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Work, Energy and Power Circular Motion: UNIT 03, 04

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U N IT 03, 04
In this topic the student should be able to:
 Understand the concept of work in terms of the product of a force and displacement in the
direction of the force.
 Understand the concept of kinetic energy K.E = mv2.
 Understand the concept of potential energy P.E = mgh
 Explain the Interconversion of kinetic energy and potential energy in gravitational field
 Define power in terms of work done per unit time and use power as product of force and velocity
P= and P = Fv
4. Circular Motion
 Angular motion, angular displacement & angular velocity  Centripetal Force and centripetal
mv 2
 b) Define centripetal force and use equations F = mr , F =
and centripetal acceleration a
= r2 and a =
 Geostationary orbits.
 Radian

a) Understand the concept of work in terms of the product of a force and displacement in the
direction of the force.
Work done on a body by a constant force is defined as the product of magnitude of displacement and the
component of force in the direction of displacement.
Mathematical Form:
Let ⃗F= constant force applied on a body
𝑑 = displacement of the body
 = angle between force and displacement
Then work done on the body is:
W  (Fcos)d
W  Fdcos
W  F.d

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“Work can also be defined as the dot product of force and displacement”.

Work is scalar quantity.SI unit of work is Nm called joule.
Definition of joule:
When one newton force acts on the body and the body covers a distance of one meter in the direction of
force, the work done is said to be one joule.
Dimension of work:  If θ<90, work done is positive.
The dimension of work is [ML2 T-2]  If 90<θ≤180, work done is
Graphical representation of work:  If θ=90, no work is done.
Graphically, the area under the force displacement curve  If θ=0,work done is maximum.
represents the work done by force.  Work done by frictional force is
always negative.
How much work is being done by upward force when a person
 The work on a body will change its
holding the pail moving forward? velocity or position or both.
In this case no work is being done.
Because the angle between F and d is 90˚
W = Fdcos 90o
How much work is being done on the wall when a person tries to push the wall?
No work is being done
Because the displacement of wall is zero.
W = F (0) cos 
b) Understand the concept of kinetic energy K.E = mv2.
c) Understand the concept of potential energy P.E = mgh
Define energy? Give two types of mechanical energy.
Capacity of doing work is known as energy.
There are two basic forms of energy:
 Kinetic energy
 Potential energy
Kinetic Energy:
The energy possessed by a body due to its motion is known as kinetic energy.
It depends upon the mass and velocity of the body in accordance with the following formula:
K.E  mv 2
Potential Energy:
The energy possessed by a body due to its change in position in a field of force or the energy possessed
by a body due to its constrained state is known as its potential energy.
The potential energy of the body in the gravitational field near the surface of the earth at a height “h” is:
P.E = mgh
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It depends on the mass of the body and the height.
State and prove Work-Energy principle?
Work-Energy principle:
It states work done on an object appears to be change in its energy.
When a force is applied on a body then work done on the body is equal to change in its kinetic energy or
change in its P.E or change in both K.E and P.E.
Consider a body is moving on a smooth surface. Let a constant force F acts on a body over a displacement
“d” which changes its velocity. Work done on body from A to B is:
Work done = Fd → (1)
2ad = vf2  vi2 Work:
 No work will be done, if the body is
1 2
 v f  vi   (2)
in static or dynamic equilibrium, i.e,
d 2
W = 0 if F = 0
2a  For positive work K.Ef > K.Ei
F =ma → (3)  Work energy theorem (principle) is
valid for all types of forces (internal or
Work done = ma
 vf2  vi2  external, conservative or non –
 Area under power time graph gives
 m  v f2  vi2 
2  Elastic potential energy is taken
1 1 positive in all cases.
 mvf2  mvi2  Electric potential energy may be
2 2 positive or negative.
W =  K.E  Gravitational potential energy may
be negative or positive.
Work done = Final K.E – Initial K.E = Change in K.E  If non conservative forces perform
Therefore, the work done on the body is always equal to the change work then energy is not conserved.
in kinetic energy which is known as work-energy principle. The
above equation can be used to determine the work done even when
the force and displacement are not known to us.
d) Explain the Interconversion of kinetic energy and potential energy in gravitational field.
If a body falls at height h1, then at height h2 above the surface of earth
Loss in P.E = gain in K.E
1 1
mgh1  mgh2 = mv 22  mv12
2 2
mg(h1  h 2 )  m(v 22  v12 )
Where v1 and v2 are the velocities at height h1 and h2 respectively
 P.E and K.E are inter-convertible but the total energy remains unchanged.
 In the presence of friction,
Loss in P.E= gain in K.E + work done against friction
i.e. mgh  mv 2  fh
Conservation of Energy:
Energy cannot be destroyed. It can be transformed from one form to another, but the total amount of
energy remains conserved.
Conservation of Mechanical Energy:
The K.E and P.E are the different forms of mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy of the body is
equal to the sum of K.E and P.E.
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P.E may change into K.E. Similarly, the K.E may also be change into P.E, but total energy remains
Mathematically, total energy=P.E + K.E = constant
This is the special case of conservation of energy.
In daily life we observe many energy changes from one form to another. At last all energy transfers result
in a heating of the environment and energy is lost in the form of heat which is useless. So, useful energy
is decreasing though total energy is conserved. That is why we need new sources of energies.
e) Define power in terms of work done per unit time and use power as product of force and
velocity P = and P = F.v
It is defined as work done per unit time.
The rate of doing work is called power.
Average Power:
It is defined as total work done divided by the total time taken.
Pav 
Where ΔW = the work done and Δt = time taken
Instantaneous Power:
It is defined as limiting value of as time Δt, following the time Δt approaches zero.
So, Pins  lim
t 0 t

Unit of Power:
Power is a scalar quantity. SI unit of power is joule/second called watt.
Dimensions of power are [ML2T-3]
Definition of Watt:
The power is said to be one watt if one joule of work is done in one second.
Commercial unit of electrical energy:
The commercial unit of electrical energy is kilowatt-hour.
Kilowatt-hour is the work done in one hour by an agency whose power is one kilowatt.
So, 1kWh = 1000W × 3600 sec =1000 J/sec × 3600 sec
= 3600000 J
1 kWh = 3.6×106 J
Show that instantaneous power. P  F.v
Let F is the constant force acting on a moving body and v is constant velocity of the body
Then the power delivered to the body at any instant is given by.
P  lim
t  0 t

F. d
P  lim
t  0  t

P  F(lim )
t  0 t

P  F.v
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Power can also define as the dot product of force and velocity. SI unit of power is watt.
Dimensions of power is [ML2T-3]
a) Describe angular motion with the concept of angular displacement, angular velocity and use
relation between angular and linear velocity to solve problems.
Circular Motion:
A rigid body is said to have pure circular motion if every particle of the body moves in the circle, the center
of which lie on the straight line called the axis of rotation.
Angular Displacement:
 Angle  defines the angular displacement of OP during the time y
interval t.
 For very small values of , the angular displacement is a vector P2
quantity. r P
 The direction associated with  is along the axis of rotation and is 
given by right hand rule which states  x
 Grasp the axis of rotation in right hand with fingers curling in the O
direction of rotation; the thumb points in the direction of angular
 The angular displacement  is assigned a positive sign when the
sense of rotation of OP is counter clock wise.
Radian is angle subtended at the center of circle by an arc equal in length to its radius
Show that length of an arc is equal to the product of the radius of the circle and angle in radians
made by the arc at the center.
Consider a particle starts its motion from A point. After some time, it is at point B. The length traced by the
particle is Arc AB and the corresponding angle subtended at the center of circle is AOB = .
y y
B Cs
s =
r r

A d A
 r 1 r
x x

When the length of arc is equal to the radius of circle i.e Arc AC = r, the corresponding angle subtended at
the center of circle is AOB = 1rad. Since arcs are proportional to angle which they make at the center.
 AOB Arc AB
 here arc AC= r and let arc AB = S then
 AOC Arc AC
 s

1 rad r
Or S = r (Where  is in redian)
Show that 1 rad = 57.3o
Let the particle moving along a circular path covers a distance

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 rad
2 r
S = 2r is one revolution, then   rad
  2 rad
So I revolution = 2rad = 360o
1 rad = 360
1 rad = 57.3
Angular Velocity:

 It is defined as the rate of change of angular displacement. i.e  
 Unit: rad s-1 or deg s-1 or rev s-1. It is a vector quantity and its direction is along the axis of rotation given
by right hand rule.
Average angular velocity:
If  is the angular displacement during the time interval t, the average angular velocity av during this
interval is given by av 
Instantaneous angular velocity:
Instantaneous angular velocity at any instant is the limiting ratio of as t approaches to zero
ins  Lim
t 0 t
Angular acceleration:
It is defined as time rate of change of angular velocity
Average angular acceleration:
Total change in angular velocity divided by total time taken is called average angular acceleration. If i
and f are the values of instantaneous velocity of rotating body at instants ti and tf, then average angular
acceleration during the interval t is given by.
f  i 
av  
tf  ti t
Instantaneous angular acceleration:
Instantaneous angular acceleration is the limiting ratio of as t approaches to zero. i.e
  Lim
t   t

Angular acceleration is a vector quantity and its direction is along the axis of rotation given by right hand
rads-2 (SI units) other units are deg s-2 and rev s-2.

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mv 2
b) Define centripetal force and use equations F = mr2, F = and centripetal acceleration a
= r2 and a =
Define centripetal force. Drive its relation:
The force needed to bend the normally straight path of the particle into a circular path is called the
centripetal force.
When a body moves in a circle with constant speed, the force required to keep the body in the
circular path is called centripetal force. It is directed towards the center of circle.
When a stone is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string, the tension T provides the
necessary centripetal force.
Consider a body of mass “m” moving with constant speed v around a circle of radius r. As the body
moves along the circumference, the velocity of the body changes its direction but not its magnitude.
The centripetal acceleration is given by
ac 
Fc = mac
 r  v  r
Since Fc  m  m  
r r
in angular measure Fc = mr2
c) Understand geostationary orbits.
What are geostationary orbits, calculate the radius measured from the centre of the earth for a
geostationary satellite.
Geostationary orbit is such an orbit in which an artificial satellite remains at rest with respect to earth, such
type of satellite is called geostationary satellite, for such satellite, the time taken by it to revolve around the
earth is same as the time taken by the earth to rotate about its own axis for one rotation. These satellite are
very useful for worldwide communication, weather observations, navigation and other military uses. Since
the speed of satellite in circular orbit is given by:
v __________ I Where M is mass of earth
But this speed must be equal to the average speed of the satellite in one day i.e
S 2r
v  __________ II
t t
Equation I and II we get
2r GM

t r
4 r
2 2
or 2

t r
r3 
 GMt 2  3
r 2 
 4 
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It is formula for the radius of geostationary orbit. Putting values of G, M and t
 11 Nm

 6.67  10 2
 6 1024 kg  86400s 
r  3

 4   3.14  

 
 
r  4.23x10 m 7
 4.23x10 Km 4

Height of geo stationary satellite from the surface of earth.

H = Orbital radius – Earth radius
H= 42300 km – 6400 km = 35900 km
H= 36000 km
Explain communication satellite:
 A satellite communication system can be set up by placing several geo-stationary satellites in
orbit over different points on the earth surface.
 Each satellite covers 120o of longitude, so the whole earth can be covered by three satellites.
 Microwaves are used for signal transmission because they travel in a narrow beam, in a straight
line and pass easily through the atmosphere of earth.
The energy needed to amplify and transmit the signals is provided by large solar cell panels fitted
on the satellites.
Four possible answers are given. Chose the most corrected one.
1. Work is a scalar product of:
(A) Force, velocity (B) Velocity, Displacement
(C) Force, Displacement (D) Force, momentum
2. Work is a ______ quantity.
(A) Vector (B) Scalar (C) Non-physical (D) None of these
3. Maximum work is done when force and displacement are:
(A) Parallel (B) Antiparallel (C) Perpendicular (D) Both a and b
4. When force and displacement are perpendicular to each other than work is equal to:
(A) Unity (B) Infinity (C) Zero (D) –Fd
5. Work done is negative when angle between force and displacement is:
(A) θ=00 (B) θ> 900 (C) θ< 900 (D) θ>1800
6. Work done by the force of friction is always:
(A) Positive (B) Zero (C) negative (D) Maximum
7. SI unit of work is:
(A) Nm-1 (B) joule (C) Nms (D) Both a and b

8. Area under the force displacement graph gives:

(A) power (B) work (C) heat (D) energy
9. The dimensions of work:
(A) [MLT-1] (B) [MLT-2] (C) [ML2T-2] (D) [MLT]
10. If one newton force acts on a body and displaces the body through 1m, work done on body is:
(A) 1dyne (B) 1 joule (C) 1KJ (D) 1 Watt
11. 1J= ______.
(A) 107erges (B) 10-7erges (C) 105erges (D) 10-5erges

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12. The unit of work in CGS system is:
(A) Joule (B) Erg (C) Dyne (D) Watt
13. The space around the earth in which its gravitational force acts on a body is called:
(A) Electric field (B) Gravitational field
(C) Magnetic Field (D) Conservative field
14. Work done on a body by gravity in lifting it up to certain height is:
(A) Maximum (B) Minimum (C) Zero (D) Negative
15. An electric fan rotating at 3 rev/s is switched off it come to rest in 18s. Assuming uniform
deceleration. What is the value of deceleration?
(A) 0.167 rev/s2 (B) 0.176 rev/s2
(C) 0.176 rev/s2 (D) 0.167 rev/s2
16. Which one is conservative force?
(A) Electric force (B) Frictional force (C) Normal force (D) Air resistance
17. Which one is non-conservative force?
(A) Magnetic force (B) Elastic spring force
(C) frictional force (D) Electric force
18. Which of the following force can do no work?
(A) Frictional force (B) Gravitational force
(C) Centripetal force (D) Elastic force
19. Work done in lifting a body of weight ‘W’ through height ‘h’ against gravity is
(A) –Wg (B) -Wh (C) WhSinθ (D) Zero
20. Work done in lifting a mass of 2Kg vertically through 2m is:
(A) 38.2J (B) 392.1J (C) 39.2J (D) 40J
21. Time rate of doing work is called:
(A) Impulse (B) Energy
(C) Power (D) Momentum
22. Power is a dot product of:
(A) Force and mass (B) Force and displacement
(C) Force and velocity (D) Force and time
23. The SI unit of power is:
(A) joule (B) erg (C) newton (D) watt
24. The dimensions of power:
(A) [ML-1T-2] (B) [ML-2T-3] (C) [ML2T-3] (D) [ML-2T-1]
25. The instantaneous power becomes equal to average power if work is done

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(A) At Any rate (B) At variable rate (C) At uniform rate (D) At high rate
26. 1kwatt = _______.
(A) 100Js-1 (B) 1000Js-1 (C) 1000ergs-1 (D) 1000Jmin-1
27. The unit of power in British engineering system is:
(A) Joule (B) Watt (C) Horse Power (D) KWh
28. 1hp = ______.
(A) 546 watt (B) 746 watt (C) 1000 watt (D) 746Kwatt
29. The ability of a body to do work is called:
(A) Force (B) Power (C) Kinetic Energy (D) Energy
30. A moving body possesses:
(A) Potential Energy (B) Kinetic energy (C) Nuclear Energy (D) All of these
31. Kinetic Energy of body depends on:
(A) Mass (B) Weight (C) Velocity (D) Both a and c
32. The SI unit of energy is:
(A) joule (B) erg (C) watt (D) Js-1
33. The units of energy are the same as that of:
(A) Force (B) Power (C) Work (D) Velocity
34. A field in which the work done on a moving a body along closed path is zero is called
(A) Electric field (B) Conservative field
(C) Electromagnetic field (D) Maximum
35. When a force is parallel to the direction of motion of the body, then work done on the body is.
(A) zero (B) minimum
(C) infinity (D) maximum
36. If a body a mass of 3 kg is raised vertically with uniform velocity through 2m, then the work
done will be.
(A) 38. 2 J (B) 392.1 J (C) 39.2J (D) 58.8J
37. For very small values of , the angular displacement:
(A) Scalar quantity (B) Vector quantity
(C) Tensor quantity (D) Base quantity
38. Slope of work time graph is equal to.
(A) Displacement (B) Acceleration (C) Power (D) Energy
39. Work done on the body equals to the.
(A) Change in its K.E always
(B) Change in its P.E always
(C) Change in it K.E and change in its P.E
(D) neither change in K.E nor change in its
40. If velocity is double, then.
(A) Momentum increase 4 times and K.E increases 2 times
(B) Momentum increases 2 times and K.E increase constant
(C) Momentum increases 2 times and K.E increase 4 times
(D) None of These
41. When the speed of a moving body is doubled, then.
(A) its K.E is doubled (B) its acceleration is doubled
(C) its P.E is doubled (D) its momentum is doubled
42. One mega watt hour is equal to.
(A) 3.6  106 J (B) 3.6  1012 J (C) 3.6  109 J (D) 3.6  108 J
43. Work has the dimension as that of

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(A) Torque (B) Angular momentum (C) Linear momentum (D) Power
44. When arrow is released from its bow, its energy is transformed from.
(A) Heat energy to K.E (B) Elastic P.E to K.E
(C) Chemical energy to elastic P.E (D) K.E to elastic P.E
45. A body is falling freely under gravity from point A to point B. The energy of the body at the
point C is, where C is in between of A and B
(A) Is less than its energy at A (B) Is equal to its energy at A
(C) Is greater than its energy at A (D) None of these
46. The work done by the force of 10N applied parallel to direction of motion up to 20 m
(A) 10 J (B) 20 J (C) 200 J (D) 2000 J
47. The SI unit of power is
(A) joule (B) horsepower (C) kWh (D) watt
48. The work done is said to be negative when force and displacement are
(A) Parallel (B) Anti-parallel (C) Perpendicular (D) None
49. The energy stored in the spring of a watch is:
(A) K.E (B) Electrical Energy (C) Elastic P.E (D) Solar Energy
50. The consumption of energy by 60 watt bulb in 2 seconds is:
(A) 20 J (B) 120 J (C) 30 J (D) 0.02 J
51. If a body a mass of 2 kg is raised vertically through 5m, then the work done will be
(A) 38.2 J (B) 392.1 J (C) 39.2 J (D) 98 J
52. An elevator weighting 3.5  10 N is raised to a height of 1000 m in the absence of friction, the
work done is ( g= 10 ms-2)
(A) 3.5  103 J (B) 3.5  104 J (C) 3.5  106 J (D) 3.5  109 J
53. Proton, electron, neutron and  particles have same momentum. Which of them have highest
(A) Proton (B) Electron (C) Neutron (D) -particle
54. The power output of a lamp is 6W. How much energy does the lamp give out in 2 minutes
(A) 3 J (B) 120 J (C) 720 J (D) 430 J
55. Work done by variable force is determined by dividing
a. Force into small interval
b. Displacement into small interval
c. Both force and displacement into small intervals
d. Force into small and displacement into large intervals
56. We get energy from food during a day which is equivalent to the energy obtained from
____________liter petrol.
1 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4
57. When breaks of a car are applied, angular velocity of wheel of car reduces from 900 cycle/min
to 720 cycle per minute. Angular retardation is
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(A) 9 rad/s2 (B) 8 rad/s2 (C) 6 rad/s2 (D) 7 rad/s2
58. The escape velocity form the earth surface about
(A) 4.2 kms () (B) 7.5 kms1 (C) 9.5 kms1 (D) 11.2 kms1
59. Two bodies of 4g and 16g have the same K.E. What is the ratio of their momentum
(A) 2:1 (B) 4:1 (C) 1:2 (D) 1:4
60. An Electric motor can lift a weight of 2000N through a height of 10m in 20 sec, what is the
power of the motor?
(A) 10 watt (B) 1000 watt (C) 400,000 watt (D) 2000 watt
61. Which one is biggest unit of energy
(A) joule (B) watt hour (C) erg (D) kilo-watt hour
62. When two protons are brought closer then
(A) K.E increase (B) P.E increase (C) P.E decrease (D) K.E decrease
63. Absolute Energy of Body ….. with the Increase in height from the surface of earth
(A) Increase (B) Decrease (C) Remain Constant (D) None of These
64. One erg is
(A) 105 Joule (B) 107 Joule (C) 10-7 Joule (D) 10-5 Joule
65. S.I unit of angular displacement is:
(A) Degree (B) radian (C) revolution (D) all of three
66. 1 rad =
(A) 50 (B) 47.3 (C) 57.3 (D) 67.3
67. The angular displacement per second is called
(A) Angular acceleration (B) Angular velocity
(C) Angular speed (C) Angular rotation
68. Average Angular velocity is defined as:
  t
(A) <> = t (B) <> = t (C) <> = t2 (D)  =

69. The period of circular motion is
S 2
(A) T = rv (B) T = v (C) T = 2 (D) T =

70. During circular motion the angle between the linear velocity ‘v’ and angular velocity ‘’ is:
(A) 180 (B) 45 (C) 90 (D) 0
71. The angle subtended by the circumference of circle at the centre is:
(A)  rad (B) 2 (C) 2 rad (D) 4 rad
72. The rate of change of angular velocity is called:
(A) Angular displacement (B) Angular acceleration

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(C) Average Angular acceleration (D) Torque
73. The S.I unit of angular velocity is:
(A) Rad s1 (B) Degree s1 (C) Revolution s1 (D) meter s1
74. The S.I unit of angular acceleration is:
(A) rad s2 (B) degree s2 (C) ms2 (D) All of these
75. The linear and angular velocity are related by the equation:
(A) v  r  (B) v   r (C)   v  r (D)   r  v
76. The relation between linear and angular acceleration is:
(A)   a  r (B) a  r  (C) a   r (D) r   a
77. The dimensions of angular velocity are:
(A) [LT2] (B) [LT2] (C) [L1T] (D) [T1]
78. The dimensions of angular acceleration.
(A) [T1] (B) [T2] (C) [T3] (D) [LT2]
79. The force required to keep the body in to circular motion is called:
(A) Frictional force (B) Gravitational force
(C) Centrifugal force (D) Centripetal force
80. The Centripetal force is always directed towards:
(A) Away from the center along radius (B) Along the direction of motion
(C) Towards the centre along radius (D) Opposite to the motion of body
81. The centripetal acceleration of body is always directed
(A) Towards the centre of circle (B) Away from the centre of circle
(C) Along the axis of rotation (D) Along the direction of motion
82. Centripetal force performs:
(A) Maximum work (B) Minimum work
(C) Zero work (D) Negative work
83. A body moving in circle of radius r with angular velocity ‘’ its centripetal force
m m2
(A) r (B) r (C) mr (D) mr2

84. The centripetal acceleration of body moving in circle is:

(A) r (B) r (C) 2r (D) r2

85. The mud flies off the tyre of moving bicycle in the direction of:
(A) Towards the centre (B) Along the radius
(C) Tangent to the tyre (D) Away from the centre along radius
86. Angular acceleration is produced by:
(A) Power (B) Pressure

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(C) Torque (D) Temperature

87. If a car moves with a uniform speed 2 ms1 in a circle of radius 0.4 m, its angular speed is:
(A) 4 rad s1 (B) 5 rad s1 (C) 1.6 rad s1 (D) 2.8 rad s1
88. A body of mass 8kg moves along a circle of radius 2m with a constant speed of 8ms1. The
centripetal force on the body is:
(A) 48 N (B) 128 N (C) 256 N (D) 8 N
89. The average angular velocity is mathematically defined as:
V Vi + Vf i + f vi + f
(A) 2 (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2
90. The linear momentum P of a body is given by:

(A) P  m (B) P  mv (C) P  m2 v (D) P  r  L

91. The angular momentum is defined as:
(A) L  mv (B) L  r  F (C) L  P  r (D) L  r  P
92. The S.I units of angular momentum are:
(A) kg ms1 (B) kg m2s1 (C) kg m2s1 (D) kg m2s2
93. The dimensions of angular momentum L are:
(A) [ML2T1] (B) [MLT1] (C) [ML2T2] (D) [ML2T]
94. Under constant centripetal force angular momentum of body is:
(A) Zero (B) Maximum (C) Minimum (D) Constant
95. If angular momentum of system remains constant than external torque is:
(A) Small (B) Large (C) ve (D) Zero
96. The momentum of body is P and its K.E is E. Its momentum becomes 2P. Its K.E will be:
(A) E/2 (B) 3E (C) 4E (D) 2E
97. The dimension of moment of inertia:
(A) [ML2] (B) [ML1] (C) [ML2] (D) [M2L]
98. The rate of change of linear momentum is:
(A) Moment of force (B) The applied force
(C) The applied torque (D) Impulse
99. The rate of change of angular momentum is
(A) The applied force (B) The moment of inertia
(C) The applied torque (D) Impulsive force
100. The torque is equal to:
(A) Rate of change of velocity (B) Rate of change of angular momentum
(C) Rate of change of linear momentum (D) Change of linear momentum
101. Angular momentum is
(A) rp sin (B) rp cos (C) rF (D) mvr
102. Radius of Geostationary orbitrius
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(A) 3.43  104 km (B) 4.23  104 km
(C) 4.23  10 m
(D) 2.23  104 m
103. The Geostationary satellite moves above the surface of earth at:
(A) 26000 km (B) 40000 km (C) 36000 km (D) 30000 km
104. The number of satellites included in the global positioning system is:
(A) 48 (B) 24 (C) 30 (D) 28
105. When the velocity of a body is doubled:
(A) Its K.E doubled (B) Its P.E doubled
(C) Its momentum doubled (D) Acceleration doubled
106. The power of an engine which accelerate a car of mass 800 Kg to a speed of 72 Km/h from rest
in 32s is.
(A) 10kW (B) 15kW (C) 20 kW (D) 5kW
107. If the kinetic energy of a body is directly proportional to time t, magnitude of the force acting
on the body is:
(A) Directly proportional to t
(B) Inversely proportional to t
(C) Directly proportional to the speed of the body
(D) Inversely proportional to the speed of the body
108. The kinetic energy of a body of mas m is E. Its momentum is:
mE 2E
(A) 2mE (B) 2mE (C) (D)
2 m
109. The time taken by a an engine of power 10 kW to lift a mass of 200 kg to a height of 40 m is (g =
10 m/s2)
(A) 2 s (B) 4 s (C) 8 s (D) 16 s
110. A pump taken out 36 000 kg of water per hour from a 100 m deep well. If the efficiency of the
pump is 50%, its power is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 5 kW (B) 10 kW (C) 15 kW (D) 20 kW
111. The kinetic energy acquired by a body of mass m in travelling a certain distance starting from
rest, under a constant force.
(A) Directly proportional to m (B) Inversely proportional to m
(C) Inversely proportional m (D) Independent of m
112. Fig shows the force distance curve of a body moving along a straight line. The work done by the
force is:
(A) 10 J (B) 20 J (C) 30 J (D) 40 J

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force (newton)
1 2 3 4
x (meters)

113. The amount of work done in stretching a spring of force constant 500 N/m, from is stretched
length of 40 cm to 50 cm is
(A) 2.5 J (B) 22.5 J
(C) 45  104 J (D) 22.5  104 J
114. A 500 g body has a velocity v = 3i + 4j m/s at a certain instant. Its kinetic energy is
(A) 6.25 J (B) 62.5 J (C) 6.25  103 J (D) 62.5  103 J
115. A body is displaced form x = x1 to x = x2 by a force of 2x. The work done is:
(A) 2x (x2x1)2 (B) 2x (x2x1) (C) x22  x12 (D) (x2x1)2
116. The displacement of a body of mass 2 kg as a function of time is given by x = 2t2 +5, where x is
meters and t in seconds. The increase in its kinetic energy, one second after the start of motion
(A) 8 J (B) 16 J (C) 32 J (D) 64 J
117. 1 rev/min is equal to:
   
A) rad/sec. (B) rad/sec. (C) rad/sec. (D) rad/sec.
6 15 20 30
118. A stone tied to the end of a 20 cm long string is whirled in a horizontal circle. If center petal
acceleration is 9.8 ms-2, then its angular velocity in rad/sec is:
(A) (B) 7 (C) 22 (D) 21
119. An electric fan rotating at 3 rev/sec, is switched off and comes to rest in 6 seconds.
A) vi = 0, vf = 0,  = 0.5 m/sec2 (B) Vi  0, vf = 0,  = 0.5 m/sec2
B) i  0, f = 0,  = 0.5 rad/sec2 (D) i  0, f = 0,  = 0.5 rev/sec2
120. Angular speed for the daily rotation of Earth in radian per hour is:

(A)  (B) 4 (C)  (D) None of these

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1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B
6 C 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 B
11 A 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 D
16 A 17 C 18 C 19 B 20 C
21 C 22 C 23 D 24 C 25 C
26 B 27 C 28 B 29 D 30 B
31 D 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 D
36 D 37 B 38 C 39 C 40 C
41 D 42 C 43 A 44 B 45 B
46 C 47 D 48 B 49 C 50 B
51 D 52 D 53 B 54 C 55 B
56 C 57 C 58 D 59 C 60 B
61 D 62 B 63 A 64 C 65 B
66 C 67 B 68 B 69 D 70 C
71 C 72 B 73 A 74 A 75 B
76 C 77 D 78 B 79 D 80 C
81 A 82 C 83 D 84 C 85 C
86 C 87 B 88 C 89 C 90 B
91 D 92 B 93 A 94 D 95 D
96 C 97 C 98 B 99 C 100 B
101 A 102 B 103 C 104 B 105 C
106 D 107 A 108 A 109 C 110 B
111 A 112 A 113 A 114 A 115 B
116 B 117 D 118 B 119 D 120 D

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Work, Energy and Power

1. 100 joules work has been done by an agency in 10 seconds. What is power of agency?(UHS-
(A) 1000 watts (C) 10 watts
(B) 100 watts (D) 0.10 watts
W 100
(B) P= = = 10 watts
t 10
2. Work done on a body equal to change in its _____ energy? (UHS-2008)
(A) Total (C) Kinetic
(B) Potential (D) All of these
(D) By work energy principle
Work done = K.E + P.E = total energy

3. The escape velocity corresponds to ____ energy gained by body, which carries it to an infinite
distance from the surface of Earth? (UHS-2008)
(A) Total (C) Initial kinetic (B) Potential (D) None of these
(C) If we want to lift a body of mass “m” from the surface of earth to infinity, the kinetic energy
must be supplied to the body which is equal to increase in its P.E.
Initial K.E = Increase in P.E

4. If a certain force acts on object and changes its kinetic energy from 65 J to 130 J, then work
done by the force will be? (UHS-2009)
(A) 92.5 J (C) 65 J
(B) 97.5 J (D) 130 J
(C) Work done = (K.E)f  (F.E)i = 130  65 = 65 J
5. A body of mass 6 kg falls under action of gravity. At initial position “A” its P.E. is 480 J and
K.E. is 0J. During its downward journey at point “B” its energies will be (g = 10 ms2): (UHS-
(A) P.E. = 300 j and K.E. = 180 J
(B) P.E. = 180 j and K.E. = 300 J
(C) P.E. = 240 j and K.E. = 240 J
(D) P.E. = 250 j and K.E. = 230 J
(C) At point “B”
P.E = mgh = (8)(3)(10) = 240 J
K.E = 480  240 = 240 J

6. If velocity is doubled, then:

(A) momentum increase 4 time and K.E. increase 2 times
(B) momentum and K.E. remain same
(C) momentum increase 2 time and K.E. constant
(D) momentum increase 2 time and K.E. increase 4 times

(D) P = mv   v
K.E = mv 2  K.E  v 2
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7. The consumption of energy by 60 watt bulb in 2 seconds is: (UHS-2010)

(A) 20 J (C) 30 J
(B) 120 J (D) 0.02 J
(B) P=  W = Pt(60)(2) = 120 J

8. Which of the following is non-conservative force? (UHS-2010)

(A) Gravitational force
(B) Fractional force
(C) Elastic spring force
(D) Electric force
(B) Frictional force is a non-conservative force. Work done against the frictional force depends upon
the path followed

9. Value of escape velocity for the surface of the Earth is 11 km/s. its value for surface of Moon
is: (UHS-2010)
(A) 11 km/s (C) 2.4 km/s
(B) 10.4 km/s (D) 4.3 km/s
(C) The value of escape velocity for the surface of Moon is 2.4 km/s.

10. Total work done in figure: (UHS-2017)

(A) 24 Nm (C) 8 Nm
(B) 16 Nm (D) Zero Nm
(D) W = F.d
In closed path the displacement is zero. So,
11. Work done will be zero if angle between Force and displacement is: (UHS-2017)
(A) 0° (C) 270°
(B) 60° (D) 360°
(C) W = F.d  Fd cos
W = F.d  Fd cos   cos270° = 0
12. If mass ‘m’ is dropped from height “h” vertically, “f” is the force of friction during
downward motion and “v” is the velocity at bottom, following equation will be hold:
(A) mv 2 = mgh + fh
(C) fh = mgh + mv 2
(B) mgh = mv 2  fh
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(D) mgh = mv 2  fh
(D) If the frictional force is present, during the downward motion, a part of P.E. is used in doing work
against frictional force and is equal to “f h”. The remaining P.E (mgh  f h) is converted into the
mgh  fh = mv 2
mgh = mv 2  fh
13. The rate at which work is being done is called: (UHS-2018)
(A) Power (C) Density
(B) Energy (D) Force
(A) The time rate at which is being done is called power.
14. Energy consumed by 60 watt bulb in 2 minutes is equal to: (UHS-2018)
(A) 120 joules (C) 720 joules
(B) 72000 joules (D) 7.2 kJ
(B) P=  W = Pt = (60)(120) = 7200 J
15. A stone of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from a rest position 5.8 m above the ground. What is its
velocity at a height of 3.0 m above the ground: (UHS-2018)
(A) 16.0 m/s (C) 6.3 m/s
(B) 12.5 m/s (D) 9.3 m/s
(C) Gain in K.E = Loss in P.E
m(v 22 - v12 ) = mg(h1 - h 2 )
v 22  0  2g(h1 - h 2 )  v = 2g(h1 - h 2 )
v = 2(10)(2)  6.3m/s
16. Which of the following statement show that no work is done: (UHS-2019)
(A) Pushing a car to start it moving
(B) Writing an essay on a page
(C) Lifting the weight
(D) The moon orbiting the Earth
(D) W = F.d
In closed path (circular motion) the displacement is zero. So,
17. An automobile is moving forwards with uniform velocity due to the force exerted by its
engine. If that force is double with the velocity remaining constant that happens to its total
power? (UHS-2019)
(A) it does not change (C) it is halved
(B) it is squared (D) it is doubled
(D) P = F.d  Fv cos    P  v

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Circular Motion

1. The force required to bend the normally straight path of a particle into a circular path is
called _____ force:UHS(2008)
(A) Travelling (C) Centrifugal
(B) Bending (D) Centripetal
(D) Definition of centripetal force.

2. Two cylinders of equal mass are made from same material. The one with the larger diameter
accelerates ______ the other under the action of same torque. UHS(2008)
(A) Feaster than (C) Equal to
(B) Slower than (D) None of these
mr α
4 l
(B)   α = mr 2 α  α 2
α 2
4 md d
This show that the cylinder having larger diameter will accelerate slower than others.

3. If the body is rotating with uniform angular velocity, then its torque is: UHS(2009)
(A) Zero (C) Maximum
(B) Clockwise (D) Remains same
(A)  = l
As the body is rotating with uniform velocity.
So,  = 0
 = l (0) = 0

4. Linear velocity or tangential velocity of any particle moving in a circular path of radius 2 m
with angular velocity 8 rads1 will be: UHS(2009)
(A) 16ms1 (C) 10ms1
(B) 4ms1 (D) 6ms1
(B) v = r = = (2)(8) = 16 m/s

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5. What is torque “” in a circular motion: UHS(2009)
(A)  = mr2 (C)  = mr (B)  = mr2 (D)  = mr2/
(B)  = l = mr2 (l = mr2)

6. A wheel of radius 1 m covers an angular displacement of 180°. Its linear distance is:
(A) 3.14 m (C) 6.28 m
(B)  rad (D) 0.157 m
(A)  = 180° =  rad S= r = (l)() =  m = 3.14 m

7. A body moves in a circle with increasing angular velocity. AT time t = 6sec, the angular
velocity is 27 rad/s. What is the radius of circle made by the body where linear velocity is
(A) 6cm (C) 9cm
(B) 3 cm (D) 7 cm
v 81
(B) v = rω  r =   3cm
ω 27

8. The moon rotates about its axis, in future, scientists may wish to put a satellite into an orbit
around the moon such that satellite remains stationary above one point on the moon’s
surface. The period of rotation of the moon about its axis is 27.4 days. Calculate the radius of
required orbit?
Mm = 7.35 X 1022kg. UHS(2017)
(A) 3.59 X 107m (C) 6.96 X 106m
(B) 4.23 X 10 m (D) 8.86 X 107m
4 2
(D) r=

(6.67 10-11 )(7.35 1022 )(27.4  86400) 2

4 2
(6.67 10-11 )(7.35 1022 )(27.4  86400) 2
=3 r = 8.86 107 m
4 2

9. A wheel starts rotating from rest with angular acceleration of 2 rad s2 till its angular speed
becomes 6 rad/s. the angular displacement of the wheel will be equal to: UHS(2018)
(A) 9 rad (C) 7 rad
(B) 12 rad (D) 4 rad
(A) α  ωf  ωl   (2)(2)    
2 2

  9 rad

10. Which of the following gives the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity?
(A) v = r (C) v = s
(B) S = r (D) v = r
(A) v = r

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11. An object is moving along a circular path of radius 4m. What will be its angular displacement
if it moves 14 m on this circular path? UHS(2019)
(A) 5.5 radians (C) 5.0 radians
(B) 3.5 radians (D) 4.5 radians
S 14
(B) S = r      3.5 radian
r 4

12. Work done due to centripetal force for circular motion will be: UHS(2019)
(A) Reduced (C) Half
(B) Maximum (D) Zero
(D) W = Fcdos90° = 0
The angle between centripetal force and displacement is 90°.

1. Definition

2. Definition

3. W  F.d  Fd cos
cos = max if  = 0°

4. W  F.d  Fd cos
cos = 0° if  = 90°

5. W  F.d  Fd cos
cos = ve if  > 90°

6. ( = 180°) Angle between frictional force and displacement is always 180º.

7. Drive Quantity have unit of F and d


8. From book

9. Nm=kgm2s-2=[ML2T-2]

10. W=Fdcos

11. 107erg

12. erg=gcm2s-2

13. from book

14. Angle between gravity and displacement is always 180º

15. =-wi/t
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16. Except electric force all others are non-conservative forces.

17. Work done by frictional force depends on path

18. Angle between centripetal force and displacement is 90°.

19. W  F.d  Fd cos

F = mg = w
 = 180°
cos180º = 1
W = mgh

20. Definition

21. Definition

22. Definition

23. P=W/t=J/s=Watt

24. from Watt

25. By Definition

26. 1000J/s

27. Information

28. Information

29. Definition

30. Definition of K.E

31.   mv 

32. Work

33. Ability to do work is known as energy

34. Definition of conservative field

35. W  F.d  Fd cos

cos = max if  = 0°

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36. W = mgh

37. Defination

38. Slope=W/t=Power

39. Statement of work energy principle

40.   mv 

P = mv

41. P = mv

42. 106(J/s)(3600s)

43. Torque

44. P.EK.E

45. Total energy always remains constant.

By law of conservation of energy

46. W  F.d
= Fd cos
= (10) (20) cos0º
= 200 (1)
= 200 J

47. Watt

48. W  F.d
W = Fd cos
cos = 1 if  = 180º

49. Work done on a spring is stored in it as its elastic P.E

50. E=PXt
= 60 X 2
= 120J

51. W = mgh

52. W = mgh

53. P2 = 2mE

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54. E=PXt
= 6 X 120
= 720J

55. ARS (17) / 52

56. Information

57. =(wf-wi)/t

58. Vesc  2gR

59. P2 = 2mE

60. P

61. 1 erg = 107J

Wh = 3.6 k.J
kWh = 3.6 MJ

62. Work is done is binging the protons along to each other.

63. A.P.E  

64. 10-7J

65. radian

66. 2rad = 360°

67. Statement / Definition of Angular Velocity.

68. Defination

 
69. t T
w w

70. Angular velocity ‘w’ is along the axis of rotation which is perpendicular to the plane of circular

71. 

72. Definition

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73. Definition

74. Definition

75. Definition

76. Definition

77. [T-1]

78. [T-2]

79. Definition of centripetal force

80. Book

81. defination

82. book

mv 2
83. Fc 
v = rw
v2 = r2w2
Fc  mr 2 w 2
80. from book
81. from book
82. from book

v2 r2w2
84. ac  ac 
r r
2 2
v = rw ac = r w
v2 = r 2w 2

85. Linear velocity is always along the tangent.

86. Torque

87. v = rw

mv 2
88. Fc 

89. Definition

90. Statement of linear momentum

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91. By definition of angular momentum

92. L = rp
= m kgms1
= kgm2s1

93. from its base units

94. from formula L=rxp=rx(Fxt)

95. Statement of law of conservation of angular momentum.

96.  K.E

97. from base units

98. F
2nd law in terms of momentum

99. 
2 law in terms of angular momentum
100. 

101. L  rP

 GMT 2  3
102. r   
 4 

103. r=R+h

104. Information

105. P = mv

106. P=Fv

107. P2 = 2mE  E  P2
P E
P t

Head Office: 30-Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore, 042-37800293 / 310, 0333-1409100
www.starscollege.edu.pk, www.starsentrytest.edu.pk
f  F  P Hence F  t

108. P2 = 2mE

109. P

110. P

111. K.E  mv 2  K.E  m

112. W        J

113. W  kx 2

x = 50  40 = 10cm = 0.1m

114. K.E  mv 2

 m v.v

115. W  F.d
= Fd cos
= 0°
= cos0° = 1
W = Fd
= 2x (x2  x1)

116 bay taking derivative

1 2rad 
117. / rev / min   rads 
60s 30

118. V = rw

wf  wi
119. 

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www.starscollege.edu.pk, www.starsentrytest.edu.pk

120. w 

w radh 

Head Office: 30-Kashmir Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore, 042-37800293 / 310, 0333-1409100
www.starscollege.edu.pk, www.starsentrytest.edu.pk

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