Blood Relation #07
Blood Relation #07
Blood Relation #07
SET 1:Mohan and Usha are married. Rani is the daughter of Usha’s brother. Vikas is the Father-in-law of Mohan. How
is Rani’s brother Nitin related to Vikas’s wife?
a. Grandson b. Son c. Cousin d. Cannot be Determined.
SET 2:If Alok is the Father of Nisha’s Husband’s brother, then how is Maria, the mother of Nisha’s husband related to
Nisha’s daughter?
a. Aunt b. Sister-in-Law c. Mother d. Grandmother
SET 3: Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Ajay said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mother's father."
How is the girl's mother related to Ajay ?
A) Mother B) Sister C) Aunt D) Grandmother E) None of these
SET5: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
P $ Q means ‘P is the mother of Q’
P @ Q means ‘Q is the wife of P’
P # Q means ‘P is the father of Q’
P % Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’
SET 6: A, B, C, D, E and F are all sitting in a circle. A is the father of F and D is the sibling of F. B is F’s wife. Also,
E is the uncle of F and C is the grandfather of F. Answer the following questions:
A. What is the relation of B to A?
a) Brother –in –law b) Daughter c) Daughter-in-law d) None of these
B. How is E related to C?
a) Son b) Daughter c) Cousins d )None of these