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Axial Piston Variable Motor AA6VM Series 63 Americas: RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp

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Axial piston variable motor

AA6VM series 63
RE-A 91604
Edition: 08.2016
Americas Replaces: 03.2014

▶▶ All-purpose high pressure motor

▶▶ Size 250
▶▶ Nominal pressure 5100 psi (350 bar)
▶▶ Maximum pressure 5800 psi (400 bar)
▶▶ Open and closed circuits

Features Contents
▶▶ Robust motor with long service life Type code 2
▶▶ Approved for very high rotational speeds Hydraulic fluids 4
▶▶ High control range (can be swiveled to zero) Flow direction 5
▶▶ High torque Bearing 5
▶▶ Variety of controls Shaft seal 5
▶▶ Optionally with flushing and boost-pressure valve Operating pressure range 6
mounted Technical data 7
▶▶ Bent-axis design HD – Proportional control, hydraulic 9
EP – Proportional control, electric 13
HZ – Two-point control, hydraulic 16
EZ – Two-point control, electric 17
HA – Automatic high-pressure related control 18
DA – Automatic control, speed related 21
Dimension 22
Connector for solenoids 26
Flushing and boost pressure valve 27
Swivel angle indicator 28
Speed sensor 29
Installation instructions 30
Project planning notes 32
Safety instructions 33

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

2 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Type code

Type code

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
AA6V M 250 / 63 W – V S D –

Hydraulic fluid
01 Mineral oil and HFD. HFD only in combination with long-life bearings "L" (without code)
HFB, HFC hydraulic fluid only in conjunction with long-life bearings “L” E
Axial piston unit
02 Bent-axis design, variable, nominal pressure 5100 psi (350 bar), maximum pressure 5800 psi (400 bar) AA6V
Drive shaft bearing
03 Standard bearing (without code)
Long-life bearing L

Operating mode
04 Motor (plug-in motor A6VE, see data sheet 91606) M

Size (NG)
05 Geometric displacement, see technical data on page 7 in cm3/rev 250
in in3/rev 15.25

Control device
06 Proportional control hydraulic ΔpSt = 145 psi (10 bar) HD1
ΔpSt = 365 psi (25 bar) HD2
ΔpSt = 510 psi (35 bar) HD3
Proportional control electrical1) U = 12 V DC EP1
U = 24 V DC EP2
Two-point control hydraulic HZ
Two-point control electrical1) U = 12 V DC EZ1
U = 24 V DC EZ2
Automatic control high-pressure related with minimum pressure increase Δp ≤ approx. 145 psi (10 bar) HA1
with pressure increase Δp = 1450 psi (100 bar) HA2
Automatic control speed related pSt / pHD = 3/100 hydraulic travel direction valve DA

Pressure control/override (only for HD, EP)

07 Without pressure control/override
Pressure control fixed setting fixed setting D
hydraulic override, two-point E2)
hydraulic remote control, proportional G

Overrides for the HA1 and HA2 controls

08 Without override
Hydraulic override, remonte control, proportinal T

09 Series 6, index 3 63

Direction of rotation
10 Viewed on drive shaft, bidirectional W

Setting range for displacement 3)

11 Vg min = 0 to 0.4 Vg max Vg max = Vg max to 0.8 Vg max 1

Vg max > 0.4 Vg max to 0.8 Vg max Vg max = Vg max to 0.8 Vg max 2

● = Available ○ = On request ‒ = Not available

1) Hirschmann connector Standard
2) Fitted as standard with version D
3) Please specify exact settings for Vg min and Vg max in plain text when
ordering: Vg min = ... in3 (cm3), Vg max = ... in3 (cm3)

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 3
 Type code

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
AA6V M 250 / 63 W – V S D –

Sealing material
12 FKM (fluoroelastomer) V

Drive shaft
13 Splined shaft ANSI B92.1a S

Mounting flange
14 SAE J744 ‒ 4-bolt 165-4 D

Working port4)
15 SAE working ports A and B at rear 51 0 ● 510
7 ● 517
SAE working ports A and B at side, opposite 52 0 ● 520
7 ● 527

Valves (see page 27)

Without valve 0
Flushing and boost-pressure valve, mounted 7

Speed sensor (see page 29)

16 Without speed sensor (without code)
Prepared for HDD speed sensor ▲ F
HDD speed sensor mounted 5)
▲ H

Swivel angle sensor (see page 28)

17 Without swivel angle sensor (without code)
Optical swivel angle sensor V
Electric swivel angle sensor E
Beginning of control
18 At Vg min (standard for HA) A
At Vg max (standard for HD, HZ, EP, EZ, DA) B

Standard / special version

19 Standard version 0
Special version -S

● = Available ○ = On request ▲ = Not for new projects ‒ = Not available

▶▶ Note the project planning notes on page 32.
▶▶ When ordering, please provide the relevant technical
data additionally to the type code.

4) Fastening threads, SAE

5) Specify type code separately for sensor in accordance with data
sheet 95135 – HDD and observe the requirements for the electron-

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

4 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Hydraulic fluids

Hydraulic fluids

The variable motor A6VM is designed for operation with Notes on selection of hydraulic fluid
mineral oil HLP according to DIN 51524. Application The hydraulic fluid should be selected such that the operat-
instructions and requirements for hydraulic fluids should be ing viscosity in the operating temperature range is within
taken from the following data sheets before the start of the optimum range (νopt see selection diagram).
project planning:
▶▶ 90220: Hydraulic fluids based on mineral oils and Notice
related hydrocarbons ▶▶ The variable motor A6VM is not suitable for operation with
▶▶ 90221: Environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids HFA fluids. If operating with HFB-, HFC- and HFD or envi-
▶▶ 90222: Fire-resistant, water-free hydraulic fluids ronmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids, the limitations
(HFDR/HFDU) regarding technical data or other seals must be observed.
▶▶ 90223: Fire-resistant, water-containing hydraulic fluids ▶▶ At no point of the component may the temperature be
(HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC) higher than 239 °F (115 °C). The temperature differ-
▶▶ 90225: Axial piston units for operation with water-free ence specified in the table is to be taken into account
and water-containing fire-resistant hydraulic fluids when determining the viscosity in the bearing.
(HFDR, HFDU, HFB, HFC). ▶▶ If the above conditions cannot be maintained due to
extreme operating parameters, we recommend the use
of a flushing and boost-pressure valve (see page 27).
Viscosity and temperature of hydraulic fluids
Viscosity Shaft seal Temperature2) Comment
Cold start νmax ≤ 7400 SUS FKM θSt ≥ −40 °F (−40 °C) t ≤ 3 min, without load p ≤ 725 psi (p ≤ 50 bar), n ≤ 1000 rpm,
(1600 mm2/s) θSt ≥ −13 °F (−25 °C) permissible temperature difference between axial piston unit
and hydraulic fluid in the system max. 45 °F (25 K)
Warm-up phase ν < 7400 ... 1850 SUS t ≤ 15 min, p ≤ 0,7 × pnom and n ≤ 0,5 × nnom
(1600 ... 400 mm2/s)
Continuous ν = 1850 ... 47 SUS FKM θ ≤ +185 °F (+85 °C) measured at port T
operation (400 ... 10 mm2/s)1) θ ≤ +217 °F (+103 °C)
νopt = 16 ... 81 SUS Range of optimum operating viscosity and efficiency
(36 ... 16 mm2/s)
Short-term νmin = 60 ... 49 SUS FKM θ ≤ +185 °F (+85 °C) t ≤ 3 min, p ≤ 0,3 × pnom, measured at port T
operation (10 ... 7 mm2/s) θ ≤ +217 °F (+103 °C)

▼▼ Selection diagram
Maximum permissible viscosity for cold start
7400 (1600)
4600 (1000)
Warm-up phase
2800 (600)
1850 (400)
Viscosity ν [SUS (mm2/s)]

930 (200)
VG 68
VG 46

VG 32
VG 2


460 (100)

280 (60)
Continuous operation 190 (40)
170 (36)
ν opt
100 (20)
82 (16)

60 (10)
Minimum permissible viscosity at short-term
49 (7)
operation −40 −13 14 0 50 86 104 122 158 195 240
(−40) (−25) (−10) (0) (10) (30)(40) (50) (70) (90) (115)
Temperature θ [°F (°C)]

1) Corresponds e.g. with VG 46 a temperature range of +39 °F to

+185 °F (+4 °C to +85 °C)(see selection diagram)
2) If the temperature to extreme operating parameters can not be
met, please contact us.

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 5
 Flow direction

Filtration of the hydraulic fluid Shaft seal

Finer filtration improves the cleanliness level of the hydraulic
fluid, which increases the service life of the axial piston unit. Permissible pressure loading
A cleanliness level of at least 20/18/15 is to be maintained The service life of the shaft seal is influenced by the rota-
according to ISO 4406. tional speed of the axial piston unit and the leakage pres-
At very high hydraulic fluid temperatures (195 °F (90 °C) to sure in the housing (case pressure). Momentary (t < 0.1 s)
maximum 217 °F (103 °C), measured at port T), a cleanli- pressure peaks of up to 145 psi (10 bar) are allowed. Case
ness level of at least 19/17/14 according to ISO 4406 is pressures of a continuous 30 psi (2 bar) maximum are
necessary. permitted to be able to utilize the entire speed range.
Higher case pressures are permissible at lower rotational
Influence of case pressure on beginning of control speeds (see diagram).
An increase in case pressure affects the beginning of con- The service life of the shaft seal decreases with increasing
trol when using the following control options: frequency of pressure peaks and increasing mean differen-
▶▶ HD, EP, HA, HA.T: Increase tial pressure.
▶▶ DA: Decrease The case pressure must be equal to or higher than the
With the following settings, an increase in case pressure ambient pressure.
will have no effect on the beginning of control: 75 (5)

Differential pressure Δp
HA.R and HA.U, EP, HA
60 (4)
The factory setting of the beginning of control is made at
[psi (bar)]
45 (3)
pabs = 15 psi (1 bar) case pressure.
30 (2)
Flow direction 15 (1)

Direction of rotation, viewed on drive shaft 0

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
clockwise counter-clockwise Rotational speed n [rpm]
A to B B to A
The FKM shaft seal ring may be used for leakage tempera-
tures from -13 °F to +240 °F (-25 °C to +115 °C). For appli-
Bearing cation cases below -13 °F (-25 °C), an NBR shaft seal is
required (permissible temperature range:
Long-life bearing -40 °F to +195 °F (-40 °C to +90 °C).
For long service life and use with HF hydraulic fluids. Identi-
cal external dimensions as motor with standard bearings.
Subsequent conversion to long-life bearings is possible.

Flushing flow (recommended)
Size 250
qv flush [gmp (l/min)] 2.6 (10)

To reduce the leakage temperature, external case flushing

is possible via port U or internally via a flushing valve.

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

6 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Operating pressure range

Operating pressure range

Pressure at working port A or B Definition

Nominal pressure pnom 5100 psi (350 bar) The nominal pressure corresponds to the maximum design pressure.
Maximum pressure pmax 5800 psi (400 bar) The maximum pressure corresponds to the maximum operating pres-
Single operating period 10 s sure within the single operating period. The sum of the single operating
periods must not exceed the total operating period.
Total operating period 300 h
Minimum pressure 365 psi (25 bar) Minimum pressure at the high-pressure side (A or B) which is required
(high-pressure side) in order to prevent damage to the axial piston unit.
Minimum pressure – pump operating See the diagram below To prevent damage to the axial piston motor in pump operating mode
mode (inlet) (change of high-pressure side with unchanged direction of rotation, e. g.
when braking), a minimum pressure must be guaranteed at working port
(inlet). This minimum pressure is dependent on the speed and displace-
ment of the axial piston unit (see characteristic curve)
Summation pressure pSu 10150 psi (700 bar) The summation pressure is the sum of the pressures at both working
(pressure A + pressure B) ports (A and B)

Rate of pressure change RA max Maximum permissible rate of pressure build-up and reduction during a
With integrated pressure-relief valve 130530 psi/s (9000 bar/s) pressure change over the entire pressure range.

Without pressure-relief valve 232060 psi/s (16000 bar/s)

▼▼ Rate of pressure change RA max ▼▼ Minimum pressure – pump operating mode (inlet)

pnom 230 (16)

Inlet pressure pabs [psi (bar)]

∆t 200 (14)

175 (12) Vg max

Pressure p

145 (10)
∆p Vg x
115 (8)

90 (6) 0.3 Vg max

60 (4)
30 (2)
Time t
15 (1)
0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4
▼▼ Pressure definition Rotational speed n / nnom

t2 This diagram is valid only for the optimum viscosity range

Single operating period t1 tn
from νopt = 170 to 73 SUS (36 to 16 mm2/s).
Maximum pressure pmax Please contact us if these conditions cannot be satisfied.
Nominal pressure pnom

Pressure p

Operating pressure range valid when using hydraulic

fluids based on mineral oils. Values for other hydraulic
fluids, please contact us.

Minimum pressure (high-pressure side)

Time t

Total operating period = t1 + t2 + ... + tn

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 7
 Technical data

Technical data

Size NG 250
Displacement geometric, Vg max in3 15.26
▶▶ Theoretical values, without efficiency and tolerances;
per revolution1)
cm3 250
values rounded
Vg min in3 0 ▶▶ Operation above the maximum values or below the
cm3 0 minimum values may result in a loss of function, a
Vg x in3 12.51 reduced service life or in the destruction of the axial
cm3 205 piston unit. Other permissible limit values, such as
Maximum rotational at Vg max nnom rpm 2700 speed variation, reduced angular acceleration as a
speed2) (while adher- at V < V nmax rpm 3300
ing to the maximum
g gx function of the frequency and the permissible angular
(see diagram)
permissible inlet flow) acceleration at start (lower than the maximum angular
at Vg 0 nmax rpm Please
contact us acceleration) can be found in data sheet 90261.
Inlet flow at nnom and Vg max qv max gpm 178
l/min 675 Determining the operating characteristics
Torque3) at Vg max and T lb-ft -
Vg × n Vg × n
Δp = 5800 psi
(400 bar)
Nm -
Inlet flow qv =
231 × ηv
[gpm] ( 1000 × ηv ) [l/min]
at Vg max and lb-ft 1026 qv × 231 × ηv qv × 1000 × ηv
( ) [rpm]
Δp = 5100 psi n = [rpm]
speed Vg Vg
(350 bar) Nm 1391
Vg × Δp × ηmh Vg × Δp × ηmh
Rotary stiffness Vg max to Vg/2 cmin lb-ft/rad Torque T =
24 × π
[lb-ft] ( 20 × π ) [Nm]
kNm/rad 60
qv × Δp × ηt qv × Δp × ηt
( ) [kW]
Vg/2 to 0 cmin lb-ft/rad 2 π×T×n 2 π×T×n
Power P = = [HP] =
(interpolated) 33000 1714 60000 600
kNm/rad 181
Moment of inertia for rotary group JTW lb-ft2 1.448 Key
kgm2 0.061 Vg = Displacement per revolution [in3 (cm3)]
Maximum angular acceleration α rad/s² 10000 Δp = Differential pressure [psi (bar)]
Case volume V gal 0.79 n = Rotational speed [rpm]
l 3.0 ηv = Volumetric efficiency
Weight, approx. m lbs 220 ηmh = Mechanical-hydraulic efficiency
kg 100 ηt = Total efficiency (ηt = ηv • ηmh)

Speed range
The minimum rotational speed nmin is not restricted. Please
consult us regarding applications requiring uniformity of
the rotatory motion at low speeds.

▼▼ Permissible displacement in relation to speed

0.82 Vg x
Displacement Vg / Vg max

0.8 1) The minimum and maximum displacement can be steplessly adjusted,

see type code on page 2. (standard setting if ordering code is
0.6 missing: Vg min = 0.2 × Vg max, Vg max = Vg max).
2) The values are applicable:
0.4 –– for the optimum viscosity range from νopt = 170 to 75 SUS (36 to
16 mm2/s)
0.2 –– with hydraulic fluid based on mineral oils
3) Torque without radial force, with radial force, see page 8.
0 4) Values in this range on request
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.22 1.4 1.6
Rotational speed n / nnom

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

8 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Technical data

Permissible radial and axial forces of the drive shafts

Size NG 250
Drive shaft DIA in 2
Maximum radial force Fq max lb 2701)
at distance a N 12001)
(from shaft collar)
a in 1.32
mm 33.5
Maximum torque at Fq max Tq max lb-ft 2)

Nm 2)

Maximum differential pressure at Δpq max psi 2)

Vgmax and Fq max bar 2)

Maximum axial force at + Fax max lb 0

Fax ±
standstill or depressur- N 0
ized operation
− Fax max lb 270
N 1200
Permissible axial force per psi (bar) + Fax perm/bar lb/psi 2)

working pressure N/bar 2)

▶▶ The values given are maximum values and do not apply
to continuous operation.
▶▶ The permissible axial force in –Fax direction is to be
avoided, because thereby the bearing life is reduced.
▶▶ Special requirements apply in the case of belt drives.
Please contact us.

Effect of radial force Fq on the service life of bearings

By selecting a suitable direction of radial force Fq, the load
on the bearings, caused by the internal rotary group forces
can be reduced, thus optimizing the service life of the
bearings. Recommended position of mating gear is depen-
dent on direction of rotation. Example:
▼▼ Toothed gear output drive

° φopt
= 45 =4
φ op 5°

1 2

1 Direction of rotation "counter-clockwise", pressure at port B

2 Direction of rotation "clockwise", pressure at port A
3 Bidirectional direction of rotation

1) When at standstill or when axial piston unit working in depressur-

ized conditions. Higher forces are permissible under pressure,
please contact us.
2) Please contact us.

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 9
 HD – Proportional control, hydraulic

HD – Proportional control, hydraulic

The proportional hydraulic control provides infinite adjust- Response time damping
ment of the displacement. The control is proportional to the The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
pilot pressure at port X. of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
HD1, HD2, HD3 HD1, HD2 and HD3 with orifice (DIA0.0472 in (ø 1.2 mm))
▶▶ Beginning of control at Vg max (maximum torque, mini- HD.D, HD.E, HD.G with adjustable response time limiting
mum rotational speed at minimum pilot pressure) valve
▶▶ End of control at Vg min (minimum torque, maximum
permissible rotational speed, at maximum pilot pres- HD1, pilot pressure increase ΔpSt = 145 psi (10 bar)
sure) A pilot pressure increase of 145 psi (10 bar) at port X will
cause a reduction in displacement from Vg max to 0.2 Vg max.
Notice Beginning of control, setting range 30 to 290 psi (2 to
▶▶ Maximum permissible pilot pressure: pSt = 1450 psi (100 bar) 20 bar)
▶▶ The control oil is internally taken out of the high pres- Standard setting: beginning of control at 45 psi (3 bar)
sure side of the motor (A or B). For reliable control, a (end of control at 190 psi (13 bar))
working pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) is neces-
sary in A (B). If a control operation is performed at an ▼▼ Characteristic curve HD1

working pressure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pres- 470 (32.5)

sure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port 435 (30)
405 (28)

G using an external check valve.


Pilot pressure pSt [psi (bar)]

For lower pressures, please contact us. 350 (24)

Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can 290 (20)


Beginning of control
230 (16)
▶▶ Specify the desired beginning of control in plain text when

setting range
ordering, e.g.: beginning of control at 145 psi (10 bar). 175 (12)
▶▶ The beginning of control and the HD-characteristic curve
115 (8)
are influenced by the case pressure. An increase in the
case pressure causes an increase in the beginning of 60 (4)
30 (2)
control (see page 5) and thus a parallel displace-
ment of the characteristic curve. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
▶▶ A leakage flow of maximum 0.08 gpm (0.3 l/min) can Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max

occur at port X due to internal leakage (working pres- Displacement

sure > pilot pressure). The control is to be suitably
configured to avoid an independent build-up of pilot

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

10 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
HD – Proportional control, hydraulic

HD2, pilot pressure increase ΔpSt = 365 psi (25 bar) ▼▼ Circuit diagram HD1, HD2, HD3
A pilot pressure increase of 365 psi (25 bar) at port X X
results in displacement from Vg max to 0.2 Vg max. G
Beginning of control, setting range 75 to 510 psi (5 to 35 bar)
Standard setting: beginning of control at 145 psi (10 bar)
(end of control at 510 psi (35 bar))

▼▼ Characteristic curve HD2 U MB B

1150 (80)

1000 (70)
Vg min
Pilot pressure pSt [psi (bar)]
870 (60)

725 (50) Vg max


580 (40)
510 (35)
control setting

435 (30)
Beginning of


290 (20)

145 (10) T1 T2 MA A
75 (5) M

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max

HD3, pilot pressure increase ΔpSt = 510 psi (35 bar)

A pilot pressure increase of 510 psi (35 bar) at port X
results in displacement from Vg max to 0.2 Vg max.
Beginning of control, setting range 100 to 725 psi (7 to 50 bar)
Standard setting: beginning of control at 145 psi (10 bar)
(end of control at 650 psi (45 bar))

▼▼ Characteristic curve HD3

1300 (90)

1150 (80)

1000 (70)
Pilot pressure pSt [psi (bar)]

870 (60)

725 (50)
control setting

580 (40)
Beginning of


435 (30)

290 (20)

145 (10)
100 (7)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 11
 HD – Proportional control, hydraulic

HD.D, pressure control, fixed setting HD.E pressure control, hydraulic override
The pressure control overrides the HD control function. Pressure control with 2nd pressure setting for HD.D provided
If the load torque or a reduction in motor swivel angle as standard.
causes the system pressure to reach the setpoint value of The pressure control setting can be overridden by applying
the pressure control, the motor will swivel towards a larger an external pilot pressure at port G2, realizing a 2nd pres-
angle. sure setting.
The increase in displacement and the resulting reduction in Necessary pilot pressure at port G2: pSt ≥ 1900 psi (130 bar)
pressure cause the control deviation to decrease. With the When ordering, please specify the 2nd pressure setting in
increase in displacement the motor develops more torque, plain text.
while the pressure remains constant.
Setting range of the pressure control valve 1150 to 5100 psi
(80 to 350 bar)

▼▼ Circuit diagram HD.D



Vg min

Vg max

T1 T2 MA A


 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

12 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63
 HD – Proportional control, hydraulic

HD.G pressure control, remote controlled

When the pressure command value is reached, the remote
controlled pressure control continually regulates the motor
to maximum displacement Vg max. A pressure relief valve
(not included in the scope of delivery), which is located
separately from the motor and which is connected to port
X3, assumes the task of controlling the internal pressure
cut-off valve.
So long as the pressure command value has not been
reached, pressure is evenly applied to the valve from both
sides in addition to the spring force, and the valve remains
closed. The pressure command value is between 1150 psi
(80 bar) and 5100 psi (350 bar). When the pressure com-
mand value is reached at the separate pressure-relief valve,
this will open, reliving the pressure on the spring side to
the reservoir. The internal control valve switches and the
motor swivels to maximum displacement Vg max.
The differential pressure at the DRG control valve is set as
standard to 365 psi (25 bar). As a separate pressure relief
valve, we recommend: DBD 6 (hydraulic) as per data sheet
25402; maximum line length should not exceed 6 ft (2 m).

▼▼ Circuit diagram HD.G



Vg min

Vg max

T1 T2 MA A


Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 13
 EP – Proportional control, electric

EP – Proportional control, electric

The electric control with proportional valve enable the Response time damping
displacement to be steplessly adjusted. Control is propor- The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
tional to the electric control current applied to the sole- of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
noid. Standard
An external pressure of p min = 435 psi (30 bar) is require EP1, EP2 with orifice (DIA0.047 in (ø1.2 mm))
for the pilot oil supply to port P (p max = 1450 psi (100 bar). EP.D, EP.E, EP.G with adjustable response time limiting valve
▶▶ Beginning of control at Vg max (maximum torque, mini-
mum rotational speed at minimum control current) Technical data, proportional valve EP1 EP2
▶▶ End of control at Vg max (maximum torque, minimum Voltage 12 V (±20 %) 24 V (±20 %)
speed at maximum control current) Control current
Beginning of control 900 mA 450 mA
▼▼ Characteristic curve EP
End of control approx. approx.
1600 800 1360 mA 680 mA
max max Current limit 2.2 A 1.00 A
1400 700 Nominal resistance (at 68 °F (20 °C)) 2.4 Ω 12 Ω
1200 600
Frequency 100 Hz 100 Hz
Control current I [mA]

1000 500 minimum oscillation range1) 240 mA 120 mA

Duty cycle 100 % 100 %
800 400 See also proportional pressure reducing valve DRE 4K (data sheet
29281 – proportional pressure reducing valve)
600 300

▼▼ Circuit diagram EP
400 200
200 100

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 EP1 EP2 Proportional pressure
(12 V) (24 V) relief valve DRE 4K G
Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max
Displacement (see data sheet 29281)

▶▶ The control oil is internally taken out of the high pres- U MB B
sure side of the motor (A or B). For reliable control, a
working pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) is necessary
in A (B). If a control operation is performed at an work- Vg min
ing pressure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of
at least 435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port G using
Vg max
an external check valve. For lower pressures at port G,
please contact us. Please note that at port G up to
5800 psi (400 bar) can occur.
▶▶ The following only needs to be note:
–– The beginning of control and the EP characteristic
curve are influenced by the case pressure. An T1 T2 MA A M
increase in the case pressure causes an increase in
the beginning of control (see page 5) and thus a
parallel displacement of the characteristic curve.

1) Setting

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

14 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
EP – Proportional control, electric

EP.D pressure control, fixed setting EP.E pressure control, hydraulic override, two-point
The pressure control overrides the EP control function. Sizes 250 (EP.D)
If the load torque or a reduction in motor swivel angle Pressure control with 2nd pressure setting for EP.D provided
causes the system pressure to reach the setpoint value of as standard (see EP.D).
the pressure control, the motor will swivel towards a larger The pressure control setting can be overridden by applying
angle. an external pilot pressure at port G2, realizing a 2nd pres-
The increase in displacement and the resulting reduction in sure setting.
pressure cause the control deviation to decrease. With the Necessary pilot pressure at port G2:
increase in displacement the motor develops more torque, pSt ≥ 1900 psi (130 bar)
while the pressure remains constant. When ordering, please specify the 2nd pressure setting in
Setting range of the pressure control valve 1150 to 5100 psi plain text.
(80 to 350 bar)

▼▼ Circuit diagram EP.D


Proportional pressure G
relief valve DRE 4K
(see data sheet 29281)


Vg min

Vg max

T1 T2 MA A


Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 15
 EP – Proportional control, electric

EP.G pressure control, remote controlled

When the pressure command value is reached, the remote
controlled pressure control continually regulates the motor
to maximum displacement Vg max. A pressure relief valve
(not included in the scope of delivery), which is located
separately from the motor and which is connected to port X3,
assumes the task of controlling the internal pressure cut-off
valve. So long as the pressure command value has not been
reached, pressure is evenly applied to the valve from both
sides in addition to the spring force, and the valve remains
closed. The pressure command value is between 1145 psi
(80 bar) and 5100 psi (350 bar). When the pressure com-
mand value is reached at the separate pressure-relief valve,
this will open, reliving the pressure on the spring side to
the reservoir. The internal control valve switches and the
motor swivels to maximum displacement Vg max.
The differential pressure at the DRG control valve is set as
standard to 365 psi (25 bar). As a separate pressure relief
valve, we recommend: DBD 6 (hydraulic) as per data sheet
25402; maximum line length should not exceed 6 ft (2 m).

▼▼ Circuit diagram EP.G


pressure relief valve DRE 4K G
(see data sheet 29282)


Vg min

Vg max

T1 T2 MA A


 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

16 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
HZ – Two-point control, hydraulic

HZ – Two-point control, hydraulic

The two-point hydraulic control allows the displacement to Response time damping
be set to either Vg min or Vg max by switching the pilot pres- The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
sure at port X on or off. of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
▶▶ Position at Vg max (without pilot pressure, maximum Standard with orifice (DIA0.047 in (ø1.2 mm))
torque, minimum rotational speed)
▶▶ Position at Vg min (with pilot pressure 145 psi (10 bar) ▼▼ Circuit diagram HZ

switched on, minimum torque, maximum permissible X

rotational speed) G

▼▼ Characteristic curve HZ

1450 (100)
Pilot pressure ΔpS [psi (bar)]


Vg min

145 (10) Vg max

30 (2)
Vg min Displacement Vg max

T1 T2 MA A M
▶▶ Maximum permissible pilot pressure: 1450 psi (100 bar)
▶▶ The control oil is internally taken out of the high pres-
sure side of the motor (A or B). For reliable control, a
working pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) is neces-
sary in A (B).
If a control operation is performed at a working pres-
sure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of at least
435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port G using an
external check valve. For lower pressures, please con-
tact us.
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can
▶▶ A leakage flow of maximum 0.08 gpm (0.3 l/min) can
occur at port X due to internal leakage (working pres-
sure > pilot pressure). The control is to be suitably
configured to avoid an independent build-up of pilot

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 17
 EZ – Two-point control, electric

EZ – Two-point control, electric

The two-point electric control allows the displacement to Technical data, on/off valve EZ1 EZ2
be set to either Vg min or Vg max by switching the electric Voltage 12 V (±20%) 24 V (±20%)
current to a switching on or off. Position Vg max de-energized de-energized
Position Vg min energized energized
Notice Nominal resistance (at 20 °C) 6Ω 23 Ω
The control oil is internally taken out of the high pressure Nominal power 26 W 26 W
side of the motor (A or B). For reliable control, an operat- Minimum active current required 2A 1.04 A
ing pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) is required in A Duty cycle 100% 100%
(B). If a control operation is performed at a working pres- Type of protection: see connector version page 47
sure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of at least
435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port G using an exter-
▼▼ Circuit diagram EZ
nal check valve. For lower pressures, please contact us.
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can

Response time damping

The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
Standard with orifice (DIA0.047 in (ø1.2 mm))

Vg min

Vg max

T1 T2 MA A M

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

18 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
HA – Automatic high-pressure related control

HA – Automatic high-pressure related control

The automatic high-pressure related control adjusts the Response time damping
displacement automatically depending on the working The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
pressure. of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
The displacement of the A6VM motor with HA control is Vg min Standard with orifice (DIA0.047 in (ø1.2 mm))
(maximum rotational speed and minimum torque). The control
device measures internally the working pressure at A or B
(no control line required) and upon reaching the set begin-
ning of control, the controller swivels the motor with increas-
ing pressure from Vg min to Vg max. The displacement is modu-
lated between Vg min and Vg max depending on the load.

HA1, HA2
▶▶ Beginning of control at Vg min (minimum torque, maximum
rotational speed)
▶▶ End of control at Vg max (maximum torque, minimum
rotational speed)

▶▶ For safety reasons, winch drives are not permissible
with beginning of control at Vg min (standard for HA).
▶▶ The control oil is internally taken out of the high pres-
sure side of the motor (A or B). For reliable control, a
working pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) is neces-
sary in A (B). If a control operation is performed at a
working pressure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pres-
sure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port
G using an external check valve. For lower pressures,
please contact us.
Please note that at port G up to Please note that at port
G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can occur.
▶▶ The beginning of control and the HA characteristic curve
are influenced by the case pressure. An increase in the
case pressure causes an increase in the beginning of
control (see page 5) and thus a parallel displace-
ment of the characteristic curve. Only for HA1, HA2 and
▶▶ A leakage flow of maximum 0.08 gpm (0.3 l/min) occurs
at port X (working pressure > pilot pressure). To avoid a
build-up of pilot pressure, pressure must to be relieved
from port X to the reservoir. Only for HA.T control.

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 19
 HA – Automatic high-pressure related control

HA1 with minimum pressure increase, positive control HA2 with pressure increase, positive control
A working pressure increase of Δp ≤ approx. 145xpsi (10 bar) A working pressure increase of Δp ≤ approx. 1450 psi (100 bar)
results in an increase in displacement from Vg min to Vg max. results in an increase in displacement from Vg min to Vg max.
Setting range of the pressure control 1150 to 4950 psi (80 Setting range of the pressure control valve 1150 to 5100 psi
to 340 bar) (80 to 350 bar)
Please state the desired beginning of control in plain text Please state the desired beginning of control in plain text
when ordering, e.g.: beginning of control at 4350 psi when ordering, e.g.: beginning of control at 2900 psi
(300 bar). (200 bar)

▼▼ Characteristic curve HA1 ▼▼ Characteristic curve HA2

5800 (400) 5800 (400)

5100 (350) 5100 (350)

1450 psi (100 bar)
Δp ≤ approx. 145 psi (10 bar)

Pressure increase
Working pressure p [psi (bar)]

Working pressure p [psi (bar)]

4350 (300) 4350 (300)

Δp ≤ approx. 
Beginning of control
Beginning of control

setting range
setting range

3600 (250) 3600 (250)

Pressure increase

2900 (200) 2900 (200)

2200 (150) 2200 (150)

1450 (100) 1450 (100)

1150 (80) 1150 (80)
725 (50) 725 (50)

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max
Vg min Vg / Vg max Vg max

▼▼ Circuit diagram HA2

▼▼ Circuit diagram HA1


Vg max
Vg max

Vg min
Vg min

T1 T2 MA A
T1 T2 MA A


 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

20 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
HA – Automatic high-pressure related control

HA.T hydraulic override, remote control, proportional

With the HA.T3 control, the beginning of control can be
applying a pilot pressure to port X.
For every 15 psi (1 bar) of pilot pressure, the beginning of
control is reduced by 130 psi (9 bar).

Settings for the 4350 psi (300 bar) 4350 psi (300 bar)

beginning of control
Pilot pressure at port X 0 psi (0 bar) 145 psi (10 bar)
Beginning of control at 4350 psi (300 bar) 1900 psi (130 bar)

Maximum permissible pilot pressure 1450 psi (100 bar).

▼▼ Circuit diagram HA1T



Vg max

Vg min

T1 T2 MA A

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 21
 DA – Automatic control, speed related

DA – Automatic control, speed related

The variable motor A6VM with automatic speed-related DA hydraulic travel direction valve,
control is intended for use in hydrostatic travel drives in Dependent on the direction of rotation (travel direction),
combination with the variable pump A4VG with DA control. the travel direction valve is switched by using pilot pres-
A drive speed-related pilot pressure signal is generated by sures X1 or X2. The maximum permissible pilot pressure is
the A4VG variable pump, and that signal, together with the pst = 365 psi (25 bar). Momentary (t < 0.1 s) pressure peaks
working pressure, regulates the swivel angle of the hydrau- of up to 580 psi (40 bar) are permitted.
lic motor.
Increasing drive speed, i.e. increasing pilot pressure, Direction of rotation Working pressure in Pilot pressure in
causes the motor to swivel to a smaller displacement clockwise A X1
(lower torque, higher rotational speed), depending on the counter-clockwise B X2
working pressure.
If the working pressure exceeds the pressure command
▼▼ Circuit diagram DA
value of the controller, the variable motor swivels to a
larger displacement (higher torque, lower rotational X2
▶▶ Pressure ratio pSt/pHD = 3/100 X1
DA control is only suitable for certain types of travel drive MST

systems and requires review of the engine and vehicle

parameters to ensure that the motor is used correctly and
that machine operation is safe and efficient. We recommend U MB B

that all DA applications be reviewed by a Bosch Rexroth

application engineer.
Detailed information is available from our sales depart- Vg min

Vg max

The beginning of control and the DA characteristic curve
are influenced by case pressure. An increase in the case
pressure causes a decrease / reduction in the beginning of
control (see page 5) and thus a parallel displacement of T1 T2 MA A

the characteristic curve.

Response time damping
The response time damping influences the stroking behavior
of the motor and consequently the machine response time.
Standard with orifice (DIA0.047 in (ø1.2 mm))

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
22 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Dimensions size 250

Dimensions size 250

HD1, HD2 – Proportional control, hydraulic

HZ – Two-point control, hydraulic
Port plate 52 — SAE working ports A and B at side, opposite

14.49 (368)
4.88 (124)
U T1

(max. 188)
max. 7.40

7. 0
31 .5
4.84 (123)

4.13 (105) 4.13 (105)

0.79 (20)

(ø A12
1.73 (44)


8.84 (224.5)

10.31 (262)
(ø165 -0.05)


0.81 (20.6)
2.24 (57)1)

9.76 (248)
0.62 0.98 (25) Y
(15.8) 4.88(124)
6.69 (170)
12.95 (329) M 8.84 (224.5)
15.12 (384)1) 10.31 (262)

Detail Y


Center of gravity

1) Port plate 51 — SAE working ports A and B at rear

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 23
 Dimensions size 250

Location of working ports on port plates (view Z)

52 SAE working port 51 SAE working port

A and B at lateral, A and B at rear

1.91 (48.5) G
(48.5) G



M 2.20 2.20
8.82 (224) (56) (56)
9.29 (236)

▼▼ Splined shaft SAE J744

S ‒ 2 in 15T 8/16DP1)
2.64 (67)

DIA5.51 (ø140)


2.09 (53)

2.93 (74.5)

1) Involute toothing acc. to ANSI B92.1a, 30° pressure angle, flat root,
side fit, tolerance class 5
2) Thread according to ASME B1.1

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
24 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Dimensions size 250

Ports Standard Size pmax [psi (bar)]1) Status6)

A, B4) Working port SAE J5182) 1 1/4 in 5800 (400) O
Fastening thread A/B ASME B1.1 1/2 in -13 UNC-2B; 0.75 (19) deep
T1 Drain port ISO 119265) 7/8 in ‑14 UN-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 45 (3) O3)
T2 Drain port ISO 11926 5)
7/8 in -12 UN-2B; 0.67(17) deep 45 (3) X3)
G Synchronous control ISO 11926 5)
9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) X
G2 2nd pressure setting (HD.D, EP.D) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) X
P Pilot oil supply (EP) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 1450 (100) O
U Bearing flushing ISO11926 5)
9/16 in -14 UNF-2B; 0.67 (17) deep 45 (3) X
X Pilot signal (HD, HZ, HA1T/HA2T) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 1450 (100) O
X Pilot signal (HA1, HA2) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 45 (3) X
X1, X2 Pilot signal (DA) DIN 2353-CL 8B-ST 580 (40) O
X3 Pilot signal (HD.G, EP.G) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) O
M Stroking chamber measurement ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) X
MA, MB Pressure measurement ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) X
Measuring port pressure A, B
MST Pilot pressure measurement (EP, DA) ISO 119265) 9/16 in -18 UNF-2B; 0.51 (13) deep 5800 (400) X

1) Momentary pressure spikes may occur depending on the application. 4) For the maximum utilization of pressure, only grade 8 screws and
Keep this in mind when selecting measuring devices and fittings. hardened washers are to be used to tighten the SAE flange shells.
2) Only dimensions according to SAE J518. 5) The spot face can be deeper than as specified in the standard.
3) Depending on installation position, T1 or T2 must be connected 6) O = Must be connected (plugged on delivery)
(see also installation instructions on page 30). X = Plugged (in normal operation)

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 25
 Dimensions size 250

▼▼ EP1, EP2 – Proportional control, electric ▼▼ EP.D, EP.P – Proportional control, electric
with pressure control fixed setting; remote controlled (EP.G)

4.65 16.73 (425)

16.73 (425) (118) 1.42 14.76 (375)
(118) G P (36)
1.42 14.76 (375) MST MST P

max. 7.40
5.98 (152)
U T1

max. 7.40
5.98 (152)

10.08 (256)
10.71 (272)
9.76 (248)
T2 M G2
X1 M
M 1.38 11.54 (293)
(35) G2 ,X3
M X3 only for EP.G
G2 only for EP.D

▼▼ HD.D, HD.G – Proportional control hydraulic ▼▼ EZ1, EZ2 – Two-point control, electric
with pressure control fixed setting; remote controlled (HD.G)l

1.91 16.73 (425)

(48.5) 14.49 (368) 5.06 16.73 (425)
X X G (128.5)
U T1 G
max. 7.40

U T1

6.69 (170)

10.08 (256)

10.71 (272)

9.76 (248)
M T2
G2 M
X3 1.38 11.54 (293) M
(35) G2; X3
X3 only for HD.G
G2 only for HD.D

▼▼ HA1, HA2 /HA1T, HA2T – Automatic high-pressure related ▼▼ DA – Automatic speed related control,
control, with override hydraulic remote control, proportional with hydraulic travel direction valve

16.77 (426)
16.77 (426)
M 13.74 (349)
X1 X2 MST X1 G
U T1
6.69 (170)

U T1
(max. 188)
max. 7.40

8.27 (210)
max. 10.83
(max. 275)

4.92 (125)
9.76 (248)

X T2
1.91 M
(48.5) 11.42 (290)

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

26 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Connector for solenoids

Connector for solenoids

HIRSCHMANN DIN EN 175 301-803-A/ISO 4400

Without bidirectional suppressor diode
Type of protection:
▶▶ IP65 (DIN/EN 60529)
The seal ring in the cable fitting is suitable for lines of
diameter 0.18 in to 0.39 in (4.5 mm to 10 mm).
The mating connector is included in the scope of delivery.

▶▶ If necessary, you can change the position of the con-
nector by turning the solenoid.
▶▶ The procedure is defined in the operating instructions.

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 27
 Flushing and boost pressure valve

Flushing and boost pressure valve

The flushing and boost pressure valve is used to remove ▼▼ Circuit diagram EP

heat from a closed hydraulic circuit and for flushing the MST
motor housing.
It is also a safeguarding the minimum boost pressure. In
open loops it only used for flushing the motor housing.
Hydraulic fluid is directed from the respective low pressure
side into the motor housing. This is then fed into the reser-
voir, together with the leakage. The hydraulic fluid, removed G
out of the closed circuit must be replaced by cooled
U T1
hydraulic fluid from the boost pump. MB
The valve is mounted onto the port plate.
Cracking pressure of pressure retaining valve B
(observe when adjusting the primary valve)
▶▶ fixed setting 230 psi (16 bar) Vg min
Switching pressure of flushing spool Δp Vg max
▶▶ 115±15 psi (8±1 bar)
Flushing flow qv
Orifices can be used to adjust the flushing flows as
required. The following information is based on: MA

ΔpND = pND – pG = 365 psi (25 bar) and ν = 60 SUS (10 mm /s) 2

(pND = low pressure, pG = case pressure)

Flushing valve
Material number of orifice ø [in (mm)] qv [gmp (l/min)]
R909419697 0.079 (2.0) 2.6 (10)

Pressure retaining valve Flushing orifice Flushing spool

▼▼ Dimension

HD, HZ, DA, HA1, HA2


15.71 (399) 17.48 (444)

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
28 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Swivel angle indicator

Swivel angle indicator

Optical (V) Electric (E)

The swivel position is indicated by a pin on the side of the The motor position is detected by an inductive position
port plate. The length of pin protruding depends on the transducer. This converts the travel of the control device
position of the lens plate. into an electric signal.
If the pin is flush with the port plate, the motor is at the This signal is used to forward the swivel position to an
beginning of control. electric control unit.
At maximum swivel, the pin length is 0.31 in (8 mm) (visible Inductive position transducer
after removing the cap nut). Type of protection:
▶▶ IP65 (DIN/EN 60529)
▼▼ Example: Beginning of control at Vg max
▼▼ Example: Beginning of control at Vg max
Vg min
U Vg max MB B
α U

Vg min
Vg max

Vg max
Vg min

T1 T2 MA A
T1 T2 MA A

Beginning of
0.43 5.37 5.37 0.43
(11)3) 136.5 136.5 (11)3) control Vg max

0.20 (5)3)
Beginning of
control Vg min
0.20 (5)3)

2.87 (73)
2.87 (73)

Beginning of Beginning of 11.02 (280)2)

control Vg max control Vg min
7.28 (185) 7.28 (185) 11.73 (298)2)
11.02 (280)2)
11.73 (298)2)

1) Width across flats

2) Dimension to mounting flange
3) Required clearance for removal of cap nut

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 29
 Speed sensor

Speed sensor

Version AA6VM...F (“prepared for speed sensor”, i.e. with- ▼▼ Dimensions

out sensor) is equipped with a spline on the rotary group. Version “H” with HDD sensor
A signal proportional to motor rotational speed can be Number of teeth 78
generated with the HDD speed sensor mounted. The sensor
registers the rotational speed and direction of rotation.
Type code, technical data, dimensions and parameters for 30°

5 ( 2.5)
the connector, plus safety instructions about the sensor



can be found in the relevant data sheet 95135 – HDD.


The sensor is mounted on the port provided for this pur-

pose with two mounting bolts. On deliveries without sen-

(1 87
sor, the port is plugged with a pressure-resistant cover.

We recommend ordering the AA6VM variable motor com-G
plete with mounted sensor.

▼▼ Circuit diagram

View X
Without HDD sensor With HDD sensor
Vg min M6 × 1 (DIN 13)
0.31 (8 deep)

Vg max




T1 T2 MA A M

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
30 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Installation instructions

Installation instructions

General Installation position

The axial piston unit must be filled with hydraulic fluid and See examples 1 to 8 below.
air bled during commissioning and operation. This must Additional installation positions are available upon request.
also be observed following a longer standstill as the axial Recommended installation position: 1 and 2
piston unit empty via the hydraulic lines.
Particularly in the installation position “drive shaft Below-reservoir installation (standard)
upwards”, filling and air bleeding must be carried out com- Below-reservoir installation means that the axial piston unit
pletely as there is, for example, a danger of dry running. is installed outside of the reservoir below the minimum
The leakage in the housing area must be directed to the fluid level.
reservoir via the highest drain port (T1, T2). Installation position Air bleed Filling
For combinations of multiple units, make sure that the 1 T1
respective case pressure in each unit is not exceeded. In ht min
the event of pressure differences at the drain ports of the hmin
units, the shared drain line must be changed so that the U T1
maximum permissible case pressure of all connected units
is not exceeded at any operational conditions.
If this is not possible, separate drain lines must be laid.
To achieve favorable noise values, decouple all connecting
lines using elastic elements and avoid above-reservoir
2 T2
In all operating conditions, the drain line must flow into the ht min
reservoir below the minimum fluid level.

Notice T2

In certain installation positions, an influence on the control

characteristics can be expected. Gravity, dead weight and
case pressure can cause minor shifts in control character-
istic curves and changes in response time. T1 U

3 T1
ht min
U Bearing flushing / air bleed port hmin
F Filling / air bleeding
T1, T2 Drain port T1
ht min Minimum required immersion depth (7.87 inch (200 mm))
hmin Minimum required distance to tank base (3.94 inch (100 mm)) T2

4 U T1
ht min


Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

Dimensions [inch (mm)]
 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 31
 Installation instructions

Above-reservoir installation
Above-reservoir installation means that the axial piston unit
is installed above the minimum fluid level of the reservoir.
Recommendation for installation position 8 (drive shaft
A check valve in the drain line (cracking pressure 7.5 psi
(0.5 bar)) can prevent draining of the motor housing.
Installation position Air bleed Filling
5 U (F) T1 (F)
U T1


ht min

6 F T2 (F)


T1 U
ht min

7 F T1 (F)


ht min

8 U T1 (F)

(0.5 bar)
7.5 psi

ht min

Port F is not part of the motor and can be provided by
the customer to make filling and air bleeding easier.

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

32 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Project planning notes

Project planning notes

▶▶ The motor A6VM is designed to be used in open and ▶▶ Working ports

closed circuits. –– The ports and fixing threads are designed for the
▶▶ The project planning, installation and commissioning of specified peak pressure. The machine or system
the axial piston unit requires the involvement of quali- manufacturer must ensure that the connecting ele-
fied skilled person. ments and lines correspond to the specified operat-
▶▶ Before using the axial piston unit, please read the cor- ing conditions (pressure, volume flow, hydraulic fluid,
responding instruction manual completely and thor- temperature) with the required safety factors.
oughly. If necessary, these can be requested from Bosch –– The service and function ports are only designed to
Rexroth. accommodate hydraulic lines
▶▶ Before finalizing your design, request a binding installa-
tion drawing.
▶▶ The data and notes contained herein must be adhered
▶▶ For safety reasons, control systems with beginning of
control at Vg min (e.g. HA) are not permissible for winch
drives (e.g. anchor winches)!
▶▶ Depending on the operating condition of the axial piston
unit (operating pressure, fluid temperature), the charac-
teristic may shift.
▶▶ Preservation: Our axial piston units are supplied as
standard with preservative protection for a maximum of
12 months. If longer preservative protection is required
(maximum 24 months), please specify this in plain text
when placing your order. The preservation times apply
under optimal storage conditions, details of these condi-
tions can be found in the data sheet 90312 or the
instruction manual.
▶▶ Not all variants of the product are approved for use in
safety functions according to ISO 13849. Please consult
the responsible contact person at Bosch Rexroth if you
require reliability parameters (e.g. MTTFd) for functional
▶▶ Depending on the type of control used, electromagnetic
effects can be produced when using solenoids. Applying
the recommended direct voltage signal (DC) to sole-
noids does not create electromagnetic interference
(EMI) nor is the solenoid affected by EMI.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) potential exists
when operating and controlling a proportional electro-
hydraulic coil with a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM)
signal. Appropriate testing and measures should be
taken by the machine manufacturer to ensure other
components or operators (e.g. with pacemaker) are not
affected by this potential.
▶▶ Please note the details regarding the tightening torques
of port threads and other threaded joints

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

 Axial piston variable motor | A6VM series 63 33
 Safety instructions

Safety instructions

▶▶ During and shortly after operation, there is a risk of

burns on the axial piston unit and especially on the
solenoids. Take appropriate safety measures (e.g., by
wearing protective clothing).
▶▶ Moving parts in control equipment (e.g. valve pistons)
can, under certain circumstances get blocked in position
as a result of contamination (e.g. impure hydraulic fluid,
abrasion, or residual dirt from components). As a result,
the flow of hydraulic fluid and the build-up of momen-
tum in the axial piston unit can no longer meet the
operator's specifications. Even the use of various filter
elements (external or internal flow filtering) cannot rule
out errors, but can only help minimize risks. The
machine/system manufacturer must check whether
additional measures are required on the machine for the
relevant application in order to bring the powered load
into a safe position (e.g. safe stop) and ensure any
measures are properly put into practice.
▶▶ In certain conditions, moving parts in high pressure
relief valves might get stuck in an undefined position
due to contamination. This can result in restriction or
loss of load holding functions in lifting winches. There-
fore it is the machine and/or system manufacturers
responsibility to make sure that the load can always be
put in a safe mode if needed. Also, he needs to ensure
that these measures are properly implemented.
▶▶ When using the axial piston motor in winch drives, make
certain that the technical limit values are not exceeded
under all operating conditions. If the axial piston motor
is extremely overloaded (e.g., if the maximum permis-
sible rotational speeds are exceeded during weighing of
the anchor while the ship is in motion), the rotary group
may be damaged and, in the worst case, the axial piston
motor may burst. The machine manufacturer / system
manufacturer is to undertake additional measures, up to
and including encapsulation.

 RE-A 91604/08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

34 A6VM series 63 | Axial piston variable motor
Safety instructions

Bosch Rexroth Corporation © Bosch Rexroth AG 2016. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal,
Mobile Applications exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of
8 Southchase Court applications for industrial property rights. The data specified within only
Fountain Inn, SC 29644-9018, USA serves to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition
Telephone (864) 967-2777 or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information.
Facsimile (864) 967-8900 The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own
www.boschrexroth-us.com judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are
subject to a natural process of wear and aging.

Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/08.2016

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