Assignment # 6 I&m Saifullah 059
Assignment # 6 I&m Saifullah 059
Assignment # 6 I&m Saifullah 059
Assignment Title:
Data Acquisition.
PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
CLO-2:To evaluate the performance and working principle of sensors and transducers
effectively for particular applications. (C5)
What is ADC?
Analog-to-digital converters, abbreviated as “ADCs,” work to convert analog (continuous,
infinitely variable) signals to digital (discrete-time, discrete-amplitude) signals. In more
practical terms, an ADC converts an analog input, such as a microphone collecting sound,
into a digital signal.
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University of Wah,
Department of Electrical Engineering
Document No: UW/EE/AF/REV00
Different types of converters achieve this quantization in different ways, depending on their
architecture. Each ADC architecture has its own distinct strengths and weaknesses.
ADC Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): The SNR reflects the average number of non-noise bits in
any particular sample (effective number of bits or ENOB).
ADC Bandwidth: We can determine bandwidth by evaluating the sampling rate – the
number of times per second the analog source is sampled to generate discrete values.
Flash ADCs, also called “direct ADCs” are very fast—capable of sampling rates
in the gigahertz range. They achieve these speeds by running a bank of comparators that
operate in parallel, each for a defined voltage range. As a result, they tend to be large and
expensive compared to other ADCs. They require 2N-1 comparators, where N is the number
of bits (8-bit resolution, therefore, requires 255 comparators). You can find flash ADCs at
use in video digitization or fast signals in optical storage.
Semi-flash ADC:
Semi-flash ADCs work around their size limitation by using two separate
flash converters, each with a resolution of half the bits of the semi-flash device. One flash
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University of Wah,
Department of Electrical Engineering
Document No: UW/EE/AF/REV00
converter handles the most significant bits while the other handles the least significant bits
(reducing the components to 2*2N/2-1, resulting in 8-bit resolution with 31 comparators). On
the other hand, semi-flash converters take twice as long as flash converters, though they are
still very fast.
Sigma-Delta ADC:
ΣΔ is a relatively recent ADC design. Sigma Deltas are very slow compared to
other designs but offer the highest resolution of all ADC types. As a result, they are very
well-suited to high-fidelity audio applications, but they’re typically not usable where more
bandwidth is necessary (such as video).
Pipelined ADC:
Pipelined ADCs, also called “subranging quantizers,” are similar in concept to SARs, but
more refined. While SARs progress through each step by going to the next most significant
digit (sixteen to eight to four and so on), the pipelined ADC uses the following process:
Pipelined designs typically offer a middle ground between SARs and flash ADCs, balancing
speed, high resolution and size.
Additional types of ADCs exist – such as ramp-compare, Wilkinson, integrating, and more –
but the ones in this article are those most commonly used in consumer electronics and
available for sale to the general population. Depending on the type, you may find ADCs in
audio reproduction equipment, digital recording setups, televisions, microcontrollers, and
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University of Wah,
Department of Electrical Engineering
Document No: UW/EE/AF/REV00
more. With this background, you can now learn more about choosing the right ADC for your
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