2.1 Iti PDF
2.1 Iti PDF
2.1 Iti PDF
ISSN 0905-7161
Chapter 1
In the early 1970s, a collaboration was established niques, and the options for suprastructure design
between André Schroeder, Chairman of the De- were the predominant aspects to be inquired into.
partment of Operative Dentistry, University of The research projects were geared to the develop-
Bern, Switzerland, and the private research insti- ment of a simple, versatile system which would of-
tute Straumann (Waldenburg, Switzerland) in or- fer a maximum of predictable success.
der to study requirements and problems related to As time went on, other clinics and practitioners
oral implantology. interested in oral implantology joined the initially
The Institut Straumann AG offered its expertise small group. In 1980, this led to the inauguration
in technology, biomaterials, and engineering. Cli- of the International Team for Oral Implantology
nicians contributed a variety of experiments and (ITI).
examination methods, including histological in-
vestigations and clinical trials.
In the beginning, basic aspects of materials were 1974
scrutinized. Different materials and surfaces were The various requirements for oral implants, such
tested in biological experiments. The group later as mechanical strength and biocompatibility of the
moved on to specific problems of design and bio- material, led to the preliminary choice of a hollow
mechanics. On the clinical side, the definition of implant body as a basic design concept. Other el-
indications, the applicability of surgical tech- ementary considerations in similar type designs
ITIA Dental Implant System
were described by Greenfield (1913) and Benaim
(1959). Greenfield reported satisfactory results Type C implant
with his patented iridio-platinum lattice implant – Minor modifications of these first trial implants
probably the first clinically applicable endosteal led to the standard implant, designated as Type
implant system. C (Fig. 1.1), which was subsequently inserted and
tested in patients. It is important to acknowledge
that ITI dental implants have been titanium
Requirements for oral implant design plasma-sprayed in their bone-anchoring portion
Other considerations at that time included: from the very beginning. This procedure, although
O maximum surface area for attachment and pri- not new to other disciplines, was inaugurated in
mary stability; oral implantology with the introduction of the ITI
O anchoring effect with minor surface irregular- implant. The purpose of titanium plasma spray-
ities; coating (TPS) is the creation of a rough surface
O minimum bone loss on implant site preparation; promoting an excellent ankylotic anchoring to the
O minimum implant body volume. bone (Schroeder et al. 1976; Schroeder et al. 1978).
The hollow body oral implant, designed by Franz
Sutter, was first and foremost thought to be suit-
able for animal experiments in monkeys (Macaca Titanium plasma-coating
speciosa). Transverse openings in the side walls and The industrial process of titanium plasma-coating
oblique holes at the shoulder were characteristic is used for both metals and ceramics. It creates a
of the early hollow cylinder implants. Under the rough, continuous – even though highly porous –
presumption that bone would grow over the surface, characterized by round forms. It increases
shoulder, the neck of the implant was designed to the surface area approximately 6–10 times. The
be narrower than strength requirements would per- layer is typically 20–30 mm thick, with a roughness
mit in the area where it emerges from tissue. of about 15 mm (Steinemann 1988).
This implant type was first used in a patient From a clinical standpoint, the titanium plasma-
more by accident than intentionally, simply be- coating offers three advantages over a finely or
cause implantation of a Herskovits implant had smoothly structured titanium surface (Schroeder et
failed. Despite the fact that the implantation of al. 1981):
the hollow cylinder was premature (if for no other O accelerated apposition of bone in the early heal-
reason than the lack of adequate instruments), this ing phase;
implant was still in place in 1998. Apart from this O increased surface contact area between implant
unplanned use of a ‘pioneer hollow cylinder’, clin- and bone;
ical tests were started only after satisfactory results O improved implant anchorage.
in animals had been achieved and instrumentation As a strong verification, clinical experience has
had become sufficiently advanced to justify im- clearly indicated that ITI implants shorter than the
plantation in humans. Careful documentation of standard (standard lengths of ITI implants are 8–
experiments prior to clinical trials was a corner- 12 mm) may normally be used, their dependable
stone of the entire research program. osseointegration being brought about due to their
rough surfaces.
Other implant surface characteristics were thor-
oughly investigated in order to evaluate the influ-
ence of different surface morphology on osseoin-
tegration. The results indicated that further im-
provements in that area of oral implant design
were to be expected (Buser et al. 1991a).
Types E, K, and H
In order to meet the less-than-ideal jaw conditions
that are frequently encountered, especially in the
posterior regions of the mandible, various other
types of implants were developed (Fig. 1.2). These
so-called extension implants (Types E, K, and H)
Fig. 1.1. First generation of hollow body implants. had certain advantages over the Type C, especially
In 1977, two developments were added to the im-
plant range which had a major impact on the fu-
ture implant concept of the ITI system: the Type F
implant and the Swiss Screw.
Type F implant
The Type F hollow cylinder implant was basically
comparable to the Type C except for the reduced Fig. 1.3. Type F and "Swiss Screw" TPS implant.
ITIA Dental Implant System
Fig. 1.5. Hollow screw implants in one- Fig. 1.6. Submerged vs non-submerged de- Fig. 1.7. Clean environment for abutment
part and two-part designs. sign. connection with non-submerged design.
ing phase and offered wider prosthetic choices in under clean conditions with good visibility (Fig.
cases with difficult interocclusal space conditions 1.7);
and/or misaligned implants. O the gingival seal is formed during the primary
This period was additionally characterized by healing phase and is hence not disturbed by the
systematic evaluation of clinical data in order to placement of an abutment in a second surgical
make clear statements about the significant clinical step;
parameters and possible extension of indications. O from an engineering standpoint, the non-sub-
merged method allows better mechanical joint
adaptation between the two parts (Morse
1985 Taper) and more favorable lever arm conditions
Observations and histologic findings over more (Fig. 1.8) compared to connection at the bone
than a decade, all with single-stage, non-sub- level (the submerged method).
merged procedures, clearly demonstrated that the
achievement of an ankylotic bond between bone
and implant was not purely the domain of the two- One- and two-part implants
stage, submerged procedure. A good example was Until 1985, most ITI implants consisted of a one-
presented in cases with multiple so-called one-part part design, i.e. the endosseous portion of the ITI
implants placed in edentulous mandibles for sub- implant and the part bearing the suprastructure
sequent prosthesis retention. There are basically (abutment) could not be separated (Fig. 1.9). Due
two implant design options: submerged and non- to new requirements and different indications, it
submerged (Fig. 1.6). was found that – especially for single-tooth re-
placements – an implant should ideally leave some
prosthetic options open and should allow sufficient
Rationale behind the non-submerged method flexibility for temporary restoration design during
The ITI system utilizes the non-submerged method the healing phase.
for the following reasons: Two-part implants (Fig. 1.10) were initially con-
O the microgap between two mating parts, a po- sidered for single-tooth replacement, particularly
tential site for plaque retention, is clearly out- in the anterior region of the maxilla. To improve
side the tissues; performance in this indication, the implant body
O the non-submerged method does not require widens from the core diameter in a trumpet shape
second surgery in order to recover the implants up to 5.0 mm diameter in the shoulder. This is
for attachment connection; similar to an average cervical preparation of a
O insertion of an abutment can be carried out natural tooth for the placement of a full-porcelain
ITIA Dental Implant System
Fig. 1.8. Lever arm conditions. Fig. 1.9. One-part hollow cylinder im- Fig. 1.10. Two-part hollow cylinder im-
plant. plant.
Fig. 1.11. Two-part hollow cylinder implant in the anterior Fig. 1.12:. 15æ angled hollow cylinder implant as a unique ap-
maxilla. proach.
Fig. 1.14. Internal cooling for trephine Fig. 1.15. ITI implant thread design. Fig. 1.16. Morse Taper concept.
ITIA Dental Implant System
Fig. 1.17. Different designs to evaluate the Fig. 1.18. The BONEFIT concept. Fig. 1.19. Components for bone grafting
tightening torque. procedures.
It basically creates a friction lock similar to the O standardized and interchangeable range of abut-
Morse Taper used in mechanical engineering and ments for all two-part implants;
related industries. Any mated conical metallic sur- O coverage of a wide range of indications due to
faces of less than 8æ in angle create a mechanically the system’s relative ease of use (Levine et al.
locking friction fit. This concept is supported by 1994; Schroeder et al. 1991; Schroeder & Sutter
the fact that the loosening torque of the cone-to- 1996).
screw interface is 7–24% higher than its tightening
torque at the first placement, compared to a screw
design alone in which the loosening momentum is Manufacturing of an ITI implant
approximately 10% lower than the tightening mo- ITI implants are produced from full profiles to
mentum (Sutter et al. 1993). their final form; they are neither cast nor sintered.
Other recent investigations have confirmed the The reason for using this rather demanding pro-
superiority of this design (Fig. 1.17) compared to cedure is that the starting material is free of defects
butt joint interfaces (Norton 1997). ITI abutments and has reproducible, constant properties, which
are inserted into ITI implants by means of the are relatively difficult to achieve with other produc-
ratchet, using the torque-control device for precise tion techniques. The most important stages in im-
application of 35 Ncm. plant manufacturing are:
O cold working of the material (grade 4 titanium)
to the desired strength in the shape of bars for
The ‘‘BONEFIT’’ concept easier implant production;
All of the aforementioned features were introduced O manufacturing of the implants with an ex-
into the ITI concept as an integrated system, the tremely high precision, always using the state-
‘BONEFIT’ concept (Fig. 1.18) (Sutter et al. 1988; of-the-art technology available in order to
Buser et al. 1988), offering various advantages achieve interchangeability of different compo-
such as: nents and constant, high quality.
O wide choice of implants (hollow cylinder, hollow Since 1994, ITI implants have been sterilely packed
screw, and solid screw implants) depending on in a ‘no-touch’ packaging system in order to im-
clinical situations and personal preferences; prove efficacy of the ITI system. For quality assur-
O a standardized set of instruments which can be ance purposes, all necessary information is clearly
used in the preparation for the various implant indicated. It is highly recommended to always
types; transfer this information to the individual patient
O standardized and uniform abutment design and file.
accessories for all one-part implants; Institut Straumann AG comply with the highest
quality assurance standards, such as EN ISO 9001, other abutments used in this system. This enlarge-
EN 46001, and 94/42/EWG. ment of the ITI system’s indications has been in
clinical use since 1988 (Asikainen & Sutter 1990;
Weingart et al. 1990; Sutter et al. 1994).
Further clinical experience with the new ITI
BONEFIT concept clearly demonstrated that the Implants for specific indications
major objectives of this development had been Special implants are understood to be implants
realized (Buser et al. 1990a, 1991b). Specifically, ‘‘it having limited indications only. In narrow type
should be mentioned that the single-stage ap- ridges, the use of standard diameter implants of
proach with ITI implants achieves a complication- 4.1 mm is not always appropriate. Accordingly, 3.3
free tissue integration with a high predictability if mm diameter-reduced two-part solid screw im-
the clinical protocol is followed carefully’’ (Schro- plants (Figs 1.21, 1.22) have been made available
eder et al. 1991). Buser et al. (1991b) stated: ‘‘At (Krekeler et al. 1993). Since their core diameter is
the end of the 3-year observation period, the suc- 2.8 mm, all existing instruments can be used for
cess rate was 96.3%. This confirms results of long- preparing the implant site. Their neck portions
term studies with screw-type titanium implants in
which the authors concluded that the long-term
prognosis of dental implants depends to a signifi-
cant degree on tissue integration in the first year
following placement.’’
Fig. 1.20. Submerged healing. Fig. 1.22. Overview of 3.3 mm diameter solid screw implants.
ITIA Dental Implant System
also correspond to all available abutments within for connecting mandibular overdentures has be-
the system. However, biomechanical measurements come a clinical routine procedure, and some in-
have shown that this type of implant should only vestigations have demonstrated that these situ-
be used in indications without excessive occlusal ations can be maintained healthy and stable over a
forces or bending momentum, and the implant long period of time (Mericske-Stern & Zarb 1993;
should be splinted to other implants whenever Wismeijer et al. 1995). Magnets offer another
possible. alternative as a single anchor (Wirz et al. 1993a, b,
Another category of special implants are solid/ c).
hollow screw-type implants with a 6.0 mm an-
choring length for both mandible and maxilla situ-
ations with extremely limited bone height. Despite Conical abutments
the reduced endosseous surface, osseointegration Single-crown and bridgework abutments proved to
and adequate functional stress tolerance are made be especially versatile since they offer both the
possible by the macroshape and the micromorpho- cementation of a suprastructure by using zinc-
logical surface characteristics. Their indications phosphate luting cement and the removable fix-
are limited to: ation by titanium screws (M2).
O bar-supported prosthesis with four implants in Abutments are available in different heights and
the anterior mandible; with various angles, such as 6æ, 8æ and 15æ (Figs
O combination with longer ‘‘standard’’ implants – 1.23, 1.24). The major advantage of this system is
supporting implant-borne fixed restorations in its simplicity of use due to the roots in conven-
the posterior region of the maxilla or mandible. tional crown and bridgework procedures and the
Originally, the ITI system offered three types of
abutments in four different versions (‘‘BONEFIT’’
O retentive anchor (Mericske-Stern 1988, 1990);
O bar abutment (Mericske-Stern 1988, 1990;
Wirz & Jäger 1991);
O single-crown and bridge abutments (Brägger et
al. 1990a; Flury et al. 1991; ten Bruggenkate et
al. 1991).
Bar restorations
O Prefabricated gold alloy copings for the stan-
dard technique;
O burn-out copings for titanium casting; Fig. 1.23. Overview of conical abutment system.
O prefabricated titanium copings and bars for
laser-welding according to the monometal prin-
ciple (all in titanium) (Wirz 1994).
Retentive anchor
The retentive anchor is assigned to the class of
single spherical stud attachments. These retentive
units permit rotational movements of the pros-
thesis in one or several directions and/or vertical
translation movements. This mobility shortens the
lever arm of the tilting forces. Usually, two im-
plants are placed at an angle of 90æ to the occlusal
plane to ensure their axial loading. Matrices are
offered in two versions: a gold alloy for adjustable
retention after Dalla-Bona, or titanium for prede-
termined retentive forces.
Nowadays, the placement of only two implants Fig. 1.24. Extension sleeve for conical abutments.
small inventory required for restoring a case (Bräg- Occasionally, the screw-retained fixation of a su-
ger et al. 1990b). prastructure by means of an occlusal screw jeop-
However, in some cases the design did not al- ardizes esthetic requirements or necessitates the
ways meet the requirements – limitations were re- use of an angled abutment or even of an individu-
lated to impression-taking, master-cast produc- ally cast abutment (Wiskott & Belser 1992). Fur-
tion, or the demand for prefabricated components thermore, the preference for an occlusal screw
for suprastructure design. This then led to the de- often interferes with functional occlusal and/or ar-
velopment of the OctasystemA (Sutter et al. 1993; ticulating contacts. These disadvantages may be
Belser et al. 1993). compensated by transversally placed fixation
screws. The Transversal Screw (TS) System is com-
patible with OctasystemA and offers a variety of
Prosthetic choices prosthetic options for manufacturing a single
OctasystemA was developed to offer the following crown, from full titanium blanks to prefabricated
benefits (Fig. 1.25): burn-out and non-oxidizing cast-on copings (Sutt-
O a safe and precise transfer system using the ana- er et al. 1996) (Fig. 1.30).
log technique, especially suitable in cases with
multiple, screw-retained units and/or implants 1994–1997
placed in esthetically demanding regions (Fig.
1.26); Solid abutment concept
O compatibility with all two-part ITI implants With the ITI system (Fig. 1.27) and its tight roots
using the Morse Taper connection; to conventional crown and bridge prosthetics on
O allowing simplified procedures for soft tissue natural abutments, it has always been possible to
management in esthetically exigent regions; cement suprastructures. Sometimes, it is necessary
O safeguarding against rotation (single-crown res- to optimize an abutment in order to adapt to speci-
torations); fic clinical situations, i.e.:
O sufficient options to overcome divergent implant O abutment preparation due to occlusal space
placement in order to define a common path of conditions or increasing non-rotational devices;
insertion with multiple unit restorations; O placing the crown margin slightly subgingivally
O modular system allowing rather simple exten- for esthetic purposes – preventing metal from
sions of specific technical solutions. being visible;
The system was first introduced to the U.S. market O opening of interproximal space for design and
(Wilson 1993) and added a tremendous momen- hygiene reasons if two implants are placed too
tum to the ITI system as a whole concept. closely to each other (Weigel et al. 1994).
Fig. 1.25. The basic concept of Octasy- Fig. 1.26. Screw-retained transfer with Oc- Fig. 1.27. Standard ITI implant with solid
stemA. tasystemA. abutment.
ITIA Dental Implant System
Fig. 1.28. Transfer system for solid abut- Fig. 1.29. Cemented crown with solid Fig. 1.30. Transversal screw retention with
ment. abutment. OctasystemA.
Based on their investigations, Brägger et al. (1995) tenance. In recent years, dentists have started ce-
emphasize that in all these instances adequate menting cases to address esthetic concerns as well.
cooling with spray from a dental unit and use of Usually, implants are placed ‘deeper’ so that the
perfectly cutting rotary instruments are indispens- crown margins are located in the sulcus. For such
able. situations, a transfer system (patent pending) (Fig.
A cemented restoration is an excellent alterna- 1.28) was developed in order to simplify the im-
tive to the screw-retained approach. It reduces pression-taking procedure (Wirz et al. 1997; Hig-
costs significantly and normally requires less main- ginbottom 1997) (Fig. 1.29).
Fig. 1.31. External octagon design for Fig. 1.32. Tertiary components for Nar- Fig. 1.33. Wide Body Implant.
Narrow Neck Implants. row Neck Implants.
ITIA Dental Implant System
restricted. Again, additional surgical instrumen- existing abutment options (Fig. 1.34) are compat-
tation is unnecessary since the core diameter of the ible with Wide Body Implants (Morse Taper).
endosseous portion is 2.8 mm and the thread di-
ameter is 3.3 mm, measurements which already
Exploring further possibilities
exist in the ITI system. Handling of Narrow Neck
Implants has been considerably simplified by Orthosystem
modification of the sterile ampoule (patent pend- In 1996, a new implant-based orthodontic system
ing) and the one-piece inserting device. Standard- was presented by Wehrbein et al. (1996a). Compli-
ized impression-taking and prefabricated pros- ance-dependent extraoral anchoring aids for or-
thetic components add even more comfort to the thodontics like unsightly headgears can be re-
Narrow Neck Implant system (Fig. 1.32). placed by Orthosystem (Fig. 1.35) and bonding of
well-aligned mandibular dentition and use with
class II elastics are rendered superfluous. The pure
Other implant options titanium implant is designed for single-stage appli-
The Wide Body Implant (Fig. 1.33), which is indi- cation. Its threaded endosseous part is self-tapping
cated with sufficient bone mass (7 mm minimum with a sand-blasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA)
bone or crest width), offers increased surface area surface. It is available in a diameter of 3.3 mm and
for bone apposition with even higher mechanical lengths of 4.0 mm and 6.0 mm.
strength than ITI standard implants. This type of The concept is based on two fundamental ap-
implant provides major advantages in the posterior proaches: the ortho implant for temporary inser-
region, where loading forces are usually higher. tion in the median palate or in retromolar posi-
Another indication may be implant placement im- tions, and the bonding base for combinations with
mediately after extraction of a tooth. The basic regular, permanently anchored ITI implants (Fig.
prosthetic ITI concept is maintained because all 1.36) (Wehrbein et al. 1996a, 1996b).
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