NTPC Limited: (A Government of India Enterprise)
NTPC Limited: (A Government of India Enterprise)
NTPC Limited: (A Government of India Enterprise)
Dear Sir,
This has reference to our above mentioned NIT, Your offer and subsequent discussions. We are
pleased to accept your offer opened on 27.03.2019 and confirm having awarded on you the work of
Supply,Installation & commissioning of gridconnected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic system. ( SSC
ER-1/SSC-C&M/2018-19/9900173167/65124 ). of total value INR 3,900,000.00 (Rupee THIRTY-NINE
LAKH ONLY) mentioned in the scope of works, special terms & conditions, Bill of quantities etc.
The duration of the service period shall be from 30.03.2019 to 30.11.2019. Though the duration of
contract shall remain same, the actual date of commencement of the contract shall be as per the direction of
EIC. AGM( EMD-Barh STPP) shall be EIC for this work.
This service purchase order along with its annexure is being issued to you in duplicate .We request you
to return the duplicate copy of this service purchase order, duly signed on each page by your authorised
signatory in token of your unequivocal acknowledgment of the same within 15 days from the date of this
service purchase order. If no communication is received within 15 days of receipt of Purchase Order, it will
be treated that order has been accepted in entirety.
We thank you for the interest shown by you in our project and the cooperation extended to us. We
expect to receive your continued cooperation in future also.
Thanking You,
For & on behalf of NTPC Limited.
Enclosures :
Registered Office: NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, Scope Complex, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Phone No. -(011)24360100, Fax No. -(011)24361018. Website: www.ntpc.co.in
PO No. : 4600055445 Page No. 2 / 10
(Bill of Quantity)
Name of Work: Supply,Installation & commissioning of gridconnected
Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic system.
( SSC ER-1/SSC-C&M/2018-19/9900173167/65124 ).
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Alternate Mode of Payment for Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): Trade Receivables Discounting
System (TReDS) is a regulatory framework put in place by the Reserve Bank of India under the Payment and
Settlement Systems Act 2007 (PSS Act) to facilitate the financing of trade receivables (invoices) of MSMEs
through invoice financing by multiple financiers.
The Reserve Bank of India has granted approval to Mynd Solutions Pvt Limited, A.TREDS Ltd and
Receivables Exchange of India Ltd to set up and operate TReDS platforms. The Respective TReDS platforms
names of the above mention entities are M1xchange, Invoicemart and RXIL.
Currently NTPC is on board TReDS platform with M1xchange. MSME Vendors may choose TReDS platform
as an alternate payment mechanism. For utilising the TReDS mechanism, the vendor may contact
M1xchange at URL: https://www.m1xchange.com or their toll free no.:1800-103-7261
Special Instruction
1) You have to enter into a contract agreement. For this you are requested to come to the office of the
undersigned with Rs. 1000 non-judicial stamp paper of Bihar Govt only bought in the name of your firm.
2) Contract Value: Rs. 39,00,000.00 (Exclusive of GST).
3) Taxes & Duties: Extra and payable at prevailing rate; current rate is 18%.
4) Contract Duration: Six (06) months from the date of contract award.
5) Defect Liability Period : Five (05) Years.
6) Commencement: After approval from the competent authority on recommendation of EIC.
7) Engineer-in-Charge: AGM( EMD-Plant).
8) Rates shall remain firm during the contract period.
9) Payment terms: As per payment terms, mentioned in SCC.( 80% payment will be released on receipt
and inspection at NTPC site and remaining 20% after successful commissioning).
10) SD: SD will be deducted as per GCC and will be released after defect liability period and certification of
11) PBG: 10% PBG of total value will be applicable as per SCC.
12) Other terms and conditions shall be as per Special T&C, Scope of work of NIT No- 9900173167
& GCC.
Version I created for time extention upto 30.11.2019
PO No. : 4600055445 Page No. 4 / 10
Sl No. Service Description Qty. UOM Rate Premium Discount Addl Net Value
Code Discount Rate
10 .10 Supply, I&C 100 1 NO 3,900,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,900,00
KW solar rooftop .00 0.0000 3,900,000.0
system 0
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Solar photo voltaic module(poly-crystalline based, each rated 300 Wp or more of total 100 kw for grid
connected, Roof top Solar Photovoltaic system)
It should contains following items-
a) Module mounting structure as per technical specifications.
b) Array junction box as per tech specifications
c) PCU with inverter, inbuilt data logging, display interface as per tech specifications
d) AC protection panel(LT) as per tech specifications
e) Energy meter with data cables for connectivity with PCU as per technical specifications.
f) All cabling up to AC DB as per tech specifications.
1.0 The bidder shall provide the end to end solution of the Solar PV system including but not limited to
design, supply of the required SPV power plant with accessories, peripheral like power conditioning units,
cables, junction boxes, earthing, protections, isolations etc. in totality and ensure the installation,
performance, testing, commissioning, warranty etc. The bidder has to ensure planning and smooth execution
of the project as well.
The bidder shall carry out and complete the said work under this contract in every respect in conformity with
the contract documents and with the direction of and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
Bidder shall furnish all labour, materials and equipment as listed and specified otherwise, transportation and
incidental necessary for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the complete system through as
described in the specifications as per latest MNRE guidelines.
Capacity of the SPV power plant will be determined based on the area availability on the roof at the site. The
PCU, power conditioning unit shall be designed to convert DC power produced by SPV modules.
I. SPV array at desired location complete with its required Electrical, Electronic and mechanical features.
II. It contains the electrical wiring, cabling, terminations, cable trays, inverters, metering and hooking up
the system to the existing source of supply.
III. Supply of Module mounting structure/ super structure for mounting at the roof of the installation site.
IV. The PV modules shall be installed with necessary tilt with the most effective orientation. The module
mounting structure shall also have provision of tilt angle adjustment in the range of +/- 15 degrees from
latitude of the location.
V. Supply and installation of cables on prefabricated FRP cable trays and / or within suspended ceiling
spaces including installation, hangers, supports, cable terminations and all fixing accessories
VI. Supply fixing, testing and commissioning of lightening arrester.
VII. Supply and installation of GI/ copper earthing system.
VIII. Danger boards should be provided as and where necessary as per IE rules as amended up to date.
IX. Supporting structure material shall be electrolytically compatible with the PV panel mounting frame.
X. Bidder shall visit the site and take necessary measurements to make himself familiar with the site
before submission of the bids.
1. Salient Feature of Grid Connected Solar PV system SPV Power Plant:
I. Array installed capacity : As per area availability (to be assessed by the bidder)
II. Type of PV Cells : Poly Crystalline
III. Power rating of one SPV Panel : 250 Wp and above
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C. Junction Boxes:
The junction boxes shall be dust free, vermin and waterproof and made of FRP / Thermo Plastic with IP 65
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protection. The terminals shall be connected to copper bus bar arrangement of proper sizes. The junction
boxes shall have suitable cable entry points fitted with cable glands of appropriate sizes for both incoming
and outgoing copper unarmored sheathed cables. Adequate working space shall be provided in JBs for easy
accessibility of tools like spanners screw drivers etc with out on each point in JB.
Suitable markings shall be provided on the bus bar for easy identification and cable ferrules shall be fitted at
the cable termination points for identification. The junction boxes shall have suitable arrangement for the
C.I. Combine groups of modules into independent charging sub-arrays that shall be wired to the controller.
C.II. Provide arrangement for disconnection for each of the groups.
C.III. To provide group array isolation.
C.IV. The rating of the JB's shall be suitable with adequate safety factor to interconnect the Solar PV array.
a.V. Suitably rated Metal Oxide Varisters shall be provided inside the Array Junction Boxes for spike
E. Indications:
Inverter on
Grid on/off with potential free contacts
Inverter under voltage
Inverter over voltage
Inverter over load
Inverter over temperature
Inverter under freq.
Inverter over freq.
F. Protections:
Over voltage both at input & output Over current both at input & output Over / under grid frequency Over
temperature Overload Short circuit
Protection against lightening Surge voltage protection
G. Remote Monitoring:
(Data logger to be provided with required software & hardware interface for remote monitoring through
DC input voltage ,DC current, AC power output, AC voltage , AC current , Grid frequency, Power factor
Display: Display of above data to be provided in PCU Panel and for remote monitoring Recommended Make:
SMA, Kaco, Xantrex, Siemens, Fronius, Emerson.
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I. Suitable size of cable shall be provided to limit the voltage drop to be less than 2% of system voltage.
II. Cables should be PVC insulated XLPE Copper Conductor armoured MV Cables up to 1100 V grad as
per IS: 694
III. Cable should be Bright Annealed 99% pure copper conductor that offers low conductor resistance.
Conductor shall be of electrolytic copper confirming to IS: 8130
IV. Cables shall also confirm to IEC 60189 for test and measuring methods.
V. Cables should be UV resistant as per IS/IEC 69947.
Recommended Make: KEI, Centurion, Finolex, Universal, Havells, Rallison, Nicco, Gemscab, Radiant, Polycab
or as approved/ accepted by NTPC.
J. Lightning Arrester
To protect the system from heavy surge of lighting a suitable arrester to be provided with separate earthing
system. Lightning arrestor should be maintenance free.
K. Metering
I. An Energy Meter shall be provided as approved by the NTPC to measure the delivered quantum of
II. Meter must be provided with the necessary data cables.
III. Energy Meter should be import/export type, 0.5 Class of accuracy and must be modbus compliant for
further integration with Central Monitoring Systems.
Recommended Make: Conzerv, Schneider, Siemens,L&T,Secure,ABB etc.
L.Spare Parts
Bidder shall recommend and furnish details for essential spare parts required for at least 10 years after
completion of guarantee period of five years and provide the details of nearest source of availability. Bidder
shall also give quotation for recommended spares.
O. Completion Drawings
I. Contractor shall submit complete drawings set and manuals of material before start of the job and after
completion of the work with changes incorporated. These drawings shall clearly indicate following:
II. Location and rating of PV arrays.
III. Location and details of panels, and other particulars including approved fabrication drawings of panel.
IV. Complete wiring diagram, as installed and scheduled showing all connections in the complete electrical
V. Routing and particulars of all cables and trays.
VI. Single line diagram, power schematic, control schematic with detailed bill of materials, showing
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Q. Trial run & acceptance of Solar PV module:-30 days of uninterrupted energy output.During trial run data
sheet on performance of the system shall be filled up and submitted to NTPC on daily basis.The format for
performance data sheet shall be submitted by agency for NTPC's approval & acceptance. Any interruption on
account of the system will restart the trial run counting. During first year warranty,bidder should visit
quarterly & keep record/ tabulate the performance of the installed system in jointly agreed format to confirm
performance of the system as desired.
S. Payment Terms:-
Payment shall be released on submission of invoice in quadruplicate along with supporting documents on
certification by the Engineer-in-charge. Payment shall be released within 30 days of receipt of invoice
complete in all respect as per NTPC payment terms & conditions.
T. Exclusions: NTPC shall provide rooftop for installation of system and single point three phase power
supply at the work place which can be used by the agency during installation, without any power charges.
All other material/ requirement for successful completion of the work, not specifically mentioned elsewhere,
is deemed to be included in the scope.
A closed room for material storage during the work execution may be provided subject to availability.
U. Contract Period:-
Six months from the date of contract award. completion shall be considered after successful completion of
trial run/ acceptance of system. Material should be supplied at site within 90 days from the date of start.
*Package evaluation to be done on overall basis.
Prepared By:
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1.For all the cases where payment documents are to be directly submitted to NTPC (excluding Payment
through Bank cases), the Invoice and supporting document(s) as required in the Purchase Order have to be
Digitally Signed with class II or III digital signature and uploaded in the NTPC Vendor Payment Portal
In such cases, there will be no requirement of physical copy of invoice & documents except for Lorry Receipts
(LRs)/ Delivery Challan, which are normally sent along with the material/ transporter. Bank Guarantees to be
sent in original wherever applicable.
2.From 15.5.2020, NTPC will accept only digitally signed Invoice & supporting documents from Vendors for
direct payment cases. Submission of documents in physical form shall not be accepted by NTPC unless
otherwise asked for in the PO.
For such cases of physical submission, Vendors are required to send complete set of documents including
invoice etc. addressed to the "Invoice Receipt Center" of the Delivery/ Invoicing Address as mentioned in the
Purchase Order Annexure 1/ BOQ Sheet.
While submitting the Invoice/ Bills & related documents in physical form, Vendors are required to mention the
following details on the top of the envelope:
a. Invoice/Bill reference No.
b. NTPC PO No./ Package no.
c. NTPC Vendor Code asper PO
In addition to above, vendors are requested to mention their correspondence E-mail & Mobile No.in the
Covering Letter, through which invoice processing related information/clarification request may be sent.
3.Vendors can track / monitor the status of payments from the Vendor payment portal. Help documents are
available in the portal. Vendors are requested to make full use of the Vendor Payment Portal.
4. A toll-free helpline (1800 102 5970, operating times 9am to 6 pm to Mon to Sat except Holidays) is also
available for help on digital invoice uploading & payment tracking.
5. For payment cases through bank, all original documents are to be submitted in bank as per terms of PO.