Wakitaka Youth Projects-Poultry

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Wakitaka is found in Jinja, Eastern part of Uganda, Mafubira Sub-county and the
County of Butembe. It is located along Jinja-Kamuli highway. For long, the youth have
been lagging behind in developmental issues of the community. Many youths in the
area are school dropouts due to low incomes from their parents, guardians and due to
the HIV prevalence making some of them orphans. Many of the youth do not continue
their education after Ordinary or Advanced level to an Institution such as Vocational
Training or University due to their inability to meet the high tuition expenses and costs
incurred in buying school incentives.

The projects’ mission is to have a wealthy, educated, empowered, and a healthy

population in the near future. The main objective of the youth projects is to create self
sustaining income generating projects for the youth in the area to improve their
standards of living. To achieve this, the youth will be involved in poultry and goat rearing
projects. The project also wants to equip the youths with knowledge and skills in the
different income generating activities, and educating them about the HIV/AIDS

There is ready market for both goat and poultry products. Many hotels, restaurants,
schools and other institutions are willing to buy the products at a competitive cost. The
different customers interested in both the poultry and goat products will always be
contacted in time so that arrangements are made to deliver the products. The project
will establish its customers around the country especially in Jinja town and Kampala
City where the demand for the products is high. Marketing the projects’ products will
also be through radio advertisements.

The type of goats will be the cross bred type because they are fast growing and have a
fast breeding rate. The kind of poultry will be broilers because they are also fast growing
and don’t need a lot of experience compared to the layers. The products that the
projects will supply to the market will include meat and milk. The broilers will be sold at
7,000UShs or 3.59USD whereas a liter of milk will cost 500UShs or 0.26USD. Goat’s
meat will cost 5,000UShs or 2.56USD.

The waste materials from both poultry and goat projects will be used as manure to
enhance crop productivity at the local level.

The target population of the youth is 60. These will be the beneficiaries from the
projects. The youth will be responsible for providing the labor for running the projects’
activities. The youth projects will be furnished through donations that are expected to be
raised through Nabuur.com with the help of Neighbors that will play a great role in
linking the Village to various Organizations that can donate in various forms. After the
donations have been received and the projects implemented, the youth projects are
expected to be self sustaining.
The start up costs for poultry rearing is 13,380,000UShs or 6861.54USD whereas
6,978,000 Ushs or 3578.46 USD for goat rearing.


Wakitaka is found in Jinja, Eastern part of Uganda, Mafubira Sub-county and the
County of Butembe. It is about 85 Km from Kampala City, and 5km away from Jinja
town. It is located along Jinja-Kamuli Highway. Wakitaka is well known for its beautiful
environment with hills surrounding the village.

To the East of the village lies Kyabazinga hill where the Kyabazinga’s (Busoga king)
palace used to be. To the west of the village is Kiira college Butiki hill. These hills give
good sceneries to the people. The village still boasts of its green environment. People
try as much as possible to conserve the environment, something that is not common
with other villages in Uganda. Though all people in the area depend on firewood and
charcoal for cooking, the fuel is bought from the far neighboring villages.

Wakitaka has a population of about 6000 people. The female contribute about 25% of
the population, the male contribute 20%, the youth 35% and the children 20% of the
total population.

The village is also located about 10km away from Lake Victoria and the source of the
Nile that provides great potential for tourism. The area is also within proximity to
Bujagali falls that is one of the big tourism attractions for the country.

1.1 Brief History

Wakitaka in “Lusoga" means soil. Lusoga is the language that the people of this area
speak. It is believed that the name “Wakitaka” was derived from the fact that the soils of
the place are too sticky and when it rains, the place becomes very muddy to the extent
that it becomes difficult for one to move a meter without getting stuck.

1.2 The people

The majority of the people in the village are Basoga who belong to the Bantu group. The
Bantu group is the biggest speaking group in Uganda. There are other tribes who have
migrated and settled in the village in search for jobs in the nearby town of Jinja. The
Basoga are very much welcoming people, very calm, honest and also kind to visitors.

The most Common food is potatoes (emboli), cassava (mwogo), and maize (duuma)
with green vegetables that are locally available.

1.3 Art and Craft

In the village, a number of elderly women and the youth are involved in art and craft.
Some women are involved in the making of mats and baskets out of locally available
material whereas the youth make necklaces, art paintings, ropes, beads and many
others out of local materials. The attractive mats are made in different sizes according
to the customer’s demand and the purpose of the items. This is how some of the elderly
women and the youth have had to earn their living. The mats are sold locally whereas
the Art and Craft products are normally taken to the source of the Nile where Tourists
can buy them. There is however no direct access to the Tourists to buy the products.
The Craft works are at times sold to a Craft shop at the source of the Nile on credit.
Most often the youth involved in this venture get paid after being tossed up and down
forcing them to incur additional expenses hence less returns realized.

1.4 Schools

The village has one secondary school called Wakitaka Senior Secondary School. This
is the school where the majority of the young ones go for their secondary education
after completing primary level. It has both Ordinary and Advanced level. However there
are also some other private secondary schools in the neighborhood like Kirisa Fortitude
which is about 1.5 km away from the village.

1.5 Health

The village has one government health facility called Wakitaka Health Centre iii. It offers
a number of services including HIV voluntary counseling and Testing, maternity services
and immunization among others.


Many youths in the area are school dropouts due to low incomes from their parents,
guardians and due to the HIV prevalence making some of them orphans. Many of the

youth do not continue their education after Ordinary or Advanced level to an Institution
such as Vocational Training or University due to their inability to meet the high tuition
expenses and costs incurred in buying school incentives.

It is also very common in the village that even those who have attained at least some
Vocational training do not have employment!!


 Create self sustaining income generating projects for the youth in the area to
improve their standards of living


 Start up poultry and goat rearing projects

 Equip the youth with skills in the different income generating activities

 Educate the youth about the HIV/AIDS epidemic


 To have a wealthy, educated, empowered, and a healthy population in the near



The community has taken steps in addressing the poverty problem by organizing youth
groups to carryout poultry farming. However, the limitation has been finances to
successfully implement the project. Initially some youth groups had decided to rent
rooms for rearing poultry in the neighborhood where there was space. However, the
youth found a lot of constraints in the implementation of the projects since they had no
source of income that would sustain their projects. Lack of vaccination and enough feed
for the chicks led to the death of a number of chicks. It is also worth noting that even
those that survived were of poor quality implying that little returns were realized from the

project. Perhaps the youth did not have proper planning for the project that they needed
to implement. Now that the youth have realized what it takes to implement a project
coupled with the assistance of Neighbors from Nabuur.com, the youth are hoping for the

The project will seek a Community Based Organization (CBO) status in future.


The products that the projects will supply to the market will include meat and milk. The
kind of poultry will be broilers because they are fast growing and do not need a lot of
experience compared to the layers. The broilers if looked after very well, will be sold off
after a period of two to two and half months. The goats will be the cross bred type that
are also fast growing and have a fast breeding rate. The goats will also be able to
provide milk to the people. Milk products like cheese will also be made locally and sold
to the market.

The waste materials from the poultry and goat project will be used as manure to
enhance crop productivity at the local level.


There is ready market for both goat and poultry products. Many hotels, restaurants,
schools and other institutions are willing to buy the products at a cost which is

Currently goat’s meat is on the highest demand within the area and the country at large
compared to other sources of meat like cows, pigs etc. currently a kilo of goat’s meat
costs between 5000 and 6000Ushs whereas cow’s meat costs between 3500 and
5000Ushs depending on the location. Broilers are also on a high demand and costs
within the range of 5000 to 8000Ushs.

The different customers interested in both the poultry and goat products will always be
contacted in time so that arrangements are made to deliver the products. The project

will establish its customers around the country especially in Jinja town and Kampala
where the demand for the products is too high.

There are also about six radio stations in Jinja town so an alternative way of marketing
would be through radio advertisements. The advertisement costs about 10,000Ushs.
This however will be the last alternative to market our products as this may really not be
called for due to the high demand for the products in hotels and restaurants around


 Strength

The strength of the poultry project is that the youth have experience in rearing poultry.
The youth have skills in rationing of the poultry feeds and carrying out the vaccination of
the chicks at various growth stages. Their experience will be very instrumental in
making the project a success. Furthermore, there is easy access to both electricity and
water. The town is also within proximity so buying feeds and vaccines will be easy since
there is easy access to transport.

There is also a nearby maize mill in the village that would act as a point for buying the
maize brand that has to be mixed with other food nutrients. Additionally, there is a small
scale coffee processing plant in the village so access to the husks for the poultry
houses will not be a problem at all.

The village also has two veterinary officers who are always available in case of any out
break of any epidemic that can affect the goats and chickens. The village is also
blessed with fresh green grass that can be used to feed the goats. At times some
families sell the grass at an affordable cost of about 1000Ushs for a bundle that is more
for a bicycle to carry. There is also waste land that can be put to use for both rearing
and growing fodder for the goats. There is also one family in the village that is involved
in rearing cross bred goats. This will act as a model project for the youth where they can
acquire good knowledge and skills about taking good care of the goats.

Furthermore, the local representative is an agricultural engineer by profession. He will
therefore be of great help in designing of poultry and housing structures.

 Weakness

The youth do not have their own piece of land where their projects can be implemented.
The youth entirely depend on renting in the neighborhood where there is space or using
the land that belong to their parents. There is however a possibility of getting land for
the youth projects but of course; source of funding is the limiting factor.

The housing structures that exist are small and therefore need expansion.

Another weakness of the poultry and goat project is that the returns are realized later in
the future i.e. the returns are not immediate.

 Opportunities

There is ready market for both goat and poultry products. Many hotels, restaurants,
schools and other institutions are willing to buy the products at a cost which is

Currently goat’s meat is on the highest demand within the area and the country at large
compared to other sources of meat like cows, pigs etc. currently a kilo of goat’s meat
costs between 5000 and 6000Ushs whereas cow’s meat costs between 3500 and
5000Ushs depending on the location. Broilers are also on a high demand and costs
within the range of 5000 to 8000Ushs.

Coupled with the fast growing rates for both goats and broilers, these two projects will
be worthwhile to implement. Two months after giving birth, a goat can be ready to
produce again. Within one and half years, it is capable of producing two times since the
gestation period of a goat is 5 months.

 Threats


The increasing food prices is a threat to the projects especially the poultry business that
entirely depends on the feeds from the market.

There is also a possibility of loss of interest from the youth since the returns from the
projects are not immediate.

Land disputes from land owners especially when the project is running very smoothly.

Malpractice (i.e. the possibilities of fake cases of death, exchange etc.)


The target population of the youth is 60. The youth will be selected according to which
side of the village one belongs. There exists both Wakitaka A and Wakitaka B. The
project will start with Wakitaka A which initially tried out with poultry farming. Then as
the project replicates, it will be extended to Wakitaka B.

These will be the initial beneficiaries from the projects. The youth will be responsible for
providing the labor for running the projects’ activities. The youth will be divided into two
groups according to their projects’ preference i.e. those who suggested goat rearing on
one side and those for poultry rearing on the other side. The broilers will be reared for
two to two and half months and then exposed to the market. The initial capital together
with the profits will still be injected into the poultry business until enough profits are
realized to start up individual poultry businesses or start up other income generating
activities that will be agreed upon by the members.

Each cross bred goat will be assigned to three youth who will be responsible for taking
care of the animal. Each delivery that the goat makes will be offered to one member in
the presence of the youth to create a sense of responsibility among the youth. The cycle
will continue until all the members get at least a kid. However, the initial mothers will
belong to the project. The milk from the goats will act as a source of income for the
project that will be monitored by the Treasurer. The money collected will be used to
insure the goats and for regular visits of the veterinary officer for medical care and

vaccination. The project will also require a goat after a period of two years from each of
the members who were offered a goat by the project.

The meat from the goats will be that from the male goats. The female will be reserved
for replication purposes. The meat will be sold and the finances received will be
deposited into the project’s account to cater for expenses such as veterinary services,
feeding etc.


The projects manager will be the Local Representative. He will be responsible for
overseeing the projects’ activities and above all the projects’ performance. He will be
also responsible for giving feedbacks to the Neighbors about the progress of the
projects. The projects’ manager has good experience in project management. He also
has a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural engineering which gives him a cutting
edge over projects management since this is not his first project to manage.

The Assistant projects manager will be one of the youth in the Village who is also the
Assistant Local Representative. He will be responsible for taking on the Projects’
manager’s roles in his absentia. He also has experience in project management.

The management team will also include the mobilizer who will be responsible for
mobilizing the youth in case of any meetings to be conducted in the village. The
Secretary will also be part of the Committee responsible for writing the minutes of the

The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the finances of the projects’ activities.
All the incomes from the project will be deposited into the projects’ account. All the
incomes will flow back into the project to be able to sustain the project and to expand
the project to Wakitaka B. Each youth who receives a goat from the project will be able
to sustain him self thereafter. Likewise the project will provide support to the youth to
run individual poultry projects after say three phases of poultry rearing.

The projects’ manager, Treasurer and the Secretary will be the signatories to the
projects’ account.


The youth projects will be furnished through donations that are expected to be raised
through Nabuur.com with the help of Neighbors that will play a great role in linking the
Village to various Organizations that can donate in various forms. After the donations
have been received and the projects implemented, the youth projects are expected to
be self sustaining. These two projects will be able to generate income that would be
able to even start up other income generating activities for the youth in the village. This
of course will go hand in hand with good project management.



COST (Ushs)
1 Birds (Broilers) 2,000 1,500 3,000,000 1,538.46
2 Feeds        
  ·        Chick Mash 50 30,000 1,500,000 769.23
  ·        Growers Mash 135 30,000 4,050,000 2,076.92

3 Vaccines & Drugs   400000 400000 205.13

4 Feeders        
  ·        Small wooden 20 10,000 200,000 102.56
  ·        Small plastic 20 10,000 200,000 102.56
  ·        Big plastic 50 28,000 1,400,000 717.95
  ·        Big wooden 50 15,000 750,000 384.62
5 Heat and Brooder        
  ·        Paraffin 1Jerrycan 40,000 40,000 20.51
  ·        Charcoal 5Sacks 9,000 45,000 23.08
  ·        Lanterns 1 15,000 15,000 7.69
6 Electricity        
  ·        Monthly bills 3 80,000 240,000 123.08
  ·        Wiring     40,000 20.51
  ·        Hurricane and 6 150,000 900,000 461.54
Florescent bulbs
7 Rent 1 300,000 300000 153.85
  TOTAL     13,080,000 6,707.69

Conversion Rate: 1USD = 1950Uganda Shillings (Ushs)


No. Item Qty Cost(Ushs) Total(Ushs) Total (USD)
1 Cement 30bags 30,000 900000 461.54
2 Sand 5trips 70000 350000 179.49
3 Concrete 4trips 90000 360000 184.62
4 Timber 48pieces 9000 432000 221.54
5 Sheets 32 28000 896000 459.49
6 Nails 15kgs 8000 120000 61.54
7 Labor   300000 300000 153.86
8 Transport   100000 100000 51.28
9 troughs 8 10000 80000 41.03
10 blocks 5 4000 20000 10.26
11 Goats 2male 300000 2400000 1230.77
12 Water   40000 40000 20.51
13 Sprayer 4 15000 60000 30.77
14 Spade 4 8000 32000 16.41
15 barrow 4 40000 160000 82.05
16 Gamboots 4 20000 80000 41.03
17 panga 4 5000 20000 10.26
18 Hoes 4 7000 28000 14.36
19 Vaccines   600000 600000 307.69
  TOTAL     6,978,000 3578.46

Conversion Rate: 1USD = 1950 Uganda Shillings (Ushs)


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