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Bio Energy

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to provide heat to
industries and
Abstract homes. Burning
biomass is not the
Biomass is plant matter and animal waste only way to release
that can be harvested to create bioenergy in its energy. Biomass
the form of electricity, heat, steam and fuels. can be converted to
Biomass has great potential to contribute other usable forms
considerably more to the renewable energy of energy like
sector. It has potential to generate power to methane gas or
the extent of more than 50% of the country’s transportation fuels like ethanol and
requirements. These sources are pollution Biodiesel. Methane gas is the main
free and hence clean energy apart from being ingredient of natural gas also called "landfill
unlimited /inexhaustible. Biomass can be gas" or "biogas."
converted to other usable forms of energy
like methane gas or transportation fuels like 2. Types of biomass
ethanol and Biodiesel.
1. Introduction biomass
Biomass is organic material made from include pulp and
plants and animals. Biomass contains stored paper,
energy from the sun. Plants absorb the sun's agricultural and
energy in a process called photosynthesis. forestry wastes,
The chemical energy in plants gets passed on urban wood
to animals wastes,
and people municipal solid
that eat wastes and landfill gas, animal wastes and
them. terrestrial and aquatic crops grown solely for
Biomass is energy purposes, known as energy crops.
renewable 2.1. Animal Wastes
source Such as cattle, chicken
because and pig manure, can be
we can always grow more trees and crops, converted to gas or
and waste will always exist. Some examples burned directly for heat
of biomass fuels are wood, crops, manure, and power generation.
and some garbage. When burned, the Furthermore, most animal wastes contain
Chemical energy in biomass is released as high levels of methane. Utilizing the manure
heat. Wood waste or garbage can be burned to produce energy properly lowers the
to produce steam for making electricity, or environmental and health impacts. These


wastes can be used to make many products the plant composition, requiring only
and generate electricity through methane extraction and purification of the product.
recovery methods and anaerobic digestion.

2.2. Municipal Solid Wastes b) Agricultural Crops

These feed stocks include the currently
Residential, commercial, and institutional available commodity products such as
post-consumer wastes contain a significant cornstarch and corn oil; soybean oil and
proportion of plant derived organic material meal; wheat starch, other vegetable oils, and
that constitutes a any newly developed
renewable energy component of future
resource. Waste commodity crops.
paper, cardboard, They generally yield
wood waste and sugars, oils, and
yard wastes are extractives, although
examples of they can also be used
biomass resources to produce plastics
in municipal and other chemicals and products.

2.3. Landfill Gases c) Aquatic Crops

a wide variety of aquatic biomass resources
The natural byproduct of bacterial digestion exist such as algae, giant kelp, other
of organic garbage contains vast amounts of seaweed, and marine micro flora.
methane which can be captured, converted Commercial
and used to create energy most often through examples include
anaerobic digestion (AD). giant kelp
extracts for
thickeners and
2.4. Energy Crops food additives,
algal dyes, and novel biocatalysts for use in
a) Industrial Crops
bioprocessing under extreme environments.
Industrial crops are being developed and
d) Wood Energy Crops
grown to produce
specific industrial
chemicals or
woody crops are
fast growing
Examples include
hardwood trees
kenaf and straws
harvested within
for fiber, and
five to eight
castor for
years after
ricinoleic acid.
planting. These
New transgenic crops are being developed
include hybrid poplar, hybrid willow, silver
that produce the desired chemicals as part of

maple, eastern cottonwood, green ash, black methods lie within the boiler or furnace
walnut, sweet gum, and sycamore. structure. In a direct-fired system, biomass is
loaded in from the bottom of the boiler and
2.5. Forest Residues air is supplied at the base. In a conventional
This includes wood boiler, the
and wood wastes draft is
like bark, sawdust, forced in
wood chips, wood through the
scrap; dead and top but the
dying trees, dried biomass is
leafs etc... also bottom
loaded. Hot
gases are passed through a heat exchanger in
which water is boiled to create steam. This
2.6. Agricultural or Crop Residues steam is usually captured by a turbine,
causing the turbine blades to rotate. The
These are the leftovers of harvesting. They rotation is attached to an electrical generator,
can be collected with conventional which then creates electricity.
harvesting equipment while harvesting the
primary crop or afterwards into pellets,
chips, stacks or 3.2. Co-Firing
Agriculture crop Co-firing, combining biomass with coal to
residues include generate energy, is probably the most
corn Stover compatable way to use biomass with the
(stalks and current fossil
leaves), wheat fuel dependent
straw, and rice system.
straw and Biomass is
processing residues such as nut hulls. placed into the
boilers and
burned, as
coal would be.
Often the only
3. Ways to Generate Electricity cost associated
with upgrading the system to burn both fuels
3.1 Direct-Fired or Conventional Steam is to purchase a boiler capable of doing so,
Boiler and retrofitting it into the system, which is a
whole lot cheaper than building a whole
Most of the biopower plants in the world use other plant. There are several environmental
a direct-fired system or a conventional steam benefits of adding biomass to coal, including
boiler. Both systems burn bioenergy decreases in nitrogen and sulphur oxides, the
feedstock’s directly to produce steam which causes of smog, acid rain and ozone
in turn creates electricity. Differences in the

pollution. Also, the amount of carbon converted into a gaseous form, known as
dioxide released is also considerably less. syngas. The gas can then run through
“combined-cycle” gas turbine. Biomass
gasifiers operate by heating biomass in an
environment where the solid biomass breaks
3.3 Pyrolysis down to form a flammable gas. This offers
advantages over directly burning the
Pyrolysis is a process where biomass is biomass. The biogas can be cleaned and
combusted at high temperatures and filtered to remove problem chemical
decomposed in the absence of oxygen. compounds. The gas can be used in more
However, some difficulties arises when efficient power generation systems called
trying to create a totally oxygen free combined-cycles, which combine gas
turbines and steam turbines to produce
electricity. The efficiency of these systems
can reach 60%.

atmosphere. Often a little oxidation does 3.5 Anaerobic digestion

occur which may create undesirable
byproducts and also it is highly energy is a biological process, where the methane
intensive and expensive at the moment. The released
burning creates pyrolysis oil, char or syngas by the
which can then be used like petroleum to synergistic
generate electricity. It does not create ash or actions
energy directly. Instead it morphs the between
biomass into higher quality fuel. The process bacteria
begins with a drying process in order to and
maximize burning potential from the archaea
biomass, similar to the direct combustion are
process above. When cooled, the brown contained
liquidy pyrolysis oil can be used in a and used
gasifier. to create energy. Anaerobic Digestion uses
biowaste such as manure and municipal
solid waste (MSW) as a feedstock. The
3.4 Biomass Gasification
manure or waste is bagged and broken down
by using bacteria and water. This process
Solid biomass
releases the methane in the bag, and it is
can be

siphoned off into another holding bag. From regions, representing a $15 billion
there, the gas is used to power turbines investment and 66,000 jobs. Most states are
which generate electricity. generating at least some of their energy from
3.6 Modular Systems
Bioenergy is currently used worldwide.
Modular systems employ some of the same According to the International Energy
technologies mentioned above, but on a Agency (IEA), the world derives 11% of its
smaller scale that is more applicable to energy from biomass. However, developing
villages, nations use closer to 35% biomass for
farms, and power. This percentage is higher still for the
small poorest nations which depend on burning
industry. biomass for their cooking, heating and
These fueling.
are now 5. Advantages
• The conversion biomass into electricity
does not contribute to global warming,
development and could be most useful in or the greenhouse effect. This is
remote areas where biomass is abundant and because the amount of carbon dioxide
electricity is scarce. released by the biomass is the same as
the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed
by the biomass material during its

4. Current use

The United States is currently the largest

biopower (that is biomass for electricity)
generator, with over half of the world's
installed capacity. Biomass represents 1.5%
of the total electricity supply. There are
about 7,800 MW of biomass power capacity
installed at more than 350 locations in the
U.S., representing 1% of total U.S. growth.
capacity. The U.S.
biomass power
• Biomass fuels have negligible sulphur
industry is
content and therefore do not contribute
primarily located
to sulphur dioxide emissions which
in the Northeast,
cause acid rain.
Southeast, and
West Coast


• The combustion of biomass generally transport, to further improve the energy

produces less ash than coal ratio, future development should optimize
combustion. Unlike coal ash, the harvest and transport logistics and improve
“biomass ash” can be used as a soil machinery fuel efficiency.
additive on farm land to recycle
material such as phosphorous and 7. References
1. www.wikipedia.com
• The use of agricultural and forestry
residues and other waste materials for 2. www.eia.doe.gov
energy production is helping to reduce
the significant problem of waste 3. Bio renewable Resources Engineering by
disposal. RobertC.Brown
• Biomass is a domestic resource which
4. Renewable Energy by Alan Douglas
is not subject to world price
fluctuations. In developing countries,
the use of liquid biofuels, such as
ethanol, reduces the economic
pressures of importing petroleum

• The growth of perennial “energy

crops” (such as grasses and trees that
are processed for energy use) has a
lower environmental impact than
conventional agricultural crops.

6. Conclusion

Markets for biomass crops have been slow to

develop. Electric utilities are interested in
co-firing biomass as a way to meet the
renewable energy mandate. In addition, there
are air quality benefits from biomass fuels.
Since biomass fuels are low in sulfur and
nitrogen, SOx which causes acid rain and
NOx which contributes to smog is lower in
smokestack emissions when biomass fuels
are burned with coal. Presently, ethanol is in
demand for use with gasoline to make
gasohol. As almost 80% of energy
consumption is due to biomass harvest and


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