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6, JUNE 1986 767

An Experimental Investigation of Electrically Thick

Rectangular Microstrip Antennas

Abstrrcct-The electromagnetic properties of electrically thick rectan- developed for predicting the resonant frequency ofelectrically
gularmicrostrip antennas wereinvestigatedexperimentally. Antennas thin rectangular microstrip antennas.
were fabricated with different patch sizes and with electrical thicknesses
ranging from 0.03 to 0.23 wavelengths in the dielectricsubstrate.The
resonant frequencies were measured and compared to existing formulas. II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
The bandwidth wascalculated as a functionof electrical thickness and the
antenna radiation patterns were measured. The microstrip antennas investigated are rectangular
patcheswith geometry as illustrated in Fig. 1. They are
fabricated on 3M CuClad233 and on Rogers RT/duroid 5870
I. INTRODUCTTON microwave substrates. The CuClad material is madeofa

D URING THE PAST TEN Y E A R S , microstrip antennas polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) woven glass laminate material
experienced a great gain in popularity and have become a while the RT/duroid material is made of a glass microfiber
major research topic in both theoretical and applied electro- reinforced PTFE composite. Both substrates have a nominal
magnetics. They are wellknown for their highly desirable dielectric constant (E,) of 2.33, and all the antennas are fed
physical characteristics such as low profile, light weight, low using an SMA coaxial feed. In this investigation the feed is
cost, ruggedness, and conformability. Numerous researchers located at the midpoint of the longer side (x’ = a/2) and at a
haveinvestigated their basic characteristics andrecently distance from the edge ( y ’ = 0.15 cm). Ineach case the
extensive efforts have also beendevoted to thedesign of dimension “a” has been chosen to be approximately one and
“frequency agile,” “polarization agile,” or dual-bandmi- one-halftimes the dimension “b” witha 10 cm X 10 cm
crostrip antennas [l], [2], [3]. Most ofthe previous theoretical ground plane. Two sets of regular microstrip antennas have
and experimental work has been carried outonlywith been fabricated. The ones in the first set havethe same
electrically thin microstrip antennas. Recent interest has substrate thickness “h” but have nine different patch sizes;
developed in radiators etched on electrically thick substrates. the ones in the second set have the same patch size but have
This interest is primarily due to two major reasons. First, as three different substrate thicknesses. In addition a so-called
these antennas are used for applications withincreasingly ‘‘air-dielectric’’ model radiator has beenfabricated to allow an
higher operating frequencies, and consequently shorter wave- even more detailed studyof the resonant frequency. Its
lengths, even antennas with physically thinsubstrates become geometry modelsthatofthe regular rectangular microstrip
thick whencompared to awavelength. Second, microstrip antenna shown inFig. 1 but with asubstrate whose height can
antennas have inherently narrow bandwidths andare normally be changed by placing sheets of styrofoam (er = 1.05) with
not suitable for broad bandwidth applications. Increasing the varying thicknesses between the ground plane and the radiat-
bandwidthis possible, but the methodsused[4], [5], [6] ing patch. The 1.78 cm x 2.67 cm aluminum radiating patch
invariably increase thevolumeof the antenna by either has a thiclaess of t = 0.16 cm and is coaxial fed over a 14 cm
extending the radiating surface or by increasing the overall X 14 cm aluminum ground plane.. This fixture allows the
antenna thickness. To aid in the designof broader band resonant frequency to be measured for awide range of
microstrip antennas, a careful experimental studyofthe electrical thicknesses usingexactly the same rectangular
resonant frequency, bandwidth, andradiation patterns of radiating patch.
rectangular microstrip antennas as afunctionof electrical The resonant frequency, impedanceand radiation pattern
thicknessofthe substrate was undertaken. The measured measurements were all performed at the University of Hous-
resonant frequencies were compared to formulas previously ton-University Park, Applied Electromagnetics Laboratories,
using an automated network analyzer system and dedicated
Manuscript received October 4, 1985; revised December 23, 1985. This computer programs. Accuracyenhancementtechniques [7]
work was supported in part by the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract have been used to partially correct for effective directivity,
E. Chang was with theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, University of effective source match, and frequency tracking errors when
Houston-University Park, Houston, TX. He is nowwiththe Information taking impedance measurements. The radiation pattern mea-
Center, Shell Oil Company, P. 0. Box 20329, Houston, TX 77025. surements were taken withthe antenna under test placed inside
S. A. Long and W. F. Richards are withtheDepartment of Electrical
Engineering, University of Houston-University Park, Houston, TX 77004. an anechoic chamber and mounted on a one meter diameter
IEEE Log Number 8608073. circular aluminum ground plane.

O 1986 IEEE
, -


locm X 10 cm 6NO plane


6. 3 6.5 6. I 6.9 7. 1 7. 3

Frequency (GHz)
feedpoint Fig. 2. Comparison of measuredandsmoothed impedance (1.1 cm x 1.7
cm radiating patch, 0.3175 cm substrate, E , = 2.33).

B. Resonant Frequency

f Generally, the resonant frequency of a microstrip antenna is

defined as the frequency at which the reactance is equal to
zero. For electrically thin antennas, this point is alsovery
T h
close to the frequency where the resistance reaches a maxi-
mum. However, in this investigation many of the reactance
h?SMR Connector curves exhibit an inductive shift due to the coaxial feed passing
Fig. 1. Rectangular microstrip antennageometry. through the electrically thick substrate [SI , [9]. In fact, for the
thicker antennas, the reactance curve never passes through
zero at all (see Fig. 2). For this reason, the resonant frequency
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS has beenredefined as the point at which the resistance reaches
A . Impedance a maximum, independent of the value of reactance. Further-
more, since the bandwidth of an electrically thin microstrip
During the course of this research, the input impedances (Z
antenna is commonly defined in terms of the impedance (and
= R + j X ) and the radiation patterns of each of the antennas
thus is dependent on the reactance), an alternate definition of
have been measured. Before the impedance data were used to
bandwidth that is not affected by the inductive shift of the
determine the resonant frequencies (5)and the bandwidths reactance is used to obtain the antenna bandwidthsof this
(BW), they were smoothed in order to take out any residual
paper. This last point w i be discussed in detail in a later
ripples or oscillations that are due to reflections internal to the
measurement equipment and have not been corrected by the Since the main concern in the measurement of the resonant
accuracy enhancement routines. The values of admittance, Y
frequency is the effect of the changing electrical thickness of
= G + j B , as a function of frequency (f)were computed
the substrate, a normalized resonant frequencyisdefined
from the measured impedance versus frequency data through
where fnom = fr/fro, and fi0 is the zeroth-order prediction of
the relation Y = 2 - I . Depending onthe values ofadmittance, the resonant frequency. This approximation for fro assumes
either a cubic or quadratic least squares regression polynomial that the antenna thickness is infinitesimally thin and that b is
is fitted through the values of the admittance versus frequency equal to hd/2. Then knowing that hd = c/(fro&) = 2b, fro
curve. From this fitted polynomial, the smoothed admittance can be computed. For the units of c in m / s and those of b in
at each measured value of frequency is computed and then the
reciprocal istaken to obtain the smoothedimpedance. The
actual smoothing operation is carried out with the admittance fio = 15/(b Gr) GHz. (1)
data since both the real and imaginary parts of the admittance
are monotonic functions in the neighborhood of resonance and Table I shows the measured resonant frequency, zeroth order
thus result in a better polynomial fit. The smoothed curves prediction, physical dimensions, and electrical thickness of
follow the general form of the measured traces very closely each antenna. Fig. 3 shows a plot of the normalized resonant
and allow the true peak of the resistance curve to be frequency plotted as a function of electrical thickness for the
determined more accurately for resonant frequency measure- nine antennas etchedon the same thickness ofsubstrate and for
ments. Fig. 2 shows a comparison of typical smoothed and the three identically sized antennas on different substrate
measured impedance versus frequency curves with data points thicknesses.
taken every 10 MHz for an antenna with h / h = 0.110. Table II shows the measured resonant frequencies and the

a b h Mw'd JHleS Hammersted h/hd

(an) (m) (an) (W) (OHZ) (W)

5.7 3.8 0.3175 2.31 2.30 2.38 0.037

4.55 3.05 0.3175 2.89 2.79 0.047

2.95 1.95 0.3175 424 4.11 0.068
1.95 1.3 0.3175 5.84 5.70 0.0946.12
1.7 1.1 0.3175 6.80 6.47 7.01 O.llO*
1.4 0.9 0.3175 7.70 7.460.125 8.19
1.2 0.8 0.3175 8.27 8.13 0.141 9.01
1.05 0.7 0.3175 9.14 8.89 0.1489.97
0.9 0.6 0.3175 10.25 9.820.166 11.m

1.7 tl 0.1524 7.87 7.46 7.84 0.061

1.7 1.1 0.3175 6.80 6.47 7.01 o.11d
1.7 1.1 0.9525 4.73 4.32 5.27 0.229

*TW two we the m e antennas.

cm x 2.67 cm RADIATING PATCH)

m (GHzI (GHZI [GHzI [cm)
0.64 5.14 4.54 5.75 0.112
0.79 5.12 4.18 5.42 0.138

I Constant Substrate Thlckness
Constant Patch
t I 1
.03 .09 -15 .21
1.64 3.06 2.91 4.25 0.171
Electrical Thickness (wavelengths)
Fig. 3. Normalized antenna resonant frequency versus electrical thickness. 2.04 2.56 2.55 3.91 0.178
2.34 229 2.34 3.70 0.183
corresponding electrical thicknesses of the air dielectric
fixture, while the circles in Fig. 4 represent the same data in
graphical form. It is evident from Figs. 3 and 4 thatthe
resonant frequency indeed decreases as the antennas become refers to percent bandwidth unless otherwise specified. Band-
electrically thicker as has been shown in previously published width is normally defined as
results [IO], [ 111. It is perhaps unexpected, however, that this percent BW = [(Az-Al)/J.] 100 percent (2)
trend continues even to thicknesses approaching one quarter
wavelength. where fi is the resonant frequency, while fr2 and frl are the
frequencies betweenwhich the magnitude of the reflection
C. Bandwidth coefficient of the antenna is less than or equal to 1/3 (which
The percent bandwidth ofthe antennas was determinedfrom corresponds to a voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) < 2.0).
the impedance data. For ease of notation the term bandwidth However, this definition is found notto be directly applicable

It should be noted, however, that no attempthas been made

in this investigation to actually match the antennas to a
standard 50 Cl transmission line by a technique such as moving
: 1 0 0 V .
thefeedpointaway from the edge. Thus the bandwidths
X I V reported in Table Ill and Fig. 5 are, in effect, projected ones
that might be obtainable under the more usual definition of
bandwidth. These values are mostuseful for comparison

A purposes to characterize the dependence of the bandwidth on
A the various antenna parameters.

,’ ,

0 Measured
D. Radiation Pattern
A Ja;s et, 01. , A , ~ I
ct vHommerstod
The radiation pattern for each element was measured at its
2 resonant frequency in both the E-plane and the H-plane. The
.4 1 1. 6 2.2 experimental results show that the radiation patterns of
S u b s t r a t e Thickness (cm) electrically thick antennas are very similar to those of
Fig. 4. Airdielectric fixture resonant frequencies versus substratethickness electrically thin
antennas. The H-plane patterns remain
(1.78 cm X 2.67 cm radiating patch, cr = 1.05). virtuallyunchangedwhilethe E-plane ones begin to show
some asymmetries only for the larger substrate thicknesses.
Fig. 6 shows the radiation patterns of a representative thicker
to the experimental data because of the inductive shift. Thus, antenna ( h / & = 0.110, taken at 6.8 GHz in 0.5” steps) and it
an alternate definition is found in order to determine the is typical of the remaining antennas.
bandwidth of the test antennas.
The case where the impedance at resonanceispurely IV. COMPARISON OF MEASURED AND PREDICTED
resistive ( Z , = R,-) may be represented by a parallel RLC FREQUENCIES
circuit, and an analytical expression for the input impedance in The measured resonant frequencies can be comparedto the
terms of the antenna Q-factor, R , and fr may be written as predictedresonant frequencies as amutualcheck of the
experimental data and of the validity of the theories. The
equations for the resonant frequencyproposed by Hammerstad
[131 and by James, Hall, and Wood [111 are used for these
comparisons. Both methods share the concept of an effective
dielectric constant (eeff) given by [14]
1) 1 ) ( 1 + 10h/w)-”2
Using (3), it was found that R and the magnitude of Z had a (E,+
eeff (w)= -
+( E r - 2
definite relationship to R,, that is independent of the other
parameters. Ngnely ,
where w is a variable and can be either the patch dimension
IZVrl)l= IZ(fr2) I =0*818Rrnax, (4) “a” or “b.” Hammerstad gives a predicted
R (f r l ) = R (frz) = 0.670Rm. (5)
For the special case of aprescribed VSWR = 2.0, this method 0.412h(eeff(a)+ 0.3)(a/h+ 0.264)
Ab = (9)
is equivalent to the previously derived analytical expression (eeff(a) - 0.258)(a/h 0.8) +
[I21 James et ai. give a predicted
BW = (VSWR - 1 ) / ( QJVWR). (6)
For electrically thick radiators with the associated large
inductive shift in the impedance, the VSWR may not be below
2.0 for any range of frequencies. Using only the resistance where
data a projectedbandwidthcan be calculated, however, 0.164(~,-1 )
followipg this resonant circuit model by locating the frequen- 6 = (h/b)0.882+
cies where the resistance is equal to 0.670 times the value of
Rmm.Table III shows the bandwidths so obtained arranged in (E,+ 1)[0.758 +In ( b / h + 1.88)]
order of increasing electrical thickness along with the corres-
ponding f r l and f r 2 , while Fig. 5 shows the same bandwidth
data in graphical form. It is seen that values of bandwidth on The predicted resonant frequencies obtained using these two
the order of 20 percent may be achieved using electrically methods are shown in Tables I and ll for the test antennas and
thick antennas. for the air-dielectric fixture.

l x I 1 I I


.9 - v
o n
h/hd f,l ft-2 BUI
[GHzl [GHzl [%I - V
0 D
0.037 2280 2352 3.117 A V
.7 - 0
0.047 2.834 2.952 4.083

0.061 7.632 8.152 6.607 A James et al. A
0.068 4.120 4.396 6.509
0.094 5.632 6.140 8.699 Z .51
.03 .09 .15
0.M 6.494 7.272 11.441 Electrical Thickness (wovelengths)
14.987 Fig. 7. Comparison of normalizedantennaresonantfrequenciesversus
0.125 7.314 8.468 electricalthickness (h = 0.3175 cm, E , = 2.33).
0.141 7.848 9.024 14.220

0.148 8.380 10.560 23.850 The predicted resonant frequencies are normalized to the
zeroth order predictions and are compared to the measured,
OS66 9.442 11.560 20.660
normalized resonant frequencies. Fig. 7 shows this compari-
0.229 4.320 5.180 18.180 son for the nine different patcheson the substrates with
identical physical thickness, while Fig. 4 shows the predicted
valuesof resonant frequency for the air-dielectric fixture
I I 1
I I l
compared to the actual measured values. It should be noted
thatthe theoretical data in Fig. 7 are presented as discrete
0 points rather than a continuous curve so that the theory can
t correspond to the exact cases of the experimental cases, some
ofwhichhave slightly varying valuesof a / b ratio andof
dielectric constant. This use of individual points causes the
data to no longer be aligned along smooth curves. In both
cases it is clear that the theories followthetrendof the
experimental data quite well even for electrically thick
substrates. In fact, based on the information presented here
Constant Patch Size and on additional research data [151, some general observa-
Constant Substrate Thickness0 tions maybemade concerning these two methods.Both
I t I
predict the resonant frequency very closely for electrically thin
.03 .09 -15 -21
rectangular microstrip antennas, but as h becomes greater than
Electr~col Th~ckness (wovelengths) 0.1 Ad, James et al. give consistently better predictions than
Fig. 5. Projectedantennabandwidthversuselectricalthickness. the method by Hammerstad. Specifically, James et al. usually
predict values approximately 4 percent lower than the mea-
n sured resonant frequency while Hammerstad predicts values
around 8 percent higher than the measuredresonant fre-
quency. It should be noted, however, that these two theories
are not intended for use with electrically thick substrates. For
h < 0.1 A d , the measured resonant frequency is very nearly
the mean of the predicted resonant frequencies from the two
different formulas. A third algebraic formula for the resonant
frequency has been proposed by Sengupta [ 161, but as the
author states, it only applies to electrically thin structures and
does not predict the proper behavior for the thicker substrates
measured in this investigation.
The effect of varying the electrical thickness for rectangular
microstrip antennas has beeninvestigatedexperimentally
Fig. 6 . Antenna radiation pattern (1.1 cm X 1.7 cm radiating patch, 0.3175 during the course of this research. In addition, an air-dielectric
crnsubstrate, E , = 2.33). model radiator has been fabricated with a single patch size and

a variable substrate thickness. The resonant frequency, band- coupled resonators,” in IEEE Antennas Propagat. Soc. Znt. Symp.
width, and radiation pattern have been measuredover a range Dig., 1983, pp.67-70.
[7]Hewlett Packard Appl.Note AP-221A, pp. 5-8, June 1980.
of substrate thickness from 0.03 to 0.23 of a wavelengthin the [8]W. F. Richards, J. R. Zinecker, R. D. Clark and S. A. Long,
dielectric. “Experimental and theoretical investigation of the inductance associ-
The resonant frequency of arectangular microstrip antenna ated with a microstrip antenna feed,” Electromagn., vol. 3, pp. 327-
346, 1983.
was found to decrease as a function of electrical thickness. The [9] D. M. Pozar, “Considerations for millimeter wave printed antennas,”
validity of this finding is confirmed by previously published IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-31, pp. 740-747, 1983.
results and by the existing theories ofHammerstadandof [lo] K. R. Carver and J. W. Mink, “Microstrip antenna technology,”
ZEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-29, pp. 2-24, 1981.
James et a/. The predicted resonant frequencies are all very [ l l ] J. R. James, P. S. Hall, and C. Wood, Microstrip Antennas-Theory
close to the measured resonant frequency for electrically thin and Design. Stevenage, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1981.
substrates. As the electrical thickness is increased, the theories [12] A. G . Derneryd, “The circular microstrip antenna element,” in Proc.
ZTt. Elec. Eng. Znt. Conf. Antennas Propagat., Oct. 1978, pp. 307-
due to Hammerstadand to James et a/. generallypredict 310.
values thatare approximately 8 percent high and4 percent low [I31 E. 0. Hammerstad, “Equations for microstrip circuit design,” in
respectively when compared to the actual values. The impe- Proc. 5th European Micro. Conf.. Hamburg, Sept. 1975, pp. 268-
dance of the thicker antennas is characterized by an inductive [I41 M. V. Schneider, “Microstripdispersion,” Proc. ZEEE, pp. 144-146,
shift in the reactance away from zero at resonance. Jan. 1972.
The projected bandwidth of the unmatched antennas was [15] E. Chang, “An experimental studyof electrically thick rectangular
microstrip antennas,” M.S. thesis, Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Houston,
calculated to determine the effect of substrate thickness on this University Park, 1985.
characteristic as well. The resulting data show that bandwidths [16] D. L. Sengupta, “Approximate expressions for the resonant frequency
as high as 20 percent could be achieved by simplyusing of a rectangular patch antenna,” Electron. Lett., pp. 834-835, July
29, 1983.
electrically thick substrates. Finally, the radiation patterns of
electrically thick antennas were seen to be very similar to those
of the more usual thin ones. Overall it has been shown that Esin Chang (S’84-M’85) was born on September
electrically thick rectangular microstrip antennas retain most 20, 1963. He received the B.S. (magna cum laude)
of the desirable electrical characteristics of thinner ones and and M S . degrees in electrical engineering from the
UniversityofHouston-University Park, Houston,
may beutilized for broad-bandapplicationsassuminga TX, in 1984 and 1985, respectively.
reactive network is used for impedance matching. He was employed by Schlumberger Well Serv-
ices inHouston,TXandwasinvolvedin the
engineering support of electromagneticpropagation
REFERENCES tools. He also worked as a Graduate Research and
11J D.H. Schaubert, F. G. Farrar, A. R. Sindoris and S. T. Hayes, Teaching Assistant at the University of Houston in
”Microstrip antennas with frequency agilityandpolarization diver- the area of applied electromagneticswhile complet-
sity,” ZEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-29, pp. 118-123, ing the M.S. degree. He is currently employed as an Engineer with Shell Oil
1981. Company in communications in Houston, TX. His primary interests are in
[2] S. A . Longand M. D. Walton, “Adual-frequencystacked circular- microstrip antenna technology, high speed telecommunications, and digital
disk antenna,” ZEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-27, pp. telephony.
270-273, 1979. Mr. Chang isa member of Eta Kappa Nu, the Texas Society of Professional
W. F. Richards, S . E. Davidson, and S. A.Long, “Dual-band Engineers, and M.A.E.S.
reactively loaded microstrip antenna,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propa-
gat., vol. AP-33, pp. 556-561, 1985.
[4] A. Sabban, “A new broadband stacked two-layer microstrip antenna,” Stuart A. Long (S’65-S’72-M’74-SM’PO), for a photograph and biography
in ZEEE Antenna Propagat. Soc. Int. Symp. Digest, 1983 pp. 63- please see page 561 of the May 1985 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
[5] K. F. Lee, K. Y. Ho, and J. S. Dahele, “Circular-disk microstrip
antenna with anair gap,” ZEEE Trans.Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-
32, pp. 80-884, 1984. William F. Richards (S’69-M’70-M’80), for a photograph and bio,gaphy
[6] G. Kumar and K. C. Gupta, “Broadband microstrip antennas using please see page 561 of the May 1985 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.

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