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101 Star Wars Artifacts

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101 Star Wars Artifacts

1. (Cultural) Tiara of a lost princess who was captured during a major war. It is believed that she was killed
during her imprisonment but her remains were never discovered. This circlet is very valuable as it is made of
precious metals and stones and has major cultural significance.

2. (Cultural) The original written manifesto of the creation of this planet’s government. The founding members
of the current government created the initial governmental laws, essentially a ‘Bill of Rights.’ The original copy
was lost shortly after the government’s establishment, until now.

3. (Cultural) Painting of a well-known historical figure on the planet. The painting was stolen by raiders during
a large war and lost until now. Not only is the figure in the painting famous but it was also created by a
renowned artist from that era. The artifact has both extreme historical significance as well as monetary value.

4. (Cultural) Gavel of a notorious judge that sentenced numerous Jedi and Jedi sympathizers to death. The
judge was eventually removed from power and escaped to an unknown system never to be seen again. Many
Jedi and Jedi associates died wrongly by his orders.

5. (Cultural) ‘Message in a bottle’ from a local cultural hero. The container that is discovered holds within it a
letter from a long-dead cultural idol from the area. The letter appears to be a simple goodwill message to
future generations, but the figure was well-known for hiding cryptic messages within his writings.

6. (Cultural) Musical instrument of a famous musician known throughout the sector. It is a very weathered
version of the type of instrument that musician used and has marking indicating it belonged to them.

7. (Cultural) Fighting gear of a national sports hero. This champion was known for his legendary unarmed
combat skills in his sport. The fighting gear appears to be from his final fight and it was believed that these
items remained in his personal collection until his death many years ago.

8. (Cultural) Translation manual that teaches the basics for a long-lost language. The guide assists the reader in
translating basic words and phrases from the lost language into a commonly known language. This manual has
significant values in archeological and research circles.

9. (Cultural) The “Star of the Gods” is the largest precious gem ever mined from the core worlds. It was shaped
by jewelers and set to be sold at auction before it was stolen during transport and lost. The size of the gem is
as legendary as the story of its disappearance.

10. (Cultural) Mask belonging to the former king who ruled over this planet. The planet no longer is ruled
under the same form of government, but the mask is a relic from an era when the planet was ruled under the
iron fist of this tyrannical king.

11. (Force) Ancient Sith sacrificial knife that dates back to the earliest days of the Sith. The item has no innate
force powers, but its dark aura is like a beacon to force users.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

12. (Force) Holocron, short for holographic chronicle, is an organic crystal-lattice device which stored
phenomenal quantities of data guarded by the device’s gatekeeper. Holocrons are often associated with both
Sith and Jedi in containing information on force techniques and instructions manuals.

13. (Force) Jedi lightsaber from the Cold War era. The saber has a blue and gun-metal gray hilt with a blue
blade. There are two symbols designed into the hilt that represent the initials of the Jedi who crafted and
wielded the blade.

14. (Force) Hand-written guide by a purportedly self-taught Jedi on how to manifest and nurture force powers.
Although the information is not grounded in traditional Jedi principals, anyone with knowledge of the Force
will recognize some validity to the methods being discussed. It is from an unknown author.

15. (Force) Hand-sized crystal that is alleged to be a primitive version of a Jedi foci. It was believed that the
very first Jedi used these foci to help enhance their fledging Force powers. Eventually this practice of using
these foci fell out of favor with most Jedi.

16. (Force) Lightsaber that formerly belonged to a Sith Lord. The weapon was used to kill many innocent
people and Jedi Knights. To any force sensitive person, the item still resonates with the darkness of its past.

17. (Force) Lightsaber that formerly belong to a Jedi Master. It struck down many evil beings as well as
numerous followers of the Dark Side. To any force sensitive person, it resonates with calmness and positive
energy from its former wielder.

18. (Force) The ‘Heart of the Galaxy’ is a large gem that is infused with energy from the force. Some believe
that it holds the key to holding a Jedi’s energy within it. Others believe that it is a chamber that holds the souls
of fallen Jedi. The item is both famous and infamous depending on who you talk to. It is believed to have been
hidden long ago for safekeeping.

19. (Force) Tomes chronicling the wars of Jedi past. It specifically includes information on major battles
between the light side and dark side. It also records the names of famous individuals on both sides of the war
as well as their exploits and tactics. There is a significant amount of historical and military information
contained within these tomes.

20. (Force) Robes of a Jedi warrior that adorned him during a famous battle of major significance. Although
there is nothing special of note about the robes, they carrying major historical meaning as the Jedi that wore
these robes was instrumental in winning a battle that forever was a turning point in the battle of light versus

21. (Force) Recording device containing a holographic record of various communications between Jedi during a
period of war. Although the conversation appear casual when observed, it is clear that they are sending coded
messages back and forth to each other. It is difficult to decrypt the coded message as this contains only one
side of the conversation.

22. (Force) Restraints used on Jedi prisoners during war times. These restraints are no longer used as their
force technology no longer affects modern day Jedi. However, they may be useful in restraining self-taught,
novice force users that have no formal training in using the force.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

23. (Force) Bones of an extinct creature that was said to have been immune to the force. The creature was
commonly thought to be something of legend and not actually real. It was said that force power not only had
no hold over the creature, but they even dampened the force around them.

24. (Force) Writings from “The Prophet”, a mysterious Jedi that was thought to be the first Jedi to spread its
powers as a religion. The story is so ancient that the writings have to be fake, don’t they?

25. (Force) Frozen remains of a Sith Lord. It was reported that this individual died many centuries ago.
However, the body remains remarkably intact, almost lifelike. There is no apparent cause for the body’s
apparent lack of decomposition.

26. (Mundane) Old light device used by the indigenous population of this planet. It is essentially a shaped rock
that collects and stores sunlight. The rock is stored inside a cubed casing that can be opened and closed to
properly direct the light.

27. (Mundane) Archaic keepsake box with trinkets from a commoner from a forgotten era. Although these
items may have some cultural significance, they items contained in the box are generally commonplace for
that era. It does signal that other potentially more valuable artifacts from this era may be in the vicinity.

28. (Mundane) Round ball and striking stick from an earlier version of a common local sport. Although this type
of item is commonplace, items from this era of the sport are difficult to find and considered collectibles by fans
of the sport.

29. (Mundane) Military identification tag of a soldier from a civil war that occurred centuries ago. The item is
located on the site of what was a major battlefield during that war.

30. (Mundane) Epitaph on a lone gravestone in the style of old pioneers to the area. It reads, “Here lies The
One who casts a cold eye upon those that tread within this place.” It does not have a name or dates on it.

31. (Mundane) Smoking pipe used by local natives during their war rituals. Warriors smoked certain herbs in
these special pipes to prepare themselves for battle.

32. (Mundane) Old-fashioned childhood toy that was popular in eras past. It is remarkably well preserved as it
is still in original packaging material, as if it were never shipped or sold.

33. (Mundane) Very old premium bottle of alcohol from a popular brand. It appears to have been properly
preserved and maintained.

34. (Mundane) Antiquated jeweled necklace in the style of the early natives from this planet. The jewels that
adorn this necklace were very common back then and generally not valued for anything other than their look,
but they are extremely rare and valuable now.

35. (Mundane) Collectible holographic cards containing pictures and stories of famous sports figures
throughout the sector. This hobby is no longer prevalent within the galaxy which makes these items valuable
to collectors.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

36. (Mystical) Healing crystals from a sect of mystical healers that are known throughout the galaxy. These
crystals are extremely rare and said to only be possessed by the highest personnel in the order of healers. They
are believed to draw out the sickness of any wielder. It is believed the sickness transfers from the possessor to
the crystal and then the crystal becomes inert.

37. (Mystical) Voodoo doll that resembles a famous individual that died in this sector. The doll has several
valuable stone tucked inside of it and appears to have dried blood on it.

38. (Mystical) Sorcerer’s rod wielded by shamans from a specific planet. It is believed that these shamans can
use the rod to control the weather on their planet. They are extremely rare. The shaman’s possessing it often
lead small nations of individuals.

39. (Mystical) Clay dolls that are said to hold the spirits of dead warriors from a mystic culture. It is said that
the spirits will haunt any person that destroys the dolls. A faint whistling can be heard from the clay dolls
whenever they are placed outside at night.

40. (Mystical) The “Horn of the Dead” is a mystical object that is said to be able to communicate with the
spirits of the dead.

41. (Mystical) Grooved spheres are small metallic orbs that contain a series of three grooves around them in a
specific pattern. These orbs were famous for the bad luck that would befall those who were around them. In
ancient times, they were used to cast hexes on enemies by hiding them in their homes.

42. (Mystical) Witchdoctor’s headdress that belonged to ancient magicians on this planet. It was believed that
their headdresses amplified their powers and gave them the ability to cast hexes and spells upon others.

43. (Mystical) The “Book of Torn” is a spell book of mystical origins. It contains spells and rituals used by
witches that fought against the Jedi in ancient times. Although the Jedi eventually wiped out their numbers,
this book of their works still exists.

44. (Mystical) Sarcophagus of a famous mystical sorcerer that fought against the Jedi in ancient times.
Although the sarcophagus is empty, it is said that the sorcerer’s power still inhabits this portable tomb. It is
believed that anyone who lays within the device will gain the powers of that sorcerer.

45. (Mystical) “The Dalian Figurine” is an infamous mystical artifact known throughout the galaxy. It appears in
the presence of major figureheads in the galaxy and spells their impending doom. It is an inanimate object that
mysteriously follows its victim until they perish from unusual circumstances. It has reportedly been destroyed
numerous times only to return.

46. (Organic) Bones of an extinct animal that used to exist on this planet. They are very rare and highly valued
by local archeologists and historians.

47. (Organic) Meteorite shard that is very rare and has unique energy properties. This rock-like substance can
be found on any planet in the galaxy but is an extremely rare find. It is suspected that the substance originates
from outside of this galaxy and does not naturally occur here.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

48. (Organic) Live animal thought to be extinct on this planet. The local populace honors symbolic
representations of the animal as a sign of luck. Providing a live specimen of the animal, which was believed
extinct, will have major ramifications on the planet.

49. (Organic) Shrunken heads from cannibal victims of a local race. A nasty secret on this planet is that
cannibalism was much more common in the past than believed. The ethnic group responsible for this has
evolved greatly since then and often pushes aside any notion that refers back to their revolting past.

50. (Organic) Eggs from an animal that has long been extinct. Although the eggs themselves have no chance of
ever spawning this creature, the biological material within the eggs is still in a state that would make it useful
in a possible attempt to clone the creatures and return their species from the annals of history.

51. (Organic) Healing fruit from an extremely rare plant that only blooms under very specific circumstances
every ten to twenty years. The fruit from this plant is said to cure most biological illnesses in the majority of
species in the galaxy.

52. (Organic) The “Rapture Bird” is an avian creature that is seen as a sign of good luck. It is unknown what
planet this bird originates from as it has been seen on numerous planets throughout the galaxy. Many
different planets have stories throughout their histories of these creatures showing up and providing good
fortune on those in need.

53. (Organic) Hibernation parasites were used by doctors of this planet to place patients into stasis for surgery.
Their use in medicine fell as more modern methods came into practice. The parasites stopped being bred for
these purposes and eventually were thought to have fallen into extinction.

54. (Organic) Mummified remains of an ancient family that previously ruled this sector of the galaxy. Their
remains seem to have been looted of valuables but their remains are remarkably intact.

55. (Organic) Genetically modified materials contained in medical storage devices. This organic material
appears to have been a lost experiment from ancient scientists. It is not readily apparent what they were
testing or what the material is from.

56. (Religious) Religious stamp used to ratify major documents for the religion. These are extremely rare, well-
guarded and only used by the upper echelon of leadership within that religion.

57. (Religious) Gold, six-pointed star pendant that represents an ancient religion that has since died out. The
pendant is a rare find that priests of this old religion used to wear during their ceremonies.

58. (Religious) Bible of an extinct religion that was wiped out long ago. This tome chronicles the origins of a
murderous and wild sect that broke off from a popular, but now dead, religion. It gives notes on famous
individuals this sect claims to have killed, their method in doing so and gives small insight into where more
information about this sect may be.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

59. (Religious) Large golden chalice encrusted with jewelry and writings from a forgotten language. The
drawings appear to depict part of a religious ceremony on the cup. It appears this cup was used during ritual

60. (Religious) Flogging whip similar to a cat-o-nine tails. These whips were once used by star-faring monks
that traveled the galaxy. They helped the poor and spread their message of peace to all who would listen. The
whips were used on themselves so they could provide penitence for their sins. It has been many decades since
these monks were seen. It is assumed they left the galaxy or no longer exist.

61. (Religious) Mummified body of a religious icon entombed in a high-tech sarcophagus. The markings claim
that the body of the religious icon is located inside, but it is commonly believed that the icons remains are
located on a different planet in a museum. Which one is fake?

62. (Religious) Handheld cross belonging to religious crusaders from a lost era. These crusaders traveled the
galaxy looking for lesser developed populations on undiscovered planets. Their desire was to convert these
undeveloped populations into followers of their cause.

63. (Religious) Ashen remains inside a small urn. The markings on the urn signify they are the remains of an
infamous religious zealot that was responsible for a holy war that killed millions.

64. (Religious) Written texts recording the beliefs of a famous lone wanderer and philosopher. The individual is
well-known throughout the galaxy for his beliefs and exploits but it was previously unknown that he had
committed any of these things down on writing.

65. (Religious) Manifesto of a burgeoning religion that worshipped the Sith as gods. Although this religious
movement was thought to have died out long ago, this appears to be a freshly printed copy of their beliefs
with information referencing recent events in history.

66. (Technology) Old technology for creating water by trapping moisture within the air. The device is the size
of an oil barrel and was used by terraforming groups in the creation of new planets. New technology was
created that eventually replaced this technology.

67. (Technology) Food replication device used by natives of this planet long ago. This food it created was not
very palatable and only even edible by the native races of this planet. It did, however, lead to the technology
that saved the race from eventual starvation when their planet suffered a major catastrophe.

68. (Technology) Wreckage of an ancient starship that was commonly used in a faraway sector. That version of
the starship is significantly outdated and no longer used anywhere. The unique thing about this is that this
type of starship was not known for hyperspace travel and not from this section of the galaxy.

69. (Technology) Crude droid from centuries past. The droid is a small box on wheels and its power source
appears to have burned out long ago, but can be resurrected with a new power source. Its original purpose
was unknown. It may be easier to discover that once it is reactivated…

101 Star Wars Artifacts

70. (Technology) The “Eternal Beacon” is a satellite that has traveled through the center of the galaxy for
centuries. Many starships used it to guide their travels until it disappeared a century ago. The piece of alien
technology appears to be damaged irreparably.

71. (Technology) Ancient alien spacesuit. This suit does not use the standard and known technology that
provides breathable gas to the wearer and protects them from the cold and other hazards of space. Although
outdated, it holds keys to technologies not widely known.

72. (Technology) Portable survival pod that uses the natural gases from the air of this planet to provide a
‘normal’ humanoid with enough breathable oxygen to live for many months. This technology was used during
a major natural catastrophe in the planet’s history. The technology was nearly forgotten over the centuries
once that planet slowly recovered from the disaster.

73. (Technology) Ancient light source not used by natives of this planet. It is a small box with a button that
turns it on and off. It draws its power from both solar energy and even light as small as nighttime stars,
essentially giving it nearly limitless power. The technology does not seem scalable to any item larger than this

74. (Technology) Half a dozen hand-sized rocks that appeared to be attuned with each other. They are a
forgotten form of a communication device as they allow the wielder to transmit empathic feelings to the
possessors of the other stones.

75. (Technology) Handheld scanner that is supposed to allow non-force users to detect the force. The validity
of its technology is in dispute and its use died out long ago. There is belief by a small group though that the
technology has merit.

76. (Technology) Sound emitter that sends out sounds in a frequency that humans and most aliens don’t hear,
but a few specific alien races do. The range is not very far but the sound is deafening to those within close
proximity that are affected by it. It appears to be a warning device but could also be used for more nefarious

77. (Technology) Old alien battery that has the outward appearance of a small stone. When this stone is placed
within the proximity of something that needs power, it appears to slowly replenish that item’s power. One
would assume that it isn’t infinite though and will eventually be drained of all its power. Shouldn’t it?

78. (Technology) Ancient time keeping device. At least, that is what it appears to be. However, the device is
not synchronized with any known system’s time keeping logs. It must be counting up to, or counting down to,
something else…

79. (Technology) Metallic cylinder with a very stout exterior casing. It is emanating a voice that repeats a
message over and over. The message is approximately one minute in length and is in an old alien language that
is no longer common in the galaxy. There is a small plate that covers the only button you see on the cylinder.

80. (Technology) A small cube approximately one tenth of a meter in size. It has numerous flashing lights on
the exterior and appears to be internally powered. There are no markings on the exterior of the item. The
lights appear to be responding in a way that it is sending a message, or possibly attempting to communicate…

101 Star Wars Artifacts

81. (Unique) Lost tribe of local aborigines has been discovered. There are very few left, less than fifty. These
people were thought to have been extinct many centuries ago. They represent traditions and values that come
from a much earlier era in this world’s civilization.

82. (Unique) The only known cure for an ancient disease that was previously eradicated. This medicine was
commonly available long ago, but the recipe on how to create the cure was lost when the disease was
eradicated. Now that the disease is back, the recipe for this medicine is again invaluable.

83. (Unique) Apparent treasure map of the local area. It is written in a local language with cryptic script and
markings. It clearly holds the key to discovering something of major value to anyone who can decipher what it
is saying.

84. (Unique) Ancient recording device from the future. It contains accounts of events that are alleged to occur
in the future. The legitimacy of the item is in question, but it certainly appears to at least have the potential to
be real. So how did the item travel back in time?

85. (Unique) The body of an ancient legend held in stasis. This individual was known to have lived over a
millennium ago. His exploits in exploration and war were well-documented but the person disappeared in the
middle of their exploits, never to be heard from again. It appears as if they may still be alive…

86. (Unique) Teleportation device that can transport small, non-organic items a small distance. It appears to be
some sort of early model of a more sophisticated device as it appears unfinished in its creation. The device
appears simple to use but is covered in obscure symbols.

87. (Unique) Star map of the known galaxy. At least, that is what it kind of looks like. The only problem is that
there are quite a few planets missing and the names of a significant amount of the planets have been changed.
The date on the map is wrong too, it’s several years in the future…

88. (Unique) Mixed within a pile of bones that appears to be a mass burial site for ancient natives of the
planet, you discover what appears to be a modern-day communication device. The item is buried in such a way
that it appears to be buried inside of the bone pile, like these ancient natives had possession of the item when
they were buried.

89. (Unique) Portable stealth device that masks the visual appearance of its user. The device causes massive
amounts of radiation to be dumped into the area when used, causing the wielder or anyone around it
radiation sickness in a short amount of time. It is clearly very alien technology and most likely not from this

90. (Unique) Prototype for a time machine that was created by a legendary inventor. This inventor created
many unique technologies but their true passion was to create a time machine. This never happened, but this
device appears to be his last prototype that he was working on before his murder and death many years ago.

91. (Weapon) War era weapon of mass destruction. The weapon atomizes all living tissue within its radius.
Unfortunately for those that developed the weapon, it was activated during a failed theft attempt by enemies
of its creators. A copy of the item and the secret to its construction were lost when all those involved in the
project perished during the theft attempt.

101 Star Wars Artifacts

92. (Weapon) Unmanned killer drone lost during a world war. This drone was supposed to seek and destroy a
specific type of target during that war. It may be a specific person, an alien race, or targets at a certain

93. (Weapon) Hybrid lightsaber and bladed melee weapon. It is unknown if this device was created by a Jedi or
not. It appears to be a traditional lightsaber that has a large blade attached to the bottom of the hilt. The
weapon’s hilt also appears to be larger than normal in size, as if it were being held by a very large humanoid.

94. (Weapon) Ancient Jedi slaying mine. The theory with this weapon was that it was able to detect the innate
force presence within an individual and detonate. It would explode when force sensitive creatures came near
it. It was a very experimental weapon back in its day and it is unknown if it actually works.

95. (Weapon) Underwater sonar projection dish. This round dish is approximately one meter in diameter. It
projects a sonar wave in such a manner that it can hurt or damage whatever it strikes in its path. It was clearly
made by an aquatic race for use on their planet, as it only functions properly when placed underwater.

96. (Weapon) Metallic axe that has a shaft that measures four meters in length and has a blade on the end to
match. It is adorned with unique markings and depictions of battle. Whatever creature wielded this must have
been enormous and a fierce warrior. The markings on the blade appear to resemble markings you’ve seen on
ancient Jedi tomes.

97. (Weapon) Lightsaber hilt that does not activate. After manipulating the device, you realize that it fires
blaster bolts out of the end of the hilt instead of activating a lightsaber blade. It appears that this is a trick
weapon that may have been used long ago to attack unsuspecting victims with. The style of the hilt indicates
that it is very, very old.

98. (Weapon) Extremely heavy projectile gun that appears to load cylindrical metal cartridges. These cartridges
fire barbs out of the end as opposed to projectile bullets. The weapon seems very old and inefficient, but it
must have been used to hunt something very large.

99. (Weapon) Activation codes to an antiquated weapon of mass destruction. The logs on this old data pad
contain codes and instructions on how to detonate the device, but it does not reference what the device is or
where it is.

100. (Weapon) Device called the “Supernova”. It is a weapon of mass destruction that destroys stars by being
fired into them. It is a large box the size of a small freighter and can only be carried and deployed by large
capital ships. It has the potential to destroy multiple planets by collapsing a star within the system.

101. (Special) Any artifact that comes from one of the movies or Star Wars books could be used, such as Luke
Skywalker’s first lightsaber, Emperor Palpatine’s robes (if they still existed), the original plans for the first
Death Star, etc. These artifacts should be used sparingly but can have a major impact on your players when

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