Micrologic: Low Voltage User Manual 01/2017

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Low Voltage

User Manual│01/2017

Control units
5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P
Micrologic control units Contents
5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P

Discovering Micrologic P 4
Identification 4
Presentation 5
Setting procedure 6
Setting Micrologic 5.0 P using the dials 8
Setting Micrologic 6.0 P using the dials 9
Setting Micrologic 7.0 P using the dials 10
Selecting the type of neutral protection 11
Main menus 12
Metering 14
History, maintenance and setup 16
Protection 18
Overview of functions 20
Current protection 20
Voltage protection 27
Other protection 28
Load shedding and reconnection 29
Measurements 30
Alarms 32
Event histories 33
LEDs and display screens 34
Communication 36
Optional M2C and M6C contacts 38
Setup 40
Setting up the optional M2C / M6C contacts 40
Setting up the Micrologic control unit 42
Setting up the metering functions 45
Setting up the COM communications option 48
Protection settings 52
Fine adjustment of the long-time I2t, short-time and
Instantaneous settings using the keypad 52
Fine adjustment of the long-time Idmtl, short-time and
instantaneous settings using the keypad 53
Fine adjustment of the ground-fault and earth-leakage
protection setting using the keypad 54
Setting the neutral protection 55
Setting the I t , I unbal, I max, U min, U max, U unbal, rP max,
F min, F max, and phase-rotation protection functions
using the keypad 56
Setting load shedding / reconnection 58
Metering 60
Current measurements 60
Voltage measurements 63
Power measurements 65
Energy measurements 67
Frequency measurements 68
Maintenance 70
Resetting fault indications 70
Viewing the event histories 71
Operation counter and contact-wear indicator 72
Checking/replacing the battery 73
Tests 74

04443726AA - 01/2017 1
Micrologic control units Contents
5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P

Technical appendix 76
Tripping curves 76
Voltage measurements 78
Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) 80
Power supply 81
Changing the long-time rating plug 83
Thermal memory 84
Data available via the COM communications option 85
Threshold and time-delay settings 86
Other settings 89
Measurement setting ranges and accuracy 90
Power factor sign conventions 91
Index 92

2 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 3
Discovering Micrologic P Identification

All Masterpact NT and NW circuit breakers are Micrologic 5.0 P

equipped with a Micrologic control unit that can be
Selective protection + Idmtl,
changed on site.
power measurements and additional protection
Control units are designed to protect power circuits and
connected loads. t


Micrologic 5.0 P

They offer current, voltage, frequency, power and

energy measurements. 4260A Idmtl
N 1 2 3
The functions provided by Micrologic 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 100

7.0 P control units optimise continuity of service and

power management in your installation.

0 Ir Isd Ii I
Selective protection + Idmtl
long time
Ir .8 tr 8
.7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In @ 6 Ir

short time instantaneous

Isd tsd Ii
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2 0 2 off
x Ir on I t off x In
setting delay

Micrologic 5.0 P

Micrologic 6.0 P
Selective protection + Idmtl + ground-fault protection,
power measurements and additional protection

X t t


Micrologic 6.0 P

Y 4260A
N 1 2 3
I t on


50 I t off

X: type of protection
bb 2 for basic protection 0 Ir Isd Ii I 0 Ig I
bb 5 for selective protection
Ground-fault protection
long time

bb 6 for selective + ground-fault protection Selective protection

Ir .8 tr 8
.7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24

bb 7 for selective + earth-leakage protection + Idmtl

x In @ 6 Ir

short time instantaneous

Isd tsd Ii
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2
0 2 off
x Ir on I t off x In
setting delay
Ig tg
F (s) .4 .4 .3
C G .3 .2
B H .2 .1

Y: version number
A J .1 2
on I t off
ground fault

Identification of the control-unit generation:

"0" signifies the first generation.

Micrologic 7.0 P
Z: type of measurement Selective protection + Idmtl + earth-leakage protection,
bb A for "ammeter" power measurements and additional protection
bb E for "energy meter"


bb P for "power meter"

Micrologic 7.0 P
bb H for "harmonic meter"
4260A Idmtl
bb no indication = no measurements N 1 2 3


0 Ir Isd Ii I 0 I∆n I

long time
(s) 4
.95 2
Selective protection Earth-leakage protection
+ Idmtl
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In @ 6 Ir

short time instantaneous

Isd tsd Ii
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2 0 2 off
x Ir on I t off x In
setting delay
I n t
(A) 5 (ms)
3 7 230 350
2 10
1 20
.5 30 60 800

earth leakage

4 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Presentation

1 top fastener

2 terminal block for external connections
3 housing for battery 2
4 screw for long-time rating plug 5.0 P
5 long-time rating plug Micro

6 cover opening point

7 protective cover
8 lead-seal fixture for protective cover 3
9 infrared link with communications interfaces
10 connection with circuit breaker
11 bottom fastener


time 8 12

long tr
(s) 4 16
Ir .8 .9
.7 2 20
1 24
.6 .98 .5 6 Ir
.5 1 at
.4 x In

12 LED indicating long-time tripping 4
13 LED indicating short-time or
instantaneous tripping 7 5
14 LED indicating ground-fault or 10
earth-leakage tripping 11
15 LED indicating additional-protection or
auto-protection tripping

16 graphics display Micrologic 5.0 P 18 19 20
17 button for reset of fault-trip LED reset 12 17
and battery test
Navigation 15 4260A
N 1 2 3
18 access button to the "Metering" menu (1) 16
19 access button to the "History, maintenance 21 22 23
and setup" menu (1)
20 access button to the "Protection" menu (1)
21 button used to scroll down or reduce 50
the displayed value
22 button used to scroll up or increase
the displayed value 0
23 button used to select or confirm a choice

Micrologic 5.0 P control unit Micrologic 6.0 P control unit

Adjustment dials


long time long time

Ir tr alarm 33 Ir tr alarm 33
24 long-time current setting Ir .7
.9 (s) 4
12 .7
.9 (s) 4
.6 .95 2 16 .6 .95 2 16
25 long-time tripping delay tr 24 .5 .98 1 20 24 .5 .98 1 20

26 short-time pickup Isd 25

x In
1 .5 24
@ 6 Ir
x In
1 .5 24
@ 6 Ir

27 short-time tripping delay tsd Isd

short time
tsd Ii
short time
tsd Ii

4 .4 .4 .3 6 8 10 4 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10
28 instantaneous pickup Ii
(s) 3 5
3 5
2.5 .3 .2 2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
6 4 12
28 26 .1 28
29 ground-fault pickup Ig 2
1.5 10
8 .2
.1 2
.1 3
1.5 10
8 .2
.1 2
30 ground-fault tripping delay tg 27 x Ir on I t off x In 27 x Ir on I t off x In
setting delay setting delay
test 34
31 earth-leakage pickup I∆n Ig
(s) .4 .4 .3
32 earth-leakage tripping delay ∆t 29
C G .3 .2

33 LED indicating an overload 35 B H .2

.1 0
.1 35
A J 2

34 test button for ground-fault and 30 ground fault

on I t off

earth-leakage protection
35 test connector

Micrologic 7.0 P control unit


(1) These buttons include a LED indicating the active menu. Ir

long time
tr alarm 33
.8 (s) 4
.7 .9 12
.6 .95 2 16
24 .5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In @ 6 Ir
25 short time instantaneous
Isd tsd Ii
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
26 2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2
0 2 off
27 x Ir on I t off x In

I n
test 34
(A) 5 (ms)
3 7 230 350
2 10
31 1 20
.5 30 60 800
32 earth leakage

04443726AA - 01/2017 5
Discovering Micrologic P Setting procedure

Dials Settings using the dials

bb Dials are used to set Micrologic P protection
thresholds and tripping delays for overloads, short-

circuits, ground faults and earth leakage.
bb If the set thresholds are overrun, these protection Micro

functions systematically trip the circuit breaker.

bb Open the protective bb Make the necessary settings using the dials
cover. bb The screen automatically displays the relevant curve
bb Check the set value on the screen, in absolute value
in amperes (A) and in seconds (s).

Buttons Settings using the keypad

bb Buttons on the keypad are used for fine adjustments
of the protection thresholds and tripping delays for bb The and buttons under the screen may be
overloads, short-circuits, ground faults and earth

used for fine adjustments of the settings made using
leakage. The value previously set using a dial the dials.
automatically becomes the maximum value for the bb All the settings not available via the dials are made in Micro

keypad settings. the same manner, using the keypad.

bb They may also be used to activate other factory-
disabled protection functions available on Micrologic P.
These other protection functions are not accessible via
the dials. A new overload (long-time) or short-circuit
(short-time and instantaneous) protection setting
made using one of the dials:
bb deletes all the fine adjustments previously
With the protective cover open, make all the necessary
made using the keypad for the overload
settings for your control unit.
(long-time) and short-circuit (short-time and
All fine adjustments are permanently stored in memory, instantaneous) protection
unless the setting is modified using the adjustment dial. bb does not affect the fine adjustments made
using the keypad for ground-fault and earth-
For remote settings using the communications option,
leakage protection
see the "Remote settings" section in the "Com setup"
menu under "History, maintenance and setup". bb does not affect any other settings made using
the keypad.

Similarly, a new ground-fault or earth-leakage

protection setting made using one of the dials:
bb deletes all the fine adjustments previously
made using the keypad for the ground-fault and
earth-leakage protection
bb does not affect the fine adjustments made
using the keypad for the overload (long-time) and
short-circuit (short-time and instantaneous)
bb does not affect any other settings made using
the keypad.

6 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Setting procedure

With the protective cover closed, it is not possible to set View the settings and measurements
the protection functions. However, it is possible to set


metering functions and alarms, as well as view all
measurements, settings and histories. 5.0
logic logic
Micro Micro

bb Close the protective bb If necessary, install a

cover for the dials lead seal to protect the
bb Access to the dials is settings
blocked and it is no longer bb Settings may be
possible to make fine viewed at any time using
adjustments using the the keypad.


If you notice that the tab on the back of the protective

5.0 cover has been broken off, contact the
Schneider Electric after-sales support department to
replace the cover.

04443726AA - 01/2017 7
Discovering Micrologic P Setting Micrologic 5.0 P
using the dials

Consider a 2000 A circuit breaker. Set the thresholds

In = 2000 A

long time
Ir .8
.7 .9
Ir = 0.5 x 2000 = 1000 A
.5 .98
.4 1
Isd = 2 x 1000 = 2000 A
x In
short time instantaneous Ii = 2 x 2000 = 4000 A
Isd Ii
5 6 8 10
2.5 6 4 12
2 8 3 15
1 1.5 10 2 off
x Ir x In

In 2000 A
In =

See pages 22 and 24 for selection of the setting Set the time delays
tr = 1 s

long time
tr 8
(s) 4 12
2 16
1 20
.5 24
tsd = 0.2 s
@ 6 Ir

short time
(s) .4 .4 .3
.3 .2
.2 .1
.1 2 0
on I t off

Thresholds Time delays

I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve
t t t t




Ir Ir

tr tr

Isd Isd
tsd tsd
Ii Ii

0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I
Ir: LT threshold tr: LT tripping delay
Isd: ST pickup tsd: ST tripping delay
Ii: Instantaneous pickup

8 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Setting Micrologic 6.0 P
using the dials

Consider a 2000 A circuit breaker. Set the thresholds


In = 2000 A

long time
Ir .8
.7 .9
.6 .95
.5 .98 Ir = 0.5 x 2000 = 1000 A
.4 1
x In

short time
Isd = 2 x 1000 = 2000 A
5 6 8 10
2.5 6 4 12
2 8 3
1 1.5 10 2
Ii = 2 x 2000 = 4000 A
x Ir x In
B Ig = 640 A
In 2000 A C
In =

ground fault

See pages 22 to 26 for selection of the setting ranges. Set the time delays

long time tr = 1 s
tr 8
(s) 4 12
2 16
1 20
.5 24
@ 6 Ir

short time
tsd = 0.2 s
(s) .4 .4 .3
.3 .2
.2 .1
.1 2
on I t off
delay tg = 0.2 s
(s) .4 .4 .3
.3 .2
.2 .1
.1 2
on I t off
ground fault

Thresholds Time delays

I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve
t t t t




Ir Ir

tr tr

Isd Isd
tsd tsd
Ii Ii

0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I
Ir: LT threshold tr: LT tripping delay
Isd: ST pickup tsd: ST tripping delay
Ii: Instantaneous pickup

t t

t t



Ig Ig

tg tg

0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I
Ig: ground-fault pickup tg: ground-fault tripping delay

04443726AA - 01/2017 9
Discovering Micrologic P Setting Micrologic 7.0 P
using the dials

Consider a 2000 A circuit breaker. Set the thresholds


In = 2000 A

long time
Ir .8
.7 .9
.6 .95
.5 .98 Ir = 0.5 x 2000 = 1000 A
.4 1
x In

short time
Isd = 2 x 1000 = 2000 A
5 6 8 10
2.5 6 4 12
2 8 3
1 1.5 10 2
Ii = 2 x 2000 = 4000 A
x Ir x In
(A) 5
I∆n = 1 A
In 2000 A 2
3 7
1 20
In =

.5 30
earth leakage

See pages 22 to 26 for selection of the setting ranges. Set the time delays
tr = 1 s

long time
tr 8
(s) 4 12
2 16
1 20
.5 24
@ 6 Ir

tsd = 0.2 s

short time
(s) .4 .4 .3
.3 .2
.2 .1
.1 2
on I t off
delay ∆t = 140 ms
230 350
60 800

earth leakage

Thresholds Time delays

I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve

t t t


Ir Ir

tr tr

Isd Isd
tsd tsd
Ii Ii

0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I
Ir: LT threshold tr: LT tripping delay
Isd: ST pickup tsd: ST tripping delay
Ii: Instantaneous pickup
t t



0 I 0 I
I∆n: earth-leakage pickup ∆t: earth-leakage tripping

10 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Selecting the type of neutral

Selection dial on four-pole circuit breakers


/2 On four-pole circuit breakers, it is possible to select the type of neutral protection for
4P 4D
4P 3D
the fourth pole using the three-position dial on the circuit breaker:
bb no neutral protection 4P 3D
bb half neutral protection 3D + N/2
bb full neutral protection 4P 4D

The factory default setting is 3D + N/ 2.

With the 4P 3D setting, the current in the neutral must
not exceed the rated current of the circuit breaker.

04443726AA - 01/2017 11
Discovering Micrologic P Main menus

The Micrologic P control unit offers access to the main screen and three menus:
bb the main screen displaying the continuous measurement of the phase currents (I1,
I2, I3) and the neutral current (IN), if it exists
bb the "Metering" menu
bb the "History, maintenance and setup" menu
bb the "Protection" menu.

Main screen
As long as no functions are activated, Micrologic P

4260A control units display in real time the current on the most
heavily loaded phase.
The number for that phase is presented in a square.
1 2 3
The current in the neutral is displayed if the neutral CT
is set as internal or external (see "Ineutral (A)" settings
100 in the "Current protection" menu).


When a menu button is pressed, a presentation screen "Metering", "History, maintenance and setup" and
is displayed and the green LED on the button goes ON.
"Protection" menus
bb "Metering" menu

bb press the or button to return to the main


bb press the button to return to the previous
U (V) bb whatever the screen displayed, if no further action is
taken, the system returns to the main screen after a
few minutes
P (kW) bb the LED goes OFF on exiting the menu.

E (kWh)

F (Hz)

12 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Main menus

bb "History, maintenance and setup" menu

vv press the or button to return to the main

Event screen
vv press the button to return to the previous
Contacts screen
M2C / M6C vv whatever the screen displayed, if no further action is
taken, the system returns to the main screen after a
Micrologic few minutes
setup vv the LED goes OFF on exiting the menu.


bb "Protection" menu

vv press the or button to return to the main


Current screen
vv press the button to return to the previous
Voltage screen
protection vv whatever the screen displayed, if no further action is
taken, the system returns to the main screen after a
Other few minutes
protection vv the LED goes OFF on exiting the menu.

shedding I
shedding P

bb Saving settings
When a setting is made in any of the three menus, the

screen used to save the modification(s) may be

accessed by pressing one of the three buttons
, or .
vv select yes to save the modifications
Do you want vv select no to cancel and maintain the previous
to save new settings
settings? vv this screen remains displayed until yes or no are


04443726AA - 01/2017 13
Discovering Micrologic P Metering

Press the button to select the "Metering" menu.

move the cursor down the screen or decrement a value.

move the cursor up the screen or increment a value.

select an option in a list, confirm a selection or the value of a setting.

indicates that the operator is in the "Metering" menu and returns

to the previous screen.

return to the main screen.

Current measurements

I (A)
I (A)
access to the following sections:

U (V)
P (kW) I1, I2, I3, IN currents
I1, I2, I3, IN (depending on the type of
E (kWh) system)

Storing and reset of

the maximum instantaneous
(Hz) currents.


Demand current on the

I1, I2, I3, IN phases I1, I2, I3 and on IN
(depending on the type of
Storing and reset of
Max the maximum demand

Voltage measurements

I (A)
U (V)
access to the following sections:

U (V) Instantaneous phase-to-phase U12, U23, U31 and

Instant. phase-to-neutral V1N, V2N, V3N voltages

P (kW) (depending on the type of system)

Average voltage U average of the phase-to-phase

E (kWh) Average 3 Φ voltages.

Unbalance voltage U unbal. of the phase-to-phase

F (Hz) Unbal 3 Φ voltages.

Phase sequence.

14 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Metering

Power measurements

I (A) access to the following sections:

P (kW)
U (V)
P (kW)
Total active power P
P, Q, S, Total reactive power Q
E (kWh) Total apparent power S

Power factor PF
F (Hz) factor


Demand values for the:

P, Q, S bb total active power P
bb total reactive power Q
bb total apparent power S

Storing and reset of

Max the maximum demand power

Energy measurements

I (A) access to the following sections:

E (kWh)
U (V) Total active energy E.P
E total Total reactive energy E.Q
P (kW) Total apparent energy E.S

Positive component of:

E (kWh) E in bb the total active energy E.P

bb the total reactive energy E.Q
Negative component of:
F (Hz) E out bb the total active energy E.P
bb the total reactive energy E.Q

Reset all the energy values to zero


Frequency measurement

I (A) access to the frequency measurement

F (Hz)
U (V)

P (kW)

E (kWh)

F (Hz)

04443726AA - 01/2017 15
Discovering Micrologic P History, maintenance
and setup

Press the button to select the "History, maintenance and setup" menu.

move the cursor down the screen or decrement a value.

move the cursor up the screen or increment a value.

select an option in a list, confirm a selection or the value of a setting.

indicates that the operator is in the "History, maintenance and setup" menu
and returns to the previous screen.

return to the main screen.

Event history

Event access to the following sections:

history Event
M2C / M6C Trip The last ten faults recorded

Micrologic history
The last ten alarms recorded
Metering Alarm
setup history
Number of operations (opening or closing)
Com. Operation
setup counter
Wear of the circuit-breaker main contacts

M2C / M6C Contacts


Event access to the following sections:

history Contacts
M2C / M6C
M2C / M6C Alarm Assignment of a protection alarm to an M2C or an
M6C contact
Micrologic type
Latching mode for each M2C or M6C contact
Metering Setup

Com. Reset of the M2C or M6C contacts


16 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P History, maintenance
and setup

Micrologic setup

Event access to the following sections:

history Micrologic
M2C / M6C Selection of the display language
Micrologic Language
Setting of the date and time
Metering Date / time
Indication of the circuit-breaker type
Com. Breaker
setup selection
Setting the power sign
Select of the primary and secondary voltages on the
VT ratio instrument transformer

Indication of the rated system frequency


Metering setup

history access to the following sections:
Contacts setup
M2C / M6C bb 3 phases, 3 wires, 3 CTs: method using
Micrologic type
two wattmeters
setup bb 3 phases, 4 wires, 3 CTs: method using
three wattmeters
Metering bb 3 phases, 4 wires, 4 CTs: method using
setup three wattmeters with measurement
of the neutral current.
Com. Current Selection of the calculation method and setting
setup demand
of the time interval for the calculation

Selection of the calculation method and setting

Power of the parameters for the calculation
Setting of the sign convention for the power factor
Sign and reactive power, i.e. IEEE, IEEE alternate or IEC
convention (see page 87 to determine the sign convention)

COM communications-option setup


access to the following sections:
history Com.
M2C / M6C Setting of parameters for the COM communications
Com. option.
Micrologic parameter
Authorisation of access to settings via
Metering Remote the COM communications option.
setup settings

Com. Authorisation of access to the circuit-breaker ON

Remote and OFF commands via the COM communications
setup control option.

Displays the IP address of the IFE.

IP Data

04443726AA - 01/2017 17
Discovering Micrologic P Protection

Press the button to select the "Protection" menu.

move the cursor down the screen or decrement a value

move the cursor up the screen or increment a value

select an option in a list, confirm a selection or the value of a setting

indicates that the operator is in the "Protection" menu and returns
to the previous screen

return to the main screen

Current protection

protection access to the following sections:
Voltage protection
Fine settings of the long-time I2t, short-time and
protection I (A) instantaneous protection functions

Load Fine settings of the long-time Idmtl,

shedding I Idmtl (A) short-time and instantaneous protection functions

shedding P Fine settings of the:
I (A) bb ground-fault (Micrologic 6.0 P)
bb earth-leakage (Micrologic 7.0 P) protection functions

Selection of the type of neutral

Ineutral (A) sensor and type of neutral protection

Setting of the I alarm

I Alarm
Setting of the current-unbalance protection I unbal
Iunbal (%)
Setting of the maximum-current protection I1 max
I1 max (A)
Setting of the maximum-current protection I2 max
I2 max (A)
Setting of the maximum-current protection I3 max
I3 max (A)
Setting of the maximum-current protection IN max
IN max (A)

18 04443726AA - 01/2017
Discovering Micrologic P Protection

Voltage protection

Current access to the following sections:

protection Voltage
protection Setting of the minimum-voltage protection U min.
Other Umin (V)
Setting of the maximum-voltage protection U max.
Umax (V)
Setting of the voltage-unbalance protection U unbal.
shedding P Uunbal (%)

Other protection

access to the following sections:
protection Other
protection Setting of the reverse-power protection rP max
Other rPmax (W)
Setting of the minimum-frequency protection F min
shedding I Fmin (Hz)

Load Setting of the maximum-frequency protection F max

shedding P Fmax (Hz)

Phase Setting of the phase-rotation protection


Current rotation
Voltage Load shedding depending on current
protection Load Access to load shedding and reconnection

Other shedding I depending on current

shedding I
shedding P

Load shedding depending on power


Access to load shedding and reconnection
protection Load
shedding P depending on power

shedding I
shedding P

04443726AA - 01/2017 19
Overview of functions Current protection
I2t long-time protection

For the default values, the setting ranges, increment The long-time protection function protects cables against overloads. This function is
steps and setting accuracies, see the technical based on true rms measurements.
appendix. It is possible to select either I2t long-time protection or Idmtl long-time protection.

I2t long-time protection

Long-time current setting Ir and standard tripping delay tr
Micrologic control unit Accuracy 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P
Current setting Ir = In (*) x … 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.98 1
tripping betweeen 1.05 and 1.20 Ir other ranges or disable by changing rating plug

Time setting 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24

Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -30% 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (1) 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 13.8 16.6

* In: circuit breaker rating

(1) 0 to -40%
(2) 0 to -60%

bb It is possible to enhance the Ir setting accuracy (reduced range) or disable the

long-time protection function by using a different long-time rating plug.
See the technical appendix "Changing the long-time rating plug".

Thermal memory
bb The thermal memory continuously accounts for the amount of heat in the cables,
both before and after tripping, whatever the value of the current (presence of an
overload or not). The thermal memory optimises the long-time protection function of
the circuit breaker by taking into account the temperature rise in the cables.
bb The thermal memory assumes a cable cooling time of approximately 15 minutes.

20 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Current protection
Idmtl long-time protection

Idmtl Protection
Long-time current setting Ir and Idmtl tripping delay tr
Micrologic control unit Accuracy 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P
Current setting Ir = In (*) x … 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.98 1
tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 Ir other ranges or disable by changing rating plug
Time setting 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.53 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.53 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.53 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 10 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.53 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -30% 1.9 3.8 7.6 15.2 30.4 45.5 60.7 75.8 91
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (1) 0.88 1.77 3.54 7.08 10.6 14.16 17.7 21.2
tr at 10 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.8 1.43 2.86 5.73 8.59 11.46 14.33 17.19
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -30% 3.6 7.2 14.4 28.8 57.7 86.5 115.4 144.2 173.1
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (1) 0.81 1.63 3.26 6.52 9.8 13.1 16.34 19.61
tr at 10 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.75 1.14 2.28 4.57 6.86 9.13 11.42 13.70
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -30% 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (1) 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 13.8 16.6
tr at 10 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.7 (1) 0.7 (1) 1.41 2.82 4.24 5.45 7.06 8.48
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to -30% 164.5 329 658 1316 2632 3950 5265 6581 7900
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (1) 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.7 (1) 1.1 (1) 1.42 3.85 5.78 7.71 9.64 11.57
tr at 10 x Ir 0 to -20% 0.7 (2) 0.7 (2) 0.7 (1) 0.7 (1) 1.02 1.53 2.04 2.56 3.07

* In: circuit breaker rating

(1) 0 to -40%
(2) 0 to -60%

bb These curves with different slopes are used to improve:

vv discrimination with fuses positioned upstream (HV) and/or downstream
vv protection for certain types of loads
bb Five types of curves are available:
vv DT: definite time curve
vv SIT: standard inverse time curve (I0.5t)
vv VIT: very inverse time curve (It)
vv EIT: extremely inverse time curve (I2t)
vv HVF: compatible with high-voltage fuses (I4t).
bb Neutral protection
Overload protection (long time) for the neutral is disabled if the Idmtl protection
function is selected. However, the short-circuit protection (short time and
instantaneous) remains operational.
bb Intermittent overloads
As long as the Micrologic P control unit remains supplied with power, the effects of
intermittent overloads on cables are calculated. If power is cut, temperature rise in
cables is not calculated.
bb Circuit-breaker thermal limit
For certain settings, the Idmtl curves may be limited by the I2t curve when the tripping
delay tr is set to 24 seconds or by its thermal memory. The maximum I2t curve
remains active for the phases and the neutral even when the Idmtl curves are

04443726AA - 01/2017 21
Overview of functions Current protection
Short-time and instantaneous protection

For the default values, the setting ranges, increment Short-time protection
steps and setting accuracies, see the technical bb The short-time protection function protects the distribution system against
appendix. impedant short-circuits
bb The short-time tripping delay and the I2t ON and I2t OFF options can be used to
ensure discrimination with a downstream circuit breaker
bb This function carries out true rms measurements.

bb Use of I2t curves with short-time protection:

vv I2t OFF selected: the protection function implements a constant time curve
vv I2t ON selected: the protection function implements an I2t inverse-time curve up to
10 Ir. Above 10 Ir, the time curve is constant.

For the characteristics and external wiring of the zone bb Zone selective interlocking (ZSI)
selective interlocking function, see the technical The short-time and ground-fault protection functions enable time discrimination by
appendix on "Zone selective interlocking". delaying the upstream devices to provide the downstream devices the time required
to clear the fault. Zone selective interlocking can be used to obtain total
discrimination between circuit breakers using external wiring.

bb Intermittent faults are taken into account by Micrologic P and may lead to shorter
tripping times than those set.

Short-time pickup Isd and tripping delay tsd

Micrologic control unit 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P
Pickup Isd = Ir x ... accuracy ± 10 % 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10
Time delay (s) setting I2t Off 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
at 10 Ir I2t On 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
I2t On or tsd (max resettable time) (ms) 20 80 140 230 350
I2t Off tsd (max break time) (ms) 80 140 200 320 500

If the "without long-time protection" plug is used and the long-time protection function
is disabled, the short-time pickup Isd is automatically multiplied by In instead of Ir as
is the standard case.

Instantaneous protection
bb The instantaneous-protection function protects the distribution system against
solid short-circuits. Contrary to the short-time protection function, the tripping delay
for instantaneous protection is not adjustable. The tripping order is sent to the circuit
breaker as soon as current exceeds the set value, with a fixed time delay of 20
bb This function carries out true rms measurements.
bb The energy reduction maintenance setting (ERMS) function is added to the
instantaneous protection function by addition of an optional IO module to the IMU
configured to perform the pre-defined application 3 or the ERMS user-defined
For more information, refer to IO Input/Output Interface for LV circuit breaker user
Instantaneous pickup Ii
Micrologic control unit 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P
Pickup Ii = In (*) x ... accuracy ± 10 % 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 OFF
* In: circuit-breaker rating
bb Circuit breakers have two types of instantaneous protection:
vv adjustable instantaneous protection Ii
vv self-protection.
Depending on the circuit breaker, the OFF position corresponds to
the self-protection pickup.

22 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Current protection
Instantaneous protection

Energy reduction maintenance settings (ERMS)

The energy reduction maintenance setting (ERMS) function is available on circuit
breaker fitted with:
bb a BCM ULP with firmware version 4.1.0 and above.
bb a Micrologic P control unit:
vv with firmware version Plogic-2014AN and above.
vv with hardware compatible with the ERMS function. Use the customer engineering
tool to check the Micrologic hardware version, or the COM option to check that the
hardware version coded in register 8709 is equal to 0x1000.
The ERMS function allows the selection of the Micrologic control unit settings:
Normal and ERMS mode.
The ERMS function is used to reduce the Ii protection settings in order to trip as fast
as possible when a fault occurs. The factory setting for Ii protection in ERMS mode is
2xIn. This protection parameter can be modified using the customer engineering tool.
If any of the basic protection settings using the rotary dial is modified on the
DANGER Micrologic control unit while in ERMS mode, the Micrologic control unit switches
HAZARD OF ARC FLASH immediately to the normal mode. The Micrologic control unit returns automatically to
bb Do not change the Micrologic P or H control the ERMS mode after 5 seconds.
unit's setting while in ERMS mode. The selection of the normal or ERMS mode is made by a selector switch connected
bb Seal the transparent cover of the Micrologic P to two inputs of the IO module.
and H control unit when using the ERMS mode. When the ERMS mode is engaged, ERMS is shown on the display of the Micrologic
Failure to follow these instructions will result control unit and a pilot light connected to the output O3 of the IO module will be in ON
in death or serious injury.
ERMS may be activated after a short delay due to internal controls in the system.
Ensure that the Output 3 (O3) of IO Module is ON and Micrologic HMI displays
ERMS before operating the equipment.

Micrologic display with ERMS mode engaged. The locking pad of the communication interface module (IFM or IFE) must be in
UNLOCK position (padlock open) while performing the energy reduction

Micrologic 7.0 P
maintenance setting (ERMS).
The parameter ACCESS PERMIT in the COM setup/Remote setting menu on the
display of the Micrologic control unit must be set to YES for IMU without IFM/IFE.
This is based on the following behavior:
vv Setting access permit parameter: The access permit parameter can be changed
A B C only from IFE/IFM using the LOCK/UNLOCK dial.
vv Behavior: ERMS ON and OFF orders are executed even if access permit
parameter is set as NO.
bb IMU without IFM/IFE
50 vv Setting access permit parameter: The access permit parameter can be changed
only from the display of the Micrologic control unit.
vv Behavior: ERMS ON and OFF orders are not executed if access permit parameter
is set as NO.
The ERMS ON and OFF orders are executed only when the access parameter is set to YES and
the passcode in the Micrologic control unit must be set to 0000.
If the ERMS function or COM option is used, it is advised to use a second dedicated
power supply to supply the Micrologic P control unit (terminals F1-, F2+).
The AD power supply is recommended due to its low stray primary secondary
capacitance. Good operation of the Micrologic control unit in noisy environment is
not guaranteed with other power supplies.

04443726AA - 01/2017 23
Overview of functions Current protection
Neutral protection

For the default values, the setting ranges, increment Three-pole circuit breakers
steps and setting accuracies, see the technical Protection of the neutral is possible on a three-pole circuit breaker by connecting an
appendix. external sensor.
Settings are made using the and buttons on the control unit.

Micrologic control unit 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P

Setting OFF N/2 N 1.6xN

Type of neutral Description

No neutral protection The distribution system does not require protection of the neutral
Half neutral protection The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is half that of the
phase conductors.
bb The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to half the
setting value
bb The short-time pickup Isd for the neutral is equal to half the
setting value
bb The instantaneous pickup Ii for the neutral is equal to the setting
bb For ground-fault protection (Micrologic 6.0 P), pickup Ig for the
neutral is equal to the setting value.
Full neutral protection The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is equal to that of
the phase conductors.
bb The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to the
setting value
bb The short-time pickup Isd for the neutral is equal to the setting value
bb The instantaneous pickup Ii for the neutral is equal to the setting
bb For ground-fault protection (Micrologic 6.0 P), pickup Ig for the
neutral is equal to the setting value.
Oversized neutral protection In installations with a high level of third-order harmonic currents (or
multiples thereof), the current in the neutral conductor may exceed
that of the phase currents under steady-state conditions
bb The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is 1.6 times that of
the setting value
bb The short-time pickup Isd for the neutral is 1.6 times that of the
setting value, but may not exceed 10 In to limit transients and
self-protect the installation
bb The instantaneous pickup Ii for the neutral is equal to the setting
bb For ground-fault protection (Micrologic 6.0 P), pickup Ig for the
neutral is equal to the setting value.

Four-pole circuit breakers

The initial protection setting is made using the dial on the neutral pole of the circuit

The and buttons on the control unit may then be used for a more precise
setting. The dial setting constitutes the upper limit for adjustments using the keypad.

Micrologic control unit 5.0 P, 6.0 P and 7.0 P

Setting OFF N/2 N

Type of neutral Description

No neutral protection The distribution system does not require protection of the neutral
Half neutral protection The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is half that of the
phase conductors.
bb The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to half the
setting value
bb The short-time pickup Isd for the neutral is equal to half the
setting value
bb The instantaneous pickup Ii for the neutral is equal to the setting
Full neutral protection The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is equal to that of
the phase conductors.
bb The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to the
setting value
bb The short-time pickup Isd for the neutral is equal to the setting value
bb The instantaneous pickup Ii for the neutral is equal to the setting

24 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Current protection
Ground-fault and earth-leakage

For the default values, the setting ranges, increment Ground-fault protection on Micrologic 6.0 P
steps and setting accuracies, see the technical bb An ground fault in the protection conductors can provoke local temperature rise at
appendix. the site of the fault or in the conductors. The purpose of the ground-fault protection
function is to eliminate this type of fault.
bb There are two types of ground-fault protection.
Type Description
Residual bb The function determines the zero-phase sequence current,
i.e. the vector sum of the phase and neutral currents (depending
on the type of installation)
Source Ground Return bb Using a special external sensor, this function directly
measures the fault current returning to the transformer via the
earth cable
bb It detects faults both upstream and downstream of the circuit
bb The maximum distance between the sensor and the circuit
breaker is ten metres.

bb Ground-fault and neutral protection are independent and can therefore be

Ground-fault pickup Ig and tripping delay tg
The pickup and tripping-delay values can be set independently and are identical for
both the residual and "source ground return" ground-fault protection functions.

Micrologic control unit 6.0 P

Pickup Ig = In (*) x ... accuracy ± 10 % A B C D E F G H J
In y 400 A 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
400 A < In y 1200 A 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
In > 1200 A 500 A 640 A 720 A 800 A 880 A 960 A 1040 A 1120 A 1200 A
Time delay (s) settings I2t Off I2t Off 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
at In or 1200 A I2t On 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
I2t On or tg (max resettable time) (ms) 20 80 140 230 350
I2t Off tg (max. break time) (ms) 80 140 200 320 500
(*) In: circuit-breaker rating

Earth-leakage protection on sur Micrologic 7.0 P

bb The earth-leakage protection function primarily protects people against indirect
contact because an earth-leakage current can provoke an increase in the potential of
the exposed conductive parts. The earth-leakage pickup value I∆n is displayed
directly in amperes and the tripping delay follows a constant-time curve.
bb An external rectangular sensor is required for this function
bb This function is inoperative if the long-time rating plug is not installed
vvq Protected against nuisance tripping
vvk DC-component withstand class A up to 10 A.
bb If the optional external voltage-measurement input is used, a 24 V DC external
power supply must be connected to Micrologic P (terminals F1-, F2+).

Pickup value I∆n and tripping delay ∆t

Micrologic control unit 7.0 P
Pickup (A) I∆n accuracy 0 to - 20 % 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30
Time delay (ms)
settings ∆t (max resettable time) 60 140 230 350 800
∆t (max. break time) 140 200 320 500 1000

04443726AA - 01/2017 25
Overview of functions Current protection
I t Alarm, current unbalance, maximum

For the pickup and dropout thresholds and time delays, Operating principle
see the technical appendix. Protection tripped by a maximum value


1: pickup threshold
2: pickup time delay
3: dropout threshold
4: dropout time delay

bb For protection tripped by a maximum value, it is possible to set:

vv a pickup threshold (1) that activates an alarm, a contact and/or tripping
vv a pickup time delay (2) that steps in when the pickup threshold (1) is reached
vv a dropout threshold (3) corresponding to deactivation of the alarm and/or contact
vv a dropout time delay (4) that steps in when the dropout threshold (3) is reached
bb The dropout threshold is always less than or equal to the pickup threshold.

I t Alarm
bb The alarm function is tripped by the rms value of an earth-leakage current
bb This alarm signals an earth-leakage current under the pickup value and does not
produce circuit-breaker tripping.

Current-unbalance protection I unbal

bb This protection is activated by an adjustable level of unbalance between the RMS
values of the three phase currents.

I bb From:

E max
vv I avg is the average value of the rms currents of the
I avg three phases
I avg = I1 + I2 + I3
vv E max is the maximum difference between the
0 I1 I2 I3
current of each phase and I avg
bb Micrologic P uses the two values above to calculate
the current unbalance:
E max
I unbal =
I avg

Maximum-current protection per phase I max

bb Protection values may be set for each of the following currents:
vv I1 max: maximum current on phase 1
vv I2 max: maximum current on phase 2
vv I3 max: maximum current on phase 3
vv IN max: maximum current in the neutral
bb This function calculates the rms demand value of the current for the given phase
(I1, I2, I3 ) or the neutral (IN), over a sliding time interval.
The time interval is the same as that for the calculation of the demand currents in the
"Metering" menu.
Settings are made in the "Metering setup" menu.

IN max protection does not take into account the neutral-protection setting (N, N/2, 1.6xN, OFF).

26 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Voltage protection
Minimum voltage, maximum voltage,
voltage unbalance

For the pickup and dropout thresholds and time delays, Operating principle
see the technical appendix. protection tripped protection tripped
by a minimum value by a maximum value
t t


1 3
3 1
2 4
4 2

0 U min 0 U max
U unbal.
1: pickup threshold
2: pickup time delay
3: dropout threshold
4: dropout time delay

bb For protection tripped by a minimum or maximum value, it is possible to set:

vv a pickup threshold (1) that activates an alarm, a contact and/or tripping
vv a pickup time delay (2) that steps in when the pickup threshold (1) is reached
vv a dropout threshold (3) corresponding to deactivation of the alarm and/or contact
vv a dropout time delay (4) that steps in when the dropout threshold (3) is reached
bb For protection tripped by a minimum value, the dropout threshold is always greater
than or equal to the pickup threshold
bb For protection tripped by a maximum value, the dropout threshold is always less
than or equal to the pickup threshold
bb If both the minimum and maximum protection functions are activated at the same
time, the minimum threshold is automatically limited to the value of the maximum
and vice versa.

If the voltage protection functions are activated and the Minimum-voltage protection U min
voltage measurement inputs are still energised, it is bb This function calculates the minimum rms value of the three phase-to-phase
impossible to reset and close the circuit breaker. voltages
bb Protection is activated when at least one of the three phase-to-phase voltages
(U12, U23, U31) is below the threshold set by the user
bb This protection function does not detect phase failure.

Maximum-voltage protection U max

bb This function calculates the maximum rms value of the three phase-to-phase
bb Protection is activated when the three phase-to-phase voltages (U12, U23, U31)
are simultaneously above the threshold set by the user.

Voltage-unbalance protection U unbal

This protection is activated by an adjustable level of unbalance between the rms
values of the three phase-to-phase voltages.
This function calculates the rms value of the unbalance between the three phase-to-
phase voltages.

U bb From:

vv U avg is the average value of the rms voltages of the

E max
U avg three phases
U avg = U12 + U23 + U31
vv E max: is the maximum difference between the
0 U12 U23 U31
voltage of each phase and U avg
bb Micrologic P uses the two values above to calculate
the voltage unbalance:
U unbal = E max
U avg

04443726AA - 01/2017 27
Overview of functions Other protection
Reverse power, min. frequency,
max. frequency, phase rotation

For the pickup and dropout thresholds and time delays, Operating principle
see the technical appendix. protection tripped protection tripped
by a minimum value by a maximum value
t t


1 3
3 1
2 4
4 2

0 F min 0 F max
rP max
1: pickup threshold
2: pickup time delay
3: dropout threshold
4: dropout time delay

bb For protection tripped by a minimum or maximum value, it is possible to set:

vv a pickup threshold (1) that activates an alarm, a contact and/or tripping
vv a pickup time delay (2) that steps in when the pickup threshold (1) is reached
vv a dropout threshold (3) corresponding to deactivation of the alarm and/or contact
vv a dropout time delay (4) that steps in when the dropout threshold (3) is reached
bb For protection tripped by a minimum value, the dropout threshold is always greater
than or equal to the pickup threshold
bb For protection tripped by a maximum value, the dropout threshold is always less
than or equal to the pickup threshold
bb If both the minimum and maximum protection functions are activated at the same
time, the minimum threshold is automatically limited to the value of the maximum
and vice versa.

Reverse-power protection rP max

bb This function calculates the value of the total active power on the three phases
bb The function is activated when the total active power of the three phases flows in
the direction opposite that set by the user is greater than the pickup threshold (1) for
a time greater than the time delay (2).

The direction of flow is set by the user in the "Power sign" section of the "Micrologic setup" menu
under "History, maintenance and settings".
bb + corresponds to the normal direction of flow, i.e. from the top terminals on the circuit breaker
to the bottom terminals
bb - is the opposite.

If the voltage protection functions are activated and the Minimum and maximum-frequency protection F min.
voltage measurement inputs are still energised, it is
impossible to reset and close the circuit breaker. and F max
These functions monitor the value of the frequency on the distribution system.

Phase-rotation alarm
This alarm is activated if two of the three phases are inverted.

The alarm is activated following a fixed 300-millisecond time delay. If one of the phases is
absent, the alarm will not operate. If the 400 Hz frequency is set, the alarm cannot be activated.

28 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Load shedding
and reconnection

For the pickup and dropout thresholds and time delays, Load shedding and reconnection depending on current
see the technical appendix. The pickup curve for load shedding and reconnection depending on current is
parallel to the LT I2t and Idmtl curves. If a "without long-time protection" rating plug is
installed, the load shedding/reconnection function based on current cannot be
bb I2t protection: the neutral is taken into account
bb Idmtl: the neutral is not taken into account.
This function does not trip the circuit breaker, but can be used to set off an alarm
linked to an M2C or M6C contact (disconnection and reconnection of non-priority
The load-shedding and reconnection function is determined by thresholds and time


0 I
1: pickup threshold
2: pickup time delay
3: dropout threshold
4: dropout time delay

The pickup threshold is always greater than or equal to the dropout threshold.

Load shedding and reconnection depending on power

Load shedding and reconnection depending on power calculates the total active
power on the three phases. This function does not trip the circuit breaker, but can be
used to set off an alarm linked to an M2C or M6C contact (disconnection and
reconnection of non-priority loads).
The load-shedding and reconnection function is determined by thresholds and time



0 P

1: pickup threshold
2: pickup time delay
3: dropout threshold
4: dropout time delay

The pickup threshold is always greater than or equal to the dropout threshold.

04443726AA - 01/2017 29
Overview of functions Measurements
Current and voltage

For the setting ranges and measurement accuracies, Instantaneous current

see the technical appendix. Micrologic P control units offer two, non-exclusive measurement possibilities.
bb On the bargraph display on the main screen
The instantaneous current of the most heavily loaded phase is automatically
displayed in amperes for phases 1, 2, 3 and the neutral (depending on the neutral
protection settings). The bargraph indicates the percent load of the
three phases.
bb In the I inst. section of the instantaneous currents
vv display in amperes of the instantaneous currents I (rms) on phases I1, I2 and I3
and the neutral current IN, the ground-fault current Ig (Micrologic 6.0 P), the
earth-leakage current I∆n (Micrologic 7.0 P)
vv the maximum instantaneous currents are displayed and stored in memory
vv the stored maximums can be reset at any time.

Demand current
bb Display of the demand current on phases I1, I2, I3 and the neutral IN (depending
on the type of distribution system)
bb Selection of the demand calculation method
bb Display of the interval over which the value is calculated
bb The maximum demand values are displayed and stored in memory
bb The stored maximums can be reset at any time.

The calculation method, the type of calculation window (fixed or sliding) and its duration may be
set in the "Metering setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup".

Phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltages

Micrologic P offers different voltage measurements:
bb Phase-to-phase voltages (rms) between phases U12, U23 and U31,
displayed in volts
bb Phase-to-neutral voltages (rms) between the phases and the neutral V1N, V2N
and V3N, displayed in volts.

Average voltage
Average Uavg of the instantaneous voltages between phases U12, U23 and U31.

Phase rotation
Displays the phase sequence.

To display the phase-to-neutral voltages, select the "3Φ Voltage unbalance

4F 4CT" option in "System type" in the "Metering Display of the unbalance Uunbal between the three phase-to-phase voltages,
setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup". displayed as a percentage.
U bb From:

E max vv U avg is the average value of the rms voltages of the

U avg
three phases
U12 + U23 + U31
U avg =
0 U12 U23 U31
vv E max is the maximum difference between the
voltage of each phase and U avg
bb Micrologic P uses the two values above to calculate
the voltage unbalance
U unbal = E max
U avg

30 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Measurements
Power, energy and frequency

For the setting ranges and measurement accuracies, Instantaneous power and power factor
see the technical appendix. Micrologic P offers a number of different measurements.
bb Total power measurements:
vv instantaneous active power P in kW
vv instantaneous reactive power Q in kvar
vv instantaneous apparent power S in kVA
bb Measurement of the power factor PF.

Demand power
bb Display of the demand values for the active power P, reactive power Q and
apparent power S
bb Selection of the demand calculation method
bb Display of the interval over which the value is calculated
bb The maximum demand values are displayed and stored in memory
bb The stored maximums can be reset at at any time.

bb the calculation method, the type of calculation window (fixed or sliding) and its duration may
be set in the "Metering setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup".
bb the synchronisation function (Synchro.Com) is available only with the COM communication
option; with this function, the demand power is determined on the basis of a signal synchronised
by the communication module.
bb these settings apply to all demand powers (active power P, reactive power Q and apparent
power S). If the settings are modified, the demand values are systematically recalculated.

Micrologic P offers a number of different measurements:
bb Total energy:
vv total active energy E.P in kWh
vv total reactive energy E.Q in kvarh
vv total apparent energy E.S in kVAh
bb Energy consumed (Energy in), positively incremented:
vv active energy E.P in kWh
vv reactive energy E.Q in kvarh
bb Energy supplied (Energy out), negatively incremented:
vv active energy E.P in kWh
vv reactive energy E.Q in kvarh
bb Energy values can be reset.

bb the Energy in and Energy out values are incremented according to the power sign set in the
"Metering setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup".
bb as standard, the total calculated energy values are "absolute total values".
They represent the sum of the energy in and out values:
vv EP = Σ EP in + Σ EP out
vv EQ = Σ EQ in + Σ EQ out
bb as an option (access exclusively via the COM communications option), energy can be
calculated algebraically:
vv EP = Σ EP in - Σ EP out
vv EQ = Σ EQ in - Σ EQ out
These values are called "signed" energies.

The frequency of the distribution system is displayed in Hz.

04443726AA - 01/2017 31
Overview of functions Alarms

For information on the communications option and the bb An alarm may be viewed using:
portable test kit, see the respective user guides. vv the "Alarm history" menu
vv the COM communications option
vv the portable test kit.
bb The commands in the "Protection" menu are used to attribute a specific operating
mode to each of the protection functions:
vv OFF: protection disabled
vv Alarm: the function issues an alarm, but does not trip the circuit breaker
vv Trip + Alarm: the function issues an alarm and trips the circuit breaker.
bb The protection functions against overloads (long time), short circuits (short time
and instantaneous) and ground faults (ground-fault and earth-leakage currents)
automatically result in tripping and cannot be deactivated (Trip mode only).
bb The "I t Alarm" and phase rotation alarms can be set exclusively to OFF or Alarm
bb The other protection functions for current, voltage, power and frequency may be
set to any of the three modes, OFF, Alarm or Trip + Alarm.
bb The load shedding and reconnection function may be set to ON or OFF.
bb The resettable alarms linked to device tripping are activated when the Ir, Isd/Ii
or I t thresholds are overrun.
The Ir alarm is reset one second after tripping. The Isd/Ii and t alarms are reset by
pressing the button.

Current protection Off Alarm Trip + Alarm

Different pickup and dropout thresholds
Ir b

Isd / li b
Pickup T1 It b

bb Delayed alarms are activated when the pickup and dropout thresholds are overrun
and the corresponding time delays have expired.
Dropout T2
Current protection Off Alarm Trip + Alarm
I t Alarm b b
I unbal b b b
Ir, Isd, Ii, I alarms
I 1 max b b b
I 2 max b b b
Other alarms
I 3 max b b b
I N max b b b
Identical pickup and dropout thresholds Voltage protection Off Alarm Trip + Alarm
U min b b b

U max b b b
U unbal b b b
Pickup / T1 T2
Other protection Off Alarm Trip + Alarm
rP max b b b
F min b b b
F max b b b
Phase rotation b b
Ir, Isd, Ii, I alarms Shedding/reconnection Off On
current I b b
Other alarms
power P b b

bb History logging
vv Alarm mode: as soon as a given protection threshold is overrun, an alarm is
recorded in the "Alarm history"
vv Trip mode: as soon as a given protection threshold is overrun, the circuit breaker
trips and the fault is recorded in the "Trip history".
bb The "Protection setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup" is used to
enable or disable the Trip mode that is displayed in the protection-setting screens.
On leaving the factory, the protection functions are set to Alarm mode.
bb The "M2C / M6C contacts" menu under "History, maintenance and setup" is used
to link an M2C or M6C contact to an alarm. M2C and M6C contacts may not be used
together. They require a 24 V external power supply.
bb The COM communications module can be used to transmit alarms to a supervisor.

32 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Event histories

The interrupted currents are indicated in terms of their Trip history

peak values. bb The trip history is the means to display at any time the parameters measured
during the last ten trips.
bb For each trip, the following parameters are recorded:
vv tripping cause
vv trip threshold
vv interrupted currents in amperes (only if an external power supply is present) for Ir,
Isd/Ii, Ig or I∆n trips
vv date
vv time (hours, minutes and seconds).

Alarm history
bb The alarm history is the means to display at any time the parameters measured
during the last ten alarms.
bb For each alarm, the following parameters are recorded:
vv alarm cause
vv alarm threshold
vv date
vv time (hours, minutes and seconds).

Operation counter
This function is available only via the COM communications option.
bb Micrologic P:
vv stores and displays the total number of operations (incremented each time the
circuit breaker opens) since the initial installation of the circuit breaker
vv stores and displays the total number of operations since the last reset.

Contact wear indication

This function can be used to:
bb Determine the condition of the most worn contact in the circuit breaker. A counter
is displayed on the screen. The contacts must be inspected each time the counter
reaches a hundred mark. The message "Not available or circuit breaker type not
defined" is displayed if the type of circuit breaker has not been defined. In this case,
see "Breaker selection" in the "Micrologic setup" menu under "History, maintenance
and setup".
bb Reset the indicator after changing the main contacts. Reset is also carried out via
"Breaker selection" in the "Micrologic setup" menu.

If the control unit is changed, the circuit breaker must be defined again. In this case, see "Breaker
selection" in the "Micrologic setup" menu under "History, maintenance and setup".

04443726AA - 01/2017 33
Overview of functions LEDs and display screens

LED indicator Overload bargraph on

the main screen


Micrologic 5.0 P

N 1 2 3


Signals overrun of the Signals the load level on

long-time current setting each phase as a
(1.125 x Ir). percentage of Ir.

The procedure required to reclose the circuit-breaker Fault-trip indications

following a fault trip is presented in the circuit-breaker bb Control-unit status
user guide. The circuit breaker has tripped.
The control unit may or may not have an external power supply.
Concerning the presence or absence of an external The voltage measurement inputs may be connected upstream or downstream.
power supply, see the "Power supply" section in the
technical appendix. vv control unit without an vv control unit with an
external power supply external power supply
Important and with voltage and with voltage
The battery maintains the trip indications. measurement input measurement input
If no indications are displayed, check the battery. connected downstream connected upstream


Micrologic 5.0 P Micrologic 5.0 P

Umin 100V

by test/reset

A LED signals the type of The type of fault is

fault (Ir, Isd, Ii, Ig, I∆n or signalled by a LED and
Ap). on the graphic display.

34 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions LEDs and display screens

bb Fault-trip LEDs
bb The LEDs indicate the type of fault that tripped the circuit breaker
bb The LEDs are located in the upper part of the front panel (red Ir, Isd, Ii, Ig, I2n and
Ap LEDs)
bb When activated, a LED remains ON until it is locally reset.

bb Ir LED bb Isd, Ii LED


Micrologic 5.0 P Micrologic 5.0 P

Signals tripping following Signals tripping following

overrun of the long-time overrun of the short-time
current setting Ir. pickup Isd or the
instantaneous pickup Ii.
The self-protection function (excessive temperature, bb Ig, I∆n LED bb Ap LED
fault detected in ASIC power supply or instantaneous

Micrologic 5.0 P Micrologic 5.0 P
self-protection built into the device) trips the circuit
breaker and turns the Ap LED on.

A number of simultaneous causes may result in

tripping. For example, a short-circuit and a distribution-
system voltage under a set value.
The LED signalling the last fault chronologically is the
only one to remain ON. E.g., the Ap LED may signal a
voltage drop under a set value where the voltage drop Signals tripping following Signals tripping due to:
was caused by a short-circuit. overrun of the ground- bb Self-protection function:
fault pickup Ig or the vv temperature
earth-leakage pickup I∆n. vv ASIC power supply
vv instantaneous pickup for circuit-breaker self
bb Protection functions:
vv current unbalance I unbal
vv maximum current I1 max, I2 max, I3 max, IN max;
vv voltage unbalance U unbal
vv maximum voltage U max
vv minimum voltage U min
vv reverse power rP max
vv maximum frequency F max
vv minimum frequency F min.

bb LEDs on buttons to access the menus

The activated LED indicates the menu for which the screen is displayed:
vv "Metering"
vv "History, maintenance and setup"
vv "Protection".

04443726AA - 01/2017 35
Overview of functions Communication
COM option

All the Masterpact devices can be fitted with the Communication options
communication function. Masterpact uses the Ethernet For fixed and drawout devices, the common communication option is made
or Modbus communication protocols for full
up of:
compatibility with the supervision management
bb a BCM ULP module, which is installed behind the Micrologic control unit, is
supplied with its set of sensors (OF, SDE, PF and CH micro switches), kit for
Eco COM is limited to the transmission of metering connection to XF and MX1 communicating voltage releases and COM terminal block
data and status. It is not used to communicate controls. (inputs E1 to E6). This module is independent of the control unit. It receives and
transmits information on the communication network. An infra-red link transmits data
between the control unit and the communication module.
Consumption: 30 mA, 24 V.

bb IFM, the Modbus-SL interface for LV circuit breaker, is required for the network
connection, contains the Modbus address (1 to 99) declared by the user via the two
dials in front. It automatically adapts (baud rate, parity) to the Modbus network in
which it is installed.
bb IFE, the Ethernet interface for LV breaker, enables an intelligent modular
unit (IMU). For example, a Masterpact NT/NW or Compact NSX circuit breaker to be
connected to an Ethernet network. Each circuit breaker has its own IFE and a
corresponding IP address.

For drawout device, the Cradle Management option must be added:

IO module IO input/output interface module for LV circuit breaker is delivered with withdrawable

devices ordered with the COM option for cradle management. It must be installed on
a DIN rail near the device. It must be connected to the ULP system and to the
position contacts (CD, CT, CE) that transmit the position of the device in the cradle.

For communicating remote control, option with XF and MX1 communicating

voltage releases must be added:
The XF and MX1 communicating voltage releases are equipped for connection to
the "device" communication module.
The remote-tripping function (MX2 or MN) are independent of the communication
option. They are not equipped for connection to the "device" communication module.

For more information on the communication option, refer to the:

bb ULP system user guide
bb IO module user guide
bb IFE user guide

36 04443726AA - 01/2017
Overview of functions Communication
Communication architecture

Fixed electrically-operated devices Drawout electrically-operated devices

Ethernet Modbus Modbus





9 10 9 10
IFE_XX set)
CT (fac tory
-100/A .YY.ZZ
IFE /10-10
0/ACT -100/A
LK LK/10
e Sta
IFE -100/A
Modul LK/10
tus ETH2 tus
rk Sta e Sta
Netwo Modul
s-SL tus
Modbu rk Sta



ULP system


ULP system




6 8 33

O1 23

3 MX1 6
2 5
SD 3
MX1 - XF
1 SDE 4
PF 1

2 OF, SDE ... microswitches
3 COM terminal block (E1 to E6)
4 MX1 and XF communicating voltage releases
5 CE, CD and CT contacts
6 Breaker ULP cord
7 IO module
8 ULP cord
9 IFE module
10 IFM module

04443726AA - 01/2017 37
Overview of functions Optional M2C and M6C

An alarm is issued if the Alarm or the Trip + Alarm mode bb Available types of contacts:
was set for the given protection function. vv M2C: up to two contacts maximum, S1 and S2
vv M6C: up to six contacts maximum, S1 to S6.
bb Current protection: bb Voltage protection: bb Other protection:
The M2C and M6C contacts require an auxiliary power
vv Ir vv U min vv F min
supply. See the "Power supply" section in the technical
vv Isd vv U max vv F max
vv Ii vv U unbal. vv rP max
vv I t vv phase rotation.
vv I t Alarm
vv I unbal
vv I1 max
vv I2 max
Wiring diagram for M2C contacts.
vv I3 max
vv IN max.



bb Load shedding and reconnection:

vv current I
vv power P.
bb Latching settings:
vv non-latching contact: the contact remains activated as long as the fault that
caused the alarm has not been cleared
vv latching contact: the contact remains activated until it is reset ("Reset menu")
S1 S2 vv time-delay contact: the contact remains activated for the duration of an adjustable
time delay or until it is reset ("Reset menu").
vv locked to 1: the contact is forced to 1 for an automation test
vv locked to 0: the contact is forced to 0 for an automation test.

bb Contact operating diagram for long-time protection


Ir threshold T1 tr delay
Wiring diagram for M6C contacts
T2 = 1 sec







Ir LED Press

Internal alarm

S1 S2 24V 0V Com Non-latching contact

Q1 Q2 Q3 Time-delay Reset possible before
contact delay 1 to 360 s end of delay
S3 S4 S5 S6
Latching Reset possible
contact only after T2 = 1 s

bb Contact operating diagram for short-time, instantaneous and ground-fault protection


Isd, Ii or Ig pickup tsd or tg delay





Isd, Ii or Ig LED Press

Internal alarm

Non-latching contact
Time-delay Reset possible before
contact delay 1 to 360 s end of delay
Latching Reset possible
contact only after pressing

bb Contact operating diagram for the other protection functions




Internal alarm

Non-latching contact
Time-delay Reset possible before
contact delay 1 to 360 s end of delay
Latching Reset possible
contact only after T2

38 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 39
Setup Setting up the optional
M2C / M6C contacts

Select the command Select an alarm

Contacts Note:
M2C / M6C An alarm may be selected if the "Alarm" or "Trip + Alarm" mode was selected during setup of the
given protection function, in the "Protection" menu.



type S2 S2
S2 Ir Ir

then then
Select a contact. Select an alarm. Confirm.

Select the command Set up each contact

bb Select the latching mode
M2C / M6C Setup


M2C / M6C S2 S2
S1 Mode Mode
S2 latching latching
contact contact

then then
Select a contact. Select a latching mode: Confirm.
bb non-latching
bb latching
bb time-delay
bb locked to 1
bb locked to 0.

40 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setup Setting up the optional
M2C / M6C contacts

bb Set the time delay for time-delay latching

S2 S2 S2



Mode Mode Mode
time delay time delay time delay

Delay Delay Delay

360s 350s 350s

Select the time delay. Adjust. Confirm.
Select the command Reset the contacts to 0
M2C / M6C

M2C / M6C E60389A M2C / M6C

Reset S1 0 S1 1
S2 0 S2 1

Reset (- / +) Reset (- / +)

Reset the contacts to 0… or cancel the reset,
then confirm.

04443726AA - 01/2017 41
Setup Setting up the Micrologic
control unit

Prior to setting up the protection functions or carrying out measurements,

the following operations are required:
bb selection of the display language
bb entry of the date and time
bb entry of the circuit-breaker type
bb entry the power sign
bb selection of the transformation ratio between the primary and secondary windings
if an auxiliary voltage transformer is installed
bb entry of the rated frequency.

Select the command Select the display language




Select. Confirm.

To return to English
1. Return to the main 2. Select the "History, 4. Select the "Language"
screen by pressing any of maintenance and setup" menu by moving the
the three buttons menu by pressing cursor up on the first
Confirm by pressing
or press the button 3. Select the "Micrologic
setup" menu by moving
the cursor up on the first
followed by any of the menu. Move the cursor
three buttons down on the third menu
and confirm
by pressing

Select the command Set the date and time

bb Enter the date and time for time-stamping purposes in the trip and alarm histories.



Date Date Date

Date / time

01 / 01 / 2000 01 / 01 / 2000 01 / 01 / 2000

If the time is set via a communications module, any
previous manual setting is automatically erased.
Time Time Time

18 : 30 : 03 18 : 30 : 03 18 : 30 : 03

then then then

Select the date. Enter the day. Enter the month.

bb The resolution of the time setting is 20 ms.

42 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setup Setting up the Micrologic
control unit

Date and time are backed up by battery.


If time is not synchronised by the supervisor via the
Date Date
communication module, a drift of up to one hour per
year may be observed.
01 / 01 / 2000 01 / 01 / 2000

Time Time

18 : 30 : 03 18 : 30 : 03

then then
Enter the year. Set the time in the same

Select the command Circuit-breaker selection

Breaker Breaker Breaker


Breaker selection selection selection
selection Standard Standard Standard
The circuit-breaker code is required to identify the
device and activate the contact-wear counter. Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Circuit breaker
Masterpact Masterpact Masterpact
Note this code if the control unit must be changed type type type
(example 03E7).
Enter this code when setting up a new control
unit on the circuit breaker.
03E7 03E7 03E7
For a new device, the code is set to zero. P Logicxxxxxx P Logicxxxxxx P Logicxxxxxx

When the main circuit-breaker contacts are replaced, then then then
this code must be reset to zero.
Select the standard. Choose and confirm. Select the circuit breaker.

Breaker Breaker Breaker




selection selection selection

Standard Standard Standard
Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Circuit breaker
Compact NS Compact NS Compact NS
type type type
630b 630b 800
03E7 03E7 03E7
P Logicxxxxxx P Logicxxxxxx P Logicxxxxxx

then then then

Choose and confirm. Select the type. Choose and confirm.

04443726AA - 01/2017 43
Setup Setting up the Micrologic
control unit

Select the command Select the sign of the power




setup Power Power Power
sign sign sign
By default, Micrologic P uses P+ for the power flowing
from top to bottom terminals. The selected direction of
P- P+ P+
flow is valid for:
bb measurement of power and the power factor
bb measurement of energy
bb load shedding and reconnection depending on

Select. Choose. Confirm.

Select the command Enter the voltage-transformation ratio

Micrologic VT ratio VT ratio VT ratio


VT ratio
Primary Primary Primary
If the supply voltage for the control unit exceeds 690 V, 690V 690V 690V
an external voltage transformer must be installed. Secondary Secondary Secondary
To display the true voltage values, enter the 690V 690V 690V
transformation ratio between the primary and
secondary voltages of the transformer.

Note that if Digipact display modules are used, the

rated distribution-system voltage must be entered.

then then
Select either the: Enter the voltage. Go on to the next setting.
bb primary voltage
bb secondary voltage.

Select the command Enter the rated frequency

Micrologic System System System



setup frequency frequency frequency

If the phase-rotation protection function is activated, 400Hz 50 - 60Hz 50 - 60Hz
the 400 Hz frequency may not be selected. If the
400 Hz frequency is selected, the phase-rotation
protection function is disabled.

Select. Choose. Confirm.

44 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setup Setting up the metering

Prior to setting up the protection functions or carrying out measurements,

the following operations are required:
bb entry of the system type
bb selection of the calculation mode for the demand current
bb selection of the calculation mode for the demand power
bb select the power sign
bb select the sign convention for the power factor measurement.

Select the command Select the system type

Metering The Micrologic P control unit offers three measurement options:
bb 3 phases, 3 wires, 3 CTs (method using two wattmeters)
setup The currents on phases I1, I2 and I3 are displayed.
System The current on the neutral IN is not displayed.
type The phase-to-phase voltages U12, U23 and U31 are displayed.
The phase-to-neutral voltages V1N, V2N and V3N are not displayed.
bb 3 phases, 4 wires, 3 CTs (method using three wattmeters)
Important The currents on phases I1, I2 and I3 are displayed.
The neutral current IN cannot be measured with the The current on the neutral IN is not displayed.
"3-phase, 3-wire, 3-CT" and "3-phase, 4-wire, 3-CT" The phase-to-phase voltages U12, U23 and U31 are displayed.
types. The phase-to-neutral voltages V1N, V2N and V3N are displayed.
bb 3 phases, 4 wires, 4 CTs (method using three wattmeters)
For a 3-pole device, the neutral, if distributed, must be The currents on phases I1, I2 and I3 are displayed.
connected to terminal VN of the Micrologic P control The current on the neutral IN is displayed.
unit. The phase-to-phase voltages U12, U23 and U31 are displayed.
The phase-to-neutral voltages V1N, V2N and V3N are displayed.
See the "Overview of functions" section for information
on the available types of measurements. Note:
It is advised not to use the "3-phase, 4-wire, 4-CT" type of measurement unless the neutral is
effectively connected to the control unit (four-pole circuit breaker with an external voltage-
measurement input).

System System System



type type type
3Φ 4w 3Φ 3w 3Φ 3w

Select. Choose. Confirm.

Select the command
Select the calculation method for demand current
Current Current Current



demand demand demand
Calculation Calculation Calculation
Thermal method based in I2t calculation. method method
block block
thermal interval
interval interval
Window type Window type Window type
sliding sliding sliding
Interval Interval Interval
15 min 15 min 15 min

Select. Adjust. Confirm.

04443726AA - 01/2017 45
Setup Setting up the metering




Current Current
demand demand demand
Calculation Calculation Calculation
method method method
block block block
interval interval interval
Window type Window type Window type
sliding sliding sliding
Interval Interval Interval
15 min 20 min 20 min

Select. Adjust. Confirm.

Select the command Select the calculation method for demand power
Power Power Power


Power demand demand demand
Calculation Calculation Calculation
The synchronisation function "Synchro.Com" is method method method
available only with the COM communication option. block block
With this function, the demand power is determined on thermal block
interval interval interva
the basis of a signal synchronised by the
communication module. Window type Window type Window type
sliding sliding sliding
Thermal method based on I2t calculation.
Interval Interval Interval
Sliding window:
power demand is refreshed every 15 secondes. 15 min 15 min 15 min
Fixed window:
power demand is refreshed at the end of the time
Select. Choose between: Confirm.
bb thermal
bb block interval
bb sync. to comms

Power Power Power




demand demand demand

Calculation Calculation Calculation
method method method
block block block
interval interval interval
Window type Window type Window type
sliding fixed fixed
Interval Interval Interval
15 min 15 min 15 min

Select. Choose between fixed or Confirm.


46 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setup Setting up the metering

Power Power


demand demand demand
Calculation Calculation Calculation
method method method
block block block
interval interval interval
Window type Window type Window type
fixed fixed fixed
Interval Interval Interval
15 min 20 min 20 min

Select. Adjust. Confirm.

Select the command Set up the power-factor calculation



setup Sign Sign Sign
Sign convention convention convention
See page 87 for the description of power factor sign

IEEE IEEE alt. IEEE alt.

Select. Choose between IEEE, Confirm.

IEEE alternate and IEC.

04443726AA - 01/2017 47
Setup Setting up the COM
communications option

Select the command When a COM communications option is used, it is necessary to:
bb set up the COM communications option
Com. bb authorise remote setting of the Micrologic control unit
setup bb authorise remote control of the circuit breaker.
Com. Set up the Modbus address
The setting of the Modbus address depends on the COM option.

As soon as the communications option is connected, COM option Modbus address Modbus address range
the control unit recognises it and displays the type of BCM or BCM ULP not The Modbus address is set up 1 to 47
module on the graphic screen. connected to IFM or on the Modbus Com setting
Automatic time updates are possible only with the IFE screen, with the parameters of
the communication option (see
Modbus system. below).
BCM ULP connected The Modbus address is set up 1 to 99
to IFM on the 2 address rotary Value 0 is forbidden because it is
switches on the front panel of reserved for broadcasting
the IFM. messages.
BCM ULP connected The Modbus address is set up 1 to 47
to IFM with legacy on the 2 address rotary Value 0 is forbidden because it is
firmware switches on the front panel of reserved for broadcasting
the IFM. messages.
Values 48 to 99 are not allowed.
BCM ULP connected The Modbus address is fixed 255
to IFE and cannot be changed.

View and set up the communications option



Modbus Modbus Modbus

Com Com Com
Address Address Address
47 45 45
Baud-rate Baud-rate Baud-rate
9600 9600 9600
Parity Parity Parity
None None None
Connection Connection Connection
2Wires+ULP 2Wires+ULP 2Wires+ULP

Select an existing Adjust. Confirm.



Modbus Modbus Modbus

Com Com Com
Address Address Address
47 47 47
Baud-rate Baud-rate Baud-rate
9600 9600 9600
Parity Parity Parity
None None None
Connection Connection Connection
2Wires+ULP 4Wires
4Wires 4Wires

Select an existing setting. Choose. Confirm.

48 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setup Setting up the COM
communications option

Select the command Authorise remote setup of Micrologic

Com. To authorise the remote setup of the Micrologic control unit equipped with a BCM or
setup BCM ULP, access permit must be set to YES on the Remote settings screen.



Remote Remote Remote
settings settings settings
The access code is a password that must be provided Access Access Access
by the supervisor prior to accessing the Micrologic permit permit permit
No Yes Yes

Access Access Access

code code code
0000 0000 0000

Select existing setting. Choose. Confirm.

If the BCM or BCM ULP is connected to an IFM or IFE communication interface, the
IFM or IFE locking pad must be set to UNLOCK (padlock open).

If the operator does not enter a specific access code,



the default access code is 0000 and is requested by Remote Remote Remote
the supervisor. settings settings settings
Access Access Access
permit permit permit
Yes Yes Yes

Access Access Access

code code code
0000 1000 1000

Select the existing access Enter the first digit. Confirm and proceed in
code setting. the same manner for the
other digits.

04443726AA - 01/2017 49
Setup Setting up the COM
communications option

Select the command Authorise remote control of the circuit breaker

Com. To authorise the remote control of the circuit breaker, Auto must be set on the
setup Remote control screen.



Remote Remote Remote Remote
control control control control
It is possible to set circuit-breaker control to local only
("Manual") or to local and remote ("Auto").
Manual Auto Auto

Press enter. Select Auto or Manual. Confirm.

If the circuit breaker is connected to other ULP modules, each ULP module must be
set to authorise the remote control of the circuit breaker:
bb On FDM121 display unit, set the circuit breaker in remote control mode on the
FDM121 Control menu
bb On IO module with predefined application 2 (breaker application), set the selector
switches connected to the IO module inputs to:
vv Remote control mode (I1 = 1)
vv Enable close order (I4 = 1)
bb On IFM or IFE communication interface, the IFM or IFE locking pad must be set
on UNLOCK (padlock open).

For more information on the communication option, refer to the:

bb ULP system user guide
bb IO module user guide
bb IFE user guide
bb FDM121 user guide

50 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 51
Protection settings Fine adjustment of the long-time
I2t, short-time and Instantaneous
settings using the keypad
Select the command.

Current I(A)
protection Trip

I (A) 1000 A long-time current setting Ir

1.0 s long-time tripping delay tr

2000 A short-time pickup Isd

0.2 s short-time tripping delay tsd
4000 A instantaneous pickup Ii


I(A) I(A) I(A)
Trip Trip Trip
1000 A 998 A 998 A
1.0 s 1.0 s 1.0 s

2000 A 2000 A 2000 A

0.2 s 0.2 s 0.2 s
4000 A 4000 A 4000 A

Select a setting. Adjust the value. Confirm.

When all the settings have been adjusted, quit the



screen by pressing one of the menu-access buttons.

This saves the new values.
I(A) I(A)
Trip Trip
998 A 998 A
Do you want
1.0 s 1.0 s to save new
2000 A 2000 A
0.2 s 0.2 s
4000 A 4000 A no

Adjust the other settings Quit the setting screen. Confirm.
and confirm.

52 04443726AA - 01/2017
Protection settings Fine adjustment of the long-time
Idmtl, short-time and instantaneous
settings using the keypad
Select the command

Current Idmtl (A)
Idmtl (A) 1000 A long-time current setting Ir
long-time tripping delay tr
1.0 s
EIT Idmtl protection:
2000 A short-time pickup Isd
0.2 s short-time tripping delay tsd
4000 A instantaneous pickup Ii

Idmtl (A)


Idmtl (A) Idmtl (A)
Trip Trip
1000 A 1000 A
Change I(A)
1.0 s 1.0 s
settings with
Idmtl(A)? EIT VIT
2000 A 2000 A
0.2 s 0.2 s
No 4000 A 4000 A


then then
Select yes. Select a setting. Change the setting.


Idmtl (A) Idmtl (A)

Trip Trip
1000 A 1000 A
Do you want
1.0 s 1.0 s to save new
VIT VIT settings?
2000 A 2000 A
0.2 s 0.2 s
4000 A 4000 A no

Confirm. Adjust the other settings. Confirm.

04443726AA - 01/2017 53
Protection settings Fine adjustment of the ground-
fault and earth-leakage protection
setting using the keypad
Select the command


Current I (A) I (A)
Trip Trip
I (A)
1200A threshold 1200A

0.5s time delay 0.5s

Select a setting.


I (A) I (A) I (A)
Trip Trip Trip

1198A 1198A 1198A

0.5s 0.5s 0.5s

Adjust the value. Confirm. Go to the next setting.

When all the settings have been adjusted, quit the




screen by pressing one of the menu-access buttons.

This saves the new values. I (A) I (A) I (A)
Trip Trip Trip

1198A 1198A 1198A

0.4s 0.4s 0.4s

Adjust the value. Confirm. Quit the setting screen.

54 04443726AA - 01/2017
Protection settings Setting the neutral protection

Select the command Using the keypad on the control unit




protection Ineutral (A) Ineutral (A) Ineutral (A)
Ineutral (A) Neutral CT Neutral CT Neutral CT

Important Internal External External

Selection of the CT type determines the "Ineutral"
protection in the "Protection" menu.
bb "none" disables the neutral protection.
bb "Internal" for a four-pole circuit breaker provides
access to the N/2, N and OFF protection functions.
bb "External" for a three-pole circuit breaker provides Protection Protection Protection
access to the N/2, N, 1.6xN and OFF protection
functions. OFF OFF OFF

Select. Choose between: Confirm.
bb internal
bb external
bb none.

Type of circuit Possibles choices

Ineutral (A)

Ineutral (A)

Ineutral (A)

Four-pole OFF: no neutral protection
N / 2: half neutral protection
N: full neutral protection
Neutral CT Neutral CT Neutral CT
Three-pole OFF: no neutral protection
N / 2: half neutral protection External External External
N: full neutral protection
1.6 x N: oversized neutral protection

Protection Protection Protection

OFF N/2 N/2

Select. Choose. Confirm.

Ineutral (A)
Neutral CT
Do you want
External to save new

Protection no
N/2 yes

Quit the setting screen. Confirm.

On four-pole circuit breakers, setting of the neutral using the keypad is limited by the dial setting.

04443726AA - 01/2017 55
Setting the I , I unbal, I max, U min,

Protection settings
U max, U unbal, rP max, F min, F max,
and phase-rotation protection
functions using the keypad
Select the corresponding menu

type of protection
operating mode
I Alarm Pick up
(Off, Alarm or Trip)

I unbal (%)
pickup threshold
pickup time delay
I1 max (A) Drop out
dropout threshold
I2 max (A) dropout time delay

I3 max (A) Specific case for It alarm

bb Only the following choices are available:
IN max (A) vv On: activation of the alarm without fault tripping by the circuit breaker
vv Off: alarm disabled.

Voltage Example: Maximum voltage setting (U max)

protection bb Select Alarm mode


Umin (V) Umax (V) Umax (V) Umax (V)
Umax (V) Off Alarm Alarm
Pick up Pick up Pick up
Uunbal (%) 690V 690V 690V
5.00s 5.00s 5.00s
protection Drop out Drop out Drop out
690V 690V 690V
rPmax (W) 0.50s 0.50s 0.50s

Fmin (Hz)
Select the first setting. Choose Off or Alarm. Confirm.
Fmax (Hz)


rotation Umax (V) Umax (V)
Off Trip
Pick up Pick up
690V 690V
5.00s 5.00s
In trip mode, the dropout threshold is equal to the
pickup threshold. Drop out
The dropout time delay is fixed and equal to 1 second.

Select the first setting. Choose Trip.

56 04443726AA - 01/2017
Setting the I , I unbal, I max, U min,

Protection settings
U max, U unbal, rP max, F min, F max,
and phase-rotation protection
functions using the keypad

Umax (V) Umax (V)
Do you want Pick up
to set the 690V
protection to
Trip mode? 5.00s



For protection tripped by a maximum value, the dropout bb Set the pickup and dropout thresholds and time delays
threshold is always less than or equal to the pickup
Umax (V) Umax (V) Umax (V)



For protection tripped by a minimum value, the dropout

threshold is always greater than or equal to the pickup Alarm Alarm Alarm
threshold. Pick up Pick up Pick up
If both the minimum and maximum protection values 690V 690V 690V
are activated, the minimum threshold is automatically
limited to the value of the maximum and vice versa. 5.00s 5.00s 5.00s
Drop out Drop out Drop out
690V 685V 685V
0.50s 0.50s 0.50s

Select the existing Adjust. Confirm.
dropout threshold setting

When all the settings have been made, quit the screen



by pressing one of the menu-access buttons.

This saves the new values.
Umax (V) Umax (V)
Alarm Alarm
Pick up Pick up Do you want
to save new
690V 690V
5.00s 5.00s
Drop out Drop out
685V 685V
0.50s 0.50s yes

Set the other parameters. Quit the setting screen. Confirm

04443726AA - 01/2017 57
Protection settings Setting load
shedding / reconnection

Select the command

Load type of shedding (I or P)
Load shedding
shedding I
operating mode (On, Off)
shedding P Pick up
pickup threshold
pickup time delay
Drop out
dropout threshold
dropout time delay

58 04443726AA - 01/2017
Protection settings Setting load
shedding / reconnection

Example: Take load shedding / reconnection depending on power.

Load Load Load



shedding P shedding P shedding P
Off On On
Pick up Pick up Pick up
1000kW 1000kW 1000kW
3600s 3600s 3600s
Drop out Drop out Drop out
1000kW 1000kW 1000kW
10s 10s 10s

Select the first setting. Select: Confirm.
bb Off: load shedding
bb On: load shedding


Load Load Load
shedding P shedding P shedding P
On On On
Pick up Pick up Pick up
1000kW 1000kW 1000kW
3600s 3600s 3600s
Drop out Drop out Drop out
980kW 985kW 985kW
10s 10s 10s

Select the existing Adjust. Confirm.
dropout threshold.

When all the settings have been made, quit the screen



Load Load
by pressing one of the menu-access buttons.
This saves the new values. shedding P shedding P
On On
Pick up Pick up Do you want
to save new
1000kW 1000kW
3600s 3600s
Drop out Drop out
985kW 985kW
10s 10s yes

Set the other parameters. Quit the setting screen. Confim.

04443726AA - 01/2017 59
Metering Current measurements

Only the measurements for the phase (1, 2, 3) and Continuous current measurement
neutral currents are displayed on the main screen. The bargraph displays the value in amperes of the most heavily loaded phase.



The neutral current is displayed if the neutral CT is set
to internal or external (see "Ineutral (A)" settings in the
"Current protection" menu).
4260A 3850A 3410A
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
100 100 100

50 50 50

0 0 0

The and buttons may be used to display the currents on the three phases.
If the operator no longer uses the buttons for a few seconds, the bargraph returns to
the display of the most heavily loaded phase.

Select the command Measure an instantaneous-current value

bb Measure the instantaneous currents
I (A)
I inst. I inst.


I1, I2, I3, IN
I1 = 3410 A
Max I2 = 4260 A
I3 = 3850 A
IN = 200 A
I = 13 A

Select. View.

bb Check the instantaneous-current maximeter

I inst. Imax


I1, I2, I3, IN

I1 = 5600 A
Max I2 = 4800 A
I3 = 4700 A
IN = 800 A
I = 28 A

Reset ( - / + )

Select. View.

60 04443726AA - 01/2017
Metering Current measurements

bb Reset the maximeter

Imax Imax


instant. instant.
I1 = 0A I1 = 5600 A
I2 = 0A I2 = 4800 A
I3 = 0A I3 = 4700 A
IN = 0A IN = 800 A
I = 0A I = 28 A

Reset ( - / + ) Reset ( - / + )

Reset the maximeter or... cancel the reset.

Select the command Measure a demand-current value

bb Measure the demand currents
I (A)
Demand Demand


I1, I2, I3, IN 13min
I1 = 3950 A
Max I2 = 4270 A
I3 = 3890 A
IN = 340 A

Select. View.

04443726AA - 01/2017 61
Metering Current measurements

bb Check the demand-current maximeter


I1, I2, I3, IN
I1 = 4020 A
I2 = 4450 A
I3 = 4300 A
IN = 600 A
Reset ( - / +)

Select. View.

bb Reset the maximeter



Imax Imax
Demand Demand
15min 15min
I1 = 0A I1 = 4020 A
I2 = 0A I2 = 4450 A
I3 = 0A I3 = 4300 A
IN = 0A IN = 600 A
Reset ( - / +) Reset ( - / +)

Reset the maximeter or... cancel the reset.

62 04443726AA - 01/2017
Metering Voltage measurements

Select the command Measure an instantaneous-voltage value (U or V)

U (V)
U (V) Uinst.

The phase-to-neutral voltages are displayed if the U12 = 400 V
selected system type is 3-phase, 4-wire (see page 43).
Average 3 U23 = 404 V
U31 = 401 V
Unbal 3
Phase U1N = 230 V
rotation U2N = 229 V
U3N = 233 V

Select. View.

Measure the average voltage U avg

U (V)

Instant. 3
Average 3
402 V
Unbal 3

Select. View.

Measure the voltage unbalance U unbal

U (V) Uunbal

Average 3
Unbal 3


Select. View.

04443726AA - 01/2017 63
Metering Voltage measurements

Determine the phase sequence

U (V)


Average 3
Unbal 3
: 1, 2, 3

Select. View.

64 04443726AA - 01/2017
Metering Power measurements

Select the command Measure an instantaneous-power value

P (kW) Pinst.

Instant. P, Q, S
P (kW)
To ensure reliable power and power-factor
Power 2180
measurements, the "Power sign" and "Sign factor
convention" parameters must be set. Q (kvar)

S (kVA)

Select. View.

Measure the power factor



Pinst. factor
P, Q, S
factor 1.00

Select. View.

Select the command Measure a demand-power value

bb Display the demand power
P (kW)
Demand Demand

P, Q, S P (kW)
Q (kvar)

S (kVA)

Select. View.

04443726AA - 01/2017 65
Metering Power measurements

bb Check the demand-power maximeter



P, Q, S P (kW)
Q (kvar)

S (kVA)
Reset (- / +)

Select. View.

bb Reset the maximeter

Pmax Pmax


Demand Demand
P (kW) P (kW)
0 2450

Q (kvar) Q (kvar)
0 -800

S (kVA) S (kVA)
0 2700
Reset (- / +) Reset (- / +)

Reset the maximeter or... cancel the reset.

66 04443726AA - 01/2017
Metering Energy measurements

Select the command Measure the energy values

Select the energy value to be measured:

E (kWh) bb total energy
bb energy in (positive component in the total energy)
To ensure reliable energy measurements, the "Power bb energy out (negative component in the total energy).
E total
sign" and "Sign convention" parameters must be set.
E in

E out



E total E in E out


E.P (kWh) E.P (kWh) E.P (kWh)
20168 +21320 168

E.Q (kvarh) E.Q (kvarh) E.Q (kvarh)

-2733 -2770 33

E.S (kVAh)

View the total energy View the energy View the energy
values. in values. out values.

Reset the energy values



E (kWh) Reset
E total Energy To reset
E in press
Are you enter
sure ?
E out

Energy No


then then
Select. Select yes or no. If yes, confirm.

04443726AA - 01/2017 67
Metering Frequency measurements

Select the command

F (Hz)

F (Hz)



68 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 69
Maintenance Resetting fault indications

Important The fault indication is maintained until it is reset on the control panel.
If the circuit breaker remains closed and the Ap LED Press the reset button.
remains ON after the reset, open the circuit breaker

and contact the after-sales support department. Micrologic 7.0 P

Umin 100V

by test/reset

70 04443726AA - 01/2017
Maintenance Viewing the event histories

Select the command Trip history



history Trip
history 22/11/1999
history 02:04:04
U min Umin 160V

Select a fault. View.

Select the command Alarm history



history Alarm
Alarm 27/01/1999
history 13:06:09
I2 max I2 max 3400A
In max
U max

Select an alarm. View.

04443726AA - 01/2017 71
Maintenance Operation counter and
contact-wear indicator

Select the command View and/or reset the operation counter



history Number of Number of Number of
operations operations operations
counter Total Total Total
17824 17824 17824
Operations Operations Operations
since last since last since last
reset reset reset
6923 0 6923

Reset ( - / + ) Reset ( - / + ) Reset ( - / + )

Reset… … or cancel the reset,
then confirm.

Select the command Check the wear of the contacts


history Contact

Contact wear is indicated from 0 to 900. The contacts

should be inspected every time the counter reaches a
multiple of 100.

72 04443726AA - 01/2017
Maintenance Checking/replacing the

Check the control-unit battery

Micrologic 7.0 P

1 2 3

Press and hold down the test button on the control unit to check the LEDs and the
battery. The battery information is displayed if the control unit is equipped with an
external power supply or if the circuit breaker is ON.

Battery fully charged

Battery half charged
No battery or must be replaced

If the battery needs to be changed, order a new battery Replacing the control-unit battery
with the Schneider Electric catalogue number 33593.
1. remove 2. remove the battery
bb Lithium battery
the battery cover
bb 1.2 AA, 3.6 V, 800 mA/h


bb Ambient temperature: 130°C.

3. insert a new battery. 4. put the cover back

Check the polarity. in place. Press the
battery-test button to
check the new battery.



04443726AA - 01/2017 73
Maintenance Tests

Test the ground-fault (Micrologic 6.0 P) and earth-

leakage (Micrologic 7.0 P) protection functions
The circuit breaker must be supplied with power and closed for the test.

Press the TEST button. The circuit breaker should trip.

5.0 P

If the circuit breaker does not trip, contact the after-sales support department.

Refer to the manual that comes with the test kits. Mini test kit and portable test kit
The test connector is used to connect the mini or the portable test kit to check that
the control unit is operating correctly.


5.0 P 5.0 P
logic logic
Micro Micro

74 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 75
Technical appendix Tripping curves

Long-time I2t, short-time and instantaneous

protection Micrologic 5.0 P, 6.0 P, 7.0 P


Long-time Idmtl, short-time and instantaneous

protection Micrologic 5.0 P, 6.0 P, 7.0 P

76 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Tripping curves

Ground-fault protection - Micrologic 6.0 P


04443726AA - 01/2017 77
Technical appendix Voltage measurements

Micrologic P is equipped with a three-phase voltage power supply that, with respect
to the distribution system, may be considered a delta load. The three-phase power
supply reinjects voltage on an open phase.
The voltage-protection functions react as indicated below.

Minimum-voltage protection
This function is based on the measurement of the phase-to-phase voltages.

In diagrams 1, 3 and 4 on the next page, a fuse has blown. The control unit reinjects
voltage on the failed phase and measures a phase-to-phase voltage higher than the
actual voltage.
The phase-to-neutral voltage should be zero, but the value measured is not zero.

In diagram 2, the phase-to-neutral voltage is effectively zero and the measurement

indicates zero as well.

By limiting the pickup threshold of the minimum-voltage protection to the 80% -

100% range of the rated distribution-system voltage, the differences between the
real voltages and the measured values are not significant and Micrologic will operate
under all circumstances in the expected manner.

Voltage-unbalance protection
This function is based on the measurement of the phase-to-phase voltages.

In diagrams 1, 3 and 4 on the next page, a fuse has blown. The control unit reinjects
voltage on the failed phase and measures a phase-to-phase voltage higher than the
actual voltage.
The phase-to-neutral voltage should be zero, but the value measured is not zero.

In diagram 2, the phase-to-neutral voltage is effectively zero and the measurement

indicates zero as well.

By limiting the pickup threshold of the voltage-unbalance protection to the 0% - 20%

range, the differences between the real voltages and the measured values are not
significant and Micrologic will operate under all circumstances in the expected

Phase failure
Detection of phase failure is not possible on the basis of the minimum-voltage and
voltage-unbalance protection functions.
The Micrologic power supply requires at least two phases (between 100 and 690 V).

In diagrams 1, 3 and 4, if two phases have failed, Micrologic H measures for the
three phases the value of the single voltage present (e.g. U12 = U23 = U31 = 410 V).

78 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Voltage measurements

bb Diagram 1




bb Diagram 2




bb Diagram 3



bb Diagram 4



and protection

04443726AA - 01/2017 79
Technical appendix Zone selective interlocking

Operating principle

bb A fault occurs at point A

Downstream device no. 2 clears the fault and sends a signal to upstream device no.
1, which maintains the short-time tripping delay tsd or the ground-fault tripping delay
tg to which it is set.
bb A fault occurs at point B
Upstream device no. 1 detects the fault. In the absence of a signal from a
downstream device, the set time delay is not taken into account and the device trips
1 B according to the zero setting. If it is connected to a device further upstream, it sends
a signal to that device, which delays tripping according to its tsd or tg setting.

On device no. 1, the tsd and tg tripping delays must not be set to zero because this would make
discrimination impossible.
Connections between control units
A logic signal (0 or 5 volts) can be used for zone selective interlocking between the
upstream and downstream circuit breakers.
bb Micrologic 5.0 A, 6.0 A, 7.0 A
bb Micrologic 5.0 E, 6.0 E
bb Micrologic 5.0 P, 6.0 P, 7.0 P
bb Micrologic 5.0 H, 6.0 H, 7.0 H.
An interface is available for connection to previous generations of trip units.

lf the protection function is not used on circuit breakers
bb Maximum impedance: 2.7 ý / 300 metres
equipped for ZSI protection, a jumper must be installed
bb Capacity of connectors: 0.4 to 2.5 mm2
to short terminals Z3, Z4 and Z5. If the jumper is not bb Wires: single or multicore
installed, the short-time and ground-fault tripping bb Maximum length: 3000 metres
delays are set to zero, whatever the position of the bb Limits to device interconnection:
adjustment dial. vv the common ZSI - OUT (Z1) and the output ZSI - OUT (Z2) can be connected to a
maximum of ten inputs
vv a maximum of 100 devices may be connected to the common ZSI - IN (Z3) and to
an input ZSI - IN CR (Z4) or GF (Z5).
Terminals Z1 to Z5 correspond to the identical
indications on the circuit-breaker terminal blocks.

upstream 1 Z1
circuit-breaker Z2 tsd = 0.3

point B

2 Z1
Z3 tsd = 0. 2

point A

Z1 downstream Z1
Z2 circuit-breaker Z2
Z3 Z3
Z4 Z4
Z5 Z5

The portable test kit may be used to check the wiring and operation of the zone
selective interlocking between a number of circuit breakers.

80 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Power supply

Important AD power-supply module

It is advised to use the AD power-supply module rather The AD power-supply module provides auxiliary 24 V DC power for the control-unit
than an off-the-shelf 24 V power supply to ensure Class functions listed below:
II insulation on the front panel of the Micrologic P bb Graphic display:
control unit. vv device OFF or not supplied
vv the long-time, short-time, instantaneous and ground-fault protection functions
The power supply must have the following operate under all circumstances on their own power
characteristics: bb Activation of an M2C programmable contact
bb output voltage 24 V DC The AD power-supply module is required to assign an M2C programmable contact to
bb DC ripple less than 5% an alarm.
bb power rating 5 W / 5 VA
bb Dielectric withstand (input/output): The AD power-supply module can supply the following voltages:
3 kV rms bb 110 V AC
bb 220 V AC
bb 380 V AC
bb 24 / 30 V DC
bb 48 / 60 V DC
bb 125 V DC.

Battery module
Use of a BAT battery module, mounted in series with the AD power-supply module,
ensures a continous supply of 24 V DC power for 12 hours if the AD module fails.

Wiring diagrams
bb Reliable or backed-up auxiliary system

L3 Input

0V t
OutpuC +
AD 22 – 24VD

F1 +

bb Auxiliary system without back-up


L4 H4
L3 Input H3 InputC +
- 24VD

0V t
OutpuC + 24V t
AD 22 – 24VD
G2 BAT + 24VD
G1 H2

F1 +

bb Supply with the MC6 module


2 Q3
Q1 Q

21 23
17 19

L3 Input

0V t
OutpuC +
AD 22 – 24VD

04443726AA - 01/2017 81
Technical appendix Power supply

Using the AD power-supply module

The 24 V DC external power-supply (AD module) is required for certain operating
configurations as indicated in the table below:
bb yes means the power supply is required
bb no means it is not required.
Circuit breaker Closed Open Open
AC power present for Micrologic P yes yes no
M2C, M6C programmable-contacts option yes yes yes
Display function no no yes
Time-stamping function no no no
Circuit-breaker status indications and control via no no no
communications bus
Identification, settings, operation and maintenance aids via no no yes
communications bus

bb If the 24 V DC external power supply (AD module) is used, the maximum cable
length between 24 V DC (G1, G2) and the control unit (F1-, F2+) must not exceed
10 metres.
bb The communications bus requires its own 24 V DC power source (E1, E2).
This source is not the same as the 24 V DC external power-supply module
(F1-, F2+).

Selection of the voltage-measurement inputs

The voltage-measurement inputs are standard equipment on the downstream
connectors of the circuit breaker.

It is possible to measure distribution-system voltage externally using the PTE

external voltage-measurement input option.

With this option, the internal voltage-measurement inputs are disconnected.

The PTE option is required for voltages greater than 690 V (in which case a voltage
transformer is required).

When the PTE option is implemented, the supply circuit of the voltage-measurement
input must be protected against short-circuits. Installed as close
as possible to the busbars, this protection function is ensured by a P25M circuit
breaker (1 A rating) with an auxiliary contact (cat. no. 21104 and 21117).

The supply circuit of the voltage-measurement input is reserved exclusively

for the control unit and must never be used to supply other circuits.

82 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Changing the long-time
rating plug

Select the long-time rating plug

A number of long-time rating plugs are available for Micrologic P control units.

Part number Setting range for the Ir value

33542 standard 0.4 to 1 x Ir
33543 low setting 0.4 to 0.8 x Ir
33544 high setting 0.8 to 1 x Ir
33545 without long-time protection
bb Ir = In for the short-time protection setting
bb Frequency protection not available
bb Load shedding / reconnection based on current not available

Important Change the long-time rating plug

Following any modifications to the long-time rating Proceed in the following manner.
plug, all control-unit protection parameters must be
checked. 1. open the circuit breaker
2. open the protective 3. completely remove
cover of the control unit the long-time rating plug screw

5.0 H 5.0 H
logic logic
Micro Micro

Important 4. snap out the rating plug 5. clip in the new rating plug
If no long-time rating plug is installed, the control unit

continues to operate under the following downgraded

6. refit the screw for the
5.0 H long-time rating plug
bb the long-time current setting Ir is 0.4 Micro

bb the long-time tripping delay tr corresponds to the

value indicated by the adjustment dial 7. check and/or modify the
bb the earth-leakage protection function is disabled control-unit settings
bb the voltage-measurement inputs are disconnected.

5.0 H


time tr 8 12
(s) 4 16
Ir .8 .9
.7 2 20
.6 1 24
.98 .5 @ 6 Ir
.5 1
.4 x In


time tr 8 12
(s) 4 16
Ir .8 .9
.7 2 20
.6 1 24
.98 .5 @ 6 Ir
.5 1
.4 x In

04443726AA - 01/2017 83
Technical appendix Thermal memory

Thermal memory
The thermal memory is the means to take into account temperature rise and cooling
caused by changes in the flow of current in the conductors.

These changes may be caused by:

bb repetitive motor starting
bb loads fluctuating near the long-time protection settings
bb repeated circuit-breaker closing on a fault.

Control units with a thermal memory record the temperature rise caused by each
overload, even very short ones. This information stored in the thermal memory
reduces the tripping time.

Micrologic control units and thermal memory

All Micrologic control units are equipped as standard with a thermal memory.

bb For all protection functions, prior to tripping, the temperature-rise and cooling time
constants are equal and depend depend on the tr tripping delay:
vv if the tripping delay is short, the time constant is low
vv if the tripping delay is long, the time constant is high.

bb For long-time protection, following tripping, the cooling curve is simulated by the
control unit. Closing of the circuit breaker prior to the end of the time constant
(approximately 15 minutes) reduces the tripping time indicated in the tripping curves.

Short-time protection and intermittent faults

For the short-time protection function, intermittent currents that do no provoke
tripping are stored in the Micrologic P memory.
This information is equivalent to the long-time thermal memory and reduces the
tripping delay for the short-time protection.
Following a trip, the short-time tsd tripping delay is reduced to the value of the
minimum setting for 20 seconds.

Ground-fault protection and intermittent faults

The ground-fault protection implements the same function as the short-time
protection (see above).

84 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Data available via the COM
communications option

The COM communications option can be used to Measurements

remotely access the Micrologic P measurement, bb Currents:
setting, maintenance and protection values. vv instantaneous currents
vv maximum and minimum instantaneous currents
vv average instantaneous currents
vv instantaneous-current unbalance per phase
vv maximum and minimum instantaneous-current unbalance per phase
bb Demand current:
vv demand current per phase
vv maximum and minimum demand current per phase since last reset
vv prediction of demand current per phase
vv time-stamping of demand-current maximums and minimums
bb Voltages:
vv phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltages
vv average phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltages
vv phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltage unbalance
vv maximum and minimum phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltage unbalance
bb Active, reactive and apparent power per phase
bb Demand power:
vv demand power per phase
vv maximum and minimum demand power per phase since last reset
vv maximum and minimum recommended demand power per phase
vv time-stamping of demand-power maximums and minimums
bb Energy:
vv total active and reactive energy
vv positively incremented energy
vv negatively incremented energy
bb System frequency
bb Power factor
bb Reset date of demand currents, demand power and energy.

Setup / Maintenance
bb Setting of the control-unit date and time
bb Password for the measurement module
bb Control-unit ID code
bb Control-unit ID name
bb Selection of the measurement calculation algorithm
bb Sign convention for the active power
bb Total-energy measurement mode
bb Interval for the demand-current calculation window
bb Power quality indication
bb Demand-power calculation mode
bb Interval for the demand-power calculation window
bb Battery-charge indication
bb Trip and alarm histories
bb Operation counter and contact-wear indicator
bb Assignment and setup of programmable contacts
bb Event log and maintenance register.

bb Circuit-breaker rated current
bb Type of neutral protection
bb Long-time I2t protection settings
bb Long-time Idmtl protection settings
bb Short-time protection settings
bb Instantaneous-protection settings
bb Ground-fault protection settings
bb Earth-leakage protection settings
bb Current-unbalance, It alarm and maximum-current protection settings
bb Voltage-protection settings
bb Setting for other protection functions.

04443726AA - 01/2017 85
Technical appendix Threshold and time-delay

Long-time I2t and Idmtl protection

Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Ir current setting 0.4 to In maximum 1A 1.05 to 1.20 Ir
tr tripping delay 0.5 to 24 s maximum 0.5 s - 20 %, + 0 %

Short-time protection
Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Isd pickup 1.5 to 10 Ir maximum 10 A ± 10 %
tsd tripping delay 0 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 s maximum 0.1 s

Instantaneous protection
Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Ii pickup 2 to 15 In or OFF in Normal mode maximum 10 A ± 10 %
2 to 15 In in ERMS mode

Ground-fault protection on Micrologic 6.0 P

Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Ig pickup depends on rating maximum 1A ± 10 %
tg tripping delay 0 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 s maximum 0.1 s

Earth-leakage protection on Micrologic 7.0 P

Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
I∆n pickup maximum 0.1 A - 20 %, + 0 %
∆t tripping delay 60 -140 - 230 - 350 - 800 ms maximum 1 setting

Neutral protection
Type Range Factory setting
Three-pole device Off, N/2, N, 1.6xN off
Four-pole device Off, N/2, N N/2

86 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Threshold and time-delay

Current protection
Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Current unbalance I unbal
Pickup threshold 5 % to 60 % 60 % 1% -10 %, +0 %
Dropout threshold 5 % of pickup threshold pickup threshold 1% -10 %, +0 %
Pickup time delay 1 s to 40 s 40 s 1s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 10 s to 360 s 10 s 1s -20 %, +0 %
Ground-fault I t alarm
Pickup threshold 20 A to 1200 A 120 A 1A +/- 15 %
Dropout threshold 20 A to pickup threshold pickup threshold 1A +/- 15 %
Pickup time delay 1 s to 10 s 10 s 0.1 s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 1 s to 10 s 1s 0.1 s -20 %, +0 %
Earth-leakage I t alarm
Pickup threshold 0.5 A to 30 A 30 A 0.1 A -20 %, +0 %
Dropout threshold 0.5 A to pickup threshold pickup threshold 0.1 A -20 %, +0 %
Pickup time delay 1 s to 10 s 10 s 0.1 s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 1 s to 10 s 1s 0.1 s -20 %, +0 %
Maximum current I1 max, I2 max, I3 max, IN max
Pickup threshold 0.2 In to In In 1A ± 6.6%
Dropout threshold 0.2 In to pickup threshold pickup threshold 1A ± 6.6%
Pickup time delay 15 s to 1500 s 1500 s 1s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 15 s to 3000 s 15 s 1s -20 %, +0 %

Voltage protection
Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Minimum voltage U min
Pickup threshold 100 V to U max pickup threshold 100 V 5V -5 %, +0 %
Dropout threshold pickup threshold to U max pickup threshold 5V -5 %, +0 %
pickup threshold
Pickup time delay 1.2 s to 5 s 5s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 %
Dropout time delay 1.2 s to 36 s 1.2 s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 %
Maximum voltage U max
Pickup threshold U min pickup threshold to 1200 V 725 V 5V -0 %, +5 %
Dropout threshold 100 V to pickup threshold pickup threshold 5V -0 %, +5 %
Pickup time delay 1.2 s to 5 s 5s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 %
Dropout time delay 1.2 s to 36 s 1.2 s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 %
Voltage unbalance U unbal
Pickup threshold 2 % to 30 % 30 % 1% -20 %, +0 %
Dropout threshold 2 % to pickup threshold pickup threshold 1% -20 %, +0 %
Pickup time delay 1 s to 40 s 40 s 1s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 10 s to 360 s 10 s 1s -20 %, +0 %

04443726AA - 01/2017 87
Technical appendix Threshold and time-delay

Other protection
Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Reverse power rP max
Pickup threshold 5 to 500 kW 500 kW 5 kW ± 2.5%
Dropout threshold 5 kW to pickup threshold pickup threshold 5 kW ± 2.5%
Pickup time delay 0.2 s to 20 s 20 s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 % (1)
Dropout time delay 1 s to 360 s 1s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 %
Maximum frequency F max
Pickup threshold F min pickup threshold to 440 Hz 65 Hz 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Dropout threshold 45 Hz to pickup threshold pickup threshold 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Pickup time delay 1.2 s to 5 s 5s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 % (2)
Dropout time delay 1.2 s to 36 s 1.2 s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 % (2)
Minimum frequency F min
Pickup threshold 45 Hz to F max pickup threshold 45 Hz 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Dropout threshold pickup threshold to F max pickup threshold 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
pickup threshold
Pickup time delay 1.2 s to 5 s 5s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 % (2)
Dropout time delay 1.2 s to 36 s 1.2 s 0.1 s -0 %, +20 % (2)
Phase rotation
Pickup threshold Ph1, Ph2, Ph3 or Ph1, Ph3, Ph2 Ph1, Ph2, Ph3 none none
Dropout threshold pickup threshold pickup threshold none none
Pickup time delay 0.3 s 0.3 s none - 0 %, + 50 %
Dropout time delay 0.3 s 0.3 s none - 0 %, + 50 %
(1) + 30 % on dial 0.2 s
(2) + 30 % up to 1.5 s

Load shedding and reconnection

Type Range Factory setting Step Accuracy
Current I
Pickup threshold 50 % to 100 % Ir 100 % Ir 1% ±6%
Dropout threshold 30 % Ir to shedding threshold shedding threshold 1% ±6%
Pickup time delay 20 % to 80 % tr 80 % tr 1% -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 10 s to 600 s 10 s 1s -20 %, +0 %
Power P
Pickup threshold 200 kW to 10 000 kW 10 000 kW 50 kW ± 2.5 %
Dropout threshold 100 kW to shedding threshold shedding threshold 50 kW ± 2.5 %
Pickup time delay 10 s to 3600 s 3600 s 10 s -20 %, +0 %
Dropout time delay 10 s to 3600 s 10 s 10 s -20 %, +0 %

88 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Other settings

M2C / M6C contacts

Type Range Factory setting Step
Time-delay 1 - 360 s 360 s 1s
time delay

Micrologic setup
Type Range Factory setting Step
Language German English UK
English US
English UK
Date / time 1s
Circuit-breaker "no def"
Neutral TC no TC
VT ratio
primary voltage min. 100 V, max. 1150 V 690 V 1V
secondary voltage min. 100 V, max. 690 V 690 V 1V
System 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
frequency or
400 Hz

Measurement setup
Type Range Factory setting Step
System type 3 Φ, 3 w, 3 CT 3 Φ, 4 w, 4 CT
3 Φ, 4 w, 3 CT
3 Φ, 4 w, 4 CT
calculation method thermal or block interval
block interval
type of window fixed or sliding sliding
calculation interval 5 to 60 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
calculation method thermal or block interval
block interval or
sync. to comms
type of window fixed or sliding sliding
calculation interval 5 to 60 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
Power sign P+ P+
P- (flow from top to
Sign convention IEEE IEEE
IEEE alternate

Communication setup
Type Range Factory setting
Com parameter Modbus
adress 1-47 47
baud rate 9600 19200 bauds
to 19200 bauds
parity even even
Connection 2Wires+ULP or 4Wires 2Wires+ULP

Remote settings
access authorisation yes / no yes
access code 0000 to 9999 0000
Remote control manual automatic

Protection setup
Type Range Factory setting
Current protection alarm / trip / OFF OFF
voltage protection
other protection

04443726AA - 01/2017 89
Technical appendix Measurement setting ranges
and accuracy

bb The accuracy of the current measurements depends Measurement setting ranges and accuracy
on both the value displayed (or transmitted) and the
circuit-breaker rating, where: Type Range Accuracy at 25 °C
Accuracy = 0.5 % In + 1.5 % reading Instantaneous current
I1, I2, I3 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
Example: IN 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
For a circuit breaker with a 4000 A rating and a current I t ground 0.05 x In to In ±10 %
displayed on Micrologic of 49 A, the accuracy is: I t earth leakage 0 to 30 A ±1.5 %
0.5 % x 4000 + 1.5 % x 49 = ±21 A I1 max, I2 max, I3 max 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
IN max 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
I t max ground 0.05 x In to In ±10 %
I t max earth leakage 0 to 30 A ±1.5 %
Demand current
I1, I2, I3 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
IN 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
I1 max, I2 max, I3 max 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
IN max 0.05 x In to 20 x In ±1.5 %
Phase-to-phase voltages
U12 170 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
U23 170 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
U31 170 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
Phase-to-neutral voltages
V1N 100 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
V2N 100 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
V3N 100 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
Average voltage
U avg 170 to 1150 V ±0.5 %
Voltage unbalance
U unbal 0 to 100 % ±0.5 %
Instantaneous power
P 0.015 to 184 MW ±2 %
Q 0.015 to 184 Mvar ±2 %
S 0.015 to 184 MVA ±2 %
Power factor
PF -1 to +1 ±2 %
Demand power
P 0.015 to 184 MW ±2 %
Q 0.015 to 184 Mvar ±2 %
S 0.015 to 184 MVA ±2 %
P max 0.015 to 184 MW ±2 %
Q max 0.015 to 184 Mvar ±2 %
S max 0.015 to 184 MVA ±2 %
Total energy
E.P -1010 GWh to +1010 GWh ±2 %
E.Q -1010 Gvarh to +1010 Gvarh ±2 %
E.S -1010 GVAh to +1010 GVAh ±2 %
Total energy in
E.P -1010 GWh to +1010 GWh ±2 %
E.Q -1010 Gvarh to +1010 Gvarh ±2 %
Total energy out
E.P -1010 GWh to +1010 GWh ±2 %
E.Q -1010 Gvarh to +1010 Gvarh ±2 %
F 45 Hz to 440 Hz ±0.1 %

90 04443726AA - 01/2017
Technical appendix Power factor sign conventions

Flow of active and
reactive power Q

P from load P to load

Q to load Q to load

P from load P to load

Q from load Q from load


04443726AA - 01/2017 91

Activation 26, 27, 28, 29, 32
Active, reactive, apparent energy 31, 65
Active, reactive, apparent power 31
AD power-supply module 79
Address 36
Alarm 32
Alarm history 33, 67

Baud rate 48
Buttons 5, 6

Circuit-breaker selection 43
COM option 36, 48, 83
Contact 38, 40
Contact wear 70
Control unit identification 4
Control-unit battery 5, 71
Current demand calculation 30, 45

Date and time 42
Demand current 30, 59
Demand power 31, 63
Dropout 26, 27, 28, 29, 32
DT 21, 51

Earth-leakage protection 25
Earth-leakage protection tripping delay ∆t 25
EIT 21, 51
Energy reduction maintenance setting (ERMS) 23

F max 32, 54
F min 32, 54
Fault 68
Frequency 31, 66
Full neutral protection 24, 53
Graphic display 5
Ground-fault / Earth-leakage fault protection test 72
Ground-fault protection 25

Half neutral protection 24, 53
History, setup and maintenance menu 13, 16
HVF 21, 51

I t 52
I t Alarm 26, 54
I avg 26
I max 26, 54
I unbal 26, 54
I∆n pickup 25
I2t 20, 50
Idmtl 21, 51
Ig pickup 25
Ii pickup 22
Infrared link 5
Instantaneous current 30, 58
Instantaneous protection 23
Ir current setting 20, 21
Isd pickup 22

92 04443726AA - 01/2017

Language 40
Latching 38
Lead seal for cover 5
LEDs 5, 34, 71
Load shedding / reconnection 29, 56
Long-time I2t protection 20
Long-time Idmtl protection 21
Long-time plug 5, 81

M2C / M6C 38, 40
Main screen 12, 58
Maximum demand current 30, 60
Maximum demand power 31, 64
Maximum instantaneous current 30, 58
Metering menu 13, 14
Modbus 48

Negatively incremented energy 31, 65
Neutral CT 53
Neutral protection 11, 24
Neutral protection setting 11, 53
No neutral protection 24, 53

Operation counter 70
Oversized neutral protection 24, 53

Parity 48
Phase rotation 28, 54
Phase sequence 28
Phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltage 30, 61
Portable test kit 72
Positively incremented energy 31, 65
Power demand calculation 31, 46
Power factor 63
Power sign 44
Power supply 79
Protection menu 13, 18

Remote control 49
Remote settings 48
Resetting the alarms and fault indications 68
Resetting the contacts 38, 40
Resetting the energy values 65
Resetting the maximum demand current values 60
Resetting the maximum demand power values 64
Resetting the maximum instantaneous current values 59
Resetting the operation counter 70
rP max 28, 54

Self-protection 35
Setting dials 5, 6
Short-time protection 22
Sign convention 89
SIT 21, 51
System frequency 44
System type 45

04443726AA - 01/2017 93

Tab 7
Temperature 35
Test connector 5, 72
tg tripping delay 25
Thermal memory 20, 82
tr tripping delay 20, 21
Transformation ratio 44
Trip 4
Trip history 33, 69
Tripping curves 74
tsd tripping delay 22

U max 27, 54
U min 27, 54
U unbal 27, 54, 61

VIT 21, 51
Voltage U avg 27, 30, 61

Zone selective interlocking 78

94 04443726AA - 01/2017
04443726AA - 01/2017 95
96 04443726AA - 01/2017
© 2017 - Schneider Electric - Tous droits réservés

Schneider Electric Industries SAS As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation
35, rue Joseph Monier of the information given in this publication.
CS 30323
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Design: Schneider Electric

Photos: Schneider Electric

04443726AA-09 01-2017

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