The Miracle of Manaforce Power

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The document discusses the Mana-Force power which was used by Kahuna priests in Hawaii to perform miracles. It claims one can learn the secret of this power to achieve wealth, love, power and fulfill desires.

The document recommends calming the mind by visualizing peaceful scenes in nature. It also suggests replacing any negative thoughts with positive ones.

The four steps are: 1) Prepare the mind, 2) Bring in the Mana-Force power using a simple ritual, 3) Send the power to fulfill a request, 4) Speak your command and 'pull the switch'.


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The Miracle of
Mana -Force:
Secret Of Wealth, Love and Power


 At Last – after 1,000 years of unbroken silence the incredible Miracle working
secret” of Hawaii’s Kahuna Magicians is being revealed here today to my ever first

The secret is known as MANA-FORCE POWER, has for centuries been the
exclusive knowledge of initiated Priests of the mysterious Huna sect. With it,
Kahuna Priests would manipulate the forces of the Universe to work day-to-day
literal miracles on behalf of their believers.

 And now, this same MANA-FORCE POWER is ready to work for you! In the
hours of this course, I will be revealing to you the exact secrets that have been
interpreted by ancient scholars in terms that are easy to understand and apply.

By following my simple step-by-step instructions, you will be able to use MANA-

FORCE POWER to carry any command to the most distant part of the planet in
order fulfill your desire. Nothing will be impossible for you to achieve.



The real miracle of MANA-FORCE POWER is that it is so easy to use. Just four
simple steps – these are fully described in this course – a few minutes of practice,
and the same FORCE wielded by Kahunas of old is at your command. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 1/26


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Quickly and Easily You Will See How To:

1.  Prepare your mind for the powerful creative force to enter!
2.  Actually bring in the MANA-FORCE POWER with a simple ritual!
3.  Send the MANA-FROCE POWER to the High Self being who will fulfill
 your request!
4.  Speak your Command – and “pull the switch” to make your desire reality.

 And this is just the beginning. I will show you how to build a powerful protective
shield around yourself… how to turn friends into lovers (you could show your
children to do that) and if you wish, solve any and all personal problems… perform
miraculous healings… and attract wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

This creative power was given to you to use. This ability was never meant to atrophy
 within you. So use your command joyfully and forcefully – knowing it is your God
given Right! pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 2/26


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Before we can put Mana-Force Power to work, it is desirable to calm the mind and
body. The best way to do this is to sit quietly in a chair for a few moments.

The next step is to get rid of any negative thoughts that might be plaguing the mind.
Replace negative thoughts of something peaceful and beautiful. An example of this
kind of visualizations could be one of the following:

1.  Imagine you are walking through a beautiful park (garden) on a warm sunny
day. The flowers are in bloom, the grass is green and fragrant and the leaves
on the trees are being gently rippled by a light breeze. 
2.  Imagine you are sitting on a little hill, overlooking the ocean. See the birds
flying over the gently swelling waves. 
3.  Not far off, water flows down the stream bed, off a mountain stream high in
some wooded mountain. Smell the scent of the aromatic trees that stand in
majestic silence all around you. 

Use whichever visualizations that appeals to you, or use one of your own. This kind
of visualization does a number of things that will be helpful to you in learning to use
Mana-Force Power. A lovely, peaceful picture will calm the mind and body. It will
bring in positive vibrations that will dispel any lingering negative ones that you have
not been able to get rid of consciously.

ER !

The next step in the process of building Mana-Force Power is to build up a supply of
psychic energy in your body. This psychic energy comes from the vital life force that
permeates all space. It is in large quantities in the air we breathe. Since it is
endowed with a form of intelligence, we can direct it with our minds.

The following breathing exercise enables you to take in large quantities of the vital
life force that the Hawaiian Kahuna calls Mana.

1.  Expel all the air form the lungs. Do this by exhaling all the air that will come
out. Next, using short exhaling puffs literally push out more air. Do this until pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 3/26


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 you can’t get any more air out. This removes all of the stale air from the lungs
and makes room for a large amount of Mana.
2.  Pushing the diaphragm out, fill the lower part of your lungs. Do not allow the
chest to expand at this point. You want the lower part to fill with air first.
3.  Now expand the chest and fill the lungs with air.
4.  Hold this air in the lungs for a very slow count of ten.
5.  Exhale the air as in step 1.

Repeat this exercise three times before going to the next step.



 After doing the above exercise three times, hold the arms out in front of you, palms
facing each other about six to ten inches apart. Feel the Mana-Force Power building.
 Your hands will become warm and tingly, especially in the palms. Continue being
aware of this building of the force field as you do the complete breathing exercise
three more times.

Be aware of the livingness of the Mana you are taking into your body with the air.
 Your mind can contact the intelligence in the Mana, which is a living life force. In
this way, it can order a great deal more of the life to enter the body with the air than
 would normally come in.

The tingly sensation that you feel in the palms of your hands is a concentrated field
of energy that has been generated by the breathing exercise and the conscious
awareness of the Mana that you are taking into your body. This is a living, pulsing
energy field, filled with dynamic power. it is just awaiting your command to tell it
 what you want it to do.



Now that you have generated your Mana-Force Power, you will send it to the high
self. Mana is the energy the high self needs to fulfill the request you are going to
send to it. We use nerve energy when we use our thought processes. Our high self
uses Mana, which is spirit or psychic energy, to do its work. Since it needs very little
Mana for its actual existence, when it is called upon to do something extra it needs
extra energy. This is the reason for the necessity of our sending it this extra charge
of Mana. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 4/26


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To send Mana to the high self, you must concentrate your Mana-Force Power that
 you have generated.

1.  Mentally collect it into a round ball of sparkling, swirling white light.
2.  Draw this ball of light in through your solar plexus to the center of your body.
3.  Now send it up to a point about six feet above the head.
4.  Visualize a shaft of light traveling up through the top of your head to the high
self. You should fell a tingling in your head as this take place. This is the
Mana passing up through your head on its way to the high self.



The Mana is sent to the high self along with a picture and description of what you
 want. To do this:

1.  Get yourself a “book of shadow.” This is a book that you will write down
 your goals every morning noon and night before you sit for you sessions.
2.  Now, let’s say that you are seeking a beautiful house. This is how you would
 word the goal – “I am living in a beautiful 3 bedroom house that has a
kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 1 living and dining room, a car garagegarage and
and aa lovely
 garden overlooking a sea view. The house is fitted with b golden curtains…
etc ” 
3.  Sit quietly and send this picture of your house that you feel you are already
living in it, encased in a shaft of pure energy, to a point about six feet above
the top of your head. The shaft of pure energy is more of the Mana-Force
Power you have generated and are now sending along with the picture to the
high self.
4.  Now put your desires into words that will tell the high self exactly what you
 wish to have it bring you. Don’t plead; just tell it what you want it to do for
5.  Next, thank the high self for bringing this request into fruition. When you
have given the high self its instructions you have spoken the word. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 5/26


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 After you have told the high self what you want (but rather in a more specific way –
of what you have, COMMAND this state to be manifested into the Cosmic where it
has always been created for you, in the following manner;



Speak this command very forcefully. You really   mean it. You will not stand for
disobedience to your command. This is the attitude you must have. Remember,
 you are the creator.



1.  The breathing exercise – six deep breaths to store Mana and build up a
powerful force field.
3.  Send
2. a picture
Tell the of exactly 
high self what you desire
 what you to thein
want high self. it in your “book of shadows”
4.  Speak your COMMAND!

These four steps should take less than five minutes to perform. They are all that is
needed to put the most powerful creative force known to work for you. Anyone can
do it, especially you . You can use this greatest of all creative powers to bring to you
a life filled with all good things you deserve. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 6/26


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Every one of us at some time in our lives has lost something of real value to us. It
may be a keepsake with no real monetary value. However, this item can be very
dear to us, especially if it can’t be replaced. Now, when we lose something, how can
 we go about recovering it? We may search our home, from top to bottom, and still
not find it. This is when we can put our Mana-Force power to work for us. We do
this in the following manner:

Magic treasure Return Ritual:

1.  Write down in your “book of shadow” the following. “I have in my

possession the lost ring (or whatever it is you are looking for). 
2.  Take the six deep breaths, holding each breath for as long as you can before
releasing it. Build a Force Field of the Mana taken in during the deep
3.  Visualize and most importantly feel the lost item as clearly as you can in your
4.  Send the Mana to the high self. Do this by imagining a shaft of vibrant, white
light leaving the solar [plexus are travelling up through the body and through
the head, up to a point about six feet above the head. 
5.  Next send a picture of the lost item up the shaft of light to the high self. Then
repeat the following COMMAND: “I command that the words I have spoken
and the emotions I am feeling now be manifested
manifested on earth as it is in heaven.
It is my desire that this is done. So be it. I have willed it, so it is thy will now
to be done. I give grateful thanks I am that I am!” 
6.  Sit still for a few moments, keeping the mind open and free of thought –
almost in a dream like state, you know the type when you may be sitting in the
presence of friends but can’t hear anything they are saying because your mind
is totally somewhere else – starring into the far off distance… that sort of state. 

Sometimes during the next few minutes, a hint of where the lost item is to be found
may come to you. If it doesn’t, put all thought of it out of your mind. If nothing
happens before the next day, do the exercise again. Again, wait for a hint as to the
lost items whereabouts. This could come to you whilst sitting quietly after the
exercise or even while having a bath relaxing, or any time when your brain wave
deeps into the alpha state during the day. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 7/26


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The important thing to remember here – is to persist with the exercise. If you do,
through the Mana-Force Power you will recover your lost treasure. The high self
knows where it is, it just need you to be in the right receptive state for it to send it
through. With this knowledge of how to use Mana-Force Power, nothing will ever
be irretrievable lost to you. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 8/26


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Direct the Supply of Mana-

Mana -Force Power to the High self to Get a Better Job.

Let us suppose that you have a problem in your life that you haven’t been able to
solve. It could be that you would like to get a better job, but somehow you seem to
be locked in on the job you have. You may feel that you don’t know how to do any
other kind of work. The job you have doesn’t pay as much as you’d like to earn but
 what can you do to better yourself.

 At this point, you would put Mana-Force Power to work for you to bring about a
change in this unpleasant situation. You would thus follow these steps to bring about
the desired change in your life.

Magic Job Improvement Ritual

1.  Take six deep breaths, holding for as long as you comfortably can. 
2.  Write down your statement for a better job – for example; “I am now working
at _______________ (whatever company – if known or otherwise just state
the type of work: I am working as an___________) in the ___________
department as a _________________. I am receiving SR10,000/- per
3.  Visualize yourself now working at that place/company with all details and the
strongest emotions you can gather. 
4.  Pass this on to your high self through the shaft of light. 
7.  Next repeat your COMMAND “I command that the words I have spoken
and the emotions I am feeling now be manifested on earth as it is in heaven.
It is my desire that this is done. So be it. I have willed it, so it is thy will now
to be done. I give grateful thanks I am that I am!” 
5.  Sit quietly for a few more minutes assuming the feeling of living this goal in its
true reality. Be happy in your good fortune. 

Sometimes it is better you do not dictate to your high self where you would want to
go, but rather let it guide you through instincts or dreams where to go to. Your high
self may find you a better working environment than the one you have logically
chosen. And when you do decide that this is the one through intense feeling, then
pass on the feeling and the picture of the interview as well the day you go and so too pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 9/26


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on the day you are supposed to go for the interview. Repeat the whole process in
the morning. If nothing happens during the next seven days I ask you to please have
patience and repeat the whole process again and again daily. If you persist, I
promise you your right job will come and it will be everything you desire. More of
this wealth building in Set #4. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 10/26


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 You no doubt realize there are many good things in this world and no doubt you
have been told you could have any of them you desired. But how does one go about
getting them? The purpose of this exercise is to answer that question. You will find
out how to use Mana –Force Power to bring money to you – any amount you desire.
 You will see why it is God’s wish that you have an abundance of money.

 Any mental blocks that prevent money coming to you will be dissolved. The
information in this exercise will completely destroy them. You will learn about the
magnetic check that will draw riches to you like a magnet. It doesn’t how little
money you have had in the past. You will see how you can push the magic button
that will bring riches pouring in to you faster than you can use them.

How to Use the Magic Magnetic Check and Mana-

Mana -Force Power to Bring in Money.

I am now going to tell you of another very effective way to use Mana-Force Power to
bring in money.

1.  The first thing to do is to fill out a blank check – you can even draw one on a
lain sheet of paper. Fill in the amount you want. Date it – but here is the
most important part – chose a date an amount of money you can believe. It
 wouldn’t do any good to write down a figure of a million rupees, dated day
after tomorrow if this were totally unbelievable to you. So start out with a sum
of money you can see yourself receiving. Put a date on the check that you can
believe in. Don’t date it for two days hence if you really believe it would take
a couple of months. The importance of the believability factor is that
complete disbelief on your part could cancel out the whole thing. Your
logical brain simply wouldn’t cooperate with you in sending out the Mana-
Force Power. So with this blank check method, keep it believable. You can
always ask for more after the first sum comes to you.
2.  The next step after putting in the sum you want and dating it is to make it out
to yourself. Then sign it with a fictitious name. Now build a mighty force
field of Mana. Pick up the check and hold it between your two palms. Next,
give, your command “By ________ (date), I have in my possession the sum of
SR________________. This check has been magnetized, and I command
that the words I have spoken and the emotions I am feeling now be pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 11/26


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manifested on earth as it is in heaven. It is my desire that this is done. So be

it. I have willed it, so it is thy will now to be done. I give grateful thanks I am
that I am!”
3.  Next place the check down and send the picture of this money through the
shaft to your higher self. Feel yourself spending this money in good faith,
helping first your family then others as well. 
4.  After you have completed the ritual, feel a tremendous flow of relief coming
into your being. Know that this money is on its way to you. 

Put this check where you can look at it several times a day. Each time you see it, feel
a surge of joy because of this money which is coming to you. Most important of all,
be persistent. Look at the check daily and know and feel the money is not only
coming but is already in your possession and you are actually using it. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 12/26


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Cleaning Up The Body Before Healing:

 You will always go to your inner sanctuary before doing any of the exercises so that
 you are calm and have quiet your mind as in exercise on – listen to the session on
the CD it make it easier at first, then when you are accustomed to it you can do it
outside the house anywhere in fact.

Now, that you have quieted your mind, conjure up a picture of a mountain stream.
Bring this mountain stream in through your head (at the top through your crown
center). See (visualize) and feel it moving through your body all the way down to
 your feet. As this fresh stream of water goes through you, imagine it carrying away
all the negativity that caused the illness. See and feel it coursing through your body
and out through your feet and down your street away from the house.

Do this visualization until the water that has been running through your body
becomes clean and sparkling and vibrant with positive vibrations. Now you are
ready for the actual healing that takes place when you use Mana-Force Power.

Build The Magic Healing Light With Mana-

Mana -Force Power
Now, that you have cleansed your body and mind of the negative thoughts and
emotions that caused the illness you are ready to bring about your healing. If you
follow the next steps I outline for you, I promise you some results that will amaze

1.  Empty the lungs of old air as outlined in the breathing exercise in chapter 1.
2.  Take six deep breaths, holding each one for as long as you can comfortably
do so. Take each following breath immediately – holding each – until six
deep breaths have been taken. After three deep breaths have been taken,
extend the arms in front of you, palms facing. As you take the remaining
three breaths, feel the vibrant Mana force field build. After six breaths your
palms should tingle noticeably.
3.  Send this Mana to a spot about a foot above your head. As you send it up
through the head, see it form itself into a ball of brilliant white light filled with pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 13/26


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millions of particles. Each of these particles is charged with a gigantic force of

power almost beyond human imagination.
4.  Now slowly, ever slowly, bring this ball of scintillating, fully charged magic
healing light down through your body. Let it rest in the head, healing the
eyes, ears, nose and throat. If the arms need healing, bring it down through
each arm.
5.  Next, let it rest in the shoulder area a moment before going into the chest.
Here it can go into the lungs, heart, stomach and back. Now, bring it into the
area of the solar plexus and the lower abdomen so it can come into contact
 with any of the organs in this part of the body that may need healing energy
and to keep it safe and healthy. You can now bring it first down one leg and
into the foot, and then down the other leg and into that foot.
6.  Now, form another ball of magic healing light. First do the deep breathing
and then form the ball of white light above the head.
7.  This time bring this fantastic ball of brilliant power into what you believe to be
the affected area of your body. Say Your COMMAND “I am 100% fit, and
 well in body and mind. My arm (that is if the arm had a problem, otherwise
mention which ever are needs healing) strong and getting stronger and
stronger with each passing day”
day ” then let it stay there for about three minutes.
8.  Now, for a third time, form a ball of magic healing light and bring it down
through the whole body as in steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

 Your healing ritual is now completed. You may use this ritual as often as necessary
until the illness has disappeared. But only do it three times at one sitting. You may
find that one sitting will be enough, and that healing has started to take place. You
 will notice a difference in your condition almost at once. However, if the illness
doesn’t go away in one sitting, be persistent. Use this wonderful healing process until
 you are healed.

 You will note I have told you to treat the entire body, as well as the particular are
affected by illness. This is because many times the real trouble is not where it seems
to be, but somewhere else. Also, it is desirable to put the whole body in balance if
 you wish to manifest good health. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 14/26


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How To Put the Magic Shield of Protection Around Yourself:

Yourself :

 With the use of Mana-Force Power, it is possible to surround yourself with a

powerful force field that no psychic attack can penetrate. This protective shield
should be formed every morning to keep you from harm.

If you follow these simple steps, it will be as though you are wearing a suit of armor.
Nothing of a negative nature will be able to come through it.

1.  Take six deep breaths, holding each as long as you can before taking the next
2.  During the last breaths, hold the arm out in front of you palms facing. Feel
the Mana force field build. 
3.  Form this dynamic force field of Mana that you have generated into a bubble
of sparkling white light with you at the center of it. Make this bubble extend
about six feet out of your body in all directions. Know that it is a field of
 positive living vibrations that will protect you form evil of any kind. 
4.  Now, stand up and raise your arms to the sides. Begin to turn clockwise
saying the following statement as you do so: “This is my magic field of
protection. I am encased in my bubble of Magnetic Light and I am protected
from everyone I meet today every day. Only good can come to me today. I
give grateful thanks I am that I am… healthy, wealthy and successful.”

Now, this is all there is to this powerful ritual of protection. You will find that after
doing this ritual, you will feel a great sense of security. This is because you will know
that you are truly protected from harm.

If you will do this daily you will be amazed at how smoothly your life will run. It will
almost seem like someone is going ahead of you, removing all the problems before
 you arrive.

The principle behind this protective ritual is quite simple. The bubble of Mana-
Force Power becomes a living wall of positive vibrations encircling your body.
Thoughts and events of a negative nature are kept far away from your field of energy.
The vibrations from your verbal command have also become part of this protective pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 15/26


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shield. Mana is a vital life force and thus can be directed with the mind. It can be
ordered to perform a certain task and it will obey. This is the reason your command
is so powerful

How To Dissolve A Psychic Attack With Mana-

Mana -Force Power.

 When you are under the influence of psychic attack, you aura is filled with negative
thought forms. These attach themselves to you like leeches. They draw on your
 vital life force.

In order to dispel the effects of the psychic attack, we must get rid of the ugly
negative thought forms that have become lodged in our aura. We do this first by
 weakening their hold on us. We will do this by using the same magic cleansing ritual
 we used in Exercise #5. This is done in the following manner:

1.  Picture of a mountain stream. Bring this mountain stream in through your
head (at the top through your crown center). See (visualize) and feel it moving
through your body all the way down to your feet. As this fresh stream of water
goes through you, imagine it carrying away all the negativity thought as it
 washed out through your body, out through your feet and out into the street.
Keep up this visualization until the water runs clean and pure – filled only
 with positive vibrations. 
2.  By this time if not all of the negative thought forms will have become loosened
and washed away. If any do remain, they will be greatly weakened by the flow
of positive vibrations that the visualized water brought into the aura. To make
sure that no negative thought forms can remain, we will now build a powerful
force field of Mana around us. This is done by taking the six deep breaths,
holding each for as long as you can before taking the next breath. After
checking for the energy level with your palms, put yourself at the center of this
 wonderful, vibrant positive field of Mana. 
3.  Now speak your COMMAND “I command that all that is harmful and
negative be completely destroyed this instant. If negative energy is from an
outer source I command that it returns to its owner a thousand fold. I
command this with my full soul power. I give thanks that I am that I am –
healthy, protected and successful.” 

 After you have spoken this command, I assure you not one vestige of any psychic
attack can remain. It would be impossible for any negative thought form to exist in
the atmosphere you have just created. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 16/26


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 You learned in the last exercise about protecting yourself against psychic attack with
a bubble of Mana-Force Power. By putting this bubble of protection around you,
 will allow you to be protected against many other mishaps caused by things of a
negative nature. Anger and insults can be turned away, automobile and personal
accidents can be avoided.

So, after sending Mana to the high self, put this protective bubble around yourself.
 You need not do the six breaths again. Just visualize the protective bubble of
dazzling white light surrounding your body. Feel the beautiful scintillating power of
it. Say, “I am in a shield of Mana-
Mana -Force Power. Those who try to harm me shall be
powerless and their evil shall return to them a thousand fold. I am surrounded
surrounded with
protective Light and I am free from accidents, evil forces and all other dangerous
elements. I am within the Lights protection now and only good can come to me. I
give grateful thanks I am that I am – healthy, wealthy, successful, and happy.”

This shouldn’t take more than a minute or two. What easier way could you possible
find to protect yourself from harm and free yourself of petty annoyances. You will
find this really works. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 17/26


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In this exercise you will learn how to use the magic love magnet to make anyone fall
madly in love with you. You will be irresistible when you use this magic power. No
one  will be able to resist you. When you master just two simple, easy-to-use rituals
in this chapter, you can choose anyone you want to love. Never will you need to
settle for second best. I promise you this amazing exercise will change your love life.

Magic Mirror Ritual.

 A mirror can be your faithful assistant in the search for a new, more attractive you.
It will reflect back to you the person that you believe  yourself    to be. So the first
matter of importance is to really convince yourself that you are attractive. At every
opportunity look at yourself in the mirror. Tell the image that you see looking back
at you, how beautiful or handsome you are. You might say something like this, “I
am beautiful (or handsome). Everytime I look at me I find myself more and more
beautiful and attractive. People all over find me very beautiful, attractive and lovely.”

Soon it will seem that the image in the mirror truly becomes more beautiful as it
glows from the praise directed at it. This is exactly what does happen. But it is
happening to you; you will become more attractive with each passing day. This is
truly a magic formula that works!
This transformation won’t take long to accomplish. Just use your mirror several
times a day and repeat the affirmation. You will notice a change taking place within
a couple of days; other people will begin to see the change in you.

The principle involved here is that a visual image is more powerful than words
alone. The subconscious mind (low self) is impressed by the impact of the mirrored
image, accompanied by your strong affirmation. Remember, it has very limited
reasoning powers. When you tell it that the image looking back at you is becoming
more beautiful every day, it begins to believe you. What it (low self) believes it
brings about. It is just that simple.

So never hesitate to make your affirmations, good, strong and positive. Say it as
though you really
really mean it. The transformation will start to take place at the moment
 you really believe what you are saying. So speak your affirmation with authority and
belief. I promise you rewards beyond anything you can imagine. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 18/26


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Create A Mana 
Mana--Force Field.

Now you have convinced yourself that you can attract the man or woman of your
choice. The next step is to set about doing something about it. The first step to take
to accomplish this is to generate a force-field of Mana. The following steps below
 will bring this about:

1.  Take six deep breaths. Hold each breath for as long as you can do so
comfortably before you take the next one.
2.  Now, for a bubble of sparkling, white light. SEE this bubble of light out in
front of you. SEE it pulsate as it grows more vibrant by the minute.
3.  Now feel the emotion of love fill your being. Take a few moments of love to
generate this love. Feel that you are overflowing with love.
4.  Next, direct this love into the bubble of Mana-Force Power you have placed
in front of you.
5.  Keep generating more love and direct it into the bubble, SEE the bubble
change to a Soft Pink . This is the colour of love. Do this with your inner eye.

 At this point, your whole being should be vibrant with love. Your eyes will probably
be filled with tears. Let this love keep welling up within you as you direct it into your
bubble of Mana-Force Power. Now your bubble is filled with love and you too are
filled with love. You are now ready for the next step in bringing in a loved one to
 your side.

Magnetize the Mana 

Mana--Force Field

Now you have created a beautiful force field of love and power. However, at this
point, it is still impersonal. The next step is to magnetize it with your own personal
 vibrations. This can be done in the following manner.

1.  Take three deep breaths, holding each one as long as you can before taking
the next breath.
2.  Hold your hands in front of you, palms facing the bubble.
3.  Mentally place yourself inside the bubble. Stay there for a moment or two
 while your vibrations become part of the bubble.
4.  Now mentally step back into your own body, knowing that some of your
personal vibrations are in the bubble.

 You have now made of this bubble a very personal entity that is part of you. It is
filled with love and the power to protect this love to another person. since it now pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 19/26


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has your vibrations, it also has the power to make the person to whom it is sent
return your love. Love begets love. When this bubble of love surrounds the person
 you wish to win, he or she will be filled with love. Since your vibrations are in this
bubble, the love of the other person feelings will be directed towards you. You will
literally be a magnet, drawing this love toward you.

Send out Your Command

It is now time to send out your command that will propel your magnetized bubble of
love to the person you are seeking to win. Take the following steps to bring this

1.  Take three deep breaths, holding each one as long as you can before taking
the next breath. (This will build up your Mana-Force Power.)
2.  Hold your hands in front of you, palms facing the bubble.
3.  Speak the words: “I COMMAND this bubble of love to go to _______ (name
of loved one). I COMMAND it to settle around her (or him) and fill her with
my love. I COMMAND this with my full soul power. So be it, it is done.”

 When you speak these commands use a very forceful   tone of voice. Speak them
like commands. You have the power to propel this bubble of love to anyone in the
 world. Make this known. By commanding. It is your will that will bring about your
desire. But you must make sure that the person in question is FREE – meaning is
not in a relationship of his or her won with someone else, because then there can be
repercussions in your love life later on. The best way would be for having an image
and the character/personality type in mind and let your high self bring along the right
person for you. So use this exercise wisely please.

Note: The same exercise can be used for making a partner return to you, but again
think well before doing so, because if s/he has gone off the relationship, is it really
 worth it to have him/her back into your life? Hmmmm I don’t think so! But is your
choice your decision if you want to be stubborn and just to show the other person
 who stole your partner in the first place how strong and bold you are so you go and
do the session anyway. The session remains the same, only the command will have
a slight change to the wordings like so:

“I am back in a relationship with ________ (name of person). I COMMAND this

bubble of love to speed up our love to its original state. I order this bubble to
surround (him/her) and communicate my love to (him/her). His/her love is for me
now. I feel this
this with my full soul power. It is done. So be it.” pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 20/26


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How to Build Unlimited Energy Supply.

In this exercise, you will learn the energy transference ritual. This ritual will enable
 you to build up your supply of energy. You will be able to resist all kinds of aliments
and overcome ill health. You will learn to tap a boundless reservoir of energy and
power for your own use.

 Where is God?

 We are told that in the beginning there was only God. Then God spoke the word
and his universe came into creation.

Now since there was nothing but God in the beginning, his created words must have
come out of himself. In other words, the universe and all its living creatures are
extensions of God – they are God expanded into everything that exists. So every
living thing in all creation is God in action. So where is God? He is everywhere
present. He is in you and me, in every tree in every flower, in every animal and
insect, in every rock, and in every air we breathe. There is nowhere God is not! If
 you wish to know more about God, then become acquainted with his creatures. It is
here you will find God on the level that can be understood by man.
There is much more to God than man can perceive. But he manifests himself on
many levels that we can communicate with him. We can develop an awareness of
God on these levels and become “expanded” human beings.

If you would find God, look into the face of a beautiful flower. Observe a little bird
singing in a tree. Watch the might ocean send its waves crashing upon the beach.
God is everywhere around us, performing it’s seemingly miracles in the lives of
everything that exists. It is through an ever-expanding awareness of his kingdoms
that we will develop a “God” consciousness. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 21/26


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Go Hug A Tree

In the facts about exercise number 8 Audio, I will elaborate a bit more on other
techniques as regards to energy transference. However, here, I will only give one of
the most important rituals for energy transference known to man – The Hug A Tree

1.  Stand next to your tree. Quiet your mind. Look into the tree’s branches and
picture as one with the tree. You are  the tree.
2.  Take six deep breaths, holding each one as long as you can before taking the
next breath.
3.  Put your arms around the tree’s trunk and fell the force field build through
 your hands first then through your whole body.
4.  Let love flow form you to the tree. In a moment or two you will feel this love
flow from you to the tree. Feel its “astral arms” branches enfold you.
5.  Now ask the tree to fill you with vital energy. Stand still and let the energy
flow into your body.
6.  Thank the tree and once again send it love.

I know of nothing that can give you the charge of vitality that this ritual does. I
promise you, you will be absolutely humming with added energy. All the love that
 you have exchanged with this tree will make your whole day brighter. You will feel a
spiritual lift that is indescribable. pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 22/26


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 A spirit guide is a being who exists in the spirit world. He (or she) has chosen to stay
close to the physical world of the earth. Do not confuse a spirit guide with an
earthbound spirit being. A spirit guide chooses, of his own free will, to work out his
spiritual evolution by helping human beings with their problems.

Calling In a Spirit Guide.

Now let’s get down to the actual process of calling in a spirit guide. The first step we
must take is to build a powerful force field of Mana.

1.  Take six deep breaths, holding each one as long as you can before taking the
next breath.
2.  Hold hands out in front of you, palms facing. Feel the Mana-Force Power as
it generated between your palms.
3.  Be still for a few moments as you quiet your mind. Cast out all conscious
thought. Be aware only of the massive power of the concentrated Mana you
have generated. (Realize that you are about to bring into your life a high spirit
being who will be with you for the rest of your life. Thrill to the immensity of
this act that you are going to perform.)
4.  As you sit quietly, feeling the Mana force field grow, become aware of your
high self. See it a little above the top of your head. It is waiting to be
contacted so it can help you. However, you are going to send it some added
power for it to use in performing the task you will ask of it.
5.  At this point say: “My High Self, I am sending you this gift of Mana to use in
my behalf.”
6.  Now see and feel a shaft of white light going up from your diaphragm,
traveling up through your head to your high self. Feel it tingle as it travels
through the top of your head to its destination. Now your high self has a
supply of power. It awaits your directions as to what you wish it to do. The
high self knows what you want, but, remember, you must ask to receive. All
higher beings obey this Universal Law.
7.  So now ask your high self to go into the land of spirit and finds the perfect
spirit guide for you. Ask the high self to get a vow from the spirit guide that he
 will serve you faithfully all your life. After this request is made, speak these
 words: “It is done. So be it.”
it.”  Sit quietly for another moment or two. You will
be aware of the arrival of your guide. Ask him his/her name. Then wait pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 23/26


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patiently for a name to come to your mind. The first name that comes to
mind take it… Now you know what to call him.

Now that you have your spirit guide, simply go into level one at any time of day and
ask if it is safe to do whatever action you have decided to do for the day which you
have doubts about… wait for an answer and it will come… if not just go about your
daily business, but listen for intuitions along the way/day. When it comes heed the
advice! pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 24/26


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How To Command Lady Luck For Hidden Treasure and Fabulous Fortune.

This exercise will give you fun and rewards undreamed of. You will learn that Lady
Luck is truly a creature who you can bend to your will. Her power is unlimited and
 you will find out how to control her so she can serve you.

Give Instructions To Your Subconscious (Low Self)

This is very important. Let’s say you want to win at the game of roulette. You will
have the following statement written in your “book of shadows” – “I am winning
SR1000/ - everytime I play the game of roulette at the Pirates Arms casino.” 
casino.” You can
see how important it is that you obtain the participation of your subconscious in
 working with Lady Luck.

Build Mana 
Mana--Force Field.

1.  Take six deep breaths, holding each one as long as you can before taking the
next breath.
2.  Hold hands out in front of you, palms facing. Feel the Mana-Force Power as
it generated between your palms.
3.  Be still for a few moments as you quiet your mind. Be aware only of the
massive power of the concentrated Mana you have generated.
4.  Next a picture of yourself winning at the game of chance you are about to go
and play or the ticket you are about to buy… than,

Send Your Command to Lady Luck.

Now you are going to use this tremendous charge of Mana-Force Power you have
generated to send your command to Lady Luck. She will also be given a surge of
energy from the Mana you send to her. Your command must be spoken in a firm
 voice with authority. The command you give to lady Luck will depend on what you
 want. Suppose you wish to win money at the casino playing roulette – you could say,
“Lady Luck, you have the power to bring good fortune to those who demand. I
require thee to be my mentor and guide me to success in the game I am going to
play. By the power invested in thee, I am goinggoing to
to win
win _____
_____ (state
(state amount
amount you
 want to win) at the game of roulette now. It is done. So be it.” pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 25/26


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 Ally Yourself With Lady Luck


No longer do you need to let bad luck keep good fortune from you. Now you will
find you can enter contest to win. Never again will you envy your lucky friends and
neighbours. You now have an inside track to good luck. With the information you
have gotten in this chapter you can have a windfall of good luck any time you wish.
 You have found out how to make Lady Luck your obedient servant.

Remember, the more you use lady luck, the more you will increase her ability to
serve you. Sp partake of her bountiful treasures – there are endless supplies of them
 waiting your pleasure.

Good Luck, and God Bless you! pdf.c om/re a de r/full/the -mira c le -of-ma na forc e -powe r 26/26

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