File Extensions
File Extensions
File Extensions
MS Autoroute export file
.axg MS Autoroute Trip file
.axl ArcIMS XML Project file
.axs AMX Axcess control system file format
.axt ZenWorks snAPPshot ASCII Application Object template
Photoshop Replace Color/Color Range
.azz AZZ Cardfile
.b Batch list (APPLAUSE)
.b&w Black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.b~k backup file
Mono binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b16 PCO Graphic file
.b1n Both mono and color binary screen image (1st Reader)
.b1s Booksmith
.b30 Printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher)
.b3d 3D Builder file
.b8 Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab)
.b_w Black and white graphics (atari - mac)
.bad Bad file (Oracle)
.bag PMMail Mail Index file
OS/2 Netfinity Manager Sysinfo file
AOL Instant Messenger file
.bak Backup file
.bal Music score (Ballade)
.ban Sierra Print Artist Banner
.bar Horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bas Basic source code file
.bat Batch file (DOS)
.bb Database backup (Papyrus)
.bbl Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX)
.bbm Brush (Deluxe Paint)
.bbs Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
.bcf ConfigSafe Snapshot index
The Sims (Maxis) File
.bch Batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator)
Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.bck Backup
.bcm MS Works Communications file
.bcn Business Card Pro Design
.bco Outline font description (Bitstream)
.bcp Borland C++ makefile
.bct Business Card Designer template
Datafile (Egret)
.bdr Border (MS Publisher)
.bez Outline font description (Bitstream)
.bf2 Bradford 2 font
.bfm Font metrics (unix/Frame)
.bfx Fax (BitFax)
.bga Bitmap graphics
.bgt Quicken 2002 Internet Common File
.bgi Borland Graphics Interface device driver
.bgl Flight Simulator scenery file
.bgt Quicken 2002 Internet Common File
.bib Bibliography (ASCII)
Database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)
Literature database (TeX/BibTeX)
.bic Civilization III Scenario
.bid BidMaker 2002 file
.bif Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board)
.bik BioCharter Profile backup file
Bink Game video file
.bin Binary file
.bio OS/2 BIOS
.bit Bitmap Image
Worms Armageddon Imported Map
Worms World Party Imported Map
.bk Faxbook (JetFax)
.bk! Document backup (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk1 Timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk2 Timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk3 Timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk4 Timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk5 Timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk6 Timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk7 Timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk8 Timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bk9 Timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect for Win)
.bkf Microsoft Backup file
.bkg Background file
UWXAFS Binary Format Data file
.bkp Backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)
.bkw Mirror image of font set (FontEdit)
.blb DreamWorks Resource Archive
.bld Bloadable picture (BASIC)
.blend Blender 3D file
.blk Temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
Lightscape Block Library
Alias Wavefront Image
VersaPro Block
MENSI 3Dipsos
.ipx IPIX AV file
.ipz ICQ Skin Plus
.irs Resource (WordPerfect)
.isd Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile)
.ish Compressed file archive created by ISH
.isk Command file
.iso Easy CD Creator Disc Image
File List for CD-ROM
InstallShield Uninstall file
ISO Buster file
ISO-9660 Table
Vector Graphics (IsoDraw Illustration)
.isr MS Streets & Trips Route file
.iss InstallShield Response file
ISS Graphic
.ist Digitrakker Instrument File (n-FaCToR)
.isu InstallShield Uninstall Script
Easy CD Creator 4 Uninstall file
Netscape file
.it Settings (intalk)
.itf Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal)
.ith InTether technology secured file
.ivt MS Infoviewer Title
.iw Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor - HSC InterActive)
.iwa Text file (IBM Writing Assistant)
.iwp Text file (Wang)
.izt Izl binary token file (IZL)
.jar Java archive file
.jas Graphics
.jav Java source code file
.jbc Jam Byte-Code Hex file
BestCrypt File
.jbd Datafile (SigmaScan)
.jbf Paint Shop Pro browser file
.jbk Juno Backup file
.jbr Jasc Paint Shop Pro Brush
.jbx Project file (Project Scheduler 4)
.jdt Accelio Capture Classic Filler
.jef Janome NH10000 Sewing Machine file
.jet Fax (Hybrid JetFax)
.jff Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jfx J2 Fax File
.jhtml Dynamo Server Page
.jif JPEG/JIFF Image
Jeff's Image Format
TMPGEnc template
.mci Mci command script (Media Control Interface)
.mcp Application script (Capsule)
Printer driver (Mathcad)
.mcr DataCAD Keyboard macro file
.mcw Text file (MacWrite II)
.mcx Graphic file
.md Compressed file archive created by MDCD (mdcd10.arc)
.md5 Message Digest 5 (Easy MD5 Creator)
.mda Data (MS Access)
.mdb Database (MS Access)
.mdf Accelio Capture Classic (JetForm) Filler
I-deas Master Drafting Machine Data file
Menu Definition file
MS-SQL Master Database file
.mdl Model (3D Design Plus)
Spreadsheet (CA-Compete!)
.mdm Modem definition (TELIX)
.mdr FaxTalk Modem Doctor Modem Report file
.mdt Data table (MS ILink incremental linker)
.mdx Multiple index file (dBASE IV)
.mdz MS Access Wizard Template
.me Usually ASCII text file READ.ME
.meb Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.med Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library)
Music (OctaMED)
.mem Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
Memory variable save file (Clipper - dBASE IV - FoxPro)
.meq Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library)
.mer Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue)
.mes Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
.met Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
Document (Omnipage Pro)
.meu Menu group (DOS Shell)
.mex Mex file (executable command) (Matlab)
Macro Editor expound file (WordPerfect Library)
Mioplanet mex reader interactive file
.mf Metafont text file
.mgf Font (Micrografx)
.mhp MS Home Publishing Project
.mht MS MHTML Document
.mib Snmp MIB file
.mic Microsoft Image Composer file
.mid Standard MIDI file (music synthetizers)
.mif Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker)
.mii Datafile (MicroStat-II)
.prj Project
.prm Parameters
.prn DataCAD Windows Printer file
HP Printer Control Language
PostScript file
Printer Text file
XYWrite Printer Driver
.pro Prolog source code file
Graphics profile file (DOS)
.prs Printer Resource eg. fonts (WordPerfect for Win)
Presentation (Harvard Graphics Win)
Procedure (dBASE IV)
.prt CADKEY Part file
Printer Configuration
Printer driver (Dr.Halo)
Printer-formatted file
Pro/ENGINEER Model file
Process Revolution Template file
SCEdit Part file
Unigraphics Part file
.prx Compiled program (FoxPro)
.prz Freelance Graphics 97 file
.ps Postscript file (text/graphics) (ASCII)
.psb Pinnacle Sound Bank
Project Scheduler Configuration file
.psd Graphics (Photoshop 3.0)
Design II for Windows
.pse Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment)
.psf Outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter)
PrintShop Mail Favorites
.psi PSION A-law Audio
.psm Music (MASI - ProTracker)
PrintShop Mail
Symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal)
.psmdoc PrintShop Mail
.psp PaintShop Pro Image
Procedure (Prodea Synergy)
Project Scheduler Planning file
.psr Project Scheduler Resource file
.pst MS Outlook personal folder
.psw WinXP Backup Password File
.pt3 Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
Template (PageMaker 3)
.pt4 Template (PageMaker 4)
.ptb Script (PubTech BatchWorks)
.ptm Macro (PubTech BatchWorks)
.ptn PaperPort Thumbnail Images