Design Methods From The Early 1900s Until The Early 1960s
Design Methods From The Early 1900s Until The Early 1960s
Design Methods From The Early 1900s Until The Early 1960s
In 1956, the ACI Code for the first time included ultimate-strength
design, as an appendix, although the concrete codes of several other
countries had been based on such considerations for several decades.
In 1963, the code gave ultimate-strength design equal status with
working-stress design; the 1971 code made the method the predominant
method and only briefly mentioned the working-stress method. From
1971 until 1999, each issue of the code permitted designers to use
working-stress design and set out certain provisions for its
application. Beginning with the 2002 code, however, permission is
not included for using the method.
5. The strength method permits more flexible designs than did the
working-stress method. For instance, the percentage of steel may
be varied quite a bit. As a result, large sections may be used
with small percentages of steel, or small sections may be used
with large percentages of steel. Such variations were not the
case in the relatively fixed workingstress method. If the same
amount of steel is used in strength design for a particular beam
as would have been used with WSD, a smaller section will result.
If the same size section is used as required by WSD, a smaller
amount of steel will be required.