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Bridge and Tunnel Engineering

By Sandeep Jyani Sir

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Bridge Engineering
• Bridge is a structure which provides a passage over an obstacle like
river, channel, valley or a road, without closing the way underneath.
• The passage required may be for pedestrians, roads, railway or for a

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Types of Bridges
• Bridges may be classified on the basis as given below:
1. Purpose:
A. Road bridges
B. Railway bridges
C. Foot bridges
D. Aqueduct (for carrying canal water)
E. Viaduct (for taking roads across valleys)
2. Alignment:
A. Square bridge→ if it is at right angles to obstacle
B. Skew bridges → if it is not at right angles to obstacle

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Types of Bridges
3. Life period:
A. Permanent
B. Temporary→ Temporary bridges are built during military operations,
during project execution or in rescue operations.
4. Span:
A. Culverts – if less than 6 m
B. Minor bridge – if 8 to 30 m
C. Major bridge – if 30 to 120 m
D. Long span bridges – if more than 120 m.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Types of Bridges

5. Position of high flood level

A. Submersible – flow of water above bridge deck level permitted during
heavy rains.
B. Non-submersible – all permanent bridges have deck level above the high
flood level.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Types of Bridges
6. Fixed or movable:
A. Fixed bridges are built but movable
bridges are built across navigational 𝑆𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑔𝑒
channels so as to avoid obstacles to
B. Movable bridges may be further
classified as
a) Swing bridges
b) Lift bridges
𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑡 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑔𝑒
c) Bascule bridges→In case of bascule
bridges entire superstructure is rotated
in vertical plane to 70° to 80° suitable
hinges and counterweights are provided
for easy operations.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑔𝑒

Types of Bridges
7. Location of Bridge Floor:
A. Deck → when the bridge is on 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆
top level of the super-
B. Semi-through → when the
bridge is on intermediate level
of the super- structure
C. Through type → when the 𝑺𝒆𝒎𝒊 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆
bridge is on bottom level of the
super- structure

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆
8. Superstructure: On this basis
bridges may be classified as
A. Girder bridge
B. Portal frame bridge
C. Truss bridge
D. Cantilever bridge
E. Arch bridge
F. Suspension bridge.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

9. Materials:
A. Timber bridges
B. Masonry bridges
C. R.C.C. bridges
D. Prestressed concrete bridges
E. Steel bridges.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Bridge Elements
1. Pier:
• Pier is a vertical load bearing member
such as an intermediate support for
adjacent ends of two bridge spans
2. Abutment:
• End supports of the superstructure are
known as abutments.
3. Bed block:
• It is the block on the top of pier or
abutment which receives load from
the bearings and disperses to the pier

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Bridge Elements
4. Back Fill
• The material used to fill the space at the back
of abutment is known as back fill.
• Stone, gravel, sand, etc., are used for back
filling. It should be well compacted
5. Kerb:
• It is the raised portion of the edge of
carriageway on both sides.
• It checks the vehicle going out of the
• Width and height of kerbs are 600 mm and 225
mm. The roadside slope of kerb is 1 in 8 up to a
height of 200 mm and the top portion is

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Bridge Elements

6. Wing walls:
• They are retaining walls constructed to retain
the earthwork of approach embankment
behind the abutments
7. Curtain wall:
• The floor provided between masonry walls
below river bed is known as curtain wall.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Bridge Elements
8. Bearings:
• Bearings are the devices used in long bridges
to avoid development of high stresses in
main girders due to temperature changes and
• Shallow or fixed plate bearings are suitable for
spans up to 12 m.
• Deep cast base bearings are suitable for spans
12 to 20 m.
• Rocker bearings are suitable for spans more
than 20 m.
• Sliding plate bearings are provided at one end
of the girder of span 12 to 20 m.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

1. Stream should be straight.
2. Stream should be narrow with well defined and
firm banks.
3. There should not be whirls and cross currents.
4. There should be high banks above high flood
level on each side.
5. The site should be at reasonable proximity to
the direct alignment of road.
6. The site should be geologically sound.
7. As far as possible it should not need river
training works and avoid excessive under water
construction works
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Bridge Design
• Width of bridges:
• It is based on traffic survey. It may be single lane or
double lane with pedestrian platform on only one
side or on both side.
• Length of bridge:
• It depends upon the waterway.
• Height of bridge:
• It is 1.2 to 1.5 m above HFL.
• Spans: It depends upon the type of
superstructure proposed.
• Masonry arch : 3 to 15 m Slab bridges : Upto 9 m
• Slab bridges : Upto 9 m
• Girder and beams : 10 to 60 m
• Truss bridges : 30 to 375 m with simply supported
• Suspension bridges : Over 500 m so for maximum
span built in 1990 m Cable stayed bridges : 300 to 600
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Bridge Design
• Piers: Types of piers generally used are:
• Masonry piers
• R.C.C. piers
• The forces acting on piers are:
• Vertical load or inclined reaction from the superstructure
• Water pressure
• Static water pressure
• Dynamic pressure due to flow of water
• Impact due to cross currents
• Tractive force
• Wind pressure
• Earthquake forces

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

• Foundations
• It may be spread foundation, pile foundation
or well foundation.
• The choice of foundation depends upon load
expected and soil properties

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Permanent Small Bridges
• Causeways and culverts may be considered
permanent small bridges.
1. Causeways
• It is a submersible bridge, provided across a
nullah or stream.
• These are adopted for roads which are of minor
• They do not have foundation, pier or abutment.
• They are concrete slabs and stone pitching at bed
level or slightly higher level of stream.
• Causeways may be classified as:
• Flush causeway
• Low level causeway
• High level causeway

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Permanent Small Bridges

2. Culverts
• Culvert is a small bridge, the maximum Pipe culvert
span not exceeding 6 m.
• It may have 3 to 4 spans.
• Types of culverts used are:
a) Pipe culvert
b) Box culvert
Box culvert
c) Slab culvert
d) Beam and slab culvert
e) Arch culvert

Arch culvert
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Que 1. A culvert has span less than
(a) 3 m
(b) 6 m
(c) 9m
(d) 12 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que 1. A culvert has span less than
(a) 3 m
(b) 6 m
(c) 9m
(d) 12 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

2. A bridge of span 25 m may be treated as
(a) culvert
(b) minor bridge
(c) major bridge
(d) long span bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

2. A bridge of span 25 m may be treated as
(a) culvert
(b) minor bridge
(c) major bridge
(d) long span bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

3. A bridge of more than ____span is treated as long span bridge.
(a) 30 m
(b) 60 m
(c) 90 m
(d) 120 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

3. A bridge of more than ____span is treated as long span bridge.
(a) 30 m
(b) 60 m
(c) 90 m
(d) 120 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

4. As far as possible the alignment of a bridge should be
(a) square
(b) skew
(c) curved
(d) none of the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

4. As far as possible the alignment of a bridge should be
(a) square
(b) skew
(c) curved
(d) none of the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

5. Temporary bridges are built during
(a) military operations
(b) project executions
(c) rescue operations
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

5. Temporary bridges are built during
(a) military operations
(b) project executions
(c) rescue operations
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

6. Movable bridges are built across
(a) streams
(b) rivers
(c) channels
(d) dry valley

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

6. Movable bridges are built across
(a) streams
(b) rivers
(c) channels
(d) dry valley

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

7. A bascule bridge is a
(a) fixed bridge
(b) movable bridge
(c) Deck bridge
(d) Through Bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

7. A bascule bridge is a
(a) fixed bridge
(b) movable bridge
(c) Deck bridge
(d) Through Bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

8. Which one of the following is not a low cost bridge
(a) wooden bridge
(b) masonry bridge
(c) floating bridge
(d) movable bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

8. Which one of the following is not a low-cost bridge
(a) wooden bridge
(b) masonry bridge
(c) floating bridge
(d) movable bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

9. The end supports of a bridge superstructure are known as
(a) wing walls
(b) piers
(c) abutments
(d) bed blocks

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

9. The end supports of a bridge superstructure are known as
(a) wing walls
(b) piers
(c) abutments
(d) bed blocks

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

10. The floor provided between masonry walls below the river bed
is known as
(a) wing wall
(b) curtain wall
(c) bed block
(d) kerb

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

10. The floor provided between masonry walls below the river bed
is known as
(a) wing wall
(b) curtain wall
(c) bed block
(d) kerb

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

11. Width and height of kerbs on bridges are generally respectively.
(a) 600 mm and 225 mm
(b) 450 mm × 200 mm
(c) 225 mm × 600 mm
(d) 200 mm × 450 mm

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

11. Width and height of kerbs on bridges are generally respectively.
(a) 600 mm and 225 mm
(b) 450 mm × 200 mm
(c) 225 mm × 600 mm
(d) 200 mm × 450 mm

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

12. The roadside slope of kerb is
(a) 1 in 5
(b) 1 in 8
(c) 1 in 10
(d) 1 in 15

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

12. The roadside slope of kerb is
(a) 1 in 5
(b) 1 in 8
(c) 1 in 10
(d) 1 in 15

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

14. Which one of the following is not the correct statement? Bridge
(a) be narrow
(b) should not possess high banks
(c) be at reasonable proximity to the direct alignment of road
(d) be geologically sound

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

14. Which one of the following is not the correct statement? Bridge
(a) be narrow
(b) should not possess high banks
(c) be at reasonable proximity to the direct alignment of road
(d) be geologically sound

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

15. Preliminary survey should be carried out to at least distance on
upstream and downstream side
(a) 200 to 500 m
(b) 500 to 1000 m
(c) 1000 to 1500 m
(d) 1500 to 2000 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

15. Preliminary survey should be carried out to at least distance on
upstream and downstream side
(a) 200 to 500 m
(b) 500 to 1000 m
(c) 1000 to 1500 m
(d) 1500 to 2000 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

16. In preliminary survey cross sections at ___interval should be
(a) 20 m
(b) 35 m
(c) 50 m
(d) 65 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

16. In preliminary survey cross sections at ___interval should be
(a) 20 m
(b) 35 m
(c) 50 m
(d) 65 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

17. Height of bridge is kept ____above high flood level.
(a) 1.2 to 1.5 m
(b) 1.8 to 2.1 m
(c) 2.2 to 2.5 m
(d) more than 2.5 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

17. Height of bridge is kept ____above high flood level.
(a) 1.2 to 1.5 m
(b) 1.8 to 2.1 m
(c) 2.2 to 2.5 m
(d) more than 2.5 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

18. Masonry arch bridges are used to span
(a) less than 3 m
(b) 3 to 15 m
(c) 15 to 20 m
(d) 20 to 30 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

18. Masonry arch bridges are used to span
(a) less than 3 m
(b) 3 to 15 m
(c) 15 to 20 m
(d) 20 to 30 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

19. Slab bridges are used to a maximum span of
(a) 6 m
(b) 9 m
(c) 12 m
(d) 20 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

19. Slab bridges are used to a maximum span of
(a) 6 m
(b) 9 m
(c) 12 m
(d) 20 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

20. The cross section of a pier may be
(a) rectangular
(b) with triangular edges towards upstream and downstream sides
(c) with curved faces on upstream and downstream sides
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

20. The cross section of a pier may be
(a) rectangular
(b) with triangular edges towards upstream and downstream sides
(c) with curved faces on upstream and downstream sides
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

21. The height of concrete pier may be raised by every day
during the construction
(a) 600 mm
(b) 900 mm
(c) 1200 mm
(d) 1500 mm

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

21. The height of concrete pier may be raised by _____every day
during the construction
(a) 600 mm
(b) 900 mm
(c) 1200 mm
(d) 1500 mm

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

22. R.C.C. piers of the following shapes are not used
(a) rectangular
(b) dumb-bell type
(c) trestle bent
(d) T-shape

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

22. R.C.C. piers of the following shapes are not used
(a) rectangular
(b) dumb-bell type
(c) trestle bent
(d) T-shape

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

23. In the design of piers, the water pressure to be considered is
(a) static pressure
(b) dynamic pressure
(c) impact due to cross current
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

23. In the design of piers, the water pressure to be considered is
(a) static pressure
(b) dynamic pressure
(c) impact due to cross current
(d) all the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

24. The most suitable foundation for a culvert is
(a) spread foundation
(b) pile foundation
(c) well foundation
(d) caisson foundation

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

24. The most suitable foundation for a culvert is
(a) spread foundation
(b) pile foundation
(c) well foundation
(d) caisson foundation

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

25. For a major bridge usually the type of foundation is
(a) grillage foundation
(b) spread foundation
(c) well foundation
(d) caisson foundation

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

25. For a major bridge usually the type of foundation is
(a) grillage foundation
(b) spread foundation
(c) well foundation
(d) caisson foundation

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

26. Bridge over a dry valley is known as
(a) causeway
(b) minor bridge
(c) vent
(d) viaduct

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

26. Bridge over a dry valley is known as
(a) causeway
(b) minor bridge
(c) vent
(d) viaduct

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

27. The bridge having its floor flush with bed of stream is known as
a) Causeway
b) Culvert
c) Viaduct
d) Minor bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

27. The bridge having its floor flush with bed of stream is known as
a) Causeway
b) Culvert
c) Viaduct
d) Minor bridge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

28. Which one of the following is not a type of culvert?
(a) Pipe culvert
(b) Box culvert
(c) Through culvert
(d) Slab culvert

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

28. Which one of the following is not a type of culvert?
(a) Pipe culvert
(b) Box culvert
(c) Through culvert
(d) Slab culvert

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

29. Minimum depth of foundation below the scour line in a arch
bridge for piers should not be less than
(a) 1.2 m
(b) 1.8 m
(c) 2.4 m
(d) 3.0 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

29. Minimum depth of foundation below the scour line in a arch
bridge for piers should not be less than
(a) 1.2 m
(b) 1.8 m
(c) 2.4 m
(d) 3.0 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

30. The arrangement made to prevent entry of water at the site of
pier construction is known as
(a) caisson
(b) cofferdam
(c) earthen dam
(d) none of the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

30. The arrangement made to prevent entry of water at the site of
pier construction is known as
(a) caisson
(b) cofferdam
(c) earthen dam
(d) none of the above

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

31. Fixed plate bearing plates are suitable for spans upto

(a) less than 6 m

(b) 12 m
(c) 18 m
(d) 24 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

31. Fixed plate bearing plates are suitable for spans upto

(a) less than 6 m

(b) 12 m
(c) 18 m
(d) 24 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

32. Deep cast bearings are suitable up to____spans.
(a) 6 m
(b) 12 m
(c) 12 to 20 m
(d) 20 to 30 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

32. Deep cast bearings are suitable up to____spans.
(a) 6 m
(b) 12 m
(c) 12 to 20 m
(d) 20 to 30 m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

33. Rocker bearings are suitable for spans upto
(a) 6 m to 12 m
(b) 15 to 20 m
(c) more than 20 m
(d) not suitable for any span

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

33. Rocker bearings are suitable for spans upto
(a) 6 m to 12 m
(b) 15 to 20 m
(c) more than 20 m
(d) not suitable for any span

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

34. If a rocker and roller bearing is provided at one end of a bridge
girder, then the other end will be
(a) fixed end
(b) simple support
(c) free end
(d) rocker bearing

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

34. If a rocker and roller bearing is provided at one end of a bridge
girder, then the other end will be
(a) fixed end
(b) simple support
(c) free end
(d) rocker bearing

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Tunnel Engineering
• A tunnel is an underground passageway,
dug through the surrounding
soil/earth/rock and enclosed except for
entrance and exit, commonly at each
• A tunnel may be for foot or vehicular
road traffic, for rail traffic, or for a canal.
• Some tunnels are aqueducts to supply
water for consumption or for
hydroelectric stations or are sewers.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Advantages of Tunnels
1. Reduction in distance of travel
2. Provision of easier gradients
3. Reduction in maintenance cost
4. Avoids interference with surface and air rights
5. Freedom from snow and iceberg hazards

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Tunnel Surveying
• Preliminary surveys
• Setting out of the tunnel centre-line on the surface
• In case of tunnels in hilly regions, tunnel ends should be established
by triangulation
• After the coordinates of various portals and shafts have been
finalised setting out is started from various portals and shafts.
• Transfer the alignment through shafts

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Methods of Tunnelling in soft strata
• In firm ground
• Full face method
• Top heading and benching
• Drift method
• Tunnelling in soft ground
• Multiple drift method
• Forepoling method
• Tunnelling in running ground
• Needle beam method
• Flying arch method
• Liner plate method

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Methods of Tunnelling in rocks
• It involves drilling holes in the rock face, loading the holes with
explosives, blasting, removing and disposing of broken rock. The
commonly adopted methods are:
• Full face method
• Top heading and benching
• Bottom heading and stoping
• Drift method—top drift, bottom drift, side drift
• Commonly adopted drilling patterns are:
• Horizontal wedge cut
• Pyramid cut
• Fan out
• V-cut
• Cylinder cut
• Burn Cut

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

• Explosives used are gelatine, ammonia dynamite
and semi-gelatine.
• Depending upon the strength and durability
requirements various materials are used for tunnel
• Brick lining, stone masonry lining, timber lining,
concrete lining, cast iron lining, cast steel lining,
structural steel lining are commonly adopted.
• Pack grouting is required between rock and
concrete lining and also between the steel lining
and concrete lining. If fissures are seen and
seepage of water is observed pressure grouting is
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Tunnel Drainage
• Drainage problems exist before starting, during
construction and also after constructing the
• Predrainage work involves diverting water
entering the tunnel.
• During construction pumping of water may be
resorted wherever necessary.
• Permanent drainage work is necessary to
maintain tunnels.
• They are met by provision of longitudinal drains,
continuous open gutters, concrete lining and
grouting with cement chemicals.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Tunnel Ventilation, Lighting and Mucking
• Wherever natural ventilation is not possible
mechanical ventilation should be resorted.
• Mechanical ventilation methods are blowing
fresh air, providing exhaust air by ducts or
combination of blowing in and exhaust system.
• Safe and sufficient lighting of tunnels should be
provided for inspection of tunnels.
• For hauling of excavated materials during
construction the following methods are
• Hauling on rails
• Hauling on pneumatic tyres
• Using conveyers, etc.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.1 Off-spur tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys
along the natural slope till the slope
does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to
negotiate minor local obstacles
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys
to increase the tunnel length to
avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.1 Off-spur tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys along
the natural slope till the slope does not
exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to
negotiate minor local obstacles
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to
increase the tunnel length to avoid
steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.2 Saddle or base tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the
valleys along the natural slope till
the slope does not exceed the
ruling gradient. A base tunnel is a type of tunnel, that is
built through the base of a mountain pass.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills This type of tunnel typically connects two
valleys at about the same altitudes.[1]
c) Short length tunnels constructed
to negotiate minor local
d) Tunnels provided in narrow
valleys to increase the tunnel
length to avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.2 Saddle or base tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys
along the natural slope till the slope
does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to
negotiate minor local obstacles
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to
increase the tunnel length to avoid
steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.3 Slope tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys along the natural slope till the
slope does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to negotiate minor local
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to increase the tunnel length
to avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.3 Slope tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys along the natural slope till the
slope does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to negotiate minor local
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to increase the tunnel length
to avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.4 Spiral tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys along the natural slope till the
slope does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to negotiate minor local
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to increase the tunnel length
to avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.4 Spiral tunnels are:
a) Tunnels constructed in the valleys along the natural slope till the
slope does not exceed the ruling gradient.
b) Tunnels constructed in steep hills
c) Short length tunnels constructed to negotiate minor local
d) Tunnels provided in narrow valleys to increase the tunnel length
to avoid steep slope.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.5 Circular section of tunnels is not suitable for:
a) Carrying water.
b) Non cohesive soils.
c) Tunnels driven by shield method
d) Placement of concrete lining.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.5 Circular section of tunnels is not suitable for:
a) Carrying water.
b) Non cohesive soils.
c) Tunnels driven by shield method
d) Placement of concrete lining.

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.6 Circular section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.6 Circular section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.7 Rectangular section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.7 Rectangular section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.8 Horse shoe section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.8 Horse shoe section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Soft rocks
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.9 What is the correct sequence of the following events of construction
of a shaft in rock?
1) Drilling and blasting
2) Timbering
3) Pumping
4) Mucking
Select the correct sequence-
a) 1,2,3,4
b) 1,4,2,3
c) 2,1,4,3
d) 2,4,1,3

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.9 What is the correct sequence of the following events of construction
of a shaft in rock?
1) Drilling and blasting
2) Timbering
3) Pumping
4) Mucking
Select the correct sequence-
a) 1,2,3,4
b) 1,4,2,3
c) 2,1,4,3
d) 2,4,1,3

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.10 A good blast with a good yield is obtained if the cut hole is
a) Normal to face
b) Inclined at 45 to the face
c) Inclined at 15 to the face
d) Inclined at 30 to the face

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.10 A good blast with a good yield is obtained if the cut hole is
a) Normal to face
b) Inclined at 45 to the face
c) Inclined at 15 to the face
d) Inclined at 30 to the face

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.11 As compared to a single free face, if a charge of explosive is
placed equidistant from two faces, then the yield
a) Remains same
b) Decreases
c) Increases by 2.25times
d) Increases by 3.5times

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.11 As compared to a single free face, if a charge of explosive is
placed equidistant from two faces, then the yield
a) Remains same
b) Decreases
c) Increases by 2.25times
d) Increases by 3.5times

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.12 Which of the following are percussion drills?
a) Shot drills
b) Diamond drills
c) Wagon drills
d) Churn drills

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.12 Which of the following are percussion drills?
a) Shot drills
b) Diamond drills
c) Wagon drills
d) Churn drills

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.13 Drifters can be used to drill
a) Only up holes
b) Only down holes
c) Horizontal holes
d) Horizontal, down or up holes

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.13 Drifters can be used to drill
a) Only up holes
b) Only down holes
c) Horizontal holes
d) Horizontal, down or up holes

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.14 If ‘N’ is the number of shafts used, then the total number of
faces available for attacking the excavation and construction in
tunnels are -
a) 2N
b) 2N+1
c) N+1
d) 2N+2

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.14 If ‘N’ is the number of shafts used, then the total number of
faces available for attacking the excavation and construction in
tunnels are -
a) 2N
b) 2N+1
c) N+1
d) 2N+2

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.15 The correct sequence of drilling equipments for increasing
size of holes in tunnels is-
a) Wagon drill, churn drill, shot drill
b) Wagon drill, shot drill, churn drill
c) Shot drill, churn drill, wagon drill
d) Churn drill, wagon drill, shot drill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.15 The correct sequence of drilling equipments for increasing
size of holes in tunnels is-
a) Wagon drill, churn drill, shot drill
b) Wagon drill, shot drill, churn drill
c) Shot drill, churn drill, wagon drill
d) Churn drill, wagon drill, shot drill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.16 Which of the following is not a component of the shield?
a) Propelling jacks
b) Liner plate
c) Hood
d) Tail

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.16 Which of the following is not a component of the shield?
a) Propelling jacks
b) Liner plate
c) Hood
d) Tail

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.17 In compressed air tunneling, the volume of free air provided
a) 6m3 per second per m2 of face area
b) 6m3 per minute per m2 of face area
c) 20m3 per second per m2 of face area
d) 6m3 per hour per m2 of face area

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.17 In compressed air tunneling, the volume of free air provided
a) 6m3 per second per m2 of face area
b) 6m3 per minute per m2 of face area
c) 20m3 per second per m2 of face area
d) 6m3 per hour per m2 of face area

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.18 American method of tunneling
a) Is suitable for large sized tunnels
b) Is not suitable for highways and railways tunnels
c) Requires heavy timbers
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.18 American method of tunneling
a) Is suitable for large sized tunnels
b) Is not suitable for highways and railways tunnels
c) Requires heavy timbers
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.19 Loggings are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.19 Loggings are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.20 Collar braces are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.20 Collar braces are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.21 Wall plates are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.21 Wall plates are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.22 Segments are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.22 Segments are used for
a) To carry roof load under arch action
b) To support arch rib at springing level
c) To prevent segments twisting out of line
d) To retain the fill

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.23 _____ lining material is useful for shield driven tunnels in sub
aqueous regions
a) Stone masonry
b) Timber
c) Cast iron
d) Cement concrete

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.23 _____ lining material is useful for shield driven tunnels in sub
aqueous regions
a) Stone masonry
b) Timber
c) Cast iron
d) Cement concrete

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.24 If ‘D’ is the diameter of tunnel in metres, then the thickness
of lining in mm, as per empirical formula is given by-
a) 42D
b) 82D
c) 104D
d) 124D

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.24 If ‘D’ is the diameter of tunnel in metres, then the thickness
of lining in mm, as per empirical formula is given by-
a) 42D
b) 82D
c) 104D
d) 124D

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.25 _____ tunneling method is used for laying under ground
a) Needle beam
b) Army
c) German
d) Italian

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.25 _____ tunneling method is used for laying under ground
a) Needle beam
b) Army
c) German
d) Italian

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.26 Ribs are used for strengthening and stiffening the liner plate
for tunnels of diameter greater than
a) 2m
b) 3m
c) 4m
d) 5m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.26 Ribs are used for strengthening and stiffening the liner plate
for tunnels of diameter greater than
a) 2m
b) 3m
c) 4m
d) 5m

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.27 The most suitable soil for compressed air tunneling is
a) Silt
b) Sand
c) Clay
d) Gravel

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.27 The most suitable soil for compressed air tunneling is
a) Silt
b) Sand
c) Clay
d) Gravel

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.28 The needle beam method of tunneling
a) Is suitable for soils in which roof can stand for few minutes
without support
b) Is suitable for brick lining
c) Is suitable for concrete lining
d) Requires large number of trench jacks

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.28 The needle beam method of tunneling
a) Is suitable for soils in which roof can stand for few minutes
without support
b) Is suitable for brick lining
c) Is suitable for concrete lining
d) Requires large number of trench jacks

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.29 _____ tunneling method is used for long tunnels at great
a) Needle beam
b) Army
c) German
d) Italian

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.29 _____ tunneling method is used for long tunnels at great
a) Needle beam
b) Army
c) Austrian
d) Italian

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.30 In Belgium tunneling method
a) Construction of side walls is completed before invert and roof arch
are built
b) Construction of roof arch is completed before invert and side walls
are built
c) Construction of invert is completed before side walls and roof arch
are built
d) Construction of invert and side walls is completed before roof arch
is built

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.30 In Belgium tunneling method
a) Construction of side walls is completed before invert and roof arch
are built
b) Construction of roof arch is completed before invert and side walls
are built
c) Construction of invert is completed before side walls and roof arch
are built
d) Construction of invert and side walls is completed before roof arch
is built

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.31 What is the correct sequence of the following events in rock
1) Marking tunnel profile
2) Loading explosives and blasting
3) Checking misfire
4) Mucking
5) Removing foul gas
6) Setting up and drilling
7) Guniting
Select the sequence
a) 1,6,5,3,4,2,7
b) 1,2,6,3,5,4,7
c) 1,6,2,5,4,3,7
d) 1,6,2,5,3,4,7
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Que.31 What is the correct sequence of the following events in rock
1) Marking tunnel profile
2) Loading explosives and blasting
3) Checking misfire
4) Mucking
5) Removing foul gas
6) Setting up and drilling
7) Guniting
Select the sequence
a) 1,6,5,3,4,2,7
b) 1,2,6,3,5,4,7
c) 1,6,2,5,4,3,7
d) 1,6,2,5,3,4,7
Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani
Que.32 Drift method of tunneling is used to construct tunnels in
a) Soft grounds
b) Rock
c) Self supporting grounds
d) Broken grounds

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.32 Drift method of tunneling is used to construct tunnels in
a) Soft grounds
b) Rock
c) Self supporting grounds
d) Broken grounds

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.33 In the construction of metro railways, ‘cut and cover’ method
of construction is suitable in situations listed at
a) Soil is soft
b) Track is at a deeper level
c) Water level is high
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.33 In the construction of metro railways, ‘cut and cover’ method
of construction is suitable in situations listed at
a) Soil is soft
b) Track is at a deeper level
c) Water level is high
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.34 Which of the following is considered to be an advantage of
the heading and benching method of tunnel construction?
a) Suitable for construction in unstable rocks
b) It is easy to install timber support
c) Tunneling can be continuous and work can be expedited
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.34 Which of the following is considered to be an advantage of
the heading and benching method of tunnel construction?
a) Suitable for construction in unstable rocks
b) It is easy to install timber support
c) Tunneling can be continuous and work can be expedited
d) All of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.35 Egg shaped section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Sewers
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.35 Egg shaped section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Sewers
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.36 Segmental roof section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Subways
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.36 Segmental roof section of tunnels is suitable for:
a) Subways
b) Non cohesive soils
c) Hard rocks
d) None of these

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.37 In ‘full face’ method of constructing tunnels, the first
operation relates to
a) Removal of bottom portion
b) Excavation of one drift in the centre
c) Removal of top portion
d) Excavation being done along the periphery

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.37 In ‘full face’ method of constructing tunnels, the first
operation relates to
a) Removal of bottom portion
b) Excavation of one drift in the centre
c) Removal of top portion
d) Excavation being done along the periphery

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.38 Which of the following is a component of a shield for
a) Liner plate
b) Trench jack
c) Stiffener
d) Cutting edge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Que.38 Which of the following is a component of a shield for
a) Liner plate
b) Trench jack
c) Stiffener
d) Cutting edge

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

Civil Engineering by Sandeep Jyani

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