Final Exam in Facilitating Learning

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Final Exam in Facilitating Learning

Name: Johndel C. Lamoste BEED 1-1

Topic : Recognizing Vowels
(Cognitive Domain)
• To be able to define what vowel letters are.
• Students will be able to identify vowel letters.
(Affective Domain)
• Students will be able to relate with the importance of vowels
(Psychomotor Domain)
• Students will be able to pronounce the sound of vowels.
Reference: Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc. Enjoying Reading 2. Second Edition. Normita
Carmona Potenciano, Cynthia A. Babas. Dr. Cleofe C. Mendinuete, Dr. Minda C. Sutaria
Pages: 2-13

Events Of Instruction Condition of Learning Rationale

1. Gainining Attention With the use of a story book, The use of story books will
teacher will tell a short capture the student's
introductory story about a attention. Asking them
child who hates reading and questions will connect the
learning. Then share the teacher and the leaners.
lesson and the importance of
Ask the learners questions
about the vowel letters.
2. Informing the The teacher will say this, Informing the learners of
Learner of the “ Today, we are going to what they are going to know
Objective recognize and learn the will make them aware and
vowel letters. We are also prepare in gaining new
going to learn on how to information.
pronounce them”.
3. Stimulating Recall of For this particular group of In acquiring new information,
Prior Learning learners, they have learned the prior knowledge serves
previously the alphabetical as the connector which links
letters. Teacher can link this the learners to the new
knowledge with lesson at information.
4. Presenting the Teacher will use crafted The goal is information
Stimulus puppet cards vowel letters acquisition and therefore,
and paste it on the board. written program and actual
The teacher will define what teaching is the employed
vowel letters are. stimulus.
5. Providing the Teacher will explain to the Since the students here are
Learner Guidance class the vowel letters on young children, they need to
how it differs from be spoon-fed with the
consonants letters. Teacher information that the teacher
will also demonstrates on had. What must needed shall
how to read them. be provided by the teacher
Emphasizing the jaw and accordingly.
mouth formations in
pronouncing the letter's
sound. Teacher in front will
observes the student's mouth
as they imitate the teacher’s
way of pronouncing the
vowels. The whole class will
repeat what the teacher has
pronounced and then do it
again by row.
6. Eliciting Teacher will post the vowel By asking the students to
Performance letters on the board and allow identify and read the letters
the students to identify what by their own will help them to
letter it is and pronounce its nourish and cultivate what
sound. they learn as well as to know
the student’s recent gain
7. Giving Feedback Teacher gives feedback A feedback in positive way
immediately to learners after will encourage student to
their eliciting performance. learn more.
8. Assessing The teacher will give an oral By giving them sort of
Performance test by providing a word for activity, it will measure the
each student. The word student’s learning after the
differs from one to another. discussion and the teacher
The teacher will ask each will know if the target is
student to identify the vowel reach.
letters on the word they have
and let them pronounce it.
9. Enhancing Teacher will asks learners to Doing such activity will help
Retention and enumerate 10 words, the learners to develop their
Transfer basically the things found at learnings.
home and identify the vowel

These are the things to do:

•First I need to pray to ask God for guidance that may all the plans I have will work for the
better. Then after that I will prepare all the materials needed, the puppet cards, story book and
etc. Then as I am going to start my class, I will open it through prayer. After that I will check their
attendance. As I’ll call their surnames, they will answer me with their favorite characters in the
bible. Then I will welcome my students with warm greetings, asking them on what happened to
their yesterdays, what they have done and what they are feeling right now.
•Then next I will ask them if they would like to hear a story about a kid like them. I will get the
story book and show the cover page to them. The cover page is colorful enough to catch the
attention of my students. Then next I will share to them the main character of the story. After
that I will open the story book and show to them the puppets as characters of the story. For
sure, it will condition their attention too. I will further explain the story with emotion so that my
students can relate from it.
• Then after telling the story, I will ask to them what they learn and I will connect it to the
importance of letters, making them interested in learning since they will be able to value the
significance of learning letters. Then as I will introduce to them the topic which is all about
recognizing vowel letters, I will provide them a surprise if they will be able to learn from it.
•After the introduction, I will ask them if they still remember the alphabet. I will let them sing it .
After that, I will post the crafted puppet vowel cards on the board which is the Aa-Ee-Ii-Oo-Uu.
But first I will have to define what are vowel letters. Explain to them the meaning of vowels.
• Next is I will teach them on how to read the vowel letters. I will explain to them on how to
pronounce such letters. What is Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu. I will explain to them on how it differs
from the consonants. With the proper formation of the tongue as well as the jaw and mouth or
even lips, I will show to them. And I will also ask the learner who haven’t see clearly my
demonstration. I will let them repeat what I speak and I will observes their mouth, the way my
students open and pronounce the sound of such letters. After that I will ask the class if they
have catch up or not and if not, I will again repeat it slowly and clearly for them to learn
effectively. Then I will challenge them by row, they will pronounce the letter that I point in the
board and I will observe the mouth of each student. Since it is by row, then it will be clearer for
me to see the student who doesn’t get my lesson yet. Then, for those who don’t, I will give them
clues or techniques on how to learn faster.
• Then after that, I will review them again and call them one by one and let them pronounce the
sound of the letters that I posted on the board. I will point out the letters and let the student
pronounce it. I will call them randomly both from girls and boys. I will provide feedbacks like
praising words to those who knows it well while encouraging statements to those still developing
and working for it. I will not pressure them rather, I will give them enough time to learn.
• Then finally, I will give them the activity where in I will give to each of them a word which
differ from the other. Then I will give them few minutes to analyze their word. Then I will let them
identify what the vowel letters and let them pronounce it by their own. I will give corresponding
points base on their performance.
•Lastly, to make them learn more, I will ask them to enumerate 10 things found at home. They
will write it on the paper and they will identify the vowel letters. Through that, they’ll learn from
their own and will develop more their learnings even without the presence of the teacher.

III. Reflection

It’s really a sad veracity that as I deal upon the changes that the pandemic virus has
brought, I need to be resilient as earlier as possible. But I'm just dwelling in a rural area away
from the city and staying here is such a great obstacle for me since signal connection here is
very slow. Complying for the ordered online class is such a challenging one. I need to roam
around and search for an area where the signal connection is stable. And if ever I have to send
heavy files and documents, I have to travel for few kilometers just to connect on the wifi of my
mother’s friend since data connection on my phone can’t handle such heavy sending.
On the other hand, answering the midterm exam is quite challenging for me as well
since I need to ensure a stable internet connection in order to open and connect on messenger.
I need to type fast while thinking and constructing ideas in answering the exam. I also write first
my answers on a blank sheet in order to unforget the ideas I’ve thought as well as to check
some of my answers. I need to utilize my time since I only have limited hours to answer the said
exam. I also need to recall all the lessons that is needed in answering the exams.
The final exam is very challenging for me. Answering the exam challenges me to
make my own lesson plan and its really my first time to work for it. And in order for me to answer
it, I take time to research and gather information on how teachers made their lesson plan as well
as study the example that was written in the book. I need to utilize some references for me to
understand and learn. Since it is not yet discuss, I am the one who do it for myself.
Everything that I experienced here colors my college life. I need to accept the reality
that these challenges are made to train and mold me to be a better version of myself. Through
faith in God and with the power of optimism, I did the task and assessment with perseverance,
commitment and dedication. Because for me, this is just a grateful start on the adventure of
being a teacher and I know that everything will be worthwhile. Thus, I just need to believe in
God that I can do it and I can achieve it through Him.

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