Chapter 05 (MW Radio)
Chapter 05 (MW Radio)
Chapter 05 (MW Radio)
Performance of a whole radio system, such as a cellular network, navigation system, or radar, depends on the characteristics of the
transmitters, receivers, and antennas as well as of propagation of radio waves between the transmitting and receiving antennas. If the
transmitted power and the gains and attenuations in different parts of the system are known, the received power can be calculated.
However, in addition to the received power, there are other factors affecting the signal detection: modulation of the signal,
frequency stability, interference from other radio systems, noise, dispersion due to the radio channel.
A radio transmitter must produce a signal that has
enough power
generally a very accurate frequency
a clean enough spectrum
so that the transmitter does not disturb users of other radio systems. Information to be transmitted, the baseband signal, is attached
to a sinusoidal carrier signal by modulating the carrier amplitude, frequency, or phase either analogically or digitally.
The receiver must be sensitive and selective. It must be able to detect even a weak signal among many other, possibly stronger
signals. Therefore, a good receiver must have good filters, an accurate local oscillator frequency, and low-noise components. It should
have also a large, spurious-free dynamic range.
A transceiver is a combination of a transmitter and receiver sharing the same antenna. Now the isolation of the transmitter and
receiver has to be very large, for example, 120 dB. If the transmitter and receiver operate at different frequencies, called frequency
division duplexing (FDD), a duplexing filter separates them from each other. A duplexing filter consists of two bandpass filters. If the
transmitter and receiver operate in different time slots, called time division duplexing (TDD), a switch can be used to isolate the
receiver during transmission. The loss of a switch is usually less than the loss of a duplexing filter.
2.80dB (5GHz)
transceiver of the radio with the antenna. This solution is acceptable for TX RX SD
the lower frequencies but quickly becomes unacceptable as frequency
increases. This is due to the high losses in the transmission lines (coaxial SD SD SD
or waveguide) which become unacceptably high at higher frequencies. TRP TRP TRP
This configuration is still used today for lower-frequency bands below 10 Fa(V)
intermediate frequency (IF) cable. The distance between indoor and 3.5dB Hybrid Loss (13GHz)
for switching between the two transmitters. For each terminal one
antenna is used. Also, there is a version of the protected system with
two ODUs and only one antenna.
In a receiver, many kinds of noise are generated, for example, thermal noise, shot noise, 1/f noise, and quantum noise.
Thermal noise is generated by the thermal motion of charge carriers. The warmer the material is, the more electrons collide with the
crystal lattice of the material. Each collision causes a change in the kinetic energy state of the electron, and the energy difference is
radiated as an electromagnetic wave. Similarly, collisions are also the reason for resistivity of a material and, therefore, thermal noise
is generated in all materials and circuits absorbing RF power. Thermal noise is directly proportional to the absolute temperature
of the medium, but its power density is independent of frequency—it is so called white noise.
Shot noise is often the most important noise mechanism in semiconductor devices and electron tubes. Shot noise is caused by the fact
that charge is not a continuous quantity but always a multiple of an electron charge. For example, a current going through the
Schottky interface is not continuous but is a sum of the current impulses of single electrons. The power density of shot noise is
directly proportional to the current.
At low frequencies there is 1/f noise (flicker noise) in all semiconductor devices. It is caused, for example, by the fluctuating amount
of electrons in the conduction band. Its power density is inversely proportional to frequency.
Quantum noise is due to the quantized energy of the radio wave. It is important only in cases of submillimeter and shorter waves,
because their energy quantum W = hf is large.
The noise performance of a receiver or amplifier can be defined in three different, but related, ways:
noise factor (FN)
noise figure (NF)
equivalent noise temperature (TE);
these properties are definable as a simple ratio, decibel ratio or Kelvin temperature, respectively.
The noise figure is the frequency used to measure the receiver’s “goodness”, i.e. its departure from “idealness”. Thus, it is a figure of
merit. The noise figure is the noise factor converted to decibel notation:
NF 10 logFN
Noise temperature (Te). The noise “temperature” is a means for specifying noise in terms of an equivalent temperature. That is, the
noise level that would be produced by a resistor at that temperature (expressed in degrees Kelvin). Evaluating the noise equations
shows that the noise power is directly proportional to temperature in degrees Kelvin, and also that noise power collapses to zero at
the temperature of Absolute Zero (0°K).
Note that the equivalent noise temperature Te is not the physical temperature of the amplifier, but rather a theoretical construct that
is an equivalent temperature that produces that amount of noise power in a resistor. The noise temperature is related to the noise
factor by:
Te FN 1T0
And to Noise Figure by:
Te KT0 10 10 1
Space Diversity:
The additional "diversity" antenna is usually mounted on the same tower structure, yet
vertically separated from the site's original receive antenna. This diversity antenna is
connected to the diversity receiver. This additional equipment essentially creates another
microwave path between the two sites. Receiver switching and combining equipment then
senses which receiver has the troubled signal (if fades occur) and switches that receiver "off-
One drawback of space diversity is increased cost. Tower heights must be greater to
achieve sufficient vertical antenna separation. In some cases, the existing tower structure
might have to be retrofitted to handle the additional wind loading created by the diversity
antenna. The diversity antenna, receiver and combining and switching equipment create
additional cost.
When spacing is adequate between antennas, there should be little correlation between the two paths with regard to propagation
characteristics. Improvement in reliability comes from the reduced probability that both paths will be adversely affected by fading at
the same time.
In general, more vertical spacing between antennas offers less path correlation and better path reliability.
Neither space diversity nor in-band frequency diversity provide improvement against rain attenuation.