(Lesley Claudio) Sales Finals Reviewer - Santiago
(Lesley Claudio) Sales Finals Reviewer - Santiago
(Lesley Claudio) Sales Finals Reviewer - Santiago
Atty. RP Santiago
A thing of value is exchanged for equal Note: Art. 1641 - – distinctions between barter or
value (ideally the value of the subject sale are academic
matter is equivalent to the price paid) Statute of Frauds which Art. 1639 and 1640 –
The test for compliance therewith is not apply to the sale of real two rules specifically for
object but rather SUBJECTIVE – so long as property and personal barter
the party believes in all honesty that he is property bought at P500
receiving equal value for what he gave up or more does not apply Note: barter does not
for (subjective test of commutative nature to the contract of barter have the element of
of sale) price
obligation the price which he may stipulated in the contract is simulated, then the
receive from the buyer contract is void (Art. 1471, Civil Code). It is not the
The buyer, after The agent does not act of payment of price that determines the validity
delivery, becomes the become owner of the of a contract of sale. Payment of the price has
owner of the subject thing even if the object is nothing to do with the perfection of the contract.
matter delivered to him Payment of the price goes into the performance of
The seller warrants The agent who effects the contract. Failure to pay the consideration is
the sale assumes no different from lack of consideration. The former
personal liability results in a right to demand fulfillment or
Sale contract must A contract of agency to cancellation of the obligation under an existing valid
comply with Statute of sell is valid and contract while the latter prevents the existence of
Frauds for enforceability enforceable in whatever valid contract.
Art. 1466 – “essential clauses” of contract to NHA v. Grace Baptist Church (G.R. No. 156437)
distinguish sale from agency to sell A qualified acceptance constitutes a counter-offer as
expressly stated by Article 1319 of the Civil Code.
When there is absolutely no acceptance of an offer or
Sale Dacion en pago if the offer is expressly rejected, there is no meeting
of the minds. There being no concurrence of the
One of the parties binds Delivery and
offer and acceptance, it did not pass the stage of
himself to deliver a thing transmission of
generation to the point of perfection. Equity cannot
in consideration of the ownership of a thing by
give validity to a void contract, and this rule should
other’s undertaking to the debtor to the creditor
apply with equal force to inexistent contracts.
pay the price in money as an accepted
or its equivalent equivalent of the
Gaite v. Fonacier (No. L-11827)
performance of an
A contract of sale is normally commutative and
onerous: not only does each one of the parties
The perfection or coming Dation in payment
assume a correlative obligation but each party
into existence of a extinguishes a pre-
anticipates performance by the other from the very
contract of sale gives existing obligation to pay
start. While in a sale the obligation of one party can
rise to two sets of and actually novates the
be lawfully subordinated to an uncertain event, so
obligations relationship into a sale
that the other understands that he assumes the risk
Consensual contract Real contract since
of receiving nothing for what he gives, it is not in the
transfer of ownership is
usual course of business to do so, hence, the
its essence
contingent character of the obligation must clearly
Note: by express provision of law, dation in payment
is governed by law on sales (Art. 1245)
[CLV book: Gaite acknowledged that obligations in a
contract of sale can be subordinated to a suspensive
Sale Lease condition, with the party fully aware that “he
One of the parties binds The lessor binds himself assumes the risk of receiving what he gives”
himself to deliver a thing to give the lessee the although such stipulation would seem to be contrary
in consideration of the enjoyment or use of a to the commutative nature of a contract of sale]
other’s undertaking to thing for price certain,
pay the price in money and for a period which Celestino Co & Co. v. CIR (No. L-8506)
or its equivalent may be definite or The fact that windows and doors are made by it only
indefinite when customers place their orders does not alter the
A conditional sale may be made in the form of a nature of the establishment, for it is obvious that it
“lease with option to buy” only accepted such orders as called for the
employment of such materials, as it ordinarily
manufactured or was in a position habitually to
Case Doctrines manufacture. It is not true that it serves special
customers only or confines its services to them
Buenaventura v. CA (G.R. No. 126376) alone. The appellant could easily duplicate and mass-
A contract of sale is not a real contract, but a produce – it is mechanically equipped to do so. The
consensual contract. As a consensual contract, a Oriental Sash Factor does nothing more than sell
contract of sale becomes a binding and valid contract goods that it mass produces or habitually makes.
upon the meeting of the minds as to price. If there is When this Factory accepts a job that requires the
a meeting of the minds of the parties as to the price, use of extraordinary or additional equipment, or
the contract of sale is valid, despite the manner of involves services generally performed by it, it
payment, or even the breach of that manner of thereby contracts for a piece of work – filling special
payment. If the real price is not stated in the orders within the meaning of Article 1467.
contract, then the contract of sale is valid but subject
to reformation. If there is no meeting of the minds of
the parties as to the price, because the price
[CLV book: Celestino Co implies that the test of effects of a dation in payment which may extinguish
“special orders under Article 1467 of the Civil Code is the obligation. However, as in any other contract of
not one of time, or habit, but actually must be drawn sale, the vendor or assignor is bound by certain
from the nature of the work to be performed: it must warranties, as provided for in Article 1628 of the
be of the nature that the products are not ordinary Civil Code. Petitioner as vendor or assignor, is bound
products of the manufacturer, and that they would to warrant the existence and legality of the credit at
require the use of extraordinary skills or equipment, the time of the sale or assignment.
if to be performed by the manufacturer]
CIR v. Engineering Equipment and Supply PARTIES TO A CONTRACT OF SALE
Company (No. L-27044)
The distinction between a contract of sale and
Articles 1489 – 1492
contract for work, labor, and materials is tested by
the inquiry whether the thing transferred is one not
GR: Any person who has capacity to contract or to
in existence and which never would have existed but
enter into obligations may enter into a contract of
for the order of the other party desiring to acquire it,
or a thing which would have existed and has been
the subject of sale to some other persons even if the
I. Minors, insane, or demented persons, deaf-
order had not been given.
[CLV book: Engineering Equipment confirms the
GR: Disqualified from being parties to a contract of
abandonment of the timing application of the “upon
special order” test under Article 1467 of the CC; and
that just because the thing came into existence
Status of contract: VOIDABLE subject to
after, and was motivated to be produced by reason
annulment or ratification
of, a special order, does not necessarily qualify the
transaction as a contract for a piece of work. The
Note: action for annulment cannot be instituted by
crucial application of “upon special order test” under
the capacitated person
Article 1467 in Engineering Equipment was the
“nature of the object” or “the test of necessity” when
it took into consideration the nature of execution of
1. For insane or demented persons, those
each order.]
contracts entered into during LUCID
interval are VALID
Gonzalo Puyat & Sons Inc. v. Arco Amusement
Company (G.R. No. 47538)
2. NECESSARIES (Art. 1489) – Where
The contract between the parties was one of
necessaries are sold and delivered to a
purchase and sale. In the first place, the contract is
minor or other person without capacity to
the law between the parties and should include all
act, he must pay a reasonable price
things they are supposed to have been agreed upon.
therefore, and the resulting contract of sale
What does not appear on the fact of the contract
should be regarded merely as “dealer’s talk” or
“trader’s talk” which cannot bind either party.
a. Perfection of the
contract of sale
In agency, the agent is exempted from all liability in
b. Delivery of the subject
the discharge of his commission provided he acts in
accordance with the instructions received from his
principal, and the principal must indemnify the agent
II. Sales by and between spouses
for all damages which the latter may incur in
carrying out the agency without fault or imprudence
1. Contracts with third parties
on his part. It is out of ordinary for one to be the
agent of both the vendor and the purchaser.
GR: A spouse may, without the consent of
the other spouse, enter into sales
Lo v. KJS Eco-Formwork System Phil., Inc. (G.R.
transactions in the regular or normal pursuit
No. 149420)
of their profession, vocation, or trade
The undertaking really partakes in one sense of the
nature of sale, that is, the creditor, is really buying
Exception – ACP/CPG
the thing or property of the debtor, payment for
Disposition or encumbrance of
which is to be charged against the debtor’s debt. As
ACP/CPG without authority of the
such, the vendor in good faith shall be responsible
court or consent of the other
for the existence and legality of the credit at the
spouse shall be VOID
same time of the sale but not for the solvency of the
The transaction shall be considered
debtor, in specified circumstances. Hence, it may be
as CONTINUING OFFER on the part
well be that the assignment of credit, which is in the
of the consenting spouse and third
nature of a sale of personal property, produced the
or benefit if wholly irrelevant under Article 1491 necessary to satisfy his lawful fees and
which by its clear language imposes an absolute disbursements.
A. First requisite: subject matter must be Even when the specific quantity of the
“possible thing” goods have not been agreed upon,
Must consider “possible thing” NOT in terms nevertheless the determination of such
of physical existence or non-existence but quantity shall be based upon a formula
whether the subject matter is of a type and agreed upon at perfection which may be
nature, taking into consideration the state effected to determine the finally quantity to
of technology and science at the time the consummation without need of anew or
contract of sale is perfected, that exists or further agreement between the parties
could be made to exist to allow the seller
reasonable certainty of being able to comply Note: Article 1246 covers only “quality of generic
with his obligations under the contract subject matter, so that when it is the “kind” and
“possible things” vs. “impossible things” “quantity” that cannot be determined without need
of a new agreement of the parties, the contract is
Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei VOID.”
Contract covering Contract involves a
future things present object Sale of undivided interest (Art. 1463)
Subject matter is Sale of mere hope or The result is a co-ownership over the
determinate or specific expectancy subject matter
Limitation: Limitation:
Sale of undivided share in mass (Art. 1463)
Contract of sale Sale of vain hope or
Gaite v. Fonacier: Subject matter of sale is
subject to a expectancy is VOID
a specific mass – determinate object is the
suspensive condition
mass and not the actual number of units
that the subject
matter will come to
Note: seller must be owner (right to transfer
ownership) at the time of the delivery of the object
of the contract (not necessary be the owner at the
B. Subject matter must be licit
time of perfection of sale)
A thing is LICIT when it is not outside the
commerce of man
Art. 1505 – pertains to the consummation
All rights which are not intransmissible
of the sale and does not affect the validity
Sale of future inheritance is VOID
of the contract itself
Sale of future hereditary rights vs. waiver
of acquired hereditary rights
GR: Seller need not be owner at the time of
perfection of contract of sale
C. Subject matter must be determinate or at
EX: judicial sale (foreclosure sale or forced sale)
least determinable
Note: In Art. 1434, transfer of ownership ipso jure –
valid contract and previous physical delivery of
A thing is determinate or specific when it is
subject matter must have been done
particularly designated or physically segregated from
all others of the same class
II. Legality of Sale
Determinable (2 requisites)
1. Subject matter
1. If at the time the contract is entered into,
the thing is capable of being made
Special laws that declare sale as void where
subject matters are:
2. Without the necessity of a new or further
agreement between the parties
Wild birds or mammals
Note: generic things must be “determinable” at the
Rare wild plants
perfection of the contract of sale
Poisonous plans or fruits
Dynamited fish
Note: as long as the true intentions of the parties
Gunpowder and explosives
are evident, the mistake will not vitiate the consent
Firearms and ammunitions
of the parties or affect the validity and binding effect
Sale of realty by non-Christians
of the contract between them
Sale of friar land without consent of
Secretary of Agriculture
Quantity of subject matter
The determination of the identity or the
2. Sale completely simulated
nature and quality of the subject matter are
essential for the purpose of perfection of the
contract of sale
1. an outward declaration of will different
Logically, the quantity of goods as subject
from the will of the parties
matter would be essential in the meeting of
the minds
3. When motive nullifies sale Yu Tek & Co. vs. Gonzales (1915)
The argument of respondent is faulty in assuming
Cause Motive that there was a perfected sale. This court has
Particular reason for the consistently held that there is a perfected sale with
contracting party which regard to the “thing” whenever the article of sale has
does not affect the other been physically segregated from all other articles. It
party is clear that the defendant could only say that it was
GR: party’s motive for “sugar.” He could only use this generic name for the
Essential reason for the entering into a contract thing sold. There was no “appropriation” of any
contract does not affect the particular lot of sugar.” The contract in the case at
contract bar was merely an executory agreement. A promise
of sale and not a sale.
EX: when motive
predetermines the cause, [CLV book: A reading of Yu Tek shows that the SC
the motive may be did not treat the subject contract as a perfected sale
regarded as the cause but rather as a promise to sell precisely because the
object thereof has not been particularly designated
Case Doctrines or physically segregated, and therefore generic.
Under the new CC, it is still a contract of sale
Pichel v. Alonzo, G.R. No. 36902 because now, even generic things may be the object
Under Article 1461 of the New Civil Code, things of sale, provided they have the quantity of being
having a potential existence may be the object of the determinable at the perfection of the contract of
contract of sale. Pending crops which have potential sale]
existence may be the subject matter of sale.
National Grains Authority v. IAC (1989)
Noel v. CA, G.R. No. 60636 The fact that the exact number of cavans of palay to
In a contract of sale, it is essential that he seller is be delivered has not been determined does not
the owner of the property he is selling. The principal affect the perfection of the contract. Article 1349 of
obligation of a seller is “to transfer the ownership of” the New Civil Code provides “the fact that the
the property sold. quantity is not determinate shall not be an obstacle
to the existence of the contract, provided it is
Melliza v. City of Iloil0 (1968) possible to determine the same, without the need of
The requirement of the law that a sale must have for anew contract between the parties.” In this case,
its object a determinate thing, is fulfilled as long as, there was no need for NFA and Soriano to enter into
at the time the contract is entered into, the object of a new contract to determine the exact number of
the sale is capable of being made determinate cavans of palay to be sold. Soriano can deliver so
without the necessity of a new or further agreement much of his produce as long as it does not exceed
between the parties. The specific mention of some of 2640 cavans.
the lots plus the statement that the lots object of the
sale are the ones needed for the city hall site, [CLV book: the controlling doctrine in National Grains
avenues, and parks, according to the Arellano plan, Authority is that, specific quantity of the subject
sufficiently provides a basis as of the time of the matter is not important when it is still possible to
execution of the contract for rendering determinate determine the quantity “without the need of a new
said lots without the need of a new and further contract between the parties,” and therefore
agreement of the parties. complies with the requisite of being determinable]
Quijada v. CA (1998)
The donor may have an inchoate interest in the
donated property during the time that ownership of
the land has not reverted to her. Such inchoate
interest may be the subject of contracts including a
contract of sale.
When price real When no price When price simulated When price false
Price is real when at the There is no Neither party had any intention The price is “false” when there is a
perfection of the contract cause or that the amount will be paid real price not declared, and what is
of sale, there is every consideration stated or declared in the sale is not
intention on the part of When price is completely he one intended to be paid
the buyer to pay the price, simulated – in pari delicto shall
and every expectation on apply – however such principle There is another price upon which
the part of the seller to applies to cases where the the minds of the parties have met
receive such price nullity arises from the illegality
of the consideration or cause Manresa: one that has in effect a
of the contract real consideration but the same is
not the one stated in the document
In pari delicto does NOT apply
to inexistent and void contracts
where the price is merely
The sale is VOID (but the act The sale is VALID but the deed is
may be shown to have been subject to reformation
donation or some other act or
contract) (Art. 1471) EX: However, the parties may be
VALID VOID held bound by the false price
indicated in the instrument especially
when the interest of the government
or third parties would be adversely
affected by the reformation of
Note: Article 1354 provides: Although the cause is Effect of non-payment of price
not stated in the contract, it is presumed that it The failure to pay the price does not cancel
exists and is lawful, unless the debtor proves the a sale for lack of consideration, for there is
contrary. still consideration.
The failure to pay a real price goes not into
Ong v. Ong: valuable consideration perfection but to consummation.
It is possible for parties to a contract of sale to agree Non-payment of price is a cause either for
on an adequate consideration, and though they will specific performance or rescission
state a false or nominal consideration in their deed, Non-payment of price is a resolutory
it would NOT affect the validity of the contract of condition which extinguishes the transaction
sale, PROVIDED that valuable consideration was in
fact agreed upon. Note: Accomodation does not make the sale void for
lack of price (Mate v. CA)
Note: Philippine jurisprudence has not accepted the
Anglo-Saxon concept that “any” consideration is Simulation of price affects delivery of subject
enough to support a contract. What prevails in this matter
jurisdiction is that for consideration to support an Delivery of the subject matter made pursuant to a
onerous contract, such as a contract of sale, it would contract of sale that is void for lack of consideration
have to be “valuable consideration” under the Roman does not transfer ownership to the buyer -> not title
Law concept. over the subject matter of the sale can be conveyed
Bagnas v. CA
Even though a consideration is real in the sense that B. Price must be n money or its equivalent
it was agreed upon and there is every intention of
the parties to pay and receive such price, it would Bagnas v. CA: requires that “equivalent” be
still be considered fictitious and render the sale VOID something representative of money, e.g., check or
if it is a mere nominal price. draft, citing Manresa, to the effect that services are
not equivalent of money, and that a contract is not a
Note: The essence of Bagnas was that evidence was true sale where the price consists of services or
adduced to indicate that there was no real intention prestations
to pay any valuable consideration
Art. 1468: shows that consideration for a valid
Note: the consideration is generally agreed upon as contract of sale can be the price and other additional
a whole even if it consists of several parts, and even consideration
if it is contained in one or more instruments.
Note: Fixing of a price cannot be validly left to the Note: The price of a thing is certain at the point of
discretion of one of the contracting parties (Art. perfection by reference to another thing certain (Art.
1473) 1472)
cannot be deemed to have been included in Right of first refusal must be clearly
the implied renewal of lease embodied in a written contract
Limited Application of Equitorial Realty
Summary rules when period is granted to ruling: Applies only to rights of first
offeree (Ang Yu Asuncion v. CA) refusal attached to a valid principal
1. If the period itself is not founded upon or contract, like a contract of lease
supported by a separate consideration, the Prevailing doctrine is that a contract of
offeror is still free and has the right to sale entered into in violation of a right
withdraw the offer before its acceptance, or, of first refusal of another person is
if an acceptance has been made, before the RESCISSIBLE
offeror’s coming to know of such fact, by Basis of the right of first refusal must
communicating that withdrawal to the be the current offer of the seller to sell
offeree (in accordance with Sanchez or the offer to purchase of a
doctrine) prospective buyer.
2. The right to withdraw must not be exercised Only after the lessee grantee fails to
arbitrarily – could give rise to a claim of exercise its right under the same terms
damages under Article 19 of NCC and within the period contemplated can
3. If the period has a separate consideration, a the owner validly offer to sell the
contract of “option” is deemed perfected, property to a third person, again under
and it would be a breach of that contract to the same terms as offered to the
withdraw the offer during the agreed period granted
4. The option is an independent contract by
itself, and it is to be distinguished from the Note: Sublessee may not take advantage of
projected main agreement (subject matter right of first refusal of sublessor
of option). If the optioner withdraws the
offer before is acceptance (exercise of Proper doctrine on option contracts vis a vis
option), by the optionee-offeree, the latter right of first refusal rulings
may not sue for specific performance on the 1. In case an option is supported by a separate
proposed contract (object of the option) consideration, the optionee shall have the
since it has failed to reach its own stage of right to exercise the option or accept the
perfection. The optioner-offeror however, offer at anytime during the option period
renders himself liable for damages for and the same would give rise to a valid and
breach of the option binding contract of sale
5. Care should be taken of the real nature of 2. If a separate consideration has been
the consideration given, for if in fact, it has received by the optioner for the grant of the
been intended to be part of the option, he CANNOT withdraw the offer
consideration for the main contract with a during the option period, and any attempt
right of withdrawal on the part of the to withdraw the offer during the option
optionee, the main contract could be period shall be VOID.
deemed perfected. A similar instance would 3. If the optioner does not only withdraw the
be an “earnest money” in contract of sale offer during the option period but also
that can evidence its perfection SELLS the property to a third party during
that period, such a situation DOES NOT
Ang Yu Asuncion affect the general rule since the acceptance
In an option contract, the granting of a of the offer (exercise of the option) by the
consideration separate and distinct from the optionee during the option period would still
purchase price of the intended contract of give rise to a valid contract of sale over the
sale DOES NOT guarantee to the optionee subject property, BUT the rules on third
that he has the absolute right to exercise party buyer in good faith should prevail
the option 4. If third party is in BAD FAITH (knows the
Does not provide a “commercially sound” existence of option), specific performance is
doctrine remedy
5. If third party is in GOOD FAITH and bought
the property FOR VALUE, he is protected by
3. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL law and the remedy of the optionee is to
sue the optioner for DAMAGES for breach of
Right of First Refusal contract of sale, NOT breach of the option
A promise on the part of the owner that contract
if he decides to sell the property in the
future, he would sell it to the promisee 4. MUTUAL PROMISES TO BUY AND SELL
Cannot be deemed a perfected contract
of sale nor an option contract, because The promise to sell a determinate thing
it merely pertains to specific property coupled with a correlative promise to buy at
without containing an agreement as to a specified price is binding as an executory
the PRICE or TERMS of payment agreement – obligatory on the parties
Action for specific performance is available accepted directly, would give rise to a valid
and binding contract of sale.
valid and binding contract of sale since was acknowledged to have been
the deviations or amendments received under the concept of the
contained in the response were not old Civil Code as a guarantee that
material at all. the buyer would not back out, and
Acceptance may be express or implied that if they should do so they
would forfeit the amount paid.
Acceptance by letter or telegram Spouses Doromal took into
Does not bind the offeror except from consideration that even with the
the time it came to his knowledge (Art. payment of the earnest money,
1319) that would not by itself give rise to
The offeror may still withdraw his offer a valid and binding contract of
anytime before he has knowledge of sale, considering that it is not clear
the acceptance that there was already a definite
agreement as to the price.
Suspensive condition Although earnest money under Art.
Even when there is a meeting of 1482 can be taken as proof of the
minds as to the subject matter and perfection of a contract of sale, the
the price, there is deemed to be no same is not conclusive.
perfected contract of sale if the
sale is subject to a suspensive Earnest money Option money
condition Part of the purchase Money given as a distinct
To the author, the more price consideration for an
appropriate doctrine should be that option contract
when a contract of sale is made Given only when there is Applies to a sale not yet
subject to a suspensive condition, already a sale perfected
there is already a contract upon When earnest money is When the would-be
the meeting of the minds, but given, the buyer is buyer gives option
because the condition has not bound to pay the balance money, he is not
happened, the contract itself and required to buy, but may
its underlying obligations are not even forfeit it depending
yet demandable, and in case of on the terms of the
non-happening of the condition, option
then the contract is extinguished.
Amounts received as part of the
Sales at auction downpayment and to be credited to the
Art. 1476 payment of the total purchase price
Perfected when the auctioneer could not be forfeited when the buyer
announces its perfection by the fall should fail to pay the balance of the
of the hammer, or in other price, especially in the absence of a
customary manner clear and express agreement thereon.
A right to bid may be reserved When the seller seeks to rescind the
expressly by or on behalf of the sale, under Art. 1385 of the Civil Code,
seller. such rescission creates the obligation to
The owner of the property sold at return the things which were the object
auction may provide the terms of the contract together with their fruits
under which the auction will and interest.
proceed and the same are binding
upon all bidders, whether they Place of perfection
knew of such conditions or not. GR: Place of perfection of the
contract of sale is where there is a
Earnest money meeting of the offer and the
Art. 1482 acceptance upon the thing and the
Whenever earnest money is given cause which are to constitute the
in a contract of sale, it shall be contract
considered as part of the price, and In case of acceptance through
as proof of the perfection of the letter or telegram, it is presumed
contract that the contract was entered into
The concept of earnest money in the place where the offer was
given under Art. 1482 is the made.
preferred concept under the law, Art. 1319
but nothing prevents the parties to
the contract of sale to treat earnest Expenses of execution and registration
money differently Art. 1487
Spouses Doromal Sr. v. CA: the Art. 1521
money given as earnest money
A. Requirement for public instrument for immovables Note: the receipt by the supposed agent of
under Art. 1358 part of the purchase price does not validate
Provisions thereof on the necessity of public the void sale
document are for purposes of convenience,
not for validity or enforceability. 2. Statute of Frauds: when form is important
The article merely grants a cause of action for enforceability
to the party to the contract to sue to compel
the other party to have the document A. Nature and purpose of the Statute of Frauds
covering the contract acknowledged before Prevent fraud and perjury in the
a notary public enforcement of obligations depending for
Articles 1357, 1406, and 1358 their evidence upon the unassisted memory
The remedy to compel the other party to of witnesses
observe such form may be exercised
simultaneously with the action upon the B. Coverage in Sales of Statute of Frauds
contract Article 1403 (2) – the following agreements
Art. 1358 is merely for greater efficacy or shall be unenforceable by action, “unless
convenience and the failure to comply the same, or some note or memorandum
therewith does not affect the validity and thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the
binding effect of the act between the parties party charged, or by his agent:
1. A sale agreement which by its
B. Function of deed of sale terms is not to be performed within
The deed of sale operates as a formal or a year from the making thereof
symbolic delivery of the property sold and 2. An agreement for the sale of
authorizes the buyer to use the document goods, chattels, or things in action,
as proof of ownership at a price not less than P500
Nevertheless, nowhere in the Civil Code 3. A sale of real property or of an
does it provide that execution of a deed of interest therein
sale is a conclusive presumption of delivery Note: in any of the above transactions,
of possession evidence of the agreement cannot be
Public document has in its favor the received without the writing, or a secondary
presumption of regularity evidence of its contents
The fact that a deed of sale was not
notarized is not a guarantee of the validity C. Exceptions to the coverage of statute in sales
of its contents contracts
The following sales would still not be
C. When form of sale affects its validity covered and would be enforceable:
1. When there is a note or
GR: Form is not important for the validity of the memorandum thereof in writing,
contract of sale and subscribed by the party
charged or his agent
without condition or restriction constituted a Delivery produces its legal effect only
contract of sale or return. as a consequence of a VALID contract
of sale.
The second buyer must show continuing ownership or a better right over
good faith (i.e. ignorance of the first sale the property. Article 1544 requires
and of the first buyer’s rights) and that such registration must be
innocence or lack of knowledge of the first coupled with good faith.
sale until his contract ripens into full
ownership prior registration as provided by b. Registration in good faith always pre-
law. empts possession in good faith
The second buyer must register his sale o In double sale of real property,
without knowing of the first sale and before buyer who has in possession of
the first sale is registered; or take Torrens title and had the deed of
possession of the property without knowing sale registered must prevail.
of the first sale and before the first buyer o The buyer-registrant in good faith
takes possession thereof. always has preference to the
The first buyer is basically the winner of the buyer-possessor in good faith,
race without doing anything, by the fact even when in point in time, the
that he is the first buyer. possession in good faith happened
Knowledge of the first unregistered sale by ahead of the registration in good
the second buyer ends the race altogether faith.
either because:
1. The knowledge by the 9. Possession under Article 1544 refers to
second buyer of the first sale is material and symbolic possession
equivalent to registration in favor The possession mentioned in Article 1544
of the first buyer for determining who has better right when
2. Knowledge of the first sale the same piece of land has been sold
makes the second buyer one in bad several times by the same seller include not
faith, and only a good faith second only material but also the symbolic
buyer is qualified to run the race. possession thereof (e.g., public instrument
– tantamount to delivery of the land
Knowledge of the second unregistered sale resulting in the material and symbolic
by the first buyer is NOT equivalent to possession thereof)
registration in favor of the second buyer
because the act required of the second 10. When Article 1544 does not apply, priority
buyer under Article 1544 seems to be a in time rule applies
positive act of registration or taking That means there is no race to run at all
possession, as the case may be, before he because the first buyer should always win
learns of the first sale. over subsequent buyers.
The prior registration of the disputed In an execution sale, the buyer shall be
property by the second buyer does not by substituted for and acquire all the rights,
itself confer ownership or a better right over title, interest, and claim of the judgment
the property. Article 1544 requires that obligor to the property as of the time of
such registration must be coupled with good levy.
faith. Registration of instruments affecting
Before the second buyer can obtain priority unregistered lands is “without prejudice to a
over the first, he must show that he acted third party with a better right.”
in good faith throughout, i.e., ignorance of
the first sale and of the first buyer’s rights –
from the time of acquisition until the title is OBLIGATIONS OF THE BUYER
transferred to him by registration or failing
registration, by delivery of possession. 1. Pay the price
The buyer is obliged to pay for the price of
8. Requisites of prior registration the thing sold at the time and place
Registration means any entry made in the stipulated in the contract (Art. 1582).
books of the registry, including both Art. 1589 (obliged to pay interest)
registration, in its ordinary and strict sense, Non-payment of the consideration in the
and cancellation, annotation, and even contract of sale does not prove simulation.
marginal notes. It is the entry made in the At most, it gives the seller the right to sue
registry which records solemnly and for collection. Generally, in a contract of
permanently the right of ownership and sale, payment of the price is a resolutory
other real rights. condition and the remedy of the seller is to
exact fulfillment or, in case of a substantial
a. prior registration must always be in good breach, to rescind the contract under Article
faith 1191 of the Civil Code
o The prior registration of the
disputed property by the second
buyer does not by itself confer
2. By Delivery Alone
Art. 1508
DOCUMENTS OF TITLE 3. By endorsement and delivery
Art. 1509
directly with the goods covered Civil Code, under Article 1628 thereof, the
thereby. seller/assignor of the document of title also
Although the law does not include warrants the existence and legality of the
“one who takes by trespass or a documents of title at the time of the sale,
finder” within the description of unless it has been sold as doubtful; but that
those who may negotiate, the clear he does not warrant the solvency of the
import of these provisions is that if debtor (i.e., the bailee), unless it has been
the owner of the goods permits so expressly stipulated or unless the
another to have the possession or insolvency was prior to the sale and of
custody of negotiable warehouse common knowledge.
receipts running to the order of the
latter, or to bearer, it is a Rules of levy/garnishment of goods covered by
representation of title upon which documents of title
bona fide purchasers for value are
entitled to rely, despite breaches of 1. When non-negotiable document of title
trust or violations of agreement on Under Article 1625 of the Civil
the part of the apparent owner. Code, when an assignment of
credit or other incorporeal right is
d. Effects of mere assignment or delivery of made through a public instrument,
negotiable document of title deliverable to it would also bind third persons.
order Although the assignment of a non-
Art. 1515 negotiable document of title would
involve the assignment of
Assignment of non-negotiable documents of incorporeal right, nevertheless, the
title of goods binding effect of the assignment on
the bailee and third persons would
1. How assignment made have to follow specific provisions
Art. 1511 governing documents of title.
Since a non-negotiable document Art. 1514
of title constitute an incorporeal The assignment or sale by the
right, its sale constitute actually an original owner of the non-
assignment which under Article negotiable document of title, even
1624 is perfected by mere consent, when executed in a public
but which under Article 1625 would instrument, does not transfer
require its appearance in a public possession or title over the goods
instrument, otherwise it “shall covered by the document of title,
produce no effect as against third until actual notification is made to
persons.” the bailee of the transfer or
assignment of the goods, actions
2. Effects of transfer or assignment can be taken by the original owner
Art. 1514 to defeat the transfer of the title
Unlike in the negotiation of a and/or possession of the goods.
negotiable document of title which Even when by the execution of a
ipso jure makes the bailee liable to public instrument to assign the
the holder thereof, in the non-negotiable document of title,
assignment of a non-negotiable ownership over the document is
document of title, there is no legal transferred to the assignee,
relationship between the assignee nevertheless, the transferor can
and the bailee until the latter is still exercise possessory lien over
informed by the former of the the goods covered by the
assignment of the covering notification thereof to the bailee
document of title. Likewise, the prior to the time that the
assignee merely steps into the transferee-assignee shall have
shoes of his immediate assignor. notified the bailee of the
assignment to him of the document
Warranties on negotiation or assignment of title.
Art. 1516 In case of a non-negotiable
The warranties of one who negotiates a document of title, possession and
negotiable document of title, and one who ownership of the document of title
assigns a non-negotiable document of title (by assignment) does not
are the same. necessarily bring with it possession
Art. 1517 or title over the goods covered
Since the assignment of a document of title thereby; it is the notification of the
is covered by the species “assignment” bailee of the assignment that is the
under Chapter 8 of the Title on Sales of the operative act that will transfer title
being referred to: is it the “contract” as an 2. Exceptions to rule on the effect of sale of
agreement that gives rise to obligations a definite portion by a co-owner
(perfected contract), or is it the living
contract as a manner of performance GR: The effect of the sale of the entire property
(consummated contract). owned in common by one of the co-owners, is
In Development Bank of the Philippines v. VOID as a sale of the whole property or any
CA, the SC continued to view the sale by a definite portion thereof (i.e. to validly effect
non-owner of the subject property to be transfer of ownership), but is VALID as to the
void instead of treating the tradition aspect co-owner-seller’s spiritual share.
as having no effect on transferring
ownership to the buyer. Although the SC Exceptions
talks about the effect of declaration of 1. It does not apply when the subject
nullity of a sale, the proper remedy was matter is indivisible in nature or by
actually rescission and the same ends intent.
sought to be achieved would have 2. When the sale of a particular portion of
happened, which is restitution. the thing owned in common is with the
The problem with the reasoning of Nool v. consent of the other co-owners
CA is that it treats the obligation of the 3. A co-owner who sells one of the two
seller as personal obligations “to do” which lands owned in common with another
would then be covered by paragraph 5 of co-owner, and does not turn-over one-
Article 1409. But the fact is, the obligations half of the proceeds of the sale to the
of the sellers are real obligations “to give” other co-owner, the latter by law and
and therefore do not fall within the category equity may lay exclusive claim to the
of “impossible service” and if indeed the remaining parcel of land.
obligation to deliver ownership can no 4. The effect of the ipso jure transfer of
longer be complied with, the remedy is not ownership under Article 1434 ->
declaration of the sale as void but actually upholds the validity of a sale by one
rescission. who previously did not have, but who
Cavite Development Bank v. Spouses Syrus subsequently acquired, title to the
Lim: The Latin maxim “nemo dat quod non property sold.
habet” (one cannot give what one does not 5. The binding effect of registration under
have), is properly applicable to the the Torrens System
consummation of a sale.
1. Sale by co-owner of whole property or OF SALE BY A NON-OWNER
definite portion thereof
The rule in co-ownership is that none of Article 1505: Exceptions
the co-owners may claim any right, 1. When the owner is, by his conduct,
title, or interest to a particular portion precluded from denying the seller’s
of the thing owned in common. authority to sell
Since a co-owner is entitled to sell his 2. When the contrary is provided for in
undivided share, a sale of the entire recording laws
property by one co-owner without the 3. When the sale is made under statutory
consent of the other co-owners is not power of sale or under the order of a court
null and void. However, only the rights of competent jurisdiction
of the co-owner seller are transferred, 4. When the sale is made in a merchant’s
thereby making the buyer a co-owner store, in accordance with the Code of
of the property. Commerce and special laws
When a co-owner sells the entire 5. Under Article 1506, the sale by a seller who
property, the sale is valid to his at the time of delivery had voidable title to
spiritual share since “a co-owner is the thing delivered
entitled to sell his undivided share,” 6. In case of movables, under Article 559,
and the proper action to take is not the acquisition of possession in good faith under
nullification of the sale, or for recovery a claim of ownership, where the real owner
of possession of the property owned in has not lost or been deprived of the
common from the other co-owners, but movable, makes the possessor the rightful
for decision or partition of the entire owner of the movable
property. 7. Special rights of an unpaid seller of goods to
resell under Articles 1526 and 1533
1. Owner estopped
Art. 1434
2. Recording Laws; Torrens System “title has not been avoided at the time of
Property Registration Decree (PD sale” -> it must cover the consummation
1529) stage
The general rule that the direct Art. 1506 talks of “title” or ownership to the
result of a previous void contract property which covers the consummation
cannot be valid is INAPPLICABLE stage
when it will directly contravene the If the cut-off point under Article 1506 is
Torrens system of registration delivery of the subject matter to the buyer
Applies to foreclosure sales -> by the seller, if the seller’s voidable title
“mortgagee in good faith” thereto is avoided after the perfection of the
contract of sale but before delivery, the
3. Statutory Power; Court Sale buyer does not obtain good title to the
Judgment of courts divesting the property.
registered owner of title and
vesting them in the other party are “TITLE” AS TO MOVABLE PROPERTIES
valid although the courts may not Art. 559 of the Civil Code
be the owner of the land. By cross reference to Article 1505, even if
The sale by a sheriff of land levied the owner of a movable has lost it or has
upon at a public auction would been unlawfully deprived thereof, and even
validly transfer ownership to the if he offers to reimburse the buyer, he
highest bidder, although the sheriff cannot recover the movable from the buyer
in executing the certificate of sale who bought it at a merchant store.
has no ownership over said Tagatac v. Jimenez: Title to the thing sold
property. would not revert to the seller until the sale
has been set aside by a competent court.
4. Sale at Merchant Store Until that is done, the rights of stranger in
Under paragraph (3) of Article good faith, acquired before resolution of the
1505 of the Civil Code, a person contract are entitled to protection.
who buys a thing at a merchant’s Aznar v. Yapdiangco: The provisions of
store after the same has been put Article 1506 would not apply to the present
on display threat, acquires a valid possessor since it was essential that his
title to the thing although his seller should have a voidable title at least.
predecessors in interest did not EDCA Publishing & Distributing Corp. v.
have any right of ownership over Santos: Non-payment of the purchase price
it. by the impostor, although amounting to
The policy of the law has always fraud, did not amount to unlawful
been that were the rights and deprivation under Article 559 but merely
interests of a vendor come into may be considered vitiation of consent as to
clash with that of an innocent make the contract voidable; but that so
buyer for value, the latter must be long as the contract has not been annulled,
protected -> facilitate commercial it remained valid, and the subsequent sale
sales on movables but to give and delivery by the imposter of the books to
stability to business transactions Santos effectively transferred ownership to
“Merchant store” – “store” is any Santos.
place where goods are kept for Article 1506 represents an operative act
sale, or where goods are deposited which would constitute a further exception
and sold by one engaged in buying to the provisions of Article 559, which
and selling them. means:
Placing of an order for goods and 1. That if the owner has been
the making of payment thereto at unlawfully deprived by means of
a principal office does NOT deceit pertaining to the non-
transform said office into a store, payment of the purchase price, but
for it is a necessary element that the one who takes the movable is
there must also be goods or wares able to sell and deliver the movable
stored therein or on display, and to another person who takes it in
provided also that the firm or good faith and for value before the
person maintaining that office is owner is able to rescind the earlier
actually engaged in the business of sale, the buyer obtains good title
buying and selling. and the original owner has no
cause of action to recover
SALE BY A SELLER WHO HAS VOIDABLE TITLE 2. That unlawful deprivation under
ON THE SUBJECT MATTER SOLD Article 559 cannot take the form of
Art. 1506 a contract of sale even when deceit
or fraud is used.
That ownership in the thing sold shall not doctrine are not clear-cut and sometimes,
pass to the buyer until full payment of the conflicting, based on the following grounds:
purchase price only if there is a stipulation 1. The general principle of res perit
to that effect. Otherwise, the rule is that domino is now covered by Article 1504
such ownership shall pass from the vendor of the New Civil Code. Unfortunately,
to the vendee upon the actual or Article 1504 which embodies the
constructive delivery of the thing sold even principle is worded to cover only
if the purchase price has not yet been paid. “goods.” (Article 1636 (1) )
Absent the stipulation noted, delivery of the 2. Article 1538 of the New Civil Code ->
thing sold will effectively transfer ownership cross-reference to Art. 1189 and Article
to the buyer who can in turn transfer it to 1262
another. 3. Article 1480-> cross reference to
Articles 1165 and 1262.
and it applies the common law principle of only exception to the rule is when the
res perit domino. The term “goods” includes delivery of the goods has been made to the
all chattels personal and growing fruits or buyer and the ownership in the goods has
crops, but not things in action or money of been retained by the seller merely to secure
legal tender. performance by the buyer of his obligations
THE GENERAL RULE ON THE LAW OF under the contract, although ownership is
SALES: From perfection but before not yet with the buyer, the goods are still at
delivery, the risk of loss of the subject the buyer’s risk. Likewise, if actual delivery
matter is borne by the buyer, except when had been delayed through the fault of either
the subject matter is “goods” in which case the buyer or the seller, the goods are at the
the risk of loss is borne by the seller, from risk of the party at fault.
the perfection up to before delivery of the Lawyer’s Cooperative v. Tabora: Although
subject matter of the sale. an obligor is relived from his obligation
under the rule that an obligor should be
2. Deterioration, fruits, and improvements held exempt from liability when the loss
Under Art. 1504, which covers specifically occurs through a fortuitous event,
goods, the gods remain at the seller’s risk nevertheless, as applied to the buyer in a
until the ownership therein is transferred to contract of sale, his obligation does not
the buyer; but when the ownership is pertain to the delivery of the subject
transferred to the buyer, the goods are at matter, but to the payment of the purchase
the buyer’s risk whether actual delivery of price, and the ability to pay in money or
the goods has been made or not. legal tender is never lost through fortuitous
Art. 1538 -> in case of deterioration or event.
improvement of the thing before its
delivery, the rules in Art. 1189 shall be STRUCTURING THE PROPER DOCTRINE ON
observed, the seller being considered the LOSS, DETERIORATION, FRUITS, AND
Under Art. 1189, as it is applicable to a Prior to perfection -> both title and
contract of sale, the following rules shall beneficial interests pertain to the seller, and
govern the deterioration of the thing during therefore he must bear the risk of loss,
the pendency of a condition suspending the deterioration, and benefits from the fruits
efficacy of the seller’s obligation to deliver and improvements.
the subject matter: After delivery -> effectively transfers title
1. When the thing deteriorates without the and beneficial interest to the buyer, buyer
fault of the seller, the impairment is to bears both the risk of loss and deterioration,
be borne by the buyer as well as the benefits from the fruits and
2. If the thing deteriorates through the improvements of the subject matter of sale.
fault of the seller, the buyer may It is only after perfection and before
choose between the rescission of the delivery that title and beneficial interests
obligation and its fulfillment, with actually do not pertain to the same person
indemnity for damages in either case since title remains with the seller, but
3. If the thing is improved by its nature, beneficial interest actually pertains to the
or by time, the improvements shall buyer. -> The principle of res perit domino
inure to the benefit of the buyer would not apply since although the seller is
4. If the thing is improved at the expense the formal owner, the buyer during that
of the seller, he shall have no other period is actually the beneficial owner.
right than that granted to the This is clear from the provisions of the NCC
usufructuary. which govern the responsibilities of the
obligor in an obligation to deliver a
Art. 1480 determinate thing, all for the benefit of the
Art. 1537 obligee:
The rule of res perit domino provided in 1. Art. 1163
Article 1504 on goods, applies ONLY to 2. Art. 1164
“LOSS” and has NO application to issues 3. Art. 1165 and Art. 1170
pertaining to deterioration or fruits and 4. Art. 1166
improvements over the subject matter of
the sale. When title and beneficial interest over the
The hybrid rule on the risk of loss under the subject matter of the sale do not pertain to
present Civil Code happens not at the point the same person, who should suffer the loss
of perfection, but at the point of delivery. and deterioration thereof, and benefit from
the fruits and improvements? The
AFTER DELIVERY resolution to this issue would be and should
Under Article 1504, when ownership of the be that the person who should bear the risk
goods has been transferred to the buyer, of loss should be the party who had greater
the goods shall be at the buyer’s risk. The
unpaid seller still has a lien on the Art. 1532 -> how any unpaid
goods or the right to retain them seller may exercise is right of
for the price while he is in stoppage in transitu
possession of them. Note: When notice of stoppage
Where the ownership in the goods in transitu is given by the
has not passed to the buyer, the seller to the carrier, or other
unpaid seller has, in addition his bailee in possession of the
other remedies, a right of goods, he must redeliver the
withholding delivery similar to and goods to, or according to the
co-extensive with his right of lien. directions of, the seller. The
The possessory lien of the unpaid expenses of such delivery
seller is exercised only in the must be borne by the seller.
following instances -> Art. 1527
Note: Art. 1535 par. 1 g. When goods covered by
negotiable document of title
a. When Negotiable document of Art. 1532 (last paragraph)
title is issued It is only when the unpaid
Art. 1535, par. 2 seller has exercised either his
right to possessory lien or his
b. Part delivery effected right of stoppage in transitu
Art. 1528 that he can then proceed with
his other special rights of sale
c. Instances when possessory lien or to rescind.
Art. 1529 5. Special right to resell goods
The unpaid seller loses his Notwithstanding that the ownership in
possessory lien when he parts the goods may have passed to the
with physical possession of the buyer, the unpaid seller has a special
goods, as when he delivers the right of resale, but only under the
goods to the carrier. In that conditions provided by law.
case, he still has the remedy
of stoppage in transitu, but a. When right exercisable
only if the buyer has in the The special right of resale by the
meantime become insolvent unpaid seller can be made only when
he has exercised priorly either his right
4. Stoppage in transitu of possessory lien or stoppage in
Notwithstanding that the transitu, and under any of the following
ownership in the goods may have conditions:
passed to the buyer, the unpaid 1. The goods are of perishable
seller of the goods has, in case of nature
the insolvency of the buyer, a right 2. Where the seller expressly
of stopping the goods in transitu reserves the right of resale in
after he has parted with the case the buyer should make
possession of them. default
Article 1530 3. Where the buyer has been in
Art. 1535, par. 1 default in the payment of the
price for an unreasonable time
a. When negotiable document of (Art. 1533)
title issued
Article 1535, par. 2. Hanlon v. Hausserman: the seller has a
right, when the contract of sale is still
b. When buyer deemed “insolvent” executory in stage, to resell the
Art. 1636 (2) movables subject matter of the sale,
when the buyer fails to pay the
c. When goods deemed in transit purchase price.
Art. 1531 Katigbak v. CA: if the buyer fails to
take delivery and pay the purchase
d. When goods deemed no longer in price of the subject matter of the
transit contract, the seller, without need of
Art. 1531 first rescinding the contract judicially, is
entitled to resell the same, and if he is
e. When part delivery already made obliged to sell it for less than the
Art. 1531 (last paragragh) contract price, the buyer is liable for
the difference.
f. How right exercised
2. Accept or keep the goods and personal property the price of which is
maintain an action against the payable in installments.
seller for damages for the
breach of warranty a. When sale on installments
3. Refuse to accept the goods, Levy Hermanos, Inc. v. Gervacio: the
and maintain an action against provisions of the Recto Law cannot
the seller for damages for apply to a sale where there is an initial
breach of warranty payment, and the balance payable in
4. Rescind the contract of sale, the future, because the same is not a
and refuse to receive the sale on installment but actually a
goods or if the goods have “straight sale.” Since such a sale is not
already been received, return covered by the Recto Law, the barring
or offer to return them to the effects of the law cannot be made to
seller and recover the price or apply, and the seller may recover the
any part thereof which has unpaid balance of the purchase price
been paid. against the buyer even when the latter
shall have lost by foreclosure the
When the buyer has claimed and subject matter of the sale. The Court
been granted a remedy in any of held that when there is only one
these ways, no other remedy can payment to be paid in the future, there
thereafter be granted, without is not basis to apply the Recto Law,
prejudice to the buyer’s right to since under the language of then Article
rescind, even if previously he has 1454-A, the buyer needs to have
chosen specific performance when defaulted in the payment of two or
fulfillment has become impossible. more installments to allow the seller to
rescind or foreclose on the chattel
3. Suspension of payments in anticipation mortgage.
of breach
Art. 1590 b. Loans and Financing Transactions
The provisions of the Recto Law are
a. Remedy of buyer for pending suit applicable to financing transactions
o The pendency of suit over the derived or arising from sales of
subject matter of the sale movables on installments, even if the
justifies the buyer in underlying contract at issue is a loan
suspending payment of the because the promissory note had been
balance of the purchase price assigned or negotiated by the original
by reason of aforesaid seller.
vindicatory action filed against Zayas Jr. v. Luneta Motor Company : To
it. rule otherwise would pave the way for
o The assurance made by the subverting the policy underlying Article
seller that the buyer did not 1484 on the foreclosure of chattel
have to worry about the case, mortgages over personal property sold
because it was pure and on installment basis.
simple harassment, is not the When the seller assigns his credit to
kind of guaranty contemplated another person, the latter may likewise
under the exceptive clause in avail of any of the above remedies. In
Art. 1590 wherein the buyer is other words, having chosen any of the
bound to make payment even aforementioned remedies, the creditor
with the existence of may not thereafter exercise any option
vindicatory action if the seller unless the chosen alternative proves to
should give security for the be ineffectual or unavailing due to no
return of the price. fault on his part.
In all other cases, where the financing
D. RECTO LAW: SALES OF MOVABLES ON transaction is not derived from a sale,
INSTALLMENTS the provisions of the Recto Law do NOT
apply. The provisions of Article 1484
1. Coverage of the law cannot be applied by analogy or by
Art. 1484 provides for the remedies of a equity since the provisions apply to a
seller in contracts of sale of personal sale on installments.
property by installments, and incorporates
the provisions of Act. No. 4122 passed in 2. Rationale of Recto Law
1939, known as the “Installment Sales Law” The object of the Recto Law was to remedy
or the “Recto Law.” the abuses committed in connection with
Article 1484 -> the vendor may exercise the the foreclosure of chattel mortgages and
following remedies in a contract of sale of was meant to prevent mortgagees from
seizing the mortgaged property, buying it a considered as having barred the resort to
foreclosure sale for a low price, and then either the remedies of rescission or
bringing suit against the mortgagor for a foreclosure.
sufficiency judgment. The mere fact that the seller secured
possession of the property subject of the
3. Remedies provided under Article 1484 sale by installments did NOT necessarily
mean that the seller would resort to a
a. Nature of the remedies under Article 1484 foreclosure of the mortgage constituted
Article 1484 -> should the buyer of a thereon.
personal property default in the payment of
two or more agreed installments, the article 5. Remedy of rescission
provides that the vendor or seller has the When the seller chooses the remedy of
option to avail any of the 3 remedies. rescission, then generally, he is under
The remedies under Article 1484 have been obligation to make restitution, which would
recognized as alternative, NOT cumulative, include the return of any amount of the
in that the exercise of one would bar the purchase price that the buyer may have
exercise of the others. paid.
The remedies cannot also be pursued Note: Art. 1486
simultaneously, as when a complaint is filed The stipulation of the forfeiture of the
to exact fulfillment of the obligation, to amounts paid by the buyer in case of
seize the property purchased and to rescission can also be considered a measure
foreclose the mortgage executed thereof. of recompense for damages suffered by the
Borbon II v. Servicewide Specialists, Inc. : seller, as this is more rationale since when
The creditor may not thereafter exercise the forfeiture becomes unconscionable, the
any other option, unless the chosen courts may reduce the effect of such
alternative proves to be ineffectual or stipulation pursuant to Article 1486.
unavailing due to no fault on his part. This Delta Motor Sales Corp. v. Niu Kim Duan : a
rule, in essence, is the difference between stipulation in a contract that the
alternative obligations on the one hand, and installments paid shall not be returned to
alternative remedies, upon the other hand, the vendee is valid insofar as the same may
where in the latter case, the choice not be unconscionable under the
generally becomes conclusive upon the circumstances.
exercise of the remedy.
a. When rescission deemed chosen
b. Non-mixing of effects of remedies The general rule is that the seller is
Article 1484 actually has 2 levels of barring deemed to have chosen the remedy of
effects: the first level on the choice of rescission, and can no longer avail of
remedies (vertical); and the second level, the other 2 remedies under Article
on the non-recovery of the unpaid balance 1484, when he has clearly indicated to
of the price when it comes to the remedies end the contract, such as when: (1) he
of rescission and foreclosure (horizontal). sends a notice of rescission, or (2)
There can be no mixing of the effects of the takes possession of the subject matter,
remedies provided in Article 1484. or (3) when he files an action for
The rule is that in installment sales, if the rescission.
action instituted is for specific performance
and the mortgaged property is subsequently b. Barring effect of rescission
attached and sold, the sale does not The present version of the Recto Law
amount to a foreclosure of the mortgage. under Article 1484 only provides for a
barring on recovery of balance only
4. Remedy of Specific performance when it comes to the remedy of
GR: When the seller has chosen specific foreclosure.
performance, he can no longer seek Although no barring effect is expressly
rescission nor foreclosure of the chattel provided for the remedy of rescission
mortgage constituted on the thing sold. under Art. 1484, the same is implicit
EX: However, even if the seller had chosen from the nature of the remedy of
specific performance, but the same has rescission, which requires mutual
become impossible, the seller may still restitution.
choose rescission pursuant to Article 1191. Where there is no stipulation to the
The seller is deemed to have chosen specific contrary, the seller is even obliged to
performance to foreclose the resort to the return any portion of the purchase price
two remedies under Article 1484, when he he received from the buyer, although
files an action in court for recovery. he can recover damages.
Generally, the mere sending of demand Perhaps it was a good judgment to limit
letters to the buyer to pay the balance of the statutory barring effect of Article
the purchase price should NOT be 1484 to the remedy of foreclosure and
allowed the barring effect of rescission buyer, the seller is not obliged to refund
to continue to be governed by the very said payments after foreclosure to the
nature of the remedy itself. buyer.
the Recto Law is only on the purchase price, Article 1484 is meant to cover
and cannot cover stipulation in the contract purported lease of personal property
for damages, interests, and attorney’s fees. with option to purchase and are
Nevertheless, current jurisprudence upholds considered a circumvention of the
the full barring effect on recovery even of prohibition under Article 1484 in order
the present language of Article 1484. to obviate the need to constitute a
chattel mortgage over the movable
e. Perverse buyer-mortgager sold.
Filipinas Investment & Finance Corp. v. In case of purported contracts of lease
Ridad: By way of exception to the complete with option to buy, the taking back of
barring effect on the remedy of foreclosure, possession or enjoyment of the leased
the court held that when a defaulting buyer- movable by the seller-lessor would
mortgagor refuses to surrender the chattel amount to both a foreclosure that bars
to the seller to allow the latter to be able to all other actions of whatever nature,
proceed with the foreclosure, then the and not rescission that would still
seller, even after actual foreclosure, should authorize the seller the right to recover
be allowed to recover expenses and damages to make him whole.
attorney’s fees incurred in trying to obtain Elisco Tool Manufacturing Corp. v. CA:
possession of the chattel. If the main purpose for seeking
A mere demand to surrender the object recovery of the personal property under
which is not heeded by the mortgagor will a writ of replevin was merely to ensure
not amount to a foreclosure, but the enforcement of the remedy of specific
repossession thereof by the vendor- performance under Article 1484 (1),
mortgagee would have the effect of there would be no barring effect by
foreclosure. reason of the enforcement of the writ.
Therefore, not every deprivation of
E. CONTRACTS TO SELL MOVABLES possession would result in producing
When the contract governing the sale of the barring effect under Article 1485 of
movables is a contract to sell, then the rules the Civil Code.
on rescission and substantial breach are not By and large, it seems to be thinking of
applicable, since when the suspensive the SC that a sale of movables on
condition upon which the contract is based installment, when structured as a lease
fails to materialize, it would extinguish the with option to purchase is equivalent to
contract, and consequently there is no a security arrangement whereby the
contract to rescind. subject movables are mortgaged by the
Nevertheless, the provisions of Article 1597 buyer to the seller. Consequently, when
would apply which would grant the seller the purported lessor takes possession
the right to “rescind” the contract “by giving of the subject movables, the same is
notice of his election to do so to the buyer.” treated legally as a foreclosure and the
barring effect applicable to foreclosure
F. LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE remedy, not rescission, is given
Note: Article 1485 -> cross-reference to application.
Article 1484
Note: Article 1486 IN CASE OF IMMOVABLES
The SC has recognized that sellers who do
not wish to enter into conditional contracts A. REMEDIES OF SELLER
of sale have often resorted to lease with
option to purchase, but that nevertheless, 1. Anticipatory breach
the underlying contract would not prevent Art. 1591
the transfer of ownership of the subject Should such ground not exist, the
matter to the buyer-lessee upon fulfillment provisions of Art. 1191 shall be
of the condition of the full payment of the observed, which means that upon
“rents.” substantial breach by the buyer for
failure to comply with his obligation
a. What is the barring effect on such to pay the price when due, the
contracts? seller may sue for rescission of the
The issue that arises therefore when it contract of sale.
comes to purported contracts of lease
with option to purchase is whether the 2. Failure of buyer to pay price
taking back of possession or enjoyment The failure of the buyer to pay the
of the property leased as treated by price in full within the fixed period
Article 1485 carries the concept of does not, by itself, bar the transfer
rescission or foreclosure. of ownership or possession, much
Filinvest Credit Corp. v. CA: the less dissolve the contract of sale.
rationale behind the Recto Law found in
3. Maceda Law cannot be invoked by highest d. Less than two years installments paid
bidder in foreclosure proceedings In case where less than 2 years of
The SC has ruled that the terms of the installments were paid, the buyer shall
Maceda Law cannot be invoked by a person still be entitled to a grace period of 60
or entity who acquired the subdivision lots days from the date the installment
in a foreclosure sale on the mortgaged became due.
constituted thereon by the developer. Such If the buyer fails to pay the
person or entity, although binding itself to installments due at the expiration of
the terms of the contract of sale, is not the the grace period, the seller may cancel
real party to the original installment sales. the contract 30 days from receipt by
the buyer of the notice of cancellation
4. Rights granted or the demand for rescission of the
The rights granted to a buyer of real estate contract by a notarial act.
in a sale or financing covered by the Maceda
Law, depend on whether or not he has paid e. Compensation rule on amortization
less than or more than two years of payments
installments. Leano v. CA: although the contract to
sell allows a total of 10 years within
a. At least two years installment paid which to pay the purchase price,
Where the buyer has paid at least 2 nevertheless, the buyer cannot ignore
years of installments, the buyer is the stipulation on the monthly
entitled to the following rights in case amortization payments required under
he defaults in the payments of the contract by claiming that the 10
succeeding installments: year period within which to pay has not
1. To pay, without additional elapsed. When the buyer fails to pay
interest, the unpaid any monthly amortization, he is under
installments due within the Article 1169 already in default and
total grace period earned by liable for damages stipulated in the
him, which is hereby fixed at contract. Nevertheless, the Court held
the rate of one month grace that the default committed by the
buyer in respect of the obligation could
be compensated by the interest and period and before actual cancellation of the
surcharges imposed upon the buyer contract. The deed of sale assignment shall
under the contract. be done by notarial act.
b. To pay in advance any installment or the
5. Interpretation of grace period and mode of full unpaid balance of the purchase price
cancellation any time without interest and to have such
Although a formal reading of the provisions of full payment of the purchase price
the Maceda Law would imply that once a annotated in the certificate of title covering
buyer fails to avail of the grace period the property.
granted to him, then either rescission or
cancellation of the contract becomes a matter 9. Effect of contrary stipulations
of right on the part of the seller, provided he Under Section 7 of the Maceda Law -> NULL
complies with the procedure provided for in AND VOID
the Law, the SC has interpreted it otherwise.
McLaughlin v. CA: would provide for two 10. Maceda Law cannot be availed of by the
grace periods: the first grace period is the developer
one provided for expressly by the law, which Lagandaon v. CA: The Court held that the
is a minimum of 60 days, and the other Maceda Law has no application to protect
would be the period before rescission or the developer or one who succeeds the
cancellation actually takes effect. The developer.
McLaughlin ruling would therefore encourage
buyers of real estate on installments covered CANCELLATION OF JUDICIAL SALE
by the Maceda Law not to take advantage of Where a judicial sale is voided without fault
the statutory grace period, because even with of the purchaser, the latter is entitled to
its expiration, they have a jurisprudential reimbursement of the purchase money paid
grace period which allows them to prevent by him.
the rescission or cancellation of their A judicial sale can only be set aside upon
contracts even after they have received the the return to the buyer of the purchase
demand for rescission or notice of price with simple interest, together with all
cancellation, by paying up the unpaid balance sums paid out by him in improvements
prior to the expiration of the 30-day period introduced on the property taxes, and other
provided. expenses by him.
Olympia Housing v. Panasiatic Travel Corp :
recently held that the Maceda Law recognizes
the right of the seller to cancel the contract CHAPTER 11
but any such cancellation must be done in RESCISSION IN SALES CONTRACTS COVERING
conformity with the requirements therein IMMOVABLES: CONTRACT OF SALE VERSUS
prescribed. The Court held that in addition to CONTRACT TO SELL
the notarial act of rescission, the seller is
required to refund to the buyer the cash REMEDY OF RESCISSION
surrender value of the payments on the
property and that the actual cancellation of 1. Rescission covered by chapter
the contract can only be deemed to take Art. 1191
place upon the expiry of a 30-day period Art. 1592 – in case of sale of immovables
following the receipt by the buyer of the on installments
notice of cancellation or demand for Art. 1592 applies to all sales of immovables
rescission by a notarial act and the full even when there is no stipulation on
payment of cash surrender value. automatic rescission, because of the use of
the phrase “even though.”
6. “Role” of Maceda Law “To rescind” – to declare a contract VOID at
“Policy statement” of the state in protecting its inception and to put on end to it as
the interests of buyers of residential real though it never was. It is not merely to
estate on installments. terminate it and release the parties from
further obligation to each other, but to
7. Retroactive application of law abrogate it from the beginning and to
Siska Dev. Corp. v. Office of the President : restore the parties to their relative positions
The SC extended the formal requirements as if no contract has been made.
of rescission under the Maceda Law to apply
even to contracts entered into prior to the a. Legal basis of rescission
effectivity of the Maceda Law. The legal basis of rescission by a party
in reciprocal obligations is “breach” on
8. Other rights granted to buyer under the law the part of the other party or his failure
a. To sell his rights or assign the same to to comply with his obligation.
another person or to reinstate the contract The breach contemplated in Article
by updating the account during the grace 1191 is the obligor’s failure to comply
with an obligation already extant, and cases under Article rescission for lesion
does not cover the failure of a condition 1191 enumerated in Article
to render binding that obligation 1381
d. Recent affirmation of difference between Art. 1191 – the courts “shall decree the
two remedies rescission claimed, unless there be just
cause authorizing the fixing of the period”
Rescission (Art. Rescission (Art. Spouses Benito v. Saguitan-Ruiz: a seller
1381) 1191) cannot unilaterally and extrajudicially
Remedy granted by Refers to rescission rescind a contract of sale where there is no
law to the contracting applicable to express stipulation authorizing it; and that
parties and event to reciprocal obligations. unilateral rescission will not be judicially
third persons to favored or allowed if the breach is not
secure the reparation substantial and fundamental to the
of damages caused to fulfillment of the obligation.
them by a contract,
even if this should be a. When extrajudicial rescission allowed
valid, by restoration Pangilinan v. CA: There is nothing in
of things to their this law which prohibits the parties
condition at the from entering into an agreement that a
moment prior to the violation of the terms of the contract
celebration of the would cause its cancellation even
contract. It implies a without court intervention. The
contract, which even rationale for the foregoing is that in
if initially valid, contracts providing for automatic
produces a lesion or revocation, judicial intervention is
pecuniary damage to necessary not for purposes of obtaining
someone a judicial declaration of rescinding a
Rescission underArt. 1191 uses the contract already deemed rescinded by
Article 1383 is
term “rescission” the virtue of an agreement providing for
subsidiary action
original term used in rescission without judicial intervention,
limited to cases of the old Civil Code was but in order to determine whether or
rescission for lesion “resolution” not rescission was proper.
under Art. 1381 Resolution is a
principal action which 5. Rescission requires positive act
is based on breach of Rescission is a remedy that would have no
party automatic application, even when the
Although both presuppose contracts validly factual basis thereof be present in the
entered into and subsisting and both require situation.
mutual restitution when proper Rescission requires a positive act on the
part of the injured party, since it is legally
possible that the injured party may waive
e. Rescission distinction from an action for rescission and proceed with specific
reconveyance performance.
Iringan v. CA: held that a mutual
Rescission Action for agreement in a sale allowing rescission
reconveyance under Article 1191 is valid, but it does not
Judicial resolution of a Mutual restitution is grant “automatic rescission,” since
contract gives rise to not necessarily the rescission must be invoked judicially, and
mutual restitution situation that arises in the courts are granted power to deny
an action for rescission should there by grounds to justify
reconveyance the allowance of a term for the performance
In an action for rescission, unlike in an action of the obligation. The party entitled to
for reconveyance predicated on an extrajudicial rescind should apply to the court for a
rescission (rescission by notarial act), the decree of rescission. The operative act
courts, instead of decreeing rescission may which produces the resolution of the
authorize for a just cause the fixing of a period contract is the decree of the court and not
the mere act of the vendor.
provisions of Article 1592, which the contract “by giving notice of his
provides that when there has been a election to do to the buyer.”
demand made on the buyer for
rescission either judicially or by a THE MACEDA LAW
notarial act, “the court may not Ra 6552 or the Maceda Law has further
grant him a new term.” blurred the basic distinction between a
By the nature of a contract to sell, contract of sale and a contract to sell, at
however, rescission is irrelevant least in the specific types of real estate and
because the non-fulfillment of the condominium units covered by said law.
suspensive condition of full payment By legislative injunctions, the Maceda Law
of purchase price prevents a has decreed that whether it be a contract of
contract of sale from even sale or a contract to sell, the actual rescission
materializing, and therefore there is or cancellation thereof shall take place “thirty
really nothing to resolve or rescind. days from receipt by the buyer of the notice
And certainly, any stipulation of cancellation or the demand for rescission
authorizing the seller to “rescind” of the contract by a notarial act.”
the contract to sell in the event the
buyer fails to fully pay the purchase RECAP OF RULINGS
price is a mere surplusage.
It is in fact that in a contract of sale 1. At perfection stage
that such a stipulation must appear,
otherwise, the seller cannot a. Requisite contractual stipulations
extrajudicially rescind the contract In a contract to sell, at perfection,
and has to go to court for such there must be a stipulation or
remedy. agreement that:
The absence of such provision a. The ownership of the subject
granting the seller the right to matter shall remain with the
rescind extrajudicially should be seller until full payment of the
interpreted to mean that the price AND
contract is a contract to sell, and the b. A specific right is granted to
presence of that provision would the seller to extrajudicially
indicate that it is a contract of sale. rescind or cancel the contract
What must appear in a contract in in case of default; the absence
order to make it a contract to sell is of such stipulation makes the
a stipulation that the obligation of contract one of contract of sale
the seller to transfer possession
and/or ownership of the subject The lack of a stipulation allowing the
matter is conditioned upon the buyer seller to rescind the contract in the
fully paying the purchase price; but event the buyer fails to comply with his
not the fact that the seller can obligation to pay the purchase price
rescind if such condition does not clearly prevents the contract from
happen. being classified as a contract to sell.
A contract of sale and a contract to CONTRA: However, the Court has also
sell are both perfected contracts. ruled that even in the absence of such
Although the first is binding and stipulations, the contract would still be
demandable, the latter is binding but considered a contract to sell, because
with obligations subject to the absence of deeds of conveyance
suspensive conditions. covering registered land where the
Just because earnest money has operative act of sale is registration of
been given, does not determine the deed of sale.
whether it is a contract of sale or a
contract to sell, for indeed even in a b. Stipulation on execution of deed of
contract to sell a substantial portion absolute sale
of the purchase price may have been Where there is a stipulation or
paid, but that alone does not convert promise that the seller shall
it into a contract of sale. execute a deed of absolute sale
upon completion of payment of the
purchase price by the buyer, the
7. Blurring of principles infect contract to agreement is a contract to sell.
sell of movables CONTRA: Where there is an
Visayan Sawmill Company Inc. v. express stipulation that the sellers
CA: the Court held inapplicable would execute a final deed of sale
Article 1191. Nevertheless, the Court of absolute sale upon payment of
applied the provisions of Art. 1597 the balance of purchase price, still
which allows the seller to “rescind” not a contract to sell because there
a previous suit on the nature of the contract debt, and contains nothing impossible
-> last paragraph of Art. 1606 or contrary to law.”
The rationale for the grant of the 30-day Equitable mortgage: requisites
period of redemption under Article 1606 is 4. That the parties entered into a
quite clear: should a judgment be finally contract denominated as a
rendered upholding the transaction to be contract of sale
one of sale a retro, then it is but fair to 5. That their intention was to
grant to the seller a final 30-day period secure existing debt by way of
within which to redeem from the time he is mortgage
bound by the judgment finding the contract
to be one of equitable mortgage. b. When presumed equitable mortgage
If the issue before the court is one whether Art. 1602
the contract at issue was one of absolute Art. 1604
sale or a sale a retro, a judgment finding Article 1602 would also apply even on
the contract to be a sale a retro should not a contract purporting to be an
authorize the application of the 30-day absolute sale, if indeed the real
redemption period under Article 1606 in intention of the parties is that the
favor of the seller who had previously transaction shall secure the payment
allowed the period of redemption to expire. of a debt or the performance of any
In such a case, the seller a retro was other obligation.
negligent or at fault for not having Art. 1603
exercised his right to redeem during the The presence of only one of the
redemption period, and should not be circumstances defined in Article 1602
granted a new period. is sufficient for a contract of sale a
retro to be presumed an equitable
a. Feigning equitable mortgage to avail of mortgage.
Art. 1606 Lim v. Calaguas: in order for the
Even when the sale involved a true sale presumption of equitable mortgage to
a retro, and the seller failed to redeem apply, there must be either:
within the redemption period, there 5. something in the language of
was danger that the seller, in a the contract
desperate move would, feign the 6. in the conduct of the parties
defense of equitable mortgage in a suit which shows clearly and
filed to redeem the property, and beyond doubt that they
knowing that the evidence would still intended the contract to be a
yield a judgment on sale a retro, would mortgage and not a pacto de
nevertheless allow him to avail of the retro sale.
30-day redemption period allowed
under the last paragraph of Article
1606. Lim v. Calaguas: enumerates the
Adorable v. Inacala: Where the following as basis to treat the contract
evidence established that there could as an equitable mortgage:
be no honest doubt as to the parties’ 3. The terms used in the deed or
intention that the transaction was power of attorney indicate that
clearly and definitely a sale with pacto the conveyance was intended
de retro, the seller would not be to be a loan secured by a
entitled to the benefit of Article 1606. mortgage
4. The price paid, in relation to
10. Fruits the value of the property, is
Article 1617 grossly inadequate
Almeda v. Daluro: held that the provisions 5. The seller, at the time of the
of Article 1617 on fruits applies only when alleged sale was in urgent
the parties have not provided for their need of money
sharing arrangement with respect to the 6. The supposed seller invested
fruits existing at the time of redemption. the money he obtained from
the alleged buyer in making
11. Equitable Mortgage improvements on the property
a. Definition of “equitable mortgage” sold
Equitable mortgage “as one which 7. The supposed seller remained
although lacking in some formality, or in possession of the land sold
form, or words, or other requisites 8. The seller paid the land tax
demanded by a statute, nevertheless, which is a usual burden
reveals the intention of the parties to attached to ownership
charge real property as security for a 9. The buyer accepted partial
payments from the seller, and
new creditor. It is a requires is merely transactions VOID, but would also subject the
new contractual notice to him. A violators to criminal liabilities.
relationship based on creditor, therefore, may
the mutual agreement validly assign his credit TRANSACTIONS COVERED BY LAW
among the necessary and accessories without Section 2 of the Law defines 3 types of transactions
parties the debtor’s consent which are treated as “bulk sales” covered by the
ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT 1. Any sale, transfer, mortgage, or
Intellectual property code assignments of a stock of goods, wares,
The owner of a copyright may assign it in merchandise, provisions, or materials
whole or in part. Within the scope of the otherwise than in the ordinary course of
assignment, the assignee is entitled to all trade and the regular prosecution of the
the rights and remedies which the business of the seller, mortgagor,
assignor had with respect to the transferfor, or assignor
copyright. 2. Any sale transfer, mortgage, or assignment
Since the copyright is distinct from the of all, or substantially all, of the business or
property in the material object subject to trade therefore conducted by the seller,
it, consequently, the transfer or mortgagor, transferor, or assignor
assignment of the copyright shall not of 3. Any sale, transfer, mortgage, or assignment
itself constitute a transaction of the of all, or substantially all, of the fixtures and
material object. Nor shall a transfer or equipment used in and about the business
assignment of the sole copy or of one or of the seller, mortgagor, transferor, or
several copies of the work imply transfer assignor.
or assignment of the copyright.
In the 3 types of transactions covered
ASSIGNMENT AS AN EQUITABLE MORTGAGE by the law, neither motive nor intention
Like species sale used as a device to secure of the seller, nor the resulting
an obligation, assignment of intangibles is consequence thereof to his estate,
also resorted to as a means to secure loans. constitute an element of what is a bulk
In both cases, the principles pertaining to sale; nor is proof of such intention and
equitable mortgages will apply. result relevant in determining whether
the transaction would fall within the
coverage of the law.
CHAPTER 15 Whether or not the transaction is
BULK SALES LAW meant to defraud creditors, or whether
or not the seller is in a state of
solvency, would be irrelevant.
Rationale and coverage: The Bulk Sales Law (Act No.
“in the normal course of business” ->
3952, as amended by RA No. 111), which was copied
applies only to the first type of bulk
primarily from American statutes, was actually
sale and has no application at all to the
intended as a species of bankruptcy and fraudulent
subsequent 2 types of transactions.
transactions law meant to protect supply creditors or
businessmen against preferential or fraudulent
transfers done by merchants.
People v. Wong: fails to take into
consideration that there are 3 types of bulk
sales enumerated under the Law, and it
In spite the intended rationale of the Law, its
would seem that it sought to enforce and
language does not include fraud or insolvency as an
interpret only the first type of bulk sale.
element of what constitute “bulk sale.”
When it comes to the other 2 types of bulk
Consequently, the Law covers all transactions,
sales, the language of the Law does not
whether done in good faith or not, that fall within the
limit in any way coverage to a particular
description of what is “bulk sale.”
type of business. Therefore, Wong may not
be considered as biding when it comes to
Objective of the law:
the other two types of bulk sales under the
1. To compel the seller in bulk to execute and
deliver a verified list of his creditors to his
2. To compel the seller in bulk to give a notice
Even if the transaction falls within the definition of
of intended sale to be sent in advance to
“bulk sale” under Section 2, in the following cases,
said creditors,
the Law would not be made to apply (Section 8, Bulk
3. To use the proceeds to cover payment of
Sales Law):
outstanding liabilities.
1. If the seller, transferor, mortgagor, or
assignor produces and delivers a written
Note: Non-compliance with the requirements of
waiver of the provisions of the Law from his
the Law would not only render certain
creditors as shown by verified statements
a. under Category B
Categories of retail trade enterprises 1. limited to not more than
Enterprises with paid-up 60% of total equity of
Category A capital of the equivalent such retail enterprise
Philippine Pesos of less within the first 2 years
than US$2.5 M after the effectivity of the
Enterprises with a Act (or up to March 25,
minimum paid-up capital 2002)
of the equivalent in 2. May wholly own such
Philippine Pesos of US$ retain enterprises 2 years
2.5M, but less than after the effectivity of the
Category B US$7.5 M, provided that Act (starting 26 March
in no case shall the 2002)
investments for
establishing a store be b. May wholly own retail enterprises
less than the equivalent under Category C, provided that
in Philippine Pesos of the investments for establishing a
US$30,000 store is less than US$830,000
Enterprises with a paid- c. May wholly own retail enterprises
up capital of the under Category D
equivalent in Philippine
pesos of US $7.5 M or GRANDFATHER RULE
Category C more, provides that in no Process of characterizing the citizenship of
case shall the shares in one corporation held by another
investments for corporation by attributing the controlling
establishing a store be interest of the second layer of corporate
less than the equivalent ownership
in Philippine Pesos of US For purposes of INVESTMENTS, the SEC has
$830,000 adopted the rule that shares belonging to
Enterprises specializing corporations or partnerships at least 60% of
in high-end or luxury the capital of which is owned by Filipino
Category D products with a paid-up citizens shall be considered as Philippine
capital of the equivalent nationality, but if the percentage of Filipino
in Philippine Pesos of US ownership in the corporation or partnership is
$250,000 per store less than 60%, only the number of shares
corresponding to such percentage shall be
WHEN ALIENS MAY INVEST IN RETAIL TRADE counted as of Philippine nationality.