Chapter - 01 About The Company/Organization 1.1 History of The Organization

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Soundex Technologies,  bringing advanced enterprise software and hardware

features.With a team of IT software & Services, and a team that has supported almost
all of the enterprise in the IT industry, we are now proud to offer our own Software &
Hardware solutions cost-effective solution.We are bringing affordable IT  with
advanced features to industries such as Government, Telecommunication, Hospitality,
Education, and Emerging markets.

How are we different

Soundex Technologies specializes in IT with a Software development,

Services and Consultancy for SMB / Enterprise.

Our solutions will offer the best of advanced Enterprise features. With our
ability to create our own hardware /software  solutions, .  We have a history of
hardware and software innovation and now under Nobility brand, it is all coming


Technology Services

SoundEx offers innovative business technology services to small to medium

enterprise companies and use Agile/Scrum processes to implement the solutions
SoundEx committed to deliver quality services to customers by serving them
with our state-of-the art software products, We have highly qualified professionals
with very good technical hands on and use best in industry tools and technologies to
develop applications and services. To make the journey smoother and worthwhile for
our clients from the stage of conceptualization to the stage of completion and

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implementation. Highly professional developers, designers, architects and testers
share a common passion – to deliver highest quality products / services and maintain
at the same confidentiality of customer business. We have excellent technical skills
(.NET, Java/J2EE, Angular JS, Android, Python etc)  required for development of
Web applications, IoT, Embedded, Mobile application etc.We are well versed with
traditional Waterfall and Agile software development models.

Business & IT Consulting

SoundEx Technologies experts have a two decades of multi domain expertise

and IT Consulting. We deliver value through our Business and
IT consulting Services that help clients improve performance & reduce costs.
Our experienced consultants perform due diligence on the customer
requirements and  and provide best in solutions by applying latest technologies. We
assist our clients with our wide range of IT solutions and services in a very cost-
effective manner. We bring a full range of experience and expert consultants and they
understand customer’s business very well.

We help organizations in evaluating the way they do business today and

deliver IT services and solutions to:

 Reduce Operating Cost

 Meet time to market
 Reduce the wastage at various stages of project
 Increase Business visibility
 Apply metrics to monitor project progress

Smart WiFi Wave2

SoundEx Technologies offers WiFi Solution that provides end-to-end

connectivity that can be deployed indoors and outdoors without the time and cost of
wired or fiber solutions.

Public Wi-Fi solutions from SoundEx Technologies provide end-to-end

connectivity that can be deployed indoors and outdoors without the time and cost of
wired or fiber solutions. Configuring and maintaining the network is easy with our
management system that simplifies installation and provides a complete view of
network performance. Whether connecting a city square, an event venue, or a
conference, people can get online quickly and enjoy a reliable experience.

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We offer secure, scalable, cloud-managed solutions for home, small business, and
both indoor and outdoor enterprise local Wi-Fi network applications.

Smart WiFi Wave 2 products with advanced management capabilities deliver high
capacity and fast installation in an affordable package – to connect people, places and

GPS Tracking System

SoundEx offers range of products on GPS tracking system and one of the
major product that we offer is Vehicle tracking system

SoundEx offers range of products on GPS tracking system and one of the
major product that we offer is Vehicle tracking system.

The basic function of the Vehicle Tracking Unit is to acquire, monitor and
transmit the position, Date,Time and direction data to server in the form of Packets or

Application Areas

 GPS Tracking of Trucks, Fleet Cars, Trailers, Equipment

 School Bus Management
 Public Transport System
 Delivery & Courier Services
 Security & Emergency Vehicles
 Work force Management


In our Neo Rays organization it consists of the following main departments each
department contributes to the running of the business. The most common departments are

 Technology and process development.

 Development Department

 Testing Department


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Technology and process development

Activities related to maintenance, automation, design or redesign of equipment,

hardware, software, procedures, and technical knowledge, all these activities are taken care
by neo rays in technology and process development.

Development Department

“Product development” = corporate activity to create "product design information" for new
products to be sold in market to include, in a broad term, preparations for process design and
production process.

Example of automobile product development of a car being a relatively complicated

consumption good.

Development Department is typically responsible for the planning and execution of a wide
variety of an organization’s growth strategies. The strategies might include identifying and
acquiring companies, identifying and selling non-core or redundant assets or divisions,
entering into strategic relationships such as an exclusive distribution agreements, or exclusive
market coverage. For example, in a growth oriented organization, the Development
Department will be involved in identifying potential companies to acquire, plot out the
strategy, negotiate the deal, secure the financing and insure a smooth post-closing transition.
Development is a continuous process which must be constantly adapted as the organization’s
environment evolves.

Development teams and their initiatives are more likely to succeed if they:

Possess a broad range of experience with members who are well rounded in finance, business
strategy, marketing, capital markets, accounting, tax, corporate law, etc. More importantly,
however, they will be recognized for their strong operational skills and experience. Of all the
attributes, we believe none is more valuable than experience.

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Have a deep network of internal and external contacts; long-standing relationships foster trust
and credibility. Team members must continuously cultivate trusting relationships with key
internal players as well as with external ones with investment banks, accountants, tax
advisors, lawyers and other professionals (your “value network”).

Have the ability to get the buy-in from everyone in the organization; the team must possess
the ability to clearly communicate the vision and the merit of a project in order to get
everyone’s buy-in.

Development Departments are typically responsible for the planning and execution of a wide
variety of an organization’s growth strategies. The strategies might include identifying and
acquiring companies, identifying and selling non-core or redundant assets or divisions,
entering into strategic relationships such as an exclusive distribution agreements, or exclusive
market coverage. For example, in a growth oriented organization, the Development
Department will be involved in identifying potential companies to acquire, plot out the
strategy, negotiate the deal, secure the financing and insure a smooth post-closing transition.
Development is a continuous process which must be constantly adapted as the organization’s
environment evolves.

Key attributes for successful Development teams:

 Listen and facilitate; Success lies in the ability to listen and facilitate the process. The
team is designed to be a results-oriented agent for change.
 Adapt and learn from past experience; the team must adapt to market changes and
learn from previous tasks or projects.

 Don’t ignore “low hanging fruits”; although there may be a variety of grandiose
opportunities at any given time, a successful team won’t ignore those obvious and
simple ideas that deliver good returns quickly and at little cost.

 Are prepared to stand-up to scrutiny; Making an acquisition, dealing with a new

strategic partner or investing in a project is easy but end results must stand-up to
scrutiny against the initial objectives and expected returns.

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 Share the knowledge; the team’s value should be measured by its ability to pass on its
knowledge and experience to the organization.

Testing Department

Software testing is a process of verifying and validating that a software application or


1. Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development,

2. Works as expected.

Software testing also identifies important defects, flaws, or errors in the application code that
must be fixed. The modifier “important” in the previous sentence is, well, important because
defects must be categorized by severity (more on this later). During test planning we decide
what an important defect is by reviewing the requirements and design documents with an eye
towards answering the question “Important to whom?” Generally speaking, an important
defect is one that from the customer’s perspective affects the usability or functionality of the
application. Using colors for a traffic lighting scheme in a desktop dashboard may be a no-
brainer during requirements definition and easily implemented during development but in
fact may not be entirely workable if during testing we discover that the primary business
sponsor is color blind. Suddenly, it becomes an important defect. (About 8% of men and .4%
of women have some form of color blindness.) The quality assurance aspect of software
development—documenting the degree to which the developers followed corporate standard
processes or best practices—is not addressed in this paper because assuring quality is not a
responsibility of the testing team. The testing team cannot improve quality; they can only
measure it, although it can be argued that doing things like designing tests before coding
begins will improve quality because the coders can then use that information while thinking
about their designs and during coding and debugging.

Software testing has three main purposes: verification, validation, and defect finding.

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♦ The verification process confirms that the software meets its technical specifications. A
“specification” is a description of a function in terms of a measurable output value given a
specific input value under specific preconditions. A simple specification may be along the
line of “a SQL query retrieving data for a single account against the multi-month account-
summary table must return these eight fields ordered by month within 3 seconds of

♦ The validation process confirms that the software meets the business requirements. A
simple example of a business requirement is “After choosing a branch office name,
information about the branch’s customer account managers will appear in a new window.
The window will present manager identification and summary information about each
manager’s customer base:” Other requirements provide details on how the data will be
summarized, formatted and displayed.

♦ A defect is a variance between the expected and actual result. The defect’s ultimate source
may be traced to a fault introduced in the specification, design, or development (coding)

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In Neo Rays organization it contains many departments like Software services, Research &
Development and Testing department. In our organization we are worked under
Development department.

In our Neo Rays development department following are the ongoing research work those are

 Letter management system

 File management system
 Promotion code Management system
 Aqua care Management system

These development projects are explained briefly as below

 Letter management system

Letter Management System is a web application for State government of Karnataka which
allows managing different types of letters.

The main aim of the letter management is to make central storage for all letters, managing
and maintaining all the letters.

The LMS application consists of the following different modules namely,

1. Login module
2. Register module
3. View all
4. Search
5. Report Generation
6. Edit
7. Settings

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Letter management System is an web application For Govt. of Karnataka to
manage the different type of Letters.

Letter management System has the aim of

1. Making Central Letters Storage

2. Neat management of letters
3. Access control over the modules.
4. Version Control over the changes
5. Rich look and feel.

1. Admin
2. User

Modules Summary and Access

Login Module: Provides the control for authentication and authorization.

Register Module: Provides the access to users and admin with consists of Inward Letter
Details, Outward ministry Office Letters, Office Letters.

View all: Provides the access for admin to View the existing letters.

Search: Provides the access for admin to search the existing letters with Specific to Pending
letters, Priority (medium, High, Low), Names ( From ,Send to) and other Letters .

Report Generation: Provides the access for admin to generate report based on Category
(Pending Letters, Progress Letters, General).

Login Modules:
Should have the following functionalities

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1. Should take User Name/ Admin Name.
2. Password

This login should provide a role based access.

Register Module:

Provides the access to users and admin with consists of Inward Letter Details,
Outward ministry Office Letters, Office Letters.

View all Module:

Provides the access for admin to View the existing letters which are already
stored. This module enable the admin to view the entire Details of the stored Letters.

Search Module:
Provides the access for admin to search the existing letters with Specific to
1.Pending letters

2. Priority:

 High
 Low
 Medium

3. Names:

 From
 Send To

4. Other Letters.

Report Generation:
Provides the access for admin to generate report based on Category:

 Pending Letters

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 Progress Letters
 General

Edit Option:
Provides additional functionality for admin to Edit the Details Of the
existing/stored Letters.

Provides access for both Users and Admin

 Users: For Users It Enables Functionality to Reset Password Option, where an user is
allowed to change his password.
 Admin: For Admin it Enables Functionalities to Reset Password and to create New
User based on Role Either Admin/User.
 File management system


File management tool improve the Accountability, Transparency & Effectiveness, File
management in Government administration. The File Management System project has been
implemented for the same through automating the government functions and processes at all
levels of the administrative hierarchy.

FMS provides File Management, Workflow Management, in an integrated fashion and

delivers an Electronic Workplace that result in productivity improvement in Government
designed with the sole purpose of facilitating tracing of files and documents within a
government department.

Modules Summary and Access

1. Login model
2. Registration model
3. Update model

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4. Search model
5. View All model

Login model
Only Registered /authorized users users have access to File Management Application.

EmailId: User should enter the valid email id.

Password: User should enter valid password.

Login: Login button navigates to Registration page if entered login credentials are correct.

Registration model

FileSerialNumber: Auto generated number each file that is created .

File No: This field indicates to the reference number of the file. Users should enter the file

Category: This column specifies the Category of files .User has the option to select the file

Status: This column specifies the Status of files .User has the option to select the file status
among the list of status.

Subject: This field specifies subject of the file.

Remarks: If the user wishes to enter any remarks pertaining to the file, user should enter in
the remarks field.

File Upload: Sending the uploaded scanned receipt . User can send the uploaded scanned
receipt to the intended recipient.

File Send to: User can forward the file to the intended recipient.

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File Received Date: Will display date of received files.

File Sent Date: will display date of file that is sent.

Reset: This field clears all the values while performing write operation.

Search: This field helps in locating files fast and easily.

Edit: This field is used to perform edit operation on any of the fileds saved and needs to be
updated with different value.

View All: Will render all the the file details that are registered in a tabular format.

Submit: Saves the registered file details for future access.

Logout: User will navigate to login page after clicking logout button.

Update model
Helps in monitoring the pendency of files and assist in their easy tracking. It is an integrated
package which has features right from tracking files, updating its status, opening of new files,
tracking the movement of the files, files and finally records management.

Every time a file is in warded at the entry point in a government office, a unique number is
generated. This number is used to trace the movement of the file in the government.

File Serial Number: User should enter the file Serial number to perform edit operation of
the file that is previously saved.

Verify the exiting data , perform edit operation on the fields and click on update button.

Currently made changes will be updated to existing data.

Search model

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Provides efficient searching option which help the user to search the file among the list of
files which includes
 Search by file serial number
 Search by file computer generated id.
 Search by file subject.
 Search by file receiver Name
 Search by category
 Search by Status

Add New file:Clicking on Add New file button will navigate the user to registration page to
add new file.

Logout: User will navigate to login page after clicking logout button.

Back: will navigate the user to previously visited page.

Print: This field specifies option for printing the file in excel and pdf format by selecting on
corresponding files.

View All model

View All will enable the user to view each entry of file and its related properties in a single
page. This helps the user to get the detailed information of the files registered.

Advantages of Implementing Fms

 Immediate availability of Information compared to Manual tracking.
 Track of Stock of Pending files
 Status of Pending files
 Availability of Reports on various dimensions (based on different parameters)

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 Easy retrieval of reports with minimum input data
 Quick delivery of detailed reports
 Transparency is achieved, as search facility is available across users.
 The system maintains entire movement history of the document/file.

 Promotion code Management system


Kellogg’s runs promotions where promotional codes are included inside products and
the codes can be redeemed for various merchandise. The process is currently managed by a
third party vendor who helps Kellogg’s in generating and validating the codes. The purpose
of this project is to manage the process in-house. This will help Kellogg’s in managing costs
by not availing of third parties to generate random and unique codes.
The project includes:
 Generation of a series of random and unique codes specific to a promotion
 Retrieval of generated codes by product type association / promotion
 Validation and Redemption of codes
Redemption of codes by end users will be done via digital properties built by agencies and
there will be no change to the existing fulfillment process.


To capture the overall Low level technical design


This document captures low level design and system architecture to support Project
requirements and objectives.

Target Audience

The intended audiences of this document are Kellogg’s and Sapient’s

o Architects
o Development team
o Project management team(s)

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o Support and maintenance team(s)
o Business stakeholders
o Technical stakeholders


System design is created with following assumptions, should any of these change it will have
impact and will be handled via proper project management change request.

There is no defined brand IDs identified across the organization. It is therefore assumed
that the brand IDs used for the purpose of promotional activities will be manually
communicated from the promotion team to the agencies (to ensure they match during

Promotions are currently based at a brand level. However, in the future, promotions could
be extended to levels lower than brand (product, SKU etc.).

Redemption websites would use a registration database, which would lead to identification
of the user through profile ID stored in a database containing customer information.

The promotion team will ensure that Product Type will be communicated to the agencies
responsible for building the redemption site as this will be needed for the API to redeem the
 Aqua care Management system
Purpose :

The purpose of this document is to outline the technical design of the CRM
module of AICM and provide an overview for the CRM module implementation.

About this CRM Module, It is the one of the Module in the ACIM project. This
module is used to interact with Customers, This module has the login page after
customer login successfully this customer get to know corresponding his services,
plans, service dates and due dates of service.


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This document contains a complete description of the design of CRM Module.
The basic architecture is a web application environment.

Over View:
This CRM module gives the relationship between customer or client and AICM,
This module has the login page after customer login successfully this customer
get to know corresponding his services, plans, service dates and due dates of
Login model

Only Registered /authorized customer have access to CRM login page through website.
When customer take first time service through service man or call center people when they
paid for service call center people update the new customer mean while automatically
password generated and send to customer phone and mail.

Mobile Number: User should enter the valid mobile number (10) digit it should digits

Password: Password should alpha-numeric and special symbol,

Login: Login button navigates to Registration page if entered login credentials are correct.

Home: When valid customer is login they enter to home page, home page contain notice
board, date, time, user name and some tabs.

User id: It will generate dynamically.

User name: Based on user id name should display.
Notice Board: It is dynamic, in that admin upload the offers, new plans, festival wishes etc.
Logout: User will navigate to login page after clicking logout button.

This contains a current plan of the customer and its details. Details contain the current plan
next service date, what are changes in last service, total bill is displayed. It shows by images.

1. Image will be display in a current plan, initially it will display in a green color.

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2. 15 days before service it will display in a yellow.

3. After completing the service it will display in a red color.

Before fifteen days it should send SMS to the customer.

Each service have a constrain of days or number of liter water use, if date is expired warning
message should trigger to his mail and phone number, after 30 days that should
automatically change the color to red and display your service date is over.

If service taken before date it should change automatically red color display.

Once if we click on the image it should shows the details about the plan & services.


Change password
Change password is used to change the current password. It is sub tab of setting tab.

It contains 3 fields

1. Current password
2. New password : It should not display(It should alpha-numeric and special key)
3. Conform password and change password button and reset button.

Edit profile

In this customer will able to change the following things.

1. Address
2. Phone number
3. Email id
4. Name

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