Structural Plan of Work 20200701 PDF
Structural Plan of Work 20200701 PDF
Structural Plan of Work 20200701 PDF
0 (26/04/20)
0 1 2 3 4 4.5 5 6 7
Strategic Preparation Concept Spatial Technical Production Manufacturing Handover i
Use i
Definitioni and Brief i Designi Coordinationi Designi Information and Constructioni
Design portion of the project where criteria to be used for design, including:
all of the information required for the - Loading (static and dynamic) Develop strategy for in use, maintenance and Confirm strategy for in use, maintenance and
Manufacturing and Construction of - Durability and design life deconstruction deconstruction
the project is prepared. A sub-stage - Fire resistance (in relation to the fire
4.5 is included within the Plan of strategy) Design for economy of materials by
Work for the preparation of the - Ground movements sufficiently detailed analysis to ensure
production information required - Thermal movements elements fulfil their role safely but without
to undertake the construction - Serviceability criteria (including deflection needless use of excess material
works. This sub-stage is frequently and vibration criteria)
undertaken by a range of designers - Embodied carbon targets Design for load conditions and load
and specialist sub-contractors. combinations that can be justified on current
Define structural grids and structural zones knowledge of intended use and ensure that
Stage 5 starts when the Contractor the client is aware of these
takes possession of the site (or Develop foundation strategy
instruction to commence production
in the case of off-site manufacture) Consider strategy for in use, maintenance
and hence there is likely to be and deconstruction
significant overlap between Stage 4, Contribute to the development of the Review, update and confirm agreement of the Establish critical construction details, Liaise with specialist subcontractors as Review of Contractor's proposed method Conclude as required activities listed in Plan
Stage 4.5 and Stage 5 for the various Responsibility Matrix Responsibility Matrix tolerances, performance tolerances and necessary statements or sequencing proposals for for Use Strategy including Post-occupancy
structural aspects of the project (e.g. anticipated movements (static and dynamic), complex or critical structural items Evaluation, review of Project Performance,
pile design and bending schedules Assist in the development of the Project Provide information for preparation of Cost defining critical coordination clearances Integration of builders work items into Project Outcomes and Research and
completed and piles installed on Information Requirements (PIR) Plan and Project Strategies structural design Development aspects.
site prior to secondary steelwork Below ground services and structure
being fully detailed). Stage 6 starts at Identify adjoining landowners' issues Undertake third party consultations integration Undertake third party consultations
Practical Completion and finishes at
the end of the defects liability period. Undertake third party consultations
A Responsibility Matrix should be Identify Contractor Designed Items Provide Performance Specification for Develop temporary works briefs Manufacturing and construction information Resolve site queries
prepared early in the project to Contractor Designed Items (e.g. reinforcement drawings and bar bending
identify who is responsible for the Consider constructability issues schedules, steelwork fabrication drawings) Undertake site visits and inspections to
various aspects of the structural Develop constructability issues and highlight prepared review the progress of the works on site
works, at what levels of details and at any project specific criteria including critical
which stage in the project. temporary works requirements 'As-constructed' Information, prepared
by relevant parties as agreed/defined in the
Note that there may be different scope of services
organisations appointed for
different stages of the project (e.g.
one organisation is appointed for Provide information for and contribute to Consider and contribute to H+S risk Develop and contribute to H+S risk Develop and contribute to H+S risk Review quality records and assist in the Undertake tasks listed in Plan for Use Undertake tasks listed in Plan for Use
Stages 0 and 1, but then a separate Project Execution Plan as required management process and develop proposals management process and develop proposals management process and develop proposals resolution of manufacture and construct Strategy Strategy
organisation is appointed for Stages for risk mitigation for risk mitigation for risk mitigation non-conformities
2-6), or that separate appointments Identify and define statutory requirements Contribute to post-contract reviews and
may be made for the different stages relevant to the structural design Assist Lead Designer with preparation of Assist with the implementation of Change Assist Lead Designer with preparation of Assist with the preparation of Building Log certification
(e.g. a separate appointment is used stage Design Programme Control Procedures stage Design Programme Book, O&M Manual etc as required
for Stage 7 services). Contribute to Lessons Learnt exercises
Assist Lead Designer with preparation of Provide information for preparation of Cost
*Statutory requirements are given stage Design Programme Plan and Project Strategies
in the Plan of Work as generally
applies within the UK. The section Provide information for preparation of Cost
should be adapted and amended to Plan, Project Carbon Tracking and Project
suit the relevant requirements of the Strategies
jurisdiction for the project.
Support the strategic definition of the project Support the client in developing a brief Evaluate options to lower the embodied Assist with the establishment of a method of Develop the detailed structural design to Update Structural Sustainability Report Collaborate with clients, architects, Document the project Sustainability Targets Support as appropriate a Post-occupancy
in relation to the client’s needs, including with clear sustainability outcomes that will carbon within the structural design, including carbon tracking that is compatible across the minimise wasteful use of resources, both in from Stage 4 based on more detailed engineers and contractors to further reduce and achievements (including Carbon) and Evaluation to understand the embodied and
the appropriateness of development versus contribute positively towards mitigating material choices and efficient building layout whole design team quantum and in detail development of the Technical and Production construction waste share on an open source basis operational resource use, and use the results
upgrading or extending existing buildings as Climate Breakdown Design to inform future work
an alternative to demolition Agree embodied-carbon tracking terms Track embodied carbon in structural Provide Structural Sustainability Report Ensure that the Structural Sustainability
Identify potential Climate Change Impact on and targets components to an accepted and agreed Report requirements, including the As required, undertake a Post-occupancy
the design requirements for the project over standard and level of detail embodied structural carbon targets, are Evaluation to correlate designed
its intended life span to ensure resilience Consider design for deconstruction and achieved through construction performance and achieved performance of
re-use Design to achieve the embodied carbon the structural systems
targets agreed at Stage 2 Assist in the preparation of overall
sustainability certification Share this data, knowledge and research on
an open source basis
CDM requirements including appointment of Assist with the preparation of the Health and Update Health and Safety File information
Statutory Requirements* Principal Designer
CDM requirements including Designer duties
Safety File information if required
Submission of information to demonstrate
Preliminary Building Regulations discussions
compliance with Building Regulations
Provide information to support Party Wall Agreements, and other relevant Approval in
Principle (AIP) and statutory requirements and agreements
Planning Application support
Initial Project Brief Basis of Structural Design Structural Drawings / Information Model Structural Drawings / Information Model suitable for manufacture and construction Handover documentation
Stage Outputs Site Information Deliverables List spatially co-ordinated Structural Specification
Deliverables at end of stage Structural Constraints Initial Structural Drawings / Model Movement and Tolerances Report Structural Sustainability Report
Structural Survey Reports Concept Structural Sustainability Report Outline Structural Specification
Climate Change Impact Statement Performance Specification for Contractor
Design Items
Outline Structural Sustainability Report
Prepare Exchange Information Review Exchange Information Preliminary clash detection and resolution Clash detection and clash resolution BIM Handover deliverables
Information Exchanges Requirements (EIR) Requirements (EIR) and contribute to BIM
Execution Plan (BEP)
Integrate with appropriate disciplines Integrate with design team to assist with the Detailed integration with specialist sub-
Collaboration including Lead Designer to confirm spatial spatial coordination of items contractor design and final integration of all
Requirements layouts, structural grids and zones design items
Initial review of key structural engineering Design review of structural principles Detailed reviews of structural principles, Detailed calculation checking (including third Review and checking of manufacturing and Review of manufacture and construct
Design Assurance risks impacting on successful delivery of including stability, loading criteria, load stability, soil-structure interaction, load party checking if required) construction information quality testing and conformity with design
project paths, structural assumptions and risks paths, material specifications specification.
© The Institution of Structural
Review of specialist sub-contractor designs Snagging and structural defects
Engineers 2020