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Teaching in Virtual Classroom: Challenges and Opportunities

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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020

Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 334-337

Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)


Rajab Ali Biswas Dr. Soma Nandi
Research scholar, Department of Education, Associate professor, Dept. of Education, East
West Bengal state University, Barasat (W.B) Calcutta Girls’ College, Lake town

Abstract- Teaching is an art and it depends on was the prerogative of the Brahmins to be the
the techniques adopted in the classroom and the teachers. Gradually during the Buddhist Period, the
skills of the teacher. Globalization has brought need for teacher education was felt and the concept of
about a lot of technological changes around the training of teachers came into existence. Although it
world and it has been reflected in teaching too. was not so prominent in India during the Muslim
The concept of virtual classroom is one of the Period, it was after the advent of the Europeans in
recent trends in education and teachers are India, Teacher Training Institutions were established.
adapting to it, in order to overcome the barriers of The art and science of teaching has undergone rapid
teaching and learning. A virtual classroom is a set changes with vast changes in the field of technology.
of teaching- learning tool which intends to The basic criteria of good teaching is its focus on the
improve learning experience of students with the content or subject matter, proper methodology and
help of various technological devices. The main the art of delivery. Good teaching also aims at
objective of the study is to focus on the fostering/ nurturing the creativity and curiosity of the
barriers/obstacles within the teachers and faced learners and help them to delve deep into their mind,
by the teachers; the techniques and strategies to so that they ask questions. Good teaching also
overcome them and to acknowledge the involves deeper introspection on the part of the
advantages of teaching-learning in virtual teachers. Some of the common characteristics of
classroom. good teaching, according to UNESCO (2004) and
Scheerens (2004) are – relevance of the subject
Key words: Teaching, Globalization, Virtual matter or content, time allotted to teaching the same,
Classroom. active participation of the learners, monitoring their
level of understanding and application, regular
I. INTRODUCTION feedback from them and finally, an environment of
respect between the teacher and the taught.
Education, to Adams, is a bi polar process, where the
two important components are the teacher and the To Margaret
taught. The art of teaching plays an important role in Rouse (whatis.techtarget.com/definition/virtual-
the educational set up and this depends on the skills classroom) a virtual classroom is an online learning
employed and the techniques adopted by the teacher environment which may be web-based and accessed
in and outside the classroom. Burton (S.S. through a portal or software-base and require a
Chauhan,2005) has defined as the process of downloadable executable file. To Justin Ferriman,
stimulation, guidance, direction and encouragement (Dec 12, 2013) it allows participant to communicate
provided to the learners, by Burton (S.S.Chauhan, with one another and view their presentations. The
2005). To Mark K. Smith, teaching is a process main characteristics of virtual classroom are-
which helps to attend to the needs, experiences and unlimited learning, easily accessible, affordable,
feelings of people/ learner, with the intention to help flexible as per the need and time of the learner,
them learn something . It is a process of sharing of practical and proven. Virtual classroom is important
knowledge and experience, formal and informal; it at this stage as it delivers messages fast, save time,
may or may not be structured but it should be money, paper; it brings back direct learning in an e-
organised in order to be effective . A brief learning course as there is provision for recording
exploration of the history of Indian education shows and re-watching. It encourages social learning, helps
that, the method of teaching in Ancient India was to share personal experiences like classroom teaching
based on shravan, manana and nidhidhyasana and it and acts as clinic, it maximizes the industry network
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 334-337
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

and brings the workplace into the classroom. A 5. Grasp over language often acts as a barrier
virtual classroom not only delivers course materials as virtual classrooms. A teacher may be
to the learners, but also provides a live, contextual academically sound but may not be
and interactive environment for them. In addition, communicative with the students.
teachers can control the learning and teaching process Communication skills of the teacher play an
as they do in the traditional classroom (Yang & Liu, important role in this respect as it is essential
2007). Advances in technology have been used to to sustain the interest of the students in the
propagate distance education as a system of choice virtual classroom, so that they are also
especially for adult learners. Virtual classrooms motivated to interact with the teacher and
provide one example. A virtual classroom is an among themselves.
online learning environment that contains all course 6. Difficulty in preparing the study material
materials(http://www.elearnportal.com/resources/gett with respect to the medium of instruction
ing-started/how-do-virtual-classrooms -work). (for example, preparing virtual learning
materials in vernaculars) after act as a
7. Fear of students looking into inappropriate
To find out the challenges and opportunities for sites (Tipton et al, 1998).
teaching in virtual classroom. 8. Inability to motivate the students to use
virtual learning mode, to prepare study
VIRTUAL CLASSROOM 9. Due to absence of face-to-face contact, the
bond between teacher and taught is not
The challenges in a virtual learning may be internal/ formed.
subjective and external/ objective from the
perspective of the teacher and the taught. Being Some challenge/ obstacles found among the students
teachers, perhaps it is better to probe into the internal are –
challenges first, so that we can introspect into it in 1. Lack of awareness among the students
order to create better teaching learning situation for regarding the importance and benefits of
all. Some of the challenges/ obstacles within are – virtual learning.
2. Lack of interest and motivation among the
1. Lack of interest within teachers to learn and students to learn.
adapt to new learning situations – it has been 3. Lack of interest and motivation among the
observed that there is a lack of motivation students to use it for learning purpose,
and interest among some teachers to learn although they use latest technological
new things, as they often feel that ICT based gadgets.
learning is only for students of science 4. Financial condition of the students is an
stream. Even if it is learnt, teachers should important challenge.
use the techniques regularly, otherwise may 5. Sustenance of the interest to attend virtual
be difficulty in retaining the knowledge. classes.
2. Unwillingness to learn and apply ICT in 6. Inadequate practice on their part also results
classroom – even if the techniques are in forgetting the techniques.
learnt, there is inhibition in applying in the 7. Language problem is a challenge. Inability
classroom. Teachers do not feel comfortable of students to understand and use English is
in presenting it in front of students/ still a challenge for the students of our
audience. country.
3. Age old belief into the effectiveness of chalk
and talk method of teaching – teachers The external challenges are –
unwilling to adapt to this technology often 1. Lack of interest of authority in preparing/
cite the effectiveness of the age old method providing the appropriate infrastructure.
of teaching. 2. Lack of awareness of the benefits of virtual
4. Time consuming with respect to preparation learning.
of lecture materials – teachers often feel that 3. Lack of coordination between the
preparing for virtual classroom, especially in educational institutions and the community.
the initial stages, is wastage of time.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 334-337
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

4. Does not provide hands on experience as 3. Age old belief into the effectiveness of chalk
required in some subjects/ courses. and talk method of teaching – teachers
In order to overcome the challenges, it is essential to unwilling to adapt to this technology often
have an idea of the advantages/ benefits of virtual cite the effectiveness of the age old method
learning. They are – of teaching.
4. Time consuming with respect to preparation
1. Virtual learning has no boundary. of lecture materials – teachers often feel that
2. Virtual learning saves paper as study preparing for virtual classroom, especially in
materials are provided online. the initial stages, is wastage of time.
3. It saves time and money. Virtual learning 5. Grasp over language often acts as a barrier
can take place anywhere provided there is an as virtual classrooms. A teacher may be
internet connection or resources available. academically sound but may not be
4. Saves the time of going through handwriting communicative with the students.
of the teacher and the taught. Communication skills of the teacher play an
5. Can save space and effort as the books need important role in this respect as it is essential
not be physically stored and maintained. to sustain the interest of the students in the
6. It is helps to categorize study materials virtual classroom, so that they are also
easily. motivated to interact with the teacher and
7. It is easily accessible by the teachers and the among themselves.
taught (Jason, 2001). 6. Difficulty in preparing the study material
8. Increases intellectual and social partnership, with respect to the medium of instruction
group cohesion and mutual support ( Husu, (for example, preparing virtual learning
2000). materials in Bengali) is an important factor.
7. Fear of students looking into in appropriate
IV. OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEACHING IN sites (Tipton et al, 1998).
VIRTUAL CLASSROOM 8. Inability to motivate the students to use
virtual learning mode.
The strategies that may be adapted in order to 9. Due to absence of face-to-face contact, the
overcome the above challenges and create new bond between teacher and taught is not
opportunity to teach and learn are – formed.
The challenges in a virtual learning may be internal/
subjective and external/ objective from the V. CONCLUSION
perspective of the teacher and the taught. Being
teachers, perhaps it is better to probe into the internal Correct application of electronic gadgets in teaching
challenges first, so that we can introspect into it in and learning environment can make a difference in
order to create better teaching learning situation for the educational status ultimately to the prosperity of
all. Some of the challenges/ obstacles within are – the virtual classroom. Giving attention to the
1. Lack of interest within teachers to learn and pedagogical and instructional aspects is a basic
adapt to new learning situations – it has been remark as one of the most important aspects of the
observed that there is a lack of motivation virtual classroom. The study found that there are so
and interest among some teachers to learn many obstacles for teaching in virtual classroom.
new things, as they often feel that ICT based And there are many advantages for teaching in virtual
learning is only for students of science classroom. If we continue to assess, improve, and
stream. Even if it is learnt, teachers should therefore accumulate knowledge of teaching and
use the techniques regularly, otherwise there learning effectiveness in an online environment, we
may be difficulty in retaining the hope that both teacher and student will achieve a
knowledge. greater understanding and enjoy the learning.
2. Unwillingness to learn and apply ICT in Therefore all will get benefit from the new mode of
classroom – even if the techniques are instruction.
learnt, there is inhibition in applying in the
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Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

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