Unit 5 Brute Force Method: Structure

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Analysis and Design of Algorithms Unit 5

Unit 5 Brute Force Method

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Brute Force
Brute force algorithm
5.3 Selection Sort and Bubble Sort
Selection sort
Bubble sort
5.4 Sequential Search and Brute Force String Matching
Sequential search
Brute Force string matching
5.5 Exhaustive Search
Reordering the exhaustive search
Speeding up exhaustive search
Alternatives to the exhaustive search
5.6 Summary
5.7 Glossary
5.8 Terminal Questions
5.9 Answers

5.1 Introduction
In the earlier unit you studied about the mathematical analysis of algorithms.
In this unit you will study about brute force method in detail with algorithms.
Brute force is a problem solving technique wherein we compute a series of
possible answers and test each possible answer for accuracy. It simply tries
all possibilities until a satisfactory solution is found. Once it finds the value
for the best solution it stops. In this unit we will discuss various algorithms
which make use of the brute force method.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 define brute force method
 describe and analyze selection sort and bubble sort

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 analyze and compute sequential search and brute force string matching
 explain and discuss the exhaustive search

5.2 Brute Force

Let us first define brute force.
Definition – Brute force is defined as a primitive programming technique
where the programmer relies on the processing strength of the computing
system rather than his own intelligence to simplify the problem. Here the
programmer applies appropriate methods to find a series of possible
answers and tests each possible answer for accuracy.
Let us now discuss the brute force algorithm.
5.2.1 Brute force algorithm
Brute force algorithm is a basic algorithm which works through every
possible answer until the correct one is found. We can solve a particular
problem easily using brute force algorithm rather than wasting time on
creating a more elegant solution, especially when the size of the problem is
A good brute force algorithm should have the following factors in it.
 Small number of sub solutions
 Specific order in the sub solutions
 Sub solutions must be evaluated quickly
Let us take an example of counting change.
Consider a cashier who counts some amount of currency with a collection of
notes and coins of different denominations. The cashier must count a
specified sum using the smallest possible number of notes or coins.
Let us now analyze the problem mathematically.
Consider n as number of notes or coins and the set of different
denominations of currency P  p1, p 2,... pn..

Let di = denomination of pi
In the Indian system pi = { Rs 1, Rs 2, Rs 5, Rs 10,..} the di = { 1, 2,5, 10..}
If we have to count a given sum of money A we need to find the smallest

subset of P such that

= A.

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Let us represent the subset S with n variables as X  x1, x 2,...xn.

Such that

For {d1,d2…..dn} we have to minimize as


i 1

Such that

dx = A
i 1
i i

Since each element of X, X  x1, x 2,...xn. is either equal to zero or one,

there will be 2n possible values for any X in an algorithm. The best solution
for brute force algorithm to solve a problem is to compute all the possible
values, given any variable X.

For each possible value of X, we check whether the constraint dx = A

i 1
i i

is satisfied for it or not. A value that satisfies the constraint is called as a

feasible solution. An objective function  xi is associated with an
optimization problem determining how good a solution is.
Since there are 2n possible values of X, we assume that the running time of
brute-force solution is Ω (2n). The running time needed to determine whether
a possible value of a feasible solution is O(n) and the time required to
compute the objective function is also O(n) is O(n2n).

Activity 1
Write a brute force algorithm to compare 25 text characters in an array
and match with one character.

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Self Assessment Questions

1. A value that satisfies the constraint is called a ___________.
2. ____________ is a function that is associated with an optimization
problem determining how good a solution is.
3. The running time needed to determine whether a possible value of a
feasible solution is O(n) and the time required to compute the objective
function is also O(n) is ________.

5.3 Selection Sort and Bubble Sort

In the previous section we analyzed how brute force algorithm works. Now
in this section let us analyze and implement brute force algorithms for
selection sort and bubble sort.
5.3.1 Selection sort
First, let us define selection sort.
Selection sort is one of the simplest and performance oriented sorting
techniques that work well for small files. It has time complexity as O(n2)
which is unproductive on large lists.
Let us see an example for selection sort. In figure 5.1, we use selection sort
to sort five names in alphabetical order.

Figure 5.1: Example of Selection Sort

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Here we compare consecutive names and exchange it if not in order.

Implementation of selection sort
The Selection sort spends most of its time in finding out the minimum
element in the "unsorted" part of the array. Selection sort is quadratic in both
worst and average case and needs no extra memory.
For each i from 1 to n - 1, there exists one exchange and n - i comparisons.
So there will be total of n - 1 exchanges and (n - 1) + (n - 2) + . . . + 2 + 1 =
n (n - 1)/2 comparisons. These observations will not bother about what input
is given as data. In the worst case, we assume that time complexity of
selection sort is quadratic, but in the average case, we consider that time
complexity is O(n log n). This implies that the running time of selection sort
is quite insensitive to the input.
Pseudocode implementation
Let us find the smallest element in the array and exchange it with the
element which is in first position. Similarly we shall find the second smallest
element and exchange it with the element that is present in the second
position. We continue this process until the entire array is sorted. Let us see
the pseudocode implementation for selection sort.

Pseudocode for selection sort (ascending order)

Selection_Sort (A)
for i ← 1 to n-1 do
min j ← i;
min y ← A[i]
for j ← i + 1 to n do
If A[j] < min y then
min j ← j
min y ← A[j]
A[min j] ← A [i]
A[i] ← min y

If the array is already sorted in descending order then the worst case
occurs. "If A[j] < min y" is computed exactly the same number of times in
every case then the variation in time is only due to the number of times the
"then" part (i.e., min j ← j; min y ← A[j] of this test is executed.

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We can analyze selection sort very easily compared to other sorting
algorithms since none of the loops depend on the data that is present in the
array. For selecting the lowest element in the array we scan all n elements
(this takes n − 1 comparisons) and then swap it with the first position. For
finding the next lowest element we scan the remaining n − 1 element and so
on for (n − 1) + (n − 2) + ... + 2 + 1 = n (n − 1) / 2 Є Θ(n2) comparisons. Each
of these scans require one swap for n − 1 elements (because the final
element is already in place).
Comparison with other sorting algorithms
Amongst simple average-case Θ(n2) algorithms, selection sort always
outperforms bubble sort, insertion sort and gnome sort. Insertion sort's main
advantage is that it can only scan as many elements as it needs in order to
place the k + 1st element, while selection sort scans all remaining elements
to find the k + 1st element.
Another key difference which we can observe is that selection sort always
performs Θ(n) swaps while insertion sort performs Θ(n2) swaps in the
average and worst cases because generally swaps require writing to the
array. In such case, selection sort is more preferable.
5.3.2 Bubble sort
Definition – A bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that continuously moves
through a list swapping the items till they appear in a correct order. Bubble
sort is the simplest sorting algorithm.
We can execute bubble sort by iterating it down an array (that has to be
sorted) from the first element to the last and compare with each pair of
elements and switch their positions if required. We should repeat this
process till the array is sorted.
Performance of algorithm
Let us now analyze the performance of bubble sort algorithm. For analyzing
the algorithm, we assume an array containing elements to be sorted. Now
we will look through the array and pick the smallest element to put it in
position 1. This is the first pass. For second pass, we need to consider the
remaining list from the second element to the last in order to put the next
smallest element in position 2 and so on till we sort all the elements.

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For instance, let us consider the array of numbers as A[4] = {4, 5, 3, 2}.
(A[0]=4, A[1]=5, A[2]=3, A[3]=2) Pictorial representation of how sorting (first
pass and second pass) is performed is shown in figure 5.2.
In the first pass of figure 5.2, we check for the smallest element in the array.
The smallest element is located at .A[3] i.e. ‘2’. Now we swap ‘2’ with ‘3’
(that is located at A[2]). Let us compare A[1] and A[2]. We find ‘2’ as the
smallest element. So we swap ‘2’ with ‘5’ (that is present in A[1]). Let us now
compare A[0] with A[1]. After comparison we swap 2 with the element that is
present in A[0]=’4’. Hence the order of elements in first pass is 2, 4, 3, 5.
In second pass of figure 5.2, we take the order of elements obtained from
the first pass i.e. 2 4 3 5. Let us compare A[3] with A[2] and swap the
smallest element. So ‘3’ is swapped with ‘5’. In the next step we compare
A[2] with A[1] and swap ‘2’ with ‘5’.In the last step, we compare A[1] with
A[0] and swap ‘2’ with ‘4’. Hence after sorting the elements, the order of the
elements is 2 3 4 5.

Figure 5.2: Bubble Sort

Example code for sorting the array elements
for i = n down to 2
for j = 1 to i-1
if A[j] < A[j+1]

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Algorithm analysis
In the above example, the outer loop runs n times. The complexity in this
analysis lies in the inner loop. If we run the inner loop for a single time, we
get a simple bound by noting that it can never loop more than n times. Since
the outer loop makes the inner loop to complete n times, we cannot
compare more than O(n2) times. This seems to be a very high bound
because when we run the inner loop for last time, it will only make one
comparison which is less than n. When we run the inner loop for first time, it
will make n-1 comparisons, then next time it will make n-2 comparisons; and
so on. Therefore, the actual number of comparisons is k that has a value
k 1
of (n-1)n/2 which is also O(n2). Thus bubble sort has worst, best and
average case run-time of O(n2).
Let us now discuss the pseudocode of bubble sort for sorting an array of

Pseudocode for bubble sort to sort an integer array

procedure bubble sort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as:
swapped := false
for each i in 0 to length(A) - 2 inclusive do:
if A[i] > A[i+1] then
swap ( A[i], A[i+1] )
swapped: = true
end if
end for
while swapped
end procedure

Optimizing bubble sort

We can optimize bubble sort easily after each pass by observing the
smallest element that will always move up the array. Let us assume a list of
size n. The nth element will be in its final place. Hence we can sort the
remaining n - 1 elements. Now after this pass, the n - 1st element will be in
its final place. This allows us to skip over a lot of the elements and helps in
tracing of the "swapped" variable. This will ultimately lead to a worst case of

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50% improvement in iteration count but will have no improvement in swap

We optimize bubble sort for sorting an integer array using the below
pseudocode implementation.

Pseudocode for optimized bubble sort for sorting an integer array

procedure bubble Sort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as:
n := length( A )
swapped := false
n := n – 1
for each i in 0 to n do:
if A[ i ] > A[ i + 1 ] then
swap( A[ i ], A[ i + 1 ] )
swapped := true
end if
end for
while swapped
end procedure

We then do bubbling passes on smaller parts in an increasing order in the

list. To be more precise, instead of doing n2 comparisons and swaps, we
can use (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 comparison which will sum up to n(n - 1) / 2

Activity 2
Write an algorithm to sort four elements in an array list.

Self Assessment Questions

4. Selection sort is one of the simplest and ________ sorting techniques.
5. Bubble sort has __________, best and average case run-time of O(n2).
6. ______________________ is the simplest sorting algorithm.

5.4 Sequential Search and Brute Force String Matching

The previous section helped us to analyze the implementation of selection
sort and bubble sort algorithms. In this section we will deal with the
implementation of sequential search and brute-force string matching

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5.4.1 Sequential search

Let us first define sequential search.
Definition – Sequential search is a process for finding a particular value in a
list that checks every element (one at a time) in sequence till the desired
element is found.
Sequential search is the simplest brute force search algorithm. It is also
known as linear search. This search is a special case of brute-force search.
The algorithm’s worst case cost is proportional to the number of elements in
the list and its expected cost. Therefore, if the list contains more than a few
elements then other methods like binary search or hashing becomes more
Consider an example as given in figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Example for Sequential Search

Here we are searching for the element 15 in a sorted list sequentially, by

comparing every element with the given value.

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Implementation of the algorithm

We can implement sequential search very easily. This search is very
practical when we perform a single search in an unordered list or when list
contains only few elements.
Let us analyze how pseudocode implementation is performed in various
Onward iteration of the algorithm
The pseudocode portrays a typical variant of sequential search where the
result of the search is assumed to be either the location of the list item
where the desired value is present or an invalid location (Λ) to show that the
desired element does not occur in the list.

Pseudocode for onward iteration of the sequential search algorithm

For each item in the list:
if particular item has desired value,
stop the search and return to the location where the item is present.
Return Λ.//Invalid location

In this pseudocode implementation, we execute the last line only after all list
items are examined with none matching.
If we store the list as an array data structure then the location of the item at
the index of the list will be usually between 1 and n, or 0 and n−1. In such
case the invalid location (Λ) will be any index before the first element (such
as 0 or −1, respectively) or after the last element (n+1 or n, respectively).
Recursive version
We will next describe the recursive algorithm of sequential search.
Pseudocode for recursive version of sequential search algorithm
If the list is empty, return Λ;// Invalid location
if the first item of the list has the desired value, return its location;
else search the value in the remainder of the list and return the

A list with n items has best case when the value of n is equal to the first
element of the list and we do not need to do any comparisons in this case.

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The worst case happens when the value is not in the list or appears only
once at the end of the list and in this case we need n comparisons.
When the value which we require occurs k times in the list then the
estimated number of comparisons are asymptotic. Hence O(n) is the worst-
case cost and also the expected cost of sequential search.
Searching the array elements
We program sequential search in an array by stepping up an index variable
until it reaches the last index. We normally require two comparison
instructions for each list item. One, we use for checking whether the index
has reached the end of the array and another for checking whether the item
contains the desired value.
Let us consider an array A with elements indexed from1 to n. We have to
search for a value x in the array. We can perform a forward search using
pseudocode and this code returns n + 1 if the value is not found. Let us now
see the pseudocode for forward search.

Pseudocode implementation for forward search

Set i to 1.
Repeat this loop:
If i > n, then exit the loop.
If A[i] = x, then exit the loop.
Set i to i + 1.
Return i.

Let us now search array using pseudocode in the reverse order and return 0
when the element is not found.

Pseudocode implementation for reverse order

Set i to n.
Repeat this loop:
If i ≤ 0, then exit the loop.
If A[i] = x, then exit the loop.
Set i to i − 1.
Return i.
We will next discuss the brute force string matching algorithm.

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5.4.2 Brute Force string matching

If we are given a string of n characters known as text and a string of m
characters (m <= n) known as pattern then we can find a substring of the
text that matches the pattern using string matching algorithm. This implies
that we find i – the index of the leftmost character of the first matching
Let us now discuss an example of brute-force string matching algorithm.

Brute-force string matching algorithm

Algorithm BruteForceStringMatch (A [0…n-1], B [0…m-1])
// executes brute-force string matching
//Input: An array A [0…n-1] of n characters for a text, an array B [0…m-1]
of m characters for a pattern
//Output: The index of first character in the text starts a matching string or
-1 if the search is not successful\
For i ← 0 to n-m do
while j<m and B[j] = A[i+j] do
j ← j+1
if j=m return i
return -1

Let us trace brute-force string matching algorithm

Algorithm tracing for brute-force string matching

A[ ]= {S H I N E B I K E}
B[ ]= {I N E}
For i ← 0 to 9-3 do
while 0<3 and B[0] = A[0] do
0 ← 0+1
if 0=3 return 0 //the final value returned is 2.
return -1

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Let us consider a string of characters and analyze the string matching

“SHINE BIKE” is the character string here. Let us see how the algorithm
computes. INE is our pattern here with which we are going to match our
S H I N E _B I K E
In the above example, first the pattern I N E points to the first letter of the
text which is ‘S’. As ‘I’ which is first letter of pattern I N E is not matched with
‘S’ , I N E checks for the next letter of the text i.e. ‘H’ which is not a matching
string again. Now the pattern I N E checks for the third letter in the text
which is ‘I’. Text letter ‘I’ matches with pattern’s first letter i.e. ‘I’. It then
checks if the next letter of the pattern ‘N’ matches with the next character of
the text which is also ‘N’. And thus the text I N E (last three letters of
S H I N E) matches with the pattern I N E.
Let us discuss the Naïve string matching algorithm which is a type of brute
force string matching algorithm.
Naïve String Matching algorithm
The naïve approach tests all the possible placements of Pattern A [1 . . . p]
relative to text T [1 . . . q]. , we try to shift s = 0, 1. . . q - p, successively and
for each shift compare T[s +1 . . . s + p] to A [1 . . p]. Let us now discuss the
naïve string matching algorithm.
We can interpret naïve string-matching procedure graphically as a sliding
pattern A [1 . . . p] over the text T [1 . . . q] and note down for which shift all
of the characters in the pattern are matching the corresponding characters
in the text.
In this execution, we use notation A [1 . . . j] to represent the substring of A
from index i to index j. i.e., A [1 . . . j] = A[i] A [i +1] . . . A[j]. Let us analyze
the algorithm when there is no substring of T matching A.

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Naïve String Matching algorithm

Naive_String_Macher (T, A)
q ← length [T]
p ← length [A]
for s ← 0 to q-p do
while j ≤ p and T[s + j] = A[j] do
j ← j +1
If j > p then
return valid shift s
return no valid shift exist // i.e., there is no substring of T matching A.

Let us trace the above algorithm.

Algorithm tracing for Naïve String Matching algorithm

T[ ] = [S H I N E B I K E]
A[ ] = [I N E]
Naive_String_Matcher (T, A)
for s ← 0 to 1 do
while j ≤ 3 and T[1] = A[1] do
If j > 3 then
return valid shift s
return no valid shift exist // i.e., there is no substring of T matching A.

When we refer to implementation of naïve matcher, we see that the for-loop

in line 3 is executed at most q - p + 1 times and the while-loop in line 5 is
executed at most m times. Hence we can say that the running time of the
algorithm is O((q - p +1) p) which is clearly O(pq). We say this algorithm is in
the quadratic time when the length of the pattern m is roughly equal in worst
case. We assume one worst case as that the text T has n number of A's and
the pattern A has (p - 1) number of A's which is followed by a single B.

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Self Assessment Questions

7. ________________ is also known as linear search.
8. We program sequential search in an array by _________an index
variable until it reaches the last index.
9. In this pseudocode implementation, we execute the __________ only
after all list items are examined with none matching.

5.5 Exhaustive Search

In the above section you studied how to analyze and implement sequential
search and string matching algorithms. In this section we will profoundly
analyze the implementations of exhaustive search.
5.5.1 Definition
Exhaustive search or Brute force search (also called as generate and test)
is a trivial but general problem-solving technique that systematically
specifies all possible candidates for the solution and checks whether each
candidate satisfies the problem's statement.
However, we know that its cost is proportional to the number of candidate
solutions which in many practical problems tend to grow very quickly as
problem size increases. Therefore, we use exhaustive search typically when
the problem size is limited and when implementation is more important than
5.5.2 Implementation of the algorithm
For implementing exhaustive search to a specific class of problems, we
need to follow four procedures. They are first, next, valid and output. To
solve the problem, these procedures will take a parameter (data p) for
particular instance.
Algorithm procedure for exhaustive search
We should follow the given below algorithm procedure to implement
exhaustive search.

Algorithm procedure for exhaustive search

First (P): Generating a first candidate solution for P.
Next (P, c): Generating the next candidate for P after the current one c.
Valid (P, c): Verifying whether candidate c is a solution for P.
Output (P, c): Using the solution c of P as an appropriate to the

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We implement Next procedure when there are no candidates for the

instance p after the current one. A convenient way for us is that we can
return a “null candidate “(some conventional data value Λ) that is distinct
from real candidate. In the same way we implement First procedure when
there are no candidates for instance p and we return some conventional
data value, Λ.
5.5.3 Reordering the exhaustive search
Some applications require only one solution rather than preferring all the
solutions. In such cases, expected running time of exhaustive search often
depends on the order in which the candidates are tested. As a general rule,
we should test the most promising candidates first. For example, when we
search for a proper divisor of a random number n we should enumerate the
candidate divisors in increasing order from 2 to n - 1 because the probability
we obtain when we divide n by c is 1/c.
5.5.4 Speeding up exhaustive search
One way by which we can speed up the exhaustive search algorithm is to
reduce the search space i.e. we can give the set of candidate solutions to
specific problem class by using experienced based techniques which help in
problem solving.
For example let us consider the problem of finding all integers between 1
and 1000 that are evenly divisible by 20. A naive brute-force search solution
will generate all integers in the range (from 1 to 1000) testing each of them
for divisibility. However, this problem can be solved much more efficiently by
starting with 20 and repeatedly adding 20 until the number exceeds 1000
which takes only 50 (i.e.1000/20) steps and no tests. This way we can
speed up the search in finding the integers that are divisible by 20.
5.5.5 Alternatives to the exhaustive search
We can use experience – based techniques (heuristics) to make an early
cutoff of parts of the search. One example for exhaustive search is the
minimax principle for searching game trees that eliminates many sub trees
in the search at an early stage.
We can reduce the search space for problems by replacing the full problem
with a simplified version. For example in a computer chess game we
compute a more limited tree of minimax possibilities rather than computing
the full minimax tree of all possible moves for the remainder of the game.

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Hope you are clear about the brute force method and the different
algorithms that use this method.
Self Assessment Questions
10. Exhaustive search implementation is more important than _________.
11. Exhaustive search algorithm gives the ______________ for every
candidate that is a solution to the given instance P.
12. Exhaustive search is typically used when the problem size is

5.6 Summary
It is very essential for us to obtain a best algorithm for any analysis. Brute
force method is a mathematical proof which helps in simplifying the finite
number of classes of each case and proves each case separately for
We analyzed the performance of selection sort and bubble sort algorithms
and implemented the algorithms in pseudocode with suitable examples and
Sequential search and brute–force string matching algorithms are the
simplest algorithms to implement. In this unit we examined the performance
of sequential search algorithm in a systematic way. We implemented
sequential search algorithm in the following ways - forward iteration,
recursive version, searched in an ordered list and reverse order search.
Exhaustive search is a method which helps us in determining all the
possible candidates for the solutions and helps in verifying whether the
candidates satisfy the problem’s solution.

5.7 Glossary
Term Description
Pseudocode Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps
programmers to develop algorithms.
Heuristics Heuristics is an adjective for experience-based techniques
that help in problem solving, learning and discovery.
Gnome sort Gnome sort is a sorting algorithm which is similar to insertion
sort but moves an element to its proper place by a series of
swaps as in bubble sort.
Substring Substring of a string is a subset of the symbols in a string
where order of the elements is preserved.

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5.8 Terminal Questions

1. Explain brute-force algorithm?
2. Explain selection sort algorithm implementation with suitable example.
3. Give the pseudocode implementation of bubble sort algorithm.
4. Explain the analysis of sequential search algorithm with examples.
5. What is exhaustive search and how it is implemented?

5.9 Answers
Self Assessment Questions
1. Feasible solution
2. Objective function
3. O(n2n).
4. Performance oriented
5. Worst
6. Bubble sort
7. Sequential search
8. Stepping up
9. Last line
10. Speed
11. Output
12. Limited

Terminal Questions
1. Refer section 5.2.1 – Brute-force algorithm
2. Refer section 5.3.1 – Selection sort
3. Refer section 5.3.2 – Bubble sort
4. Refer section 5.4.1 – Sequential search
5. Refer section 5.5.1 – Definition of exhaustive search

 Rashid Bin Muhammad. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms.

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 http://caveshadow.com/CS566/Sabin%20M.%20Thomas%20-%20String
%20 Matching%20Algorithms.ppt
 http://www.cse.unl.edu/~ylu/csce310/notes/BruteForce.ppt.
 http://www.cs.miami.edu/~burt/learning/Csc517.051/notes/selection.html
 http://cprogramminglanguage.net/c-bubble-sort-source-code.aspx
 http://knol.google.com/k/bubble-sort#
 http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/MyAlgorithms/
 http://webspace.ship.edu/cawell/Sorting/bubanal.htm

Sikkim Manipal University B1480 Page No. 106

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