, it nurtures itself.
We now have representatives from each of the four elements: fire, earth,
air and finally, water. With this influx of water, the grander entity starts
to experience quite a growth spurt. The natural inclination now is to
get far away from the logic of the left brain. Cancer has seen the world
thanks to the innocent explorations of the Twins. Inadvertently, it now
has an all-too-real appreciation of how dangerous the world can be. This

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

is why many Cancerians seem hard and aloof when in actuality, they’re
just protecting their soft underbelly by being somewhat defensive.

Just think about it: all of this rudimentary “stuff’’

from Aries and Taurus and Gemini gets dumped on Cancer
like we dump our laundry onto our mothers’ laps.

Cancer now knows that it is vulnerable. When one is at risk, one becomes
cautious. It needs buffering; it needs family. The Crab is developing a
very important element that has to carry Cosmic Woman all the way to
the end of the zodiacal spectrum. The mothering instinct surfaces in this
archetypal pattern as the inherent need to protect becomes foremost.

The developing self has now come a long way in this mythical chapter. It
has a new self in Aries; it gains senses and extensions of self in Taurus, its
mind in Gemini, and is now comfortably protected and fostered in the
sign of the Mother. Ideas of the mind have become a distant memory
at this stage.

The evolving entity is becoming more complete. Even so, it is not by

any means comfortable baring itself to a world full of hazards. And what
exactly are those hazards? Others who are not sensitive to their state
of being. Evolution must continue; the Crab can’t stay shrink-wrapped
forever and it knows that it must gain the courage to come out and test
the waters. It has to establish the confidence to survive in this dog-eat-
dog world. The time has come to boldly expose itself and take ownership
of its domain; thus, the jungle and the Lion.
Leo. Shaken and excited by its exodus, Leo holds its head high and lets
out a roar of dominance over its new sphere of influence. It has grown
discomfited by the timidity of Cancer and requires itself now to reach deep
and find its own strength. Pride becomes the driving force as Leo looks to
show that it can handle its new domain. It tests itself continuously here in
this fifth stage. Still reeling from its recent departure from the den, Leo
disavows this fact and demands that no one sees it—but the emperor has no
clothes. This is why Leo can easily get into denial and absolutely demands
respect for its hard-won dignity.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Respect is absolutely the fuel that drives Leo.

This explains every single thing about Leo. It doesn’t matter what Leo
does, it’s how they do it. They must be seen now as capable of standing
on their own. Leo is a larger-than-life character and no longer wants
anything to do with hypersensitivity and bashfulness. And roar it does!
Leo can take one of two forks in the road. The noble road is where it
shines as it graciously accepts kudos with head held high, not letting
pride overshadow self-realism. Down the other fork lies difficulty
because the Leo’s pride and exaggerated sense of entitlement can
become the be-all and end-all.
During this valiant stage, the evolving entity greatly expands its being.
Now it proudly displays all of its brilliant peacock feathers. Confidence
expands greatly and the growing self is more capable than ever of
mixing it up in its new milieu. Even so, however faint, inside every Leo
is a lingering Cancer. This will explain much about Leo to you. They’re
not as tough as they want you to think.
In one way or another, every sign wants to disidentify with the sign before it.
Growth must continue. Each sign tires of its story, no matter how
glorious. Each archetype can only carry on to a point where change
again becomes mandatory. For Leo, bravado, haughtiness and even
a healthy amount of swagger no longer satisfies. Real humility is now
necessary for evolution to continue through its future challenges. Leo
has taken us far but it can go no further until it changes its tune. The first
five signs have done much to develop Cosmic Man into a more complex
being; now, refinement and integration are the necessary ingredients to
add to this celestial broth during the distillation process called Virgo.
Virgo. Nothing could be truer in astrology than stating the degree to
which Virgo abhors bluster. Behind the scenes is the place where they
are comfortable. Yes, Leo has shown us great improvement in its ability
to handle personal consequences; now Virgo, the expert, wants no
notice or accolades. The Virgin feels humiliated in the spotlight. It has
learned what false pride can do and no longer wants to toot that horn.
Even so, because of the powerful surge of growth attributed to Leo,

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Virgo can now perfect all the characteristics that it can before bridging
to Libra and the second half of the zodiac. Virgo has to fix everything
and make it shiny new.

Virgo wants the perfection of its work to stand on its own.

By exacting its always sharp mind, Virgo analytically spots all

imperfections. Via Chiron, its ruler, they care to go the extra distance
to purify all. Leo’s job was to expand and grow confidence; now Virgo’s
is to clean up its act before the symbolic pairing with others. Benefiting
from the new sense of certainty, Virgo takes on all comers. Gloating is
not its thing; being of service is.

In general, no sign does its job better. Virgo’s humility tends to hide the
real value of their talents. Remember what I said earlier: if you’re going
to hire someone, hire a Virgo. Virgo is the sign that cares. This is the first
sign of service to others and the Virgin was born to serve. It is the least
self-oriented of the self-oriented signs. Virgo provides for others because it
does what it must do.

It must get untangled from itself.

That is its only way out.

Remember that Chiron, Virgo’s ruler, is a very unusual, mysterious

minor planet/Centaur. It has only been known to us since 1977 and
much is still to be discerned about this “bridge” to the outer planets.
It resides between the inner planets—Sun through Saturn—and
the outer impersonal planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Virgo/
Chiron’s need to bridge the gap between personal and non-personal
planets typifies this “self” versus “other” orientation. It is the bridge. Virgo
doesn’t mind; its hope is to be an invisible and seamless link between
the “me” and “we” halves of the circle.

The demarcation between the lower and upper halves of the zodiac
starts to take place during the Virgo stage, not distinctly afterwards. By
graduating from the self-involvement of the sign of Leo, Virgo takes
us all much further by lessening its load of self—much like its polar
opposite sign of Pisces.

The Exquisite Zodiac

So we can see why Virgo must do what it does. One can go on eternally
finding something wrong in everything that it examines. The evolving
status of Man can go no further by being the purifying perfectionist
that it is. As with all the other eleven signposts, something must change
with Virgo, as well. Eventually it must overcome its shyness and self-
deprecation and make its debut among all the other stars in the sky in
the sign of Libra.

Libra. While being tethered to the workbench in Virgo, Libra sensed that
it missed out on much of the beauty and grace of life. Taking advantage
of its new luster, Libra wants to intermingle with society. Virgo’s hesitancy
must now be transcended as this Cinderella stage of the self needs to
see how it stacks up to its peers. The Scales symbolize comparison, and
by contrasting oneself to others, one can get a sense of what one is;
that’s Libra. Virgo was satisfied blending into the background, clad in
denim and a plaid shirt—not Libra. This sign is constantly focused on
the latest styles and trends. How it looks to others in all ways is of main

Libra now takes the opportunity to pair with another, something that
archetypal Virgo was not prepared for. Just because Virgo serves others
doesn’t mean that it is able to fuse with another emotionally. Libra’s
nature isn’t ready for that, really, but Libra is eager to find itself locked
arm and arm during a pleasant night out. It’s all about testing the waters
for this sign. Recall how it was mentioned that Libra is the Aries of the
second half of the zodiac? The development of partnership is of grand
concern at this stage. Libra simply has to graduate from Virgoan micro-
management in order to move into the world of companions with
Venusian grace, tact and refinement.

Libra thoroughly enjoys its new position in life. Benefiting from all of the
zodiac’s previous accomplishments, this Venusian sign smoothly mingles
with the “in crowd.” Nothing is more important to Libra than being
accepted socially.

Libra finds itself completely spellbound as it

moves in rhythm with the waltzing ballroom.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Libra has overcome Virgo’s tendency towards coyness and reserve. Now,
Cinderella realizes that, “No, it wasn’t a dream after all. The glass slipper
fits perfectly!”

Scorpio has had a good taste of partnership and now wants more. Based
upon the social progress made in Libra, Scorpio is now ready to cast
aside any and all personal reserve and go for it. It can no longer be
satisfied with the trappings of a genteel relationship. This is precisely
why this sign is so passionate. Lust, sex, devotion and stormy appetites
take over. Scorpio can’t stand anything that resembles weakness and to
them, living with anything less than total devotion is just that.

Known for defying anyone or anything that might place social standards
before their passions, they’re going to be themselves, period. They
know what they love and they know what they hate. No fence-sitting
for this fixed water sign. At this rather late eighth stage, the archetype
is no longer focused upon self-development and instead turns to
transcending the self. The imperative now is to add one plus one and
get something much greater than two. Evolution is really fired up.

There are many types of Scorpios but they all share one thing: intensity.
Being an emotional sign, they turn a cold shoulder to their predecessor,
Libra, because Scorpio is ready to risk it all. This most courageous of
signs has high expectations of their mates, too. The Libra constitution
was simply not ready for this much heat in the kitchen.

By the time the growing self has reached this stage, life is becoming
very complicated with all the emotional freight. Many of us crave “soul
satisfaction” or our “soul mate”—a perilous pursuit, for sure. If our
partner changes—oops!—what happens to us? That’s the very fear of
both Libra and Scorpio.

So we see that the Scorpio experience can be one histrionic stage filled
with great highs and lows. The evolving being certainly learns much here,
but enough is enough. Few entities can withstand the unrelenting pressure
and demands of this emotional alchemy. It has to come to an end before it

The Exquisite Zodiac

We have learned. The pain and sacrifices suffered in the two relationship
archetypes are now behind us. No wonder Sagittarius wants to sit back,
have fun and lighten its load.

Sagittarius. This transition is probably the easiest of all twelve to

understand. Sag has just escaped from a burning building’s inferno.
Does it have to be so arduous? Certainly this ninth sign benefits greatly
from the conquests of the previous two signs but it has had its fill of this
Wuthering Heights in every relationship it encounters.

Passions, schmassions, Sag just wants to enjoy life!

After all, why are we here?

This advancing entity wants to break out, expand, explore and not
be encumbered by restrictions. The self-flagellation of Scorpio has
tempered Cosmic Man into a courageous lot ready to climb to the top of
the zodiac; now it can take on all comers. Sagittarius knows Capricorn is
next as the Archer aims his arrow towards the summit. Sagittarius is the
one sign that you can always count “in” no matter what you are doing.
Their effervescent, cheerful sense of optimism is more than catchy.
Fired by the aftermath of Scorpio’s pent-up passions, Sag lets loose.

Yes, Sagittarius is known for its clumsy and carefree nature. They have
thrown caution to the wind; no more self-restriction. Being happy-go-
lucky is not intended to imply irresponsibility and coldness, although
it sometimes does manifest that way. Mostly, it means that their built-in
zeal is based upon being unfettered and free.

Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by free-spirited Jupiter. Meanwhile, next

door, Scorpio is dominated by Pluto and Capricorn is regulated by stern
Saturn. That says it all. It’s absolutely no wonder that Sag is like it is. They
know of restrictions; they’ve heard about them somewhere but limiting
themselves is far from their nature. Yes, the sign of the half-man/half-
horse is wild. Honesty is their flying carpet. Scorpio was so measured
and upcoming Capricorn is so cautious in speech. Not Sagittarius; open
mouth, insert foot.

But every party must end.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Capricorn. Now, this sign really has issues with the sign before it!
Sag knew the fun would end someday but who wanted to face it? We
couldn’t keep borrowing and borrowing. Eventually we had to come
down off of our high horse. Hello, Capricorn! Yes, poor old, abused,
unappreciated Capricorn. Just think of it: Now we are expected to pay
our bills and become responsible for our behavior? How absolutely
dismal and unjust!

As mentioned earlier, Capricornian discipline and self-regulation couldn’t

be further from the nature of the buoyant and breezy Centaur. Capricorn
not only prides itself in its self-sacrificing sense of conformity, it understands
that sobering, mature tendencies must come about in order for us to truly
shepherd our world.

This is why Capricorn is known as the father of the zodiac.

Someone has to do it.

Imbued with this reserved nature, Capricorn is actually thinking on

a much bigger scale than before. The sign of the Goat considers the
proper functioning of the whole society. Granted, Capricorn sacrifices
the self-interest of fiery Sagittarius. If not for the Goat, the decay of
neglect would contaminate the social structure that is Capricorn’s
domain. One thing you can be sure of, the sign whose motto is “make
sure” is not going to let decay occur on its watch. Call it painful, call
it limitation, call it whatever you want to; Capricorn will face up to its
responsibilities. Some avoid visiting the dentist, whereas Capricorn will
submit to the root canal.

Needless to say, this self-restriction and obedience to laws can only go so

far. Life’s inner fire wants out again and can’t escape when it is always
confined by propriety.

Sagittarius is the spirit of the law; Capricorn, the letter of the law.

The heavy degree of conformity that was necessary in order to

transcend Sagittarius is the very same constraint that adds to
Capricorn’s sense of imprisonment. The soul eventually has to be freed;
thus, we morph once again—this time, into Aquarius.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aquarius. One job for the Aquarian is to recover the free self that was
forfeited as it was leaving Sagittarius. Yes, Capricorn has “done everything
right” but that’s the problem! Aquarius is here to break the mold. We all
benefited from the maturation of the Goat, but Aquarius is to maximize
its individuality. Now, it follows only the beat of its own drummer.

Yes, Capricorn was the first archetypal period where the evolving entity
put global needs ahead of itself. Now, the Water Bearer wants to give
back by showering its life-giving waters across the globe. No sign is more
humanitarian or quite as idealistic. This eleventh stop along the zodiacal
highway changes its focus to the health of the collective. Preparing for
the ultimate and final stage of Pisces, this sign dreams of what we can all
do if we work in unison.

Unlike Capricorn, which follows standard procedure, Aquarius thinks

way outside of the box. Capricorn had to align itself with social structure
in order to make the society a working whole but the box was an
illusion after all. Now, Aquarius goes one step better. It paves the way
into the future as its powerful mindset figures out all the implications of
implementing change.

What’s going on in this stage is that Aquarius is starting to lift off the
ground. All of the ten signs preceding it have had the charge of birthing,
growing, establishing, developing, perfecting and partnering—all in an
effort to climax at the top of the mountain. Cosmic Man gained the
zenith, seated in the throne of worldly success, if you will. Aquarius goes
one step farther: It knows that man cannot stand alone so it outstretches
its arms and mind to include everyone equally (think of Abraham
Lincoln). Man is eventually reaching back to God from whence he
came. The Water Bearer gets just as high from other’s accomplishments
as it does from its own. By identifying with the group, the evolving self
has now begun to transcend the individual and think of possibilities
light years beyond the personal ego.

Is this not where Man appears to be stuck?

Nevertheless, Aquarius has one lesson yet to learn. It simply can’t

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

keep carrying around this thing called an ego. The weight of its own
personal story has become too unwieldy. Your story is your story is
your story. How eternally fascinating can it be? How can you possibly
keep from comparing your story to others? Eventually it runs out of
steam. Aquarius is ultimately insatiable and must be transcended. This
eleventh sign of the “perfected, complete Man” is yet “incomplete.” It
has to go somewhere . . . but where? It already has everything and is not
dependent on others. It has achieved all of its goals. What else can it do?

All that remains is total surrender of the self. Not oblivion but surrender
to a higher power: God’s will and the sign of Pisces.

Pisces. In this final stage, the entity/non-entity has to let go of the dream
that Aquarius has accomplished. Remember that back in the sign of
Aries, we saw how God imagined what it would be like to be separate,
solely to experience Itself? The dream-illusion of separation began then
and it’s apropos that the dream comes to an end in Pisces, which is
known for being foggy and dreamlike.

When there is no self, there is no separation.

For most of us, this is flat out confusing. Jesus was not lost in the illusion
that He was separate. He kept telling ears that could hear that the
Father was the One who mattered. “It’s not Me, it’s My Father!” What
He meant was that yes, He stood before you but He added, “I and My
Father are One.” This is no mere sing-song liturgical phrase. He was
talking directly about being a self but at the same time being translucent
to the larger Self (God the Father).

No wonder it’s so hard for those with heavy doses of the Piscean
archetype to survive this consensus world of harsh differences and
separation; they’re simply not constructed for it. Pisces had to let go of
the Aquarian blueprint simply because it wasn’t real at its truest essence.
This is why we hear so much of Pisces being evasive, vague, escapist, non-
ambitious and just floating through life. It wants to transcend self-ness,
which it can’t! What a dilemma in which it finds itself. The last thing
Pisces needs is more individuality!

The Exquisite Zodiac

Paradoxically, the thing they desperately need on the material plane is

more individuality. So many Pisceans struggle through life because of
their lack of a sense of self. They have to get themselves into proper
perspective. It becomes about having a self, but not being of it. If Pisces
cannot handle the “worldly” reality, they have no chance of conquering
the other-worldly. It takes a strong ego in order to transcend itself.
That is precisely what Jesus, The Buddha, Muhammad, Lao Tzu and
other ascended masters have done. So we see once again that casting
aside the sign before us without true understanding of what is happening
can be foolhardy.

Pisces does need a sense of self but needs to keep it all in balance. That’s
what Jesus meant when He said, “Of Myself, I do nothing; All things are
done through the Father.” Since it’s been a dream all along anyway, the
dream must be relinquished. We’ve simply forgotten our true nature.
“Being One” is no simple matter. Since the evolving being has become
full and now is emptied, the mission of the zodiac is complete.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

The Three Modes and Four Elements

The Three Modes
icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Cardinal Mutable


Fixed Fixed
10 9

11 8

Mutable Cardinal
12 7

1 6
Cardinal Mutable
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Fixed Fixed


ru Cardinal


Gem r
ini Cance

In astrology the modes are basic energies that have been intuited and
ascribed to the zodiac from ancient times. All signs fall into one of these
three modes: cardinal, fixed or mutable.

Briefly stated, cardinal signs are generally leaders and have an innate
ability to generate energy. The cardinal cross consists of Aries, Cancer, Libra
and Capricorn. This does not mean that everyone born to that mode is a
leader but, in general, cardinal signs lean towards giving direction, instead
of following others. Unless other factors in the chart greatly suppress
this type of energy, cardinal people naturally make things happen. They
simply have what it takes.

The fixed cross consists of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These
energies are concentrated, focused and organized. Fixed signs give
depth and meaning to whatever element they represent. Known for
being stubborn, these signs plant themselves deeply into whatever they
are into and burrow for deeper meaning. You’ll find them to be great

The Exquisite Zodiac

organizers and researchers. They show much patience and diligence

when completing a task. One of the great strengths of this mode is their
persistence. They are difficult, if not impossible, to discourage.

The final group of signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, belong
to the mutable cross. This energy needs to disperse and share each of their
respective elements. It is important that mutables distribute to others.
Not necessarily adept at generating or finishing a task, this is the most
adaptable and flexible of the three modes.

From the perspective of the three modes, the twelve signs look like this:

Aries – cardinal. What better way to “start” the zodiac than with a cardinal
sign! Aries gets things going. Known as the pioneer of the zodiac, the Aries
archetype is not one to wait around for anything or anyone. Perhaps this
is why they are labeled as headstrong. The Ram has a natural tendency to
“ram” ahead, push on and inject its personality directly into the immediate
environment—sometimes to the dismay of others. They go from point A
to point B, period. Everyone else, get out of the way or hurry up!

Taurus – fixed. The second sign needs to affix itself to the earth and
become firmly grounded. Life cannot be all fireworks (Aries); therefore,
the need to anchor the archetype into something solid and seemingly
permanent. If the growing “self” doesn’t set down roots now, the stability
of the following signs will be shaky. Taureans are great at jobs requiring
slow, patient steadiness. They’re the tortoise of the zodiac.
Gemini – mutable. The nature of the next archetype is to explore, gather
information and disseminate it. Gemini is all about spreading the news.
Gemini discovers so much in this symbolic stage of the butterfly; it is the
mobile library of the zodiac. They tend to live in the future somewhat
because of this, always excited about what’s coming next. The reason that
they are known for being so changeable is because they constantly react to
fluctuating stimuli in their immediate environment. They find everything
“interesting” and want to tell everyone about it.

Cancer – cardinal. We are back to the cardinal mode once again. With the
scattering of the seeds of knowledge given us by the Geminian messenger,

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

the need is to start off anew in a fresh direction, one of development.

The self has its essence from Aries, its “stuff” from Taurus and can now
communicate because of Gemini. In this stage, the celestial embryo is
cradled and nurtured in the womb of Cancer the Mother. She leads and
defends the pack. Try sticking your finger in the hole where the young
crabs are growing and you’re gonna get bit!

Leo – fixed. We see now that the symbolic “babe has hatched” in the
previous stage, and Leo proceeds to strengthen the expression of that
new birth. This “developmental stage” goes on to gain courage and
confidence as it learns to grow and compete amongst the other animals
of the jungle.

Virgo – mutable. Born anew in Cancer and Leo, Virgo takes over to
perfect and assimilate what it has grown to be. The Virgo archetype has an
innate need to help others, to share its new abilities. Virgo is here to serve
all and rise above Leo’s need to be so focused upon itself. Virgo folks are
very flexible and usually their ego is so unobtrusive that they’ll volunteer
for just about any job that needs to be done. Virgo is a humble sign.

Libra – cardinal. The third cardinal sign, Libra, takes the lead once
again but this time in a social way. This archetype has a natural ability
to think on its feet and is ever ready to share ideas with others. It takes
the perfected stage of the human from Virgo and debuts it out into the
world, which is a big step. Libra is a leader and savvy about the ways of
the world.

Scorpio – fixed. Relationships have been established in Libra; now

Scorpio ups the ante. The bar is raised now to include the desire, intensity
and obsession united through love. Passions escalate as Scorpio focuses
heavily on the ramifications of the relationship and the combined value
of the pairing. The total is greater than the sum of its parts.

Sagittarius – mutable. Now that deep one-to-one emotions have been

established, the need is to broaden our experience and share that new
world with all. Sag now showers its good will on all people, knowing little
about restriction and limits. Spreading encouragement and enthusiasm
(mutable) makes Sag a natural cheerleader of this team.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Capricorn - cardinal. Our final cardinal sign, Capricorn leads by

exemplifying the proper ways of acting for the good of all. Self-sacrificing
and self-effacing, Capricorn has a strong innate sense of duty, responsibility
and stewardship. Being the zodiac’s final cardinal sign, the Goat leads us
all to the Promised Land. The Moses archetype was of the Capricornian
archetype, if any.

Aquarius – fixed. Our final fixed sign takes its position very seriously,
concentrating on its place as a member of the global community.
Following Capricorn, high-minded Aquarius goes one step farther: its
ideals are unparalleled as it concentrates (fixed) on those things that
we can all accomplish as a whole. Concentrating on higher thoughts
and ideals, the Water Bearer appreciates that utopia does not have to
remain just a dream; indeed, it lies within our reach.

Pisces – mutable. The final of the mutable signs, Pisces has an inherent
need to spread love throughout the world. Foreign to discrimination,
the Fish shares the universal waters with all, seeing no differences
between anyone or any group. There’s more than enough for all. The
zodiac has evolved, once again displaying its exquisite design. The finale
is simple: to give love unconditionally.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

The Four Elements

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari Earth Fire


Air Water
10 9

11 8

Water Air
12 7

1 6
Fire Earth
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Earth Fire


ru Water


Gem r
ini Cance

Fire is the first element. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are full of zest,
enthusiasm and spirit. Fire people are usually quite impatient and
always itching to get going. They have a strong sense of self and don’t
easily back down from those with differing opinions. This element is
hungry to experience life.

The second group, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, make up the earth
element. They are down-to-earth and practical. Just as their name
implies, these are the three that stay close to Mother Earth. Usually,
they must be productive to satisfy their archetype. Not always the most
emotional, earth signs usually are the first people whom others call
upon for practical help of any kind because, in general they are the
most dependable of all the signs.

The third element, air, is comprised of the signs that are focused on
mentality, the mind and ideas. Represented by Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius, these are our thinkers. Air signs love dialogue of any kind.
The sky is the limit with these cerebral types. Not always practical, many
of them live in their minds, in the realm of ideas and possibilities.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Finally, the fourth element, water, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are
primarily based on emotion. These three signs essentially concentrate
on their feelings, moods and sensibilities. Water signs differ greatly from
the others because emotion is their primary domain. How do they feel?
Are they loved? Are they acting in a loving manner? Do they belong?

Dividing the zodiac into these four elements illustrates how different
and how similar we all are in terms of our basic motivations and needs.
Each sign’s natural essence fills them with their particular urge:

Aries – fire. Aries is the essence of fire: active, dynamic, adventurous,

uni-directional. They are the pioneers of the zodiac. “Please move aside,
I don’t mean to run over anyone, I just have to move on! Since I’m the
first sign, let’s get things started!”

Taurus – earth. Taurus is the essence of earth: grounded, patient,

tough, firm. “I’m staying put. I’m digging in for the long haul. You’re
not budging me! I’m not going to be blown around willy-nilly. I love this
place too much and I’m staking my claim.”

Gemini – air. Gemini is the essence of air: talking, exploring, curious,

playful, communicative. “I have places to discover and many rocks to
overturn. Think of all the wonderful things there are in this world. I
have so much to see and I can’t wait to tell everyone all about it!”

Cancer – water. Cancer is the essence of water: moody, emotional,

loving, motherly. “I need my family to stay close by. I feel everything
and must watch out that the world does not hurt me. I need a cozy nest
where I am safe, and I just love children.”

Leo – fire. “I consistently need to express my liveliness! I am colorful

and need to spread my peacock feathers so everyone can see my beauty!
No, I will not sit down or cut my hair. Life is to be enjoyed!”

Virgo – earth. “Don’t call me lazy! I have to work so hard because there’s
so much to do. Someone has to do it! I don’t mind. I get a great feeling
from completing tasks. I care enough to go the extra mile and I like
helping people.”

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Libra – air. “I want to know what’s going on. I need to be up on the latest
trends. Where’s my partner so I can bounce some ideas off of him? I
must have bright people around me. Life is so fascinating and I want to
use my intelligence to play a big role in it.”

Scorpio – water. “I am intensely emotional. I don’t have time for

weakness. I want to devour life. The intensity of life appeals to me and I
need a partner with whom to share it. I know how you feel, so don’t try
to hide it from me. Life is all about passion!”

Sagittarius – fire. “I want to have some fun! Doesn’t everyone? There are
just so many places where one can get bogged down but I want to play!
Life has so much enjoyment to offer; I don’t want to miss a minute of
it. Let’s go!”

Capricorn – earth. “Now, let’s be sensible. There’s a lot to do and it has

to be accomplished the proper way. I am willing to sacrifice my needs
because I feel a duty to my society. Someone has to be responsible!”

Aquarius – air. “I am so fascinated by all the possibilities of what our

minds can do together. Think of it! We don’t have to keep doing things
the same way. Let’s think outside of the box and come up with new
ways to address our old problems. If we work together, we could have
an ideal world!”

Pisces – water. “All you need is love, and that’s the truth. If we love each
other, we’ll all get by. If we remain sensitive to each other’s needs, no
one will be left out. Isn’t this how it should be?”

The Exquisite Zodiac

Combining the Modes and Elements

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Mutable Sc
ari o
Earth Fire


Fixed Fixed
Air 10 9 Water

11 8

Mutable Cardinal
Water 12 Mode 7 Air
Element 6
Cardinal Mutable
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4
Fixed Fixed
Earth Fire
Mutable Cardinal

ru Le
s Water


Gem r
ini Cance

When the modes and elements are combined, we clearly see the
individuation that results from this merging into twelve unique pairings.
It becomes obvious that these combinations describe many of the
similarities and differences among each sign. There are twelve and only
twelve signs to the zodiac: three modes x four elements = twelve signs.

These unique combinations largely define the basic nature of each sign.

Aries – cardinal/fire. The first cardinal sign bursts forth with fire, spirit
and enthusiasm. The spark of life has given rise to the first sign of the
zodiac. It is unfettered because it must be. This is no time to be careful; it’s
time to GO! This is why those strong with Arian influences in their chart
have little patience for obstacles or slow pokes. The fire element is what
gives Aries great excitement for life’s adventures. It’s the combination of
cardinal and fire that gives them their essential thrust forward.

Taurus – fixed/earth. Have you ever tried to persuade a Taurean

personality? The spark that originated in Aries must now be fixed or

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

anchored. The Taurean urge is to affix itself within a frame of reference;

it’s here to stay and now needs a connection to something larger in
order to sustain itself. They’re not simply being stubborn; they’re doing
their job. Persistence is the middle name of this archetype. What else
are they supposed to do, allow Aries to just fly along endlessly until they
burn out in space? Because of Taurus, we now have a strong, immovable,
solid foundation upon which to build and grow. Many Taureans are very
comfortable when they’re out digging in their garden.
Gemini – mutable/air. In the previous anchored position of Taurus,
things were growing stale. The impulse now is to travel about and see
what lies beyond the fortress walls. Gemini is absolutely fascinated with
the world around it. It needs to endlessly explore all of the fascinating
novelties in its environment and spread stories about its findings. The
restless need of mutable/air is to inform everyone of the latest news.
Cancer – cardinal/water. This time the cardinal archetype leads, but with
feelings first. “Are you feeling okay?” This is the nursery where the babies
get to be watched and cared for. As with all cardinal signs, things start
anew. In this stage, the heart is developed as awareness of others emerges.
It takes time to adjust to the element of water. Cancers lead by developing
and protecting feelings—theirs and others’.
Leo – fixed/fire. The burst of fire (life energy) shored up by fixed traits
gives Leo a powerful new confidence in itself. Leo takes the newly born
offspring out for a test drive. “This is MY stomping ground; I back down
to no one!” Careful construction of our new feeling state in Cancer leads
to the need to broadcast our newfound self-reliance to the world (actually
to the self). Leo’s fire is consistent, just like their inextinguishable flame.
Virgo – mutable/earth. Taking over from Leo, Virgo no longer feels
a need to crow about its accomplishments or even be noticed. The
archetype of the Virgin represents purity of purpose and simply wishes to
share its ability to “get the job done.” Mutable earth really means serving
others so we all can survive this terrestrial challenge. Mutable signs want
to help by using the element in which they are steeped. Virgo appreciates
the new burst of life given to us by Leo’s fire. Now, the blacksmith forges
his iron in the hot coals.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Libra – cardinal/air. Again a cardinal sign, again a huge leap forward.

Now, we are ready for the world of other people. Libra leads now with
ideas (air). Many, many of our famous authors and actors find themselves
born to this archetype. With the newly perfected self (Virgo), Libra is
compelled to keep up with the “latest” of what’s happening socially. The
archetype of the Scales builds itself upon the perfection and readiness
that has taken place in Virgo. Libra influences our thinking and also
teaches us how to think for ourselves.
Scorpio – fixed/water. Scorpio takes the relationship that was born in
previous Libra and gives it much more depth and meaning (fixed). This
archetypal stage ultimately represents courage. Dedication is everything
to Scorpio. Now is the time for more thorough merging. This is why
people think of sex and passion when they think of Scorpio. “Fixed water”
means concentrated feelings; and that means intense likes and dislikes,
which Scorpios are known for.
Sagittarius – mutable/fire. Fireworks all around! The compacted passion
that intensifies in Scorpio gives rise to Sag wanting to let loose and spread
its pyrotechnics across the sky. Again, following a fixed sign, this mutable
archetype wants to share what has just been concentrated. Sagittarius
wants to disperse its newly found value of personal closeness (Scorpio)
with all. Everybody, come to Disney World and have fun! Mutable fire is
all about spreading and sharing enthusiasm.
Capricorn – cardinal/earth. Now that we start into our final cardinal sign,
we see that its purpose is one of leading mankind. It’s no wonder that this
archetype is imbued with a great sense of duty and responsibility. This
is the final cardinal sign, and being earthbound, Capricorn wants to do
things “the proper way.” It is the leader of the zodiac in conceiving and
building institutions that are designed to serve and govern us all. Based
upon the new idealistic aspirations that Sagittarius dreamt into being,
Capricorn has the charge of constructing and maintaining a world built
upon those philosophical tenets.
Aquarius – fixed/air. The Water Bearer now finds itself obsessed with
organizing all the world’s ideas into one workable, coherent mental

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

matrix. This is the seed-sign of the “ramifications of concepts.” If this

is true and that is true then think of the possibilities! Clearly the most
idealistic and inventive of the dozen, Aquarius gives great mental focus
to all that it envisions. Having transcended personal relationships, this
air archetype is chiefly intrigued with how we think as a collective.
Pisces – mutable/water. Once again, showing the sparkle of the twelve-
faceted jewel that is the beautiful ring of the zodiac, we see how Pisces is
instilled with the universal urge to give unconditional love to all. Mutable
water = give love. Aquarius has given us a world where we treat each other
as brothers and sisters; now Pisces feels compelled to nurture, accept
and include all that lives herein with no exceptions. It is no coincidence
that the exquisite zodiac concludes with the final sign based upon giving
unconditional love. It was building to this pinnacle all along:
…twelve unique pairs of modes and elements.
…twelve unique archetypes.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Self-Oriented Versus Other-Oriented Signs

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 Other-Oriented Signs 7

1 Self-Oriented Signs 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le
s o

Gem r
ini Cance

The first six signs of the zodiac are “self-oriented” while the last six are
“other-oriented.” This by no means implies that the first six signs, Aries
through Virgo are all wrapped up within themselves; nor does it mean
that the final six signs, Libra through Pisces, are completely absorbed
with others. These terms are broad generalities that describe the
archetypal impulses that lie at the bases of the lower and upper halves
of the zodiac. As you follow along, you will see that the lower half of the
zodiac, the self-oriented, is generally about “me and mine”; the top half
is about “we and ours.”

We must have a strong sense of self in order to even begin to cope with
others. This is what is accomplished in the first half:

The self is put together.

The success that occurs during the “we” half is largely dependent
upon how well the self develops during the first half. Conversely, if the
“developing self” (in the first half) is not exercised and tested, then

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

the self fails to thrive. Either way, both halves are critically important
and interdependent.

Keep in mind that most personal natal charts have a mixture of

many compatible and competing themes. For instance, a person may
have seven planets in self-oriented signs, while another may have just
two planets in other-oriented signs. We’re each a complex soup of
many ingredients.

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

1 Self-Oriented Signs 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

Aries. No sign is as self-oriented as this primary sign. It has to be that way.

Many non-Arians marvel at Aries’ ability to simply do and say what they
feel with little or no regard to other people’s thoughts or feelings. This
is not because Aries types intend to step on anybody’s toes. It’s simply
because in their world, they just cannot afford to, or are unable to think of,
limitations and obstacles. They must move ahead; the light is green! “I see
something and I head directly towards what I want.”

It’s that simple.

There has to be one sign that is uncomplicated, and that sign is Aries.
Certainly, it can go to great extremes and become really irritating to all

The Exquisite Zodiac

involved if the Arian personality is too self-focused. Balance is needed

in the remaining signs and houses of the birth chart in order to give it
more well-roundedness.

Taurus. In a similar fashion, the second sign is also very self-oriented.

The Bull is quite satisfied mulling over what they have. That is Taurus: me
and my stuff. Remember, Taurus digs in and secures itself to the earth,
their home and their immediate surroundings. No sign lives in a simpler
world yet is completely content. The self-absorbed domain of Aries has
blossomed into its immediate surroundings. Taurus appreciates what
it has and shows little interest in things beyond its reach. If they don’t
“own” it, of what use is it? The visceral reaction of this sign is to enjoy what
they have, and Taurus knows better than anyone how to enjoy the fruits
of life.

Gemini. Now, the mind gets involved! The Twins expand their circle as
widely as possible. To them, one thing is as interesting as the next, and
all is intellectual fodder. “Look at this! Oooh, look at that!” Everything is
captivating to this childlike archetype. They are focused and fascinated
with how their own mind works.

Now that we are halfway through the self-oriented signs, we see that the
symbolically evolving being has a self (Aries), its stuff (Taurus) and its
mind and ability to communicate (Gemini). Because of Gemini, our
world has been growing broader and more enchanting; now, we can
communicate with each other. These basic human attributes should not
be taken for granted.

Cancer. Things are becoming more complicated now. Feelings have

been introduced to the growing entity, and with feelings comes a sense
of vulnerability. Ever ready to crawl under a nearby rock (the family
unit) for safety, Cancer is alert to its heart and pines for emotional
security. Cancer is very self-oriented, too, but things start to change now.
The sense of self-protection is at odds with their new and crucial
mothering instinct.

This is a critical cardinal sign and the reason why is simple: Cancer needs
to raise their offspring but it doesn’t want their loved ones to leave the

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

nest; therefore, a conflict ensues. No sign has more difficulty letting go.
They have such a need for their young to stay home because it also
makes them, the Cancer, feel safe and protected.

The tendency towards codependency is very prevalent here.

Love can be quite conditional here. This archetypal stage is not quite
ready for relationships; more development is needed in the last two self-
oriented signs, Leo and Virgo, before the evolving self is truly ready to
intermix with others. An evolved and balanced implementation of the
Cancer principle will love, nurture and then let go.

The evolving self benefits greatly from this stage. On the verge of
running dry after the first three long travails, the self is finally wetted
with the waters of love from its surroundings. The zodiac’s inherent
intelligence has an impeccable sense of timing.

Leo. Ruled by the Sun, self-oriented Leo is tempted to become too self-
involved, partly because fire signs are naturally aligned with “self-focus.”
In this stage, Leos test the limits of their own confidence. Afforded a
stronger sense of self given to them by Cancer, Leos roar across the
jungle, heralding their new self-assurance. This new boldness is required
before the evolving self is ready to meet others in the first other-oriented
sign of Libra.

The Lion grants advancing Man the ability to not quiver in self-doubt
and to live in the world unthreatened. Just like a teenager, it is quite
natural for Leo to strut its bravado before it can settle back into a healthy
sense of dignity. This is a critical stage of development.

If anything, Leo needs to err on the side of cockiness.

Upcoming Virgo will take care of humility.

The extroversion that takes place now is of paramount significance.

Thanks to Leo, Cosmic Man stands up tall and ready for the rigors
headed its way.

Virgo. We reach the last of the self-oriented signs in Virgo. All must be
perfected now and excuses will no longer be tolerated. Virgo senses that

The Exquisite Zodiac

Libra is coming, and along with it comes society. So, what are you to do?
Shine your shoes, press your pants, get a haircut and basically get your
act together.

Virgo is still self-oriented but that is quickly giving way to a sense of

wonder and intrigue over mixing socially. Virgo puts it all together. The
Virgin is very concerned with any possible impurity that it may have let
slip. This is why Chiron fits so well as the ruler of Virgo: cleaning up
one’s act and purifying the self so that it may start anew in the upper
half of the zodiac. Virgo fine-tunes all that has happened so far in the
self-oriented half. Virgo’s newly born humility bridges the gap perfectly
from weighty self-orientation towards mixing with others.

The individual self has swollen to its maximum size in the archetype of
Leo and now the Virgin puts the self into perspective. It simply cannot
progress any further until it includes the rest of the tribe. Blending with
others is basically done to expand the self.

Due to Virgo’s hard, honest work, the evolving self is now ready to try on
someone else.

Generally speaking, astrology’s first six signs see themselves in everyone else,
while the latter six see everyone in themselves.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 Other-Oriented Signs 7

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

Libra. The critical leap has now been made not only into the next
cardinal sign but into the “we” half of the zodiac, the other-oriented
signs. Libra clearly is the Aries of the second half of the zodiac. No sign is
more obsessed with others than Libra. That’s why we have the symbol of
the Scales. We have just been “prepared” by Virgo; now we must compare
ourselves to others in order to get a relative perspective on our new social
self. Even though Libra is essentially partner-oriented, it’s still quite self-
oriented. How can it be otherwise? They are acutely aware of what is going
on socially because that is their new domain. What goes on outwardly
reflects how they feel inwardly. Because of this compulsive need to feel
accepted by society, Libra must be ever vigilant about falling prey to class-
oriented thinking.
Clearly, one of Libra’s biggest downfalls is also their strength. They are
great appeasers and compromisers. This is why they often do well as
mediators. On the other hand (Libra’s favorite phrase), they sometimes
must take a position of their own. It’s just the nature of the Scales to tip to
one side then back to the other seeking equilibrium.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Keep in mind that Libra is a very smart sign. This is the stage where the
self has become self-assured enough to work with another. This archetype
is strong in its ability to partner. Because of Libra, we have broken the ice
of social behavior. A great step has indeed been taken.
Scorpio. Now we’re really getting into it. Talk about other-oriented:
Scorpio is emotionally quite obsessed with the other. Theirs is a fierce
need to merge and create a sum much greater than the total of the parts.
This is truly the stage where life’s great ups and downs are encountered.
Forget about anything having to do with surface behavior. Never mind
what others think or how one fits into society in this eighth stage, unless
additional planets in the chart are found in Libra.
Scorpio is all about depth, courage and devotion to one another. Once
again we encounter the need to value what one has but now it’s because
two people have truly married and become one. If the relationship does
not reflect a bona fide exchange between the couple, then the tendency
for an unbalanced relationship is very high. One person may be usurping
the other’s life energies. These shadowy types will keep you guessing.
This is where the zodiac smolders: the pressure-cooker. Alchemy has
occurred. The beauty, strength and character of Scorpio give Cosmic
Man purpose and valor. Other-orientation means just that; merging with
the other becomes everything here.
Sagittarius. Other-orientation is the perfect category for this sign. Due to
the great emotional compression that was just experienced in Scorpio,
Sag bursts out into a huge new world of experience. The bigger the better!
Sagittarius is limitless, or so it thinks. Having transcended personal
relationships in the previous signs of Libra and Scorpio, Sagittarius invites
everyone to the party! This stage is so broad, ruling things like philosophy,
higher education, government, religion, exchange students and politics.
Sag has a feverish desire to travel the planet and see all that there is.
Expansion is their middle name and this other-oriented sign is all about
sharing its newly burgeoning self with the global community.
This is why they love to read and are usually quite political and soap-boxy.
They want to influence the ideas that are governing mankind. Keep

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

in mind that Sagittarius “knows” that Capricorn is coming next, as it

approaches the top of the zodiac where the Goat is about to be enthroned.
Because of this fearless Archer, the growing self is expanding to great
heights and is energized by its new camaraderie and vistas. Now, being
other-oriented includes the masses: the greater collective.
Capricorn. From now on the rest of the signs of the zodiac are becoming
more and more other-oriented. Capricorn adds a great sense of duty and
responsibility to the maturing zodiac. Not only is it quite aware of others,
the evolving being has now become quite stable within itself and senses
a need to build a community of laws, structures and institutions in order
to have society work as effectively as a well-oiled machine.
Many times the Capricorn actually suffers greatly because they have gone
too far: doing everything for everyone else. Self-effacement can get out
of hand with this sign because of their “fatherly” need to sacrifice the self
for the well being of the whole. The final cardinal archetype, Capricorn
is acutely aware of its privileged position atop the zodiac. No sign has a
greater sense of obligation to others.
Thank goodness for Capricorn, which paves the way for the final two signs.
Now the advancing self has reached the zenith of the zodiac and reigns over
the wheel of life with an appropriate sense of responsibility and veneration.
Aquarius. The Water Bearer transcends Capricorn and regains its sense
of individual rights. This archetype is truly dedicated to the success of the
planet as a whole, making it the most idealistic of the bunch. Other-oriented
Aquarius considers others to be just like themselves; that is, equals. Usually
very non-judgmental, this eleventh sign is a strong advocate for liberation
and universal causes. Concern for the environment is frequently very near
the top of their list of priorities.
Because Aquarius has such a great, renewed sense of personal freedom,
some do have to watch out for an unbalanced sense of entitlement. Yes,
famous figures John Belushi, Yoko Ono, John McEnroe and Betty Freidan
were born to this sign; however, I’m not sure how well they knew they were
also exemplifying the shadow side of Aquarius. There’s a fine line between
being disruptive versus liberated for this free-spirited archetype.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aquarius has become so other-oriented that oftentimes they go by

unnoticed. It is one of the most underrated signs of the zodiac. Aquarius
has a great sense of tolerance and benevolence. They naturally understand
that to help others helps themselves in return . . . enlightened self-interest.
Because of the Water Bearer, who gives back to the rich and vital world, we
are all better off from their considerable contributions and generosity. Still,
there is a bit of ego that remains in Cosmic Man, a final grain to be cooked.
Pisces. At last, Pisces . . . not because they are the least but because they
are the ultimate. By no means does this imply that they are better than any
other sign (that is never the case). It is so because Pisces is charged with
removing the last impediment to the “individual’s” ultimate freedom and
enlightenment. Pisces is almost totally other-oriented, many times to a fault.
The modus operandi of this final sign is to give to all and bring us all together
into one undifferentiated universal family. Having little sense of self is their
beauty, as well as their pitfall.
Pisces is here to go beyond the ego (Aquarius) but keep the self in
perspective, as did Jesus Christ. Cosmic Man now realizes the futility
of serving the self. The preceding eleven signs have managed to satisfy
themselves in one way or another but at this pinnacle of signs, the way is
paved for total enlightenment.
Yes, at the archetypal level, Pisces masters the sense of being other-oriented.
Because Pisces has cleared out the clutter and burden of self-hood, the
greater Self can return home to its natural state of Oneness.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Six Polarities of Signs

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o


10 9

11 8

12 7

1 6
A rie s

Vi r g o
2 5

3 4

ru Le


Gem r
ini Cance

Even a brief discussion of the zodiac’s six polarities reveals much about
interrelationships in the zodiac. All polarities are made up of two signs
that belong to the same mode; that is, cardinal, fixed or mutable. Each
sign has its opposite sign. In astrology, it is uncanny how much those
two signs are alike even in their differences. It is important to under-
stand these polarities as their themes keep reoccurring throughout
translations of natal charts, understanding transits, chart comparisons
and many other typical functions in the practice of astrology.

Aries-Libra: Aries begins the zodiac. Much has been written about
the archetype of Aries and its focus upon the self. Directly across
the zodiac lies the sign of Libra, the first of the other-oriented signs.
Aries, so wrapped up in “me,” gives rise to Libra, the sign dedicated to
partnership, or “we.” Aries: “I am”; Libra: “We are.”

The grander Self can only learn so much by being self-focused. Once we
come “out of ourselves” we paradoxically learn more about ourselves;
therefore, Libra essentially does not further itself until it partners with

The Exquisite Zodiac

others. A great example of this partnership was John Lennon (Libra

Sun sign) and his Gemini song-writing partner, Paul McCartney. Even
though they didn’t always get along, look what their partnership
This Aries-Libra axis has much to do with the formation of one’s identity.
You will notice as with all six polarities that the problem one has finds its
solution in the sign directly opposite. When Aries becomes too selfish,
it needs to activate the Libra side of itself. Libra has a magnificent sense
of tact, diplomacy and compromise. On the other hand, because of their
strong need for a sounding board, Librans often lose themselves within
their partner. When that happens, their antidote is to develop their own
Aries side: more self!
Note the comparative values of this axis: Aries/Libra; self/other; me/us,
how I look/how we look; my accomplishments/our accomplishments;
my identity/our identity; my adventure/our adventures.
Taurus-Scorpio: Taurus is very much embedded within its own self,
secure within. Many times we hear of Taurus being the sign of money,
collections, valuables, assets. When we look deeper, we see that it
represents our sense of self-worth. We find ourselves and our value via
the archetype of Taurus. This archetype is rough and tough and deeply
rooted. Its opposite sign, Scorpio, finds more value or self-worth via
wedding itself to another. Taurus: my stuff; Scorpio: our stuff. Again,
the self can only go so far by itself. More development occurs when we
exercise the same trait by sharing it with another, as is done with the
steadfast sign of Scorpio.
Taurus sometimes finds itself in self-imposed claustrophobia; that’s when
it needs another person to share. On the other hand, when Scorpio
gets clogged with too much emotional drama in their partnership, their
answer lies in simply dealing with their own stuff. We all have all twelve
parts within; it’s just that most of the time we get too myopically focused
on parts of our own dominant impulses.
Scorpio can become obsessed with merging with the other. As was
said earlier, no sign can become more enmeshed when it comes to

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

partnerships than Scorpio (and Libra). Scorpio invests much of its own
self-worth in the duo. What happens when we base our own self-worth
upon another? It can be a shaky proposition.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis can be tempted toward possessiveness or even
jealousy. It’s like looking down at a game board with moving pieces.
When one crosses over the second sign of Taurus to the eighth sign
of Scorpio, things get thick. The desire to make things “mine” can get
very gooey. Many Taurus and Scorpio personalities can get lost in a
sense of “owning” the partner. This rarely works out for those involved.
Individuality must not only be preserved but realistic expectations must
be developed toward others in order for the union to be healthy.
Any and every soul traversing the zodiac needs to stand tall by itself at some point.
You can whistle past Pluto only so many times.
Note the comparative values of this axis: Taurus/Scorpio; my stuff/
our stuff; my worth/our worth; my money/other people’s money; my
little nest/our little nest; I ground myself/I ground myself through you;
my stubbornness/our stability.
Gemini-Sagittarius: Things get much lighter now. Gemini: “my mind”;
Sagittarius: “our minds.”
The Gemini prototype endlessly gathers the new information that
eventually leads to its polar opposite, where the collective mind works
itself into an overall philosophy. We’ve discussed Gemini’s mercurial
need to avoid taking a position or stance. Nothing could be further
from the truth than with the archetype of Sagittarius. They’ll take a
position on anything and everything (think of Ann Coulter). Known as
the soapbox sign, Sag has a burning need to stand up for what it believes
is truth and let you know about it. What opposites!
Gemini informs the individual mind while the Archer schools itself,
travels and forms thought at a higher level. When Gemini has difficulty
taking a stance, it needs to borrow a philosophical basis from its Sag
counterpart. In reverse, Sagittarius sometimes comes off preachy and ill
prepared for argument. It can gain much by drawing upon its Gemini
side where more data is available.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Needless to say, this whole mutable axis is much lighter, lifting itself out
of the deep muck of Taurus-Scorpio. Mutable differences, by their very
nature, give us much less trouble than we run into with the cardinal or
fixed paradigms. This is why this polarity holds much less stress.

See the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity at work: smaller/bigger; my ideas/

our philosophies; local community/the world at large; elementary or
high school/college or university; small publications/the Internet; short
trips/long voyages; casual chit-chat/major debate; gossip/propaganda.

Cancer-Capricorn: The next cardinal twosome is the fourth sign,

Cancer, with the tenth, the opposing sign of Capricorn. In both signs
the expanding self must establish a position: Cancer, within the family and
Capricorn in the public arena.

When Cancer becomes too insulated within the family cocoon,

exteriorization, or borrowing from its Capricorn half, is necessary. In
terms of the opposite, many times worldly businessman Capricorn has
gotten far removed from its emotional source and needs to refuel and
restore from its roots in watery Cancer.

These are the two signs that leave their respective havens cautiously.
Perhaps this is because of their new charge of being cardinal once
again. Remember, cardinal signs generate or lead. Sequestered Cancer
leads us into the stage of development where everything must be done
very carefully; they’re vulnerable. Conversely, Capricorn shepherds the
way onto the public forum, the most visibly unprotected stage that there is.

Note the comparative values of this axis: Cancer/Capricorn; my home/

my office; my family/my staff; emotionally cautious/professionally
careful; buffered by family/buffered by social position.

Leo-Aquarius: Leo is based on what “I” can do; Aquarius, what “we” can
do. Seated within the first half of the zodiac, Leo finds it imperative to
be heard. This assists the developing entity as it overcomes Cancerian
hypersensitivity. Faith in the self is firmed up as extroversion leads to

When Leo gets too addicted to its own voice, it must remember the

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

group and not be threatened when others garner attention. Aquarius

believes in what can be done as a group. When it lacks something, it
must draw upon its Leo core, its individuality.

Here we find ourselves in the final polarity consisting of fixed signs.

Fixed signs don’t like to move. They like things done their way. When we
sharpen our study of the half-dozen polarities, we see how we gain when
we incorporate the nature of the opposing archetype. Leo must not
stay in a state of self-insistence; likewise, Aquarius must learn that others
just aren’t that interested or invested in the success of the group. We’re
all different.

Note the comparative values of this axis: Leo/Aquarius; my creation/

our creation; my offspring/the world’s population; self-confidence/
team confidence; self-expression/group expression.

What is the glue that holds this whole magical zodiac together?
That comes next.

Virgo-Pisces: Again we have two mutable archetypes, and these two

signs are usually not “full of themselves” in any way. This is a critical
dyad, indeed. Virgo, the archetype of discrimination is like black and
white when compared to Pisces, the sign of indiscrimination. Virgo, the
sign of exclusion; Pisces, the sign of inclusion.

In almost every case, when Virgo loses perspective it’s because they
are being too particular. The opposite is true for Pisces. These two
energies absolutely must work together in harmony. Cosmic Man needs
Virgo to tell us exactly when it’s safe to cross the street. On the other
hand, Pisces is needed so that those on opposing sides of the street
don’t start fighting.

Both signs share a great need to serve. Virgo does not seem to be
motivated by trans-Saturnian outer planets (universal principles); that
is, it does what’s right versus what’s wrong. To Virgo, the world is all
about differences. Pisces, however, seems to do what is “right” because it
is one with the other. What it does to you, it does to itself. There are no
differences to Pisces.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Virgo’s need is to fix things; Pisces’ intention is to leave them be.

Ruled by Chiron, Virgo prides itself in fixing what is “wrong” (the
perfectionist). The Pisces way is to leave things alone because they’re
already perfect. However, letting things go out of laziness or apathy is a
common Piscean problem. Both Virgo and Pisces are critically needed
and it’s no coincidence, once again, that the zodiac concludes with
Pisces. The end of positionality, Pisces accepts all as being perfect as it is.

Note the comparative values of this axis: Virgo/Pisces; separate-

ness/oneness; non-discrimination/discrimination; exclusive/inclusive;
detail-oriented/non-detailed; fixing/allowing; finicky/accepting; hard-
working/tendency to relax; realist/non-realistic; practical/dreamy;

Each month as we experience lunations—that is, full moons, new

moons, lunar eclipses or solar eclipses—we see these very same polarities
come into play. For example, when there is a full moon in Cancer, the
mood will be hypersensitive because of Cancer’s archetype. What we
oftentimes fail to realize is that the opposite pole is being activated, too!
We then are likely to experience a tug of war between home (Cancer)
and career (Capricorn).

By way of another example, let’s assume that there will be an eclipse in

Aries. The other pole will be activated, too, in the sign of Libra. During
the period of the eclipse, we’ll feel somewhat torn between taking care
of me (Aries) and focusing more on our partnerships (Libra).

A solid understanding of the six polarities will add much to your

astrological perceptions and knowledge. The bottom line is that the
polarities are essentially inseparable.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Ruling Planets of Each Sign

icorn Sagitta
Capr rius

us Sc
ari o

Saturn Jupiter

10 9
Uranus Pluto
11 8

12 7
Neptune Venus

1 6
Arie s

Vir g o
Mars Chiron
2 5

3 4

Earth Sun

ru Le


Mercury Moon
Gem r
ini Cance

Consensus regarding planetary rulerships of the signs has changed

throughout the ages. By and large, the following discourse on rulership
reflects modern thought, including a few of my own recommendations.

It is not an easy task to describe exactly what a “ruling planet” is. For
instance, Saturn is said to be ruler of Capricorn. While that match-up
is vividly clear to anyone who has at least a basic understanding of the
archetypes of the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn, one must keep
in mind the difference between a planet and a sign. Many Capricornian
traits “come from” or are symbolized by the planet Saturn, while other
attributes belong exclusively to the sign Capricorn. There are some subtle
differences. In time, with more exposure to natal charts, you will start to
be able to sense what the archetype of the ruling planet feels like versus
the archetype of the sign that it rules.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Aries is ruled by Mars

Astrologers know from plenty of experience that Mars is warlike, direct
and aggressive. Ares was the Greek god of war. Mars correlates well with
the first self-oriented sign of Aries. Aries generally do not hold back; they
fight for their own needs with no strings attached. Mars and Aries do
not hesitate to plunge directly into experience. Yes, both can be blunt,
self-serving and harsh at times. The combustibility of these two is like an
explosion. The “big bang” of the zodiac is quite occupied with exploding
unto itself. In the scheme of things, there is no other manifestation going
on at this point in time. Life at this stage has yet to become complex.
No planet represents the act of initiation more than Mars.

We can see why Mars and Aries, at the archetypal level, are simply not
aware of their environment. They are so busy giving birth to the whole
zodiacal circle. There is no “other.” Aries is charged with coming into
being; his hands are full enough as it is, and the rest naturally follows.

Taurus is ruled by the Earth and possibly co-ruled by Venus

Traditional astrology has always paired the planet Venus with Taurus
and Libra; however, I have compiled much evidence and experience
that have led me to conclude that the sign of Taurus must be ruled
by the Earth itself. Taurus’ great need to be grounded, their desire for
simplicity, their patient way of processing life and their love of the earth
itself certainly lends toward this assignment.
A friend called me the other day to tell me that her Taurus boyfriend had
just built a huge bonfire in their backyard. She said he scratched out an
area in the dirt next to the fire and was lying down in it, right next to the
roar. “It makes me feel good,” he told her. She understood. I laughed and
said to myself, “Earth.”
That natural inclination is not Venusian in any way.
Much thought and research needs to be given to this subject because
the Earth’s position in the zodiac is generally not tracked in western
astrology. A big adjustment will need to be made in order to consider
the Earth as ruler of Taurus, for many reasons beyond the scope of this

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

book. We will need to evaluate this new archetypical pairing. It presents

a dramatic alteration with regard to translating the standard birth chart
itself. Consider the Earth: grounded, substantial, unrefined, physical,
materialistic and rich. It belongs with Taurus.
It is quite likely that Venus will be kept as co-ruler of Taurus but only time
will tell.
Just as the fires of Aries and Mars continue to burn, the intelligence of
the planets anchors us in the Earth in the sign of Taurus—all to prepare
us for the upcoming blustery winds of evolution that will come to us via
Mercury: Gemini and the mind itself.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury

Mercury, the swift-winged messenger god (the Greek’s Hermes) matches
the sign of Gemini perfectly. The quick mercurial mind of Gemini is
ever exploring new topics and vistas. The swift planet Mercury flies
closest to the Sun and needs to keep on moving or it will symbolically
“burn up.” Staleness is the bane of Gemini. They need constant change
and new surroundings. It makes sense to see Mercury soar upwards
from the stable, grounded influence of the Earth in the previous sign
of Taurus.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon

Just like the sign of Cancer, the Moon is extremely moody and is
filled with feeling and longing. Probably the most complex (and most
irrational) of all the planets, the Moon reflects the light of the Sun.
The Moon’s light is not its own but is ever dependent on reflecting the
Sun’s rays; therefore, it’s appropriate that Cancers are known for being
dependent upon their family unit, especially the mother: its source.
The study of astrology gives us a long list of keywords for the Moon and
Cancer: family, home, children, nest, women, emotion, background,
lineage, property, upbringing. The lunar part of a birth chart
symbolizes our historical and even karmic background. It represents the
unconscious and its roots lie deeply buried. Lunar people (those with
strong Cancerian traits or significant placements of their Moon) have

The Exquisite Zodiac

a greater need to feel loved and emotionally secure. You can talk until
you are as green as the man in the Moon but if a Cancer feels unsafe,
that basic issue has to be addressed. They need lots of reassurance.
These are all lunar qualities.

The Moon is traditionally known as the second most important planet

in a chart, even though it and the Sun are not planets in the astronomical
sense. The Moon represents the feeling side of a human, the right
brain. As wisdom points out, the emotion-based right brain will lead us
to truth, love and enlightenment, while the best the analytical (left) side
can do is describe what is happening in a contextual manner.

The position of the Moon in a chart is extremely important. Just as

with the sign of Cancer, the Moon, nestled deeply into our very being,
indicates what makes us feel comfortable. In order to understand people
with strong amounts of lunar energy, we must realize that rationality is
not their forte, while making sure that you feel “okay” is. This is why the
archetypes of Cancer and the Moon represent the mothering instinct.
It also explains why you might see a couple that doesn’t look
compatible, only to find that they are very complimentary; in other
words, they are comfortable together and have “great chemistry,” most
likely because their Moon placements are in harmony.

Good chemistry means that when two people’s

charts are compared, they have planets that line up
in geometric harmony known as “aspects.”

Do you see how feelings have evolved out of the plethora of ideas
that Mercury and Gemini have drummed up? Evolving man is
becoming fuller and continues to unfold into a more robust and
complete expression.

Leo is ruled by the Sun

Leo’s warmth comes from the Sun, the heart and hearth of the zodiac.
This exuberant, expressive sign gets its solar flare/flair from our nearest
star. As with the Sun, it needs to be center stage or else the world falls
apart! This is one reason why Leos feel entitled to that predominant

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

position. Another exemplary trait of this sunny sign is their abhorrence

of triteness, bickering, smallness and, in general, lack of dignity. Leos
are a very generous, magnanimous group.

You cannot stop the powerful solar rays, nor would you want to. It
is the very planet of ego (for better or worse), source of creativity
and sense of well being, and life itself. What better way to overcome
the lunar apprehensions of Cancer than with great pride, fire, power
and confidence?

Virgo is ruled by Chiron (Well, not in most books but that’s my take on it!)
Traditional astrology has Virgo and Gemini both being ruled by Mercury.
To me, there’s no doubt about this one: Chiron, the minor planet, rules
Virgo. (Like the new classification for Pluto, the minor planet called
Chiron is also categorized as a “Centaur.” Since its discovery in 1977,
many astrologers have given Chiron the respect it deserves now that we
have discerned its significance; therefore, astrologers also refer to it as
a planet.)

Astronomical bodies reveal their truths to us when we are ready to hear.

Chiron’s nature matches perfectly with Virgo and resolves so many of

the doubts astrologers have had regarding Mercury’s rulership of Virgo.
The main reason is that Mercury is neither Earth-like nor perfectionistic.

Chiron, the Centaur, urges us to greatness and it wants no reward.

True nobility is his. Now Mercury can relax and just be concerned with
Gemini. (That would keep any planet’s “hands” full enough.)

It’s not so much that Virgos are perfectionistic, it’s more the fact that
they care. This archetype is closely tied with the subject of wounds,
and Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.” Virgo is very much an
underrated sign and that’s how they like it. Likewise, its rock-like ruler
enjoys its anonymity, too. What does the quiet Virgo hear from the silent
influence of Chiron? There is much to learn but it seems to foretell our
fate and our dharma, if you will. We are pulled in its direction almost as
if we have no choice. Epic events happen in our lives when the planet

The Exquisite Zodiac

Chiron is activated in our charts. Chiron is proving to be a major force

in astrological charts, much more than previously thought. There are
many mysteries about Chiron and many questions remain about this
relative newcomer to our zodiac. Only with time will astrologers be able
to grasp its fuller nature.

Libra is ruled by Venus

It is clear that Venus, the planet of beauty, rules the alluring sign of
Libra. In astrology, Venus’ domain is expressions of beauty in all of its
forms: physical appearance, music, art, aesthetics and style. Librans
can’t abide anything done in a crass or indelicate manner. Libra is the
zodiac’s ballerina. Venus prompts Libra towards tasteful elegance; both
are smooth, fluid energies and are always a class act. They ease the
troubled waters and gently nudge us towards maintaining harmonious
partnerships to compromise and work together.

The much-needed genteel energies that are given to us by Venus and

Libra are a welcome relief after the fiery storms of the Sun and Leo and
the blood, sweat and tears of Chiron and Virgo.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto

In the early days, before we could see Pluto, Scorpio and Aries were
both ruled by Mars. Since Pluto’s discovery in 1930, a perfect match has
been made wedding Pluto to Scorpio. Pluto rules the masses, as well
as the shadows and secrets of life. It’s the domain of the unconscious.
From Pluto’s icy distant perch, it insists that Scorpio questions each and
every motive for purity of intention. This inquisition also extends to all of
their partnerships. They don’t fool themselves; therefore, they aren’t
fooled by others.

Nevertheless, no sign has more of a negative reputation or scares more

people. Much of this wariness emanates from the planet Pluto, not the
sign Scorpio. Granted, much of it is unfair and unwarranted but as we
examine closer, we find that two tendencies of Pluto make many people
uneasy. In fact, these same two reasons are what separate the “good”
Scorpios from the shadowy types.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

1. How does the Scorpio handle every one of their motives being
scrutinized by Pluto? (Do they become suspicious of others’
2. Is there a resulting significant degree of self-loathing?

As we evolve through the zodiac, we now see the great depths that Pluto
and Scorpio have added to the sublime partnering of Venus and Libra.
The zodiac is getting warmer.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter

The largest of the planets, Jupiter rules the most expansive sign of the
zodiac, Sagittarius. The red giant has always been referred to as the “Great
Benefic,” “the good guy” And “the good luck planet.” While known for
their devil-may-care, light-hearted attitude, Sagittarians nevertheless pick
up great social idealism from Jupiter.

Jupiter has a natural never-say-die, optimistic nature. Sometimes this

actually becomes blind-optimism but needless to say, Jupiter/Sagittarius
is the upbeat cheerleader of the dozen. Jupiter influences Sag to be
explorative, broad, educated and to let things roll off their backs.
No worries.

From the intense fires of passionate Pluto and Scorpio we come to find
Jupiter and Sagittarius ready to loosen things up and let go. Sag is about
fun, enjoyment and spirit. Isn’t that why we’re here? The zodiac is starting
to get the idea.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn

Sorry, there just isn’t a “lite” version of heavy duty Saturn, the planet
surrounded by ice rings. Traditionally, Saturn has been known as the
planet of fear, limitation, restriction and death. In the Dark Ages of
astrology, it was known as the “Great Malefic.” Unfairly and unjustly
given those ancient curses, Saturn-the-stern did and still does influence
Capricorn to take life seriously but its reputation is much less formidable
these days. Saturn finally is getting its legitimate reputation in the zodiac.

The Exquisite Zodiac

Saturn is not here to cause us pain. The archetypes of Saturn and

Capricorn are here to make sure life gets “done.” That’s why these two
solemn forces are commonly dreaded to the point of paranoia. But, if
they aren’t going to make sure, who or what will? If your teacher or parent
didn’t insist that you work hard at your homework, how equipped to
handle life would you be? That’s the pure intention of Saturn.

Saturn is the father symbol of the zodiac and greatly imbues Capricorn
with a selfless sense of duty and responsibility. If the job involves sternness,
governance or sacrifice . . . well, that’s just part of life. This may sound
quite parental but Saturn only respects the responsible.

Capricorn and Saturn care about the whole, the community, the world.
It’s their job to keep it together.

And that’s precisely why Capricorn conforms; it is the first archetype of

sacrifice. New Age astrologers appreciate Saturn for the critical role it plays
and for the necessary, unappreciated, overlooked value that it brings to the
table. If you don’t have a strong Saturn in your chart, you are less likely to
go far in this world.

Saturn/Capricorn has taken the helm from expansive, fun-loving Jupiter/

Sagittarius. Because of their contributions, the zodiac is now prepared to
take on the world in a larger sense, as it hands the jug of life-giving waters
over to Aquarius.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus

In the olden days, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. As the telescope has
revealed more and more about the planets, Aquarius came to be paired
with Uranus. The latest thinking, per Richard Tarnas (one of the world’s
finest astrological minds), however, has it associated with the archetype
of Prometheus, the Greek Titan who stole fire from Zeus in order to give
it to the mortals (but that is another story for another time.) Uranus,
the idiosyncratic planet that rolls through space spinning on its “side,”
rules innovation, revolution, liberation and is the harbinger of new
ages. Uranian energy fits perfectly with the sign of Aquarius. It abhors
the status quo and impels us to find novel remedies to outmoded habits.

A Sign-by-Sign Delineation of the Six Archetypal Variants

Uranus/Aquarius tries to figure out the Big Picture. It’s the wizard who
is way, way ahead of its time.

Uranus influences Aquarians to be themselves, imbuing them with

a great sense of individuality. Known for their tolerance for other
people, Aquarians are the greatest “friends” of the zodiac. That concept
should not be taken lightly, as this archetype brings us higher ideals
via the Aquarian mind. Aquarius bestows friendship upon the collective
mindset and contributes ever-broadening spiritual norms.

Uranus keeps us progressing and evolving into something new. Some

force has to break up the form that Saturn/Capricorn had established,
one that eventually grew old and stale and antiquated. That force is
Uranus; it regains the true human self that overly conformed and
lost itself in the previous sign of Capricorn, and it fills Aquarius with
this wonderful, wonder-filled awe that sees the world as one full of
endless possibilities.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune

As with all endings, the sign of Pisces brings us full circle. Previously
ruled by expansive Jupiter, now we assign Piscean energies to that
ethereal god of the sea, Neptune. Pisces lives to give love and its source
is truly unbounded and endless. Neptune’s subtle but undeniable force
gives Pisces an inexpressible sense of universal oneness. Pisceans don’t
know how to differentiate; all is one big family to the archetype of the

Neptune dissipates imaginary, unreal boundaries that man constantly

reconstructs in a desire to protect false ego-mirages. It does so in order
to bring us back home, back to Heaven. Neptune/Pisces is the ultimate
energy/sign of the zodiac not because it is better than any other but
precisely because it doesn’t want to overshadow anybody. Its nature has
to be what it is, one that transcends the illusion of individuality. Pisces
is not in any hurry. To the sign of Pisces, there is nowhere to go and
nothing needs to be done. (Tell that to its opposing sign of Virgo!) It
reigns in a timeless space and intuitively knows that we have never left
home to begin with.
The Exquisite Zodiac

Part Four:
Multi-Faceted And Flawless:
The Jewel of the Universe
The zodiac is a reflection of God’s exquisite universe.

So there you have it. We have examined six archetypal variants that spell
out why the signs are the way they are: the twelve stages of man, how each
sign is an outgrowth of the previous sign, the modes and elements, the
self-oriented and other-oriented halves of the zodiac, the six polarities
and the twelve ruling planets. Certainly, there are more variants that
pertain to the differences among the signs but I believe that these six are
the most fundamental. If understood properly, they will help you to see
how each sign fits perfectly into its specific position. When we factor in
the archetypes of the eleven transiting planets, we can easily understand
answers to questions such as, “What’s gotten into you?” and “Why are
you so stubborn/flighty/intense (fill in the blank)?” The archetypal
patterns at the basis of astrology are, of course, the basis of all life. Just
as diamonds are formed at the earth’s mantle, this intelligence and
order comes from a place deep, deep within us. These energies
represent very intimate yet universal impulses that often guide us
without our conscious knowledge.

A thread of divine intelligence weaves its way throughout the zodiac.

It knows what it is doing and provides the foundation for all of life,
just as a rose knows how to be a rose and a snowflake knows how to
have precisely six sides. There are no mistakes. The zodiac has a built-
in, self-contained, self-regulating mechanism. It takes care of itself.

The Exquisite Zodiac

When it lacks in vitality, it draws life energy from Aries, Leo and Sag.
When it has to think itself out of a tight spot, it draws upon the Gemini-
Libra-Aquarius triad. If it gets too dried up and needs to be nurtured,
it summons Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. And finally, when it becomes
destabilized, it grounds itself in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

In a word, the zodiac is “flawless.” There is an innate wisdom that only

God can inform while maintaining perfect harmony. A person who
keeps his life in perfect balance (or close to it) doesn’t need to consult
with an astrologer or to even know their natal chart. They are naturally
in sync with their life force, as well as the ebbs and flows of the life’s
currents. They listen to themselves, while most of us don’t. We need
all twelve archetypes to be interlaced with each other for a complete
and balanced inner life. Fortunately, we each have all twelve archetypes
within us. It’s our life challenge to keep them in balance.

The zodiac is like a house of mirrors that makes total sense.

We now find ourselves consciously within a new quantum holographic

universe. We’re far from truly understanding what that means, yet
somehow, we just know that the truths that underlie the zodiac also
underlie all things. Try to omit or add a sign and it just won’t work;
it’s unnatural. Look what happened in January of 2011 when the
constellation of Ophiuchus tried to edge its way into the standard
zodiac, portraying itself as the “new” thirteenth sign: it didn’t have a
chance. Many people erroneously thought that the zodiac had shifted
and that they had a new “Sun sign.” But, in astrological circles, the zodiac
reverted back to its natural order of twelve signs. Nature is mathematical
and harmonic at its basis; it has no other possible choice. The zodiac has
twelve signs, just like the number of notes in the chromatic music scale,
people on a jury, months in a year, inches to a foot, items in a dozen
and the number of Apostles. There is no difference. Inherent to the
twelve signs of the zodiac are all of the truths that have been elucidated
throughout this book. There are twelve sides to this exquisite jewel.

If anything, the zodiac teaches that each of us is connected to a much

broader, wiser realm of omniscience and ordered existence—and, we

The Jewel of the Universe

are all connected. How do I, as an astrologer, know what I know when I

shouldn’t? I read your blueprint, or birth chart; it tells me who you are.
There is no simpler way to put it. It’s your calendar and your map. It’s
your personal design, your paradigm, your seed diagram. It’s the true
you and is totally natural. It represents the moment frozen in time of
your own personal Big Bang.

We can only marvel at this brilliant zodiacal diamond and its clear-
cut facets with distinct demarcations of one face to the others—
twelve unique mirrors and windows comprising one beautiful gem.
All of these innumerable permutations exist within one exquisite
zodiac, cohesively “mounted” together by its indigenous common
denominator: universal love.

Clearly, we have seen that we are expressions of an empyreal,

archetypal design. It has many names, theories and myths. As we
continue to wonder about our very nature, we cannot help
but sense this orderly, intelligent universe. Each of us has our
own way of describing it but several things are vivid: we are in
a magical incarnation in which much of our existence seems
planned and, at the same time, we know that we have the gift of
free will. The study of astrology helps us to better understand our
place in this phenomenal cosmos.

God’s universe has never been nor will ever be in the same state
twice. Its glorious and grand design is never to be replicated—just
as you, in all of your multi-faceted magnificence, cannot be
expressed twice. You are the emissary of the nature of the moment in
which you were born.

About the Authors
Rick DiClemente is not your typical astrologer. Widely known as a“way
shower,” he blends math-science and spiritual-psychic ability with
empirical knowledge in order to reveal the multi-faceted story in each
chart. Rick’s intuitive-astrological readings are like a sit-down with
a trusted friend who has your ultimate best interests at heart. At the
same time, he brings alive the applied discipline of consulting with
the cosmos for timeless wisdom that helps others better understand
themselves, their relationships and their lives.

Rick has practiced astrology for 35 years, and has presented numerous
lectures, classes and workshops. He makes frequent guest appearances
at holistic expos and in the media. Formerly, Rick worked as a
documentary filmmaker and computer database manager—both of
which inform his work today.

To learn more about Rick, visit

Liza Jane Brown first began to appreciate the value of celestial

guidance as a young girl, when she enjoyed the vegetables her great
grandmother grew according to the phases of the Moon. Encouraged
and supported in her endeavors by at least three generations of
women who have relied upon astrology’s truth, Liza has been a student
and practitioner of astrology for 36 years so far. She is also a medical
social worker.

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