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Malva 4 PDF
Malva 4 PDF
To cite this article: Ekram A. Abd El-Salam & Nashwa F. S. Morsy (2019): Optimization
of the extraction of polyphenols and antioxidant activity from Malva�parviflora L.
leaves using Box–Behnken design, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI:
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Box–Behnken Design (BBD) was used to optimize the extraction conditions of polyphenols from Antioxidants; Box–Behnken
Malva (Malva parviflora L.) leaves. The effect of ethanol concentration (20–80%), solvent/leaf pow- design; Malva parviflora L.;
der ratio (10:1 to 30:1, v/w) and extraction time (5–45 min) on the polyphenols yield and the 2,2- polyphenols
diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of the obtained extracts were investi-
gated. Quadratic models fit well. The optimal conditions (53.40% ethanol, solvent/leaf powder
ratio 20:1 (v/w), and 15 min) resulted in an extract with a maximum yield of polyphenols
(1098.4 mg GAE/100 g leaf powder) and high inhibition percentage of DPPH radical (33.31%) with
desirability 0.742. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that the
major identified polyphenol compounds extracted at the optimal conditions were naringenin,
q-coumaric acid, apigenin-7-glucoside, luteolin, and cinnamic acid. These findings indicate that M.
parviflora leaf extracts possess DPPH radical scavenging activity and could be used as a natural
source for bioactive products.
CONTACT Ekram A. Abd El-Salam [email protected] Food Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
oven (Heraeus electronics, Germany) for 20 hr. The dried All single factor experiments were performed in triplicate.
leaves were grounded in a bench top analytical mill (Cole- One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test at p < 0.05 level
Parmer, USA), sieved through 0.500 mm stainless steel sieve was used to estimate the significant effect of different factor
and stored at 8 C until analysis. levels (Minitab 17, Minitab Inc., USA). Three factor levels
with the highest extracted polyphenols were used for further
RSM design.
Gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, and 2,2-diphenyl-1-pic-
rylhydrazyl (DPPH) and HPLC-grade acetonitrile were pur- Box–Behnken design
chased from Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (St. Louis, MO, USA). Based on the results of the preliminary experiments (as
All other reagents and solvents were of analytical grade. shown in Figure 1) the levels of the independent variables
that were selected are depicted in Table 1: time (X1,
5–15 min), solvent/leaf powder ratio (X2, 20:1–30:1), and
Preliminary single factor extraction experiments
solvent concentration (X3, 40–60%).
The Malva leaf powder was extracted at ambient tempera- BBD with three factors (X1, X2, X3) at three levels (–1, 0,
ture using magnetic stirring (Medline Scientific, Model MS þ1) was used to optimize the extraction process of total pol-
300, UK). The leaf powder (3.33–10 g) was mixed with yphenols and its corresponding scavenging activity against
100 mL of ethanol solution (20–80%) corresponding to solv- DPPH radicals. The experimental design consists of 17 com-
ent/leaf powder ratio of 10:1–30:1 (v/w), for time ranged binations (Table 1) including five replicates of the central
from 5 to 45 min with 5 min intervals. The extract was fil- point to estimate the pure error. All the experiments were
tered through Whatman filter paper No. 1 before analysis. conducted in triplicate.
Figure 1. Preliminary experiments of each extraction parameter level’s effect on total polyphenols content [TPC (mg GAE/100 g dried leaf powder)] in Malva leaf
powder: (A) extraction time (min), (B) solvent/leaf powder ratio (mL/g), and (C) ethanol concentration (%).
Table 1. The Box–Behnken design with experimental data for the extraction of bioactive compounds from Malva.
DPPH radical inhibition percentage of
Time Solvent ratio X Solvent conc. Yield of total polyphenols (mg Concentration of polyphenols 1 mL extract
Run (min) (mL): 1 solid (Ethanol %) GAE/ 100 g dried leaf powder) (mg GAE/ mL extract) the extract containing 1 mg GAE
1 5 (–1) 20 (–1) 50 (0) 786i ± 14 393.00gh ± 7 29.85b ± 0.12 76.0a ± 1.1
2 15 (þ1) 20 (–1) 50 (0) 1006ef ± 22.4 503.03a ± 11.21 35.28a ± 1.19 70.1bc ± 2.1
3 5 (–1) 30 (þ1) 50 (0) 1180a ± 12.12 393.33gh ± 4.04 22.63d ± 0.28 57.5d ± 1.2
4 15 (þ1) 30 (þ1) 50 (0) 1122ab ± 18.7 374.00hi ±6.24 17.66h ± 0.17 47.2g ± 0.8
5 5 (–1) 25 (0) 40 (–1) 1091bcd ± 31.3 436.50def ±12.5 20.59efg ± 0.18 47.2g ± 1.1
6 15 (þ1) 25 (0) 40 (–1) 1035de ± 25 414.00fg ±10 19.59g ± 0.45 47.4g ± 2.0
7 5 (–1) 25 (0) 60 (þ1) 892gh ± 15.61 357.00i ± 6.24 24.28c ± 0.04 68.0c ± 1.1
8 15 (þ1) 25 (0) 60 (þ1) 1046cde ± 21.3 418.67efg ± 8.5 20.18fg ± 0.48 48.2fg ± 0.8
9 10 (0) 20 (–1) 40 (–1) 949fg ± 25 474.50bc ± 12.5 20.62dfg ± 0.11 43.5h ± 1.0
10 10 (0) 30 (þ1) 40 (–1) 1074bcd ± 15 358.00i ± 5.00 17.75h ± 0.11 49.6efg ± 0.6
11 10 (0) 20 (–1) 60 (þ1) 975f ± 15 487.50ab ± 7.50 24.89c ± 0.25 51.1efg ± 0.9
12 10 (0) 30 (þ1) 60 (þ1) 888h ± 15.59 296.00j ± 5.20 21.34e ± 0.11 72.1b ± 1.3
13 10 (0) 25 (0) 50 (0) 1086bcd ± 14.22 413.00fg ± 8.00 21.53de ± 0.24 52.7e ± 0.9
14 10 (0) 25 (0) 50 (0) 1098bc ± 26.3 439.50def ± 10.5 21.20ef ± 0.07 48.3fg ± 1.1
15 10 (0) 25 (0) 50 (0) 1090bcd ± 12.5 448.00cd ± 17 21.73de ± 0.26 48.5fg ± 1.3
16 10 (0) 25 (0) 50 (0) 1089bcd ± 9.46 420.50defg ± 10.5 21.05ef ± 0.30 50.4efg ± 1.2
17 10 (0) 25 (0) 50 (0) 1104bc ± 16.65 442.50de ± 6.5 20.96ef ± 0.28 47.7fg ± 0.8
P (Brown-Forsythe) 0.993 0.960 0.609 0.999
P (ANOVA) < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 <0.001
Means followed by different letters in the same column significantly differ based on Tucky’s test at p < 0.05.
by retention time after matching with the standards. The Response surface methodology analysis
linear calibration curve of the standards was used for
Average values of polyphenols and inhibition percentage of
DPPH radical are listed in Table 1. Brown-Forsythe’s test
indicated that all responses were homoscedastic (p 0.6),
Results and discussion while significant differences (p ˂ 0.001) were found for the
dependent variables using one-factor ANOVA.
Preliminary single factor experiments The yield of polyphenols varied significantly (p < 0.001)
Extraction time from 786 ± 14.00 to 1180 ± 12.12 (mg GAE/100 g dry leaf pow-
The effect of extraction time (5–45 min) on the yield of poly- der). This result is higher than that obtained by Afolayan
phenols from the Malva leaf powder was investigated using et al.[32] who found that TPC was 290 mg GAE/100 g dried M.
ethanol concentration 80% (v/v); and solvent/leaf powder ratio parviflora whole plant. This difference may be explained by
20:1 (v/w). Results are illustrated in Figure 1A. Extending part of the plant being extracted, type of solvent and the
extraction time from 5 to 10 min improved significantly (p ˂ extraction technique used. They used shaking technique dur-
0.05) the extraction efficiency of polyphenols, after which no ing extraction of whole plant with methanol for 24 hr.
Results in Table 1 indicate that the inhibition percentage of
further increase was obtained. This could be due to the small
DPPH radical of the obtained extracts varied significantly
particle size leaf powder that enhanced mass transfer process
(p < 0.001) from 17.75 ± 0.11 to 35.28 ± 1.19% according to the
and decreased the time for maximum extraction.[25] The max-
extraction conditions used. Results showed that M. parviflora
imum yield of polyphenols was found to be 581.33 ± 10.26 mg
leaf extract (1 mg GAE/mL) that was obtained at ethanol
GAE/100 g leaf powder. Based on the obtained results, 5, 10,
(50%)/leaf powder ratio of 20:1 (v/w) or at a higher ratio using
and 15 min were selected for RSM experiments.
an ethanol concentration of 60% exerted a high scavenging
activity against DPPH radicals that reached 76%. This finding
Solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w) exceeded that obtained by Afolayan et al.[32] They found that
Polyphenol yields with different solvent/leaf powder ratios 0.5 mg GAE/mL extract of M. parviflora. inhibited only 9.3% of
(10:1 to 30:1, v/w) were evaluated at extraction time 10 min the DPPH radicals. Bouriche et al.[33] indicated that 89.03 lg/
and ethanol concentration 80% (v/v). As shown in Figure mL of lyophilized M. parviflora leaf powder methanol extract
1B, increasing solvent/material ratio from 10:1 to 20:1 (v/w) possessed the ability to scavenge 50% of the DPPH radicals.
increased significantly (p ˂ 0.05) the yield of polyphenols The correlation between the total polyphenols content of
from 423.3 ± 21.5 to 556.67 ± 9.02 mg GAE/100 g leaf pow- the extracts and their scavenging activity against DPPH radi-
der. Mass transfer of the extractable material is highly cals is a significant (p < 0.001) negative correlation (r ¼
dependent on its concentration in the solvent until it –0.457). This could be due to structure, concentration, and
the interaction between the antioxidants in the extract.[34]
reached equilibrium.[26,27] Results revealed that the continual
To achieve regression models, linear, interactive (2 FI), quad-
increase of solvent/material ratio to 30:1 (v/w) did not
ratic and cubic models were fitted to the experimental data and
enhance significantly (p ˂ 0.05) the extraction of polyphe-
the results are listed in Table 2. The data outlined in Table 2
nols. When the mass transfer of the extractable material is
reveal that, the most adequate model to represent experimental
maximized, any further increase of solvent/material ratio
data was quadratic model. As, the values of determination coef-
(v/w) does not enhance the extraction yield.[28,29] Thus, the
ficient (R2), adjusted determination coefficient (Adj R2) and pre-
solvent/leaf powder ratio in the RSM experiments was deter-
dicated determination coefficient (Pred. R2) of quadratic model
mined at 20:1, 25:1, and 30:1 (v/w). were the highest and highly significant (p < 0.001) among other
models except cubic model, which was aliased or confounding.
Effect of solvent concentration Hence, the following second order polynomial equations with
The effect of different concentrations of aqueous ethanol interaction term were used to represent the relationship between
(from 20 to 80%) was evaluated using 10 min extraction independent factors and responses in terms of coded factors.
time and solvent/leaf powder ratio of 20:1 (v/w). As shown YTPC mg GAE=100 g DW
in Figure 1C, increasing the ethanol concentration to 40% ¼ 1093:75 þ 32:50X1 þ 68:49X2 43:39X3 69:52X1 X2
increased significantly (p ˂ 0.05) the yield of polyphenols to
the maximum level (990.66 ± 13.29 mg GAE/100 g leaf pow- þ 52:60X1 X3 53:00X2 X3 12:69X12 57:54X22 64:71X32
der). Extracts obtained with solvent concentrations of 40% (4)
and 50% had significantly (p ˂ 0.05) the same level of poly-
phenols. Increasing the ethanol concentration to levels Yinhibition percentage of DPPH radical
higher than 50% exhibited a significant (p ˂ 0.05) decrease ¼ 21:29 0:58X1 3:91X2 þ 1:52X3 2:60X1 X2
in the extraction efficiency of polyphenols. The extraction of
0:78X1 X3 0:17X2 X3 þ 2:54X12 þ 2:53X22 2:67X32
polyphenols is improved using binary solvent systems (etha-
nol/water) instead of mono-solvent systems due to their (5)
relative polarity.[30,31] Therefore, ethanol concentration of The ability of the obtained equations to describe the
40, 50, and 60% were used for RSM design. response’s variability was determined using multiple regression
analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) as outlined in variables (extraction time, solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w)
Table 3. The obtained models are highly significant, as its prob- and ethanol %) on the response variables. Generally, as
ability values are very low (p < 0.0001). Except regression coeffi- shown in Figure 2A–C, increasing extraction time and solv-
cient of X12 for TPC and regression coefficients of X1 ; X1 X3 ; ent/leaf powder ratio (v/w) increased the yield of polyphe-
and X2 X3 for DPPH radical inhibition percentage, all regression nols, while increasing the ethanol % above 50% decreased
coefficient are significant (p 0.0023). The values of R2 and the yield of polyphenols. The linear terms of extraction time
adjusted R2 are greater than 0.80 and 0.75, respectively, which and solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w) were significant
indicate the adequacy of the obtained models to predict the (p ¼ 0.0023 and p < 0.0001, respectively) and positive (Table
experimental data.[27] The lack of fit (F-value) of 82.46 for TPC 3), whereas its interactions and the quadratic term for solv-
and 299.92 for DPPH radical scavenging activity implies the ent/leaf powder ratio (v/w) only were significant
lack of fit is significant. There is only a 0.01% chance that a (p 0.0002) but negative. Hence, as appeared in Figure
“Lack of Fit F-value” this large could occur due to noise. 2A–C, there is a curvilinear increase in the polyphenols yield
Adequate precision measures the signal to noise ratio. A ratio for all solvent/leaf powder ratios (v/w) used. On the other
larger than four is desirable. Similarly, adequate precision for hand, all terms of ethanol % were significant (p 0.0006)
the responses (Table 3) are greater than 13, which also indicates and negative except the interaction term of ethanol % and
the adequacy of the signals.[35] As shown in Table 3, the CV of solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w), which was positive. Thus,
the model is < 10, indicating that the model explains the there was a curvilinear decrease in the yield of polyphenols
response adequately and indicates that the experimental values for all ethanol concentrations used (Figure 2B,C).
are associated with a high degree of precision.[21] Figure 2D–F illustrates the 3D surface plots of the DPPH
radical scavenging activity model. The interaction term of
extraction time, solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w), and quad-
Effect of process variables on the yield of polyphenols
ratic term of extraction time were statistically significant
and DPPH radical scavenging activity
(p ˂ 0.0001) (Table 3), which result in a curvilinear change
Equations (4) and (5) were used to generate (3D) plots in the inhibition percentage of DPPH radical for all extrac-
(Figure 2) to illustrate the interactive effect of independent tion time investigated. Figure 2D shows that, the inhibition
Figure 2. Response surface plots showing interaction effects of process variables (Extraction time (min), solvent/leaf powder ratio (mL/g) and ethanol %) on the
responses [TPC (mg GAE/100 g dried leaf powder) (A–C), inhibition percentage of DPPH radical (D-F)].
percentage of DPPH radical increased as extraction time The highest inhibition percentage of DPPH radical could be
increased at low solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w). However, observed at solvent/leaf powder ratio of 20:1 (v/w) (Figure 1D).
at high solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w), the inhibition per- The linear and quadratic terms of ethanol % were significant
centage of DPPH radical decreased as extraction time (p 0.0004), whereas its interactive terms were insignificant
increased. Except the interaction term of the solvent/leaf (p 0.1668). The highest inhibition percentage of DPPH radical
powder ratio (v/w) and ethanol %, all terms of solvent/leaf could be obtained at an ethanol concentration of 50–55%
powder ratio (v/w) were statistically significant (p ˂ 0.0001). (Figure 1E,F). The optimum conditions to obtain Malva leaf
Table 4. Identified phenolic and flavonoid compounds in the Malva leaf Conclusions
extract obtained at optimum conditions.
Compound lg/g leaf powder BBD was successfully used to optimize the extraction of pol-
Phenolic acids yphenols with high DPPH radical scavenging activity from
Gentisic acid 101.55 Malva parviflora L. leaves. Effect of independent variables
Rosmarinic acid 57.85
Vanillic acid 11.33 [ethanol concentration, and solvent/leaf powder ratio (v/w)]
Ferulic acid 3.99 on the responses was significant (p 0.0004). The absolute
Sinapic acid 86.44 errors between predicted and experimental values under
p-coumaric acid 371.86
Cinnamic acid 126.07 optimal conditions were low, which indicate the suitability
Flavonoids of the generated models to predict responses. The optimal
Apigenin-7-glucoside 346.28 extraction conditions were found to be extraction time
Catechin 35.78
Luteolin 271.66 15 min, solvent/leaf powder ratio 20:1 (v/w), and aqueous
Naringenin 557.33 ethanol concentration 53.40%. HPLC analysis indicated that
Apigenin 10.80 the extract obtained at optimal conditions was rich in narin-
Kaempferol 27.54
Chrysin 6.04 genin and p-coumaric acid. These findings indicate that M.
parviflora leaf extracts possess DPPH radical scavenging
activity and could be considered as a good source of natural
extract with high DPPH radical scavenging activity were extrac-
tion time of 15 min, leaf powder/solvent ratio of 1: 20 (w/v),
and ethanol % of 53.40% with desirability of 0.742. DPPH rad- Disclosure statement
ical scavenging activity of the extract may be attributed to its
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
hydrogen donation potency. The antioxidant activity of each
phenolic compound depends on the number of hydroxyl
groups and their position in the structure. References
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