Modeling and Simulation For Product Design Process
Modeling and Simulation For Product Design Process
Modeling and Simulation For Product Design Process
Article in SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International · February 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0037549712451776
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Hossein Arsham
Descriptive simulation finds the performance measure of a system, given a particular value for the input parameters.
Inverse simulation reverses this and attempts to find the controllable input parameters required to achieve a particular
performance measure. This paper proposes using a ‘stochastic approximation’ to estimate the necessary design para-
meters within a range of desired accuracy. The proposed solution algorithm is based on Newton’s methods using a
single-run simulation to minimize a loss function that measures the deviation from a target value. The properties of the
solution algorithm and the validity of the estimates are examined by applying them to a reliability system with a known
analytical solution.
system design by simulation, design parameter setting, reliability system design, robust design, gradient estimation, pre-
scriptive modeling and simulation
application in stochastic systems analysis and design. uses of single-run gradient estimation of the performance
Mathematical formulation of the design problem is as measure by Score Function method. This section includes
follows: an outline on the necessary tools for solving efficiently the
Given t, find v e V 4 R subject to J(v) = t, where parameters design setting problem. Section 4 formally for-
ð mulates the product parameters design target decision.
Based on this formulation, a recursive solution algorithm
J ðvÞ = EY jv ½Z ðY Þ = Z ð yÞf ðy; vÞdy, ð3Þ
for estimating the parameter design with desirable accu-
racy is presented. Section 5 illustrates the proposed method
where Z: Rm ! R is a system performance measure and Y on a construction of a reliability system with specific mean
e Rm is a random vector (or a truncated stochastic process) time to failure. Finally, Section 6 provides some conclud-
with pdf f (y; v). ing remarks and ideas for further research and extensions.
Extensive computer processing is needed to find a
design parameter value given a desired target for the per-
formance measure of a given system. The designer simu- 2. Decision-maker’s modeling
lates the process numerically and obtains an approximation environment
for that same output. The aim is to match the numerical
and experimental results as closely as possible by varying The modeling techniques are the way of representing the
the values of input parameters in the numerical simulation. systems. The model must be well tuned to the purpose it is
The most obvious difficulty in solving the design prob- intended. Since a model of a system is a representation of
lem is that one cannot simply calculate a straightforward the system that contains those elements that affect the
solution and be done. Since the output has to be matched objective of our decision, it is important to identify the
by varying the input, an iterative method of solution is most important elements and categorize them. An under-
implied. standing of the decision problem required in order to group
This paper proposes using a ‘stochastic approximation’ together entities of the decision model in the same cate-
to estimate the necessary design parameters within a range gory. The desired output usually determines the controlla-
of desired accuracy. The proposed solution algorithm is ble inputs. The input into a system can be classified either
based on Newton’s methods using a single-run simulation as controllable or uncontrollable, as Figure 1 illustrates.
to minimize a loss function that measures the deviation Time-horizons for the modeling review must be
from a target value. The properties of the solution algo- selected that are short enough so that the uncontrollable
rithm and the validity of the estimates are examined by inputs (or probabilistic knowledge of them) will not
applying them to a reliability system with a known analy- change significantly. Even for short time horizons one
tical solution. might consider the time discounting factor for future peri-
The remainder of this article is divided into five sec- ods. The output is often called performance measure (or
tions. In the next section we introduce the decision-mak- indicator) for the system. Figure 1 depicts the structured
er’s modeling environment. It follows by an outline on decision-making modeling process approach.
flow, share price, etc., to indicate survival rather than as a general in nature, known as regularity conditions such as
goal for optimization. Another approach is to use ‘goal continuity, differentiability, invertability, and so on.
programming’ models that deal precisely with problems of The simulation models based on (2), although simpler
constraint satisfaction, without necessarily having a single than the real-world system, are still a very complex way
objective. Basically, they look at measures of constraint of relating input (v) to output J(v). Sometimes a simpler
violation and try to optimize them. analytic model may be used as an auxiliary to the simula-
tion model. This auxiliary model is often referred to as a
local response surface model (known also as a metamo-
3. Tools for setting production design del).7 Local response surface models may have different
parameters objectives: model simplification and interpretation,8 opti-
mization,9,10 what-if analysis,11 and generalization to mod-
The design problem is essentially backwards. The output
els of the same type. The following polynomial model can
is given, but the input must be determined. This is easiest
be used as an auxiliary model:
to appreciate when a designer wants to match experimen-
tal data in order to obtain some basic parameters. The
designer simulates the process numerically and obtains an J ðvÞ = J ðv0 Þ + dv:J 0 ðv0 Þ + ðdvÞ2 J 00 ðv0 Þ=2 + . . . , ð4Þ
approximation for that same output. The aim is to match
where δv = v – v0 and the primes denote derivatives. This
the numerical and experimental results as closely as possi-
local response surface model approximates J(v) for small
ble by varying the values of input parameters in the
δv. To estimate J(v) in the neighborhood of v0 by a linear
numerical simulation. Analyzing this, clearly, the output is
function, we need to estimate the nominal J(v) based on
there, and it is the input quantity that needs to be deter-
(2) and its first derivative. Traditionally, this derivative is
mined. The most obvious difficulty in solving the design
estimated by crude Monte Carlo, i.e. finite difference
problem is that one cannot simply calculate a straightfor-
which requires rerunning the simulation model. Methods
ward solution and be done. Since varying the input must
that yield enhanced efficiency and accuracy in estimating,
set the output, therefore an iterative solution method is
at little additional cost, are of great value.
implied. Our approach may be viewed as an optimization
There are few ways to obtain efficiently the derivatives
scheme where a loss function as described by Ross5 must
of the output with respect to an input parameter.12 The
be minimized. Therefore, the process of solving a design
most straightforward method is the score function (SF).
problem often comes down to finding the best method of
The SF approach13–15 is the major method for estimating
minimizing the loss function. The key part of optimization
the performance measure and its derivative, while obser-
is to compute the derivative of the output with respect to
ving only a single sample path from the underlying sys-
an input parameter.
tem.14 The basic idea of SF is that the derivative of the
In the case when v is any uncontrollable parameter, the
performance function, J0 (v), is expressed as expectation
designer is interested in estimating J(v) for a small change
with respect to the same distribution as the performance
in v = v0 to v = v0 + δv0. This is the so-called ‘what-if’
measure itself.
problem that is a direct problem. However, when v is a
This paper treats the design problem as a simulation (as
controllable input, the decision-maker is interested in the
opposed to regression) problem. By this approach, we are
product/service design parameters problem, i.e. ‘What per-
able to apply variance reduction techniques (VRTs) as
turbation of the design parameters (i.e. input parameters)
often used in the direct problem to enhance accuracy.
will achieve a desired change in the performance measure
Specifically, we embed a stochastic version of Newton’s
(i.e. the output value)?’ Another application of the design
method in a recursive algorithm to solve the stochastic
problem is where we may want to adapt a model to satisfy
equation J(v) = J for v, given J at a nominal value v0.
a new constraint with a stochastic function. While the
The explicit use of a linear local response surface model
what-if problem has been studied extensively, the design
is the target parameter design: given a desired value J =
parameter setting by simulation is relatively new. Design
J(v), find the prerequisite input parameter v.
interpolation based on regression models provides an indi-
Most engineering design methods essentially involve a
rect approach to solve the design problem. In this treat-
framework for arriving at a target value for product, pro-
ment, one simulates the system for many different values
cess, and service attributes through a set of experiments,
of v = v0, and then one approximates the response surface
that includes Monte Carlo experiments. To solve the prod-
function J(v).6 Finally, the fitted function is used to inter-
uct design problem, we will restrict our model to the first-
polate to obtain the unknown parameter v. Since the shape
order expansion. For a given J(v) the estimated δv using
of J(v) function is unknown, this approach is tedious, time-
(4) is
consuming and costly. Moreover, in random environments,
the fitted model might have unstable estimates for the
^dv = J ðvÞ J^ðv0 Þ =J^0 ðv0 Þ, ð5Þ
coefficients. The only information available about J(v) is
182 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89(2)
provided that the denominator in (5) does not vanish for H = S0 + S2: ð10Þ
any v0 in the interval V.
In the multidimensional case, the gradient and Hessian of
J(v) could be obtained in a straightforward manner by gen-
Gradient estimation by single-run methods eralizing these results.16 The estimator for the first and sec-
Simulation models, although simpler than real-world sys- ond derivatives based on (8) and (9) are given by
tems, are still a very complex way of relating input para-
0 X
meters (v) to performance measures J(v). Sometimes a J^ ðv0 Þ = Z ðyi Þ:S yi ; v =n ð11Þ
simple analytical model may be used as an auxiliary to the i=1
simulation model. This auxiliary local response surface X
model is often referred to as a metamodel.7 In this treat- J^ ðv0 Þ = Z ðyi Þ:H ðyi ; v0 Þ=n ð12Þ
ment, we have to simulate the system for some different i=1
values of v and then use a ‘goodness-of-fit’ regression. We
fit a response surface to these data.6 Clearly, coupling the
simulation model with the SF method enhances the effi-
S ðyi ; v0 Þ = f 0 ðyi ; v0 Þ=f ðyi ; v0 Þ ð13Þ
ciency of local response surface model construction. A
local response surface model can also be constructed by and
using sensitivities in a Taylor expansion of J(v) in the
neighborhood of v = v0. The resulting local response sur- H ðyi ; v0 Þ = f 00 ðyi ; v0 Þ=f ðyi ; v0 Þ: ð14Þ
face model can be used for characterization (such as
increasing/decreasing and convexity/concavity) of the Note that both estimators (11) and (12) are evaluated at v
response surface. = v0, and yi are the same n independent replications used
For the readers’ convenience, we rewrite Equation (3) in (2) for estimating the nominal performance J(v0); there-
defined in the introduction here. Let fore, they are quite efficient in terms of the computation
cost. Estimates obtained by using (11) and (12) are
ð unbiased, consistent, and they converge to the true values
J ðvÞ = EY jv ½Z ðY Þ = Z ð yÞf ðy; vÞdy, ð6Þ in the sense of the mean squared error.16 The estimated
gradient can also be used in solving optimization problems
(where Z is a system performance measure and Y e Rm is a by simulation using the stochastic version of the classical
random vector (or a truncated stochastic process) with pdf nonlinear programming algorithms.17 Other applications
f(y; v)) be the performance measure, then of sensitivity information include stability analysis.12
ð The following section provides a descriptive presenta-
J 0 ðvÞ = ½Z ð yÞ:f ðy; vÞ0 dy, ð7Þ tion of other approaches to gradient estimations. For the
full algorithmic implementations and their interrelation-
where the prime (0 ) denotes the derivative with respect to ship, see Arsham12 and references therein.
v. Note that, despite the fact that y depends on v, only the
function Z.f is subject to differentiation with respect to v. Other approaches to gradient estimation
From (7) it follows that
In the design, analysis, and operation of discrete-event sys-
tems, any information about the derivative dJ(v)/dv, is use-
J 0 ðvÞ = Z ð yÞf 0 ðy; vÞdy = EY jv ½Z ðY Þ:S , ð8Þ ful to both engineers and managers. The following
approaches avoid any numerical problems associated with
where S = f 0 (y;v) / f(y;v) is the SF. Differentiation is with the finite-differencing ratio as an approximation to the
respect to v. This is subject to the assumptions that the dif- derivative; they are based on a single simulation run, and
ferentiation and the integration operators are interchange- the methods have the potential for real-time applications.
able, f 0 (y;v) exists, and f(y;v) is positive for all v e V, where
V is an open interval. A necessary and sufficient condition
for the interchangeability used above is that there must be Finite difference approximation. Kiefer and Wolfowitz18
no discontinuity in the distribution.12 Similarly, the second proposed a finite difference approximation to the deriva-
derivative is tive. One version of the Kiefer–Wolfowitz (K-W) tech-
nique uses two-sided finite differences. The first fact to
ð notice about the K-W estimate is that it requires 2N simu-
J 00 ðvÞ = ½Z ðY ÞS 0 f ðy; vÞ + Z ðY ÞSf 0 ðy; vÞdy = EY jv ½Z ðY Þ:H lation runs, where N is the dimension of the vector para-
meter v. If the decision-maker is interested in gradient
estimation with respect to each of the components of v,
where then 2N simulations must be run for each component of v.
Arsham 183
This is inefficient. The second fact is that it may have a would like to realize this change by keeping the order of
very poor variance, and it may result in numerical calcula- events exactly the same. The perturbations will be so small
tion difficulties. that only the duration, not the order, of the states will be
affected. This effect should be observed in three succes-
Simultaneous perturbation methods. The simultaneous per- sive scenarios:
turbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm
introduced by Spall19–22 has attracted considerable atten- Step 1: How does a change in the value of a parameter
tion. There has recently been much interest in recursive vary the sample duration related to that parameter?
optimization algorithms that rely on measurements of only Step 2: How does the change in individual sample dura-
the objective function to be optimized, not requiring direct tion reflect itself as a change in a subsequent, particular
measurements of the gradient of the objective function. sample realization?
Such algorithms have the advantage of not requiring Step 3: Finally, what is the relationship between the
detailed modeling information describing the relationship variation of the sample realization and its expected
between the parameters to be optimized and the objective value?
function. For example, many systems involving complex
simulations or human beings are difficult to model, and
Harmonic analysis. Another strategy for estimating the gradi-
could potentially benefit from such an optimization
ent simulation is based on the frequency domain method,
approach. The SPSA algorithm operates in the same
which differs from the time domain experiments in that the
framework as the above K-W methods, but has the strong
input parameters are deterministically varied in sinusoidal
advantage of requiring a much lower number of simulation
patterns during the simulation run, as opposed to being kept
runs to obtain the same quality of result. The essential fea-
fixed as in the time domain runs. The range of possible val-
ture of SPSA which accounts for its power and relative
ues for each input factor should be identified. Then the values
ease of use in difficult multivariate optimization problems
of each input factor within its defined range should be chan-
is the underlying gradient approximation that requires only
ged during a simulation run. In time series analysis, t is the
two objective function measurements, regardless of the
dimension of the optimization problem (one variation of time index. In simulation, however, t is not necessarily the
basic SPSA uses only one objective function measurement simulation clock time. Rather, t is a variable of the model,
per iteration). The underlying theory for SPSA shows that which keeps track of certain statistics during each run.
the N-fold savings in simulation runs per iteration (per gra- Frequency domain simulation experiments identify the
dient approximation) translates directly into an N-fold sav- significant terms of the polynomial that approximate the
ings in the number of simulations to achieve a given relationship between the simulation output and the inputs.
quality of solution to the optimization problem. In other Clearly, the number of simulation runs required to identify
words, the K-W method and SPSA method take the same the important terms by this approach is much smaller than
number of iterations to converge to the answer, despite the the number of competing alternatives, and the difference
N-fold savings in objective function measurements (e.g. becomes even more conspicuous as the number of para-
simulation runs) per iteration in SPSA. meters increases.
SPSA can be seriously limited by, for example, the sta-
bility constraints of the system e.g. traffic intensity must
remain positive but less than one for a steady state of Some remarks on the various gradient estimation
dynamic system’s sensitivity estimation.10 approaches
Using the SF method, the gradient can be estimated simul-
Perturbation analysis. Perturbation analysis (PA)23–32
com- taneously, at any number of different parameter values, in
putes (roughly) what simulations would have been pro- a single-run simulation. The basic idea is that the gradient
duced, had v been changed by a ‘small’ amount without of the performance measure function, J0 (v), is expressed as
actually making this change. The intuitive idea behind PA an expectation with respect to the same distribution as the
is that a sample path constructed using v is frequently performance measure function itself. Therefore, the sensi-
structurally very similar to the sample path using the per- tivity information can be obtained with little computational
turbed v. There is a large amount of information that is the (not simulation) cost, while estimating the performance
same for both of them. It is wasteful to throw this informa- measure. It is well known that the crude form of the SF
tion away and to start the simulation from scratch with the estimator suffers from the problem of linear growth in its
perturbed v. In PA, moreover, we can let the change variance as the simulation run increases. However, in the
approach zero to get a derivative estimator without numer- discrete-event dynamic system, simulation the variance
ical problems. We are interested in the effect of a para- can be controlled by run length. Furthermore, information
meter change on the performance measure. However, we about the variance may be incorporated into the simulation
184 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89(2)
algorithm. A recent flurry of activity has attempted to the observed sample path, whereas SF requires no knowl-
improve the accuracy of the SF estimates. edge of the system other than the inputs and the outputs.
Now we look at the general (non-regenerative) case. In Therefore, when using SF methods, variance reduction is
this case, any simulation will give a biased estimator of necessary. The question is whether or not the variance can
the gradient, as simulations are necessarily finite. If n (the be reduced enough to make the SF estimator useful in all
length of the simulation) is large enough, this bias is negli- situations to which it can be applied. The answer is cer-
gible. However, as noted earlier, the variance of the SF tainly ‘yes’. Using the standard VRTs can help, but the
sensitivity estimator increases with increase in n; so, a most dramatic variance reduction occurs when using new
crude SF estimator is not even approximately consistent. VRTs such as conditioning, which is shown numerically
There are a number of ways to attack this problem. Most to have a mean squared error that is essentially the same
of the variations in an estimator come from the score func- as that of PA.
tion. The variation is especially high, when all past inputs
contribute to the performance and the scores from all are
included. When one uses batch means, the variation is 4. Parameters design setting problem
reduced by keeping the length of the batch small. formulation
A second way is to reduce the variance of the score to Most engineering system designs,33–35 such as product,
such an extent that we can use simulations long enough to process, and service design, involve a framework for arriv-
effectively eliminate the bias. This is the most promising ing at a target value for a set of experiments, which may
approach. The variance may be reduced further by using include Monte Carlo experiments. A random quality loss
the standard VRTs, such as importance sampling. Finally, function L(Zi) for a given system can be expanded in the
we can simply use a large number of independently identi- neighborhood of the target value t as follows:
cally distributed replications of the simulation.
PA and SF can be unified.12 Further comparison of the
LðZi Þ = L(t) + (Zi t)L0 (t) + ðZi tÞ2 L00 (τ)=2 + . . . :
PA and SF approaches reveals several interesting differ-
ences. Both approaches require an interchange of expecta- ð15Þ
tion and differentiation. However, the conditions for this It can be shown that L(Zi) converges in mean squared error
interchange in PA depend heavily on the nature of the prob- if |Zi – t| < 1 and derivatives are finite. Since the optimal
lem, and must be verified for each application, which is not loss is zero at t, Equation (15) reduces to the following
the case in SF. Therefore, in general, it is easier to satisfy SF
quadratic approximation
unbiased conditions. PA assumes that the order of events in
the perturbed path is the same as the order in the nominal
LðZi Þ = K ðZi tÞ2 : ð16Þ
path, for a small enough change in v, allowing the computa-
tion of the sensitivity of the sample performance for a partic- In (16), K is some constant that can be determined in terms
ular simulation. For example, if the performance measure is of the customer’s tolerance limit (t – δv), which suggests
the mean number of customers in a busy period, the PA esti- that the product performs unsatisfactorily when Zi slips
mate of the gradient with respect to any parameter is zero. below this limit. Given that the cost to the customer is A
The number of customers per busy period will not change if dollars, then K = A/δv2. Without loss of generality, for sim-
the order of events does not change. plicity let K = 1.
In terms of ease of implementation, PA estimators may The aim of parameter design is to choose the setting of
require considerable analytical work on the part of the the design parameter v that minimizes the average loss (the
algorithm developer, with some ‘customization’ for each risk function). The risk function R(t) is the expected value
application, whereas SF has the advantage of remaining a of the loss function, which can be shown as
general, definable algorithm, whenever it can be applied.
Perhaps the most important criterion for comparison RðtÞ = EfLðZi Þg = ðJ tÞ2 + VarðZi Þ: ð17Þ
lies in the question of accuracy of an estimator, typically
measured through its variance. If an estimator is strongly This risk function measures the average loss due to a prod-
consistent, its variance is gradually reduced over time and uct performance that is proportional to the square of the
ultimately approaches zero. The speed with which this deviation from the target value t, as shown in Figure 2. A
happens may be extremely important. Since in practice, parabolic representation estimates the quality loss, expressed
decisions normally have to be made in a limited time, an monetarily, that results when quality characteristics deviate
estimator whose variance decreases fast is highly desir- from the target values. The cost of this deviation increases
able. In general, when PA does provide unbiased estima- quadratically as the characteristic moves farther from the
tors, the variance of these estimators is small. PA fully target value. The acceptance range is between J(L) and
exploits the structure of discrete event systems and their J(U). Below the lower limit the product is rejected, and
state dynamics by extracting the needed information from above the upper limit, the product must be reworked.
Arsham 185
Risk Cost
Tolerance limit
Tolerance limit
K1 Reject cost K2 Rework cost
J1 J(L) Y target J(U) J2
The parabolic curve shown in Figure 2 represents the where dj is any sequence of positive numbers satisfying the
Taguchi loss function. From the curve you can interpret following conditions:
that the amount of loss is minimal for the target (or nom-
inal value), and as you deviate from the target the amount ∞
of loss increases, even if you are within the specified lim- dj < ∞; ð21Þ
its of the process.
The non-adjustable variational noise, i.e. and
feedback loops. Usually when modelers choose an Step 4: RESET: Reset the seeds of random number genera-
approach to a DES, they often model the system as an tors to their initial values. Go to step 2.
open loop, or nearly open-loop system, making the system Note that, by resetting the seeds to their initial values,
behave as if there were no superior agent controlling the we are using the Common Random Variate approach14 as
whole production process. Closing the loops, as shown in a VRT.
Figure 3, should be an elemental task that the simulation
modeler should do. There must be awareness of system
behavior, particularly if the system is subject to human
The accuracy of the estimate
decision-making processes/activities. In the design problem, the input parameter is random,
The inverse simulation algorithm is based on an itera- while the output is fixed and given as a target value. Upon
tive method using differentiation and a feedback structure estimating the input parameter, we must provide a mea-
as shown in Figure 3. sure, such as a confidence interval, to reflect the precision
Since the adjustments are made in proportion to the of the estimate. To construct a confidence interval for δv
recent value, we must be sure that the results remain finite. using the estimator (19), let
This requires that J0 (v) does not vanish for v e V, where V is
an open interval. To prevent excessive over-correction, we Ai = J ðvÞ Z ðyi ; v0 Þ, ð23Þ
assume further that the solution lies in some finite interval Bi = Z ðyi ; v0 ÞS ðyi ; v0 Þ, ð24Þ
V. Under these not unreasonable conditions, this algorithm
will converge in mean square; moreover, it is an almost sure and denote
convergence. For some generalizations and studies concern- X X
ing speed of convergence and acceleration techniques, see A= Ai =n and B = Bi =n, ð25Þ
Dippon and Renz.37 Finally, as in Newton’s root-finding
method,1,38 it is impossible to assert that the method con- then
verges for just any initial v = v0, even though J0 (v) may sat-
isfy the Lipschitz condition over V. Indeed, if the initial S 2 = S11 2 2vS12 + v2 S22 ð26Þ
value v0 is sufficiently close to the solution, which is usually
the case, then this algorithm requires only a few iterations to
obtain a solution with very high accuracy. X X
S11 = ðAi AÞ2 =ðn 1Þ, S22 = ðBi BÞ2 =ðn 1Þ,
Step 0: INPUTS
t = Desired output and
j = Iteration number X
vj = Controllable input parameter v S12 = ðAi AÞðBi BÞ=ðn 1Þ, ð28Þ
n = Sample size
U = Desired upper limit for absolute increment A 100(1 – a)% confidence interval for δv is given by
u = vj + 1 – vj
a = A desired significance level jdv vj
P½n1=2 ≤ tn1, 1a=2 ≥ 1 a ð29Þ
Set j = 1
Set vj = v0
J(vj) using (2)
J0 (vj) using (9)
u = 9½t J^ vj =½ð9 + jÞJ^ vj
If |u| < U
Construct 100(1 – a)% confidence interval for
estimated v
set vj + 1 = vj + u and j ! j + 1 Figure 3. Parameter design problem with a feedback loop.
Arsham 187
where tn-1,1-a/2 is the 100(1 – a/2) percentile of Student’s H ð yÞ = f 00 ðy; vÞ=f ðy; vÞ =
t distribution with n – 1 degrees of freedom.39 X X
v2 yi 8v yi + 12 =v2 , i = 1, 2, 3, 4:
5. An illustrative application: design of a The system lifetime is Z(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4; v0) = max [min
reliability system (Y3,Y4), min (Y1,Y2)]. It is readily seen that the theoretical
expected lifetime of this system is J(v0) = 3/(4 v0).40 Now,
For most complex reliability systems, the performance
we apply our results to compute a necessary value for v to
measures, such as mean time to failure (MTTF), are not
obtain a particular value for J(v), say J(v) = 2. For this
available in analytical form. We resort to Monte Carlo
reliability system, the underlying probability density func-
simulation to estimate the MTTF function of the system.
tion is
The purpose of this section is a design problem: given a
specific desired target value for MTTF for a system find X
components’ life density function parameters to achieve f ðy; vÞ = v4 exp v yi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4: ð30Þ
the target value. A stochastic approximation algorithm is
used to estimate the necessary, controllable input para- The SF is
meters within a desired range of accuracy. The potential
effectiveness is demonstrated by simulating a reliability S ð yÞ = f 0 ðy; vÞ=f ðy; vÞ = 4=v yi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, ð31Þ
system with a known analytical solution.
Consider a coherent reliability subsystem consisting of H ð yÞ = f 00 ðy; vÞ=f ðy; vÞ =
four homogeneous elements, i.e. manufactured by an iden- X X
tical process. Furthermore, the components have indepen- v 2
yi 8v yi + 12 =v2 , i = 1, 2, 3, 4: ð32Þ
dent random lifetimes Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4, which are
distributed exponentially with rates v = v0 = 0.5.
The estimated average lifetime and its derivative for the
The first two elements, and the last two elements, are in
nominal system (v = v0 = 0.5) based on (2) and (9) are
series. These two series, each with two components, are in
parallel, as shown in Figure 4. X
The system lifetime is Z(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4; v0) = max [min J ðv 0 Þ = max min Y3, j , Y4, j , min Y1, j , Y2, j =n,
(Y3,Y4), min (Y1,Y2)]. It is readily seen that the theoretical ð33Þ
expected lifetime of this system is J(v0) = 3/(4 v0).40 Now
we apply our results to compute a necessary value for v to and
obtain a particular value for J(v), say J(v) = 2. For this X
reliability system, the underlying pdf is J 0 ðv0 Þ = max min Y3, j , Y4, j , min Y1, j , Y2, j :S Yi, j =n,
X ð34Þ
f ðy; vÞ = v4 exp v yi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4: X
J 00 ðv0 Þ = max min Y3, j , Y4, j , min Y1, j , Y2, j :H Yi, j =n,
The SF is ð35Þ
S ð yÞ = f 0 ðy; vÞ=f ðy; vÞ = 4=v yi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, Respectively, where Yi,j is the jth observation for the ith
component (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). We have performed a Monte
Carlo experiment for this system by generating n = 10,000
independent replications using SIMSCRIPT II.5 random
number streams 1–4 to generate exponential variates Y1,
Y2, Y3, Y4, respectively, on a PC. The estimated perfor-
mance is J(0.5) = 1.5024, with a standard error of 0.0348.
The first and second derivative estimates are –3.0933 and
12.1177 with standard errors of 0.1126 and 1.3321,
A quadratic metamodel
The response surface approximation in the neighborhood
Figure 4. A reliability subsystem. v = 0.5 is
188 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89(2)
Table 1. A second-order polynomial local response surface model and direct simulation.
analysis and design of systems. The methodology is pre- Some suggestions for future research topics
sented in the context of a reliability system application. We expect to introduce other efficient VRTs. The com-
This section includes a presentation of a solution algorithm mon random variates as a VRT are already embedded in
for the inverse simulation and issues of numerical stability the algorithm. Since
and accuracy. The methodology includes an iterative
method based on differentiation of the performance mea- ð ð ð
sure and use of feedback structures for generation of an E½S = E½ln f 0 = ½ln f 0 f dx = f 0 dx = ½ f dx0 = 0,
inverse model, based on a stochastic version of Newton’s
Almost all DES simulation computation can be formu- we can express the gradient in terms of covariance between
lated as an estimation of an expected value of the system Z and S
performance measure, which is a function of an input para-
meter of the underlying pdf. In ordinary system simulation, J 0 ðvÞ = Cov½Z ðY Þ, S = E½Z:S E½Z :E½S ð39Þ
this input parameter must be known in advance to estimate
the output of the system. From the designer’s point of
view, the input parameters can be classified as controllable
J 0 ðvÞ = E½Z ðY Þ:S + αE½S ð40Þ
and uncontrollable.2 The influential controllable input can
be recognized by factor screening methods.41 In this paper, where a could be the optimal linear control. Note also that
we considered the design problem: ‘What must be the per- (6) can be written as
turbation of the current controllable input parameter value ð
to achieve a desired output value?’ The approach used in
J 0 ðvÞ =Z ð yÞf 0 ðy; vÞdy
this study was as follows:
ð ð41Þ
= Z ð yÞ½f 0 ðy; vÞ=fðy; vÞfðy; vÞdy:
1. to estimate the derivative of the output function
with respect to the input parameter for the nominal
The best choice for f is the one proportional to Z(y).f 0 (y;
system by a single run and on-line simulation;
v). This minimizes the variance of J0 (v); however, this opti-
2. to use this estimated derivative in a Taylor’s
mal f depends on the performance function Z(y), which is
expansion of the output function in the neighbor-
not known in advance for most cases. One may use the
hood of the parameter; and, finally,
empirical version of Z(y).f 0 (y; v). We recommend a pilot
3. to use a recursive algorithm based on Taylor’s
run to study the effectiveness of these and other variance
expansion to estimate the necessary controllable
reduction techniques before implementing them.
input parameter value within a desired accuracy.
One may extend our methodology to higher-order
Taylor’s expansion. We believe that there is a tradeoff
Under some mild and reasonable conditions, the algorithm between number of iterations, sample size, and the order
converges to the desired solution with probability 1. The of Taylor’s expansion. Clearly, estimating the second deri-
efficiency of the proposed algorithm, in terms of accuracy, vative requires a larger sample size n, but fewer iterations
is tested using reliability in product designs with satisfac- to achieve the same accuracy.
tory results. The approach may have major implications We also expect to extend our methodology to the
for simulation modelers and practitioners in terms of time design problems with two or more unknown parameters
and cost savings. As always, since this experiment was by considering two or more relevant outputs to ensure
done on specific numerical example, one should be careful uniqueness. By this generalization, we could construct a
in making any other generalizations. linear system of stochastic equations to be solved simulta-
In this paper we have introduced the general concepts neously by multidimensional versions of the stochastic
of inverse simulation. An effective solution algorithm for approximation proposed elsewhere42,43 as well as the
the inverse simulation problem is presented from first Newton method17,44 using the second-order derivatives,
principles. The impact of the proposed inverse simulation e.g., Hessian.
method on conveying real understanding about the discrete The algorithms in this paper are presented in English-
event properties of the systems are now made available. like, step-by-step format to facilitate implementation in a
The inverse simulation method is also found to be of value variety of operating systems and computers, thus improv-
for the validation and control of complex DES models ing portability. However, there is a need to develop a deci-
with numerical stability and desirable accuracy. sion support system that makes the algorithms more
The proposed inverse simulation techniques can also be practically applicable to simulation in system design.42
applied as a measuring tool and decision procedure for the Another item for further research includes extension of
validation of simulation models. our experiment to large and more complex systems, such
190 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89(2)
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Author biography
Hossein Arsham is the Wright distinguished research professor
of decision science, statistics, and system simulation at the