Jurnal Epid
Jurnal Epid
Jurnal Epid
Original Article
increase blood glucose level in blood circulation (5-7). Committee of Medical Research, Faculty of
Psychological stress and smoking habits are other Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret numberred
risk factors of diabetes, which have extensively 43/UN27.6/KEPK/2018 (sim-epk.keppkn.kemkes.
been studied in recent years (8-10). In physiological go.id). All selected participants filled and signed
conditions, stress responses are regulated by two the informed consent to follow this study. Research
different pathways including sympathetic nervous participants in this cross sectional study were
system for quick responses and neuroendocrine enrolled using an Open Epi Programe (http://www.
system for prolonged system. Briefly, stress stimulus openepi.com) with 95% confidence interval and
will activate hypothalamic nuclei through the correlus 80% power and were selected using a purposive
nucleus and stimulate the medula adrenal gland to sampling method.
release catecolamin hormones such as adrenalin, A total of 210 patients with T2DM aged 20-
noradrenalin and dopamine. If the stress is persistent, 60 years old and were members of diabetes
the hypothalamus-pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) organizations (Persadia and Prolanis) in Purbalingga
will be activated and the hypothalamus produces and Banjarnegara Regencies met the inclusion
corticotropin-releasing hormone to stimulate the criteria. Selected research partipants were excluded
anterior pituitary and the cortex adrenal, releasing from this study if having diabetes complications and
the cortisol hormone (8, 10, 11). comobidities (such as asthma, tuberculosis and HIV/
It was shown that light or moderate stress AIDS) and used insulin injections. Antropometric
will induce the release of growth hormones and data consisted of body weight (kg) and height (m),
endorphins. Furthermore, prolonged and severe which were measured using a weight scale (GEA,
stress led to a higher release of cortisol hormone, Indonesia) and microtoice scale (GEA, Indonesia).
which can increase blood glucose level through The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) questionnaire
gluconeogenesis and inhibition of insulin action was used to measure psychological stress, while
(10, 12). Some evidences indicated that smoking can open questionnaire was used to collect data of
increase inflammation and oxidative stress, resulting smoking habits. Potasium intake was obtained from
in interferences in pancreatic β cells function (8). the 24-hour food recall and converted into mg daily
High nicotine levels in cigarettes may lead to insulin intake with a modified nutrisurvey software (www.
resistance by inhibition of insulin secretion (14). nutrisurvey.de). Adequate potassium intake was
Those nicotine compounds interact with the based on recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
nicotinic acetylcolinesterase (NAchR) receptor and in Indonesia for participants who aged 20-60 years
result in Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) old with T2DM (4,700 mg/day).
activation (13). As a result, excessive mTOR Research participants had adequate potassium
expression will up-regulate the insulin receptor intake, if consumed 90-119% from RDA, 70-79%
substrate-1 (IRS-1) Ser 636 insulin receptor so that moderate deficiency, <70% severe deficiency and
insulin does not recognize its receptors (14). In normal >120% excessive intake. All participants underwent
condition, potasium is required for electrolyte water 8 hour fasting in the night before taken their blood
balance and is located in intracellular compartments. venous in the following morning. Around 3 mL
In human body, potassium levels equal to 53.8 mmol/ blood sample was taken from lower arm vein of the
kg are tightly maintained in a narrow range of 3.5– participants, which was used to measure fasting
5.0 mmol/L, a balance between potassium intake blood glucose level with the hexokinase method at
and excretion through the kidney and the intestinal the clinical pathology laboratorium, of Dr. Goteng
tract (15). Taraoenadibrata Hospital, Purbalingga.
Serum insulin levels are also needed to transport Their fasting blood glucose levels were
potassium into cells, but the affinity is lower than the categorized into 3 groups of 70.0-105.0 mg/dL
affinity of glucose uptake (16). Progressively, higher as normal, <70.0 mg/dL as hypoglycemia and
blood glucose level is proportionally associated with >105 mg/dL as hyperglycemia. All collected data
higher potassium levels too. Insulin deficiency in were statistically analyzed using a SPSS software
diabetic patients causes translocation of intra-cellular (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 16,
potassium to the extra-cellular compartments due to Chicago, IL, USA, www.spssindonesia.com). All
hypertonicity (17). Therefore, the objective of this study numeric data were presented as mean±SD, whereas
was to investigate the association of factors affecting categorical data (age, smoking habit, duration of ilnes
fasting blood glucose levels in patients with T2DM. and Taking oral anti-diabetic drugs) were presented
as frequency and percentages.
Materials and Methods To analyze the relationship of BMI, psychological
The research protocol was approved by Ethical stress, duration of illness, age and potasium intake
14 Int J Nutr Sci March 2020;5(1)
Factors affecting FBS in diabetes
with fasting blood glucose levels, the Pearson Most participants had moderate stress and the
correlation test was used with the significan value majority of male participants were active smokers.
of p less than 0.05. For further investigation, some Around seventy percent of participants had <5
confounding factors such as age, duration of diabetes years duration of ilnes and had high fasting blood
illnes and oral diabetes drugs were analyzed using the glucose levels. In Table 2, the relationship between
regression linier test instead of BMI, psychological BMI, psychological stress, smoking habits and
stress, smoking habit and potasium intake. potassium intake with fasting blood glucose levels
were presented. The increased BMI (r=0.141, P=0.04),
Results smoking habits (r=0.113, P=0.03) and potassium intake
The basic characteristics of participants with T2DM (r=0.156, P=0.02) had a significant relationship with
were similar except for smoking habits and fasting fasting blood glucose level, whereas psychological
blood glucose levels (Table 1). The average age stress did not show any correlation with fasting blood
of T2DM participants was 52.67±5.2 years with glucose levels in T2DM patients. In Table 3 based on
49% males and 51% females and the majority of multivariate analysis and linear regression test results,
participants had a range of age betwen 46 and 55 BMI variables, smoking habits and potassium intake
years old. Antropometric data showed that 47.6% of showed a positive relationship with increased fasting
participants were overweight and 14.7% had obesity. blood glucose levels in T2DM patients.
Table 2: Correlation of BMI, psychological stress, smoking habits and potasium intake, with fasting blood glucose
levels in T2DM
Variable r* P**
BMI 0.141 0.041
Psychological stress 0.006 0.929
Smoking habits 0.113 0.032
Potasium intake 0.156 0.023
*Correlation coefficient, **P value Pearson, BMI: Body mass index, T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Table 3: Regression linear between BMI, psychological stress, smoking habits, potasium intake and confounding
variable with fasting blood glucose levels
Variable r* 95%CI P**
Age 0.078 0.014-2.812 0.252
BMI 1.590 4.748- 432 0.019
Psychological stress 0.174 1.959-1.611 0.848
Smoking habits 1.870 25.610- 5.870 0.042
Potassium intake 0.025 0.047-0.003 0.024
Duration of DM illness 0.078 1.011-3.834 0.252
Taking oral anti-diabetic drugs 1.321 5.835-23.917 0.232
*Regression coefficient, **P value regression linear, BMI: Body mass index, DM: Diabetes mellitus, CI: Confidence
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Ridwanto et al.