Solution of Heat and Wave Equations Using Mahgoub Adomian Decomposition Method
Solution of Heat and Wave Equations Using Mahgoub Adomian Decomposition Method
Solution of Heat and Wave Equations Using Mahgoub Adomian Decomposition Method
ABSTRACT : In this paper, Mahgoub Adomian decomposition method (MADM), to handle the wave and heat
equations, is introduced. The efficiency of the present method will be shown by applying the procedure on four
Keywords – Mahgoub Adomian decomposition method, Mahjoub transform, Partial Differential Equations,
Heat equation, Wave equation.
An - order PDE for is a relation of the form
, (1)
where is neither linear or nonlinear function.
The focus will be on two main types of PDEs as well, namely wave and heat equations. Now, we are going to
define these equations as
respectively. The wave and heat equations have many possible applications in mathematics, physics and
engineering .
In 2016, Mahgoub [7] define the function for
where , are fixed and is a finite.
The operator may be expanded as
Many linear and nonlinear problems like ODEs, PDEs, Integral equations and integro- differential
equations were solved using Mahgoub transform and ADM .
In present paper, we have application MADM for solving wave and heat equations.
By substituting and into (10), we obtain
This leads to
Applying to both sides, yields
Replacing in (20), we have
This leads to
Applying to both sides, yields
The solutions of (23) are given by
Replacing in (28), we have
This leads to
Applying to both sides, yields
The solutions of (31) are given by
Example 3: The following nonlinear heat equation [4]
Mahgoub transform of (33) is
Therefore the solutions of (37) are
and so on. Then, the solution is
Example 4: Solve the nonlinear wave equation [5]
Subject to
Take to both sides, we have
Therefore the solutions of (43) are given
Mahgoub Adomian decomposition method to the wave and heat equations was introduced. The efficiency of the
method has been shown by applying the procedure on some examples.
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