The Importance of Nonverbal Communication PDF
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication PDF
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication PDF
We tend to be less aware of the nonverbal accompaniment to much of what we say than we are to the
actual words we speak. We often carefully monitor and edit our words to achieve the desired effect,
but how we are saying them as likely more important. Being mindful of our non-verbal communication
can prevent the wrong or unintended message from inadvertently being passed on.
Face-to-face communication allows for the most richness in non-verbal communication; this richness
recedes from our interactions as we move from telephone conversations to e-mail, memos, bulletins
and post-it notes. These forms of communication, however, still require that we pay significant
attention to elements of our messages that could lead to unintended interpretations.
In email: cautious use of exclamation points and question marks (e.g. using multiple question marks),
bold, underline, color, emoticons and other highlights. When it doubt, have someone else read your
email to check for differing interpretations.