Surpac Tutorial - Pit Design - Block Modelling
Surpac Tutorial - Pit Design - Block Modelling
Surpac Tutorial - Pit Design - Block Modelling
You are here: Tutorials > Pit Design > Pit Design Tutorial > Data prepara on > Load the outline and Whi le model > Create the ore outlines
Data prepara on
Create ore outlines
Geological outlines are a good source of informa on when performing pit design. They can be obtained from slicing a
geological model (solid or wireframe) or taken from bench by bench interpreta ons.
Task: Create the ore outlines
1. Connect to pitdesign.mdl.
2. Click the pitdesign icon on the Status bar, and choose Display.
17. Enter the informa on as shown, click Add, and click Apply.
21. Con nue to hold CTRL and drag the files into Graphics.
The sec ons open in the same layer.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _02_create_ore_outlines.tcl. You need to click Apply on any
forms presented.
8. Choose Block model > Constraints > Remove all graphical constraints.
9. Choose Block model > Constraints > New graphical constraint.
10. Enter the informa on as shown, and click Apply.
11. Choose Block model > Display > Colour model by a ribute.
12. Enter the informa on as shown, click Scan, and click Apply.
The two Whi le pit shells, 16 and 28, are displayed in different colours.
13. Choose Block Model > Block model > Export > Block faces to DTM.
14. Enter the informa on as shown, and click Apply.
15. Click the pitdesign icon on the Status bar, and choose Close.
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7/29/2020 Data Preparation
20. Choose Solids > Solids tools > Create sec ons.
21. Enter the informa on as shown, and click Apply.
This will give a ver cal axis for slicing the DTM.
22. Enter the parameters as shown, and click Apply.
There are two results produced by the Slice Object func on. The first result is a range of string files called
wmb805 to wmb1085 in increments of 10, which contain the extracted horizontal sec ons. These files are saved
to disk. The second result is a layer called slice which contains the extracted sec ons. If required, you can ac vate
this layer and save all the sec ons to a single file.
27. Choose Edit > String > Renumber, and click a string in Graphics.
28. Enter the informa on as shown, and click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _03_create_whi le_outlines.tcl. You need to click Apply on
any forms presented.
The block model, slope string, and DTM surface are displayed.
14. Choose Block model > Es ma on > Assign value from polygon.
15. Enter the informa on as shown, and click Apply.
17. Choose Block model > Display > Colour model by a ribute.
18. Enter the informa on as shown, click Scan, and click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _04_add_slope_values_to_blockmodel.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _05_load_outline_and_whi le_model.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
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