Ompetence:: I Y B I T W C
Ompetence:: I Y B I T W C
Ompetence:: I Y B I T W C
I F Y O U B U I L D I T, T H E Y W I L L C O M E
When it comes to your profession, where do you consistently perform? Are you a thinker,
doer, or a clutch player? The better you are, the greater potential for influence you will have with
your people.
To improve your competence, do the following:
Get your Head in the Game. If you have been mentally or emotionally detached from your
work, it’s time to reengage. First, your rededicate yourself to job. Determine to give it an
appropriate amount of your undivided attention. Second, figure out why you have been
detached. Do you need new challenges? Are you in conflict with your new boss or
coworkers? Are you in dead-end job? Identify the sources of the problem, and create a plan
to resolve it.
Redefine the Standard. If you are not performing at a consistently high level, reexamine your
standards. Are you shooting too low? Do you cut corners? If so, hit you mental reset button,
and outline more demanding expectations for yourself.
Find Three Ways to Improve. Nobody keeps improving without being intentional about it. Do
a little research to find three things you can do improve your professional skills. Then
dedicate the time and money to follow through on them.
I read an editorial in Texas Business not long ago that said, “We are truly the lost generation,
huffing and puffing down the fast track to nowhere, always looking to the dollar sign for
direction. That’s the only standard we recognize. We have no built-in beliefs, no ethical
You’re only as good as your private standards. When was the last time you gave a task
your absolute best even though nobody but you would know about it?
Extra Notes:
Thing Learnt After Reading the Chapter
Don’t wait to be told.
Learn to ask questions.
Perform to the best of your ability. (F4)
The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
Is defined as knowledge, skill and specifications which can cause one person to act better,
not considering his special proficiency in that job.
Capable of performing a task or job effectively.
To ignore in a disrespectful manner.
To dislike strongly.
Synonyms: Despises, Disregards, Flouts
The quality of being badly and carelessly made, using low quality materials.
Of poor quality or inferior workmanship.
The property of weakness by virtue of careless construction.
The quality of being cheaply imitative of something better.
Synonyms: inferior, shameful, poor, cheap, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable,
trashiness, worthlessness.
A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour.
The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially
when considered as an academic discipline.
Is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values,
reason, mind, and language. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or
resolved. Comes from the Greek word: φιλοσοφία, Philosophia – love of wisdom
Is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It works by asking very
basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the
connections between them. The ideas in philosophy are often general and abstract.
Synonyms: Doctrine, Principles, Values, Theory, Thought, Viewpoint, Knowledge,
Leadership Competencies
Leading the organization:
- Managing change
- Solving problems and making decisions
- Managing politics and influencing others
- Taking risks and innovating
- Setting vision and strategy
- Managing the work
- Enhancing business skills and knowledge
- Understanding and navigating the organization
Leading the self:
- Demonstrating ethics and integrity
- Displaying drive and purpose
- Exhibiting leadership stature
- Increasing your capacity to learn
- Managing yourself
- Increasing self-awareness
- Developing adaptability
Leading others:
- Communicating effectively
- Developing others
- Valuing diversity and difference
- Building and maintaining relationships
- Managing effective teams and work groups
Global Executive Competencies:
- Open-minded and flexible in thought and tactics
- Cultural interest and sensitivity
- Able to deal with complexity
- Resilient, resourceful, optimistic and energetic
- Honesty and Integrity
- Stable personal life
- Value-added technical or business skills