Mapeh Exam
Mapeh Exam
Mapeh Exam
Read carefully the questions and choose the correct answer from the choices. Write the letter of your
choice on your notebook.
1. These are tiny microorganisms that many of the most common diseases.
a. Bacteria
b. Pathogens
c. Virus
2. The pathogen that causes pneumonia.
a. Bacteria
b. Fungus
c. Virus
3. Which of the following carries a rickettsia?
a. Dysentery
b. Small pox
c. Ticks
4. The pathogen that causes athlete’s foot.
a. Fungus
b. Parasite
c. Protozoan
5. The virus which enters the respiratory system that causes sickness?
a. Cold virus
b. Rabies virus
c. Wart virus
6. The pathogen that causes amoebic dysentery.
a. Parasite
b. Protozoan
c. Virus
7. Helminths are pathogens referred as ______.
a. Bacteria
b. Parasites
c. Virus
8. The helminth which lives in the intestines and causes a serious illness.
a. Bilharziasis
b. Schistosomiasis
c. Trichonosis
9. Prevention of helminth diseases requires _______.
a. Eating good food
b. Maintaining cleanliness
c. Taking medicine
10. Direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.
a. Communicable disease
b. Non-communicable disease
c. Toxin bacteria