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The key takeaways are that this course will examine police procedures in criminal investigations as well as legal aspects and procedures. Students will become familiar with techniques in processing crime scenes, interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims.

The course description is that we will examine police procedures in criminal investigations as well as legal aspects and procedures. Students will become familiar with techniques in processing crime scenes, interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims.

The student learning outcomes are that at the end of the course, students will be able to: 1) Document a basic crime scene using note taking, photography and sketching. 2) Conduct a basic criminal investigation. 3) Apply the law of search and seizure in a criminal investigation.




Mrs. Jennifer Garcia
Master of Science, Law Enforcement & Public Safety Leadership, University of San Diego, 2018
Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice with an Emphasis in Forensic Science, Southern Oregon
University, 2009

OFFICE HOURS: 7:20-7:45 am Mondays and Wednesdays

Location: Classroom 104, Sun Valley High School

EMAIL: [email protected]
VOICEMAIL: (818) 364-7600 Ex. 4873
GOOGLE VOICE: (661) 347-6954

DATES: February 4 – June 2, 2019
LECTURE: Mondays and Wednesdays (7:50am to 9:10am)
LOCATION: Room 104, Sun Valley High School

This textbook is required for the class: Criminal Investigation: Law and Practice, Second edition,
Brown, Michael F., 2001, Elsevier. REQUIRED

Other Materials: One College ruled notebook for Journals, or a word processing software
Pens, Pencils, Markers, Highlighters, Ruler, Computer and Internet access

AJ 005 Syllabus – Criminal Investigation – Professor Garcia -1-

We will examine police procedures in criminal investigations as well as legal aspects and procedures.
Students will become familiar with techniques in processing crime scenes, interviewing suspects,
witnesses and victims.


At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Document a basic crime scene using note taking, photography and sketching.
2. Conduct a basic criminal investigation.
3. Apply the law of search and seizure in a criminal investigation.

• Be prepared for class. “Prepared” meaning the student has completed their assigned work on-time
(or makes prior arrangements with the instructor during an emergency), and is able to
contribute to the class by achieving the course goals.
• PARTICIPATE!!! I recognize this is stressed in many courses, but this course is designed to
develop a sound platform to learn more about the criminal justice community.

This is a lecture-based course, so we will rely upon both audible and visual learning theories. The
text will be used during lecture hours, but the reading assignments occur outside of class
hours. Also, supplemental materials may be distributed in class and/or posted upon the class


Students must have access to a computer and the Internet to be successful in class. Class research
papers, and course modules will be completed through the campus on line Canvas format. The
school library offers use of computers for free on campus to students who do not have access to one
outside of school.

Students must have access to school library or public library. It is necessary to activate student
identification so that online library access is granted.

AJ 005 Syllabus – Criminal Investigation – Professor Garcia -2-

All documents shall be submitted using Microsoft Word (DOC format), Google Docs, Open Office,
through Canvas, or Rich Text Format (RTF). If this is a problem, you may turn in your printed papers
on the due date during class. Word is the most common format and easy for me to download, grade
and send back to you. PDF files require editing software and won’t be accepted for online
submission. The purchase of Microsoft Office is not required.

Presenting any published information, words, ideas, or conclusions as one’s own, will not be
tolerated. Students who borrow information from ANY reference material must document their
source. Students who present as their own the material written by others will be reported to the Dean
and penalized. Students WILL NOT cite “Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia” as a
reference. Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. A grade must be earned, so do your own work.


Classroom participation, evaluation of material comprehension, tests and written presentation will be
used to evaluate your grades.


Your course grade will be determined by the number of points earned.

Journal 100
Case Study Paper 50
Mid – Term Exam 100
Investigative Method Paper 50
Final Exam 100
Mock Crime Scene & Sketch 100

Total = 500 pts

450-500 = A 400-449 = B 350-399 = C 300-349 = D 299 or Below=F

In order to calculate your grade, add up the total points you receive and match to grade listed above.
No make-up exams or papers will be given.


Your grade will be computed by your individual performance in completing these assignments:

GRADED PAPERS (100 points each):

Grammar, spelling and flow of content will be considered for your grade on all written assignments.
Please use MLA or APA format.


View the movie “The New Detectives: The Case of the Century” Season 2, Episode 12
The video is about the OJ Simpson Trial, specifically about the criminal investigation, the evidence

AJ 005 Syllabus – Criminal Investigation – Professor Garcia -3-

collection and handling methods, and the how it affected the outcome of the case at trial. After
viewing the movie, summarize it in your own words, and answer the following questions in a short
1. In your own words, summarize the case, and answer the following questions:
a. Who was involved in this case? Identify all victims, subject, witnesses, and
2. Identify the 5 W’s/H
a. What crime was committed?
b. Where did it take place?
c. When did the crime occur?
d. How many crime scenes were there and how was the crime committed, according to
the evidence collected?
e. Why do you think this crime was committed?
3. What investigative steps did the LAPD Homicide Detectives, criminalist, crime lab personnel,
and medical examiner take?
4. What Physical evidence was collected at the crime scene?
5. What were the issues with the criminal investigation?
6. What would you have done differently?
7. Why do you think the jury decided to find OJ not guilty given the “irrefutable evidence” the
prosecution had against OJ?

This paper is to be typed, double spaced, two page minimum, in “Times New Roman or Arial”
font size no larger than 12. No handwritten papers will be accepted! Due online or in class
WEEK 5, Wednesday, March 6th.


1. Choose one of the many investigative methods we have discussed. The methods to
choose from are:
 Skills needed, ethical considerations and challenges
 Physical evidence/search and seizure
 Investigative notes, report writing
 Interviewing witnesses, victims and suspects
 Crime scene management
 Forensic science
 Photography and Crime scene sketches
 Crimes of violence
 Sex offenses
 Property crimes
 Drug investigations
 Courtroom testimony

2. Examine one aspect or tool of criminal investigation and explain the history, use and
future of this specific method of investigation;

3. Conduct research on the method you chose and an actual case study which used this

4. Write an analysis of an actual case study on how a certain criminal investigation was

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conducted and solved using that investigative method and the key role that investigative
method had in solving the crime.

This paper is to be typed, double spaced, two page minimum, in “Times New Roman or Arial”
font size no larger than 12. No handwritten papers will be accepted! Due in Class Wednesday
May 2nd.

Research Papers - Administration of Justice - Analytic Rubric

 Begins with an introduction that shows your understanding of the
issues, grabs your readers’ attention and presents a strong insightful
point of view
 Engages the topic in a thoughtful and individual way, showing
originality and clear thinking.
 Develops and defines the topic using a strong detail, quotes from
other sources.
 Demonstrates mastery of most of the grammar and spelling.
 Possesses a fully explained and logical progression of ideas that
indicates the writer’s sensitivity to different ways of looking at the
 Reference page is properly formatted using APA style writing.
 Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, always
properly citing them using APA format
 Ends with a strong conclusion that clarifies the significance of the
paper’s lessons.

 Begins with an introduction that shows some understanding of the
issues and has an adequate point of view
 Presents a thoughtful response to the topic, using appropriate
 Does a good job defining and describing the topic.
 Few errors in grammar and spelling.
 Develops the topic showing appropriate details, a sense of orderly
progress between ideas, and use of references that reveal a
familiarity with the topic.
 Does a good job constructing the reference page according to APA
formatting with few errors.
 Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, usually
properly citing them using the APA format.
 Ends with a conclusion that clarifies most of the significance of the
paper’s lessons.

AJ 005 Syllabus – Criminal Investigation – Professor Garcia -5-

 Begins with an introduction that shows some understanding of the
issues and an adequate to weak point of view.
 Presents an adequate response to defining and describing the topic,
using superficial analysis and weak point of view.
 Some errors in grammar and spelling.
 Develops the topic showing some details and an adequate sense of
orderly progress between ideas.
 Does an adequate job of constructing a reference page with some
errors in APA formatting.
 Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources with some
errors using APA style writing formatting.
 Ends with a conclusion that clarifies some of the significance of the
paper’s lessons.

 Begins with an illogical introduction, without a coherent structure or
 Presents a weak response to the topic with no reasoning and no
attempt to define or describe the topic.
 Makes enough errors in sentence structure and grammar to cause a
reader serious, if occasional, distraction.
 Flow and order of ideas is poorly constructed.
 Makes several errors in the proper formatting of APA style reference
 Improper use of APA format for citations. Makes several errors in
quoting in-text sources and uses few sources.
 No conclusion
 Lacks the minimum requirements of the paper.

 Does not attempt the basic task of the paper.
 Lacks organization and/or detail of topic.
 Does not attempt to define or describe the topic.
 Contains many distracting errors in sentence structure, grammar and
 Paper lacks any sense of flow and order of ideas.
 Major errors in constructing an APA style reference page.
 Major errors in citing in-text sources of information using APA format.
 No conclusion.
 Does not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment as
noted in the syllabus.

Use the library to find information in books, magazines, electronic

databases and on-line sources. Incorporate those sources in your writing,
acknowledging them using APA writing guidelines.

AJ 005 Syllabus – Criminal Investigation – Professor Garcia -6-

Based on the grading point scale listed under Grading Requirements, your
grade is divided into the elements listed in the chart below.

5 4 3 2 1


Define and

Flow and
order of
APA in text

Research Paper Grading Sheet

Name:_________________________ Total Grade: ____

TESTS (2) (100 points each):

(1)) Mid-Term exam in class on Wednesday March 6th based on chapters covered in our text
book. The test will be made up of 4-8 short answer essay questions. Questions will be created by
the students and taken from the weekly journal entries. The mid-term exam is worth 100 points
toward your grade.
(2) Final exam in class on Wednesday May 29th based on the remaining chapters covered in our
textbook. The test will be made up of 4-8 short answer essay questions. Questions will be created
by the students and taken from the weekly journal entries. The final exam is worth 100 points toward
your grade.

JOURNAL (100 points):

Each week you will keep a journal where you will take notes on your readings, lectures, and
presentations on the many aspects and tools of criminal investigation. In your journal, you will explain
the history, use, and future of each specific methods of investigation.

You are also required to generate question based on your readings that will be used in the final

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exam, so taking good notes is imperative! The questions on the final will be in the form of multiple
choice, true/false, and short answer.

The instructor will review journals each Wednesday. Missing journal entries will constitute a loss of
points, typically 5-10 points per missing entry.


Each week we will break up into groups to discuss this semester’s case assignment. We will take
apart a criminal case and build each week on the steps the case would follow from beginning to end.
At the end of the semester we will have a mock trial in class, using students as the actors in the case.
The instructor will reveal new plot twists and facts each week and students will need to work together
in order to complete the task. Points will be awarded at the end of the semester. Your in class
participation will be a factor in your grade. Excessive absence from the group sessions will constitute
a point deduction. Each student will play a key role in the case. The mock crime scene will take
place the week before the final exam.

EXTRA CREDIT: Throughout the semester there may be events, on line discussions, guest
speakers, library seminars/activities, in class that related to our class work and the Criminal Justice
Community at large. I will award 10 points of extra credit to those students who participate in these
events. Keep watching the announcement section on Canvas to see when these events are
available. Students must show proof of attendance. In addition, 10 points extra credit will be
awarded per paper for utilizing assistance at the library or academic resource center. Students must
show proof of services rendered.


Please be on time for class and turn in your assignments on time. Timeliness is imperative in law
enforcement and we go by the saying of “If you are on time you are late!” You are now a college
student; so take advantage of this golden opportunity to start developing good habits. With that said:
Late papers up to one hour will receive an automatic 10-point deduction. Late papers up to two
hours will receive an automatic 20-point deduction. Late papers after two hours will constitute a zero
for the assignment and will not be accepted. Failure to take a test within the allotted time given will
constitute a zero for that quiz. Failure to complete a journal entry will result in a zero for that week.
Students have the responsibility to turn their work in on time. There will be no make-up
assignments. You have the entire semester to work on your final paper. This also goes for not being
present for key discussion assignments when you either show up late or leave class unexcused
during the assignment.

You will not receive a separate grade for attending class. However, experience suggests the
successful student is one that rarely misses class and is both well prepared for and interactive during
class. There are no additional extra-credit assignments that will be offered for missed class
participation assignments. If three classes are missed, I will typically drop you from the class. It is
important that you communicate with me your intentions on finishing the class. Please drop the class
officially if you plan on not completing any of the classwork. If you miss the drop deadline, you could
receive an “F” in the class.

Late to Class:
We will meet at the same time every Monday and Wednesday, so make your necessary
arrangements to arrive on time and be prepared. If you have a problem with making it to class on

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time, please see me. When students walk into class late, it not only disrupts the flow of the lecture,
but disrupts your fellow classmates. Don’t be that guy!


Please put your cell phone away with the volume muted during class. Talking, texting and ring tones
are highly disruptive to our entire learning environment. Breaks will be given at the end of each hour
and you can catch up on your personal business then.


Although you are technically in High School, you are now enrolled as a student at Los Angeles
Mission Community College, taking a college course for college credit making YOU A COLLEGE
STUDENT; you have agreed to abide by the LACC Student Code of Conduct. The field of Criminal
Justice is fun, exciting, rewarding, but can be very intense, and sometimes hard to deal with, so it
requires that CJ professionals have the utmost maturity. Be respectful of your fellow students as well.
Mutual respect is also very important in Criminal Justice


Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may
need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact the office of Special Services as soon
as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodation can
be made. The phone number for Special Services is 818.719.6430 and they are located in the
Student Services Building.

Criminal Justice is a very interesting discipline and it is inevitable that some may find the material
presented, discussed, read, watched, etc., to be offensive. Most of the areas in the Criminal Justice
field address the negative aspects of society. Some material can be unpleasant, uncomfortable and
debated heavily as to what is the best solution. Please understand that no offense is intended, it is
the nature of the subject. Due to class discussion often leading to the sharing of experiences with the
CJ system, recording of lectures is not permitted. Hand out and study material will be posted on the
class Canvas. Also, understand this syllabus may vary due to unforeseen events.

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Name: ______________________________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: ______________________________

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