Lecture 7 Tracking

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Lecture 7: Tracking

Dr Christos Kyrkou
KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Cyprus
[email protected]
ECE 627

Today: Tracking Objects

❑Goal: Locating a moving object/part across video frames

❑Examples and Applications

❑Overview of probabilistic tracking
❑Kalman Filter
❑Particle Filter

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❑Motion capture
❑Augmented Reality
❑Action Recognition
❑Security, traffic monitoring
❑Video Compression
❑Video Summarization
❑Medical Screening

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Tracking Examples
❑Traffic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiZHQ4peqjg
❑Soccer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqQIItFAnxg
❑Face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_bZNVmhJ2o
❑Body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ahy0Gh69-M
❑Eye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCtYdUEMotg
❑Gaze: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G6Rw5cU-1c

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Things that make visual tracking difficult

❑Small, few visual features
❑Erratic movements, moving very quickly
❑Occlusions, leaving and coming back
❑Surrounding similar-looking objects

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Strategies for tracking

❑Tracking by repeated detection
▪ Works well if object is easily detectable (e.g., face or colored glove)
and there is only one
▪ Need some way to link up detections
▪ Best you can do, if you can’t predict motion

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Tracking with dynamics

❑Key idea: Based on a model of expected motion, predict where
objects will occur in next frame, before even seeing the image
▪ Restrict search for the object
▪ Measurement noise is reduced by trajectory smoothness
▪ Robustness to missing or weak observations

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Strategies for tracking

❑Tracking with motion prediction
▪ Predict the object’s state in the next frame
▪ Kalman filtering: next state can be linearly predicted from current
state (Gaussian)
▪ Particle filtering: sample multiple possible states of the object (non-
parametric, good for clutter)

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General model for tracking

❑State 𝑋: The actual state of the moving
object that we want to estimate
▪ State could be any combination of position,
pose, viewpoint, velocity, acceleration, etc.

❑Observations 𝑌: Our actual measurement

or observation of state 𝑋. Observation can
be very noisy

❑At each time 𝑡, the state changes to 𝑋𝑡 and

we get a new observation 𝑌𝑡
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Steps of tracking
❑Prediction: What is the next state of the object given past
P(X t Y0 = y0 ,, Yt −1 = yt −1 )

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Steps of tracking
❑Prediction: What is the next state of the object given past
P(X t Y0 = y0 ,, Yt −1 = yt −1 )

❑Correction: Compute an updated estimate of the state from

prediction and measurements
P(X t Y0 = y0 ,, Yt −1 = yt −1 , Yt = yt )

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Simplifying assumptions
❑Only the immediate past matters
P(X t X 0 ,, X t −1 ) = P(X t X t −1 )

dynamics model

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Simplifying assumptions
❑ Only the immediate past matters
P(X t X 0 ,, X t −1 ) = P(X t X t −1 )

dynamics model
❑Measurements depend only on the current state

P(Yt X 0 , Y0 , X t −1 , Yt −1 , X t ) = P(Yt X t )

❑ Markovian Process: observation model

▪ A Markov chain is a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible
events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state
attained in the previous event.

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Simplifying assumptions
❑Only the immediate past matters
P(X t X 0 ,, X t −1 ) = P(X t X t −1 )

dynamics model

❑Measurements depend only on the current state

P(Yt X 0 , Y0 , X t −1 , Yt −1 , X t ) = P(Yt X t )
observation model
X0 X1 X2 … Xt-1 Xt

Y0 Y1 Y2 Yt-1 Yt
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Problem statement
❑We have models for
▪ Likelihood of next state given current state: P ( X t X t −1 )
▪ Likelihood of observation given the state: P (Yt X t )

❑We want to recover, for each 𝑡: P(X t y0 ,, yt )

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Probabilistic tracking
❑Base case:
▪ Start with initial prior that predicts state in absence of any
evidence: 𝑃(𝑋0 )
▪ For the first frame, correct this given the first measurement: 𝑌0 = 𝑦0

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Probabilistic tracking
❑Base case:
▪ Start with initial prior that predicts state in absence of any
evidence: 𝑃(𝑋0 )
▪ For the first frame, correct this given the first measurement: 𝑌0 = 𝑦0
Likelihood Prior

P( y0 | X 0 ) P( X 0 )
P( X 0 | Y0 = y0 ) =  P( y0 | X 0 ) P( X 0 )
P( y0 )
Normalizing Factor

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Probabilistic tracking
❑Base case:
▪ Start with initial prior that predicts state in absence of any
evidence: 𝑃(𝑋0 )
▪ For the first frame, correct this given the first measurement: 𝑌0 = 𝑦0
❑Given corrected estimate for frame t-1:
▪ Predict for frame t ➔ P ( X t y 0 ,, y t −1 )
▪ Observe 𝑦𝑡 ; Correct for frame 𝑡 ➔ P ( X t y 0 ,, y t −1 , y t )

predict correct

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❑Prediction involves representing P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
given P(X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )

P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
=  P(X t , X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 , y0 ,, yt −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
Law of total probability

=  P( X t | X t −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1

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❑Prediction involves representing P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
given P(X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )

P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
=  P(X t , X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 , y0 ,, yt −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P(Conditioning
X t | X t −1 )P( Xont −1X|t–1
y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1

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❑Prediction involves representing P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
given P(X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )

P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
=  P(X t , X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 , y0 ,, yt −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
Independence assumption
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❑Prediction involves representing P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
given P(X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )

P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
=  P(X t , X t −1 y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 , y0 ,, yt −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
=  P( X t | X t −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1
dynamics corrected estimate
model from previous step
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❑Correction involves computing P(X t y0 ,, yt )
given predicted value P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )

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❑Correction involves computing P(X t y0 ,, yt )
given predicted value P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
P(X t y0 ,, yt )
P ( y t | X t , y 0 ,, y t −1 )
= P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | X t )PBayes’
( X t | yRule
0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
 P( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )P ( y t | X t )dX t
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❑Correction involves computing P(X t y0 ,, yt )
given predicted value P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
P(X t y0 ,, yt )
P( yt | X t , y0 ,, yt −1 )
= P( X t | y0 ,, yt −1 )
P( yt | y0 ,, yt −1 )
P( yt | X t )P( X t | y0 ,, yt −1 )
P( yt | y0 ,, yt −1 )
( yt | X t )P( X t assumption
PIndependence | y0 ,, yt −1 )
P( X yt |directly

t 0 )P( y only
y ,, ydepends | X )on
t −1 dX state Xt)
t t t

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❑Correction involves computing P(X t y0 ,, yt )
given predicted value P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
P(X t y0 ,, yt )
P ( y t | X t , y 0 ,, y t −1 )
= P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
 P( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )dX t
Conditioning on Xt
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❑Correction involves computing P(X t y0 ,, yt )
given predicted value P(X t y0 ,, yt −1 )
P(X t y0 ,, yt )
P ( y t | X t , y 0 ,, y t −1 )
= P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
P ( y t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )
observation predicted
model P ( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 ) estimate
 P( y t | X t )P ( X t | y 0 ,, y t −1 )dX t
normalization factor
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Summary: Prediction and correction

P( X t | y0 ,, yt −1 ) =  P( X t | X t −1 )P( X t −1 | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t −1

dynamics corrected estimate

model from previous step

observation predicted
model estimate

P( yt | X t )P( X t | y0 ,, yt −1 )
P( X t | y0 ,, yt ) =
 P( y t | X t )P( X t | y0 ,, yt −1 )dX t
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The Kalman filter

❑Linear dynamics model: state undergoes linear transformation
plus Gaussian noise

❑Observation model: measurement is linearly transformed state

plus Gaussian noise

❑The predicted/corrected state distributions are Gaussian

▪ You only need to maintain the mean and covariance
▪ The calculations are easy (all the integrals can be done in closed

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Example: Kalman Filter

Ground Truth



Next Frame Update Location,

Prediction Velocity, etc.
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Ground Truth Observation Correction

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Propagation of Gaussian densities

Current state
Expected change

Decent model if there is just one object,

but localization is imprecise


and Correction
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Particle filtering
❑Represent the state distribution non-parametrically
❑Prediction: Sample possible values 𝑋𝑡−1 for the previous state
❑Correction: Compute likelihood of 𝑋𝑡 based on weighted samples
and 𝑃(𝑦𝑡 |𝑋𝑡 )

M. Isard and A. Blake, CONDENSATION -- conditional density propagation for

visual tracking, IJCV 29(1):5-28, 1998
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Particle filtering
Start with weighted
samples from previous
time step
Sample and shift
according to dynamics
Spread due to
randomness; this is
predicted density P(Xt|Yt-1)
Weight the samples
according to observation
Arrive at corrected density
estimate P(Xt|Yt)

M. Isard and A. Blake, CONDENSATION -- conditional density propagation for

visual tracking, IJCV 29(1):5-28, 1998
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Propagation of non-parametric densities

Current state
Expected change

Good if there are multiple, confusable

objects (or clutter) in the scene


and Correction
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Particle filtering results

❑People: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCMk-pHzScE
❑Hand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIjufInUqZM

Localization (similar model): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAuTgsiM2-8


Good informal explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUkBa1zMKv4

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Particle vs. Kalman

❑In certain situations particle filters scale exponentially, and it
would be a mistake to represent particle filters over anything
more than four dimensions.

❑Particle Filters:
▪ Non-linear dynamics and non-gaussian noise

❑Kalman Filter
▪ Linear dynamics and gaussian noise

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Tracking issues
▪ Manual
▪ Background subtraction
▪ Detection

❑Getting observation and dynamics models

▪ Observation model: match a template or use a trained detector
▪ Dynamics model: usually specify using domain knowledge

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Tracking issues
❑Getting observation and dynamics model
❑Uncertainty of prediction vs. correction
▪ If the dynamics model is too strong, will end up ignoring the data
▪ If the observation model is too strong, tracking is reduced to
repeated detection

Too strong dynamics model Too strong observation model

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Tracking issues
❑Getting observation and dynamics models
❑Prediction vs. correction
❑Data association
▪ When tracking multiple objects, need to
assign right objects to right tracks (particle
filters good for this)

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Tracking issues
❑Getting observation and dynamics models
❑Prediction vs. correction
❑Data association
▪ Errors can accumulate over time

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D. Ramanan, D. Forsyth, and A. Zisserman. Tracking People by Learning their

Appearance. PAMI 2007.
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Things to remember
❑Tracking objects = detection + prediction

❑Probabilistic framework
▪ Predict next state
▪ Update current state based on observation

❑Two simple but effective methods

▪ Kalman filters: Gaussian distribution
▪ Particle filters: multimodal distribution

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