Process, Performance & Reflection Rubrics: B - Developing Skills
Process, Performance & Reflection Rubrics: B - Developing Skills
Process, Performance & Reflection Rubrics: B - Developing Skills
Students must complete this work digitally, using the ‘Dummies’ guide and the guiding questions below to provide
thorough and complete answers. This summative written record should be submitted to Google Classroom, and will
be due to Ms. Bingham on Thursday, October 25 .
● How did you practically explore and experiment in your design group for the final performance? (i)
● What challenges did you face, and how did you work through/around them? (i)
● How did you apply the skills learned from your research to the creation of your final performance? (ii)
Excellent Substantial 56 Adequate 34 Limited 12
B – 87
Developing Skills
i. Demonstrates The student thoughtfully The student clearly The student somewhat The student
acquisition and articulates how they articulates how they articulates how they provides limited
development of the skills learned and developed learned and learned and developed evidence of their
and techniques of the art the skills and developed the skills the skills used in their learning and
form studied techniques used in their and techniques design group to create development of the
design group to create used in their design the final performance. skills used in their
the final performance. group to create the The student provides design group to
The student provides final performance. some evidence of their create the final
clear evidence of their The student exploration and performance.
exploration and provides evidence experimentation in their The student
experimentation in their of their exploration designer role, including provides limited
designer role, including and experimentation some approaches to evidence of their
imaginative approaches in their designer working through exploration and
to working through role, including challenges. experimentation in
challenges. thoughtful their designer role,
approaches to including minimal
working through approaches to
challenges. working through
ii. Demonstrates The student The student The student partially The student does
application of skills and thoughtfully articulates articulates their articulates their not articulate their
techniques to create, their application of application of skills application of skills and application of skills
perform and/or present skills and techniques and techniques of techniques of their and techniques of
art of their design their design element design element to their design element
element to create, to create, perform create, perform and to create, perform
perform and present and present an present an immersive and present an
an immersive theatre immersive theatre theatre performance. immersive theatre
performance. performance. performance.
● What was the group’s artistic intention? (i)
● How did you contribute to the overall piece? How did your work affect the impact on the audience? (iii)
● Do you think the group was successful at achieving its artistic intention? Why/why not? What could you
have done to improve this work? (iii)
C Excellent 78 Substantial 56 Adequate 34 Limited 12
Thinking Creatively
i. Develops an artistic The student develops The student develops The student develops The student develops
intention that is feasible, a thorough and a clear and creative an adequate artistic an unclear artistic
clear, imaginative and creative artistic artistic intention for intention for this work, intention for this work,
coherent. intention for this work, this work, that is that is somewhat and has not taken into
that is consistently feasible, clear and feasible and consideration the
feasible, clear, imaginative. The coherent. The student intended impact on the
imaginative and student has taken has partially taken target audience.
coherent. The student into consideration the into consideration the
has thoughtfully taken intended impact on intended impact on
into consideration the the target audience. the target audience.
intended impact on the
target audience.
iii. Demonstrates The student The student The student The student
exploration of ideas to demonstrates demonstrates clear demonstrates some demonstrates minimal
shape artistic intention thoughtful exploration exploration of ideas exploration of ideas exploration of ideas (in
through to a point of of ideas (in the (in the planning and (in the planning and the planning and
realization. planning and processes involved in processes involved in processes involved in
processes involved in creating the final creating the final creating the final
creating the final performance) to performance) to performance) to shape
performance) to effectively shape shape artistic artistic intention
effectively shape artistic intention intention through to a through to a point a
artistic intention through to a point a point a realization. realization.
through to a point a realization. The student has The student has
realization. The student has provided some provided limited
The student has provided clear reflection of their reflection of their
provided insightful reflection of their contribution to the contribution to the
reflection of their contribution to the overall piece, and of overall piece, and of
contribution to the overall piece, and of whether or not the whether or not the
overall piece, and of whether or not the group was successful group was successful
whether or not the group was successful at achieving its at achieving its artistic
group was successful at achieving its artistic intention. intention.
at achieving its artistic artistic intention.
Write/record a final reflection for this unit that discusses the following:
● How did your final performance go? Critique the performance labelling what worked well, and what you would
● improve. (iii)
● How would you describe the relationship between the artist and the audience? What is more important the
● artist’s intentions or the audience’s perception? (ii)
● Does knowledge of scientific and technical innovation in theatre production make better pieces of theatre? (ii)
D Excellent 78 Substantial 56 Adequate 34 Limited 12
ii. Creates an artistic The student The student The student The student
response that intends to demonstrates an clearly demonstrates some demonstrates a
reflect or impact on the excellent awareness demonstrates an awareness of the limited awareness
world around them of the role of the awareness of the role of the audience of the role of the
audience in the role of the in the world of audience in the
world of theatre and audience in the theatre and world of theatre
performance, world of theatre performance, and performance,
particularly in and performance, particularly in particularly in
immersive theatre. particularly in immersive theatre. immersive theatre.
The student immersive The student The student does
thoughtfully theatre. somewhat not address
articulates whether The student addresses whether whether scientific
scientific and articulates scientific and and technical
technical innovation whether scientific technical innovation innovation in
in theatre creates an and technical in theatre creates an theatre creates an
enhanced innovation in enhanced enhanced
experience for the theatre creates experience for the experience for the
audience. an enhanced audience. audience.
They have experience for the They have They have
supported their audience. supported their supported their
ideas with insightful They have ideas with mediocre ideas with limited
and thoughtful supported their reasoning and reasoning and
reasoning and ideas with explanation. explanation.
explanation. thoughtful
reasoning and
iii. Critiques of the The student The student The student The student
artwork of self and others demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates some demonstrates limited
excellent skills of thoughtful skills of skills of interpretation, skills of interpretation,
interpretation, interpretation, analysis, and analysis, and
analysis, and analysis, and evaluation of their own evaluation of their
evaluation of their own evaluation of their work and that of their own work and that of
work and that of their own work and that of peers. Some feedback their peers. Limited
peers. Consistently their peers. is given, and adequate feedback is given, and
insightful and practical Thoughtful and suggestions are offered some suggestions are
feedback is given, and practical feedback is with some explanation. offered with unclear
thoughtful suggestions given, and helpful explanation.
are offered with clear suggestions are
explanation. offered with clear