Startup India
Startup India
Startup India
Therefore, in order to
boost entrepreneurship, Government has created an entire ministry dedicated to
helping new businesses. Government has taken these initiatives by introducing
many schemes to promote
eBiz Portal
The Small Farmer’s Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) has launched the scheme
named Venture Capital Assistance (VCA) Scheme for the welfare of farmer-
entrepreneur to develop their agri-business which is approved by the banks,
financial institutions regulated by the RBI. This government scheme intends to
assist in the form of the term loan to the qualifying projects of the farmers to meet
their capital requirements for the implementation of the project. VCA promotes
training and visits of agri-entrepreneurs in setting up agribusiness projects. The
quantum of loan will be 26% OR 40%(for hilly region) of the promoter’s equity. The
maximum amount of loan provided under this scheme will be Rs.50 lakhs.
Loan for Rooftop Solar Projects | Government Support for Entrepreneurs in India
To get more non-conventional power, the Government of India has set a challenging
target to set up 40,000 MWp of Grid-Interactive Rooftop Solar PV Plants during the
next five years. These rooftop solar PV
plants will be set up in residential,
commercial, industrial and institutional
sectors in the country ranging from 1 kWp
to 500 kWp capacity. Such rooftop plants
are economically viable for the companies
as they produce clean electricity from the
solar energy at about Rs. 7.0 per kWh
without any subsidy. The Government also provides a subsidy of 15% on these
plants to the associations or individual companies which makes it further attractive
and viable.
Enterprises are classified as Micro, Small & Medium based on the limit of
investment for manufacturing or service sector. Eligible MSME units are provided
with Udyog Aadhar registration certificate. All Central
Ministries/Departments /PSUs shall set an annual goal of minimum 20% of total
annual purchases of products produced or rendered by MSMEs. For exclusive
purchase from MSMEs, about 358 items are reserved.
Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)
The Government of India has approved Special incentive package to promote large-
scale manufacturing in the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM)
sector. The scheme is called the Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-
SIPS). Under M-SIPS, the Indian government will provide subsidy of 20 percent on
capital investments in special economic zones (SEZs) and 25 percent on capital
investments in non-SEZs for individual companies. It also provides for re-
imbursement of CVD/excise for capital equipment for the non-SEZ units. For high
technology and high capital investment units, like fabs, re-imbursement of central
taxes and duties is also provided. The incentives are available for investments made
in a project within a period of 10 years from the date of approval.
The government is promoting these schemes not only to increase the number of
people who are getting the benefits from them but also to highlight the work they
have done in the last 5 years. These initiatives are introduced for entrepreneurship
development. India seems to be going towards the era of entrepreneurship. In the
next 10 years, we can have equal number of successful startups as of USA's.
This list of government support will help you in knowing government help and
initiatives to start a business and you can compile the information from government
agencies that will help you set up your business enterprise.