Dr. Salahideen Alhaj is interested in applied research topics that can be integrated into real-world environments, such as software engineering, mobile systems, cloud computing, and systems security. His research focuses on defining and implementing design patterns for context-aware mobile systems to allow applications to adapt based on environmental context information. He also aims to solve the trade-off between universality and performance in software components. His research applies software engineering methodologies and mathematical models to prove practical and theoretical relevance, with some results integrated into a simulation environment.
Dr. Salahideen Alhaj is interested in applied research topics that can be integrated into real-world environments, such as software engineering, mobile systems, cloud computing, and systems security. His research focuses on defining and implementing design patterns for context-aware mobile systems to allow applications to adapt based on environmental context information. He also aims to solve the trade-off between universality and performance in software components. His research applies software engineering methodologies and mathematical models to prove practical and theoretical relevance, with some results integrated into a simulation environment.
Dr. Salahideen Alhaj is interested in applied research topics that can be integrated into real-world environments, such as software engineering, mobile systems, cloud computing, and systems security. His research focuses on defining and implementing design patterns for context-aware mobile systems to allow applications to adapt based on environmental context information. He also aims to solve the trade-off between universality and performance in software components. His research applies software engineering methodologies and mathematical models to prove practical and theoretical relevance, with some results integrated into a simulation environment.
Dr. Salahideen Alhaj is interested in applied research topics that can be integrated into real-world environments, such as software engineering, mobile systems, cloud computing, and systems security. His research focuses on defining and implementing design patterns for context-aware mobile systems to allow applications to adapt based on environmental context information. He also aims to solve the trade-off between universality and performance in software components. His research applies software engineering methodologies and mathematical models to prove practical and theoretical relevance, with some results integrated into a simulation environment.
Since the beginning of my PhD I have been looking at applied research topics in order to have the possibility to integrate the outcome of my research into the real environment. I find Software Engineering, Mobile Systems, Pervasive Systems, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Embedded Systems, Database Systems, Big data, Cloud Computing, Business intelligence and Systems Security quite intriguing and attractive, especially because the research results are often directly applicable in industrial and commercial environments. This makes the topics very concrete thus they are suitable and interesting from an academic and industrial point of view. The data collection from environment and users were originally part of the initial Context-Awareness concept. The idea was to adapt the context-aware mobile systems and distributed application to sources of information for the computational infrastructure and as actuators for the data process outcome. Unfortunately, all the developments have not been concentrated on the Design Patterns in reuse and adaptation process. I deal with this open problem by contributing to the definition and realization of weaving Design patterns into context aware mobile system environment, i.e., why we don’t reuse design pattern to give the application the capability to adapt based on the context-awareness information collected from the environment . In these years I've been trying to solve the trade-off between the necessity of universality/interoperability and performance required by any software component. Generally, in my research, I've been trying and I will keep trying to apply several different software engineering methodologies as well as mathematical models in order to prove that my work is relevant from a practical and theoretical point of view. It is worth noting that part of my research results have been developed, integrated and deployed and tested using simulation environment (TLA+) . We need to point out that the emerging High Performance computing is more and more becoming a fuzzy concept composed of a huge collection of heterogeneous hardware and software with completely different needs and requirements. These devices need to be installed, configured and maintained and this scenario is complicated by the introduction of three different factors that will deeply influence the future evolution of high performance computing. (i) The need to integrate emerging tools and technologies coming from the "Web2.0 world". Systems based on this approach support architectures similar to Web services but have evolved in a more chaotic but remarkably successful fashion with service architectures that support a variety of protocols including those of Web and Grid services. (ii) The need to provide a computational service for pervasive devices. We will experience a deep interaction between pervasive computing and Distribute Computing disciplines in order to integrate instruments and devices that are more and more tiny into the existing computational infrastructure. (iii) The adoption of lambda networks will reduce the cost of communication of WAN based systems, thus forcing both a redesign of the current resource abstraction and a need to merge these new technologies with the present computational infrastructure. In this scenario the "global integration" represents the biggest challenge for future distribute computing and simplification represents the only possible way to cope with the open problems. I believe that possible solutions can be found in Cluster Computing, Autonomic, Fault Tolerant and Artificial Intelligence techniques as well as the use of Peer to Peer and Pervasive Computing based approaches. Nevertheless, I believe that the research should be driven by effective needs. Thus, I will keep trying to develop and apply my research results to concrete use cases that emerge from relevant areas.