Ce6505 Notes Rejinpaul PDF
Ce6505 Notes Rejinpaul PDF
Ce6505 Notes Rejinpaul PDF
And Torsion
• name and explain the three different failure modes of reinforced concrete beams under
the combined effects of bending moment and shear force,
• define nominal shear stress τv of rectangular and T-beams of uniform and varying
depths under the combined effects of bending moment and shear force,
• name the two parameters on which the design shear strength of concrete depends,
• find out the maximum shear stress of concrete beams τcmax with shear reinforcement,
• locate the critical sections for shear in beams,
• explain when and why do we consider enhanced shear strength of concrete,
• explain why the minimum shear reinforcement is provided in any beam, • determine
the amount of minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in any beam,
• specify the three different ways of providing shear reinforcement in a beam, • design
the shear reinforcement in a beam for each of the three methods mentioned above,
• design the shear reinforcement closed to the support of a beam,
• specify the conditions to be satisfied for the curtailment of tension reinforcement when
designing shear reinforcement,
• Place the vertical stirrups in a beam.
This lesson explains the three failure modes due to shear force in beams and defines
different shear stresses needed to design the beams for shear. The critical sections for shear
and the minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in beams are mentioned as per IS 456.
The design of shear reinforcement has been illustrated in Lesson 14 through several
numerical problems including the curtailment of tension reinforcement in flexural
Web shear causes cracks which progress along the dotted line shown in Fig. 6.13.1a.
Steel yields in flexural tension shear as shown in Fig. 6.13.1b, while concrete crushes in
compression due to flexural compression shear as shown in Fig. 6.13.1c. An in-depth
presentation of the three types of failure modes is beyond the scope here. Only the salient
points needed for the routine design of beams in shear are presented here.
Shear Stress
The distribution of shear stress in reinforced concrete rectangular, T and L-beams of
uniform and varying depths depends on the distribution of the normal stress. However, for
the sake of simplicity the nominal shear stress τv is considered which is calculated as follows
(IS 456, cls. 40.1 and 40.1.1):
τ v =Vu bd
b = breadth of rectangular beams and breadth of the web bw for flanged beams, and
V ± M u tanβ
u d
τv =
The positive sign is applicable when the bending moment Mu decreases numerically
in the same direction as the effective depth increases, and the negative sign is applicable
when the bending moment Mu increases numerically in the same direction as the effective
depth increases.
Design shear strength without shear reinforcement (IS 456, cl. 40.2.1)
Table 19 of IS 456 stipulates the design shear strength of concrete τc for different
grades of concrete with a wide range of percentages of positive tensile steel reinforcement.
It is worth mentioning that the reinforced concrete beams must be provided with the
minimum shear reinforcement as per cl. 40.3 even when τ v is less than τc given in Table
Table 6.1 Design shear strength of concrete, τc in N/mm
G rade of concrete
(100 As /b M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M40 and
d) above
≤ 0.15 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.30
0.25 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
0.50 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.51
0.75 0.56 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.60
1.00 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.67 0.68
1.25 0.67 0.70 0.71 0.73 0.74
1.50 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.79
1.75 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84
2.00 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88
2.25 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.90 0.92
2.50 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.95
2.75 0.82 0.90 0.94 0.96 0.98
≥ 3.00 0.82 0.92 0.96 0.99 1.01
Table 6.2 Maximum shear stress, τcmax in N/mm
Grade of M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and
concrete above
Τcmax, 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4.0
Clauses 22.6.2 and stipulate the critical section for shear and are as follows:
For beams generally subjected to uniformly distributed loads or where the principal
load is located further than 2d from the face of the support, where d is the effective depth
of the beam, the critical sections depend on the conditions of supports as shown in Figs.
6.13.3 a, b and c and are mentioned below.
846.6 When the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces tension (Fig.
6.13.3a) into the end region of the member, the shear force is to be computed at the face of
the support of the member at that section.
846.7 When the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces compression into
the end region of the member (Figs. 6.13.3b and c), the shear force computed at a distance
d from the face of the support is to be used for the design of sections located at a distance
less than d from the face of the support. The enhanced shear strength of sections close to
supports, however, may be considered as discussed in the following section.
Figure 6.13.4 shows the shear failure of simply supported and cantilever beams
without shear reinforcement. The failure plane is normally inclined at an o angle of 30 to
the horizontal. However, in some situations the angle of failure is more steep either due to
the location of the failure section closed to a support or for some other reasons. Under these
situations, the shear force required to produce failure is increased.
τc = design shear strength of concrete before the enhancement as given in Table 6.1
(Table 19 of IS 456),
av = horizontal distance of the section from the face of the support (Fig.
enhanced shear strength does not come into picture. Further, to increase the effectivity, the
tension reinforcement is recommended to be extended on each side of the point where it is
intersected by a possible failure plane for a distance at least equal to the effective depth, or
to be provided with an equivalent anchorage.
The minimum shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups shall be provided such that:
A sv ≥ 0.4
b sv 0.87 f y
b = breadth of the beam or breadth of the web of the web of flanged beam
b w, and
2 fy =
characteristic strength of the stirrup reinforcement in N/mm which
2 shall
not be taken greater than 415 N/mm .
The above provision is not applicable for members of minor structural importance
such as lintels where the maximum shear stress calculated is less than half the permissible
1. Any sudden failure of beams is prevented if concrete cover bursts and the bond
to the tension steel is lost.
2. Brittle shear failure is arrested which would have occurred without shear
5. Section becomes effective with the tie effect of the compression steel.
Further, cl. of IS 456 stipulates that the maximum spacing of shear
reinforcement measured along the axis of the member shall not be more o than 0.75 d for
vertical stirrups and d for inclined stirrups at 45 , where d is the effective depth of the
section. However, the spacing shall not exceed 300 mm in any case.
= Vertical stirrups,
= Bent-up bars along with stirrups, and
= Inclined stirrups.
In the case of bent-up bars, it is to be seen that the contribution towards shear
resistance of bent-up bars should not be more than fifty per cent of that of the total shear
Vus = Vu – τc b d
The strengths of shear reinforcement Vus for the three types of shear reinforcement are
as follows:
V0.87 f y Asv d
us = sv (6.5)
(c) For single bar or single group of parallel bars, all bent-up at the same crosssection:
where Asv = total cross-sectional area of stirrup legs or bent-up bars within a
distance sv,
b = breadth of the member which for the flanged beams shall be taken as the
breadth of the web b w,
α = angle between the inclined stirrup or bent-up bar and the axis of the o member,
not less than 45 , and
d = effective depth.
(i) The total shear resistance shall be computed as the sum of the resistance for
the various types separately where more than one type of shear
reinforcement is used.
(ii) The area of stirrups shall not be less than the minimum specified in cl.
As = av b (τv – 2d τc /av)/0.87 fy
This reinforcement should be provided within the middle three quarters of av, where
av is less than d, horizontal shear reinforcement will be effective than vertical.
Alternatively, one simplified method has been recommended in cl. 40.5.3 of IS 456
and the same is given below.
The following method is for beams carrying generally uniform load or where the
principal load is located further than 2d from the face of support. The shear stress is
calculated at a section a distance d from the face of support. The value of τc is calculated in
accordance with Table 6.1 and appropriate shear reinforcement is provided at sections
closer to the support. No further check for shear at such sections is required.
Curtailment of Tension Reinforcement in Flexural
Members (cl. of IS 456)
Curtailment of tension reinforcement is done to provide the required reduced area
of steel with the reduction of the bending moment. However, shear force increases with the
reduction of bending moment. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy any one of following
three conditions while terminating the flexural reinforcement in tension zone:
(i) The shear stress τv at the cut-off point should not exceed two-thirds of the
permitted value which includes the shear strength of the web reinforcement. Accordingly,
(ii) For each of the terminated bars, additional stirrup area should be provided
over a distance of three -fourth of effective depth from the cut-off point.
The additional stirrup area shall not be less than 0.4 b s/fy, where b is the breadth of rectangular
beams and is replaced by bw, the breadth of the web for flanged beams, s = spacing of additional
2 stirrups and fy is the characteristic strength of stirrup reinforcement in N/mm . The value of
s shall not exceed d/(8 βb), where βb is the ratio of area of bars cut-off to the total area of bars
at that section, and d is the effective depth.
(iii) For bars of diameters 36 mm and smaller, the continuing bars provide
double the area required for flexure at the cut-off point. The shear stress should not exceed
three-fourths that permitted. Accordingly,
In the above expression b is the breadth of the rectangular beams which will be bw in the case
of flanged beams.
Placement of Stirrups
The stirrups in beams shall be taken around the outer-most tension and compression
bars. In T and L-beams, the stirrups will pass around longitudinal bars located close to the
outer face of the flange. In the rectangular beams, two holder bars of diameter 10 or 12 mm
are provided if there is no particular need for compression reinforcement (Fig. 6.13.5).
Instruction Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
This lesson explains the presence of torsional moment along with bending moment
and shear in reinforced concrete members with specific examples. The approach of design
of such beams has been explained mentioning the critical section to be designed. Expressing
the equivalent shear and bending moment, this lesson illustrates the step by step design
procedure of beam under combined bending, shear and torsion. The requirements of IS 456
regarding the design are also explained. Numerical problems have been solved to explain
the design of beams under combined bending, shear and torsion.
On several situations beams and slabs are subjected to torsion in addition to bending
moment and shear force. Loads acting normal to the plane of bending will cause bending
moment and shear force. However, loads away from the plane of bending will induce
torsional moment along with bending moment and shear. Space frames (Fig.6.16.1a),
inverted L-beams as in supporting sunshades and canopies (Fig.6.16.1b), beams curved in
plan (Fig.6.16.1c), edge beams of slabs (Fig.6.16.1d) are some of the examples where
torsional moments are also present.
Skew bending theory, space-truss analogy are some of the theories developed to
understand the behaviour of reinforced concrete under torsion combined with bending
moment and shear. These torsional moments are of two types:
The primary torsion is required for the basic static equilibrium of most of the
statically determinate structures. Accordingly, this torsional moment must be considered in
the design as it is a major component.
the two types of torsions. Minor torsional effects may be ignored in statically indeterminate
structures due to the advantage of having more than one load path for the distribution of loads
to maintain the equilibrium. This may produce minor cracks without causing failure.
However, torsional moments should be taken into account in the statically indeterminate
structures if they are of equilibrium type and where the torsional stiffness of the members has
been considered in the structural analysis. It is worth mentioning that torsion must be
considered in structures subjected to unsymmetrical loadings about axes.
Clause 41 of IS 456 stipulates the above stating that, "In structures, where torsion is
required to maintain equilibrium, members shall be designed for torsion in accordance with
41.2, 41.3 and 41.4. However, for such indeterminate structures where torsion can be
eliminated by releasing redundant restraints, no specific design for torsion is necessary,
provided torsional stiffness is neglected in the calculation of internal forces. Adequate
control of any torsional cracking is provided by the shear reinforcement as per cl. 40".
We know that the bending moments are distributed among the sharing members
with the corresponding distribution factors proportional to their bending stiffness EI/L
where E is the elastic constant, I is the moment of inertia and L is the effective span of the
respective members. In a similar manner, the torsional moments are also distributed
among the sharing members with the corresponding distribution factors proportional to
their torsional stiffness GJ/L, where G is the elastic shear modulus, J is polar moment of
inertia and L is the effective span (or length) of the respective members.
bending moment and torsion, respectively. The total vertical reinforcement is designed to
resist the equivalent shear Ve and the longitudinal reinforcement is designed to resist the
equivalent bending moment Me1 and M e2, as explained in secs. 6.16.6 and 6.16.7,
respectively. These design rules are applicable to beams of solid rectangular cross-section.
However, they may be applied to flanged beams by substituting bw for b. IS 456 further
suggests to refer to specialist literature for the flanged beams as the design adopting the code
procedure is generally conservative.
Ve = Vu + 1.6(Tu/b)
b = breadth of beam.
(b) The equivalent nominal shear stress is determined from:
ve = ( Ve / bd )
However, τve shall not exceed τc max given in Table 20 of IS 456 and Table 6.2 of Lesson
(d) Both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement shall be provided as per cl.
41.4 and explained below in sec. 6.16.7, if τve exceeds τc given in Table
19 of IS 456 and Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 and is less than τc max , as
mentioned in
(b) above.
Me1 = Mu + Mt
Mt = (Tu/1.7) {1 + (D/b)}
Me2 = Mt - Mu
The Me2 will be considered as acting in the opposite sense to the moment Mu.
Ab 1 Tu
sv + 2.5 d1V (u 0s.87v f y ) sv = d1 ( 0.87 f
However, the total transverse reinforcement shall not be less than the following:
Vu = shear force,
Requirements of Reinforcement
Beams subjected to bending moment, shear and torsional moment should satisfy the
following requirements:
As /(bd) = 0.85/fy
fy = characteristic strength of reinforcement in N/mm .
The maximum area of tension reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD, where D is the
overall depth of the beam.
The maximum area of compression reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD. They
shall be enclosed by stirrups for effective lateral restraint.
Beams exceeding the depth of 750 mm and subjected to bending moment and shear
shall have side face reinforcement. However, if the beams are having torsional moment
also, the side face reinforcement shall be provided for the overall depth exceeding 450 mm.
The total area of side face reinforcement shall be at least 0.1 per cent of the web area and
shall be distributed equally on two faces at a spacing not exceeding 300 mm or web
thickness, whichever is less.
The transverse reinforcement shall be placed around the outer -most tension and
compression bars. They should pass around longitudinal bars located close to the outer face
of the flange in T- and I-beams.
The centre to centre spacing of shear reinforcement shall not be more o than 0.75 d
for vertical stirrups and d for inclined stirrups at 45 , but not exceeding 300 mm, where d is
the effective depth of the section.
This has been discussed in sec. 6.13.7 of Lesson 13 and the governing equation is
Eq.6.3 of Lesson 13.
For flanges in tension, a part of the main tensile reinforcement shall be distributed
over the effective flange width or a width equal to one-tenth of the span, whichever is
smaller. For effective flange width greater than one-tenth of the span, nominal longitudinal
reinforcement shall be provided to the outer portion of the flange.
Numerical Problems
Problem 1
Determine the reinforcement required of a ring beam (Fig.6.16.3) of b = 400 mm, d = 650
mm, D = 700 mm and subjected to factored Mu = 200 kNm, factored Tu = 50 kNm and
factored Vu = 100 kN. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for the design.
Solution 1
2 τve
= ( Ve / bd ) = 300/(0.4)(0.65) = 1.154 N/mm
2 From
Table 6.2 of Lesson 13 (Table 20 of IS 456), τc max = 2.8 N/mm . Hence, the section
does not need any revision.
(Table 19 of IS 456) gives τc = 0.48 N/mm < τve < τc max . So, both longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement shall be required.
2 6 2
Me1/bd = (280.88)(10 )/(400)(650)(650) = 1.66 N/mm
2 2
From Table 2 of SP- 16, corresponding to Mu/bd = 1.66 N/mm , we have by linear
interpolation pt = 0.5156. So,
Ast = 0.5156(400)(650)/100 = 1340.56 mm .
Provide 2-25T and 2-16T = 981 + 402 = 1383 mm . This gives percentage of tensile
reinforcement = 0.532, for which τc from Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 is 0.488
N/mm .
Here, in this problem, the numerical value of Mt (= 80.88 kNm) is less than that of
Mu (200 kNm). So, as per sec. 6.16.7c, longitudinal compression reinforcement shall not be
Providing two legged, 10 mm diameter stirrups (area = 157 mm ), we
have (Fig.6.16.5)
d1 = 700 - 50 - 50 = 600 mm
So, Eq.(1) is governing and we get for 2 legged 10 mm stirrups (Asv = 157 mm ),
sv = 0.87(415)(157)/339.89 = 166.77 mm
Figure 6.16.4 shows the two legged 10 mm diameter stirrups for which x1
= 340 mm and y1 = 628.5 mm. The maximum spacing sv should be the least of x1, (x1 +
y1)/4 and 300 mm (Figs. 6.16.4 and 5).
Here, x1 = 340 mm, (x1 + y1)/4 = 242.12 mm. So, provide 2 legged 10 mm T stirrups
@ 160 mm c/c.
Q.7: A reinforced concrete rectangular beam (Fig.6.16.6) of b = 300 mm, d = 600 mm and
D = 650 mm is subjected to factored shear force Vu = 70 kN in one section.
Assuming the percentage of tensile reinforcement as 0.5 in that section, determine
the factored torsional moment that the section can resist if (a) no additional
reinforcement for torsion is provided, (b) maximum steel for torsion is provided in
that section, and (c) determine the reinforcement needed for the case (b). Assume M
30 concrete, Fe 500 for longitudinal and Fe 415 for transverse reinforcing steel bars.
(a) When no additional reinforcement for torsion is provided in that section.
For M 30 concrete with 0.5 per cent tensile reinforcement, Table 6.1 of
Lesson 13 (Table 19 of IS 456) gives τc = 0.5 N/mm and Table 6.2 of Lesson
13 (Table 20 of IS 456 gives τc max = 3.5 N/mm .
So, that section of the beam can resist factored torsional moment of 3.75 kNm if no additional
reinforcement is provided.
In this case, τve = τcmax = 3.5 N/mm . Using this value in Eq.6.23, we get
This section, therefore, can resist a factored torsional moment of 105 kNm when maximum
torsional reinforcement is provided.
From Table 4 of SP-16, for Fe 500 and M 30 with pt = 0.5 per cent, we
2 have Mu = (1.993)(300)(600) Nmm = 215.244 kNm
(using linear interpolation)
Here, the numerical value of Mt (= 195.588 kNm) is less than that of Mu (= 215.244
kNm). So, no compression reinforcement is needed.
Table 4 of SP-16 is used to determine tension reinforcement with Mu/bd =
410.832/(0.3)(0.6)(0.6) = 3.804 N/mm. From Table 4, we get pt = 1.064 by2 linear
interpolation, which gives Ast = 1.064(300)(600)/100 = 1915.2 mm .
Provide 4-25T (1963 mm ) as shown in Fig.6.16.7. Now, pt =
1963(100)/(300)(600) = 1.09, for which τc = 0.678 N/mm (Table 6.1 of Lesson
Since the depth of the beam exceeds 450 mm, we provide side face reinforcement with two 10 mm
bars (area = 157 mm ) near the mid-depth of the beam, one on each side to get the spacing of the
bar 280 mm (Fig.6.16.7). Area2 2 required to satisfy = 0.1(300)(280)/(100) = 84 mm < 157
mm , hence, o.k.
Assuming 2 legged 12 mm dia stirrup (area = 226 mm ) of Fe 415, we
have from Fig.6.16.8, d1 = 557 mm and b1 = 201 mm. From Eq.6.27,
0.87 f y sv T u V s =bd
+2.5 d
v 1 1 1
6 3
= {105(10 )/(201)(557)} + {70(10 )/(2.5)(557)}
= 988.13 N/mm
From Eq.6.28 the least value of the above is (τve - τc ) b = (3.5 - 0.678)(300) =
846.8 Nm . So, from 0.87 fy Asv/sv = 988.13 N/mm, we
Figure 6.16.8 shows the stirrups of 12 mm diameter two legged for which x1 = 238
mm and y1 = 587.5 mm. The maximum spacing should be the least of x1, (x1 + y1)/4 and
300 mm.
Here, x1 = 238 mm, (x1 + y1)/4 = 206.375 mm and 300 mm. So, the spacing of 80
mm c/c is o.k. Provide 12 mm, 2 legged stirrups @ 80 mm c/c, as shown in Fig.6.16.8.
TQ.4: The beam of Fig.6.16.9 has factored bending moment Mu = 70 kNm, factored shear
force Vu = 100 kN and factored torsional moment Tu = 60 kNm at one section.
Design the reinforcement of that section assuming that the torsion is fully taken by
the web. Assume M 30 concrete, Fe 500
for longitudinal and Fe 415 for transverse reinforcing steel bars.
(20 marks)
2 2 τve = ( Ve /
bd ) = 420/(0.3)(0.5) kN/m = 2.8 N/mm
Table 6.2 of Lesson 13 gives τc max = 3.5 N/mm > τve , So the depth is satisfying.
2 6 2
Me1/bd = 170(10 )/(300)(500)(500) = 2.267 N/mm
2 2
Table 4 of SP-16 or M 30, Fe 500 and Mu/bd = 2.267 N/mm , we have by linear interpolation
pt = 0.577.
Ast = 0.577(300)(500)/100 = 865.5 mm .
Minimum Ast (Eq.6.29) = 0.85 bd/fy = 0.85(300)(500)/(500) = 255 mm .
Maximum Ast = 0.04 bD = 0.04(300)(550) = 6600 mm .
Provide 3-20T (area = 942 mm ) giving pt = (942)(100)/(300)(500) = 0.628 %
2 (Fig.
6.16.10). Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 gives τc = 0.546 N/mm (for pt =
Since the depth of the beam exceeds 450 mm, provide 2-10 mm T
(area = 157 mm ) near the mid-depth, one on each side of the beam with maximum spacing =
230 mm (Fig.6.16.9). Area required = 0.1(300)(230)/100 =
2 2
69 mm < 157 mm . Hence, two 10 mmT bars as shown in Fig.6.16.10 is o.k.
0.87 f y sv T u V s =bd
+2.5 d
v 1 1 1
6 3
= 60(10 )/(210)(459)} + 100(10 )/(2.5)(459)}
= 709.61 N/mm
However, Eq.6.28 gives the least value of 0.87 fy As/sv = (τve - τc ) b = (2.8 -
0.546)(300) = 676.2 N/mm. So, 0.87 fy Asv/sv = 709.61 gives
Step 7: Checking of sv
Design of Columns
A column is a vertical structural member supporting axial compressive loads, with or without
moments. The cross-sectional dimensions of a column are generally considerably less than
its height. Columns support vertical loads from the floors and roof and transmit these loads
to the foundations.
The more general terms compression members and members subjected to combined axial
load and bending are sometimes used to refer to columns, walls, and members in concrete
trusses or frames. These may be vertical, inclined, or horizontal. A column is a special case
of a compression member that is vertical. Stability effects must be considered in the design
of compression members.
Classification of columns
Based on shape
L type
T type
Short column and Long column or Short and Slender Compression Members
A compression member may be considered as short when both the slenderness ratios
namely lex/D and ley/b are less than 12: Where lex= effective length in respect of the
major axis, D= depth in respect of the major axis, ley= effective length in respect of
the minor axis, and b = width of the member.
The great majority of concrete columns are sufficiently stocky (short) that slenderness can be
ignored. Such columns are referred to as short columns. Short column generally fails by
crushing of concrete due to axial force. If the moments induced by slenderness effects weaken
a column appreciably, it is referred to as a slender column or a long column. Long columns
generally fail by bending effect than due to axial effect. Long column carry less load
compared to long column.
Majority of columns in any buildings are tied columns. In a tied column the longitudinal bars
are tied together with smaller bars at intervals up the column. Tied columns may be square,
rectangular, L-shaped, circular, or any other required shape. Occasionally, when high strength
and/or high ductility are required, the bars are placed in a circle, and the ties are replaced by
a bar bent into a helix or spiral. Such a column, called a spiral column. Spiral columns are
generally circular, although square or polygonal shapes are sometimes used. The spiral acts
to restrain the lateral expansion of the column core under high axial loads and, in doing so,
delays the failure of the core, making the column more ductile. Spiral columns are used more
extensively in seismic regions. If properly designed, spiral column carry 5% extra load at
failure compared to similar tied column.
Based on materials
Timber, stone, masonry, RCC, PSC, Steel, aluminium , composite column
Figure shows a portion of the core of a spiral column. Under a compressive load, the concrete
in this column shortens longitudinally under the stress and so, to satisfy Poisson’s ratio, it
expands laterally. In a spiral column, the lateral expansion of the concrete inside the spiral
(referred to as the core) is restrained by the spiral. This stresses the spiral in tension. For
equilibrium, the concrete is subjected to lateral compressive stresses. In a tied column in a
non seismic region, the ties are spaced roughly the width of the column apart and, as a result,
provide relatively little lateral restraint to the core. Outward pressure on the sides of the ties
due to lateral expansion of the core merely bends them outward, developing an insignificant
hoop-stress effect. Hence, normal ties have little effect on the strength of the core in a tied
column. They do, however, act to reduce the unsupported length of the longitudinal bars,
thus reducing the danger of buckling of those bars as the bar stress approaches yield. load-
deflection diagrams for a tied column and a spiral column subjected to axial loads is shown
in figure. The initial parts of these diagrams are similar. As the maximum load is reached,
vertical cracks and crushing develop in the concrete shell outside the ties or spiral, and this
concrete spalls off. When this occurs in a tied column, the capacity of the core that remains
is less than the load on the column. The concrete core is crushed, and the reinforcement
buckles outward between ties. This occurs suddenly, without warning, in a brittle manner.
When the shell spalls off a spiral column, the column does not fail immediately because the
strength of the core has been enhanced by the triaxial stresses resulting from the effect of
the spiral reinforcement. As a result, the column can undergo large deformations, eventually
reaching a second maximum load, when the spirals yield and the column finally collapses.
Such a failure is much more ductile than that of a tied column and gives warning of the
impending failure, along with possible load redistribution to other members. Due to this,
spiral column carry little more load than the tied column to an extent of about 5%. Spiral
columns are used when ductility is important or where high loads make it economical to
utilize the extra strength. Both columns are in the same building and have undergone the
same deformations. The tied column has failed completely, while the spiral column,
although badly damaged, is still supporting a load. The very minimal ties were inadequate
to confine the core concrete. Had the column ties been detailed according to ACI Code, the
column will perform better as shown.
For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column nominal cover shall in any case not be less
than 40 mm, or less than the diameter of such bar. In the case of columns of minimum
dimension of 200 mm or under, whose reinforcing bars do not exceed 12 mm, a nominal
cover of 25 mm may be used. For footings minimum cover shall be 50 mm.
Mild 20, Moderate 30, Severe 45, Very severe 50, Extreme 75
Nominal cover to meet specified period of fire resistance for all fire rating 0.5 to 4 hours is
40 mm for columns only
Column or strut is a compression member, the effective length of which exceeds three times
the least lateral dimension. For normal usage assuming idealized conditions, the effective
length of in a given plane may be assessed on the basis of Table 28 of IS: 456-2000.
Following terms are required.
Effectively held in position at both ends, restrained against rotation at one end
Effectively held in position at both ends, but not restrained against rotation
Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation at one end, and at the
other restrained against rotation but not held in position
Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation in one end, and at the
other partially restrained against rotation but not held in position
Effectively held in position at one end but not restrained against rotation, and at
the other end restrained against rotation but not held in position
Effectively held in position and restrained against rotation at one end but not held in
position nor restrained against rotation at the other end
Table.Effective length of compression member
Theo. Reco.
Sl. Figure Value of Value of
No. Degree of End Restraint of Compression Members Effective Effective
Length Length
3 1.0 l 1.0l
Effectively held in position at both ends, but not restrained against rotation
6 restrained against rotation, and at the other end restrained against rotation but not 2.0 l 2.0l
held in position
Unsupported Length
The unsupported length, l, of a compression member shall be taken as the clear distance
between end restraints (visible height of column). Exception to this is for flat slab
construction, beam and slab construction, and columns restrained laterally by struts (Ref.
The unsupported length between end restraints shall not exceed 60 times the least lateral
dimension of a column.
If in any given plane, one end of a column is unrestrained, its unsupported length, l, shall 2
not exceed 100b /D, where b = width of that cross-section, and D= depth of the crosssection
measured in the plane under consideration.
Longitudinal reinforcement
1. The cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement, shall be not less than 0.8
percent nor more than 6 percent of the gross cross sectional area of the column.
2. NOTE - The use of 6 percent reinforcement may involve practical difficulties in placing
and compacting of concrete; hence lower percentage is recommended. Where
bars from the columns below have to be lapped with those in the column under
consideration, the percentage of steel shall usually not exceed 4 percent.
3. In any column that has a larger cross-sectional area than that required to support the
load, the minimum percentage of steel shall be based upon the area of concrete
required to resist the direct stress and not upon the actual area.
6. A reinforced concrete column having helical reinforcement shall have at least six
bars of longitudinal reinforcement within the helical reinforcement.
7. In a helically reinforced column, the longitudinal bars shall be in contact with the
helical reinforcement and equidistant around its inner circumference.
8. Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery of the column shall not
exceed 300 mm.
Longitudinal Bar
Φ1 ≥ 12 mm
Lateral ties
Φ2 ≥ ¼ Φ1
Spacing or pitch
≥ 5mm of lateral ties
Cover to Lateral
ties as per IS:
Transverse reinforcement
The effective lateral support is given by transverse reinforcement either in the form of
circular rings capable of taking up circumferential tension or by polygonal links (lateral ties)
with internal angles not exceeding 135°. The ends of the transverse reinforcement shall be
properly anchored.
If the longitudinal bars are not spaced more than 75 mm on either side, transverse
reinforcement need only to go round corner and alternate bars for the purpose of providing
effective lateral supports (Ref. IS:456).
If the longitudinal bars spaced at a distance of not exceeding 48 times the diameter of the
tie are effectively tied in two directions, additional longitudin al bars in between these bars
need to be tied in one direction by open ties (Ref. IS:456).
1) Pitch-The pitch of transverse reinforcement shall be not more than the least of the
following distances:
i) The least lateral dimension of the compression members;
ii) Sixteen times the smallest diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement bar to be tied;
and iii) 300 mm.
2) Diameter-The diameter of the polygonal links or lateral ties shall be not less than
onefourth of the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar, and in no case less than 6 mm.
Helical reinforcement
1) Pitch-Helical reinforcement shall be of regular formation with the turns of the helix spaced
evenly and its ends shall be anchored properly by providing one and a half extra turns of the
spiral bar. Where an increased load on the column on the strength of the helical
reinforcement is allowed for, the pitch of helical turns shall be not more than 7.5 mm, nor
more than one-sixth of the core diameter of the column, nor less than 25 mm, nor less than
three times the diameter of the steel bar forming the helix.
1. The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression is taken as 0.002.
2. The maximum compressive strain at the highly compressed extreme fibre in concrete
subjected to axial compression and bending and when there is no tension on the section
shall be 0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at the least compressed extreme fibre.
5. The relationship between the compressive stress distribution in concrete and the strain in
concrete may be assumed to be rectangle, trapezoid, parabola or any other shape which
results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with the results of test.
6. An acceptable stress strain curve is given in IS:456-200. For design purposes, the
compressive strength of concrete in the structure shall be assumed to be 0.67 times the
characteristic strength. The partial safety factor y of 1.5 shall be applied in addition to
8. The stresses in the reinforcement are derived from representative stress-strain curve
for the type of steel used. Typical curves are given in IS:456-2000. For design
purposes the partial safety factor equal to 1.15 shall be applied.
Minimum eccentricity
As per IS:456-2000, all columns shall be designed for minimum eccentricity, equal to the
unsupported length of column/ 500 plus lateral dimensions/30, subject to a minimum of 20
mm. Where bi-axial bending is considered, it is sufficient to ensure that eccentricity exceeds
the minimum about one axis at a time.
The member shall be designed by considering the assumptions given in 39.1 and the minimum
eccentricity. When the minimum eccentricity as per 25.4 does not exceed 0.05 times the
lateral dimension, the members may be designed by the following equation:
The strength of compression members with helical reinforcement satisfying the requirement
of IS: 456 shall be taken as 1.05 times the strength of similar member with lateral ties.
The ratio of the volume of helical reinforcement to the volume of the core shall not be less
The design Charts (non-dimensional interaction curves) given in the Design Handbook, SP :
16 cover the following three cases of symmetrically arranged reinforcement :
(a) Rectangular sections with reinforcement distributed equally on two sides (Charts 27 – 38):
the ‘two sides’ refer to the sides parallel to the axis of bending; there are no inner rows of
bars, and each outer row has an area of 0.5As this includes the simple 4–bar configuration.
(b) Rectangular sections with reinforcement distributed equally on four sides (Charts 39 –
50): two outer rows (with area 0.3As each) and four inner rows (with area 0.1As each)
have been considered in the calculations ; however, the use of these Charts can be extended,
without significant error, to cases of not less than two inner rows (with a minimum area 0.3A
in each outer row). s
(c) Circular column sections (Charts 51 – 62): the Charts are applicable for circular sections
with at least six bars (of equal diameter) uniformly spaced circumferentially.
Corresponding to each of the above three cases, there are as many as 12 Charts available 1
covering the 3 grades of steel (Fe 250, Fe 415, Fe 500), with 4 values of d / D ratio for each
1 grade (namely 0.05,
.0.10, 0.15, 0.20). For intermediate values of d / D, linear interpolation may be done. Each of
the 12 Charts of SP-16 covers a family of non-dimensional design interaction curves with
p/fck values ranging from 0.0 to 0.26.
From this, percentage of steel (p) can be found. Find the area of steel and provide the required
number of bars with proper arrangement of steel as shown in the chart.
The point 1 in figure corresponds to the condition of axial loading with e = 0. For this
case of ‘pure’ axial compression.
The point 11 in figure corresponds to the condition of axial loading with the mandatory
minimum eccentricity emin prescribed by the Code.
The point 3 in figure corresponds to the condition xu = D, i.e., e = eD. For e < eD, the
entire section is under compression and the neutral axis is located outside the section
(xu > D), with 0.002 < εcu < 0.0035. For e > eD, the NA is located within the section
(xu < D) and εcu = 0.0035 at the ‘highly compressed edge’.
The point 4 in figure corresponds to the balanced failure condition, with e = e b and xu
= xu, b . The design strength values for this ‘balanced failure’ condition are denoted as
Size of column, Grade of concrete, Grade of steel (otherwise assume suitably)
Factored load and Factored moment
The resistance of a member subjected to axial force and biaxial bending shall be obtained on
the basis of assumptions given in IS:456 with neutral axis so chosen as to satisfy the
equilibrium of load and moments about two axes. Alternatively such members may be
designed by the following equation: αn αn
[Mux/Mux1] + [Muy/Muy1] ≤ 1, where
Mux and My = moments about x and y axes due to design loads,
Mux1 and My1 = maximum uni-axial moment capacity for an axial load of Pu bending about x and y
axes respectively, and αn is related to Pu /Puz, where Puz = 0.45 fck .Ac + 0.75 fy Asc
For values of Pu /Puz = 0.2 to 0.8, the values of αn vary linearly from 1 .0 to 2.0. For values
less than 0.2 and greater than 0.8, it is taken as 1 and 2 respectively
NOTE -The design of member subject to combined axial load and uniaxial bending will
involve lengthy calculation by trial and error. In order to overcome these difficulties
interaction diagrams may be used. These have been prepared and published by BIS in SP:16
titled Design aids for reinforced concrete to IS 456-2000.
2. Verify that the eccentricities ex = Mux/Pu and ey = Muy/Pu are not less than
the corresponding minimum eccentricities as per IS:456-2000 3. Assume a trial section
for the column (square, rectangle or circular).
4. Determine Mux1 and Muy1, corresponding to the given Pu (using appropriate curve
from SP-16 design aids)
5. Ensure that Mux1 and Muy1 are significantly greater than Mux and Muy respectively;
otherwise, suitably redesign the section.
6. Determine Puz and hence αn
7. Check the adequacy of the section using interaction equation. If necessary, redesign
the section and check again.
1. Determine the load carrying capacity of a column of size 300 x 400 mm reinforced
with six rods of 20 mm diameter i.e, 6-#20. The grade of concrete and steel are M20
and Fe 415 respectively. Assume that the column is short.
3. Design a square or circular column to carry a working load of 980kN. The grade of
concrete and steel are M20 and Fe 415 respectively. Assume that the column is short.
This is ok. However this size cannot take the minimum eccentricity of 20 mm as e min/D
= 20/375 =0.053 > 0.05. To restrict the eccentricity to 20 mm, the required size is 400x
400 mm.
Area of steel required is Ag = 1373.8 mm . Provide 4 bar of 22 mm diameter. Steel
provided is 380 x 4 = 1520 mm
Actual percentage of steel = 100Asc/bD = 100x1520 /400x400 = 0.95 % which is more than
0.8% and less than 6% and therefore ok.
Diameter of tie = ¼ diameter of main steel = 22/4 =5.5mm or 6 mm, whichever is greater.
Provide 6 mm.
Spacing: < 300 mm, < 16 x22 = 352mm, < LLD = 400mm. Say 300mm c/c
Here Ag = 137383 mm
π x D /4 = Ag, D= 418.2 mm say 420 mm. This satisfy the minimum eccentricity of 20m2 Also
provide 7 bars of 16 mm, 7 x 201 = 1407 mm
Dia of tie = ¼ dia of main steel = 16/4 = 4 mm or 6 mm, whichever is greater. Provide 6 mm.
Spacing: < 300 mm, < 16 x16 = 256 mm, < LLD = 420mm. Say 250 mm c/c
If it is a square column:
2 2
Area of steel = 2336 mm , Also provide 8 bars of 20 mm, 6 x 314 = 2512 mm
Check for shortness: Ends are fixed. lex = ley = 0.65 l = 0.65 x 3000 = 1950 mm
lex /D= 1950/550 < 12, and ley /b = 1950/425 < 12, Column is short
Dia of tie = ¼ dia of main steel = 20/4 = 5 mm or 6 mm, whichever is greater. Provide 6 mm
or 8 mm.
Spacing: < 300 mm, < 16 x20 = 320 mm, < LLD = 425mm. Say 300 mm c/c
5. Design a circular column with ties to carry an ultimate load of 2500kN. The
unsupported length of the column is 3m. The ends of the column are effectively held
in position but not against rotation. The grade of concrete and steel are M20 and Fe
415 respectively.
2 2
Area of steel = 2336 mm , Also provide 8 bars of 20 mm, 6 x 314 = 2512 mm
lex /D= 3000/550 < 12, and ley /b = 3000/425 < 12, Column is short
Here, emin, x = emin, y = lux/500 + D/30 = 3000/500 + 550/30 = 24.22mm or 20mm whichever
is greater.
Diameter of tie = ¼ dia of main steel = 20/4 = 5 mm or 6 mm, whichever is greater. Provide
6 mm or 8 mm.
Spacing: < 300 mm, < 16 x20 = 320 mm, < LLD = 550mm. Say 300 mm c/c
If the size of the column provided is less than that provided above, then the minimum
eccentricity criteria are not satisfied. Then emin is more and the column is to be designed as
uni axial bending case or bi axial bending case as the case may be. This situation arises
when more steel is provided ( say 2% in this case).
Try to solve these problems by using SP 16 charts, though not mentioned in the syllabus.
6. Design the reinforcement in a column of size 450 mm × 600 mm, subject to an axial
load of 2000 kN under service dead and live loads. The column has an unsupported
length of 3.0m and its ends are held in position but not in direction. Use M 20
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Given: lu= 3000 mm, b = 450 mm, D = 600 mm, P =2000kN, M20, Fe415
lex /D= 3000/600 < 12, and ley /b = 3000/450< 12, Column is short
Minimum eccentricities are within the limits and hence code formula for axially loaded short
columns can be used.
Factored Load
3000 × 10 = 0.4 × 20 × (450 × 600) + (0.67 × 415–0.4 × 20)Asc
= 2160×10 + 270.05Asc
3 2
2 2
Asc = 3220 mm > 3111 mm
p = (100×3220) / (450×600) = 1.192 > 0.8 (minimum steel), OK.
Diameter of tie = ¼ diameter of main steel = 25/4 =6.25 mm or 6 mm, whichever is greater.
Provide 6 mm.
Spacing: < 300 mm, < 16 x 20 = 320 mm, < LLD = 450mm. Say 300 mm c/c
Arrangement of reinforcement:
(a) On two sides
( b) On four sides
Assume moment due to minimum eccentricity to be less than the actual moment
Assuming 25 mm bars with 40 mm cover,
d = 40 + 12.5 = 52.5 mm
d /D = 52.5/450- 0.12
Charts for d /D = 0.15 will be used
2 6 2
Mu/fckbD =200 x 10 /(25 x 450 x 450 ) = 0.088
a) Reinforcement on two
Percentage of reinforcement,
= 0.09 x 25 = 2.25 %
As = p
bD/100 = 2.25 x 450 x
2 450/100
= 4556 mm
b) Reinforcement on four
sides from Chart 45,
p/fck = 0.10 p = 0.10 x
25 = 2.5 %
2 As
= 2.5 x 450 x 450/100 = 5063 mm
Lateral reinforcement :
(a) Hoop reinforcement (b)
Helical reinforcement
(Assume moment due to minimum eccentricity to be less than the actual moment).
Assuming 25 mm bars with 40 mm cover,1
d = 40 + 12.5 = 52.5 mm
2 6 2
Mu/fck D x D =125 x 10 /(20 x 500 x 500 ) = 0.05
Referring to Chart 52, for fy = 250
N/mm p/fck = 0.87
Percentage of reinforcement, p
= 0.87 x 20 = 1.74 %
As = 1.74 x (π x 5002/4)/100 = 3416 mm 2
According to 38.4 of the Code, the strength of a compression member with helical
reinforcement is 1.05 times the strength of a similar member with lateral ties. Therefore,
the, given load and moment should be divided by 1.05 before referring to the chart.
2 6 2
Mu/fck D x D =125/1.05 x 10 /(20 x 500 x 500 ) = 0.048
Hence, From Chart 52, for f y = 250 N/mm , p/fck
= 0.078
p = 0.078 x 20 = 1.56 %
As = 1.56 x( π x 500 x 500/4 )/100 = 3063 cm
According to 38.4.1 of the Code the ratio of the volume of helical reinforcement to the volume
of the core shall not be less than
where Ag is the gross area of the section and Ac is the area of the core measured to the outside
diameter of the helix. Assuming 8 mm dia bars for the helix,
Core diameter = 500 - 2 (40 - 8) = 436 mm
0.9 Ash / sh
where, Ash is the area of the bar forming the helix and sh is the pitch of the helix.
In order to satisfy the coda1 requirement,
d /D = 52.5 /600 = 0.088
Referring to chart 44
Mu/fck b x D = 0.09
Mux1 = 0.09 x 15 x 400 x 600 ) = 194.4 kN.m
d /D = 52.5 /400 = 0.131
Chart for d /D =0.15 will be used.
Referring to Chart 45,
Mu/fck b x D = 0.083
Mux1 = 0.083 x 15 x 600 x 400 ) = 119.52 kN.m
Calculation of Puz :
Referring to Chart 63 corresponding to
p = 1.2, fy = 415 and fck = 15, P uz/Ag
= 10.3
Referring to Churn 64, the permissible value of Mux/Mux1 corresponding to Muy/Muy1 and
Pu /Puz is equal to 0.58 The actual value of 0.62 is only slightly higher than the value
read from the Chart.
1.75 1.75
[0.62 ] + [0.75] = 1.04 slightly greater than 1 and slightly unsafe. This can be made
up by slight increase in reinforcement say 1.3%
Thus provide As = 1.3x400x600/100 = 3120 mm
d /D = 52.5 /600 = 0.088 = 0.1
From chart 44
Mu/fck b x D = 0.095
Mux1 = 0.095 x 15 x 400 x 600 ) = 205.2 kN.m
Referring to Chart 64, the permissible value of Mux/Mux1 corresponding to Muy/Muy1 and Pu
/Puz is equal to 0.60
1.735 1.735
[120/205.2] + [90/122.4] = 0.981 ≤ 1 Thus OK
2 2
As = 3120 mm . Provide 10 bars of 20 mm dia. Steel provided is 314 x 10 = 3140 mm
Design of transverse steel: Provide 8 mm dia stirrups at 300 mm c/c as shown satisfying the
requirements of IS: 456-2000
10. Verify the adequacy of the short column section 500 mm x 300 mm under the
following load conditions:
action curves of SP 16
Pu = 1400 kN, Mux = 125 kNm, Muy = 75 kNm. The design inter
should be used. Assume that the column is a ‘short column’ and the eccentricity due to
moments is greater than the minimum eccentricity.
2 Given: D = 500 mm, b
= 300 mm, A = 2946 mm M = 125 kNm, M = 75 kNm, f = 25
x s ux uy ck
Applied eccentricities
125 × 10 /1400 = 89.3 mm
ex = Mux/Pu = 3 ⇒ ex/Dx = 0.179
1.575 1
[125/187] + [75/110]
= 0.530 + 0.547
= 1.077 > 1.0 Hence,
almost ok.
Design of Footings
1. General
Most of the structures built by us are made of reinforced concrete. Here, the part of the structure above ground
level is called as the superstructure, where the part of the structure below the ground level is called as the
substructure. Footings are located below the ground level and are also referred as foundations. Foundation is that
part of the structure which is in direct contact with soil. The R.C. structures consist of various structural
components which act together to resist the applied loads and transfer them safely to soil. In general the loads
applied on slabs in buildings are transferred to soil through beams, columns and footings. Footings are that part
of the structure which are generally located below ground Level. They are also referred as foundations. Footings
transfer the vertical loads, Horizontal loads, Moments, and other forces to the soil.
2. To distribute stresses evenly on foundation soil such that foundation soil neither fails nor
experiences excessive settlement.
Due to the loads and soil pressure, footings develop Bending moments and Shear forces. Calculations are made
as per the guidelines suggested in IS 456 2000 to resist the internal forces.
2. Types of Foundations
Based on the position with respect to ground level, Footings are classified into two types;
1. Shallow Foundations
2. Deep Foundations
Shallow Foundations are provided when adequate SBC is available at relatively short depth below
ground level. Here, the ratio of Df / B < 1, where Df is the depth of footing and B is the width of
footing. Deep Foundations are provided when adequate SBC is available at large depth below ground
level. Here the ratio of Df / B >= 1.
Isolated Footing
Combined footing
Strap Footing
Strip Footing
Mat/Raft Foundation
Wall footing
Some of the popular types of shallo w foundations are briefly discussed below.
These are independent footings wh ich are provided for each column. This type of footing
is chosen when
The isolated footings can have diffe rent shapes in plan. Generally it depends on the shape of column
cross section Some of the popular s hapes of footings are;
The isolated footings essentially co nsists of bottom slab. These bottom Slabs can be ei ther flat,
stepped or sloping in nature. The bottom of the slab is reinforced with steel mesh to r esist the two
internal forces namely bending moment and shear force.
These are common footings which support the loads from 2 or more columns.
Combined footings are provided when
In the above situations, the area required to provide isolated footings for the colu mns generally overlap. Hence,
it is advantageous to provide single combined footing. In some case s the columns are located on or close to
property line. In such cases footings cannot be extende d on one side.
Here, the footings of exterior and i nterior columns are connected by the combined foo ting.
Combined footings essentially consist of a common slab for the columns it is supportin g. These slabs
are generally rectangular in plan. Sometimes they can also be trapezoidal in plan (refer Fig. 2).
Combined footings can also have a connecting beam and a slab arrangement, which is similar to an
inverted T Ŕ beam slab.
c) Strap Footing
An alternate way of providing com bined footing located close to property line is the s trap footing. In strap
footing, independent slabs below columns are provided which are then connec ted by a strap beam. The strap
beam does not re main in contact with the soil and does not transfer a ny pressure to the soil. Generally it is used
to com bine the footing of the outer column to the adjace nt one so that the footing does not extend in the adjoining
property. A typical strap footing is shown in Fig. 3.
Strip footing is a continuous footing provided under columns or walls. A typical strip footing for
columns is shown in Fig. 4.
e) Mat Foundation
Mat foundation covers the whole plan area of structure. The detailing is similar to two way reinforced solid floor
slabs or flat slabs. It is a combined footing that covers the entir e area beneath a structure and supports all the
wa lls and columns. It is normally provided when
Deep foundations are provided wh en adequate SBC is available at large depth below GL. There are
different types of deep foundations. Some of the common types of deep foundations are listed below.
Pier Foundation
Well Foundation
3. Bearing Capacity of Soil
The safe bearing capacity of soil is the safe extra load soil can withstand without experiencing shear
failure. The Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) is considered unique at a particular site. But it also depends
on the following factors:
Size of footing
Shape of footing
Inclination of footing
Inclination of
ground Type of load
Depth of footing etc.
SBC alone is not sufficient for design. The allowable bearing capacity is taken as the smaller of the
following two criteria
Based on ultimate capacity, i.e., shear failure criteria, the SBC is calculated as
Usually the Allowable Bearing Pressure (ABP) varies in the range of 100 kN/m2 to 400 kN/m2. The
area of the footing should be so arrived that the pressure distribution below the footing should be less
than the allowable bearing pressure of the soil. Even for symmetrical Loading, the pressure distribution
below the footing may not be uniform. It depends on the Rigidity of footing, Soil type and Conditions
of soil. In case of Cohesive Soil and Cohesion less Soil the pressure distribution varies in a nonlinear
way. However, while designing the footings a linear variation of pressure distribution from one edge
of the footing to the other edge is assumed. Once the pressure distribution is known, the bending
moment and shear force can be determined and the footing can be designed to safely resist these forces.
Area of footing
Thickness of footing
Reinforcement details of footing (satisfying moment and shear considerations)
Check for bearing stresses and development length
This is carried out considering the loads of footing, SBC of soil, Grade of concrete and Grade of steel. The
method of design is similar to the design of beams and slabs. Since footings are buried, deflection control
is not important. However, crack widths should be less than 0.3 mm.
The steps followed in the design of footings are generally iterative. The important steps in the design
of footings are;
Limit state of collapse is adopted in the design pf isolated column footings. The various design steps
considered are;
The materials used in RC footings are concrete and steel. The minimum grade of concrete to be used
for footings is M20, which can be increased when the footings are placed in aggressive environment,
or to resist higher stresses.
Cover: The minimum thickness of cover to main reinforcement shall not be less than 50 mm for surfaces in
contact with earth face and not less than 40 mm for external exposed face. However, where the concrete is
in direct contact with the soil the cover should be 75 mm. In case of raft foundation the cover for
reinforcement shall not be less than 75 mm.
Minimum reinforcement and bar diameter: The minimum reinforcement according to slab and beam elements as
appropriate should be followed, unless otherwise specified. The diameter of main reinforcing bars shall not be
less 10 mm. The grade of steel used is either Fe 415 or Fe 500.
The important guidelines given in IS 456 : 2000 for the design of isolated footings are as follows:
34.1 General
Footings shall be designed to sustain the applied loads, moments and forces and the induced reactions and
to ensure that any settlement which may occur shall be as nearly uniform as possible, and the safe bearing
capacity of the soil is not exceeded (see IS 1904).
34.1.1 In sloped or stepped footings the effective cross-section in compression shall be limited by the
area above the neutral plane, and the angle of slope or depth and location of steps shall be such that
the design requirements are satisfied at every section. Sloped and stepped footings that are designed
as a unit shall be constructed to assure action as a unit.
In reinforced and plain concrete footings, the thickness at the edge shall be not less than 150 mm for footings
on soils, nor less than 300 mm above the tops of piles for footings on piles.
34.1.3 In the case of plain concrete pedestals, the angle between the plane passing through the bottom edge
of the pedestal and the corresponding junction edge of the column with
pedestal and the horizontal plane (see Fig. 20) shall be governed by the expression:
__ = calculated maximum bearing pressure at the base of the pedestal in N/mm
___ = characteristic strength of concrete at 28 days in N/mm .
34.2.1 In the case of footings on piles, computation for moments and shears may be based on the
assumption that the reaction from any pile is concentrated at the centre of the pile.
34.2.2 For the purpose of computing stresses in footings which support a round or octagonal concrete
column or pedestal, the face of the column or pedestal shall be taken as the side of a square inscribed within
the perimeter of the round or octagonal column or pedestal.
34.2.3Bending Moment The bending moment at any section shall be determined by passing through the section a vertical
plane which extends completely across the footing, and computing the moment of the forces acting over
the entire area of the footing on one side of the said plane. The greatest bending moment to be used in the design of an isolated concrete footing which
supports a column, pedestal or wall, shall be the moment computed in the manner prescribed in at sections located as follows:
a) At the face of the column, pedestal or wall, for footings supporting a concrete column, pedestal or
b) Halfway between the centre-line and the edge of the wall, for footings under masonry walls; and
c) Halfway between the face of the column or pedestal and the edge of the gussetted base, for footings
under gussetted bases. The shear strength of footings is governed by the more severe of the following two conditions:
a) The footing acting essentially as a wide beam, with a potential diagonal crack extending in a plane
across the entire width; the critical section for this condition shall be assumed as a vertical section
located from the face of the column, pedestal or wall at a distance equal to the effective depth of
footing for footings on piles.
b) Two-way action of the footing, with potential diagonal cracking along the surface of truncated cone
or pyramid around the concentrated load; in this case, the footing shall be designed for shear in
accordance with appropriate provisions specified in 31.6. In computing the external shear or any section through a footing supported on piles, the entire reaction from any pile of diameter D
p whose centre is located DP/2 or more outside the
section shall be assumed as producing shear on the section; the reaction from any pile whose centre is located D P/2 or more inside the section
shall be assumed as producing no shear on the section, For
intermediate positions of the pile centre, the portion of the pile reaction to be assumed as producing
shear on the section shall be based on straight line interpolation between full value at DP/2 outside the
section and zero value at DP/2 inside the section. The critical section for checking the development length in a footing shall be assumed at the same
planes as those described for bending moment in 34.2.3 and also at all other vertical planes where abrupt
changes of section occur. If reinforcement is curtailed, the anchorage requirements shall be checked in
accordance with 26.2.3.
The total tensile reinforcement at any section shall provide a moment of resistance at least equal to the bending moment on
the section calculated in accordance with 34.2.3.
34.3.1 Total tensile reinforcement shall be distributed across the corresponding resisting section as
given below:
a) In one-way reinforced footing, the-reinforcement extending in each direction shall be distributed uniformly across
the full width of the footing;
b) In two-way reinforced square footing, the reinforcement extending in each direction shall be distributed uniformly across
the full width of the footing; and
c) In two-way reinforced rectangular footing, the reinforcement in the long direction shall be
distributed uniformly across the full width of the footing. For reinforcement in the short direction,
a central band equal to the width of the footing shall be marked along the length of the footing
and portion of the reinforcement determined in accordance with the
equation given below shall be uniformly distributed across the central band:
Reinforcement_in_central_band_width = _ 2
Total_reinforcement_in_short_direction ( + 1
where β is the ratio of the long side to the short side of the footing. The remainder of the reinforcement shall be uniformly
distributed in the outer portions of the footing.
The compressive stress in concrete at the base of a column or pedestal shdl be considered as being
transferred by bearing to the top of the supporting Redestal or footing. The bearing pressure on the
loaded area shall not exceed the permissible bearing stress in
direct compression multiplied by a value equal to
but not greater than 2, where A1 = supporting area for bearing of footing, which in sloped or stepped
footing may be taken as the area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a pyramid or cone contained
wholly within the footing and having for its upper base, the area actually loaded and having side slope
of one vertical to two horizontal; and A2 = loaded area at the column base.
34.4.1 Where the permissible bearing stress on the concrete in the supporting or supported member would
be exceeded, reinforcement shall be provided for developing the excess force, either by extending the
longitudinal bars into the supporting member, or by dowels (see 34.4.3).
34.4.2 Where transfer of force is accomplished by, reinforcement, the development length of the
reinforcement shall be sufficient to transfer the compression or tension to the supporting member in
accordance with 26.2.
34.4.3 Extended longitudinal reinforcement or dowels of at least 0.5 percent of the crosssectional
area of the supported column or pedestal and a minimum of four bars shall be provided. Where dowels
are used, their diameter shall no exceed the diameter of the column bars by more than 3 mm.
34.4.4 Column bars of diameters larger than 36 mm, in compression only can be dowelled at the
footings with bars of smaller size of the necessary area. The dowel shall extend into the column, a
distance equal to the development length of the column bar and into the footing, a distance equal to
the development length of the dowel.
34.5.1Minimum reinforcement and spacing shall be as per the requirements of solid slab.
34.5.2 The nominal reinforcement for concrete sections of thickness greater than 1 m shall be 360 mm2 per
metre length in each direction on each face. This provision does not supersede the requirement of minimum
tensile reinforcement based on the depth of the section.
Design an isolated footing for an R.C. column of size 230 mm x 230 mm which carries a vertical load of 500 kN.
The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
__ , ,
Net upward pressure in soil, : = ; _ = 175.3_BC/E __ < 200_BC/E Hence O.K.
+.<= _>_+.<=
Hence, factored upward pressure of soil, pu = 263 kN/m2 and, factored load, Pu = 900 kN.
Step 2: Two way shear
Assume an uniform overall thickness of footing, D = 450 mm.
Assuming 12 mm diameter bars for main steel, effective thickness of footing Řdř is d = 450
Ŕ 50 Ŕ 12 Ŕ 6 = 382 mm
The critical section for the two way shear or punching shear occurs at a distance of d/2 from the face of the column (See Fig.
6), where a and b are the sides of the column.
938. 59_ × 8333
= _ 4ZZ9_V_594 = 3. 92_[/66 4
Allowable shear stress = kS . ζC
where F1 = 3. 4\__RJX = 3. 4\_)43_ ≈ 8. 84_[/664
2 2
Since the punching shear stress (0.86 N/mm ) is less than the allowable shear stress (1.12 N/mm ), the assumed thickness is
sufficient to resist the punching shear force.
Hence, the assumed thickness of footing D = 450 mm is sufficient.
The effective depth for the lower layer of reinforcement, d = 450 Ŕ 50 Ŕ 6 = 396 mm, and the effective depth
for the upper layer of reinforcement, d = 450 Ŕ 50 Ŕ 12 Ŕ 6 = 382 mm.
Step 3: Design for flexure
The critical section for flexure occurs at the face of the column (Fig. 7).
The projection of footing beyond the column face is treated as a cantilever slab subjected to factored
upward pressure of soil.
The area of steel A st can be determined using the following moment of resistance relation for under reinforced
:2000. ad = 3. 9e_Rf_-NU_g_ h8 −_i _ g _
Considering 1m width of footing,
92. 49 _k_832 = 3.
9e_k_Z8\_k_lmn_k_594_ o8 −_
Z8\ _k_ lmn p 8333_k_594_k_43
The critical section for one way shear occurs at a distance Řdř from the face of the column (Fig. 8).
For the cantilever slab, total Shear Force along critical section considering the entire width B
is Vu = pu B (l Ŕ d) = 263 x 1.85 x (0.81 Ŕ 0.382)
= 208.24 kN The nominal
shear stress is given by
GH 439 4Z V 8333 & 3 53 qD66
FG = 0_g = _
From Table 61 of SP 16, find the pt required to have a minimum design shear strength ζC = ζV
= 0.30 N/mm2 with fck = 20 N/mm2. 2 2
For pt = 0.175 % the design shear strength ζC is 0.30 N/mm = ζV = 0.30 N/mm .
Hence from one way shear criterion, p t = 0.175 %
Comparing pt from flexure and one way shear criterion, provide pt = 0.175 % (larger of the two
Hence, -NU = _ rn _s_t = 3 8e\ 8333 k 594 & 22u vv4
833 833
Provide φ 12 mm dia bars at 140 mm c/c.Therefore, Ast provided = 808 mm2 > Ast required (609 mm 2) .
Hence O.K.
Sufficient development length should be available for the reinforcement from the critical section. Here, the critical section
considered for L d is that of flexure.
The load is assumed to disperse from the base of column to the base of footing at rate of 2H : 1V.
Hence, the side of the area of dispersion at the bottom of footing = 230 + 2 (2 x
450) = 2030 mm. Since this is lesser than the side of the footing (i.e., 1850 mm) A1 = 1.85 x
1.85 = 3.4225 m 2
The dimension of the column is 230 mm x 230 mm. Hence, A2= 0.230 x 0.230 =
l~n€x•_s‚xƒ„…†_mnƒ‚mm = _ lƒ‚x_xn_~ˆ•€v…_sxm‚_
Appropriate detailing should be shown both in plan and elevation for the footing as per the
recommendations given in SP 34.
Example 2
Design an isolated footing for an R.C. column of size 300 mm x 300 mm which carries a vertical load
of 800 kN together with an uniaxial moment of 40 kN-m. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 250
kN/m2. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
‰ Š
of soil,
l +_ ‹ = Œ•Ţ
_ _
993 Z3 V 2 = 4\3
i.e., 04 +_ 0 5
On solving the above equation, and taking the least and feasible value, B = 2 m
Hence, factored upward pressures of soil are, pu,max = 345 kN/m2 and pu,min = 255kN/m Further,
average pressure at the center of the footing is given by pu,avg = 300 kN/m2 and, factored load, Pu =
900 kN, factored uniaxial moment, Mu = 60 kN-m
The critical section for the two way shear or punching shear occurs at a distance of d/2 from the face of the column (Fig. 9),
where a and b are the dimensions of the column.
2 2 2
Hence, punching area of footing = (a + d) = (0.30 + 0.376) = 0.457 m where a = b =
side of column
Punching shear force = Factored load Ŕ (Factored average pressure x punching area of footing)
= 1200 Ŕ (300 x 0.457)
= 1062.9 kN
Perimeter along the critical section = 4 (a+d) = 4
(300+ 376) = 2704 mm
8324. u_ ×
8333 = _ 4 = 8.
4e3Z_V_5e2 3\_[/66
Allowable shear stress = k . ζ F = 3. 4\ S C )4\ = 8. 4\
where 1 __RJX = 3. 4\ _ _[/66
2 2
Since the punching shear stress (1.05 N/mm ) is less than the allowable shear stress (1.25 N/mm ), the assumed thickness is
sufficient to resist the punching shear force. Hence, the assumed thickness of footing D = 450 mm is
The effective depth for the lower layer of reinforcement, , d = 450 Ŕ 50 Ŕ 8 = 392 mm, and the effective depth
for the upper layer of reinforcement, d = d = 450 Ŕ 50 Ŕ 16 Ŕ 8 = 376 mm.
The critical section for flexure occurs at the face of the column (Fig. 10).
The projection of footing beyond the column face is treated as a cantilever slab subjected to factored
upward pressure of soil.
Š€ = _ ŕ˜ˆnx•_}ˆƒ~‚™__k__ŕš„mnx…~‚_ˆ}_Ţ›_}ƒˆv_~ƒ„n„~x•_m‚~n„ˆ…™
condition given in Annex G Ŕ 1.1 b of IS 456 :2000. ad = 3. 9e_Rf_-NU_g_ h8 −_iR _fg _-RNUJXj
88u. 88_k_832 = 3. _ p
9e_k_Z8\_k_lmn_k_5e2_ o8 8333_k_5e2_k_4\ Solving the
quadratic equation,
5Z\ + 54 e. 8
€= œ 4 Ÿ k ŕ3. 9\ − 3. 5e2_ k 4™
Vu = 318.58 kN
For pt = 0.365 % the design shear strength ζC is 0.42 N/mm = ζV = 0.42 N/mm .
Hence from one way shear criterion, pt = 0.365 %
Comparing pt from flexure and one way shear criterion, provide pt = 0.365 % (larger of the two
Sufficient development length should be available for the reinforcement from the critical section. Here, the critical section
considered for Ld is that of flexure.
The development length for 16 mm dia bars is given by
Ld = 47 ф = 47 x 16 = 752 mm.
Providing 60 mm side cover, the total length available from the critical section is
8 w − x_ − 23_ = _ 8_4333 − 533_ − 23 = _eu3_vv y _ w _ Hence O.K. t
4 4
l 8Z
zl4 = z3. 3u = 2. 2e > 2
Permissible bearing stress = 3. Z\_}~•{ l 4
= 0.45 x 25 x 2 = 22.5 N/mm
‡x~nˆƒ‚t_•ˆxt 8433_k_8333
_ _
lƒ‚x_xn_~ˆ•€v…_sxm‚_ = 533_k_533 = 85. 55_q/vv 4
2 2
Since the Actual bearing stress (13.33 N/mm ) is less than the Permissible bearing stress (22.5 N/mm ), the design for
bearing stress is satisfactory.
Appropriate detailing should be shown both in plan and elevation for the footing as per the
recommendations given in SP 34.