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The Genesis of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces

Peter Grandics

For reprints, mail requests to Peter Grandics, Ph.D.,

Atmospheric Electricity Corporation
P.O.Box 1682 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
(e-mail: [email protected])

This paper proposes a new geometrical theory for the formation of subatomic
structures underlying electric polarities and gravitation, and describes their interactions at
the sub-elemental particle level. The structures are derived from two basic observations
and their interpretations. It is observed that spiral motion is a fundamental action of
matter and that all material manifestation is a type of crystal. The observed generality of
crystalline structures is extended to the so-called vacuum space proposing it to be
“crystalline.” Vacuum space lattice sites are postulated to be populated with fundamental
“energy vortex particles” called Space-Time Array Resonators (STARs). STARs are
units of energy tied into a pulsating spiral vortex called a circumvolution cissoid and are
the basis for all particles of matter.
The postulated unit cell of the space lattice is a face-centered cube. The space
lattice is described as a non-compressible, frictionless fluid comprised of unit cell cubes
of energy vortices. Particles of matter arise from the space lattice by absorbing resonant
frequencies of electromagnetic radiations. This is exemplified by the formation of the
electron and positron, represented by specific vortex structures acting as circulators of the
space lattice.
The specific directions of circulating fluid space lattice determine electric
polarities. Attraction of free charges is governed by a directional flow of fluid space
lattice between the opposite electric poles. A unidirectional flow of space lattice also
occurs between separated positive and negative charges, causing a directional motion of
the charged object (e.g., an electric condenser). This conclusion leads to an inertialess
propulsion and gravity cancellation method, which provides the first experimental proof
of this theory. Electrostatic and magnetic fields are defined as space lattice currents,
which follow specific geometries, and their interactions are explained.
The second experimental proof of the theory is obtained when electrostatic and
magnetic fields are superimposed at an angle provided by a pyramidal structure. The
interaction causes a space lattice vortex around the pyramid, which can be tapped. This
can potentially become the source of an unlimited supply of electric energy.
A pressure differential of the space lattice between two or more interacting
material bodies, a large-scale replica of the flow patterns inside the vortex electron,
creates the gravitational interaction. All three forces acting at a distance can operate
within the same spatial and temporal domain, independent of each other, in full
agreement with experimental observation.
The Theory

This paper attempts to explain the genesis of two elemental particles, the electron
and positron, based on geometric or space relationships, and to describe their interactions
at the sub-elemental particle level. The advantage of such an approach is that it can be
visualized, and not just expressed mathematically. By definition, the word “structure”
implies a geometric relationship, and such a relationship must be of great importance in
atomic structures even though they are hidden from direct view.
The study of geometric relationships of macroscopic structures of matter may
provide important insights into the properties of matter at the microscale. Astrophysics
suggests the universe probably started with an energy burst from one point. This “Big
Bang” theory is supported by visual and spectroscopic evidence that the galaxies are
expanding away from a single center.
In stellar formation, gravitational pull and velocity generate a rotary vortex. Even
in the relative absence of such factors, all objects spiral at some given rate peculiar to
their special influences. A spiral is created when an object moves forward while rotating.
Earth’s movement in space is an example of this process. The Earth orbits the sun, while
the sun pulls it along towards the direction of Vega in the constellation Hercules. The
combined circular and forward motion creates a spiral. Our sun has the same motion in
relation to the galaxy center. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, also spirals away from the Big
Bang center.
Water going down a drain demonstrates some of the special influences affecting
spiral formation. The spiral, caused by Coriolis forces, changes dynamically under the
effects of gravitational pull, drain diameter, obstructions, temperature, pressure, volume,
viscosity, and stirring. The spiral changes shape and acceleration but maintains the
universal shape of a spiral. The water flow is responsive to all possible factors, and so is
the spiral.
Remarkably, the spiral vortex has a “memory” of itself. When a vortex is
distorted into an ellipse, it spontaneously returns to its original circular form when the
distorting influence ends. The vortex is a self-sustaining type of motion; its resiliency is
comparable to that of atomic bodies.
Spirals condense energy and sine waves transmit it along a frictional line of force
between them (Fig.1). Spirals and waves could be considered complementary aspects of
each other. Two opposed spirals form a wave, or a wave produces two spirals. A sine is
the producer of waves of spiral forces. Any fluid capable of supporting wave motion can
also support vortex motion.
The spiral is the prominent form of organization of matter. The large proportion
of spiral galaxies among celestial bodies visibly demonstrates this. On the microscale,
even the building block of life, DNA, uses this structure, and spirals are likely to be
dominant at the level of the atom and below. This is the subject of the present theory.
Figure 1. Spiral-wave relationship

I propose that all atoms and all stellar formations use the mutable spiral to adapt to their
spiral environment.
Another proposition is that all mediums of matter can be considered a type of
crystal. Crystallinity is readily recognizable in the mineral world, but it is also a more
general state of matter. By definition, a crystal is a regularly repeating atomic
arrangement, such as a chemical element, compound or isomorphous mixture. Besides
solid crystals, liquid crystals also exist. Therefore, the term crystal can be applied to
material expressions where crystallinity is not obvious, e.g., gases, complex biologics and
various life forms, including viruses, bacteria and higher organisms.
Air and water could be considered loose crystals subject to fast molecular drift.
At low temperatures where molecular drift is reduced, gases form solid or liquid crystals.
Even helium, the most volatile of all gases, can be crystallized under the appropriate
conditions. Soil and stone and metal are opaque cryptocrystals with slower rates of
molecular drift. On the macroscale, the Earth could be seen as faceted crystal with its
mountain ridges as the ridge of a geodesic sphere. Biopolymers such as DNA, proteins
or polysaccharides fit the definition of a crystal and are commonly made into crystals for
analysis and other purposes. All life can be seen as a crystal. From fish to humans, we
are liquid crystals on a skeletal lattice.
Crystals are the shape of discrete units of matter and notably the channelized
direction of energy, that is, the direction in which energy flows unforced. Crystals form
the basis for corpuscle-wave conversion. Crystals create resonance and conduct the flow
of energy between states. Crystals can also be considered lenses. By definition, a lens is
a device capable of refracting, or bending light. Light is an energy flow, so on a more
general term, a lens can be defined as any object capable of changing the direction of
energy flow. By this broader definition, even an electric wire is a lens, as it is capable of
changing the direction of flow of electrical energy. Lenses communicate energy as part
of the principle that all matter vibrates, all matter transmits, and all matter receives
energy. The universe changes energy states with lenses. Following this line of
reasoning, the universe could be viewed as a resonant crystal lens.
This observation is compelling because the universe is considered to be largely
empty, the largest component of which is the so-called vacuum space. Since Nature
seems to use the same geometrical organizing principles from micro to macro, I suggest
that the vacuum space must also be “crystalline.” Since the term crystalline is associated
with material of which the vacuum space is substantially devoid, I will use an extended
meaning of structure when discussing the “crystallinity” of vacuum space.
The theory of “crystalline” vacuum space was introduced by Simhony (1990,
1994). Simhony reasoned that three-dimensional physical phenomena must have three-
dimensional physical causes and explanations. He demonstrated that physical reality
could be described by the laws of classical physics supplemented by the presence of a
space lattice. This led to the development of the theory of an electron-positron lattice
space (epola for short). In the epola, bound electron-positron pairs reside at the lattice
sites of a face-centered cubical “crystal” structure similar to that of NaCl crystals
(Kennon 1978). The face-centered cube geometry allows the densest packing of spherical
The epola theory allowed a physical explanation of all yet unexplained postulates
of quantum mechanics and relativity including the particle-wave duality, the quantized
nature of electron orbits in the atom, electromagnetic radiation, the photon, and
gravitational interactions as well as the relationship of electrostatic, magnetic and
gravitational interactions. Simhony demonstrated gravity to be a derivative of
There is a large body of evidence suggesting that the vacuum space is not empty
at all. Experiments verify that the vacuum space contains an enormous residual
background energy (Boyer 1985, Haisch 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, Rueda 1995, 1999,
Matthews 1994, 1995, Casimir 1948, Lamoreux 1997, Sakharov 1968), called zero-point
energy (ZPE). The ZPE manifests as a pervasive and vast electromagnetic field called
the zero-point field (ZPF) described by Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994). A dynamic
field, ZPF is virtual plasma, with particles arising and disappearing of a background
energy field serving as a baseline, or zero point, for all physical processes. The ZPE
remains even at absolute zero. Simhony has described zero-point energy fluctuations as
analogous to

Figure 2. Geometry of the space lattice

Brownian motion of epola particles around their lattice sites. A potential alternative term
for the lattice space is the zero-point-field. This area remains an active field of research.
Simhony also suggested that all particles of matter are formed directly from the
lattice space (Simhony 1990), the mechanism of which remains undetermined. The
present theory intends to answer this question in terms of lattice space.
I propose that the vacuum space has a lattice structure similar to that introduced
by Simhony. This structure is a face-centered cube having 27 lattice sites (Fig. 2). On
the lattice sites reside the elemental “particles” forming all particles of matter. These are
“particles of energy” rather than particles of matter.
I propose that the “particle of energy” of the space lattice, called here the Space-
Time Array Resonator (STAR), is a spiral energy vortex tied into itself in the form of a
circumvolution cissoid. The circumvolution cissoid is a spiral turning around an axis
converging into an apex, in a self-imploding, self-sustaining vortex motion (Fig. 3). The
vortex pulsates and its vibration is a function of (2ø)x, where ø is the Fibonacci series
number and x = 0, 1, 2, 3, the number of turns the circumvolution cissoid makes. Once
started up, such a vortex would run practically indefinitely inside the space lattice.

Figure 3. Circumvolution cissoid

The internal friction of such a space lattice must be so low that it would only be
noticeable as a red shift in the spectra of distant galaxies. The space lattice, like its
constituent energy vortices, must also be a resilient structure with only limited
compressibility. At the same time, it must have fluidity since it is capable of transmitting
waves with transverse displacement. In the absence of atomic oscillators, the space
lattice would be incapable of dissipating energy in the form of heat.
Vortices maintain their circular forms as well as their proportions and dimensions.
The adjacent vortices have a coordinating effect that establishes axial alignment and
rolling contact between vortices within the space lattice. In that sense, there is a great
deal of similarity between crystals of material bodies and the structure of the space
lattice. I postulate that the space lattice is an incompressible, frictionless fluid made out
of unit cells cubes of “energy particle” vortices. The potential higher order structures of
the space lattice will be discussed in a subsequent paper.
We can consider the space lattice equivalent to motion. A space lattice in motion
necessarily has inertia. Although inertia is generally attributed to moving material
bodies, it is actually a property of motion. Inertia is just the continuity of motion. In the
case of vortex motion, the inertia is localized. Localized inertia can also be called
momentum. To account for the elemental particles of matter, we just need a space lattice
that is capable of moving.
Anderson discovered in 1932 that when 1.02 MeV photon energy is absorbed
into the vacuum space, an electron-positron pair may appear. This observation is
interpreted here as a glimpse into the formation of elemental particles of matter. To
become matter, energy must become more angular. This hypothesis is derived from the
observation that all material expression is a type of crystal, and is the compound and
derivative of a fundamental triangular shape from which all the seven crystal systems can
be derived (Kennon 1978).
The mechanics of this expression at the level of the space lattice are explained as
follows: As the energy of electromagnetic radiation propagates through the space lattice,
it polarizes the STAR vortices (for analogy see Fig.1). Subsequently, the “energy
particles” of the space lattice undergo a phase transition similar to the condensation of
gases. This happens at the resonant frequency of 1.02 MeV gamma radiation.

Figure 4. Rearrangement of the unit cell

The 27 STAR “particles” of the unit cell of space lattice rearrange into a
pyramidal segment of the cube (Fig. 4) on six levels, forming six circles of vortices. An
open-flat presentation of the rearrangement is shown in Figure 5. This structure is the
postulated smallest unit of matter. Note that the cube is composed of six interlocking
pyramids, making the cube and the pyramid resonant structures. Inside the pyramid, the
STAR rings form a vortex capable of circulating the fluid space lattice. The pumping
action is driven by the self-sustaining, pulsating vortex motion of its constituent STAR
particles (Fig. 3). The overall shape is a cone fitting inside the pyramid. The formation
of matter follows the geometry of the space lattice (Fig. 4) and thus we may conclude that
the blueprint for matter is built into the space lattice.

Figure 5. The smallest unit of matter

An electron is produced when two cones are joined in a tip-to-tip configuration
(Fig. 6). The positron is made out of two vortices (cones) facing base-to-base. The
energy vortices that make up the electrons have a resilient vibratory structure, which
should be capable of vibrating at various frequencies and modes. This would allow us to
account for the series of spectral lines, a signature of energy absorbed and emitted at
various frequencies.

Figure 6. Structures of electron and positron

The pumping effect and circulation of the fluid space lattice by these complex
vortex particles proceeds as follows: For the electron, the space lattice is drawn in
polarly and expelled equatorially; for the positron, the space lattice is drawn in
equatorially and expelled polarly (Fig. 7). The direction of the circulation of the fluid
space lattice determines the positive or negative polarities. When in close proximity, a
specific flow coupling occurs between the electron and positron (Fig. 7). It is quite
probable that a similar flow coupling exists between a proton and an electron inside the
atom; such a coupling is stable in the case of the proton. This is likely a result of the
different vibratory structure of the vortex proton.

Figure 7. Flow coupling of electron and positron

The instability of the electron-positron pair is also derived from this model. The
perfectly fitting, counter-rotating cones of energy extinguish each other instantaneously,
releasing a combined energy of 1.02 Mev. This results in the reconstitution of the
respective unit cells of the space lattice along with the release of the phase transition
energy as electromagnetic radiation.
The size of the STAR “particle” is estimated at 0.005 fm based on the “nuclear
radius” of 0.1 fm for the electron. The lattice constant for the unit cell of the space lattice
is approximately half the “nuclear radius” of the electron, i.e, 0.05 fm. This indicates that
the space lattice is quite dense compared to atomic bodies.
The model explains the attraction of free electric charges as follows (Fig. 8). The
movement of opposite charges toward each other is due to the equatorial circulation

Figure 8. Attraction of electric charges

of fluid space lattice from the negative charge to the positive charge and the polar
circulation of space lattice from the positive to the negative charge. The attraction of the
vortices pulls the two partners together. The electrostatic field between separated charges
is defined as the flow of the space lattice from the protons to the electrons and the outside
return flow of space lattice from the electrons to the protons. This explanation will
eventually lead to a hydromechanical theory of electricity.
Interestingly, there is a net unidirectional flow of fluid space lattice in the axial
direction of the free electric charges flowing in at the negative pole and flowing out at the
positive pole (Fig. 8). If the charges have a steady parallel orientation, e.g., as in an
electric condenser, then a pressure differential must arise in the space lattice around the
opposite poles of the condenser. To fully appreciate the significance of this conclusion,
one must first examine how material bodies accelerate through the space lattice.
Accelerating objects encounter resistance, facing an increased pressure of the
space lattice at the front end and a reduced pressure at the rear end. This situation is
common to all propulsion methods that apply a mechanical force on the physical object.
It is logical to suggest that a pressure differential of space lattice at the opposite sides of
material bodies is always accompanied by a change in the rest or motion of such bodies.
To achieve propulsion, instead of applying force to the physical object we should transfer
the space lattice that controls the behavior of the object from the rear end of the object to
its front end.
Therefore, a charged electric condenser with its own generated space lattice
pressure differential should behave as an accelerating object, i.e., it should move toward
the direction of its positive pole. In fact, such an observation was made as early as 1926,
the so-called Biefield-Brown Effect (Brown 1928). Biefield and Brown found that a
charged electric condenser suspended on a thread moved in the direction of its positive
pole. Without a plausible theoretical explanation, the observation received little
However, the Biefield-Brown Effect provides an experimental proof for this
theory of electric polarities. Now that the fundamentals are developed, the Effect may
provide the basis for a new propulsion and gravity cancellation method, and may give us
insights into the mechanism of gravitation. A craft utilizing such a propulsion method
could exhibit inertialess acceleration, as it would meet no resistance from the surrounding
space lattice.
The theory also allows the development of strategies for tapping into the energy
of the space surrounding us. Separated charges in an electric condenser cause a
directional flow of the fluid space lattice. Conversely, if we could induce a directional
flow of the space lattice, it would cause a separation of charges in material objects. To
explain how such an effect could be produced, the physical basis of magnetism must first
be discussed.
I have described the physical basis for the electrostatic field as an axial flow of a
space lattice current from the positive charges to the negative charges and back along the
outside to the positive charges. I shall now explain how these space lattice currents flow
in an electric wire. The space lattice flow that connects the electrons to the protons of the
atoms in the wire becomes extended along the length of the wire. This is the same
direction as the direction of movement of electrons that, in the current, flow in the outer
shell of the wire. The external return flow of the space lattice proceeds in the opposite
direction in the space around the wire. This flow constitutes the magnetic field.
In a solenoid, the surrounding space lattice flows in the opposite direction relative
to the path of the electrons. The magnetic effect will appear as either N or S magnetic
poles. The magnetic poles are mirror images of each other. This suggests that a single
isolated magnetic pole cannot exist.
In the electrostatic field, the outside space lattice current flows between
electrically charged particles. The magnetic field, on the other hand, exhibits a closed
circuit flow of the space lattice along the path of a solenoid or a circuit. Movement of the
space lattice in spirals or whorls produces electric and magnetic forces.
An electric charge and a magnetic pole interact even though they do not apply any
force to each other. A magnetic pole will bring about a directional orientation of the
electrons in a charged object, while an electric charge will cause the electric polarization
of the adjacent surface of a magnetic pole.
The next question concerns the superimposition of electrostatic and magnetic
fields on each other. The practical significance of the interaction of axially oriented
electrostatic and magnetic fields is likely to be small compared to their interaction at an
angle. A transversal superimposition of a magnetic field on an electrostatic field will
cause the distortion of both fields. The axial flow of the space lattice between the electric
poles (the physical basis for the electrostatic field) will be distorted, but its circulation
will continue. Similarly, the rotating space lattice, the basis for the magnetic field, will
also be distorted, flowing in irregular circuits.
To study the transverse superimposition of electrostatic and magnetic fields, a
shaped electrostatic field must be created (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. The interaction of a shaped electrostatic field with a magnetic field

When a magnetic field interacts with the shaped flow of the space lattice, it results in the
formation of a space lattice vortex at the points where the two currents intersect. This is
based on the previous hypothesis that the space lattice is an incompressible fluid, wherein
the intersecting currents cannot penetrate, but distort each other’s flow patterns.
Expanding this shaped electrostatic field into three dimensions creates a pyramid.
I have already discussed the importance of the pyramidal geometry in the formation of
matter. The pyramidal geometry may also be important for producing a space lattice
perturbation, the equivalent of a magnetic field following a rotational symmetry (e.g., a
If transversally superimposed electrostatic and magnetic fields on a pyramid
would indeed produce a vortex in the space lattice, then the rotational flow of the space
lattice should cause the separation of charges and an electric current in material bodies, as
predicted by this theory. Simply stated, the pyramid could convert electrostatic energy
into magnetic energy. This means that under appropriate conditions, a pyramid could
become a power generator.
For power generation in a pyramid, the source of the electrostatic and magnetic
fields could potentially be the Earth. The Earth has a high voltage electric field due to the
negatively charged surface covered by the positively charged atmosphere (Feynman
1964). The voltage field, believed to be maintained by the Sun’s radiation energy and/or
cosmic ray energy, extends from the ionosphere to the surface creating a potential
difference of about 400,000 V. The Earth’s electrostatic field is never depleted despite a
constant discharge of energy. The Earth’s electrostatic and magnetic fields could be
utilized to create a space lattice vortex in and around a sufficiently sized pyramid that
could be tapped. Experimental data supporting this conclusion has recently been reported
(Grandics 2000).
Lastly, the gravitational interaction is considered based on the circulation of space
lattice currents. As discussed earlier, material bodies spontaneously circulate the space
lattice with no specific orientation. In the case of a single spherical body, such as a
planet, the space lattice will assume a spherical shape all around the planet, conforming
to its spherical symmetry.
This suggests that a bound layer of space lattice surrounds material bodies. The
Earth on its orbit around the Sun carries this stationary bound layer along. The
gravitational field of the Earth is linked to the gravitational field of the Sun; therefore, the
bound layer of space lattice would not follow the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
The gravitational force is generated in the space lattice by interacting material
bodies as follows: In the case of two bodies, such as the Sun and Earth, their space lattice
currents will organize themselves similarly to the vortex electron (Fig. 7) forming a
bipolar vortex, although on a very large scale.
As the space lattice is an incompressible fluid, the currents between the
respective bodies cannot penetrate, but deflect each other’s flows generating outward
flows between the objects. To compensate for this outward flow, there must be an
equivalent inward flow through the material bodies. This should create a pressure
differential such that the space lattice between the bodies will be at a lower pressure than
at their remote sides. The pressure differential will push the two bodies toward each
other, eventually causing a collision. However, if they are orbiting each other, the
centrifugal force will keep them apart.
The flow of space lattice in electric and magnetic fields is always confined to
limited regions, that is, it either flows from positive to negative poles or around a closed
circuit, whereas the space lattice flow in a gravitational field has no polarity and thus can
traverse vast distances, passing through all bodies in its path.
The space lattice theory provides an answer as to how these forces can act
independently of each other within the same spatial and temporal domain. Electric and
magnetic forces are caused by space lattice currents in the form of spirals or whorls
existing independently of a pressure differential in the space lattice. This explains why
electric and magnetic force fields can exist and operate irrespective of the gravitational
force field, and vice versa.
A large body of evidence demonstrates that electric and magnetic forces can
override gravitation. When electromagnetic effects generate a net flow of space lattice
with a direction opposing the direction of flow of space lattice between two
gravitationally linked objects, the two flows can cancel out each other’s effects, resulting
in the elimination of gravitation. An electric condenser could create such an effect. The
fundamentals of this observation are now clarified by this theory.


The theory presented here expands upon the lattice space theory introduced by
Simhony. Many of the conclusions drawn from Simhony’s theory remain in effect in
context of the present theory. The space lattice theory allows the development of a fully
physical model of reality, and offers a rational basis for tackling elusive physical
phenomena, such as gravity or ZPE.
The present theory of electromagnetic and gravitational forces provides a
framework for addressing basic properties of matter as well as interactions between
material bodies. The theory of a fundamental matrix of the universe (space lattice) leads
us to experimentally testable conclusions. The possible outcomes of the theory may
include the basis for an inertialess propulsion method and a method for producing
electrical energy from the electromagnetic field of the Earth.
The theory of the elementary “energy particle” of the space lattice, the STAR,
leads us further into the mysteries of matter.
I predict that by modulating the vibratory status of the STARs, certain
properties of matter could be vastly altered. In ordinary matter, the vibrations of STARs
are random. If their vibrations could be synchronized leading to the formation of
standing waves, the space lattice pumping action of the elementary particles of matter
would be suspended. This could eliminate the physical basis for electromagnetic and
gravitational interactions. Gravitation would cease to exist, as well as electromagnetic
phenomena. Matter would not interact with electromagnetic radiation, leading to
invisibility of matter. This could become the ultimate method of stealth.
Since such an object would not interact with the gravitational or electromagnetic
force fields of the Universe, it could be accelerated to velocities in excess of the speed of
light. This would open up the avenue for developing interstellar space flight capability.
I further predict, that under certain vibratory conditions, even the dimensions of
the atom, the size of the nucleus and the distance of the electrons from the nucleus could
be altered. The atom could potentially be expanded or shrunk by modulating the rate at
which the fluid space lattice is pumped through the smallest unit of matter (Fig. 4).
All the potential applications of such discoveries are difficult to perceive. An
analysis of the potential vibratory modes of the circumvolution cissoid will be presented
in a subsequent paper.
The present theory of space lattice establishes a theoretical framework unifying
the three fundamental forces acting a distance. The new physics will allow us to probe
into previously unreachable domains of nature.

In summary, this paper offers the following conclusions:

1. All expressions of matter are organized into geometrical structures called crystals, a
feature shared by the so-called vacuum space.
2. The basic unit of vacuum space is a “particle of energy” called the space-time array
resonator (STAR).
3. The unit cell of vacuum space is a face-centered cube having 27 STARs at its lattice
4. Matter originates from the space lattice by the absorption of radiation at certain
frequencies. For the electron and positron, this frequency is the frequency of 1.02 MeV
electromagnetic radiation.
5. Matter arises in a pyramidal segment of the space lattice by a phase transition of the 27
STARs of the unit cell.
6. The reversal of this process reconstitutes the space lattice.
7. All particles of matter are energy spirals tied into a circumvolution cissoid.
8. All particles of matter are STAR compounds.
9. Energy is expressed in the geometrical form of a spiral, while matter is organized
around the structures of spiral and pyramid and the compounds and derivatives thereof.
10. The polarities of electric charges are established by the specific circulatory patterns of
the elemental “energy particles” of matter.
11. The rest or motion of material bodies can be altered by creating a pressure differential
in the space lattice on the opposite sides of such bodies. An electric condenser is capable
of creating such a pressure differential, which could lead to an inertialess propulsion
12. Electrostatic and magnetic fields represent space lattice currents of specific
13. Transversally superimposed electrostatic and magnetic fields cause a space lattice
vortex in a pyramid, the energy of which could be tapped.
14. Gravitational interaction is created by a pressure differential of the space lattice
between two or more interacting material bodies, which is a large-scale replica of the
space lattice flow pattern inside the vortex electron.
15. All three forces acting at a distance can operate within the same spatial and temporal
domain, independent of each other, in full agreement with experimental observations.


I thank Dr. Dietmar Rothe and Gregory M. Vogel for their thoughtful comments
on the manuscript.


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