Ewing HS Music Appreciation-Bach To Rock G9-12 PDF

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The Ewing Public Schools

2099 Pennington Road
Ewing, NJ 08618

BOE Approval Date: February 25, 2019 Michael Nitti

Revised by: EHS Music Teachers Superintendent

In accordance with The Ewing Public Schools’ Policy 2230, Course Guides, this
curriculum has been reviewed and found to be in compliance with all policies and all
affirmative action criteria.


Preface 3

Course Description and Rationale 4

21st Century Life and Careers 5

Scope of Essential Learning:

Unit 1: Elements of Music 6

Unit 2: Music Technology 9

Unit 3: Film and Video Game Music 12

Unit 4: World Music 15

Unit 5: Guitar Performance 17

Unit 6: Song Writing 20

Unit 7: Social Issues as they relate to music 22

Unit 8: History of Music: Baroque Era 25

Unit 9: History of Music: Classical Era 27

Unit 10: History of Music: Rock, R&B and Motown 30

Unit 11: History of Music: Hip Hop Music 33

21st Century Skills & Career Readiness Practices 35


This curriculum guide is intended to provide vertical and horizontal framework for
the music program of the Ewing Township Public Schools. It is designed to identify
the essential components needed by teachers when they prepare instruction in
musical theater which will best meet the needs of their students. The teacher’s
knowledge of the students’ level of development, learning styles and general
readiness to learn should be the guiding factors in selecting the most appropriate
ways to reach the goals and objectives defined by the guide.

The textbook for Music Appreciation is Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives,
which comes with a CD resource package. The textbook is intended to provide
resources to the teacher in preparation of instructional activities. Teachers should
feel free to integrate other resources where appropriate as long as they are
consistent with the goals and philosophy as outlined. Integration of concepts and
skills into other content areas is encouraged to stimulate real-life experiences and

All students are not the same. They have different needs, learning styles and levels
of readiness. Therefore, teachers will need to make choices in planning instruction
so that the needs of each student are addressed and the scope of the curriculum is


Music Appreciation is a course designed to give students a comprehensive look at

music from ancient Greek civilization through hip hop music of today. This course
is open to all students, regardless of their past musical background. The goal of
Music Appreciation is to help students understand how the music of today is linked
to the past.

The course begins with a review of music elements to provide a basic foundation for
discussion. The first half of the course centers on the history of Western music,
beginning with the music of the ancient Greeks and ending with current classical

The second half of the course examines various types of popular music of the 20th
century including jazz, rock and roll and pop. Music Appreciation is a full semester
class that meets every day in 87-minute blocks.

21st Century Life and Careers
In today's global economy, students need to be lifelong learners who have the
knowledge and skills to adapt to an evolving workplace and world. To address these
demands, Standard 9, 21st Century Life and Careers, which includes the 12 Career
Ready Practices, establishes clear guidelines for what students need to know and be
able to do in order to be successful in their future careers and to achieve financial

The 12 Career Ready Practices

These practices outline the skills that all individuals need to have to truly be
adaptable, reflective, and proactive in life and careers. These are researched
practices that are essential to career readiness.
9.1 Personal Financial Literacy
This standard outlines the important fiscal knowledge, habits, and skills that must
be mastered in order for students to make informed decisions about personal
finance. Financial literacy is an integral component of a student's college and career
readiness, enabling students to achieve fulfilling, financially-secure, and successful
9.2 Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation
This standard outlines the importance of being knowledgeable about one's interests
and talents, and being well informed about postsecondary and career options,
career planning, and career requirements.

Technology Integration

8.1 Educational Technology

All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate and create and
communicate knowledge.

8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, Design and Computational

Thinking - Programming
All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology,
engineering, technological design, computational thinking and the designed world
as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.

ELA Integration - The Research Simulation Task requires students to analyze an

informational topic through several articles or multimedia stimuli. Students read
and respond to a series of questions and synthesize information from multiple
sources in order to write an analytic essay.

Companion Standards - History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects (9-


Why Is This Unit Important?

This introduction to listening and appreciating music focuses on creating a

foundation of knowledge and vocabulary for discussing and analyzing musical
performances and experiences. A review of basic music elements ensures that all
students understand basic musical concepts. A study in the various ways in which
one can listen to music generates discussion about the role of music in one’s life.
Acquiring criteria to explore the performances one hears rounds out the review of
music fundamentals.

Enduring Understandings:

 Students will learn definitions of musical elements such as melody, pitch,

rhythm and beat and identify them through active listening.
 Students will be able to correctly use musical element terms in writing.
 Students will explore concepts of rhythm including beat, meter and accents.
 Students will identify the sound of instruments and be able to assign them to
a family.
 Students will define and identify the different types of voice.
 Students will explore the similarities and differences in different musical
 Students will discuss characteristics of classical, traditional and popular
 Students will explore a variety of ways in which to listen to music.
 Students will learn how to listen to music while protecting their hearing.
 Students will acquire criteria for evaluating music performances.

Essential Questions:

 What vocabulary is necessary to discuss music?

 What are rhythm and meter?
 How are instruments and voice types classified?
 How can different types of music be classified?
 Can one listen to music in different ways?
 How can one listen to music safely?
 How does one evaluate a performance?

Acquired Knowledge:

 Melody, pitch, rhythm and beat are the essential building blocks of music.
 All instruments are assigned to a family.
 The three main genres of music are classical, traditional and popular.
 The experience of listening to music differs depending on the way in which
one listens and whether one listens alone or in the company of others.
 There are a variety of ways to protect one’s hearing when listening to and
making music.
 There is set criteria for evaluating music performances.

Acquired Skills:

 Identify, use and write with musical terms correctly.

 Identify and perform elements of rhythm and meter.
 Identify instruments and voices.
 Classify music into various categories.
 Identify music as various genres and subgenres.
 Make appropriate decisions as to the type of listening applicable in a


Formative Assessment:

● Quiz
● Writing tasks
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Writing Assignment

 Students will write a letter to a famous musician, using elements of

music to describe their music.

Benchmark Assessment:

● Research Simulation Task

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 and B.2

1.2.12.A.2 and B.1
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Music time capsule, listening activities, STOMP

● In-Class Activities: Listening, reading, direct instruction, discussion,
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Writing music reviews
● Home-Link Activities: Discussing musical tastes with family members
● Possible Dilemmas: Uncomfortable talking about different religions
● Accommodations: Reading outlines, vocabulary lists, oral assessment
● Extensions: Research into music critic careers, researching history of
various musical instruments


Why Is This Unit Important?

Music technology has become a staple part of the Music industry in the 21st century.
As music develops, so does the technology surrounding how we create, listen and
produce music. It is important for students to understand the full scope of music
technology to understand where the music they listen to comes from.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will identify the vocabulary of GarageBand.

● Students will learn the role GarageBand in contemporary music.
● Students will explore the role of Audacity and other music production
● Students will be able to explain the use of loops in creating a song.
● Students will trace the development of electronic music.
● Students will be able to distinguish between produced music and live music.
● Students will create various styles of music using GarageBand and other
● Students will identify the uses of instrumental music in the music production
● Students will trace the development of music production software.

Essential Questions:

● How do musicians create music in the 21st century?

● How does technology influence music?
● What were ways in which we can use technology to create music?
● How did written musical notation evolve?
● Why is most commonly used musical software?
● What are the most commonly used production software?
● How do you splice music together in Audacity?
● How do you pair loops to create music in GarageBand?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Music technology is a foundation of music in todays society.

● Pitch and rhythm are a part of GarageBand usage.
● Music producers cut and splice to create the perfect mix.
● Music loops are used in GarageBand to create songs.
● The rise of instrumental electronic music was brought on by growth in
● Instrumental music in GarageBand is often used in festivals.
● Polyphony is commonly used in GarageBand.
● GarageBand is an easy way to create music.

Acquired Skills:

● Develop and create a song on GarageBand.


Formative Assessment:

● Quiz
● Writing tasks
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Project

 Create a GarageBand loop song

 Splice and adjust using Audacity

Benchmark assessment:

 Evaluation of peer GarageBand projects

o Peer revision

Alternative Assessment:

 Kahoot

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

 Google Classroom
 Garage Band
 Audacity

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 1.3.12.B.2 and B.3

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2 1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and B.1

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: List knowledge of music technology

● In-Class Activities: Listening activities, reading, direct instrument, musical
notation activity, media center research
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Reading poetry
● Home-Link Activities: Using Splyce students may experiment with
different styles of beats to use in classroom projects.
● Possible Dilemmas: Computer access
● Accommodations: Reading guides, vocabulary sheets, oral testing, simplify
● Extensions: Research into further technologies (Sibelius, Finale) and


Why Is This Unit Important?

Video Games and film play important roles in the lives of the students. It is
important for students to understand how the composers of video game and film
music use music to manipulate the viewers’ feelings and emotions. By exploring
the process of composing music and sound for television and film, students will
better understand how this music affects their lives.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will learn about the history of commercial jingles.

● Students will discuss the current status of commercial jingles and future
● Students will describe the origins and development of music in games and
● Students will identify ways in which music enhances the dramatic action in a
game or film.
● Students will describe the process that is used to match music and sound to

Essential Questions:

● When did commercial jingles begin?

● How is music used in commercials to influence the viewers’ buyer habits?
● Why is music used in films?
● How has music in films changed over the years?
● What is the process for creating and recording music and sound for film and

Acquired Knowledge:

● Music can be used to manipulate feelings, emotions and buying habits.

● Film music began with the earliest films and has evolved as technology has
● Music is used in film to describe settings and characters, to create continuity,
to add intensity to situations and to both foreshadow events and remember
past ones.
● Sound effects are also an important part of film and television and involve a
variety of technologies.

Acquired Skills:

● Identify musical themes in films

● Create commercial jingles


Formative Assessment:

● Quiz
● Writing tasks
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Project

 Students will set a movie to music

Benchmark assessment:

● Research Simulation Task

 Writing jingles

Alternative Assessment:

 Kahoot

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

 Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 and B.2

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.3
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activities

● In-Class Activities: Listen to commercial jingles and TV themes, reading,
watching full-length film for music analysis, writing commercial jingles
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Writing lyrics to commercial jingles,
five-paragraph essay format
● Home-Link Activities: Watching television and noting how music is used
● Possible Dilemmas: Students who don’t watch or have televisions
● Accommodations: Alternative to writing commercial jingles, oral
assessment Instead of writing essay
● Extensions: Create entire commercial and film it, research into sound


Why Is This Unit Important?

Much of western culture has been influenced by our neighbors in the east. It is
important for our students to understand World Music, so that they may see how
western music has developed. It is important for students to understand the
development of instruments and musical styles from African, South American and
Asian countries.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will be able to describe instrumental adaptation from Africa, Asia

and South America.
● Students will be able to identify how World music has influenced our culture.
● Students will explore various instruments and musical styles of other

Essential Questions:

● What instruments do other countries use?

● What values do other countries place on music?
● What is the purpose of music in the world?
● What influence has world music had on Western Popular music?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Instruments do more than make music; they are used to communicate in

● Music is used as a form of social life in most eastern countries.
● There are strong relationships between African and Caribbean music, which
influence Reggaeton in America.
● The percussion instruments in South America influenced the marching
instruments of America.
● Music transcends borders, all music is connected in some way.

Acquired Skills:

● Recognize how life music transcends borders.

● Synthesize how the use of instruments varies from country to country


Formative Assessments:

● Quiz
● Aural Presentation
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Test

Benchmark assessment:

● Research Simulation Task

 Researching a particular culture and the music which best represents
them and presenting to the class

Alternative Assessment:

 Socrative

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.2 1.2.12.A.1 and A.2

1.4.12. A.2, A.3, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Play Western pop music for recognition

● In-Class Activities: Reading, listening, direct instruction
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: RST
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of use of music in civic life
● Possible Dilemmas: Discussion of religious ideas
● Accommodations: Reading guides, vocabulary lists, oral assessment
● Extensions: Further research into individual cultures and their influence


Why Is This Unit Important?

Performance is a standard part of music education. It is important for students to

understand how to practice and get better, so they may better understand how
musical idols achieve success. Students will also understand the difficulty of
learning a musical instrument, and the necessary skills that come with learning an

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will identify how to play basic chords on the guitar.

● Students will identify how to practice.
● Students will learn essential strumming patterns.
● Students will explore how to read lead sheet music.
● Students will explore how to play simple picked and strummed songs.

Essential Questions:

● How does the guitar make sound?

● What are the different parts of the guitar?
● How does a chord work on the guitar?
● How do you read lead sheet music?
● How do you read basic tablature music?

Acquired Knowledge:

● The acoustic guitar resonated through the body as the strings vibrate to
create sound.
● An electric guitar’s strings vibrate over a pickup. This sends electrical signals
to an amplifier, which amplifies the sound.
● Chords are made up of individual notes strummed together.
● To read lead sheet, you read the chords of the song played over the lyrics of
song. The lyrics tell a player when to strum the guitar.
● Tablature tells a player on which string to play each note.

Acquired Skills:

● Play Guitar


Formative Assessments:

● Quiz
● Aural Chord Identifier
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Playing Test

 Students will play a song

Benchmark assessment:

● Research Simulation Task

 Research a professional guitar player an their career

Alternative Assessment:

 Modified playing test

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom
● Guitar

NJSLS Standards:

1.3.12.B.1 and B.2 and B.3 and B.4

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activities

● In-Class Activities: Chord practice charts
● Home-Link Activities: Research, practice
● Possible Dilemmas: Availability of guitars
● Accommodations: Reading guides, chord charts
● Extensions: Research into guitarists


Why Is This Unit Important?

Music writing is a valid career exploration option in which students can be

expressive in many ways. This allows for students to explore poetry, lyric writing
music writing and percussion exploration.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will compare different music writing styles.

● Students will explore how words impact the music that is written.
● Students will learn about and create music based on poetry they read.
● Students will define, compose and perform music.

Essential Questions:

● How do we use words to create music?

● What is the step by step process in writing music?
● When writing music, how can a team work together to be successful?
● What are the most important aspects of writing a song?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Music writing takes multiple people. A lyricist as well as a song writer and
performer. Each person has their own role to play.
● Song writing starts with the words. It is the song writer’s job to create music
that fits with the words.
● Teamwork is essential in creating a song.

Acquired Skills:

● Read and interpret poetry

● Write music based on words


Formative Assessments:

● Quiz
● Writing tasks
● Partner pair share

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Project
 Write a song based on poetry or pre-written lyrics

Benchmark assessment:

● Record composed song using Audacity/GarageBand

Alternative Assessment:

 Modified song writing

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.4
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activities

● In-Class Activities: YouTube videos, reading, listening, composition
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Reading poetry
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of how global events may have changed
musical tastes
● Possible Dilemmas: Discussion of war, cultural differences
● Accommodations: Reading guides, vocabulary lists, oral assessment


Why Is This Unit Important?

Music has always played a role in social and political movements. The study and
discussion of music used in social and political demonstrations allows students to
not only look at these important historical events, but also discover the ways in
which music influences people.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will define protest music.

● Students will describe the role of music in carrying the messages of social
and political movements in the U.S., South Africa and Chile.
● Students will explore the history of “We Shall Overcome”.
● Students will learn about the careers of various artists.

Essential Questions:

● What is protest music?

● How has music been used to protest social changes, war and political
● What is the origin of the song “We Shall Overcome”?
● Who are some important protest artists?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Protest music is linked to movements of change.

● Music has been used to support and protest war, in the civil rights
movement, during Apartheid, for environmental change, during the AIDS
crisis and for many other movements.
● “We Shall Overcome” is a famous civil rights songs that has its roots in the
labor movement.
● Pete Seeger and Joan Baez are two famous artists associated with protest

Acquired Skills:

● Evaluate effectiveness of various protest songs

● Write lyrics to protest songs


Formative Assessments:

● Quiz
● Writing tasks
● Partner pair share
● Discussion

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Test

Benchmark Assessment:

 Research

 Research and present on a social movement and the music that relates
to it.

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 and B.2

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.3
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences /Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activities

● In-Class Activities: Listening activities, reading, podcasts, YouTube videos
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Writing lyrics, analyzing lyrics associate
with various movements
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of social and political movements with
community members
● Possible Dilemmas: Students disagreeing with stance taken by various
songs and artists, discussion of war, civil rights, political movements
● Accommodations: Reading guides, vocabulary lists, oral assessment
● Extensions: Composer and perform protest song, research historical


Why Is This Unit Important?

Baroque music is probably the earliest “classical” music students recognize. Its
music remains popular today at restaurants and in weddings, movies, television and
even sampled by hip hop artists. Understanding the basic elements of Baroque
music allows students to easily identify the music and appreciate it.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will be able to identify the basso continuo and label the instruments
in a basso continuo group.
● Students will be able to label and classify the differences between Baroque
opera, oratorio and cantata.
● Students will explore the development of the concerto and identify its use in
contemporary music.
● Students will identify and discuss contributions of Vivaldi, Bach and Handel to

Essential Questions:

● What distinguishes Baroque music from other forms of classical music?

● What is opera and how did it begin?
● What are other vocal forms of the Baroque era?
● What is the concerto?
● Who were important Baroque composers?

Acquired Knowledge:

● The basso continuo is the backbone and defining characteristic of Baroque

● Opera began at the beginning of the Baroque era and is drama sung with no
spoken text.
● Operas, oratorios and cantatas were important vocal forms in the Baroque
● The concerto is an instrument form of a soloist alternating with a larger
● Bach, Handel and Vivaldi were important Baroque composers.

Acquired Skills:

● Recognize basso continuo

● Distinguish between various vocal forms.


Formative Assessments:

● Quizzes
● Peer-share
● Discussion

Summative Assessment:

● Listening Quizzes

Benchmark assessment

● Unit Test

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.4
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and B.1

Suggested Learning Experiences /Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Associations with opera

● In-Class Activities: Listening activities, reading, direct instruction
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Research about controversial songs
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of how Baroque music has influenced
pop music
● Possible Dilemmas: Discussion of anti-Semitism, discussion of religious
● Accommodations: Reading outlines, vocabulary sheets, simplified
instructions, oral assessment
● Extensions: Research into other Baroque composers and famous pieces of
music, prepare performance of Baroque music


Why Is This Unit Important?

Music of the classical era remains some of the most popular and easily recognizable
classical music. The music of Mozart and Haydn remain influential and some of the
most played works in the repertoire. Understanding the lives of these composers
and their influence on classical music is essential for appreciating all types of music.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will be able to identify and define the characteristics of classical

music and its various genres.
● Students will explore the evolution of the symphony and identify its form.
● Students will define and identify sonata-allegro form and rondo form.
● Student will explore the lives of Mozart and Haydn and their contributions to
classical music.
● Students will explore the evolution of keyboard instruments including organ,
harpsichord and piano.

Essential Questions:

● What defines music of the classical era?

● What is the symphony?
● What are ways in which music is organized?
● Who are some famous classical composers?
● Is the film “Amadeus” fact or fiction?
● What are the origins of keyboard instruments?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Classical music is characterized by simple, balanced melodies with light

● The symphony is a large-scale work for full orchestra and typically has four
● Sonata-allegro form and rondo form are two ways in which to organize
● Mozart and Haydn are famous classical composers.
● Keyboard instruments originated with the organ in ancient Greece. The
harpsichord followed next with the piano improving on the harpsichord with
sustainability and dynamics.

Acquired Skills:

● Identify classical music.

● Distinguish between the sounds of organ, harpsichord and piano.


Formative Assessments:

● Quizzes
● Discussion
● Listening Quizzes

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Test

Benchmark Assessment:

o Based on the film Amadeus, fact vs. fiction of Mozart’s life

Alternative Assessment:

 Plickers.com

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.4
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and B.1

Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activity with music of Mozart

● In-Class Activities: Reading, direction instruction, listening, Amadeus, field
trip to auditorium to look at grand piano, podcasts
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of how classical music has impacted
popular music
● Possible Dilemmas: None
● Accommodations: Reading guides, vocabulary lists, scaffolding, oral
assessment and activities
● Extensions: Further research into the lives of classical composers,
performance of classical repertoire


Why Is This Unit Important?

Rock and R&B (Rhythm & Blues) are still some of the most popular forms of music
enjoyed by teenagers today. A look at the origins of these styles provides students
with an appreciation of their favorite music. A research project into the early
pioneers of rock and R&B allows students to choose artists in whom they are
interested in order to learn more about their lives and influence in the music

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will trace the evolution of rock and roll music.

● Students will discover the roots of R&B and Motown.
● Students will explore the connections between social changes and music.
● Students will investigate the role of race in artists’ careers.
● Students will explore how technology affects performing and recording

Essential Questions:

● How did rock and roll begin? Who were some of the early artists?
● What is R&B and how did it start?
● What is Motown and who were some of its famous artists?
● How did social changes influence music?
● How did rock music influence social movements?
● What role did race play in popular music of the 1950s-1980s?
● How did technology influence recording and performing?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Rock and roll begins in the early 1950s and has its roots in jazz, country,
western swing, and gospel music.
● R&B stands for Rhythm and Blues. The term was coined to describe music
by black artists on the Billboard charts.
● Motown is a recording company in Detroit and signed artists like Diana Ross,
the Temptations and the Jackson Five.
● Rock was an essential part of the 1960s counterculture movement and
continued to represent rebellion for teenagers against the norms of their
● Many black artists did not receive the same airplay as white artists and were
often not invited to perform at the same events.
● Technology allowed for more distortion of sound and for the exploration of
sounds and effects during recording.

Acquired Skills:

● Evaluating reliable resources on the internet.

● Creating a multi-media oral presentation.


Formative Assessments:

● Quizzes
● Discussion
● Listening Quizzes

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Multimedia Presentation

Alternative Assessment:

 Plickers.com

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 and B.2

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.3
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/ Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Listening activities

● In-Class Activities: History of Rock and Roll DVDs, media center research,
PowerPoint presentations, reading
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Research presentation
● Home-Link Activities: Discussion of popular music with parents/guardians
● Possible Dilemmas: Discussion of race and segregation in music
● Accommodations: Reading guides, alternative to oral presentation
● Extensions: Writing and performing rock or R&B compositions


Why Is This Unit Important?

Hip Hop is one of the most popular genres of music today. Its impact on culture
has been dramatic since it first appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s. A look
at how hip hop developed will enable students to explore a variety of issues in black
urban communities during the late 1970s. A closer look at messages and images
conveyed by some in the hip hop industry will encourage students to look at the
impact of music in their lives.

Enduring Understandings:

● Students will explore the origins of hip hop.

● Students will debate various points of view on current hip hop.

Essential Questions:

● Where and how did hip hop music begin?

● What is hip hop culture?
● What messages are given by the contemporary hip hop community?

Acquired Knowledge:

● Hip hop began in New York City in the late 1970s as a rebellion against
white-backed commercial music.
● Hip hop culture encompasses music, clothing, behavior and attitudes.
● There is much current debate on some of the messages and images
conveyed by contemporary hip hop artists.

Acquired Skills:

● Create basic hip hop beats through sampling.

● Evaluate images and messages created by hip hop artists and the industry.


Formative Assessments:

● Quizzes
● Discussion
● Listening Quizzes

Summative Assessment:

● Unit Test

Benchmark Assessment:

 Using Music Technology create Hip-Hop inspired beats an rhythm

Instructional Materials:


 Text: Music! Its Role and Importance in Our Lives, Glencoe-McGraw Hill,


● Computers (Chrome books or laptops)

● Google Classroom

NJSLS Standards:

1.1.12.B.1 and B.2

1.2.12.A.1 and A.2
1.3.12.B.1 and B.3
1.4.12.A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, B.1, B.2 and B.3

Suggested Learning Experiences/Instructional Activities:

● Anticipatory Sets: Bring in music of favorite hip hop artists

● In-Class Activities: Listening activities, discussion, Hip Hop: Beyond Beats
and Rhymes resources and videos
● Cross-Content Writing Activities: Writing activity about what it would be
like to live the life of a hip-hop artist (how they are inspired, life style etc.)
● Home-Link Activities: Listening to hip hop and evaluating music videos
● Possible Dilemmas: Discussion of masculinity, gender, situations of
violence or drugs discussed in hip hop lyrics
● Accommodations: Writing activities instead of oral discussion
● Extensions: Create hip hop composition and music video, stage debate
about music rating system

21st Century Skills & Career Readiness Practices

CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.

For Example - In Unit 2, students create quality music using technology based on
rules standard to the music industry.

CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason.

For Example – In Unit 1, students will use elements of music vocabulary to write
a letter to a famous musician describing their music.

CRP10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals.

For Example – In Unit 6, students will research the many different careers that
are possible in the field of music as related to song writing, i.e. production,
lyricist, performer.

9.3.12.A.5 Describe the career opportunities and means to achieve those

opportunities in each of the Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Career Pathways.

For Example - Students will continue advanced research into the many different
careers that are possible in the field of music, music education, music
performance and production.

Technology Integration

8.1.12.A.1 Create a personal digital portfolio which reflects personal and

academic interests, achievements, and career aspirations by using a
variety of digital tools and resources.

For Example – In Unit 2, students will use multimedia music production software
to create an archive of music which they will share online to receive instant peer

8.1.12.D.5 Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and

emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address
personal, social, lifelong learning, and career needs.

For Example - in Unit 2, students will examine current musical production

software and design and create their own ideas in an effort to better the music
production industry.

Interdisciplinary Connection

NJSLSA.W1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of

substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence

For Example – In Unit 4, students will research world music and the effect it has
had on the global musical culture. Students will create a paper designed to
support a claim in which they relate a specific western idea to the world culture in
which it comes from.

NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and

publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.

For Example- In Unit 2, students will use Splyce, and online music creating
software where they can make their music public and receive instant feedback
from the music community.


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