JOURNAL-Taguchi-based Experimental Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) Energy Converter Under A Controlled Environment PDF
JOURNAL-Taguchi-based Experimental Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) Energy Converter Under A Controlled Environment PDF
JOURNAL-Taguchi-based Experimental Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) Energy Converter Under A Controlled Environment PDF
Globally, most of the energy consumption rely on non-renewable energy sources which is inevitably going to run out for the future
generations. To promote the use of renewable energy, the researchers aim to fabricate and test a prototype vortex-induced vibration
(VIV) energy harvester by integrating it with the spring-loaded mechanism and linear generator. The resulting electrical power output
was measured by varying input parameters such as spring width, spring length, and flow velocity. Taguchi’s parametric design of
Taguchi method was used to facilitate the design of experiment. Minitab 17 was used for the statistical software to analyze the signal-
to-noise ratio and perform the analysis of variance (ANOVA) while Fusion 360 software was used to create the drawing model. The
cylinders were bought, incorporated, and tested with the fabricated VIV energy harvester. Having the prototype worked; it was known
that linear generators can be used in replacement for piezoelectric for kinetic to electric energy conversion. The experimental results
show the behavior of the combined parameters and revealed that the best combination is A 1B3C3 which optimized the power output to
71.41mW with a 90.03% accuracy when compared to the Taguchi estimation. The ANOVA results revealed that all the parameters
were significant, and the most influential parameter is stream velocity.
Keywords: Vortex-induced Vibration, Power Output, Taguchi Method, Linear Generator, Spring-loaded Mechanism
velocity. To evaluate the results, the signal-to-noise ratio and the output variable which is done by Quality Loss Function
ANOVA techniques of Taguchi’s method [8] is used to wherein the Noise Factor and Signal to Noise Ratio are
determine the optimal build combinations and identify the most considered. A robust output characteristic of the data can be
influential factors on the power output. obtaining with the optimum result taking the noise factor into
consideration. In addition, Orthogonal Arrays and Analysis of
This study also purposes to develop a vortex induced Variance (ANOVA) are also used in this method.
vibration generator that is more efficient and generates more
power to promote the use of hydropower as a source of energy. METHODOLOGY
With this, the use of non-renewable resources will be lessened,
and pollutant emission will be suppressed. This study can also Experimental Design Phase
contribute to the existing literature through the proper selection
of levels for the influencing factors and optimizing the power The researchers determine the factors that affects the
output through the optimization technique of the Taguchi oscillation of cylinder of the VIV generator system. As shown
method. Best combinations of the factors and its levels will also in Fig. 2, spring width, spring length and stream velocity were
improve the variability on the power output. The data and chosen as the controlled factors that greatly affects the VIV
results of this study can be used for the future researches related generator system based on the results provided in the previous
to the vortex induced vibration for its development. studies [5]-[7].
Table 1. Design of Experiment Parameters and their levels. researchers can visualize the motion that the components can
Level Level Level make as well as their motion extents.
Factor Parameter Unit
1 2 3
A mm 10 20 -
B mm 250 275 300
C Velocity m/s 0.33 0.43 0.58
A GI sheets 30" x 14" serves as a flow guide and a For the last part of the fabrication phase, the electrical
honeycomb-like screen (made of plastic straws placed into a components. These are necessary for data gathering of output
window type acrylic glass) is placed after the flow guides for values, especially the output power, and measuring the accuracy
the water flow to be laminar as shown in Fig. 6. of the stream velocity.
The linear generator shown in Fig. 9 works by moving a
magnet in a linear/vertical motion inside a coil producing
electrical energy. Two neodymium bar magnet (2 grams each)
and ten ferrite magnetic rings (1 gram each) are used. A total of
10 grams was mounted on the prime mover since two ferrite
magnetic rings above and below are attached to the casing to
repulse the magnets at a certain distance with respect to the
Figure 6. Flow Guides (right) and Screen (left).
Figure 8. VIV Device Assembly (right) and Two pairs of flat Figure 10. Breadboard (top) and Schematic (bottom)
springs. Diagrams of the Linear Generator Circuit Using Fritzing
For data gathering, total voltage generated is measured by The graphed values, shown in Fig. 12, verifies that the
tapping the multimeter into the legs of the capacitor. For water flow is laminar since there is only minimal variations of
measuring of the total current, another multimeter was put into the velocities at any given point in each sample.
series at the end of the full bridge rectifier.
For the calibration of the flow measurement, a YF-S201
flow meter powered by ARDUINO UNO, as shown in Fig. 11.
This concept of flow measuring device is adapted from the
study conducted by Nasution et. al. [11].
Figure 12. Sample Data for Stream Velocity Measurement. Figure 15. Video Analysis via Tracker software.
For the Rate of Voltage increase, the multimeter is Relating to power output, A1B3C3 (run order 9) yielded the
connected to capacitor while the switch is off. The rate of largest amplitude produced the highest power output due to
voltage increase readings are obtained per three seconds in 1 Faraday’s law. Having the largest vertical displacement of the
minute, which totals to 20 readings per run. Data was analyzed magnet, more coils experience a change in their magnetic
by graph using Excel. environment; therefore, producing the highest power output.
For the Statistical Analysis Minitab 17 software was used For the change in frequency, the highest frequency
to give further analyze the data using Taguchi analysis. The obtained was 4.02 Hz which is from designated run coded
types data obtained in the software includes the S/N Ratios and A1B1C3 (run order 3). The run consists of having a spring width
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The larger-is-better is used of 10 mm, spring length of 250 mm, and a stream velocity of
since the optimum power output is aimed in this study. Larger 0.58 m/s. On the other hand, the lowest frequency obtained was
signal means it overcomes the noise/uncontrolled factors. 1.4 Hz which is from designated run coded A 1B3C3 (run order
Response Table for S/N Ratio for each parameter and Main 9). The run consists of having a spring width of 10 mm, spring
effects plot are included as results for our research, along with length of 300 mm, and a stream velocity of 0.58 m/s. This can
the General Linear Model for ANOVA and Taguchi Prediction be seen in Fig. 18.
for S/N Ratio and Power Output.
the magnet hits all the coils inside the linear generator since it For A2B1C1 (run order 10), the equation of the line graph
has the highest amplitude producing the largest power. shows that the value of the slope is 0.0014 which is significantly
smaller than the previous run discussed. This shows that this
Effect on Stored Voltage particular run has a very slow rate of increase since it only adds
The fastest rate of voltage increase was 3.14 V/min which approximately 0.0014 V in the initial value of 0.0373 V as the
is from A1B2C3 (run order 6) with the following conditions: 10 time is increased per second. With respect to the trendline, the
mm spring width, 275 mm spring length, and 0.58 m/s stream rate of voltage increase is 0.1213 V/min and comparing it with
velocity. The time series for this is illustrated in Fig. 19a. The the actual reading of 0.12 V/min produces a percentage
slowest rate of voltage increase was 0.12 V/min which is from difference of 1.08%.
run A2B1C1 (run order 10) with the following conditions: 20 Optimization of Power Output
mm spring width, 250 mm spring length, and 0.33 m/s stream
velocity. The time series for this is illustrated in Fig. 19b. The output power is obtained by computations of the
average voltage and average current obtained in each
experiment run. The power obtained in the experiments was
analyzed using the Taguchi analysis function of the Minitab
software. Table 3 shows the experiment results for the average
voltage, average current, power output, and the S/N ratio.
Table 3. Experiment Results for Average Voltage, Current, and Power, and
S/N Ratio.
Average Average S/N
Run Spring Spring Stream Power
Voltage Current Ratio
Order Width Length Velocity (mW)
(V) (A) (dB)
(mm) (mm) (m/s)
1 10 250 0.33 0.17 0.0008 1.14 1.1381
2 10 250 0.43 1.59 0.0216 34.30 30.7061
3 10 250 0.58 1.64 0.0273 44.76 33.0178
4 10 275 0.33 0.51 0.0047 2.37 7.5005
5 10 275 0.43 1.70 0.0391 66.51 36.4576
6 10 275 0.58 1.75 0.0171 29.85 29.4977
7 10 300 0.33 1.48 0.0133 19.64 25.8613
8 10 300 0.43 1.65 0.0182 29.91 29.5157
9 10 300 0.58 1.68 0.0425 71.41 37.0752
10 20 250 0.33 0.04 0.0052 1.02 0.1720
11 20 250 0.43 0.82 0.0035 2.82 8.9902
12 20 250 0.58 1.20 0.0047 5.58 14.9291
13 20 275 0.33 0.39 0.0032 1.23 1.8208
14 20 275 0.43 0.76 0.0104 7.95 18.0082
15 20 275 0.58 1.21 0.0038 4.61 13.2765
16 20 300 0.33 0.75 0.0102 7.60 17.6210
17 20 300 0.43 1.03 0.0195 20.08 26.0562
18 20 300 0.58 1.39 0.0103 14.20 23.0466
Based on the table, all three parameters have p-values that
The graph shows how each parameter and their levels can are less than 0.05. This means that the three factors all have
be influential to the output by observing the slope of their lines. major relevance and are largely significant on influencing the
The steepness of the line determines the robustness of a power output being robust as a response. Spring width and
parameter. When the line under a parameter is steeper, then the velocity both have the lowest of p-values, while spring length
range within the selected levels are considered more influential has the highest p-value.
to the output. It is shown that a change in velocity from 0.33
m/s to 0.43 m/s produces a large increase of mean of S/N ratios, The Minitab software can also predict the Taguchi results
but when the change is from 0.43 m/s to 0.58 m/s, the increase based on the Taguchi analysis that was made. As previously
of S/N ratio is minimal. This can also be observed in spring discussed, the run combination A1B3C3 was found to be the
length where from 250 mm to 275 mm, the difference of S/N levels of parameters that maximize the power output. Table 6.
ratios is comparatively smaller than when it changes from 275 shows the predicted values based from the ANOVA results for
mm to 300 mm. As for the spring width, the change in S/N ratio power and S/N ratio as processed by the software. The absolute
is large for the two levels. Table 4 shows the response table for error found by comparing the actual and Taguchi-based
S/N ratio of power. prediction in the power output is 7.12 mW. By comparing the
Taguchi estimation with the experimental result, it is found that
Table 4. Response Table for S/N Ratios of Power (Larger-is-better). the method is 90.03% accurate.
Spring Spring
Level Velocity Table 6. Predicted Power and S/N Ratio based on ANOVA.
Width Length
1 25.641 14.826 9.019 Combination Power Output S/N Ratio (dB)
2 13.769 17.760 24.956 A1B3C3 78.53 mW 37.9008
3 26.529 25.140
Delta 11.872 11.704 16.122
The plot in Figure 20 are shown in numeric values, along This research study evaluated the influence of the VIV
with the delta and rank of each parameter. It can also be seen parameters to the power output. In this scope, the spring width,
that the combination A1B3C3 is the combination that presents spring length, and flow velocity are the parameters selected
the largest S/N Ratio. Therefore, this combination of which were observed. This was achieved by using the designed
parameters, which has the spring width at 10 mm, the spring and assembled VIV energy harvester through integrating the
length at 300 mm, and velocity at 0.58 m/s, can minimize the spring-loaded aluminum pipe cylinder mechanism and the
variability of the power output the greatest. It is also shown that linear generator in an open channel water tank. Given that the
the most influential parameter is velocity, as its increase of S/N prototype was able to run properly, the researchers found out
ratio from 9.019 dB (for 0.33 m/s) to 25.140 dB (0.58 m/s) is that it is possible to use a linear generator instead of using
found to be the largest. It is followed by the spring width, then piezoelectric. Moreover, the comparison of the range of
the spring length. frequency on VIV using linear generator having a range of
which has 1.4 - 4.02 Hz and the range of frequency on the
For the ANOVA, the model that was used is a General previous study with VIV using piezoelectric which has 2.5 to
Linear Model. The p-value in ANOVA is crucial as it 4.5 Hz clearly shows that the frequency range of linear
determines what parameters are significantly relevant to the generator is wider at lower values compared to that of
robustness of the power output to variability. In order to identify piezoelectric. Thus, the linear generator would be a much more
this, the value of p-value for each parameter should be less than effective compared to piezoelectric generator in terms of power
0.05. Table 5. shows the results of ANOVA for power. production at cases where low frequency oscillations are
Table 5. Results of ANOVA for Power.
Variation Adj F- p- The researchers were able to employ Taguchi’s parametric
DoF Adj SS
Source MS value value design in the experiment of varying the plate spring width, plate
Spring spring length, and stream velocity. In varying the plate spring
1 643.3 634.27 17.44 0.001
Width width, the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation and the
Spring stored voltage vary inversely with it. In varying the plate spring
2 445.0 222.49 6.12 0.015
Length length, the amplitude of the oscillation along with the stored
Velocity 2 1027.8 513.92 14.13 0.001 voltage vary directly, while the frequency varies inversely. In
Error 12 436.3 36.36 varying the stream velocity, the amplitude and frequency of the
Total 17 oscillation and the stored voltage vary directly; taking into
consideration that there is a limit as to how fast the velocity can
be as increasing it further would cause turbulence. The highest
power output obtained is from designated run coded A 1B3C3
(spring width = 10 mm, spring length = 300 mm, and stream placed into irrigation canals near the agricultural fields and
velocity = 0.58 m/s) which is a combination of the smaller landscapes with which can help the farmers.
spring width, the longest spring length, and the fastest stream
velocity; all of which exhibit characteristics for obtaining a
higher power output. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
The researchers were also able to evaluate the results using The researchers would like to thank Engr. Emmanuelle R.
the Taguchi Method by analyzing the signal-to-noise ratios and Biglete for his willingness to support and guidance throughout
doing analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistically, it was also our research.
determined that the combination A1B3C3 (spring width = 10
mm, spring length = 300 mm, and stream velocity = 0.58 m/s)
presents the largest S/N ratio of 37.0752dB. Regardless of the
quality characteristic selected, a larger S/N ratio corresponds to REFERENCES
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