Static and Dynamic Analyses of Micropiles To Reinforce The High Railway Embankments On Loose Beds
Static and Dynamic Analyses of Micropiles To Reinforce The High Railway Embankments On Loose Beds
Static and Dynamic Analyses of Micropiles To Reinforce The High Railway Embankments On Loose Beds
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3 authors:
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As mentioned before, to examine the slope stability program for evaluating the
efficiency of micropiles to reinforce the stability of circular or non-circular failure
embankments and determine the optimum surfaces in soil or rock slopes. SLIDE is very
arrangement of them, the numerical models of simple to use, and yet complex models can be
non-reinforced and reinforced embankments created and analyzed quickly and easily.
simulated by SLIDE software that the External loading, groundwater and support can
significant analysis information are given in all be modelled in a variety of ways (Azami et
Table 1. It's to be noted that SLIDE is a 2D al., 2003).
2.1. Determining the properties of bed and According to UIC719-R code (1994), the
gradient of embankment slope is typically
considered to be 1 to 3, 1 to 2 and 2 to 3.
Considering the prevalent use of high Obviously, if the slope gradient increases, the
embankments for making the infrastructure of volume of the soil operation in the
railway lines, moreover the stability problems construction of embankment is reduced.
of them against the static and dynamic loads Consequently, because of the use of micropile
cause that the range of embankments height for creating economic balance, maximum
selected between 10 to 25 for SLIDE slope gradient has been considered in the
simulations. It's to be noted that the bed simulation of embankment. In order to
dimensions determined based on a logical optimize the paper size just shown the figures
relative to the embankment dimensions (Table of embankments with the height of 15 and 20
2). m, as the pictorial outputs of SLIDE analyses
(Figs 1 and 2).
Given that the most critical conditions have bed, the properties of SC material were used
been considered, the soil of bed was chosen (according to the soil characteristics of the
from loose soils with low bearing capacity. implemented embankments in the Iranian
Accordingly, the bed material was selected railways after 1978) (Zakeri, Shahroudi,
from the SP sand (Das, 2005). Also to model 2006). The selected material properties are
the embankment and a upper 2-m layer of the given in Table 3.
2.2. Loading the embankment Eq. (2), (3), (4) and (5) (Ehteshami et al.,
The vertical loads that were assumed to
simulate the embankment in the SLIDE δ = 1+ α + β + γ (2)
environment are based on permanent weight of α = 0.04 [V/100]2 (3)
rail line and railway operational load. Also, to
apply the earthquake load, a seismic load β = 0.2
coefficient (horizontal) was assumed to be γ = γ0 . α . β (4)
equal to 0.3 . It's to be noted that the unit
weight of ballast has been supposed to be 1.9 γ0 = 0.1+0.17×[V/100]2 (5)
t/m3 (Ehteshami et al., 2004). The vertical
V=200 (Km/h) → δ = 1+0.16+0.2+0.025 =
overheads are calculated according to Eq. (1).
1.385 > 1.3
Q = P / (L×B) (1)
Finally, the values of load combinations to
QL = (4×37.5) / (6.4×6) = 3.91 (t.m/m ) simulate the embankment by SLIDE, are
calculated according to the Eq. (6), (7) and (8).
QD1 = (0.3×1.9×3.65) / 6 = 0.347 (t.m/m2)
load combination Case 1 = QD1+QD2+δ.(QD1 +
QD2 = (0.15×1.9×6) / 6 = 0.285 (t.m/m2) QD2) = 0.632+0.243 = 0.875 (t.m/m2) (6)
It is noteworthy that the amount of operational load combination Case 2 =
load determined depending on the amount of QL+QD1+QD2+δ.(QL+QD1+QD2) =
axial force which is variable between 20 to 0.632+3.91+1.5 = 5.41 (t.m/m2) (7)
37.5 ton. Furthermore, the effect of impact
load is applied for vertical efforts by using the
M. Esmaeili et el./ Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering 1-2 (2013) 39-48 43
Recent research suggests, however, that in the shear strength according to the Eq. (10)
certain conditions and for certain micropile (Figure 4) (ACI 318, 2005).
arrangements, the micropiles are principally,
ESteel I1 + EGrout I2 + ESteel I3 + EGrout I4 = EGrout I
directly, and locally subjected to bending and
shearing forces, specifically near the sliding
surface (Pearlman et al., 1992). Accordingly, 200 × 5.15 + 31 × 31038.04 + 200 × 8717.59 +
to simulate the micropiles in the environment 31 × 267035.38 = 31 × (πR4/ 4)
of SLIDE software, the amount of allowable
shear strength of micropile is used, that has R = 25.92 (cm)
been considered to be 0.55×√fˊc×πR2, where fˊc FS = 0.55 ×√ fˊc × πR²
is the compressive strength of the cement (10)
grout. In addition, an equivalent steel section
of micropiles was used (Eq. (9)) to calculate FS = 0.55 × √34500 × 0.211 = 21.555 (kN)
Fig 5. Recommendations of UIC719-R code (1994) about the location of micropiles in the embankment
B. The embankments wasn't even close to the movement of layers of loose beds (Figures
moment of failure against the load 6 and 7).
combinations Case 1 and 2 (Figures 6(a)
According to the Figures 6 and 7, the
and 7(a)), while deep sliding occurs in the
embankments failure just appeared against
embankments slope against the load
the load combination Case 3. Accordingly,
combination Case 3 (Figures 6(b) and 7(b));
all the followed numerical simulations
would be done based on this load
C. The main reason of deep sliding in the combination.
embankments slope was the lateral
Fig 6. (a) The stability of non-reinforced embankment with the height of 15 m against the load combination
Case 2 (FS = 1.54 > 1. 3), and (b) its failure against the load combination Case 3 (FS = 1.02 < 1. 1)
Fig 7. (a) The stability of non-reinforced embankment with the height of 20 m against the load combination
Case 2 (FS = 1. 46 >1. 3), and (b) its failure against the load combination Case 3 (FS = 0. 93 < 1. 1)
micropiles with very long and non- reinforce the slope of embankments
standard length in order to cross the with the height of 17 to 25 m.
sliding surface. According to the above mentioned, it's
C. The micropiles distribution between the observed that the optimum arrangements of
toe and 1/2 length of slope is the most micropiles to reinforce the embankments with
effective and appropriate location to the height of 15 and 20 m are arrangements
No. 6 and 13, respectively (Figure 8 and 9).
Table 6. The results of analyses procedure for the reinforced embankments
Number of
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Safety factor 1.02 1.09 1.10 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.10 0.93 1.09 1.10 1 1.08 1.10 1.10
Fig 8. The results of analysis procedure on 15-m Fig. 9. The results of analysis procedure on 20-m
embankment reinforced with micropiles embankment reinforced with micropiles
arrangement No. 6 (FS = 1. 1) arrangement No. 3 (FS = 1. 1)