City of Winston-Salem Agenda: Monday, August 17, 2020

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101 North Main Street

City of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, NC 27101


City Council

Monday, August 17, 2020 7:00 PM Council Chamber Room 230, City Hall

To participate or watch the virtual meetings, please visit




Items on the Consent Agenda have been unanimously recommended by a Committee of the City
Council or are submitted in accordance with established procedure. There will be no discussion of
the items unless a Council Member so request, in which event the item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and considered individually. Items not removed from the Consent Agenda will be
enacted with one motion.
C-1. Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Fee Simple Right-of-Way to the North Carolina
Department of Transportation, an Agency of the State of North Carolina, Related to the
Winston-Salem Northern Beltway, Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-274 (Unincorporated Land
in Forsyth County). (Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - NCDOT Acquisition-Germanton Rd
RES - NCDOT Acquisition-Germanton Rd
EXHIBIT A - NCDOT Acquisition-Germanton Rd
MAP - NCDOT Acquisition - Germanton Rd

C-2. Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of a Gift Deed from Ramey Properties, LLC and
Hubbard Realty of Winston-Salem, Inc. (Southeast Ward) (Recommended by Finance
Attachments: CARF - Acceptance of Gift Deed
RES - Acceptance of Gift Deed
MAP #1 - Acceptance of Gift Deed
MAP #2 - Acceptance of Gift Deed

C-3. Resolution Authorizing Fee Simple Acquisition of Property for the Peace Haven at Allistair
Traffic Signal Installation Project by Deed or Condemnation. (West Ward) (Recommended
by Finance Committee)

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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

Attachments: CARF - Traffic Signal Installation Project

RES - Traffic Signal Installation Project
EXHIBIT A - Traffic Signal Installation Project
MAP - Traffic Signal Installation Project

C-4. Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant From The North Carolina Governors
Highway Safety Program for Eleventh Year Funding of the Forsyth County Joint DWI Task
Force and Authorizing Execution of an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of
Winston-Salem, the County of Forsyth, and the Town of Kernersville, to Accept Grant
Funding and Execution of a Mutual Assistance Agreement Between the Same Parties for
Continued Implementation of the DWI Joint Task Force - $138,676. (Recommended by
Finance and Public Safety Committees)
Attachments: CARF - 2020 DWI Task Force Grant - Year 11
RES - 2020 DWI Task Force Grant - Year 11

C-5. Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into An Agreement For The Fiscal Year
2019 And Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Transit Administration Formula Program Section
5307 Funding Allocation Agreement With Davidson County Transportation.
(Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - DavidsonCountyTrans
RES - DavidsonCountyTrans

C-6. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Willis Towers
Watson Analytical Insurance Services, Inc. to Provide Employee Benefits Consulting
Services - $97,500. (Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Employee Benefits Consulting Services
RES - Employee Benefits Consulting Services
Exhibit A - Employee Benefits Consulting Services - Demographics
Exhibit B - Employee Benefits Consulting Services - Score Sheet

C-7. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement Between
the City of Winston-Salem on behalf of the Winston-Salem Police Department, the County
of Forsyth on behalf of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, and the Town of Kernersville on
behalf of the Kernersville Police Department, for the Formation of a Drug Task Force and
to Enter into a Lease Agreement for Office and Work Space for Said Drug Task Force.
(Recommended by Public Safety Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Drug Task Force
RES - Drug Task Force
Interlocal Agreement

C-8. Ordinance Amending Section 42-154 of the City Code Relating to Handicap Parking on
City Streets - 1429 West Fourth Street. (Recommended by the Public Works Committee)

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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

Attachments: CARF - Handicap Parking Space 1429 W Fourth Street

ORD - Handicap Parking Space 1429 W Fourth Street
Map - Handicap Parking Space 1429 W Fourth Street

C-9. Ordinance Amending Section 42-122(f) of the City Code Relating to 25 Miles per Hour
Speed Limits (Southeast Ward) - Stonefield Crossing Drive, Stonefield Crossing Court,
and Stonefield Glen Way. (Recommended by Public Safety Committee)
Attachments: CARF - 25mph Speed limits
ORD - 25mph Speed limits
Attachment A - 25mph speed limits

C-10. Ordinance Amending Section 42-97 of the City Code Relating to Weight Limitations on
Thru Traffic on Certain City Streets (Southwest Ward) - Densmore Street. (Recommended
by Public Safety Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Truck Prohibition
ORD - Truck Prohibition
Map - Truck Prohibition

C-11. Ordinance Amending Chapter 38, Article I, Section 38-10 (i) of the Winston-Salem City
Code to Allow State and/or Federal Wildlife Officers to Discharge Rifles for the Purpose
of Eliminating Deer Within the Boundaries of Smith Reynolds Airport Until August 19,
2021. (Recommended by Public Safety Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Section 38-10(i).eliminating deer
ORD - Section 38-10(i).eliminating deer
Smith Reynolds Airport Letter - Wildlife Management

C-12. Consideration of Items Relating to the Acceptance of a Grant Award from the North
Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program: (Recommended by Finance and Public
Safety Committees)

Resolution Authorizing Execution of Acceptance of a Grant Award from the North Carolina
Governor’s Highway Safety Program for the BikeSafe Regional Coordinator Position -

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North
Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Attachments: CARF - 2020 BikeSafe Coordinator Grant
RES - 2020 BikeSafe Coordinator
PBO - BikeSafe Regional Coordinator Grant

C-13. Consideration of Items Relating to the Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds: (Recommended
by Finance Committee)

Resolution Approving the Use of Coronavirus Relief Funds and Authorizing the City

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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

Manager to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Forsyth County for the Grant of those

Ordinance Amending the Annual Appropriation and Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of
Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North
Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Attachments: CARF - Interlocal Agreement and City Use of CRF Funds
RES - Interlocal Agreement and City Use of CRF Funds
AATLO - Interlocal Agreement and City Use of CRF Funds
PBO - Interlocal Agreement and City Use of CRF Funds
AGRMT - Interlocal Agreement and City Use of CRF Funds - Municipal Grant Agreement Master

C-14. Resolution Fixing Date for Public Hearing on a Petition to Close and Abandon a portion of
an Unnamed Alley off of Mulberry Street (South Ward) – Petition of Leigh Ann Hallberg.
Public Hearing: September 21, 2020. (Recommended by the Public Works Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Right of Way Closure for a Portion of a Unnamed alley off of Mulberry
RES - Fixing PH Date for Road Closing -Portion of a Unnamed alley off of Mulberry
Map - Alleyway_Mulberry Map-Utilities
Map - Alleyway_Mulberry Map-Owner
Application - Alley off of Mulberry Street

C-15. Consideration of Items Related to Screen Fence Installation at Truist Stadium: (Northwest
Ward) (Recommended by Finance Committee)

Resolution Awarding Contract for Installation of Screen Fence at Truist Stadium - Seegars
Fence Company of Greensboro, Inc. - $102,165.23.

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North
Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Attachments: CARF - Screen Fencing at Truist Park
RES - Screen Fencing at Truist Park
PBO - Truist Field Fence
Exhibit A - Bid List and Workforce Demographics - Seegars Fence
Exhibit B - Fence Photo 2

C-16. Consideration of Items Regarding Contract for Installation of a New Traffic Signal at
Peacehaven Road and Allistair Road: (Recommended by Finance Committee)

Resolution Awarding Contract for Installation of a New Traffic Signal at Peacehaven Road
and Allistair Road (West Ward) - Garrett James Company, LLC - $116,000.

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City Of Winston-Salem, North
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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.

Attachments: CARF - New Traffic Signal
RES - New Traffic Signal
PBO - Peacehaven & Allistair Signal
Exhibit A - bid list and demographics - Traffic Signal

C-17. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for Bolton Park Renovations (Southwest
Ward) - ASJ Wilson Construction, LLC - $184,400. (Recommended by Finance
Attachments: CARF - Bolton Park Renovations
RES - Bolton Park Renovations
Exhibit A - bid list and demographics - Bolton Park

C-18. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for W.R. Anderson Gym Renovation
(Southeast Ward) - Dalton Contracting, LLC - $206,800. (Recommended by Finance
Attachments: CARF - WR Anderson Gym Renovation
RES - WR Anderson Gym Renovation
Exhibit A - bid list and demographics - W.R. Anderson Gym

C-19. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for Bethania-Freedman’s Park (North Ward) -
Garanco, Inc. - $723,900. (Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Bethania Freedman's Park
RES - Bethania-Freedman's Park
CAC Good Faith Comments Bethania Freedman's Park
Exhibit A - bid list and demographics - Bethania Freedmans Parks

C-20. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for Winston Lake Phase 2 Improvements
(East Ward) - Hodgin Construction Co. - $2,756,195. (Recommended by Finance
Attachments: CARF - Winston Lake Ph 2
RES - Winston Lake Ph 2
Exhibit A - bid list and demographics- Winston Lake Phase 2
CAC Good Faith Comments Winston-Lake Phase II

C-21. Resolution Awarding Contract for the Purchase with Installation of Soccer Field Lighting
(North and Southwest Wards) - Musco Sports Lighting, LLC - $1,117,000.
(Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Soccer Field Lighting
RES - Soccer Field Lighting
Exhibit A - Workforce Demographics - Musco

C-22. Resolution Awarding Purchase Order for Police Pursuit Vehicles - Asheville Ford, LLC -

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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

$2,042,670.60. (Recommended by Finance and Public Safety Committees)

Attachments: CARF - (62) Police Pursuit Vehicles - Ford Interceptor
RES - (62) Police Pursuit Vehicles - Ford Interceptor
Police Vehicle Memo
Exhibit A - Vehicle Replacement Information
Exhibit B - Workforce Demographics - Asheville Ford

C-23. Resolution Awarding Purchase Order for Heavy Duty Low Floor Hybrid Electric Buses -
New Flyer of America, Inc. - $6,348,992. (Recommended by Finance Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Heavy Duty Low Floor Hybrid-Electric Buses
RES - Heavy Duty Low Floor Hybrid-Electric Buses
Exhibit A - Equipment Replacement Information - Hybrid Buses
Exhibit B - Resolution Bus Purchase 2020
Exhibit C - Workforce Demographics - New Flyer - Hybrid Buses
WSTA's Hybrid Bus Benefits

C-24. Resolution Approving an Agreement with Villas at Peace Haven II, LLC. to Maintain a
Decorative Street Lighting System (West Ward). (Recommended by the Public Works
Attachments: CARF - Decorative Lighting Villas at Peace Haven II
RES - Decorative Lighting Villas at Peace Haven II
Agreement - Decorative Lighting Villas At Peace Haven II
Letter - Decorative Lighting Villas at Peace Haven

C-25. Resolution To Support And Adopt The Northern Piedmont Regional Hazard Mitigation
Plan. (Recommended by Public Safety Committee)
Attachments: CARF - Piedmont Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
RES - Piedmont Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
PRESENTATION - Regional Mitigation Plan

C-26. Approval of Summary of Minutes.

Attachments: Summary of Minutes - July 6, 2020

Summary of Minutes - August 3, 2020


G-1. Consideration of Items Regarding the 2020 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant: (Finance and
Public Safety Committees Forwarded this Item Without Recommendation)

Resolution Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Winston-Salem, North

Carolina and the County of Forsyth, North Carolina to Share a 2020 Byrne Justice
Assistance Grant Program Award.

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City Council Agenda August 17, 2020

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North
Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Attachments: 2020 JAG Grant Memo
CARF - 2020 JAG
RES - 2020 JAG
PBO - 2020 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

G-2. Consideration of Items Relating to the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Ordinances for the
City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina: (Finance Committee Forwarded this Item Without

Ordinance Amending the Annual Appropriation and Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of
Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.

Ordinance Amending the Project Budget Ordinance for the City of Winston-Salem, North
Carolina for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Attachments: Forfeiture Funds Memo
Property Insurance Memo
Proposed Area New Roof
CARF - August 2020 Budget Amendment
AATLO - August 2020 Budget Amendment
PBO - August 2020 Budget Amendment

G-3. Mayor Pro Tempore Adams' Recommendation for Reappointment to the Piedmont Triad
Airport Authority:

Mayor Allen Joines - Term Expiring June 2023

Attachments: MPT - Recommendation Piedmont Triad Airport Authority

G-4. Public Comment Period.



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