CBK SDLC Summary
CBK SDLC Summary
CBK SDLC Summary
Taken from the Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK Reference
Initiation Requirements
Architecture Architecture
Design Design
System Analysis
Implementation Verification
Testing Transition
Operation Release
Disposal Disposal Disposal
* Mnemonic courtesy of @Gamer0364
1. Initiation
The initiation phase involves project conception and development of the business case. It is in the
initiation phase that the viability of the software project is determined.
2. Requirements
In the requirements phase, the customer’s requirements for working software are captured and
documented. The requirements phase includes the gathering and documentation of overall system
requirements as well, including the functional and nonfunctional requirements. Security
requirements are gathered and documented in this phase.
3. Architecture
Although sometimes skipped or often combined with the design phase, the architecture phase is
the time to build security into the architecture requirements of both the software development
environment and the application to be built. The architecture should also align with the
organization’s architectural strategy. The architecture phase is your first line of defense in
determining the technical security posture of the software application. On an architectural level,
this phase offers the opportunity to conduct threat modeling to identify threats to the application,
to apply security principles and controls to mitigate those threats, and to satisfy other security and
nonfunctional requirements.
4. Design
In the design phase, the customer, application, and security requirements are translated into
designs that ultimately can become working software. The design phase is the opportunity to build
security into the software’s blueprints. Threat modeling and abuse cases can be used to determine
CBK SDLC – 8 Steps
Taken from the Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK Reference
what needs to be protected in the application and then, after designs are made, to validate or
improve the design and its selection of patterns and structures to mitigate these threats.
Vulnerabilities found and fixed in the design phase are multiple times more cost-saving than
remediation performed at later phases.
5. Development
The development phase is when the software’s architecture and designs are translated into
working software implemented in code. There are a number of essential practices to follow for
security in the development phase. One is to follow the secure coding practices and conventions of
your organization. Comprehensive testing should be used to verify and maintain an evolving
baseline of correct functionality and security during ongoing development. Use frameworks,
libraries, and patterns from trusted sources to enhance the security features and functionality of
your application. Integrated development environments (IDEs) automate many of these features,
making their use more natural in a developer’s workflow.
8. Disposal
When the software reaches the end of its useful life, it is subject to the disposal phase. There are a
number of key information security concerns in the disposal phase.
NIST SP 800-64 outlines the key security activities for this phase as follows:
• A transition plan for the software
• Archiving of critical information
• Sanitization of media
• Disposal of hardware and software