Redistricting 2001 Page 8 07 - 02 - 01
Redistricting 2001 Page 8 07 - 02 - 01
Redistricting 2001 Page 8 07 - 02 - 01
BE IT remembered that on the 2nd day of July 2001, at 9:00 A.M., the Board of
Supervisors of Hinds County met in the Chancery Court Building, Board of Supervisors’
Annotated, Section 19-3-13 and resolution heretofore adopted by the Board. This being a
ALSO PRESENT and attending upon said Supervisors’ Court were Chancery
Clerk and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, L. Glynn Pepper; Deputy Chancery
Clerk, Greta Lovell; Recording Deputy Clerk, Jennifer Ervin; Lieutenant Charles Banes;
Board Attorney, Ruma Haque, and County Administrator, Eugene McLemore, when the
PRESIDENT BARBOUR called the meeting to order at 9:05 A.M. Dr. Jeff
State Aid Project No. SAP 25(54), Springridge and McRaven Roads
The bid was opened for the Springridge and McRaven Roads traffic signal. One
bid was received and all required documents were in order according to the specifications
July 2, 2001
The engineering estimate for this project was $493,664.18. Mr. Murray Stewart
and Mark Bailey will return later in the meeting with a recommendation.
Bids were opened for the construction of two (2) fire stations. Two bids were
received and all required documents were in order according to the specifications from
the following:
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
Ronnie Chappell voting aye, Douglas Anderson Voting aye, and George Smith voting
aye, it was
Ms. Greta Lovell recommended that the May 7, 2001 Board Minutes be corrected
Goods”, scrap metal and culverts for recycling and/or other purposes only and not to
July 2, 2001
Ronnie Chappell voting aye, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and George Smith voting
aye, it was
Interfund Advance
Charles Barbour voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting nay, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
$300.00 for tent rental for Memorial Day services. Motion died for lack of a second.
Regular Claims
Greta Lovell presented claims numbered 6127-6191 and 6216-6531, inclusive for
the Boards approval. Chancery Clerk L. Glynn Pepper stated that his duty as County
Auditor, County Treasury and Clerk of the Board is to inform the Board that the Sheriff
has exceeded his third quarter allotment by approximately 3 quarters of a million dollars.
Board Attorney Ruma Haque stated that the Board sets the Sheriff’s annual budget, as
required by law, making quarterly allocations at the beginning of each quarter equal to ¼
of the total budget for the Sheriff’s Office. Discussion continued regarding medical and
other expenses by the Sheriff’s Office, and grants received that could have been allocated
July 2, 2001
Douglas Anderson voting nay, George Smith voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye,
it was
Anderson voting nay, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
Regular Claims
Charles Barbour voting aye, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and George Smith voting aye,
it was
Ronnie Chappell voting nay, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and George Smith voting
aye, it was
Charles Barbour voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting nay, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
July 2, 2001
Charles Barbour voting nay, Ronnie Chappell voting nay, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting aye, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
She reminded the Board of last year’s discussion of the mandate from the Federal
storm water management program. Supervisor Calhoun stated that in 1972 the clean
water act required that all counties and municipalities implement/develop a program to
help improve water resources by reducing pollution. She also stated that the
Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for making sure all counties are in
compliance with the clean water act. The requirements are listed under the National
Pollutant Discharge Limitation System, called the Phase II Rule and require counties and
a program is March 2003. Supervisor Calhoun suggested an input from citizens of Hinds
County, as well as looking at the type of causes for storm water. She also suggested
steps for getting a program started. The first step is deciding how the storm water
program would be funded. The program is estimated to cost well over $100,000.00 to
develop such a plan. The second step is to decide who would help to develop a plan and
whether Hinds County would utilize an Engineering Firm, hire staff, or an independent
consultant with the background and experience. Supervisor Calhoun stated the Storm
Water Management Plan would be an ongoing program and would need staff and
July 2, 2001
engineering funds for the program. She requested the Board to consider hiring an
engineering firm with background in this particular area or a consultant firm. She
cautioned the Board that if by March 2003, Hinds County has not developed or started
severely penalized.
Charles Barbour voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting aye, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
Charles Barbour voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting aye, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
State Aid Project No. SAP 25(54), Springridge and McRaven Roads
Mr. Mark Bailey and Mr. Murray Stewart informed the Board that the Engineers
estimate for the project was $493,664.18. Southern Rock LLC’s bid was $580,731.98,
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting nay,
it was
RESOLVED to accept the sole bid from Southern Rock LLC in the amount
of $580,731.98; presented by Mark Bailey. Document is affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.
Supervisor Peggy Hobson Calhoun stated her reason for voting nay was that
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting nay,
it was
July 2, 2001
Ronnie Chappell voting aye, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and George Smith voting, it
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
Chappell voting aye, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting
aye, it was
Chappell voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, it
Ms. Ruth Wilson, Chairperson, Mental Health Commission, gave a status report
on the Hinds County Mental Health Crisis Center. Ms. Wilson stated that progress had
been made and the results were outstanding for funding. She also stated that the
proposed new crisis site is located at 55 South Franklin Court off of West Street. Ms.
July 2, 2001
Wilson stated that in June she presented proposals to the State for the operational cost for
the Crisis Center. The center is anticipated to open by the year 2003. Mr. Wayne
Timmer, the Architect for the Mental Health Crisis Intervention Center presented the
Board with a demonstration of the site. He informed the Board that on July 11, 2001 the
city council to rezone the 23,000 sq. ft property to C-3. Discussion took place regarding
Hinds County’s Lobbyist to help in seeking funds. No action was taken. Document is
Planning and Development District informed the Board that Hinds County needs
redistricting. He presented the Board with a map indicating the population in Hinds
County and a spreadsheet pertaining the 2000 Census counts by District. Mr. Reynolds
informed the Board that 10 years ago, $15,000 to $18,000 was spent for redistricting. He
stated that $10,000 is sufficient for 2001 redistricting, including the public hearings, and
submitting and defending of the document (if necessary). Documents are affixed
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,it
Mr. E.J. LaCoste, III, Director, Department of Planning, and Mr. James C. Smith,
Sunbelt Research and Development Consortium, Inc. informed the Board of a problem
and a possible pending litigation regarding material provided for the St. Thomas Water
Association Project. Mr. Smith also stated that items have been paid late. Mr. Smith
informed the Board that a meeting is being arranged to meet with material suppliers
July 2, 2001
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve and accept the final contract documents with Layne
Central for the Hubbard Water Association Project, subject to review by the
Board Attorney.
Mr. Jim Husk with Waggoner Engineering and Mr. Joe Lusteck presented the
Board with the final draft of the Hinds County Comprehensive Plan. The Board was
informed that a public hearing was required before adopting the plan. Supervisor
Calhoun requested the County Administrator to coordinate the time with Waggoner
Engineering to make a study of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board was informed that
amendments could be made to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jay LaCoste informed the
Board that a public hearing to be held before the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. No
Ms. Shirley Thomas requested the Boards approval to apply for renewal of the
Department of Public Safety Planning. Ms. Thomas stated the grant request totaled
$77,546.00 with a County match of 11% or $8,530. The grant will provide for a case
two new program initiatives at the Juvenile Justice Center. The Department of Public
George Smith voting aye, Charles Barbour voting nay, and Ronnie Chappell voting nay,
it was
July 2, 2001
Ms. Sue Grantham requested the Boards approval to submit a grant for planting
trees. The Metro Center Coalition will make the grant match and the Sheriff’s office will
Douglas Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye,
it was
Mr. Glenn Terry, Heritage Solutions discussed contractual services for scanning
and Internet access of public records for Hinds County. Mr. Pepper, Hinds County
Chancery Clerk discussed the proposed $1.00 fee per page for copies accessed through
the Internet. The Board to receive $.25 from each $1.00 collected. Discussion
Charles Barbour voting aye, Ronnie Chappell voting aye, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
McLemore and Mr. L. Glynn Pepper recommended that Hinds County become a
participant of the Department of Archives and History local government records act.
Smith seconded the motion. Supervisor Douglas Anderson voting nay, Supervisor
Charles Barbour voting nay, and Supervisor Ronnie Chappell abstaining. Motion failed.
equipment without purchase orders. The Board also discussed problems with recent fire
ant bait purchased and canceling the remaining order. Attorney Ruma Haque informed
July 2, 2001
the Board that the specifications were incorrectly written and therefore, Hinds County did
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Charles Barbour voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell voting
aye, it was
Ronnie Chappell voting aye, Charles Barbour voting nay, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
Mr. Henry Reynolds, Director, Department of Purchasing informed the Board that
an alternative for the systems operation is a piece of equipment that would solve Hinds
County’s problem. He attempted to get the State (IMS) to discuss issues but they
refused to get involved until specifications are met/written. Mr. Reynolds stated that due
to timing they have not been able to find a piece of equipment nor a price to repair the
telephone system at the Jackson Detention Center. He also stated that due to recent
coverage in the news, vendors have contacted him and one proposed project totaled
$100,000.00. Mr. George Thompson stated he has been working with Mr. Ervin Bullock
Systems Inc. The proposed purchasing a new server and moving the system to the
second floor. Discussion continued regarding purchasing the system for approximately
$125,000.00 or a lease purchase. The new telephone computer estimate was $105,000.
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Charles Barbour voting nay, and Ronnie Chappell voting
nay, it was
July 2, 2001
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Charles Barbour voting nay, and Ronnie Chappell absent
1. Emergency Purchases
2. Service Agreements with Entergy for Hinds County Detention Facilities
(Approved April 2, 2001)
3. Letter of Preclearance from U.S. Department of Justice for changes of polling
places in Precincts 19 and 97
4. Letter Agreement with Fleet Morris Petroleum, Inc. Re: Springridge and
McRaven Roads Intersection Project (Approved April 16, 2001)
5. Notice of name change for tax purposes – Vickers Incorporated to Eaton
Aerospace LLC
Documents are affixed hereto and incorporated herein.
Mr. James “Lap” Baker requested the Boards approval to publish three notices for
requests to Amend the Hinds County Solid Waste Plan. The Amendments are being
proposed to construct and develop a proposed Class II Rubbish Landfill to be owned and
operated by the City of Clinton to construct and develop a proposed composting facility
to be owned and operated by the City of Clinton, and construct and develop a proposed
Class I Rubbish Landfill to be owned by Cedar Creek Corporation of Hinds County and
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell voting aye, it
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
July 2, 2001
Mr. Anthony Brister, Public Works Director requested the Boards approval to
construct a recreational asphalt walking-trail at the old Utica High School football field.
Mr. Brister reported that Hinds County was requested to fund the entire project costing
$7,202.00. He further stated that in the past the requesting agencies purchase the
materials and Hinds County funds the labor. The materials cost $2,955.00. Supervisor
the old Utica High School Football field. Motion died for lack of a second.
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun absent not voting, and Ronnie Chappell voting
aye, it was
RESOLVED to approve the naming of Rees Lane located off Wesley Drive in
District 2. Document is affixed hereto.
RESOLVED to approve the naming of Green Valley Road located off Old
Byram Road in District 5. Document is affixed hereto.
Hobson Calhoun absent not voting, Charles Barbour voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell
July 2, 2001
Application for Round Five in the Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Program
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
Approve Bid
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
RESOLVED to accept and approve the only bid received from Warren Inc.,
in the amount of $19,300.00 for four (4) tailgate type hydraulic conveyor
spreaders for the Public Works Department. Document is affixed hereto
and incorporated herein.
Readvertisement For Bids Not Received/Twelve Month Supplies & Approve Bid
Chappell voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, it
Anderson voting nay, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun abstaining,
it was
Mr. Mike Barnes informed the Board that the assessed value for Real Property
totals $780,774,436 in total assessed valuation. The total for Personal Property,
July 2, 2001
automobile, and mobile home was $506,633,657 total taxable property. Mr. Barnes
stated the 2001 public utility roll was not received from the State Tax Commission. The
figure included in class IV roll is the 2000 public utility roll. The Tax Assessor filed the
2001 Tax Rolls with the Chancery Clerk. Mr. Barnes reported a 1.9% increase in
excluding Duke Entergy. The total assessed valuation for Duke Entergy is $29,263,048
as the 1st of January. Hinds County is to collect approximately 1/3 of the assessed value,
$9,754,350, in lieu taxes. Documents are affixed hereto and incorporated herein.
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell voting aye, it
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Charles Barbour voting aye, and Douglas Anderson voting
aye, it was
RESOLVED to approve the Affidavits and Recapitulation for the 2001 Real
and Personal Property Rolls and other related items. Document is affixed
hereto and incorporated herein.
Anderson voting aye, George Smith voting aye, and Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye,
it was
RESOLVED to approve the Resolution and Order for the Opening Session
for Equalization of the Assessments of Real and Personal Property for the
Year 2001 Assessment Rolls. Documents is affixed hereto and incorporated
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell absent not
voting, it was
July 2, 2001
RESOLVED to approve the Resolution and Order Equalizing the 2001 Real
and Personal Property Roll, Assessment rolls for 2001 and Public Notice to
be advertised that Rolls are ready for Inspection. Documents are affixed
hereto and incorporated herein.
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell absent not
voting, it was
RESOLVED to advertise the Public Notice for Hearing Objections for the
2001 Real and Personal Property Assessment Rolls. Document is affixed
hereto and incorporated herein.
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell voting aye, it
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Ronnie Chappell voting aye, it
Ronnie Chappell voting aye, Douglas Anderson voting aye, and George Smith voting
aye, it was
July 2, 2001
July 2, 2001
Smith voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, and Charles Barbour voting aye, it
Charles Barbour, President
L. Glynn Pepper, Chancery Clerk
By: ____________________________D.C.