Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School Portfolio Organization

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J.R. Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City

Portfolio Organization

A Student’s portfolio is a collection of a student’s work (as a papers and tests) compiled over a period of time and used for
assessing performance or progress.

1. Document Yourself (Chapter 1)
Who are you as a student? A great way to start the portfolio is with an “About Me” page. This includes a
write-up like important profile that you want to share: personal data, involvement in the student organizations,

2. Demonstrate Growth (Chapter 2)

Give descriptions and examples as an evolving students, thoughtful and knowledgeable individual.
Post documents like Certificates of Seminars/ Conferences/ Trainings and include INSIGHTS after
every Certificate. May include also your ACADEMIC certificate of Merit (Photo copy) or your
awards to off-campus contests.

3. Monitor and Evaluate (Chapter 3)

Keep track of academic progress and reflect on your development. Post samples of tests results, arts
works, essays, pictures of activities where you are assigned as leader or activities where you won or
performed well. Also very important to consider is your target goals per subject per quarter. Keep
track, if possible weekly or monthly.

Subject My Target Goal On Track Details of

(indicate the week Performance
or month)

4. Plan for the Future

What will you do to continue improving your academic performance? From time-to-time make a
“To-Do-List” especially after knowing that you are not ON TRACK with you OWN TARGET

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