Ekor - Soft: Configuration Software For Protection and Integrated Control Units
Ekor - Soft: Configuration Software For Protection and Integrated Control Units
Ekor - Soft: Configuration Software For Protection and Integrated Control Units
Configuration Software for protection
and integrated control units
General instructions
IG-155-EN, version 03, 09/08/2017
When medium-voltage equipment is operating, certain components are live, other parts may be in movement and some may
reach high temperatures. Therefore, the use of this equipment poses electrical, mechanical and thermal risks.
In order to ensure an acceptable level of protection for people and property, and in compliance with applicable environmental
recommendations, Ormazabal designs and manufactures its products according to the principle of integrated safety, based on
the following criteria:
• Elimination of hazards wherever possible.
• Where elimination of hazards is neither technically nor economically feasible, appropriate protection functions are
incorporated in the equipment.
• Communication about remaining risks to facilitate the design of operating procedures which prevent such risks,
training for the personnel in charge of the equipment, and the use of suitable personal protective equipment.
• Use of recyclable materials and establishment of procedures for the disposal of equipment and components so
that once the end of their service lives is reached, they are duly processed in accordance, as far as possible, with the
environmental restrictions established by the competent authorities.
Consequently, the equipment to which the present manual refers complies with the requirements of section 11.2 of Standard
IEC 62271-1. It must therefore only be operated by appropriately qualified and supervised personnel, in accordance with the
requirements of standard EN 50110-1 on the safety of electrical installations and standard EN 50110-2 on activities in or near
electrical installations. Personnel must be fully familiar with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual and in other
recommendations of a more general nature which are applicable to the situation according to current legislation[1].
The above must be carefully observed, as the correct and safe operation of this equipment depends not only on its design but also
on general circumstances which are in general beyond the control and responsibility of the manufacturer. More specifically:
• The equipment must be handled and transported appropriately from the factory to the place of installation.
• All intermediate storage should occur in conditions which do not alter or damage the characteristics of the equipment
or its essential components.
• Service conditions must be compatible with the equipment rating.
• The equipment must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions given in the manual, and the applicable
operating and safety principles must be clearly understood.
• Maintenance should be performed properly, taking into account the actual service and environmental conditions in
the place of installation.
The manufacturer declines all liability for any significant indirect damages resulting from violation of the guarantee, under any
jurisdiction, including loss of income, stoppages and costs resulting from repair or replacement of parts.
The manufacturer guarantees this product against any defect in materials and operation during the contractual period. In the
event that defects are detected, the manufacturer may opt either to repair or replace the equipment. Improper handling of this
equipment and its repair by the user shall constitute a violation of the guarantee.
Registered Trademarks and Copyrights
All registered trademarks cited in this document are the property of their respective owners. The intellectual property of this manual
belongs to Ormazabal.
For example, in Spain the “Regulation on technical conditions and guarantees for safety in high-voltage electrical installations” – Royal Decree
337/2014 is obligatory.
In view of the constant evolution in standards and design, the characteristics of the elements contained in this manual are subject
to change without prior notice. These characteristics, as well as the availability of components, are subject to confirmation by
General instructions Contents
1. General description....................................................4
2. Installation..................................................................7
5. Establishing communications..................................23
6. Unit emulation..........................................................27
1. General description
The ekor.soft configuration Software is a help tool for a. ekor.rp: Settings of functions 50/51/50N/51N/
setting and monitoring the parameters in the ekor.rp[2], 50Ns/51Ns.
protection, metering and control units, as well as in the b. ekor.rci: Settings for fault detection and voltage
ekor.rci integrated control units, which are developed by presence indication.
c. ekor.rp.ci: Setting of functions 50/51/50N/51N/
50Ns/51Ns and 79[3], as well as voltage presence
d. ekor.rps/ekor.rps-tcp: Setting of the protection
functions that, depending on the particular model,
may incorporate the following functions: 67/67 N +
46/46 FA + 50 BF (three phase) + 74 TC/CC + 67 NS +
67 NA + 49 + 51 V + Cold Load Pickup + 50 CSC +
68 FF + 59 + 27 + 47 + 59N + 81 M/m + 81R + 25 + 32.
4. Display of the status of the inputs.
5. Direct actuation on the outputs of the ekor.rci and
ekor.rp.ci units.
6. Creation of setting files in «Emulation»[4], mode,
enabling to save the units’ setting files configured in
«Connection» mode. Additionally, ekor.soft enables
to open the files generated in «Connection» as well
as «Emulation» and to upload files to the unit to be
Figure 1.1. ekor.soft Software screens configured.
7. Printing of the resulting settings curve (in ekor.rp and
ekor.soft includes the following functions:
ekor.rp.ci units) as well as recording of these settings in
1. Display of the phase currents and zero-sequence a MS Word text document.
measurements carried out by the equipment: I1, I2, I3, I0. 8. Display of the event log of the faults detected by the
2. Presentation of the voltage detection status (presence/ protection or integrated control unit.
absence) in integrated control units (ekor.rci and 9. Carrying out of input/output tests from a dispatching
ekor.rpci). centre [5].
3. Settings for the available protection and detection
Including the ekor.rpt, ekor.rpg, ekor.rpt.ci, ekor.rpg.ci units and Ormazabal’s ekor.rps and ekor.rps-tc Substations protection units.
In the «Emulation» mode, there is no communication with the protection or integrated control unit.
The ekor.soft configuration Software has four operating 3. Event log: Displays the parameters of both the last
modes: and penultimate detected fault and the total number
of trips executed by the protection unit, or the total
1. Display: Displays the status of the connected number of faults detected by the corresponding
protection or integrated control unit, including integrated control unit. The ekor.rps units enable to
electrical measurements, settings configured at that display the following:
moment, date and time. The «Emulation» mode shows
a. Events
the empty fields.
b. Faults
2. User settings: It enables the modification of the different
protection or fault detection parameters. c. Disturbances
4. Test mode: Enables to generate information for the
protection or integrated control unit inputs/outputs,
without direct electrical interaction with the switchgear
adjoining terminal blocks, so it can be sent to the
dispatching centre without having to cut off power[6].
• Processor: Pentium II
• RAM: 32 Mb
• Operating System: MS WINDOWS
• RS232 serial port
As an option, the protection and integrated control units may incorporate an additional remote control RS485 optical fibre port.
2. Installation
After executing ekor.soft and through the «Operation The «Operation mode» selection screen also includes the
mode» selection screen, the user selects between the following options::
«Connection» or «Emulation» options.
1. «Change Password»: Enables to change the password
1. «Connection» mode: Enables to communicate with an for accessing ekor.soft.
ekor.rps, ekor.rps-tcp, ekor.rp, ekor.rp.ci or ekor.rci[8] 2. «Communications»[9]: Enables to modify the parameters
unit that is connected to the PC. required for establishing communications between
2. «Emulation» mode: There are no protection or ekor.rp, ekor.rp.ci and ekor.rci protection or integrated
integrated control units connected to the PC. ekor.soft control units.
enables to emulate any unit model.
1. Display
2. User settings
3. Event log
4. Test mode
5. Exit
6. Help
The «Display» menu enables to display the different The following parameters are available in the «Display»
parameters available in ekor.rp, ekor.rp.ci and ekor.rci menu:
protection or integrated control, but they cannot be
modified[10]. The «Emulation» mode shows the fields 1. Current reading
highlighted in grey. 2. Presence of voltage (for units with voltage presence/
absence indication)
3. Settings for the protection or integrated control unit
4. Firmware version
5. Date and time.
The screen shows all the parameters. Those which are not available in the protection or integrated control unit are not accessible. Example: If
the unit does not include integrated control, the voltage presence option is not available.
The «Display» menu shows the current measurements protection or integrated control unit in the «Connection»
of the 3 phases and the zero-sequence recorded by the mode in real time.
This specific field of the ekor.rci and ekor.rp.ci, integrated in each of the phases as detected by the protection or
control units displays the presence or absence of voltage integrated control unit in the «Connection» mode.
«Send time»: Enables the user to load the date and time of
the protection or integrated control unit.
4.1.4. Settings
Operating system.
The «User settings» menu enables to access and modify The allowed functions are the following:
the protection and fault detection settings of the protection
and integrated control units. 1. Modification of the setting parameters of the protection
or integrated control units in «Manual» or «Automatic»
When the «Connection» mode is selected, the different mode.
settings are Password [11] protected. 2. System settings display, such as: the date of the last
setting, the toroidal transformers associated to the
The «User settings» screen is specific to the type of unit
configured protection or integrated control unit, along
available and, depending on the model, it incorporates a
with its current range and type of coupling for the
series of enabled/disabled options
voltage presence/absence detection.
3. Loading, saving and printing of the settings, as well as
printing of the configured settings resulting curve, etc.
The default Password is «0000» (4 zeros) and the user can change it
The «User settings» option enables the user to modify general instructions (IG) documents corresponding to each
the protection or detection parameters. The meaning of particular unit, as shown in the table below.
each setting along with its range of values is listed in the
Type IG
Model Setting
of unit associated
ekor.rpg/ekor.rpt 101, 102 50/51 IG-159
201, 202 50/51 + 50N/51N
301, 302 50/51 + 50Ns/51Ns
ekor.rpg 10 x 1, 10 x 2 50/51+79 IG-157
20 x 1, 20 x 2 50/51 + 50N 51N +79
30 x 1, 30 x 2 50/51 + 50Ns/51Ns +79
ekor.rpt 10 x 1 50/51 IG-157
20 x 1 50/51 + 50N/51N
30 x 1 50/51 + 50Ns/51Ns
ekor.rci 10 x 2 Phase-to-phase fault indication IG-158
20 x 2 Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth fault indication
(Non-directional or directional)
30 x 2 Phase-to-phase & phase-to-earth fault indication (Ns)
(Non-directional or directional)
ekor.rps/ekor.rps-tcp ---- 67/67 N + 67 NS + 67 NA + 46/46 FA + depending on the unit model. IG-150
1. Manual
2. Automatic
1. «Manual mode»: The user introduces the desired value Figure 4.9. Table settings
for each one of the possible settings.
2. «Automatic mode»: Accessible from the «Table ekor.soft uses the following algorithm for calculating the
settings» button, is of great help to the user. Available protection values in «Automatic» mode:
only for the protection units of the ekor.rp range
1. Selection of the full load current, which requires
(including the integrated control models).
calculating the rated current (resulting from the
3. «Table Settings»:The user should insert 2 basic data of transformer power and the line voltage), using the
the electrical installation: following formula:
a. Power of the transformer to be protected (Pt).
b. Line voltage (Ur). Pt
In =
(Tr × 3 )
After both parameters have been introduced, ekor.soft
calculates the most appropriate protection settings once
2. Rounding up the result to obtain the full load current
the values are obtained, the user may modify those values
he deems appropriate, always in «Manual» mode.
3. The rest of setting values are fixed as indicated in the
following table. The user can modify any of the selected
values in «Automatic» mode (this is equivalent to
insert parameters in «Manual» mode).
Via the «Reeng»[12] option of the «User settings» menu, parameters configured for the recloser function can be
it is possible to set the different recloser functions that displayed and modified.
are available in the ekor.rpg.ci protection units. All the
The ekor.rci and ekor.rp.ci units enable to modify the «Line associated to the voltage presence indication function,
voltage» (Ur) and «Voltage time delay» (Tu) parameters through the «User settings» screen.
The inputs and outputs screen is specific to the ekor.rci and Via the inputs and outputs screen, it is possible to view the
ekor.rp.ci integrated control units and is accessible from the status of the inputs and act directly upon the outputs.
«User settings» screen by pressing the «I/O» button.
The different recloser function parameters, as well as its range of values, are listed in Ormazabal’s IG-157 General instructions document.
There are 2 possible configurations: To act upon a specific output, the following mode must be
1. 5 I/7 O (5 inputs and 7 outputs)
2. 10 I/4 O (10 inputs and 4 outputs) 1. Access ekor.soft in the «Connection» mode
2. Insert the access Password
3. Double click on the required output.
ekor.soft enables to print the different settings values to an ekor.soft enables to store the different settings values to
«MS Word» text document or directly to a printer via the a settings file or load them from a settings file generated
«Print settings» option. beforehand. These operations can be carried out via the
«Save settings» and «Load settings» options.
The different parameters for this function as well as its range of configurable values are listed in Ormazabal’s IG-158 General instructions
The «Event log» screen shows the information stored in The data stored is shown in the following table:
the protection or integrated control unit relative to the last
2 trips performed or the last 2 faults detected.
This option enables to test the operability of the signals/ ekor.soft enables to force status inputs that are opposite
indications in simulation mode. to their «real» status or modify the indications generating
statuses that are not met at that time (for example, indicate
«Input tests»: Obtains an image of the instantaneous that the switch is open when it is actually closed).
status of the physical inputs detected. The inputs that
remain active are labelled in red and those that are inactive In order to modify the status of the indications, double
are labelled in white. click on the input or inputs to be modified, which will be
highlighted in grey.
This option enables to test the operability of the outputs/ From this moment on, the commands received from the
commands in simulation mode. dispatching centre are displayed without assigning them to
the corresponding physical outputs.
«Output test»: It obtains an image of the instantaneous
status of the physical outputs as well as of the commands of After exiting the «Output tests» screen, the normal mode
the protection or integrated control unit. The outputs that of operation is re-set and any order/command received is
remain active are labelled in red and those that are inactive assigned to the physical output and/or change of status.
are labelled in white.
The modifications carried out in «Test mode» do not affect
the «Real» configuration of the protection or integrated
control unit.
The ekor.soft/SIPCON Software tree menu is accessible The ekor.soft/SIPCON menu tree enables access to:
after selecting «Protections», by pressing the button
located on the lower left hand side of the screen as shown 1. Protection unit status: Access to the input/output/leds
in the figure below. statuses, status of the protection functions, etc.
2. Events, faults and disturbances.
3. Protection unit adjustments.
5. Establishing communications
Communications between the PC and the protection the PC); that enables communication between the PC serial
or integrated control unit is established via a flat serial ports and the front port of the protection or integrated
communications cable or point to point (DB9 male for the control unit.
protection or integrated control unit and DB9 female for
In order to establish communication with the protection In order to establish communications, the «Communications
or integrated control unit connected to the PC, proceed as configuration» parameters of the protection or integrated
follows: control unit and ekor.soft must coincide.
1. Connect the communication cable between the PC and 6. ekor.soft enables to set up the parameters in «Manual»
the protection or integrated control unit. and «Automatic» mode.
2. Start ekor.soft from the PC by double clicking on the a. Automatic mode: Via the ekor.soft «Search»
corresponding icon. option, carry out the automatic searching of the
3. Select the «Operation mode» selection option. protection or integrated control unit connected to
the PC trying out different configurations.
4. Select the «Communications» option.
b. Manual mode: The user selects the parameters that
5. Select the «Communications Configuration» option
ensure proper communications with the protection
to set up the communications with the protection or
or integrated control unit, in accordance with the
integrated control unit connected to the PC.
following table:
With the exception of the «Port» (which is the connection port to the PC), the rest of parameters are configurations that are inherent to
the protection or integrated control unit.
By default, ekor.soft has the same parameters as the protection or integrated control units.
The peripheral number «0» is reserved for «broadcast» messages.
In order to establish communication with the protection 4. The ekor.rps «Operation mode» screen enables to
unit connected to the PC, proceed as follows: select between the «Configuration and display»
modes and the «Test mode». The ekor.rps-tcp unit
1. Connect the communication cable between the PC and directly accesses the «Configuration and display»
the protection unit. mode.
2. Start ekor.soft from the PC by double clicking on the
corresponding icon.
3. In the «Operation mode» selection screen, select the
corresponding ekor.rps or ekor.rps-tcp protection
unit in the «Relay type» dropdown menu and press
5. After selecting «Configuration and display», ekor. 8. Select «Protections» from the ekor.soft/SIPCON’s
soft automatically accesses the ekor.soft/SIPCON main main menu.
screen. 9. Under «Communication type», select the «Direct»
option and «OK».
11. ekor.soft/SIPCON connects with the protection unit 12. After pressing the «Protection console» button,
and displays the search results on the screen: communications are established between ekor.soft
and the protection unit. The «Protection console» is
displayed on the screen, which provides a general view
of the status of the protection unit.
13. By pressing the tree menu access button (lower left side
of the ekor.soft/SIPCON’s main screen), the different
options offered by the ekor.soft/SIPCON menus tree
can be accessed: The protection unit can be adjusted,
«Event logs» can be accessed, etc.
6. Unit emulation
Emulation of the units is carried out directly from the module (100, 101, …, 302, 1000, …, 3032, 1000 – D, …,
«Operation mode» selection screen by selecting both 3032-D) that wants to be emulated.
the relay type (ekor.rpg, ekor.rpt or ekor.rci) and the relay
The emulation of the ekor.rps and ekor.rps-tcp units follow 3. From the ekor.soft/SIPCON main menu, select the
a similar sequence as the establishing of communications «Installations» option with the «Ormazabal ekor.rps
with these units[16]. models generic» option and press «Exit».
4. Press «Protections», and select the model of the
1. Select the «Emulation» option of the corresponding
protection unit to be emulated from the «Position»
ekor.rps or ekor.rps-tcp unit from the «Operation
dropdown menu.
mode» selection screen and press «Accept».
5. After pressing the «Ok» button, it opens the
2. ekor.soft automatically accesses the ekor.soft/
«Protections console» screen, which displays the
SIPCON’s main screen pressing the «Configuration»
protection unit’s status.
button select the «Off line» option of the «Connection»
section and press «Accept».
Figure 6.1. ekor.soft/SIPCON
Refer to section 5.2.2 of this document, «ekor.rps and ekor.rps-tcp units», steps 1 and 2..