Practical Approach For Computation: R. Seedher, Senior Member, IEEE J. K. Arora, Member, IEEE
Practical Approach For Computation: R. Seedher, Senior Member, IEEE J. K. Arora, Member, IEEE
Practical Approach For Computation: R. Seedher, Senior Member, IEEE J. K. Arora, Member, IEEE
Hans R. Seedher, Senior Member, IEEE J. K. Arora, Senior Member, IEEE S. K.Soni
Department of Electrical Engbe&ng,- PUIljab
- Engineehg
- College H.P. State Ele&k&y Board
chandigartz India-
[7,8] and S i to that of 191. The method uses simple remote stationsvis a vis that h m the local sources. The current
equations to solve for the current and at the same time removes supplied to the hult by the local sourcesflows through a metallic
limitations of these two methods [7-93. As in [7,8] as well as path consisting of the conductors of the grounding system and
[9], it is assumedthat the ground fault level for buses Within the Connections to the neutrals of the sources of supply, and does
station is known from the short Circuit studies. A computer not contn'bute to grid current. The fault current supplied
program with the symbolic name PAG @racticalbproach for through a transmission line has two paths for returning to the
computation of m d current), which is based on the proposed
method, has been developed and tested. The data requirement
source. A part of it returns to the source through ground wires
of the program is quite simple. and the rest of it flows between grounding system of the station
and the source through earth. The grid current is thus equal to
ILRELATION BETWEEN FAULT the difference of the current fed to the fiiult through transmission
CURRENT AND GRID CURRENT lines and the current diverted by ground wires. Generally for a
power station forming part of an interconnected system, the
The grid ment Ig at a station can be expressed as a product of maximum value of grid current is obtained when the fault is
four factors [ 101 as inside the station [8,9]. An algorithm for determination of
(1) current division factor, when a single line to ground fault occurs
Ig =If Df Cp Sf inside a station, is developed in the following sections of this
If = Symmetrical value (without taking into 8ccount d c paper.
offset) of ground fiiult ament for the fault case resulting IV. MODEL OF GROUND WIRE
in the maximum grid current, A
Dr = Decrement factor to take into 8ccount d c offset A ground wire is connected to the earth at various towers
c, = Corrective projection factor accounting for future through the tower footing resistance. It can be represented by
increase in fault current during the substation life span a ladder network as shown in Figure 1. The impedance zs
Sf= Current division factor, fraction of total ground fault Station ZS ZS zs
current that flows between the grounding system and the
surrounding earth
Values of factors Df and Cp are discussed in IEEE Standard
80 [lo]. For design of ground electrode, the value of fault
duration is usually taken 0.5 second or more for which Df may
be assumed as 1.0. The current projection factor Cp takes
into account the increase in the fault current due to future
Figure 1. Ladder network representation of a ground wire
growth Its value can be estimated fiom the available
projections. The value of fault current at a station depends on the selfimpedance of an average span of ground wire with earth
the type of fault and the fault location. 1, in (1) should return. Each shunt branch has an impedance equal to the
correspond to such a M t location and fault type as result in the average tower footing resistance Rt,. The input impedancez,
greatest flow of current between the grounding system of the of the ground wire can be determined as input impedance of the
station and the surrounding earth. From a parametric study in ladder network consisting of number of sections equal to
[5J, it is concluded that number of spans of the line [l 13. If the number of spans is 20 or
i) for a given fault location, the maximum grid current is more, the network of Figure 1 can be considered as an infinite
generated from single line to ground or double line to ground
ladder network for the purpose of determining its input
fault, and
ii) for practical power systems, the grid currents for single line impedance [SI. Input impedance 2, of infinite ladder network
to ground fault and for double line to ground fault are is [1,8]
approximately equal.
For much higher probability of occurrence, only a single line to
ground fault may be considered for computation of maximum
grid current. The selfimpedanceper metre length of the ground wire can be
obtained as
The current division factor S depends mainly on location Zg=r, + 9.87 x 10-7f +
of f d and on overhead ground m e s connected to the station. j28.94 x 10-7f log,,(D,lGMR) (3)
The former determines contrihtion to the fault current from the
Is = average span length of the line in m
zp = 9 . 8 7 x 10-7f+
j28.94 x 10-7f log,,(De/GMDsep) (6)
* f
1 I F
If /M
rent diversionby ground wire in Figure 2
= R, + Ze, i =J'
Test transformer
Line opened a t X for
&CY 0%
115 kV Line
115 kV I
the test problem
--- To Hommond
(Summer vi \le)
tap line
~ 1 --
12 kV OH
I Feeder
12 kV
Figure 7. Single line schematic diagram of the substation for test problem 3