Proportional Valve Group: PVE, Series 4 For PVG 32/100/120 and PVHC
Proportional Valve Group: PVE, Series 4 For PVG 32/100/120 and PVHC
Proportional Valve Group: PVE, Series 4 For PVG 32/100/120 and PVHC
Technical Information
Technical Information PVE, Series 4 for PVG 32/100/120 and PVHC
General Information
List of abbreviations for PVG/PVE...............................................................................................................................................5
Literature reference for PVG products...................................................................................................................................... 6
Standards for PVE............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
PVE with connector variants.........................................................................................................................................................7
PVE series 4 introduction............................................................................................................................................................... 7
PVE stands for PVE actuator .........................................................................................................................................................8
PVG functionality............................................................................................................................................................................10
PVE functionality............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Hydraulic subsystems............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Variant of hydraulic subsystem: PVEA...............................................................................................................................12
Variant of hydraulic subsystem: PVHC.............................................................................................................................. 12
Mechanical subsystem............................................................................................................................................................13
Electronic subsystem...............................................................................................................................................................13
Safety and monitoring
Fault monitoring and reaction.................................................................................................................................................. 15
Active fault reaction is activated after 500 ms of error (PVEA: 750 ms). .............................................................. 15
Passive fault reaction is activated after 250 ms of error (PVEA: 750 ms).............................................................. 15
The solenoid valves are disabled when:...........................................................................................................................16
Spool position feedback (-SP)....................................................................................................................................................16
Direction indication feedback (-DI)......................................................................................................................................... 17
Solenoid disabling function (-NP)............................................................................................................................................ 18
Safety in application
Building in safety............................................................................................................................................................................19
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) IEC EN 61508............................................................................................. 19
Hazard and risk analysis ISO 12100-1 / 14121................................................................................................................ 19
Control system example..............................................................................................................................................................19
Typical wiring block diagram example.............................................................................................................................21
Example of fault monitoring.................................................................................................................................................23
PVG 32 – mainly used in system with fixed displacement pumps......................................................................... 23
PVG100 – Alternative LS dump or pilot supply disconnect...................................................................................... 24
PVG120 – Pump disconnect/block for variable pumps.............................................................................................. 24
PVE control
PVE control by voltage................................................................................................................................................................. 25
PLUS+1® compliance............................................................................................................................................................... 25
ATEX PVE......................................................................................................................................................................................26
PVEU–PVE with fixed control signal range...................................................................................................................... 26
PVE controlled with PWM signal......................................................................................................................................... 26
PVEP.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
PVEO................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
PVE ON/OFF activation........................................................................................................................................................... 28
PVE for float spool..........................................................................................................................................................................28
There are two variants of float spool PVBS......................................................................................................................28
PVHC control....................................................................................................................................................................................31
PVE hysteresis..................................................................................................................................................................................31
Example of PVE use....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Technical Data
PVE operating parameters .........................................................................................................................................................34
PVHC control specification......................................................................................................................................................... 35
PVEO and PVEM control specification.................................................................................................................................... 36
PVEA, PVEH, PVES and PVEU control specification ........................................................................................................... 36
PVEP control specification.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
General Information
Abbreviation Description
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit - the part of the PVE where spool position is controled to
follow setpoint
ATEX Certificated for use in explosive environment
AVC Auxillery Valve Comand - ISOBUS/J1939 standard signal for valve control
AVCTO Auxillery Valve Comand Time Out - Fault monitoring setting
AVEF Auxillery Valve Estimated Flow - ISOBUS/J1939 standard signal for valve feedback
CAN Controller Area Network - Communication method used by PVED
CLC Closed Loop Circuit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check - Method for ensuring validity of data.
-DI PVE with Direction Indication
DM1 Diagnostic Message 1 - J1939 message informing about present fault
DM2 Diagnostic Message 2 - J1939 message informing about fault history
DM3 Diagnostic Message 3 - J1939 message clearing fault history
DSM Device State Machine. Deterministic description of system process
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EH Electro Hydraulic
-F PVE for Float spool. Two variants: 4 pin with float at 75%. 6 pin with separate float.
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
ISOBUS Communication standard for CAN
J1939 Communication standard for CAN
LED Light Emitting Diode
LS Load Sensing
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer - Position sensor
NC Normally Closed solenoid valve in PVE
NC-H Normally Closed standard solenoid valve - like in PVEH
NC-S Normally Closed solenoid valve Super - like in PVES
NO Normally Open solenoid valve in PVE
PLC Programmable Logical Circuit
PLUS+1® Trademark for Danfoss controllers and programming tool
POST Power On Self Test. Boot up evaluation for PVED
Pp Pilot Pressure. The oil gallery for PVE actuation
PVB Proportional Valve Basic module - valve slice
PVBS Proportional Valve Basic module Spool
PVBZ Proportional Valve Basic module Zero leakage
PVE Proportional Valve Electric actuator
PVEA PVE variant with 2-6 % hysteresis
PVED PVE variant Digital controlled via CAN communication
PVEH PVE variant with 4-9% Hysteresis
PVEM PVE variant with 25-35% hysteresis
PVEO PVE variant with ON/OFF actuation
General Information
Abbreviation Description
PVEP PVE variant PWM controled
PVES PVE variant with 0-2% hysteresis
PVEU PVE variant with US 0-10V
PVG Proportional multi-section Valve Group
PVHC PV variant with Current controlled valve actuator
PVM Proportional Valve Manual control with handle
PVP Proportional Valve Pump side module.Inlet
PVS Proportional Valve end plate
PVSK Proportional Valve end plate crane. Inlet module with Spool Control
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
S4 DJ Series 4 Digital J1939 service tool software for PVED-CC
SAE Society Automotive Engineering
-R PVE with Ramp function
-NP PVE with solenoid disable in Neutral Position
-SP PVE with Spool Position feedback
uC Micro-controller
uCSM Micro-controller State Machine
UDC Power supply Direct Current; also called Vbat for battery voltage
US Steering voltage for the PVE control; also called VS
Literature reference
Title Type Order
PVG 32 Proportional valve group Technical Information 520L0344
PVG 100 Proportional valve group Technical Information 520L0720
PVG 120 Proportional valve group Technical Information 520L0356
PVG 32 Metric ports Technical Information 11051935
PVED-CC Electro-hydraulic actuator Technical Information 520L0665
PVED-CX Electro-hydraulic actuator Technical Information 11070179
Basic module for PVBZ Technical Information 520L0721
PVSK module with integrated diverter valve and P-disconnect function Technical Information 520L0556
PVPV / PVPM pump side module Technical Information 520L0222
Combination module PVGI Technical Information 520L0405
PVSP/M Priority module Technical Information 520L0291
General Information
• International Organization for Standardization ISO 13766 Earth moving machinery - Electromagnetic
• EN 50014:1997 +A1, A2: 1999
• EN 50028: 1987. For ATEX approved PVE
‒ IEC EN 61508
‒ ISO 12100-1 / 14121
‒ EN 13849 (Safety related requirements for control systems)
‒ Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC” (1st Edition December 2009)
Please work through all warnings before implementing actuators in any application. The list of warnings
must not be seen as a full list of potential dangers. Depending on application and use other potential
dangers can occur.
Warnings are listed next to the most relevant section and repeated in a special section at the end of
technical data. See Product warnings for more information.
W Warning
All brands and all types of directional control valves – including proportional valves – can fail and cause
serious damage. It is therefore important to analyze all aspects of the application. Because the
proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and applications, the machine
builder/ system integrator alone is responsible for making the final selection of the products – and
assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
General Information
General Information
The PVG is a sectional spool valve stack with up to 12 individually controlled proportional valves. The PVG
with the PVE can be operated as single valves or several valves in cooperation. The oil flow out of the
work section (A- or B-port) can be controlled by a combination of the following:
A – A-port
B – B-port
C – PVS end plate
D – PVB basic module
E – Connector Pin
T – Tank port
P – Work flow
PVG functionality
The PVG valve distributes oil from pump flow to a particular work function in the application via a specific
valve section. This is done by moving the spool (PVBS).
Depending on the choice of components the oil work flow enters the PVG through the PVP (proportional
valve pump side module), a PVSK, a mid inlet or other system interface and enters the PVB (proportional
valve basic module) via the P gallery and leaves through the T gallery.
The PVP/PVSK also supplies the Pilot oil pressure (Pp) for the PVE to activate the spool (PVBS). Special
designed float spools also allow oil flow in both directions between A- and B-port not opening to pump
nor tank.
When looking at the figure you see the valve section from PVP towards PVS with the PVM and PVE
standard mounted. When PVM and PVE are interchanged it’s called option mounted.
P -> A
Neutral spring
Oil out of A-port = PVM pushed towards PVB = retract = LVDT moves into PVE.
With the spool in neutral, default position when held by the neutral spring, the connection to the
application via ports is blocked. Moving the PVBS towards the PVE, as in the figure, opens a connection
between P and A and also between B and T. This is done by either pushing the PVM or activating the PVE.
The PVE moves the PVBS by letting Pilot Oil Pressure (Pp) push on the right end of the PVBS and releasing
pressure from the left end. For details on PVG 32 please see PVG 32 Proportional Valve Groups, Technical
Information, 520L0334.
PVE functionality
This section has focus on how the PVE works and interacts. The description here is general and variant
specific descriptions will all refer to this.
The PVE is an electro mechanical device, meaning that functionality is depending on mechanical,
hydraulic, electrical and control conditions given by PVE, PVG, application and vehicle. The result of this is
that implementing operation and safety conditions also must include vehicle specific considerations.
Hydraulic subsystems
The hydraulic subsystem is used for moving the spool and thereby open the valve for work flow.
Set point
Electronics Pp
1.0 [0.039]
The hydraulic subsystem moves the spool and thereby opens the valve for work flow. The heart in the
hydraulic subsystem is the solenoid valve bridge which controls the Pilot Pressure (Pp) on spool ends. It
consist of four poppet valves, the two upper are normally closed (NC) and the two lower are normally
open (NO).
The Pp will work against the PVBS neutral spring when the spool is moved out of blocked (neutral) and
together with the spring when going in blocked. This combined with a larger opening in the NO than in
the NC will give a faster movement towards blocked than out of blocked.
When the PVE is powered the solenoids are all put in closed state. To move the PVBS to the right NC1 and
NO4 are opened and NC3 and NO4 are kept closed.
The activation of the solenoid valves represents oil consumption and thereby also a pressure drop in the
pilot oil gallery. By simultaneous use of multiple PVE the Pp can fall and result in performance problems.
The two check valves next to the NO are anti-cavitation valves. The orifice to tank reduces tank pressure
spikes and can also be used for ramp function.
W Warning
Obstacles for the Pilot oil pressure (Pp) can have direct influence on spool control. Reduced Pp will limit
spool control. Too high Pp can harm the PVE.
W Warning
PVEA is not for use on PVG 100.
With electrical proportional actuation, the main spool position is adjusted so that its position corresponds
to an electrical control signal. The control signal is converted into a hydraulic pressure signal that moves
the main spool in the PVG. This is done by means of two proportional pressure-reducing valves. The
electrical actuator can be controlled either by a current amplifier card, or directly from a programmable
Mechanical subsystem
The mechanical subsystem gives interface to valve and control system and provides protection to
hydraulic and electrical/electronic subsystem. The LVDT, not used on all variants, gives feed back to
electronics on spool position. The LVDT is calibrated in production and recalibration should only be done
in special cases. The standard PVE has an aluminum block for distributing pilot oil. PVE with anodized
block are available.
The connector gives the electrical interface to power and control system. Danfoss have a variety of
connectors. We know that tradition and the aspects of serviceability are important when our customers
choose. We have chosen the Deutsch connector as our main solution. The quality of wiring has direct
influence on water integrity and signal quality therefore disturbance or changes in cabling can influence
safety and performance.
Electronic subsystem
The PVE (A/ H/ M/ S/ U) control signal is a low current voltage, a PWM can also be used. The PVEP has
build-in a PWM evaluation and cannot be controlled by proportional voltage. The control signal is
referred to as US.
The PVE features Closed Loop Control (CLC). This is made possible by on board electronics and an
integrated feedback transducer that measures spool movement. The integrated electronics compensate
for flow forces on the spool, internal leakage, changes in oil viscosity, pilot pressure, etc. This results in
lower hysteresis and better resolution.
In principle the set-point determines the level of pilot pressure which moves the main spool. The position
of the main spool is sensed in the LVDT which generates an electric feed-back signal registered by the
electronics. The variation between the set-point signal and feed-back signal actuates the solenoid valves.
The solenoid valves are actuated so that hydraulic pilot pressure drives the main spool into the correct
The LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transducer) is an inductive transducer with very high
resolution. When the LVDT is moved by the main spool a voltage is induced proportional to the spool
position. The use of LVDT gives contact-free connection between mechanics and electronics. This means
an extra long lifetime and no limitation as regards the type of hydraulic fluid used.
The PVEO and PVHC do not have embedded control electronics and do not support closed loop control.
The choice of PVE also decides the level of feedback and safety. PVE are available with fault monitoring,
spool direction indication, spool position feedback and separate float control.
The fault monitoring is available in PVEA/H/S/P/U and is a utilization of the ASIC.
Direction Indication is available in PVEO/A/H and they are dual powered PVE where separate pins give an
active feedback for spool movement.
Spool position is available in PVES and is a precise feedback on a separate pin for actual spool position.
The separate float control is a protection against unintended float activation.
The PVEM, PVEO and PVHC do not have fault monitoring.
Both active and passive fault monitoring systems are triggered by the same four main events:
1. Control signal monitoring
The Control signal voltage (US) is continuously monitored. The permissible range is between 15% and
85% of the supply voltage. Outside this range the section will switch into an error state. A
disconnected US pin (floating) is recognized as neutral set point.
2. Transducer supervision
The internal LVDT wires are monitored. If the signals are interrupted or short-circuited, the PVE will
switch into an error state.
3. Supervision of spool position
The actual position must always correspond to the demanded position (US). If the actual spool
position is further out from neutral than the demanded spool position (>12%, PVEA: >25%) or in
opposite direction, the PVE will switch into an error state. With neutral/blocked setpoint the tolerance
is +- 0,5 mm relative the calibrated neutral position. Spool position closer to neutral and in same
direction will not cause an error state. The situation is considered “in control”.
4. Float monitoring
Float must be entered or left within a time limit. On the six pin float PVE too high delay will cause an
error state. The float Time Outs has own thresholds. Only relevant for the six pin PVEH-F.
Active fault reaction is activated after 500 ms of error (PVEA: 750 ms).
• The solenoid valve bridge is disabled and the PVBS is released to spring control
• The error pin is powered*
• The LED change color
• The state is memorized and continues until PVE reboot
Passive fault reaction is activated after 250 ms of error (PVEA: 750 ms)
• The solenoid valve bridge is NOT disabled and the PVBS is NOT released
• The error pin is powered ( for PVE with direction indication both DI pins goes low by fault.)
• The LED change color
• The state is active for minimum 100 ms and is reset when error disappears
W Warning
Error pins from more PVEs may not be interconnected. Not activated error pins are connected to ground
and will disable any active signal. Error pins are signal pins and can only supply very limited power
To avoid the electronics in undefined state a general supervision of power supply (UDC) and internal clock
frequency is implemented. This function applies to PVEA, PVEH, PVEP, PVES and PVEU independently of
fault monitoring version and PVEM - and will not activate fault monitoring.
W Warning
It’s up to the customer to decide on the required degree of safety for the system.
Us Usp
75% UDC Us 4.5V
DI-A high
DI-A low
DI-B high
DI-B low
Spool position ‘x’
A-port -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 B-port mm [in]
PVBS towards PVE PVBS away from PVE
As shown in the figure, both “DI-A” and “DI-B” signals are “High” when the spool is in neutral position.
When the spool is moving in the A direction, the “DI-A” signal goes “Low” and the “DI-B” signal stays
“High”. The reverse is true when the spool is moved in the B direction.
PVEH-F (six pin) has also the disable function but not the feedback. Our general recommendation is
disabling of PVE that are not in active use.
Safety in application
Building in safety
All brands and all types of control valves (incl. proportional valves) can fail. Thus the necessary protection
against the serious consequences of function failure should always be built into the system. For each
application an assessment should be made for the consequences of pressure failure and uncontrolled or
blocked movements.
To determine the degree of protection that is required to be built into the application, system tools such
an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and Hazard and Risk Analysis can be used.
W Warning
All brands and all types of directional control valves – including proportional valves – can fail and cause
serious damage. It is therefore important to analyze all aspects of the application. Because the
proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and applications, the machine
builder/ system integrator alone is responsible for making the final selection of the products – and
assuring that all performance, safety and Warning requirements of the application are met.
W Warning
It is the responsibilty of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the
machine is declared as being in confirmity with the relevant machine directives.
Safety in application
Safety in application
Detection Hydraulic deactivation
P301 317
Safety in application
B Error
B Error
E1 E2
2) Alarm
3) Memory
Fault detection output D deactivation
P301 318
System Control Logic e.g. PLUS+1® for signal monitoring and triggering signal for deactivation of the
hydraulic system.
W Warning
It is the responsebilty of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the
machine is declared as being in confirmity with the relevant machine directives.
Safety in application
AMP connector
2) Fault detection DI-A
DI-B 3) 4) DI-B
DI-A DI Output Delay Memory
US Logic Error
AMP connector
Fault detection DI-A
DI-B 3) 4)
DI-A DI Output Delay Memory
US Logic Error
Fault detection output deactivation
P301 319
System Control Logic e.g. PLUS+1® for signal monitoring and triggering signal for deactivation of the
hydraulic system.
W Warning
It is the equipment manufacturers responsibility to ensure that the control system incorporated in the
machine is declared as being in conformity with the relevant machine directives.
Other non-electrical modules which can be used in connection with hydraulic deactivation at different
Safety in application
PVE control
control range
2.5V 5V 7.5V fixed
PLUS+1® compliance
PVEA, PVEH, PVES, PVEO, PVEP and PVED can be controlled by PLUS+1.
PVE control
The UDC has a capacitance of 2,2 uF which can give problems with some micro-controller power supply.
Danfoss has designed a special resistance supply and control cable to eliminate this problem.
W Warning
PVEM is not PLUS+1 compliant.
The Danfoss PVE ATEX portfolio has the same monitoring and control characteristics as the equivalent
standard PVE.
PVE control
W Warning
The PWM is not evaluated by the PVE so variance/failure in period (T) will not be detected.
The PVEP is designed for PWM control signals only.
PVEP schematic and characteristic
Spool travel
- Driver
A mm [in]
Proportional control range
7.5 B
Set point
to PWM
- Driver
[-0.3] A
10% 80%
PWM ratio
- +
11 - 32 V
W Warning
It is important that the power supply (UDC) is connected before the PWM signal.
PWM signals are low power voltage signals; hence no current drivers are needed.
PWM frequency can be chosen between 100 to 1000 Hz.
Current control is not possible with PVEP. The PVEP can also be connected to a control signal like used for
The PVEP performs a true time difference measurement on the PWM input, thus there is no filtering or
conversion involved.
PVEP signals
Duty cycle A-signal Duty cycle B-signal Function Error Pin output
(pin 1) (pin 2) (pin 3)
0% 0% Neutral Low
PVE control
W Warning
The PVEO is designed to have UDC=12 V or UDC=24 V.
The solenoids might be activated by voltage down to 6 V.
PVE control
Proportional Proportional
Float port A Control port A Control port B
Float = Udc
PVE control
PVE control
PVHC control
PVHC characteristic
Spool stroke, mm
Ideal curve
Current in mA
@ 12V
@ 24V
500/1000 mA 280/560 mA 280/560 mA 500/1000 mA V310 000.A
PVHC current response and hysteresis @ 25 bar Pp, 21 ctS, 25 °C. The PVHC control is done by dual Pulse
Width Modulated (PVM) high current supply 100-400 Hz PWM control signals.
The PVHC does not have fault monitoring and internal closed loop control of the spool.
The PVHC has high hysteresis. The hysteresis is affected by viscosity, friction, flow forces, dither frequency
and modulation frequency.
The spool position will shift when conditions are changed e.g. temperature change.
For PVG controlled by PVHC hysteresis is influenced by lever (PVM).
PVE hysteresis
The controllability of the PVE depends on the solenoid valve bridge and the electronic capacity of the
module. Hysteresis is a measurement on spool position precision and repeatability. Hysteresis is not a
description of position maintaining.
PVES voltage, position diagram PVEA voltage, position diagram PVEH voltage, position diagram
PVE control
The PVES has an ASIC closed loop The PVEA has an ASIC closed loop The PVEH has an ASIC closed
circuit and the NC-S solenoids. circuit, standard NC solenoids loop circuit and the standard NC
and orifice instead of NO solenoids.
C Caution
PVEA is not for use on PVG 100.
PVE control
3, 15, 16
1, 2, 14
Pin no.
6 Push/Dir.sw.3A
U- (GND)
Prop 1
Prop 2
US1 US2 P3A P3B P4A P4B - + + U+ U-
- +
E – Emergency stop
F – Signal output, fault monitoring
NC – Not connected
Technical Data
W Warning
The PVE is designed for use with pilot oil supply. Use without oil supply can harm the system. The PVE is
designed for use with pilot pressure range 10 to 15 bar [145 to 220 psi]. Intermittent pressure peaks up to
50 bar [725 psi] can be accepted. Intermittent is no longer than 5 seconds and not more than once per
The technical data are from typical test results. For the hydraulic system mineral based hydraulic oil with
a viscosity of 21 mm2/s [102 SUS] and a temperature of 50 °C [122 °F] was used.
Oil consumption
Function Supply PVEA PVEH/ M/ O/ U–PVHC PVEP /S / U
voltage prop. high prop. super
Pilot oil flow neutral* OFF 0 l/min 0 l/min 3 l/min
for PVE [0 US gal/min] [0 US gal/min] [0.106 US gal/min]
locked* ON 0.4 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.1 l/min
[0.106 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min]
continuous 1.0 l/min 0.7 l/min 0.8 l/min
actuations* [0.264 US gal/min] [0.185 US gal/min] [0.211 US gal/min]
Oil viscosity
Oil viscosity range 12 → 75 mm2/s [65 ÷ 347 SUS]
min. 4 mm2/s [39 SUS]
max. 460 mm2/s [2128 SUS]
Oil temperature
Oil temperature range 30 → 60˚C [86 ÷ 140˚F]
min. -30˚C [-22˚F]
max. 90˚C [194 ˚F]
Pilot pressure
Pilot pressure PVE PVHC
(relative to T pressure) (over tank)*
nom. 13.5 bar [196 psi] 25 bar [363 psi]
min. 10.0 bar [145 psi] 21 bar [305 psi]
max. 10.0 bar [217 psi] 25 bar [363 psi]
Operating temperature
Min Max
Technical Data
For further information see Danfoss documentation Hydraulic Fluids and Lubricants, Technical Information
* According to the international standard IEC 529 NB: In particulary exposed applications, protection in
the form of screening is recommended.
Technical Data
Technical Data
PVEA, PVEH, PVES and PVEU reaction time in sec. (minus PVG 120)
Supply voltage Function PVEA PVEH, PVEP,
Prop. fine PVES, PVEU
Disconnected by Reaction time from neutral position max. 0.500 0.230
means of neutral to max. spool travel
rated 0.320 0.150
min. 0.250 0.120
Reaction time from max. spool travel to max. 0.550 0.175
neutral position
rated 0.400 0.090
min. 0.300 0.065
Constant voltage Reaction time from neutral position max. 0.500 0.200
to max. spool travel
rated 0.320 0.120
min. 0.250 0.050
Reaction time from max. spool travel to max. 0.250 0.100
neutral position
rated 0.200 0.090
min. 0.150 0.065
All connector terminals are short-circuit protected, protected against reverse connection and their
combinations. Connecting error pins from two or more PVE’s will cause the surveillance system to
Technical Data
Technical Data
44.5 [1.75]
100.5 [3.96]
90.1 [3.55]
Technical Data
117.8 [4.638]
115.5 [4.55]
Technical Data
195.6 [7.70]
36.3 [1.43]
362 [14.25]
V310 383
PVEO pinout
Technical Data
PVEO connection
Pin no.
Grey connector Black connector
P301 104
PVEA /PVEH / PVEM / PVES / PVEU connection (also with float B, 4–pin)
Connector US UDC Gnd Error
AMP pin 1 pin 2 pin 3 pin 4
Hirschmann/DIN pin 2 pin 1 gnd pin 3
Deutsch pin 1 pin 4 pin 3 pin 2
On PVEM the error pin is not used and not connected (pin 3 Hirschmann/DIN). Ground pins are internally
Technical Data
Control (US) for standard mounted PVEH /PVEM float B, 4–pin version
Function Voltage relative PWM
Neutral 0,5 • UDC 50%
Q: P → A 0,5 → 0,34 • UDC 50% → 34%
Q: P → B 0,5 → 0,65 • UDC 50% → 65%
Float 0,75 • UDC 75%
AMP version
Deutsch version
Technical Data
Pin no. LED
U DC1 1
Error U DC2 Error
Grey connector Black connector 2 3 2 3 DI-A
US 1 4 1 4 DI-B
P301 105
Control (US) for standard mounted PVEA–DI/ PVEH–DI, PVES-SP, PVEA-NP, PVEH-NP
Function US PWM
Neutral 0,5 • UDC 50%
Q: P → A 0,5 → 0,25 • UDC 50% → 25%
Q: P → B 0,5 → 0,75 • UDC 50% → 75%
Technical Data
Not Sfb
connected 3 4
Error 2 5
1 6
PVHC connection
Input control
Parameter Control range
12 V 24 V
Controller output current range 0 - 1500 mA 0 - 750 mA
74.0 92.25
[2.913] [3.631]
74.0 92.25
[2.913] [3.631]
16.5 5.75
[0.650] [0.226]
P301 124
16.5 5.75
[0.650] [0.226]
P301 123
Technical Data
AMP with separate float pin Deutsch version with separate float pin
PVEP connection
Connector PWM A Error PWM B Gnd UDC
Deutsch p1 p2 p3 p5 p6
PVE warnings
PVE warnings
W Warning
Not applying to the Operational Conditions can compromise safety.
All brands and all types of directional control valves – including proportional valves – can fail and cause
serious damage. It is therefore important to analyze all aspects of the application. Because the
proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and applications, the machine
builder/ system integrator alone is responsible for making the final selection of the products – and
assuring that all performance, safety and Warning requirements of the application are met.
A PVG with PVE can only perform according to description if conditions in this Technical Information are
In particularly exposed applications, protection in the form of a shield is recommended.
When the PVE is in fault mode the quality of performance and validity of feedback is limited depending
on the fault type.
Error pins from more PVEs may not be connected. Inactive error pins are connected to ground and will
disable any active signal. Error pins are signal pins and can only supply very limited power consumption.
Deviation from recommended torque when mounting parts can harm performance and module.
Adjustment of the position transducer (LVDT) will influence calibration, and thereby also safety and
When replacing the PVE, the electrical and the hydraulic systems must be turned off and the oil pressure
PVEA is not for use on PVG 100.
Hydraulic oil can cause both environmental damage and personal injury.
Module replacement can introduce contamination and errors to the system. It is important to keep the
work area clean and components should be handled with care.
After replacement of modules or cables wiring quality must be verified by a performance test.
By actuation at voltage below nominal PVG will have reduced performance.
The PVE is not designed for use with voltage outside nominal.
Obstacles for the Pilot oil can have direct influence on spool control.
Reduced pilot oil pressure will limit spool control.
Too high pilot oil pressure can harm the PVE.
S = super fine hysteresis, 1x4 = one plug four pins, * 1x6 = one plug six pins
S = super fine hysteresis, 1x4 = one plug four pins, * 1x6 = one plug six pins
W Warning
PVEA is not for use on PVG 100.
Flying wire 5m 10 m 5m 5m
PVEH passive 11084101 11084109 11084092 11084098
PVES S 11084102 11084110 11084093 11084099
PVEO 11084100 11084108 11084051 11084097
Flying wire 5m 10 m 5m 5m
PVEH passive 11084104 11084112 11084096 11084107
PVEO 11084103 11084111 11084095 11084106
PVE accessories
Service tool interface cable/ AMP 4 m cable 157B4977
AMP 0.1m loop cable 157B4987
AMP/black Terminator 157B4988
Deutsch 0.1m loop cable 11007531
Deutsch Terminator 11007561
Deutsch Terminator dummy 11007563
CAN Interface
10104136 CG 150 CAN USB interface
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• Joysticks and Control comprehensive global service for all of our components.
• Microcontrollers and Please contact the Danfoss Power Solution representative nearest you.
• Open Circuit Axial Piston
• Orbital Motors
• Proportional Valves
• Sensors
• Steering
• Transit Mixer Drives
Local address:
Power Solutions
Danfoss Danfoss Danfoss (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Power Solutions US Company Power Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Power Solutions ApS Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd
2800 East 13th Street Krokamp 35 Nordborgvej 81 Jin Qiao, Pudong New District
Ames, IA 50010, USA D-24539 Neumünster, Germany DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Shanghai, China 201206
Phone: +1 515 239 6000 Phone: +49 4321 871 0 Phone: +45 7488 2222 Phone: +86 21 3418 5200
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