Profit Functions: Epresentation of Echnology

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1.1. Technology Sets. The technology set for a given production process is defined as

T = {(x, y) : x ² Rn+ , y ² Rm :
+ x can produce y}
where x is a vector of inputs and y is a vector of outputs. The set consists of those combinations
of x and y such that y can be produced from the given x.
1.2. The Output Correspondence and the Output Set.
1.2.1. Definitions. It is often convenient to define a production correspondence and the associated
output set.
n n
1: The output correspondence P, maps inputs x ² R+ into subsets of outputs, i.e., P: R+ →
2 . A correspondence is different from a function in that a given domain is mapped into
a set as compared to a single real variable (or number) as in a function.
2: The output set for a given technology, P(x), is the set of all output vectors y ² R+ that are
n m
obtainable from the input vector x ² R+ . P(x) is then the set of all output vectors y ² R+
that are obtainable from the input vector x ² R+ . We often write P(x) for both the set based
on a particular value of x, and the rule (correspondence) that assigns a set to each vector x.
1.2.2. Relationship between P(x) and T(x,y).
P (x) = (y : (x, y ) ² T )
1.2.3. Properties of P(x).
P.1a: P.1 No Free Lunch. 0 ² P(x) ∀ x ² R+ .
P.1b: y 6∈ P(0), y > 0.
P.2: Input Disposability. ∀ x ² R+ , P(x) ⊆ P(θx), θ ≥ 1.
P.2.S: Strong Input Disposability. ∀ x, x’ ² R+ , x’ ≥ x ⇒ P(x) ⊆ P(x’).
P.3: Output Disposability. ∀ x ² R+ , y ² P(x) and 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 ⇒ λy ² P(x).
P.3.S: Strong Output Disposability. ∀ x ² R+ , y ² P(x) ⇒ y’ ² P(x), 0 ≤ y’ ≤ y.
P.4: Boundedness. P(x) is bounded for all x ² Rn + .
P.5: T(x) is a closed set P: R+ n
→ 2R+ is a closed correspondence, i.e., if [x` → x0 , y` → y0 and
y` ² P(x` ), ∀ `] then y0 ² P(x0 ).
P.6: Attainability. If y ² P(x), y ≥ 0 and x ≥ 0, then ∀ θ ≥ 0, ∃ λθ ≥ 0 such that θy ² P(λθ x).
P.7: P(x) is convex
P(x) is convex for all x ² R+ .
P.8: P is quasi-concave.
n n
The correspondence P is quasi-concave on R+ which means ∀ x, x’ ² R+ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, P(x)
∩ P(x’) ⊆ P(θx + (1-θ)x’)
n n
P.9: Convexity of T(x). P is concave on R+ which means ∀ x, x’ ² R+ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, θP(x)+(1-
θ)P(x’) ⊆ P(θx + (1-θ)x’)

Date: February 7, 2006.


1.2.4. Properties of T(x,y).

n m
T.1a: Inaction and No Free Lunch. (0,y) ² T ∀ x ² R+ and y ² R+ . This implies that T(x,y) is a
non-empty subset of R+
T.1b: (0,y) 6∈ T, y = 0, y 6= 0.
T.2: Input Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and θ ≥ 1 then (θx, y) ² T.
T.2.S: Strong Input Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and x’ = x, then (x’, y) ² T.
T.3: Output Disposability. ∀ (x,y) ² R+ ,if (x, y) ² T and 0 < λ 5 1 then (x, λy) ² T.
T.3.S: Strong Output Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and y’ 5 y, then (x, y’) ² T.
T.4: Boundedness. For every finite input vector x = 0, the set y ² P(x) is bounded from above.
This implies that only finite amounts of output can be produced from finite amounts of
T.5: T(x) is a closed set. The assumption that P(x) and V(y) are closed does not imply that T
is a closed set, so it is assumed. Specifically, if [x` → x0 , y` → y0 ) and (x` , y` ) ² T, ∀ `] then
(x0 y0 ) ² T.

T.9: T is a convex set. This is not implied by the convexity of P(x) and V(y). Specifically, a
technology could exhibit a diminishing rate of technical substitution, a diminishing rate of
product transformation and still exhibit increasing returns to scale.


2.1. Profit Maximization.

2.1.1. Setup of problem. The general firm-level maximization problem can be written in a number of
alternative ways.
X n
π = max [ pj yj − wi xi ], such that (x, y) ∈ T. (1)
j=1 i=1
where T is represents the graph of the technology or the technology set. The problem can also
be written as

X n
π = max [ pj yj − wi xi ] such hat x ∈ V(y) ] (2a)
j=1 i=1

X n
π = max [ pj yj − wi xi ] such that y ∈ P(x) ] (2b)
j=1 i=1

where the technology is represented by V(y), the input requirement set, or P(x),the output set.
Though T is non-empty, closed and convex, profit may not attain a maximum on T, i.e. profit can be
unbounded even when the technology set is well behaved if output price is higher than input price.
Consider for example the production function f(x)= x + x1/2 . The production function is concave
but profit will go to infinity if p > w. Therefore we often write

Xm n
π = sup [ pj yj − wi xi ], such that (x, y) ∈ T. (3)
j=1 i=1
where sup stands for supremum and could be infinity. We understand that in all practical prob-
lems the sup is a max.

If we carry out the maximization in equation 1 or equation 3, we obtain a vector of optimal

outputs and a vector of optimal outputs such that y is producible given x and profits cannot be
increased. We denote these optimal input and output choices as y(p,w) and x(p,w) where it is
implicit that y and x are vectors.
2.1.2. One output and two input example. In the case of a single output (such that f(x) is defined) and
two inputs we obtain the following.

π = p f (x1 , x2 ) − w1 x1 − w2 x2 (4)
If we differentiate the expression in equation 4 with respect to each input we obtain

∂π ∂f (x1 , x2 )
=p − w1 = 0
∂ x1 ∂x1
∂π ∂f (x1 , x2 )
=p − w2 = 0
∂ x2 ∂x2
If we solve the equations in 5 for x1 and x2 , we obtain the optimal values of x for a given p and
w. As a function of w for a fixed p, this gives the vector of factor demands for x.

x∗ = x(p, w1 , w2 )
= ( x1 (p, w1 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ) )
The optimal output is given by

y ∗ = f ( x1 (p, w1 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ) ) (7)

2.2. The Profit Function. If we substitute the optimal input demand from equation 6 into equation
1 or equation 4, we obtain the profit function. The profit function is usually designated by π.
X n
π(p, w) = pj yj (p, w) − wi xi (p, w)
j=1 i=1 (8)
= p f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) − w1 x1 (p, w) − w2 x2 (p, w)
Notice that π is a function of p and w, not x or y. The optimal x and optimal y have already been
chosen. The function tells us what profits will be (assuming the firm is maximizing profits) given a
set of output and input prices.

To help understand how π(p,w) only depends on p and w, consider the profit function for the
case of two inputs.

π(p, w1 , w2 ) = p f (x1 (p, w1 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 )) − w1 x1 (p, w1 , w2 ) − w2 x2 (p, w2 , w2 ) (9)

Consider the derivative of π(p,w) with respect to p.

∂π(p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) ∂x1 (p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) ∂x2 (p, w)
=p + p
∂p ∂x1 ∂p ∂x2 ∂p
∂x1 (p, w)) ∂x2 (p, w))
+ f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) − w1 − w2
∂p ∂p
∂x1 (p,w) ∂x2 (p,w)
Now collect terms containing ∂p and ∂p .

· ¸
∂π(p, w) ∂x1 (p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w))
= p − w1
∂p ∂p ∂x1
· ¸
∂x2 (p, w)) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) (11)
+ p − w2
∂p ∂x2
+ f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w))
But the first order conditions in equation 5 imply that

∂f (x1 x2 )
p − wi = 0, i = 1, 2 (12)
This means that the two bracketed terms in equation 11 are equal to zero so that

∂π(p, w)
= f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) (13)
which depends only on p and w.


3.1. π.1. π(p, w) is an extended real valued function (it can take on the value of +∞ for finite prices)
defined for all (p, w) = (0m , 0n )) and π(p, w) ≥ pa - wb for a fixed vector (a, b) ≥ (0m , 0n ). This
implies that π(p, w) = 0 if (0m , 0n ) ∈ T(x,y),which we normally assume.

3.2. π.2. π is nonincreasing in w

3.3. π.3. π is nondecreasing in p

3.4. π.4. π is a convex function

3.5. π.5. π is homogeneous of degree 1 in p and w.

3.6. π.6 Hotelling’s Lemma.

∂π(p, w)
= yj (p, w) (14a)
∂π(p, w)
= − xi (p, w) (14b)


For ease of exposition, consider the case where there is a single output. This is easily generalized
by replacing f(x(p,w)) with y(p,w) and letting p be a vector.

4.1. π.1. π(p, w) is an extended real valued function (it can take on the value of +∞ for finite prices)
defined for all (p, w) = (0m , 0n )) and π(p, w) ≥ pa - wb for a fixed vector (a, b) ≥ (0m , 0n ). This
implies that π(p, w) = 0.

The profit function can be infinity due to the fact that maximum profits may be infinity as dis-
cussed in section 2.1.1. π(p, w) ≥ pa - wb for a fixed vector (a, b) because π(p, w) is the maximum
profit at output prices p and input prices w. Any other input combination is bounded by π(p, w).

4.2. π.2. π is nonincreasing in w

Let optimal input be x̃(p,w) with prices p and w̃ and x̂(p,w) with prices p and ŵ. Now assume
that ŵ > w̃. It is clear that pf(x̂(p,w) ) - w̃ x̂(p,w) ≤ pf(x̃(p,w)) - w̃ x̃(p,w) because the optimal x with
w̃ is x̃. However, pf(x̂) - ŵ x̂ < pf(x̂ ) - w̃ x̂ because ŵ > w̃ by assumption. So we obtain

pf (x̂(p, w) ) − ŵ x̂(p, w) < pf (x̂(p, w)) − w̃ x̂(p, w) ≤ pf (x̃(p, w) ) − w̃ (p, w) x̃(p, w)

⇒ pf (x̂(p, w) ) − ŵ x̂(p, w) ≤ pf (x̃(p, w) ) − w̃ x̃(p, w)

4.3. π.3. π is nondecreasing in p

Let profit be π̃ (p̃,w) with prices p̃ and w and π̂(p̂,w) with prices p̂ and w. Now assume that p̂ >
p̃. It is clear that

p̂f (x̃(p, w) ) − w x̃(p, w) ≤ p̂ f (x̂(p, w)) − w x̂(p, w) (16)

because x̂(p, w) is optimal for prices p̂. However,

p̃f (x̃(p, w) ) − w x̃(p, w) < p̂ f (x̃(p, w)) − w x̃(p, w) (17)

because p̂ > p̃ by assumption. So we obtain,

p̃f (x̃(p, w) ) − w x̃(p, w) < p̂ f (x̃(p, w)) − w x̃(p, w) ≤ p̂ f (x̂(p, w)) − w x̂(p, w)
⇒ p̃f (x̃(p, w) ) − w x̃(p, w) ≤ p̂ f (x̂(p, w)) − w x̂(p, w)

4.4. π.4. π is a convex function

Consider the definition of a convex function. A function f: Rm+n → R1 is said to be convex if

f ( λ x1 + (1 − λ) x2 ) ≤ λ f (x1 ) + (1 − λ )f ( x2 ) for each vector x1 , x2 ∈ Rm+n and for each λ ∈
[0, 1]. In the case of the profit function π maps an n+m vector containing output and input prices
into the real line. Alternatively, a differentiable function π is convex in Rm+n
+ if and only if

π(p, w) ≥ π (p̄, w̄ ) + ∇p π (p̄, w̄ )0 (p − p̄) + ∇w π (p̄, w̄ )0 (w − w̄),

f or each distinct (p, w), (p̄, w̄) ∈ R+ .

Let (y,x) be the profit maximizing choices of y and x when prices are(p, w) and let (y’,x’) be
profit maximizing maximizing choices of y and x when prices are(p’, w’). Let (p” w”) be a linear
combination of the price vectors (p,w) and (p’,w’), i.e.

(p00 , w00 ) =λ × (p, w) + (1 − λ) × (p0 , w0 )

= [ λ p + (1 − λ) p0 , λ w + (1 − λ) w0 ]
Then let (y”,x”) be the profit maximizing choices of y and x when prices are(p”, w”). This then
implies that

π(p00 , w00 ) = p00 y 00 − w00 x00 (21)

Now substitute the definition of p” and w” from equation 20 into 21

π(p00 , w00 ) = p00 y 00 − w00 x00

= [ λ p + (1 − λ) p0 ] y 00 − [ λ w + (1 − λ) w0 ] x00
= λ p y 00 − λ w x00 + (1 − λ) p0 y 00 − (1 − λ) w0 x00

= λ [ p y 00 − w x00 ] + (1 − λ) [ p0 y 00 − w0 x00 ]
Be the definition of profit maximization, we know that when prices are (p,w) any output input
combination other than (y,x) will yield lower profits. Similarly when prices are (p’, w’). We then
can write

λ [ p y 00 − w x00 ] ≤ λ [ p y − w x] = λ π (p, w)
(1 − λ) [ p0 y 00 − w0 x00 ] ≤ (1 − λ) [ p0 y 0 − w0 x0 ] = (1 − λ )π (p0 , w0 )
Now write equation 23 without the middle terms

λ [ p y 00 − w x00 ] ≤ λ π (p, w)
(1 − λ) [ p0 y 00 − w0 x00 ] ≤ (1 − λ )π (p0 , w0 )
Now add the two inequalities in equation 24 to obtain

λ [ p y 00 − w x00 ] + (1 − λ) [ p0 y 00 − w0 x00 ] ≤ λ π (p, w) + (1 − λ )π (p0 , w0 ) (25)

Now substitute for the left hand side of equation 25 from equation 22 to obtain

π(p00 , w00 ) ≤ λ π (p, w) + (1 − λ )π (p0 , w0 ) (26)

Becauuse π(p,w) is convex, we know that its Hessian matrix is positive semidefinite. This means
2 2
that the diagonals of the Hessian matrix are all positive or zero, i.e., ∂ ∂π(p,w)
≥ 0 and ∂ ∂π(p,w)
≥ 0.
j i
We can visualize convexity if we hold all input prices fixed and only consider a firm with a single
output, or hold all but one output price fixed. In figure 1we can see that the tangent lies below the
curve. At prices (p∗ , w∗ ), profits are at the level π(p∗ , w∗ ). If we hold the output and input levels
fixed at (y∗ , x∗ ) and change p, we move along the tangent line denoted by Π̃(p∗ , w̄). Profits are less
along this line than along the profit function because we are not adjusting x and y to account for
the change in p.

4.5. π.5. π is homogeneous of degree 1 in p and w.

Consider the profit maximization problem,

Xm n
π(p, w) = max [ pj yj − wi xi ], such that (x, y) ∈ T. (27)
j=1 i=1

Now multiply all prices by λ and denote the new profit mximization problem as

F IGURE 1. The Profit Function is Convex



~ L=py*-w



Xm n
π ∗ (p, w) = max [ λ pj yj − λ wi xi ], such that (x, y) ∈ T
j=1 i=1

Xm n
X (28)
= λ max [ pj yj − wi xi ]
j=1 i=1

⇒ π (p, w) = λ π(p, w)

4.6. π.6 Hotelling’s Lemma.

∂π(p, w)
= yj (p, w) (29a)
∂π(p, w)
= − xi (p, w) (29b)
We have already shown part a of equation 29 in equation 13 for the case of a single output. We
can derive part b of f equation 29 in a similar manner. Consider the derivative of π(p,w1 , w2 ) with
respect to w1 . The profit function is given by

π(p, w1 , w2 ) = p f (x1 (p, w1 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 )) − w1 x1 (p, w1 , w2 ) − w2 x2 (p, w2 , w2 ) (30)

Taking the derivative with respect to w1 we obtain

∂π(p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) ∂x1 (p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) ∂x2 (p, w)
=p + p
∂w1 ∂x1 ∂w1 ∂x2 ∂w1
∂x1 (p, w)) ∂x2 (p, w))
− w1 − x1 (p, w) − w2
∂w1 ∂w1
∂x1 (p,w) ∂x2 (p,w)
Now collect terms containing ∂w1 and ∂w1 .

· ¸
∂π(p, w) ∂x1 (p, w) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w))
= p − w1
∂w1 ∂w1 ∂x1
· ¸
∂x2 (p, w)) ∂f (x1 (p, w), x2 (p, w)) (32)
+ p − w2
∂w1 ∂x2
− x1 (p, w1 , w2 )
But the first order conditions in equation 5 imply that

∂f (x1 x2 )
p − wi = 0, i = 1, 2 (33)
This means that the two braketed terms in equation 32 are equal to zero so that

∂π(p, w)
= − x1 (p, w1 , w2 ) (34)
We can show this in a more general manner as follows. Define a function g(p,w) as follows

g(p, w) = π(p, w) − [ py ∗ − wx∗ ] (35)

∗ ∗
where (y , x ) is some production plan that is not necessarily optimal at prices (p,w). At prices
(p∗ , w∗ ), (y∗ , x∗ ) will be the profit maximizing production. The first term in equation 35 will always
be greater than or equal to the second term. Thus g(p,w) will reach its minimum when prices are
(p∗ , w∗ ). Consider then the conditions for minimizing g(p,w).

∂g(p∗ , w∗ ) ∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
= − yj∗ = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m
∂pj ∂pj
∂g(p∗ , w∗ ) ∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
= + x∗j = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n
∂wi ∂wi
Rearranging equation 36 we obtain

∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
− yj∗ = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m

∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
⇒ = yj∗ , j = 1, 2, . . . , m
∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
+ x∗j = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n
∂π(p∗ , w∗ )
⇒ = − x∗i , i = 1, 2, . . . , m
A number of important implications come from equation 37.
1: We can obtain output supply and input demand equations by differentiating the profit
2: If we have an expression (equation) for the profit function, we can obtain output supply
and input demand equations or functional forms for such equations by differentiating the
profit function as compared to solving a maximization problem. This would allow one to
find functional forms for estimating supply and demand without solving maximization

3: Given that the output supply and input demand functions are derivatives of the profit
function, we can determine many of the properties of these response functions by under-
standing the properties of the profit function. For example, because the profit function is
homogeneous of degree one in p and w, its derivatives are homogeneous of degree zero.
This means that output supply and input demand equations are homogeneous of degree
zero, i.e., multiplying all prices by the same constant will not change output supply or
input demand.
4: The second derivatives of the profit function are the first derivatives of the output supply
and input demand functions. Properties of the second derivatives of the profit function
are properties of the first derivatives of the output supply and input demand functions.
5: The symmetry of second order cross partial derivatives leads to symmetry of first cross
price derivatives of the output supply and input demand functions.

5.1. Production function. Consider the following production function.

y = f (x1 , x2 )
= 24x1 + 14x2 − x21 + x1 x2 − x22
The first and second partial derivatives are given by

∂f (x1 , x2 )
= 24 − 2x1 + x2
∂f (x1 , x2 )
= 14 + x1 − 2x2
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
= −2 (39)
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
∂x1 ∂x2
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
= −2
The Hessian is
à !
−2 1
∇ f (x1 , x2 ) = (40)
1 −2
The determinant of the Hessian is given by
¯ ¯
¯ −2 1 ¯
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ = 4 − 1 = 3 (41)
¯ 1 −2 ¯
The rate of technical substitution is given by

∂x2 (y, x1 ) 24 + 2x1 − x2

RT S = = − (42)
∂x1 14 + x1 − 2x2
The elasticity substitution is given by

−f1 f2 (x1 f1 + x2 f2 )
σ12 =
x1 x2 (f11 f22 − 2f12 f1 f2 + f22 f12 )
−(14 + x1 − 2x2 )(24 − 2x1 + x2 ) (x21 − 12x1 − 7x2 − x1 x2 + x22 )
x1 x2 1108 + 3x21 − 72x1 − 42x2 − 3x1 x2 + 3x22 )

5.2. Profit maximization. Profit is given by

π = p f (x1 , x2 ) − w1 x1 − w2 x2
£ ¤ (44)
= p 24x1 + 14x2 − 2x21 + x1 x2 − 2x22 − w1 x1 − w2 x2

We maximize profit by taking the derivatives of 44 setting them equal to zero and solving for x1
and x2 .

= p [ 24 − 2x1 + x2 ] − w1 = 0
= p [ 14 + x1 − 2x2 ] − w2 = 0

Rearranging 45 we obtain

24 − 2x1 + x2 = (46a)
14 + x1 − 2x2 = (46b)

Now solve equation 46a for x1 as follows

24p − w1 + px2
x1 = (47)

Then substitute x1 from equation 47 into equation 46b as follows


µ ¶
24p − w1 + px2 w2
14 + − 2x2 =
2p p
µ ¶
28p + 24p − w1 + px2 − 4px2 w2
⇒ =
2p p
µ ¶
52p − w1 − 3px2 w2
⇒ =
2p p
µ ¶ µ ¶
−3px2 w2 52p − w1
⇒ = −
2p p 2p (48)
µ ¶
2w2 − 52p + w1
⇒ −3px2 = 2w2 − 52p + w1
−2w2 + 52p − w1
⇒ x2 =
52p − w1 − 2w2

If we substitute the last expression in equation 48 for x2 in equation 47 we obtain

24p − w1 + px2
x1 =
24p − w1 p
= + x2
2p 2p
µ ¶
24p − w1 1 52p − w1 − 2w2
= +
2p 2 3p
72p − 3w1 + 52p − w1 − 2w2
124p − 4w1 − 2w2
62p − 2w1 − w2

5.3. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a maximum. Consider the Hessian of the profit equa-
à ! à !
−2 1 −2p p
∇ π(x1 , x2 ) = p = (50)
1 −2 p −2p
For a maximum we need the diagonal elements to be negative and the determinant to be positive.
The diagonal elements are negative. The determinant of the Hessian is 4p2 -p2 = 3p2 , which is

5.4. Optimal output. We can obtain optimal output as a function of p, w1 and w2 by substituting
the optimal values of x1 and x2 into the production function.

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = f (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ))

µ ¶ µ ¶
62p − 2w1 − w2 52p − w1 − 2w2
= 24 + 14
3p 3p
µ ¶2 µ ¶µ ¶ (51)
62p − 2w1 − w2 62p − 2w1 − w2 52p − w1 − 2w2
− +
3p 3p 3p
µ ¶2
52p − w1 − 2w2


Now put everything over a common denominator and multiply out as follows

(72p) (62p − 2w1 − w2 ) 42p (52p − w1 − 2w2 )

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = +
9p2 9p2
(62p − 2w1 − w2 ) (62p − 2w1 − w2 ) (52p − w1 − 2w2 )
− +
9p2 9p2
(52p − w1 − 2w2 )

4464p2 − 144pw1 − 72pw2
= (52a)
2184p2 − 42pw1 − 84pw2
+ (52b)
3844p2 − 248pw1 + 4w12 − 124pw2 + 4w1 w2 + w22
− (52c)
3224p2 − 166pw1 + 2w12 − 176pw2 + 5w1 w2 + 2w22
+ (52d)
2704p2 − 104pw1 + w12 − 208pw2 + 4w1 w2 + 4w22
− (52e)

Notice that we have terms in the following p2 , pw1 pw2 , w21 , w1 w2 and w22 . Now rearrange
terms in equation 52 combining like terms.

4464p2 + 2184p2 − 3844p2 + 3224p2 − 2704p2

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = (53a)
−144pw1 − 42pw1 + 248pw1 − 166pw1 + 104pw1
+ (53b)
−72pw2 − 84pw2 + 124pw2 − 176pw2 + 208pw2
+ (53c)
−4w12 + 2w12 − w12
+ (53d)
−4w1 w2 + 5w1 w2 − 4w1 w2
+ (53e)
−w22 + 2w22 − 4w22
+ (53f)

Now combine terms

3324p2 0pw1 0pw2 −3w12 −3w1 w2 −3w22

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
9p 9p 9p 9p 9p 9p2
1108p2 w2 w1 w2 w2
= 2
− 12 − 2
− 22 (54)
3p 3p 3p 3p
1108 w2 w1 w2 w2
= − 12 − 2
− 22
3 3p 3p 3p

5.5. The example numerical profit function. We obtain the profit function by substituting the op-
timal values of x1 and x2 into the profit equation

π(p, w1 , w2 ) = pf (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 )) − w1 x1 (p, w2 , w2 ) − w2 x2 (p, w2 , w2 )

µ ¶
1108p2 w12 w1 w2 w22
=p − 2− − 2
3p2 3p 3p2 3p
µ ¶ µ ¶
62p − 2w1 − w2 52p − w1 − 2w2
− w1 − w2
3p 3p (55)
1108p2 − w12 − w1 w2 − w22 − 62pw1 + 2w12 + w1 w2 − 52pw2 + w1 w2 + 2w22
1108p2 + w12 + w22 + w1 w2 − 62pw1 − 52pw2

5.6. Optimal input demands via Hotelling’s lemma. We can find the optimal input demands by
taking the derivative of equation 86 with respect to w1 and w2 . First with respect to w1

1108p2 + w12 + w22 + w1 w2 − 62pw1 − 52pw2

π(p, w1 , w2 ) =
∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) 2w1 + w2 − 62p
= (56)
∂w1 3p
2w1 + w2 − 62p 62p − 2w1 − w2
⇒ x1 (p, w1 , w2 ) = − =
3p 3p

Then with respect to w2

∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) 2w2 + w1 − 52p

∂w2 3p
2w2 + w1 − 52p 52p − w1 − 2w2
⇒ x2 (p, w1 , w2 ) = − =
3p 3p

5.7. Optimal output via Hotelling’s lemma. Take the derivative of the profit function with respect
to p using the quotient rule

1108p2 + w12 + w22 + w1 w2 − 62pw1 − 52pw2

π(p, w1 , w2 ) =
¡ ¢
∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) 3p (2216p − 62w1 − 52w2 ) − 3 1108p2 + w12 + w22 + w1 w2 − 62pw1 − 52pw2
∂p 9p2
6648p2 − 186pw1 − 156pw2 − 3324p2 − 3w12 − 3w22 − 3w1 w2 + 186pw1 + 156pw2
3324p2 − 3w12 − 3w22 − 3w1 w2
1108p2 − w12 − w22 − w1 w2
⇒ y(p, w1 , w2 ) =

6.1. Production function. Consider the following production function.

y = f (x1 , x2 )
= α1 x1 + α2 x2 + β11 x21 + β12 x1 x2 + β22 x22

The first and second partial derivatives are given by


∂f (x1 , x2 )
= α1 + 2β11 x1 + β12 x2
∂f (x1 , x2 )
= α2 + β12 x1 + 2β22 x2
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
= 2β11 (60)
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
= β12
∂x1 ∂x2
∂ 2 f (x1 , x2 )
= 2β22
The Hessian is
à !
2β11 β12
∇ f (x1 , x2 ) = (61)
β12 2β22
The determinant of the Hessian is given by
¯ ¯
¯ 2β11 β12 ¯
¯ ¯ 2
¯ ¯ = 4β11 β22 − β12 (62)
¯ β12 2β11 ¯
The rate of technical substitution is given by

∂x2 (y, x1 ) α1 + 2β11 x1 + β12 x2

RT S = = − (63)
∂x1 α2 + β12 x1 + 2β22 x2
The elasticity substitution is given by

−f1 f2 (x1 f1 + x2 f2 )
σ12 =
x1 x2 (f11 f22 − 2f12 f1 f2 + f22 f12 )

−(α1 + 2x1 β11 + x2 β12 )(α2 + x1 β12 + 2x2 β22 ) (2x21 β11 + x1 (α1 + 2x2 β12 ) + x2 (α2 + 2x2 β22 ))
x1 x2 (2 (α1 + 2x1 β11 + x2 β12 )2 β22 − 2β12 (α1 + 2x1 β11 + x2 β12 ) (α2 + x1 β12 + 2x2 β22 ) + 2β11 (α2 + x1 β12 + 2x2 β22 )2 ))

6.2. Profit maximization. Profit is given by

π = p f (x1 , x2 ) − w1 x1 − w2 x2
£ ¤ (65)
= p α1 x1 + α2 x2 + β11 x21 + β12 x1 x2 + β22 x22 − w1 x1 − w2 x2
We maximize profit by taking the derivatives of 65 setting them equal to zero and solving for x1
and x2 .

= p [ α1 + 2β11 x1 + β12 x2 ] − w1 = 0
= p [ α2 + β12 x1 + 2β22 x2 ] − w2 = 0
Rearranging 66 we obtain

α1 + 2β11 x1 + β12 x2 = (67a)
α2 + β12 x1 + 2β22 x2 = (67b)
Now solve equation 67a for x1 as follows

w1 − pα1 − px2 β12

x1 = (68)
Then substitute x1 from equation 68 into equation 67b as follows
µ ¶
w1 − pα1 − px2 β12 w2
α2 + β12 + 2β22 x2 =
2pβ11 p
2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12 − px2 β12 + 4px2 β11 β22 w2
⇒ =
2pβ11 p
2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12 4px2 β11 β22 − px2 β12 w2
⇒ + =
2pβ11 2pβ11 p
¡ 2
2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12 x2 4β11 β22 − β12 w2
⇒ + =
2pβ11 2β11 p
Now isolate x2 on the left hand side of equation 69 as follows.
¡ 2
x2 4β11 β22 − β12 w2 2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12
= −
2β11 p 2pβ11
2β11 w2 (2β11 ) (2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12 )
⇒ x2 = 2 − 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 ) 2pβ11 (4β11 β22 − β12
2β11 w2 (2pα2 β11 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12 )
= 2 − 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 ) p (4β11 β22 − β12
2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
2β11 w2 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
If we substitute the last expression in equation 70 for x2 in equation 68 we obtain

w1 − pα1 − px2 β12

x1 =
w1 − pα1 pβ12
= − x2 (71)
2pβ11 2pβ11
µ ¶
w1 − pα1 pβ12 2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12
= − 2 )
2pβ11 2pβ11 p (4β11 β22 − β12
Now put both terms in equation 71 over a common denominator and simplify

¡ 2
p 4β11 β22 − β12 (w1 − pα1 ) − pβ12 (2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12 )
x1 = 2 )
2pβ11 p (4β11 β22 − β12
¡ 2
4β11 β22 − β12 (w1 − pα1 ) − β12 (2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12 )
= 2 )
2pβ11 (4β11 β22 − β12
2 2 2 2
4w1 β11 β22 − w1 β12 − 4pα1 β11 β22 + pα1 β12 − 2β11 β12 w2 + 2pα2 β11 β12 + w1 β12 − pα1 β12
= 2
2pβ11 (4β11 β22 − β12 )
4w1 β11 β22 − 4pα1 β11 β22 − 2β11 β12 w2 + 2pα2 β11 β12
= 2 )
2pβ11 (4β11 β22 − β12
2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
2w1 β22 − β12 w2 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12

6.3. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a maximum. Consider the Hessian of the profit equa-

à ! à !
2β11 β12 2pβ11 pβ12
∇2 π(x1 , x2 ) = p = (73)
β12 2β22 pβ12 2pβ22

For a maximum we need the diagonal elements to be negative and the determinant to be positive.
The diagonal elements will negative if β11 and β22 are negative. The determinant of the Hessian is
given by

¯ ¯
¯ 2pβ11 pβ12 ¯¯ ¡ ¢
¯ ¯ = 4p2 β11 β22 − p2 β12
= p2 4β11 β22 − β12
¯ pβ12 2pβ22 ¯

So the solution will be a maximum if β11 and β22 are both less than zero and 4β11 β22 > β12 .
Notice that if 4β11 β22 = β12 , the test fails.

6.4. Optimal output. We can obtain optimal output as a function of p, w1 and w2 by substituting
the optimal values of x1 and x2 into the production function.

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = f (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ))

µ ¶
2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12
= α1 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12
+ α2 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶2
2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12
+ β11 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µµ ¶µ ¶¶
2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12 2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12
+ β12 2 ) 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶2
2β11 w2 − 2pα2 β11 − w1 β12 + pα1 β12
+ β22 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
We can simplify equation 75 by simplifying the squared and cross product terms. First consider
x21 .

à ! µ ¶
2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12 2w1 β22 − 2pα1 β22 − β12 w2 + pα2 β12
x21 = 2 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 ) p (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
4w12 β22 2
− 4pw1 α1 β22 − 2w1 w2 β12 β22 + 2pw1 α2 β12 β22
= 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
−4pw1 α1 β22 2
+ 4p2 α12 β22 + 2pw2 α1 β12 β22 − 2p2 α1 α2 β12 β22
+ 2 (76)
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
−2w1 w2 β12 β22 + 2pα1 w2 β12 β22 + w22 β12 2
− pw2 α2 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
2pw1 α2 β12 β22 − 2p2 α1 α2 β12 β22 − pw2 α2 β12
2 2
+ p2 α22 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12

We can simplify equation 76 as follows


à !
4w12 β22
2 2
− 8pw1 α1 β22 − 4w1 w2 β12 β22 + 4pw1 α2 β12 β22
x21 = 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
4p2 α12 β22
+ 4pw2 α1 β12 β22 − 4p2 α1 α2 β12 β22
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à ! (77)
w22 β12
2 2
− 2pw2 α2 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
p2 α22 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12

Simplifying again we obtain

à !
4p2 α12 β22 2
− 4p2 α1 α2 β12 β22 + p2 α22 β12
x21 = 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
2 2
4pw1 α2 β12 β22 − 8pw1 α1 β22 + 4pw2 α1 β12 β22 − 2pα2 w2 β12
+ 2
p2 (4β11 β22 − β122 )

à !
4w12 β22 2
− 4w1 w2 β12 β22 + w22 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢!
p2 4α12 β22 2
− 4α1 α2 β12 β22 + α22 β12 (78)
= 2
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12 2 )

à ¡ ¢!
4pw1 α2 β12 β22 − 2α1 β22
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢!
2pw2 2α1 β12 β22 − α2 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
4w12 β22
− 4w1 w2 β12 β22 + w22 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12

Similarly for x2

à !
4w22 β11
2 2
− 8pw2 α2 β11 + 4p2 α22 β11
− 4w1 w2 β11 β12
x22 = 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
4pα1 w2 β11 β12 + 4pw1 α2 β11 β12 − 4p2 α1 α2 β11 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
w12 β12
2 2
− 2pw1 α1 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
p2 α12 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à (79)
¡ ¢!
p 4α22 β11
− 4α1 α2 β11 β12 + α12 β12
= 2
(4β11 β22 − β12 2 )

à ¡ ¢!
2pw1 2α2 β11 β12 − α1 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢!
4pw2 2α1 β11 β12 − 2α2 β11
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β11
à !
w12 β12 2
− 4w1 w2 β11 β12 + 4w22 β11
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12

And for x1 ∗x2

µ ¶ µ ¶
2w1 β22 − β12 w2 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) 2β11 w2 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
x1 ∗ x2 = 2 ) 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 p (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
4w1 w2 β11 β22 − 2w12 β12 β22 + 2pw1 β22 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
= 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
−2w22 β11 β12 + w1 w2 β12
− pw2 β12 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
2pw2 β11 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw1 β12 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) + p2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
+ 2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
Now collect terms in equation 80

à !
p2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) + 2pw1 β22 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − pw2 β12 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
x1 ∗ x2 = 2
p2 (4β11 β22 − β122 )

à !
2pw2 β11 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw1 β12 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
−2w12 β12 β22 + w1 w2 β12 + 4w1 w2 β11 β22 − 2w22 β11 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
p2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
= 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
pw1 (2β22 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − β12 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ))
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à !
pw2 (2β11 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − β12 (α1 β12 − 2α1 β11 ))
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢ !
−2w12 β12 β22 + w1 w2 4β11 β22 + β12
− 2w22 β11 β12
+ 2
2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
Now substitute the results from equations 70, 72 78 , 79 and 81 into equation 75

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = f (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ))

2w1 β22 − β12 w2 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
= α1 2

p 4β11 β22 − β12
2β11 w2 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
+ α2 2

p 4β11 β22 − β12
2 − 4α α β β
p2 4α21 β22 2 2
1 2 12 22 + α2 β12 + 4pw1 α2 β12 β22 − 2α1 β22
p2 4β11 β22 − β122 2

2pw2 2α1 β12 β22 − α2 β12 + 4w12 β22
2 − 4w w β β 2 2
1 2 12 22 + w2 β12
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

p2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) pw1 (2β22 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − β12 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ))
+ β12  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

pw2 (2β11 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − β12 (α1 β12 − 2α1 β11 )) −2w12 β12 β22 + w1 w2 4β11 β22 + β122 − 2w22 β11 β12
+ β12  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β122 2

p2 4α22 β11
2 − 4α α β β
1 2 11 12 + α1 β12
2 2 2pw1 2α2 β11 β12 − α1 β12 2
+ β22  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β122 2

4pw2 2α1 β11 β12 − 2α2 β11 w12 β12
2 − 4w w β β 2 2
1 2 11 12 + 4w2 β11
+ β22  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β11 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

To start simplifying, we need to put everything over a common denominator

y(p, w1 , w2 ) = f (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 ))

2pw1 α1 β22 4β11 β22 − β12 2 − pw2 α1 β12 4β11 β22 − β12 2 + p2 α1 4β11 β22 − β12 2 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

2pw2 α2 β11 4β11 β22 − β12 2 − pw1 α2 β12 4β11 β22 − β12 2 + p2 α2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

p2 β11 4α21 β22
2 − 4α α β β 2 2
1 2 12 22 + α2 β12 + 4pw1 β11 α2 β12 β22 − 2α1 β22
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

2pw2 β11 2α1 β12 β22 − α2 β12 2 + 4w12 β11 β222 − 4w w β β β 2 2
1 2 11 12 22 + w2 β11 β12
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

p2 β12 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) pw1 β12 (2β22 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − β12 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ))
+  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

pw2 β12 (2β11 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − β12 (α1 β12 − 2α1 β11 ))
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

−2w12 β12
2 β 2
22 + w1 w2 β12 4β11 β22 + β12 − 2w2 β11 β12
2 2
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

p2 β22 4α22 β11
2 − 4α α β β
1 2 11 12 + α1 β12
2 2 2pw1 β22 2α2 β11 β12 − α1 β12 2
+  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

4pw2 β22 2α1 β11 β12 − 2α2 β11 w12 β12
2 β 2 2
22 − 4w1 w2 β11 β12 β22 + 4w2 β11 β22
+  + 
p2 4β11 β22 − β11 2 2 p2 4β11 β22 − β12 2 2

Notice that we have terms in the following p2 , pw1 pw2 , w21 , w1 w2 and w22 . Now rearrange
terms in equation 83 combining like terms. After some manipulations we obtain

¡ ¢
w22 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w12 β22 − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α12 β22
y(p, w1 , w2 ) = 2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12

6.5. The example profit function. We obtain the profit function by substituting the optimal values
of x1 and x2 into the profit equation

π(p, w1 , w2 ) = pf (x1 (p, w2 , w2 ), x2 (p, w1 , w2 )) − w1 x1 (p, w2 , w2 ) − w2 x2 (p, w2 , w2 )

à ¡ ¢!
w22 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w12 β22 − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α12 β22
=p 2 )
p2 (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶ µ ¶
2w1 β22 − β12 w2 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) 2β11 w2 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
− w1 2 ) − w 2 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 p (4β11 β22 − β12
We can simplify equation 85 as follows

à ¡ ¢!
w22 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w12 β22 − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α12 β22
π(p, w1 , w2 ) = 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶ µ ¶
2w1 β22 − β12 w2 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) 2β11 w2 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
− w1 2 ) − w2 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12 p (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢!
w22 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w12 β22 − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α12 β22
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
−2w12 β22 + w1 w2 β12 − pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
+ 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
−2w22 β11 + w1 w2 β12 − pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
+ 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
à ¡ ¢!
−w22 β11 + w1 w2 β12 − w12 β22 − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α12 β22
= 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
−pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
+ 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶
−pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
+ 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
We can write equation 86 in the following useful fashion
−w22 β11 + w1 w2 β12 − w12 β22 − pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − p2 α22 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α21 β22
π(p, w1 , w2 ) = 2

p 4β11 β22 − β12

6.6. Optimal input demands. We can find the optimal input demands by taking the derivative of
equation 86 with respect to w1 and w2 . First with respect to w1
µ ¶
∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) β12 w2 − 2β22 w1 − p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
= 2 )
∂w1 p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶ (88)
−β12 w2 + 2β22 w1 + p (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 )
⇒ x1 = 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12
Then with respect to w2
µ ¶
∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) −2w2 β11 + w1 β12 − p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
= 2 )
∂w2 p (4β11 β22 − β12
µ ¶ (89)
2w2 β11 − w1 β12 + p (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 )
⇒ x2 = 2 )
p (4β11 β22 − β12

6.7. Optimal output. Take the derivative of equation 87 with respect to p


0  1
2 2
−w2 β11 + w1 w2 β12 − w1 β22 − pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22
π(p, w1 , w2 ) = @  A
p 4β11 β22 − β12

∂π(p, w1 , w2 ) p 4β11 β22 − β12 −w1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − w2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − 2p α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22
2 2

∂p p2 4β11 β22 − β12
2 2
−w2 β11 + w1 w2 β12 − w1 β22 − pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22
4β11 β22 − β12

p2 4β11 β22 − β12
−pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) − pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) − 2p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22
4β11 β22 − β12
p2 4β11 β22 − β12
2 2
w2 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w1 β22 + pw1 (α2 β12 − 2α1 β22 ) + pw2 (α1 β12 − 2α2 β11 ) + p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22
4β11 β22 − β12
2 2

p2 4β11 β22 − β12
−p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22 + 2
w2 2
β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w1 β22 2
4β11 β22 − β12
2 2

p2 4β11 β22 − β12
−p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22 + 2
w2 2
β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w1 β22

p2 4β11 β22 − β12
2 2
w2 β11 − w1 w2 β12 + w1 β22 − p2 α2 2
2 β11 − α1 α2 β12 + α1 β22

p2 4β11 β22 − β12


We can show that the Hessian matrix of the profit function is singular. This is a direct implication
of linear homogeneity. To show this first write the identity

π(t p, tw ) = t π(p, w), where t is a scaler greater than zero (91)

Differentiate equation 91 with respect to t. This will yield

X Xn
∂π ∂π
pj + wi = π(p, w) (92)
∂(t pj ) i=1
∂(t wi )

Differentiate equation 92 with respect to t again. Each term in equation 92 will yield a sum of
derivatives so the result will be a double sum as follows

m X
X m Xm Xn
∂2π ∂2π
pk pj + w` pj
j=1 k=1
∂(t pk ) ∂(t pj ) j=1
∂(t w` ) ∂(t pj )
n X
X m Xn Xn
∂2π ∂2π
+ pk wi + w` wi = 0
i=1 k=1
∂(t pk ) ∂(t wi ) i=1
∂(t w` ) ∂(t wi )

We can factor t out of each terms in equation 93 because

∂ f (x) 1 ∂ f (x)
= (94)
∂ (t x) t ∂x
This will give

m m m n
1 X X ∂2π 1 X X ∂2π
p k pj + w` pj
t2 j=1 ∂pk ∂pj t2 j=1 ∂w` ∂pj
k=1 `=1
X m
X n n
1 ∂2π 1 X X ∂2π
+ 2 pk wi + 2 w` wi = 0
t i=1 k=1
∂pk ∂wi t i=1 ∂w` ∂wi
This then implies that
m X
X m Xm Xn
∂2π ∂2π
pk pj + w` pj
j=1 k=1
∂pk ∂pj j=1
∂w` ∂pj
n X
X m Xn Xn
∂2π ∂2π
+ pk wi + w` wi = 0
i=1 k=1
∂pk ∂wi i=1
∂w` ∂wi
The last expression in equation 96 is actually a quadratic form involving the Hessian of π(p,w).
To see this write out the Hessian and then pre and post multiply by a vector containing output and
input prices.
2 ∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π
32 3
∂ p2 ∂p2 ∂p1
... ∂pm ∂p1 ∂w1 ∂p1
... ∂wn ∂p1 p1
6 1
∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π ∂2 π 7 6 p2 7
6 ... ... 7 6 7
6 ∂ p1 ∂p2 ∂p2 ∂pm ∂p2 ∂w1 ∂p2 ∂wn ∂p2 7 6 . 7
6 ..
.. .. .. 7 6 . 7
6 .. .. 7 6 . 7
6 . . . . . . 7 6 7
 6 7 6 pn 7
wn 6
2 2 2
∂ π ∂ π ∂ π ∂2 π ∂2 π 7
p1 p2 ... pm w1 ... 6 ... ∂p2
... 7 6 7
∂ p1 ∂pm ∂p2 ∂pm m ∂w1 ∂pm ∂wn ∂pm
7 6 w1 7
6 ∂2 π ∂2 π
... ∂2 π ∂2 π
... ∂2 π 7 6 7
6 ∂ p1 ∂w1 ∂p2 ∂w1 ∂pm ∂w1 ∂w12 ∂wn ∂w1 7 6 w2 7
6 7 6 7
6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 6 .. 7
4 . . . . . . 5 4 . 5
2 2 2
∂ π ∂ π ∂ π ∂2 π ∂2 π wn
∂ p1 ∂wn ∂p2 ∂wn
... ∂pm ∂wn ∂w1 ∂wn
... ∂wn2

Equation 96 implies that this quadratic form is zero for this particular vector (p,w). This means
that the Hessian matrix is singular. The profit function is convex so we know that its Hessian
is positive semi-definite. This implies that it is positive semidefinite only and cannot be positive


The Hessian of the profit function is positive semidefinite so all its diagonal elements are non-
negative (Hadley [9, p. 117]).

8.1. Response of Output Supply. Consider first the response of any output to its own price.

∂ yj ∂2 π
= ≥ 0 (98)
∂ pj ∂ p2j
Supply curves derived from profit maximization will always slope upwards because this deriv-
ative is on the diagonal of the Hessian. Now consider the response of an output to another product

∂ yj ∂2 π
= (99)
∂ pk ∂ pk ∂pj

This element is not on the diagonal of the Hessian of the profit function and so we cannot deter-
mine its sign.
Similarly we cannot sign the response of an output to an input price.

∂ yj ∂2 π
= (100)
∂ wi ∂ wi ∂pj
8.2. Response of Input Supply. Consider first the response of any input to its own price.

∂ xi ∂2 π
= − ≤ 0 (101)
∂ wi ∂ wi2
Demand curves derived from profit maximization will always slope downwards because this
derivative is on the diagonal of the Hessian and input demand is the negative of the derivative of
the profit function with respect to input price. Now consider the response of an input to another
input price.

∂ xi ∂2 π
= − (102)
∂ w` ∂ w` ∂wi
This element is not on the diagonal of the Hessian of the profit function and so we cannot deter-
mine its sign.
Similarly we cannot sign the response of an input to an output price.

∂ xi ∂2 π
= − (103)
∂ pk ∂ pk ∂wi
8.3. Homogeneity. Because output supply and input demand are derivatives of a function which
is homogeneous of degree one, they are homogeneous of degree zero.

yj (λ p, λ w) = yj (p, w)xi (λ p, λ w) = xi (p, w) (104)

8.4. Symmetry of response. If π(p, w) is twice differentiable then Young’s theorem on second cross
partial derivatives implies

∂2π ∂2π
∂pi ∂pj ∂pj ∂pi
∂2π ∂2π
= (105)
∂pk ∂wi ∂wi ∂pk
∂2π ∂2π
∂wi ∂wj ∂wj ∂wi
This then implies

∂yj ∂yi
∂pi ∂pj
∂wi ∂yk
− = (106)
∂pk ∂wi
∂xi ∂xj
∂wj ∂wi

The response of any output to a different output price is symmetric, i.e. cross price derivatives
are equal. Similarly with input demand response. The way an output responds to a particular
input price is the same as the response of that input to the output’s price.

8.5. Own and cross price response. Because any principal submatrix of a positive semi-definite
matrix is also positive semidefinite (Hadley [9, p. 262]), we also have the following results.

∂xi ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj

· ≥ · (107)
∂wi ∂wj ∂wj ∂wi
To see this note that if the submatrix above is positive semi-definite then the determinant must
be non-negative which means that (the product of the diagonal elements) - (the product of the off
diagonal elements) must be greater than or equal to zero.
We also have

∂yj ∂yk ∂yj ∂yk

· ≥ · (108)
∂pj ∂pk ∂pk ∂pj
The product of own price responses is larger than the product in cross price responses.
We also have

∂yj ∂xk ∂yj ∂xk

− · ≥ − · (109)
∂pj ∂wk ∂wk ∂pj


9.1. Gross substitutes. We say that inputs are gross substitutes if

∂xi (p, w) ∂xj (p, w)

= ≥ 0 (110)
∂wj ∂wi

9.2. Gross complements. We say that inputs are gross complements if

∂xi (p, w) ∂xj (p, w)

= ≤ 0 (111)
∂wj ∂wi


10.1. Marginal Products. We can find marginal products from the first order conditions for profit
maximization. The easiest way to see this is when technology is represented by an asymmetric
transformation function.

X n
π = max [p1 f (ỹ, x) + pj yj − wi xi ] (112a)
x ỹ
2=1 i=1

= max [p1 f (ỹ, x) + p̃ ỹ − w x] where

x ỹ

p̃ = (p2 , p3 , . . . , pm ), ỹ = (y2 , y3 , . . . , ym ),
w = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn ) x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , pn )
If f(ỹ,x) is differentiable, then the first order conditions for maximizing profit are as follows.

∂π ∂f (ỹ, x)
= p1 − wi = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n
∂ xi ∂xi
∂π ∂f (ỹ, x)
= p1 + pj = 0, j = 2, 3, . . . , m
∂ yj ∂yj
We can then obtain marginal products by rearranging the first order conditions. We can find the
impact on y1 of an increase in any of the inputs as

∂f (ỹ, x) wi
= , i = 1, 2, . . . , n (114)
∂xi p1
We can find the impact on y1 of an increase in any of the other outputs as

∂f (ỹ, x) pj
= − , j = 2, 3, . . . , m (115)
∂yj p1
We can find other marginal products by solving the profit maximization problem with a different
normalization than the one on y1 .

In the case of a single output we obtain

∂f (x) wi
= , i = 1, 2, . . . , n (116)
∂xi p
This is clear from figure 2. The isoprofit line is given by

π̄ = py − wx
Solving for y we obtain

π̄ w
y = + x
p p

F IGURE 2. Marginal Product is Equal to Price Ratio




10.2. Output elasticity. We normally think of output elasticity in terms of one output and many
inputs so define it as follows.

∂f (x) xi
²i = (117)
∂xi y
∂f (x)
If we substitute for ∂xi from equation 116 we obtain
wi xi
²i = (118)
p y
10.3. Elasticity of scale. Elasticity of scale is given by the sum of the output elasticities,i.e.,

∂f (p, w) xi
² =
∂xi y

wi xi
p y
i=1 (119)
wi xi
= i=1
A profit maximizing firm will never produce in a region of the production function with in-
creasing returns to scale assuming the technology eventually becomes locally concave and remains
concave. As the result for a profit maximizing firm, returns to scale is just the ratio of cost to rev-


We can show that if we have an arbitrarily specified profit function that satisfies the conditions in
section 3, we can construct from it a reasonable technology that satisfies the conditions we specified
in section 1.2.4 and that would generate the specified profit function. A general discussion of this
duality is contained in Diewert [2]
11.1. Constructing a technology from the profit function. Let T* be defined as

T ∗ ≡ {(x, y) : py − wx 5 π(p, w), ∀(p, w) = (0, 0)} (120)

To see the intuition of why we can construct T this way consider the case of one input and one
output as in figure 3
If we pick a particular set of prices then T∗ consists of all points below the line that is tangent
to T(x,y) at the optimal input output combination. The equation {(x, y) : py − wx 5 π(p, w) for
a particular set of prices defines a line in R2 or a hyperplane in Rn+m . Points below the line are
considered to be in T∗ . Now pick a different set of prices with w lower and construct a different
line as in figure 4. The number of points in T∗ is now less than before. If we add a third set of
prices with w higher than in the original case as in figure 5, we can reduce the size of T∗ even more.
Continuing in this fashion we can recover T(x,y). This is an application of what is often called
Minkowski’s theorem.

To show that T is in fact equal to T∗ , we need to show that T∗ ⊆ T. We do this by assuming that
some particular input output combination (x0 , y0 ) ∈ T∗ but (x0 , y0 ) ∈
/ T. If (x0 , y0 ) ∈
/ T, then (x0 ,

F IGURE 3. Half-Spaces and Technology Set



F IGURE 4. Two Half-Spaces and Technology Set



y0 ) can be separated from T by a hyperplane (py0 - wx0 ). But T∗ consists of points lying below the
hyperplane defined by the maximal profits with prices p and w. This means that the point (x0 , y0 )
cannot be in T∗ . We can show this in figure 6. Consider point a in figure 6 which is not in T(x,y). It
is in T∗ if we only consider the half spaces defined by the hyperplanes intersecting T(x,y) at points
c and d. But at the prices defined by a hyperplane with ”slope” as the one passing through b, point
a is not in T∗ . If we consider any other point not in T, there exists a hyperplane that also excludes
it from T∗ . This implies than that T∗ ⊆ T and so T∗ ≡ T. For more on this topic consult McFadden
[12] or Fare and Primont [6].

11.2. Using the properties of the profit function to recover properties of the technology. We
repeat here for convenience the properties of T(x,y) and π(p,w).

11.2.1. Properties of the technology.


F IGURE 5. Three Half-Spaces and Technology Set



F IGURE 6. Separating Hyperplanes and the Technology Set



b THx,yL

n m
T.1a: Inaction and No Free Lunch. (0,y) ² T ∀ x ² R+ and y ² R+ . This implies that T(x,y) is a
non-empty subset of R+
T.1b: (0,y) 6∈ T, y = 0, y 6= 0.
T.2: Input Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and θ ≥ 1 then (θx, y) ² T.
T.2.S: Strong Input Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and x’ = x, then (x’, y) ² T.
T.3: Output Disposability. ∀ (x,y) ² R+ ,if (x, y) ² T and 0 < λ 5 1 then (x, λy) ² T.
T.3.S: Strong Output Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and y’ 5 y, then (x, y’) ² T.
T.4: Boundedness. For every finite input vector x = 0, the set y ² P(x) is bounded from above.
This implies that only finite amounts of output can be produced from finite amounts of
T.5: T(x) is a closed set. The assumption that P(x) and V(y) are closed does not imply that T
is a closed set, so it is assumed. Specifically, if [x` → x0 , y` → y0 ) and (x` , y` ) ² T, ∀ `] then
(x0 y0 ) ² T.

T.9: T is a convex set. This is not implied by the convexity of P(x) and V(y). Specifically, a
technology could exhibit a diminishing rate of technical substitution, a diminishing rate of
product transformation and still exhibit increasing returns to scale.
11.2.2. Properties of the profit function.
π.1: π(p, w) is an extended real valued function (it can take on the value of +∞ for finite
prices) defined for all (p, w) = (0m , 0n )) and π(p, w) ≥ pa - wb for a fixed vector (a, b) ≥
(0m , 0n ). This implies that π(p, w) = 0 if (0m , 0n ) ∈ T(x,y),which we normally assume.
π.2: π is nonincreasing in w
π.3: π is nondecreasing in p
π.4: π is a convex function
π.5: π is homogeneous of degree 1 in p and w.
We will consider only a few of the properties of T(x,y)
11.2.3. T(x,y) is non-empty. By π.1, π(p, w) ≥ pa - wb for a fixed vector (a, b) ≥ (0m , 0n ) or π(p, w)
≥ 0 if (0m , 0n ) ∈ T(x,y). Given that π(p, w) ≥ 0, with x zero, there are obviously values of y (for
example 0) which make (py - wx) less than π(p, w). So T∗ (x,y) is not empty and (0,y) ∈ T∗ (x,y).
11.2.4. Strong Input Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and x’ = x, then (x’, y) ² T. .

Suppose that (x, y) ² T∗ , 0 ≤ x ≤ x’ and ∀ (p, w) = 0. Then py - wx’ ≤ py - wx ≤ π(p, w) ∀ (p, w)

= 0. Thus (y, x’) ² T∗ .
11.2.5. Strong Output Disposability. If (x,y) ² T and y’ 5 y, then (x, y’) ² T. .

Suppose (y, x) ² T∗ and 0 ≤ y’ ≤ y then py’ - wx ≤ py - wx ≤ π(p, w) ∀ (p, w) = 0. Thus (y’, x) ²

T .
11.2.6. T(x) is a closed and convex set. From the definition, T* is the intersection of a family of closed
half-spaces because we have a hyperplane in n+m space dividing the space. Thus T is a closed
convex set (Rockafellar [13, p. 10].

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